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爱满天下 乐育英才——记杨保年和他的井陉矿区一小
作者 白宝军 《共产党员(河北)》 2014年第4期64-64,共1页
杨保年自从担任石家庄市井陉矿区一小校长以来,以校为家,一心扑在学校工作上,促进学校和谐发展。该校先后获得全国写作教学示范学校、全国作文示范学校、全国写作教学先进单位、市十佳风采学校、市优秀家长学校、市绿色学校、市文明单... 杨保年自从担任石家庄市井陉矿区一小校长以来,以校为家,一心扑在学校工作上,促进学校和谐发展。该校先后获得全国写作教学示范学校、全国作文示范学校、全国写作教学先进单位、市十佳风采学校、市优秀家长学校、市绿色学校、市文明单位等荣誉称号,并获得省书信文化邮票设计组织奖、省青少年口译大赛优秀组织奖。杨保年荣获省教育系统"三五"普法先进个人称号。为增强师生教育,学校将与北京理工大学附小签订结对共建协议。"今后我们将以北理工附小为学习的目标,定期到结对的学校了解情况。 展开更多
关键词 爱满天下 保年 井陉矿区 优秀家长学校 北理工 先进个人称号 绿色学校 育英才 和谐发展 北京理工大
陕西 发挥农村低保在脱贫攻坚中的兜底保障作用 被引量:2
《中国民政》 2016年第24期37-38,共2页
今年以来,陕西省民政厅坚持"统筹衔接、托底有力、覆盖全面、持续发展"的工作思路,以制度衔接为重点,以对象衔接为基础,以标准衔接为核心,以部门协同为保障,充分发挥农村低保在脱贫攻坚中的兜底保障作用。完善政策体系,加强制度衔接... 今年以来,陕西省民政厅坚持"统筹衔接、托底有力、覆盖全面、持续发展"的工作思路,以制度衔接为重点,以对象衔接为基础,以标准衔接为核心,以部门协同为保障,充分发挥农村低保在脱贫攻坚中的兜底保障作用。完善政策体系,加强制度衔接。按照"社会保障兜底脱贫一批"的要求,陕西省民政厅会同省财政厅省扶贫办等部门制定出台《社会救助兜底脱贫方案》,下发《关于提高最低生活保障标准加强农村低保和扶贫开发政策衔接的通知》, 展开更多
关键词 制度衔接 最低生活保障 建档立卡 扶贫部门 工作思路 保年 医疗保障 调整机制 扶贫标准 民政部门
作者 励精 《党政干部论坛》 北大核心 1994年第4期48-48,共1页
为推动社会主义市场经济的发展,促进科技成果转化为生产力,同时帮助“下海”干部寻求“弄潮”门路,为乡镇企业或个人及时提供开发新产品、占领新市场的致富途径,我们从本期起,在此栏目里选登有关新技术转让信息,并为有意采用者作中介服... 为推动社会主义市场经济的发展,促进科技成果转化为生产力,同时帮助“下海”干部寻求“弄潮”门路,为乡镇企业或个人及时提供开发新产品、占领新市场的致富途径,我们从本期起,在此栏目里选登有关新技术转让信息,并为有意采用者作中介服务,助其事成.如选中某项,请及时来函联系,如还需哪方面新项目,或手中掌握某项新技术需转让的,可提供资询,竭诚服务. 展开更多
关键词 市场信息 转让信息 致富途径 采用者 竭诚服务 指定产品 “下海” 科技成果 保年 脱粉
技术市场信息 技术市场信息
作者 励精 《党政干部论坛》 北大核心 1994年第3期23-23,共1页
为推动社会主义市场经济的发展,促进科技成果转化为生产力,同时帮助“下海”干部寻求“弄潮”门路,为乡镇企业或个人及时提供开发新产品、占领新市场的致富途径,我们从本期起,在此栏月里选登有关新技术转让信息,并为有意采用者作中介服... 为推动社会主义市场经济的发展,促进科技成果转化为生产力,同时帮助“下海”干部寻求“弄潮”门路,为乡镇企业或个人及时提供开发新产品、占领新市场的致富途径,我们从本期起,在此栏月里选登有关新技术转让信息,并为有意采用者作中介服务,助其事成.如选中某项,请及时来函联系,如还需哪方面新项目、或手中掌握某项新技术需转让的,可提供咨询,竭诚服务. 展开更多
关键词 市场信息 转让信息 致富途径 采用者 竭诚服务 “下海” 科技成果 保年 用化 墙砖
《财政与发展》 北大核心 1998年第13期23-23,共1页
8月7日,劳动和社会保障部、国家经贸委、财政部、教育部、国家统计局、中华全国总工会联合发出《关于加强国有企业下岗职工管理和再就业服务中心建设有关问题的通知》,要求规范国有企业职工下岗程序,国有企业下岗职工基本生活费必须按... 8月7日,劳动和社会保障部、国家经贸委、财政部、教育部、国家统计局、中华全国总工会联合发出《关于加强国有企业下岗职工管理和再就业服务中心建设有关问题的通知》,要求规范国有企业职工下岗程序,国有企业下岗职工基本生活费必须按时足额发放,社会保险费用必须按规定缴纳.再就业服务中心必须建在企业,各地劳动和社会保障部门、经贸委和企业的主管部门应负责督促和指导有下岗职工的企业建立再就业服务中心. 展开更多
关键词 财经动态 再就业服务 国有企业职工 下岗职工 社会保险费用 中华全国总工会 国家经贸委 国家统计局 保年 农村电网改造
《当代县域经济》 2015年第11期79-,共1页
广安市:广安区451人次享大病保险红利实行城乡居民大病保险制度是广安市广安区今年4月1日正式推出的惠民举措。保障对象为正在享受城乡居民基本医保待遇的参保(合)人,个人不再另行缴费,所需资金从城镇居民基本医保基金和新农合医疗基金... 广安市:广安区451人次享大病保险红利实行城乡居民大病保险制度是广安市广安区今年4月1日正式推出的惠民举措。保障对象为正在享受城乡居民基本医保待遇的参保(合)人,个人不再另行缴费,所需资金从城镇居民基本医保基金和新农合医疗基金中列支,不增加参保人员个人负担。居民大病保险的保障范围与居民基本医疗保险相衔接,按基本医疗保险政策纳入报销范围的费用, 展开更多
关键词 基本医疗保险 医保基金 基本医保 参保人 报销范围 保年 起付标准 医疗服务市场 参保患者 医疗信息
《浙江金融》 1982年第3期6-8,共3页
两年的实践证明,信贷差额包干办法的方向是对的,取得的效果是好的,主要是初步改变了信贷资金统收统支“吃大锅饭”的状况,使基层行开始有了资金管理和使用上的自主权,有利于地方政府进一步重视银行工作,有利于提高银行信贷计划管理水平... 两年的实践证明,信贷差额包干办法的方向是对的,取得的效果是好的,主要是初步改变了信贷资金统收统支“吃大锅饭”的状况,使基层行开始有了资金管理和使用上的自主权,有利于地方政府进一步重视银行工作,有利于提高银行信贷计划管理水平,有利于信贷资金的调剂使用,支援工农业生产。 展开更多
关键词 银行工作 银行信贷计划 统收统支 资金管理 借差 银行代理 资金利用率 财务计划 国民经济调整 保年
Research on development of urban taxi supply based on influence factors classification 被引量:2
作者 陈景旭 王炜 +1 位作者 陈学武 沈劲石 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2013年第2期194-198,共5页
