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作者 任春茂 《成才之路》 2023年第3期57-60,共4页
“学前儿童保育学”作为学前教育专业的一门专业核心课,是学生获得保教知识、提升保教能力的重要载体,是幼儿园教师资格证笔试的必考科目,更是决定学生毕业后能否顺利上岗的先决条件。文章从理论与实践的双循环、“课前·课中·... “学前儿童保育学”作为学前教育专业的一门专业核心课,是学生获得保教知识、提升保教能力的重要载体,是幼儿园教师资格证笔试的必考科目,更是决定学生毕业后能否顺利上岗的先决条件。文章从理论与实践的双循环、“课前·课中·课后”的三学互融、德智体美劳的五育并举、过程性评价与结果性评价相结合等方面,对高师院校“学前儿童保育学”课程思政的实践与思考进行深入探讨。 展开更多
关键词 前儿童保育学 课程思政 思想政治教育 立德树人
作者 廖振锋 刘寒 +5 位作者 林杨 陆恒 马庆 谢文波 梁莹 韦坤华 《中国现代中药》 CAS 2023年第8期1799-1814,共16页
九里香(Murrayae Folium et Cacumen)为芸香科植物九里香Murraya exotica L.和千里香M.paniculata(L.)Jack的干燥叶和带叶嫩枝,在我国药用历史悠久,国内外学者从九里香中分离鉴定了多种化学成分,包括香豆素类、黄酮类、生物碱类、挥发... 九里香(Murrayae Folium et Cacumen)为芸香科植物九里香Murraya exotica L.和千里香M.paniculata(L.)Jack的干燥叶和带叶嫩枝,在我国药用历史悠久,国内外学者从九里香中分离鉴定了多种化学成分,包括香豆素类、黄酮类、生物碱类、挥发油等。药理研究表明,九里香黄酮类成分具有抗炎镇痛、抑制肿瘤细胞活性、抗氧化和降血糖的作用,其挥发油具有抗虫抗菌的作用。九里香以野生为主,其野生资源及人工栽培有待研究。对近年来九里香的主要化学成分及药理作用等研究进行系统的整理总结,同时对药材九里香基原植物九里香和千里香进行保育学的相关研究进行综述、以期为九里香的化学成分分析、临床应用、保育学研究和新药研发提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 九里香 成分 药理作用 保育学
PBL教学模式在《学前儿童保育学》教学中的实践探讨 被引量:1
作者 闵洁 《佳木斯职业学院学报》 2023年第4期100-102,共3页
《学前儿童保育学》是学前教育专业的一门基础课程,也是幼师必备的基础知识。在课程教学改革的进程中,需要教师积极转变教学观念和手段,引入PBL等学生喜闻乐见的教学模式,让学生在开放性的氛围中学习到更多更全与更加实用的知识技能,以... 《学前儿童保育学》是学前教育专业的一门基础课程,也是幼师必备的基础知识。在课程教学改革的进程中,需要教师积极转变教学观念和手段,引入PBL等学生喜闻乐见的教学模式,让学生在开放性的氛围中学习到更多更全与更加实用的知识技能,以构建高效的教学课堂,不断提高人才培养质量。文章主要对PBL教学模式在“学前儿童保育学”教学中的应用意义和对策进行阐述,希望对课程教学有效性的提升起到积极促进作用。 展开更多
关键词 PBL教模式 前儿童保育学 改革
作者 唐道琴 张亭亭 王颖莉 《中文科技期刊数据库(文摘版)教育》 2023年第9期29-32,共4页
学前教育专业是以培养能在幼儿园或其他学前教育机构从事保教、管理、研究等人员为目的师范类专业,由于其培养学生今后的工作对象是身心发展不完善和缺乏自我保护意识的幼儿,因此在学前教育专业落实课程思政显得尤为重要。而《学前儿童... 学前教育专业是以培养能在幼儿园或其他学前教育机构从事保教、管理、研究等人员为目的师范类专业,由于其培养学生今后的工作对象是身心发展不完善和缺乏自我保护意识的幼儿,因此在学前教育专业落实课程思政显得尤为重要。而《学前儿童保育学》是学前教育专业的必修课,课程中蕴含着丰富的思政因素,但是在实施课程思政的过程中,存在着有“思政”意识,无“思政”设计;重“知识”传授,轻“思政”引领;缺乏对课程“思政”因素的评价与反思等问题,本文结合《学前儿童保育学》中具体章节课程设计,从充分挖掘思政因素,落实思政内容设计;丰富课程思政形式,多途径渗透思政引领;强化思政因素评价,反思思政教学效果等方面进行课程思政的实践探究。 展开更多
关键词 课程思政 前儿童保育学 前教育
药用植物保育学研究进展与展望 被引量:2
作者 梁莹 秦双双 +6 位作者 韦坤华 汤丹峰 乔柱 郭晓云 韦范 朱艳霞 缪剑华 《中国现代中药》 CAS 2022年第3期387-394,共8页
药用植物保育学是在大量药用植物引种、驯化与保护的实践经验和理论研究的基础上,经过归纳总结构建的重点学科。通过开展药用植物发源中心、遗传保育、生态保育、驯化保育、繁育、复育及保育策略与评价研究,为珍稀濒危药用植物原种保存... 药用植物保育学是在大量药用植物引种、驯化与保护的实践经验和理论研究的基础上,经过归纳总结构建的重点学科。通过开展药用植物发源中心、遗传保育、生态保育、驯化保育、繁育、复育及保育策略与评价研究,为珍稀濒危药用植物原种保存、生境保护、繁育与复育提供理论依据和技术指导。未来将着眼于药材品质形成的遗传机制、生态机制、驯化机制研究,应用药用植物精准栽培技术,推动药用植物保育学学科发展,实现药用植物资源的可持续利用。 展开更多
关键词 药用植物保育学 药用植物发源中心 物种保存 可持续利用
应用型目标下学前保育学课程的目标定位 被引量:1
作者 赵玥 《新西部(中旬·理论)》 2016年第10期29-30,共2页
关键词 应用型 保育学 课程教 目标定位
作者 张璇 《兵团教育学院学报》 2021年第2期59-64,共6页
