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作者 傅立葉(Li-Yeh Fu) 王兆慶(Chao-Ching Wang) 《女學學誌》
「照顾公共化」是让现代公民(特别是女性)兼顾工作与家庭照顾,促进性别平等的策略,也是改变老人、儿童照顾商品化问题的药方。但在实践上,如何於长期维持家庭照顾传统、家庭范畴以外照顾高度市场化的台湾,创造社会变迁,进而形成... 「照顾公共化」是让现代公民(特别是女性)兼顾工作与家庭照顾,促进性别平等的策略,也是改变老人、儿童照顾商品化问题的药方。但在实践上,如何於长期维持家庭照顾传统、家庭范畴以外照顾高度市场化的台湾,创造社会变迁,进而形成国家承担照顾责任的体系?台湾近九成0~3岁的幼儿由母亲和家庭亲属照顾,仅约1成由保母照顾;保母长期处於非正式经济地位,习於与家长私下协商托育关系,国家过去也未曾积极介入。直至2008年内政部儿童局通过的「保母托育管理与托育费用补助实施计画」,始明确揭示积极性福利原则,建构普及的婴幼儿保母托育服务,以分担家庭或女性自行育儿的责任,做为试图将幼儿照顾公共化的改革政策。本文的主要目的在探讨此一改革政策的基本理念、政策制订的过程、政策执行的状况,以及此一保母托育制度公共化行动未来可能面对的挑战。本文的分析显示,上述计画的诞生代表国家女性主义运动的成果,亦即在缺乏社会民主共识的条件下,公共化的保母托育理念,透过行政部门体制内的民间妇运代表的倡议与协力规划,落实成为国家的政策。此一政策的真正意涵,不应被简化为津贴补助,或是片面的保母辅导制度,而是打造保母托育制度公共治理的基础建设,以为未来进一步推动照顾公共化的进程铺路。然而,本研究也发现,该计画发展过程中引发的种种争议,以及执行上遭遇来自市场的反挫,反映了保母托育公共化的路途并不平顺,未来的挑战仍然艰钜。 展开更多
关键词 照顧 公共化 保母 托育 社區保母系統 婦女運動 女性主義
元代《保母帖》观咏活动考论 被引量:2
作者 马颖杰 《宁夏大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 2020年第4期61-68,共8页
保母碑为晋代王献之为其保母李意如所题之砖石,隐没世间八百年,至南宋嘉泰二年重现天日,石碑文字所拓之书帖即《保母帖》,此帖引来后世诸多文人观赏题咏,而历代中,又以元代观咏活动最盛。元代《保母帖》有诸多藏本,其中鲜于枢本、周密... 保母碑为晋代王献之为其保母李意如所题之砖石,隐没世间八百年,至南宋嘉泰二年重现天日,石碑文字所拓之书帖即《保母帖》,此帖引来后世诸多文人观赏题咏,而历代中,又以元代观咏活动最盛。元代《保母帖》有诸多藏本,其中鲜于枢本、周密本、赵孟頫本、袁易本这四种藏本在元代有较清晰的流传线索,并受当时书法领域宗晋之风的影响,引发了规模或大或小的观咏活动。观帖题咏是元代文人间的一种交谊方式,是文人活动的组成部分,元代《保母帖》观咏活动不仅体现了文人的雅趣,也反映了当时文人的社交网络。 展开更多
关键词 元代 保母帖》 文人活动 宗晋之风
论社区警政之实践(节选)——台北县警察局实施单车保母服务之启示 被引量:1
作者 刘勤章 《云南公安高等专科学校学报》 2003年第1期6-12,共7页
近十年来在台湾的警察真的可以说是十分辛苦。在各种统计分析告诉我们 :犯罪发生率正逐步下降或未恶化 ;破案率不断攀升 ;交通事故发生也是逐年下降 ;秩序维持亦日趋良好。这些都得益于警察局实施的单车保母服务。单车保母服务队乃为了... 近十年来在台湾的警察真的可以说是十分辛苦。在各种统计分析告诉我们 :犯罪发生率正逐步下降或未恶化 ;破案率不断攀升 ;交通事故发生也是逐年下降 ;秩序维持亦日趋良好。这些都得益于警察局实施的单车保母服务。单车保母服务队乃为了深入汽车巡逻所无法触及的治安死角 ,并增加警察与民众接触的机会 ,而推动步巡或自行车巡逻 ,尤其在商业繁荣地区更为适用。简言之 :以自行车为交通工具的执勤方式 。 展开更多
关键词 社区警政 自行车 警察职责 保母服务
清朝皇帝的保母续考 被引量:3
作者 刘小萌 《黑龙江民族丛刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第4期89-98,共10页
本文利用《清宫内务府奏销档》满文档案,对清宫乳母(保母)问题作进一步探考。重点考察乳母乳公满汉称谓、乳母人选、乳母优礼等相关问题。同时,就乾隆帝优礼乳母要遵行"满洲之礼"的谕旨加以分析,以说明满汉文化在清宫制度上... 本文利用《清宫内务府奏销档》满文档案,对清宫乳母(保母)问题作进一步探考。重点考察乳母乳公满汉称谓、乳母人选、乳母优礼等相关问题。同时,就乾隆帝优礼乳母要遵行"满洲之礼"的谕旨加以分析,以说明满汉文化在清宫制度上的融通。 展开更多
关键词 清宫 内务府 乳母 保母 满洲之礼
断砖一出人间后:保母塼志的发现、传播与接受 被引量:2
作者 叶康宁 《美术学报》 北大核心 2019年第6期22-28,共7页
关键词 保母帖》 经典化 机械复制时代
作者 陈嘉礼 《华中国学》 2020年第2期22-26,共5页
殷商甲骨文、两周的金文及传世古文献中都有“保”字。甲骨文和金文的字形早已透露出“保”与女性存在着天然的关系。而传世文献如《尚书》中的“保”就有“背、抱孩子”之意。本文从甲骨文和金文的字形与用法入手,考证“保”字的原始字... 殷商甲骨文、两周的金文及传世古文献中都有“保”字。甲骨文和金文的字形早已透露出“保”与女性存在着天然的关系。而传世文献如《尚书》中的“保”就有“背、抱孩子”之意。本文从甲骨文和金文的字形与用法入手,考证“保”字的原始字义,认为在殷商时期“保”是官名,至西周时期“保”这一官职的分工就更加细致。本文以出土文献与传世文献互证,认为上古时期的“保”类似于今天的保母之职,指代照顾王室贵族子女的教育和日常生活的职业女性。 展开更多
关键词 保母 古文字中的“保”
再论清代皇室之乳保 被引量:4
作者 沈欣 《北京社会科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第8期110-118,共9页