In order to determine the regulations of the development of taxi supply under entry regulations in Chinese cities, an improved neural network model is applied to find the particular years when the government artificia... In order to determine the regulations of the development of taxi supply under entry regulations in Chinese cities, an improved neural network model is applied to find the particular years when the government artificially puts new taxis into the market, and then extract the political influence from the taxi supply. The model is also utilized to study the relationships between the adjusted taxi supply and non-policy factors. A case study of Nanjing city is conducted. The results show that 2001 and 2007 are the particular years that the Nanjing government artificially put new taxis into its taxi market, which is in accordance with the five-year plan of China and the local development plans. The results also show that the improved neural network model has a good performance in expositing the evolution of adjusted taxi supply related to non-policy factors. 展开更多
关键词 taxi supply neural network model policy year influence factor
《新疆林业》 1991年第6期7-7,共1页
十年来,自治区团委和各级共青团组织在党和政府的统一领导下,坚定地树立“绿化祖国、造福后代”的信念,全疆400多万各族团员青少年投身到全民义务植树的大潮中去,十年如一日,坚持既栽树,又育人的方针,为绿化祖国边疆造福后代,培养“四... 十年来,自治区团委和各级共青团组织在党和政府的统一领导下,坚定地树立“绿化祖国、造福后代”的信念,全疆400多万各族团员青少年投身到全民义务植树的大潮中去,十年如一日,坚持既栽树,又育人的方针,为绿化祖国边疆造福后代,培养“四有”新人做出了积极的贡献.据不完全统计,十年来, 展开更多
关键词 共青团组织 绿化祖国 绿化工程 克拉玛 “四有”新人 包家 保年 林业厅 材料整理 斯坦
《云南档案》 2015年第5期28-28,共1页
罗平县综合档案馆位于罗平县南片区,总建筑面积为5053.83平方米,建筑高度23.4米,五层框架结构。新馆于2012年4月1日动工,2014年3月1日投入使用。罗平县综合档案馆严格按照现代化档案馆功能要求进行布局,设置爱国主义教育展厅、开放档案... 罗平县综合档案馆位于罗平县南片区,总建筑面积为5053.83平方米,建筑高度23.4米,五层框架结构。新馆于2012年4月1日动工,2014年3月1日投入使用。罗平县综合档案馆严格按照现代化档案馆功能要求进行布局,设置爱国主义教育展厅、开放档案查阅室、现行公开文件查阅中心、数字化加工中心、档案库房、特藏库、消毒间、装裱间及200多人的报告厅, 展开更多
关键词 罗平县 档案馆功能 综合档案馆 数字化加工 爱国主义教育 消毒间 报告厅 档案库房 框架结构 保年
《科技成果纵横》 1994年第1期41-44,共4页
科技鹊桥"鸣砂"生产技术转让编号:K940001"鸣砂"别名砂炮,因其外形象活泼可爱的小蝌蚪,所以又称蝌蚪炮。本产品可摔、捻、踩,能发出清脆的叭叭声,只发声光,不燃不爆,不伤害人或物,是一种比较安全的娱乐佳品。本产品... 科技鹊桥"鸣砂"生产技术转让编号:K940001"鸣砂"别名砂炮,因其外形象活泼可爱的小蝌蚪,所以又称蝌蚪炮。本产品可摔、捻、踩,能发出清脆的叭叭声,只发声光,不燃不爆,不伤害人或物,是一种比较安全的娱乐佳品。本产品一经问世即风行欧美等国,受到人们普... 展开更多
关键词 技术转让 氟塑料薄膜 辣椒红色素 对氨基苯酚 内螺纹 橡胶密封件 保年 菜籽饼 色价 厂房面积
《新疆林业》 1990年第4期25-25,共1页
由中国农业科学院研制的保水剂,是由淀粉、丙烯酸、乙烯醇、丙烯腈等集合而成的吸水力很强的高分子化合物。将它施入土壤,不仅能吸收空气和土壤中的水分,而且还能将大量的雨水牢固地保存在土壤中,然后缓慢地释放。因此,可提高幼苗成活率... 由中国农业科学院研制的保水剂,是由淀粉、丙烯酸、乙烯醇、丙烯腈等集合而成的吸水力很强的高分子化合物。将它施入土壤,不仅能吸收空气和土壤中的水分,而且还能将大量的雨水牢固地保存在土壤中,然后缓慢地释放。因此,可提高幼苗成活率,推迟萎蔫时间,促使作物提前成熟,增加产量。 展开更多
关键词 保水剂 苗木移栽 提前成熟 中国农业科学院 乙烯醇 集合而成 增加产量 幼苗成活率 保年 北松
《南阳市人民政府公报》 2016年第2期27-31,共5页
2015年,面对复杂多变的经济运行环境,市委、市政府团结带领全市人民认真贯彻落实中央、省、市各项决策部署,积极适应新常态,主动谋求新发展,在积极担当保水质、保生态、保粮食政治责任的前提下,突出"稳中求进"的总基调,坚持... 2015年,面对复杂多变的经济运行环境,市委、市政府团结带领全市人民认真贯彻落实中央、省、市各项决策部署,积极适应新常态,主动谋求新发展,在积极担当保水质、保生态、保粮食政治责任的前提下,突出"稳中求进"的总基调,坚持抓早、抓准、抓实、抓狠,组织实施一季度"开门红、开门稳"、二季度"稳增长、保过半"、三季度"双攻坚"、四季度"决战决胜",实现以月保季、以季保年。 展开更多
关键词 经济发展分析 保年 决战决胜 经济运行环境 求进 经济增长 产业梯度转移 工业主导产业 投资消费 主要经济指标
Therapeutic effect of interventional therapy for unprotected left main coronary artery lesions in aged patients 被引量:1
作者 Zhong-Hai WEI Jie SONG +3 位作者 Lian WANG Jing-Mei ZHANG Wei HUANG Biao XU 《Journal of Geriatric Cardiology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2015年第6期634-640,共7页