"学前儿童保育学"是学前教育专业必修课。研究者基于PBL教学模式,对"学前儿童保育学"课程开展以提升学生的保育能力为主要目标的教学改革。研究从提出问题、小组讨论、成果汇报、答辩环节、反思评价五个环节进行。... "学前儿童保育学"是学前教育专业必修课。研究者基于PBL教学模式,对"学前儿童保育学"课程开展以提升学生的保育能力为主要目标的教学改革。研究从提出问题、小组讨论、成果汇报、答辩环节、反思评价五个环节进行。实践表明,PBL教学改革提升了学生发现问题和解决问题的能力,能有效引导学生自主学习,提高学习自主性和独立思考能力,提升学生团队合作能力、表达能力和批判性思维能力,有效提升了学前儿童保育学课程的教学效果。 展开更多
关键词 PBL教模式 前儿童保育学 策略
幼儿教师专业标准背景下幼儿卫生保育教学的优化与改进 被引量:1
作者 王俊 《新课程研究(中旬)》 2016年第12期85-86,共2页
《幼儿园教师专业标准》将教师的专业知识分为"儿童发展知识""保育教育知识"和"通识性知识"三个部分,并且明确提出要"注重保教结合"。结合幼儿教师专业标准,根据"学前卫生与保育"课... 《幼儿园教师专业标准》将教师的专业知识分为"儿童发展知识""保育教育知识"和"通识性知识"三个部分,并且明确提出要"注重保教结合"。结合幼儿教师专业标准,根据"学前卫生与保育"课程的现状,本文对本课程的教学进行了一些优化改进,突出了课程的应用性和实践性,以期提高学生的专业素养。 展开更多
关键词 保教结合 专业标准 前卫生与保育
中国南方喀斯特地貌药用植物保育策略 被引量:8
作者 梁莹 韦坤华 +5 位作者 张占江 肖冬 乔柱 李明杰 张重义 缪剑华 《中国现代中药》 CAS 2017年第2期226-231,共6页
中国南方喀斯特地貌作为重要的世界自然遗产组成部分,孕育着丰富的药用植物资源。然而石漠化和人为过度掠夺加剧了对药用植物的危害,特别是濒危野生药用植物种质资源多样性受到威胁。本文通过分析药用植物对喀斯特地貌独特环境的响应特... 中国南方喀斯特地貌作为重要的世界自然遗产组成部分,孕育着丰富的药用植物资源。然而石漠化和人为过度掠夺加剧了对药用植物的危害,特别是濒危野生药用植物种质资源多样性受到威胁。本文通过分析药用植物对喀斯特地貌独特环境的响应特点,结合药用植物资源生态学特征,以保护与恢复中国南方喀斯特地貌药用植物物种和药效为目标,探讨药用植物资源保护、物种信息提取以及复育技术和方法,为促进中国南方喀斯特退化生态系统的恢复重建,推动药用资源的可持续开发利用提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 药用植物保育学 喀斯特地貌 石漠化 濒危灭绝 保育策略
Study on the Safety of Physical Education in Colleges and Universities
作者 Ping Wei 《International English Education Research》 2014年第3期159-161,共3页
This paper uses survey research methods to research the three factors affecting sports teaching safety and management in the colleges and universities. It proposed to increase the awareness of the safety of teachers a... This paper uses survey research methods to research the three factors affecting sports teaching safety and management in the colleges and universities. It proposed to increase the awareness of the safety of teachers and students. And it should have a rational organization of teaching. It also should increase financial input on a regular basis in the field and equipment maintenance. Specialized security agencies and establish safety management systems and contingency plans, to encourage students to participate in accident insurance, guarantee learning the sports teaching activities of the security. 展开更多
关键词 Physical Education Sports Teaching Safety Colleges and Universities
The Development of Mathematical Modelling Activities from Thematic Projects in the Social-Critical Perspective
作者 Regina Helena de Oliveira Lino Franchi Frederico da Silva Reis 《Journal of Mathematics and System Science》 2012年第6期341-347,共7页