清代皇室乳母、保母属宫廷仆妇群体,是宫廷女性的重要组成部分。从性别视角再研究清代皇室之乳保,详细辨析乳母、保母称谓及职责的不同;阐释了皇室乳保与皇子女之间存在的稳固的亲情关系和伦理关系,以及由此形成的乳保群体在宫廷中身份... 清代皇室乳母、保母属宫廷仆妇群体,是宫廷女性的重要组成部分。从性别视角再研究清代皇室之乳保,详细辨析乳母、保母称谓及职责的不同;阐释了皇室乳保与皇子女之间存在的稳固的亲情关系和伦理关系,以及由此形成的乳保群体在宫廷中身份地位的特殊性。她们充分利用这种特殊身份,突破自身的性别和阶级局限,提升其在家庭中的地位,发展起以女性为核心的家族体系。在为自己家族带来"特权"的同时,乳保群体也对清代皇族的家事和国事产生一定影响。 展开更多
关键词 皇室 乳母 保母 宫廷史
作者 罗姗姗 贺家李 +1 位作者 周孝信 周孝信 《Transactions of Tianjin University》 EI CAS 1999年第2期3-8,共6页
A new distribution principle of bus protection is presented.The protection system description,its design features,hardware structure,construction of data communication network are given.Dynamic simulation experiments ... A new distribution principle of bus protection is presented.The protection system description,its design features,hardware structure,construction of data communication network are given.Dynamic simulation experiments show its distinguishing advantages over traditional centralized principle. 展开更多
关键词 bus protection data communication digital relaying
作者 异形词研究课题组 张育泉 《语文建设》 CSSCI 北大核心 2000年第8期26-,共1页
关键词 保母 异形词 异体词 词形
Occurrence and Diversity of Pichia spp. in Marine Environments
作者 LI Jing CHI Zhenming WANG Xianghong WANG Lin SHENG Jun GONG Fang 《Journal of Ocean University of China》 SCIE CAS 2008年第3期281-286,共6页
A total of 328 yeast strains from seawater, sediments, mud of salterns, the guts of marine fish and marine algae were obtained. The results of routine identification and molecular methods show that five yeast strains ... A total of 328 yeast strains from seawater, sediments, mud of salterns, the guts of marine fish and marine algae were obtained. The results of routine identification and molecular methods show that five yeast strains obtained in this study belonged to Pichia spp., including Pichia guilliermondii 1 uv-small, Pichia ohmeri YF04d, Pichia fermentans YF12b, Pichia burtonii YF11A and Pichia anomala YF07b. Further studies revealed that Pichia anomala YF07b could produce killer toxin against pathogenic yeasts in crabs while Pichia guilliermondii luv-small could produce high activity of extracellular inulinase. It is advisable to test if Pichia ohmeri YF04d obtained in this study is related to central-venous-catheter-associated infection. 展开更多
关键词 Marine yeasts PICHIA killer toxin INULINASE
Evaluation of the operation efficiency of maternity insurance fund --based on DEA method
作者 ZHANG Haizhu 《International English Education Research》 2018年第3期53-55,共3页