Objective To assesse the therapeutic effect of interventional therapy in aged patients with unprotected left main coronary artery (UPLM) lesions. Methods A total of 61 patients who were over 60 years and accepted in... Objective To assesse the therapeutic effect of interventional therapy in aged patients with unprotected left main coronary artery (UPLM) lesions. Methods A total of 61 patients who were over 60 years and accepted interventional therapy of UPLM from January 2012 to November 2013 in our hospital were followed up for average 14.6 months by telephone call or outpatient visits. We analyzed the clinical features data of the interventional therapy and assessed the factors that likely influenced the clinical prognosis. Results The average age of the 61 patients was 73.9 years. The average left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) was 47.7%. The median of the estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) was 52 mL/min per 1.73 mmz. The average SYNTAX score was 27.4 and the median of stent length was 36 mm. The cumulative incidence of cardiac death at 30 days and major adverse cardiac events (MACE) after one year was 6.6% and 32.5% estimated by Kaplan-Meier plots respectively. No severe hemorrhagic complications were observed during follow-up period. On multivariate regression analysis with a COX proportional hazards model, LVEF was an independent predictor of cardiac death at 30 days [Hazard ratio (HR): 0.7, P = 0.01]. As for MACE after one year, LVEF and eGFR were both independent predictors (HR: 0.91, P = 0.06 for LVEF, HR: 0.03, P = 0.097 for eGFR). Conclusions The interventional therapy for UPLM was effective and safe in aged patients. LVEF was the only predictor of cardiac death at 30 days, while LVEF and eGFR were both independent predictors of MACE after one year. 展开更多
关键词 Aged patients Drug-eluting stent INTERVENTION Left main coronary artery Major adverse cardiac events
Thoracoscopic internal mammary lymph nodes dissection: a staging tool for internal mammary lymph nodes in breast cancer 被引量:1
作者 Waheed Yousry Garee Hesham Elsebaie +3 位作者 Haytham Gareer Hytham Ahmed Mohamed Wafa Hussein Soliman 《The Chinese-German Journal of Clinical Oncology》 CAS 2011年第10期580-583,共4页
Objective: The aim of our study was to investigate the feasibility and safety of thoracoscopic internal mammary lymphadenectomy as a method to refine and thereby improve nodal staging in breast cancer. Methods: Duri... Objective: The aim of our study was to investigate the feasibility and safety of thoracoscopic internal mammary lymphadenectomy as a method to refine and thereby improve nodal staging in breast cancer. Methods: During the period from June 2004 to May 2007, 50 patients with operable breast cancer underwent modified radical mastectomy (MRM) or breast conserving surgery (BCS), followed by thoracoscopic internal mammary lymphadenectomy, using 3 ports through the skin incision of the MRM or the BCS. Metal clips were used to mark precise site of lymphadenectomy. Results: of total number of 50 patients, the mean age of patients was 44 years (range, 27-60 years). 40 (80%) had medio-central tumor, 10 (20%) had lateral tumor. 35 (70%) had clinically involved axillary nodes. 