Maternity insurance fund is an important part of social insurance fund. It plays an important role in safeguarding the rights and interests of pregnant women and improving the welfare of women. With the expansion of t... Maternity insurance fund is an important part of social insurance fund. It plays an important role in safeguarding the rights and interests of pregnant women and improving the welfare of women. With the expansion of the balance of the birth insurance fund, the balance of income and expenditure has become a difficult goal to be reached. Therefore, this paper aims to evaluate the operating efficiency of the birth insurance fund, discover the problems of the birth insurance system, and put forward some suggestions to improve the efficiency of the birth insurance fund and promote the perfection of the birth insurance. 展开更多
关键词 fertility insurance fund efficiency assessment DEA method
作者 王凤娇 《现代语文》 2024年第8期42-47,共6页
有关“鸨母”一词的来源,观点较多,其中以明代朱权鸨鸟善淫之说影响最大。经过相关文献的考证,并结合该鸟的实际状况,可以发现,鸨鸟并无善淫之性。实际上,“鸨母”来源于中国古代女教师的称谓“傅母”或“保母”。“鸨母”的其他变体,... 有关“鸨母”一词的来源,观点较多,其中以明代朱权鸨鸟善淫之说影响最大。经过相关文献的考证,并结合该鸟的实际状况,可以发现,鸨鸟并无善淫之性。实际上,“鸨母”来源于中国古代女教师的称谓“傅母”或“保母”。“鸨母”的其他变体,如“保儿”“薄母”“薄嬷”“波么”“博磨”“嫫”等,皆为“傅母”“保母”的不同记音形式。“卜儿”表示老妇人的用法,同样来自“保母”或“傅母”,只是限定语素进一步减少,外延进一步扩大,仅表示年纪较长的女性而已。 展开更多
关键词 “鸨母” “卜儿” 近代戏曲 “傅母” 保母 变体 记音形式
Improved synthesis of leonurine as cardioprotective agent
作者 罗姗姗 古险峰 朱依谆 《Journal of Chinese Pharmaceutical Sciences》 CAS 2012年第4期292-295,共4页
A new synthetic method of leonurine was developed. Leonurine 1 was synthesized from the key intermediates 4 and 5, two compounds with high solubility in dichloromethane which allowed the synthetic procedure to be perf... A new synthetic method of leonurine was developed. Leonurine 1 was synthesized from the key intermediates 4 and 5, two compounds with high solubility in dichloromethane which allowed the synthetic procedure to be performed under mild conditions and afforded 1 with a good yield. Comparing the previous methods, the yield was increased from 30% to 54%, time consumed was significantly reduced as well. 展开更多
关键词 LEONURINE Motherwort Cardioprotective agent
Cryopreservation of mammalian oocytes and embryos: current problems and future perspectives 被引量:20
作者 MOUSSA Mahmoud SHU Juan +1 位作者 ZHANG XueHong ZENG FanYi 《Science China(Life Sciences)》 SCIE CAS 2014年第9期903-914,共12页
Cryopreservation techniques for mammalian oocytes and embryos have rapidly progressed during the past two decades,emphasizing their importance in various assisted reproductive technologies.Pregnancies and live births ... Cryopreservation techniques for mammalian oocytes and embryos have rapidly progressed during the past two decades,emphasizing their importance in various assisted reproductive technologies.Pregnancies and live births resulting from cryopreserved oocytes and embryos of several species including humans have provided proof of principle and led to the adoption of cryopreservation