16 out of 50 patients received neo-adjuvant CTH. 44 patients underwent MRM and 6 patients underwent BCS. No intra-operative complications occurred. Atelectasis was the only postoperative complication that was encountered, which occurred in 12 cases, and was treated conservatively. The average chest drainage period was 1.2 day (range, 1-2 days). The total number of IMN metastasis was 18 patients (36%). The risk of IMN metastasis was higher; in younger patients (P = 0.03), in medio-central tumors (P = 0.03), in bigger tumors (P = 0.05), with heavier metastasis of axillary LNs (P = 0.001). But a correlation with the histological pattern of the lry tumor didn't exist (P = 1). Knowing the IMN status helped in proper staging of patients, 7 patients showed evident stage migration after adding the IMN analysis to that of primary tumor and axillary LN. During the follow up period (the median, 22 months; range, 7 to 42 months), no patient had pleural dissemination or port-site metastasis. Conclusion: Thoracoscopic IMN lymphadenectomy is a safe procedure, which can be done serious additional complications or cosmetic compromise. And allow proper nodal staging, which allow proper treatment planning. 展开更多
关键词 breast cancer internal mammary lymph nodes LYMPHADENECTOMY THORACOSCOPIC STAGING
Problems of elderly health care and welfare arrangement --Case study of demand on elder care in northeastern of Thailand
作者 Thitiwan Srlcharoen Wuttipong Arjchariyaartong 《Chinese Business Review》 2010年第4期52-62,共11页
This research attempted to explain the problems of elderly health care, the problems and suggestion in elder welfare arrangement and the demand on elder care. The survey underlying this study was conducted in Muang di... This research attempted to explain the problems of elderly health care, the problems and suggestion in elder welfare arrangement and the demand on elder care. The survey underlying this study was conducted in Muang district, Khon Kaen province, Thailand. Eighteen subdistricts were interviewed in the study area. Data were collected in two areas of Khon Kaen province, that are, the city of Khon Kaen and the outside Thesaban Nakhon Khon Kaen. The random sample consisted of 386 elders: 112 elders lived in the city of Khon Kaen and 234 elders lived outside Thesaban Nakhon Khon Kaen, Muang district, Khon Kaen. The analysis of the demand on elderly welfare gave an interesting result that the elders demanded on monthly income to support living cost and medical services at high level; The demand on housing was at low level; The demand on education, religion and culture the demand on club, sport and entertainment, and the demand on job and art were at the moderate level; The main problem of elderly welfare arrangement was the scarcity of budget support, the weakness of elder health, and activities announcement. The analysis of pattern of elder welfare: The case study of elder care identified that 31.87 percent of the elders had demand on elder care. Price of the elder care at 100 Baht per day was mostly selected about one-fourth of all the case occurred. Female elder selected the elder care at 100 Baht per day, while male elder choose at a higher price level, which were 200 Baht per day and 150 Baht per day respectively. The female elder care was the most popular. The elder care age between 30-39 years was mostly selected. Finally, most of elders purposed the working day of the elder care depend on their appointment. 展开更多
关键词 ELDER elderly health care elder care elderly welfare arrangement
Medical treatment for sphincter of oddi dysfunction:Can it replace endoscopic sphincterotomy? 被引量:9
作者 Véronique Vitton Salah Ezzedine +3 位作者 Jean-Michel Gonzalez Mohamed Gasmi Jean-Charles Grimaud Marc Barthet 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第14期1610-1615,共6页
AIM:To report the results of a medical management of sphincter of oddi dysfunction(SOD) after an intermediate follow-up period.METHODS:A total of 59 patients with SOD(2 men and 57 women,mean age 51 years old) were inc... AIM:To report the results of a medical management of sphincter of oddi dysfunction(SOD) after an intermediate follow-up period.METHODS:A total of 59 patients with SOD(2 men and 57 women,mean age 51 years old) were included in this prospective study.After medical treatment for one year,the patients were clinically re-evaluated after an average period of 30 mo.RESULTS:The distribution of the patients according to the Milwaukee's classification was the following:11 patients were type 1,34 were type 2 and 14 were type 3.Fourteen patients underwent an endoscopic sphincterotomy(ES) after one year of medical treatment.The median intermediate follow-up period was 29.8 ± 3 mo(3-72 mo).The initial effectiveness of the medical treatment was complete,partial and poor among 50.8%,13.5% and 35%,respectively,of the patients.At the end of the follow-up period,37 patients(62.7%) showed more than 50% improvement.The rate of improvement in patients who required ES was not significantly different compared with the patients treated conservatively(64.2% vs 62.2%,respectively).CONCLUSION:Our study confirms that conservative medical treatment could be an alternative to endoscopic sphincterotomy because,after an intermediate follow-up period,the two treatments show the same success rates. 展开更多
关键词 Sphincter of oddi dysfunction CHOLECYSTECTOMY Endoscopic sphincterotomy Biliary scintigraphy
Research on spirit and culture of the elderly life under the multiple responsibility
作者 Ni Qiang 《International English Education Research》 2015年第5期75-77,共3页
With the transformation of population age structure and the extension of life expectancy, China has entered a rapid aging period. With development of social economy and the social security systcn~ the elderly spiritua... With the transformation of population age structure and the extension of life expectancy, China has entered a rapid aging period. With development of social economy and the social security systcn~ the elderly spiritual and cultural needs is becoming more and more importantly. To the government, enterprise, society community, family and themselves, enriching the spirit and culture of the elderly life is a higher level of challenge. 展开更多
关键词 multiple responsibilities the elderly spiritual and cultural life research
Risk factors for accidental falls in the elderly and intervention strategy 被引量:1
作者 Yang Ping Wang Xiaohua 《Journal of Medical Colleges of PLA(China)》 CAS 2012年第5期299-305,共7页