as an integral part of clinical in vitro fertilization.Considerable progress has been achieved in the development and application of the cryopreservation of mammalian oocytes and embryos,including preservation of the reproductive potential of patients who may become infertile,establishment of cryopreserved oocyte banks,and transport of oocytes and embryos internationally.However,the success rates are still far lower than those obtained with fresh oocytes and embryos,and there are still obstacles that need to be overcome.In this review,we address the major obstacles in the development of effective cryopreservation techniques.Such knowledge may help to eliminate these hurdles by revealing which aspects need improvement.Furthermore,this information may encourage further research by cryobiologists and increase the practical use of cryopreservation as a major part of assisted reproductive technologies for both humans and animal species. 展开更多
Encapsulation of live cells by metal-organic frameworks for viability protection 被引量:3
作者 Chao Sun Lin Chang +2 位作者 Ke Hou Shaoqin Liu Zhiyong Tang 《Science China Materials》 SCIE EI CSCD 2019年第6期885-891,共7页
In this study, a yeast@ZIF-8 core–shell composite material was successfully synthesized under room temperature in aqueous solution. The ZIF-8 shell endowed the inner yeast cells with a considerably extended lifetime ... In this study, a yeast@ZIF-8 core–shell composite material was successfully synthesized under room temperature in aqueous solution. The ZIF-8 shell endowed the inner yeast cells with a considerably extended lifetime without any nutrients at 4°C. Compared with the bare yeast cells, most coated yeast cells were kept alive even when cultured in zymolyase solution for 3h. Furthermore, the encapsulated yeast cells could be reactivated and regrown by dissolving the ZIF-8 shell with competitive coordination interactions. 展开更多
关键词 live cells ZIF-& viability protection
作者 Wang Hairong 《Beijing Review》 2016年第7期18-19,共2页
The Yangtze’s environmental protection is paramount regardless of its economic development The Yangtze River,flowing more than6,300 km across China,has been witness to many epic events,inspired numerous idyllic poems... The Yangtze’s environmental protection is paramount regardless of its economic development The Yangtze River,flowing more than6,300 km across China,has been witness to many epic events,inspired numerous idyllic poems,and nurtured a large number of booming towns during the country’s long history. 展开更多
关键词 Yangtze regardless numerous witness wastewater inspired sewage municipal commission Jiangsu
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