As the population ages, older people's health and quality of life are becoming a matter of public concern increasingly. Through review of the literatures and analysis of the reasons for falls in older people, we w... As the population ages, older people's health and quality of life are becoming a matter of public concern increasingly. Through review of the literatures and analysis of the reasons for falls in older people, we worked out some measures to cope with such a situation, provided the self-care knowledge of falls prevention for older people and improved the quality life of older persons. The recovery process is long, if the old people fall down, which brings a lot of inconvenience to individuals and families, and it can also cause a lot of complications. If wary of fall risk factors, the quality of life of older persons can be improved. According to the different conditions of the elderly, we should take effective measures to create suitable living environment for senior citizens, and propagandize the knowledge of the old people's health care, which has the great significance in preventing the elderly's fall, and improving their living quality. 展开更多
关键词 Elderly people FALL Risk factors PREVENTION
Social practices of nurse care coordination using sensor technologies e Challenges with an alert system adoption in assisted living communities for older adults
作者 Isa Jahnke Nathan Riedel +2 位作者 Mihail Popescu Marjorie Skubic Marilyn Rantz 《International Journal of Nursing Sciences》 CSCD 2021年第3期289-297,I0004,共10页
Objectives:From the view of everyday practices and the socio-technical coordination lens,this study aimed to analyz the gap between creators’intention and the users’implementation(mainly nursing staff and social wor... Objectives:From the view of everyday practices and the socio-technical coordination lens,this study aimed to analyz the gap between creators’intention and the users’implementation(mainly nursing staff and social workers)of an alert system in assisted living communities.Methods:Qualitative methods were employed by way of five user interviews and focus groups with six system developers.Modeling instruments were applied for data collection to analyze the different clinical workflows versus the expectations of the system development team.Results:Results indicate that the clinical workflow changed over time,which led to a mismatch of nurse care coordination,social practices,and technology use.The results show different mental models of the socio-technical practice.Applying the coordination theory,the following recommendations could be developed to overcome the mismatch.First,it is recommended that nursing staff set goals together.Second,a communication rhythmwith the nursing staff and developer teams should be established,with guided questions to facilitate the conversation,to shed light on the different workflows and the difference in social practices when using sensor technologies or alert systems.Third,a checklist for new employees should be created so they know how and on which devices to use the alert system.Fourth,the user experience with the alert system should be improved(e.g.,an improved user interface).Conclusions:This work indicates recommendations to close the mental model gap to overcome the mismatch between optimal use of the alert system and how the nursing staff is actually using it. 展开更多
关键词 Community health services Health services for the aged Medical informatics applications SOFTWARE
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