In this paper, the authors present a modelling activity developed from a thematic project in the models and mathematical modelling class of the professional master's degree program in mathematics education at the Fed... In this paper, the authors present a modelling activity developed from a thematic project in the models and mathematical modelling class of the professional master's degree program in mathematics education at the Federal University of Ouro Preto. The students enrolled in the class chose to study the theme Brazilian Public Politics. After several debates regarding the theme, the students were separated into three groups and each group chose a subtheme to study. The themes were IDH (index of human development), minimum wage and social security. As an example, a description of the thematic project about the minimum wage in Brazil is presented. The principal results obtained in the study of this theme include a discussion about the potentialities of the theme as a classroom activity in different levels of schooling. As an educational activity, the thematic project demonstrated itself to be greatly relevant, since not only did it provide the learning possibility of mathematics related to the issues studied, but also promoted various discussions regarding the theme, which, in our conception, contributes to the social-critical development of the students. Finally, from the point of view of applied mathematics and mathematics education, the development of a modelling activity from thematic projects showed itself to be a good source of researches. 展开更多
关键词 Mathematical modelling thematic projects social-critical perspective.
Developmental Programming of Ethical Consciousness: Impact on B ioscience Ethics Education and Learning
作者 Irina Pollard 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2013年第6期431-442,共12页
Personal ethics are strongly influenced by emotions, particularly secondary emotions, because these emotions expand ethical reasoning and development as the child matures. A well-developed consciousness profoundly inf... Personal ethics are strongly influenced by emotions, particularly secondary emotions, because these emotions expand ethical reasoning and development as the child matures. A well-developed consciousness profoundly influences a person's actions and conduct when solving problems of what is thought, or taught to be, right or wrong Compelling neurological evidence supports the claim that children begin to develop enduring ethical standards at an early age and that these standards are largely based on the experiences of early childhood. Essentially, the innate sense of ethics requires nurturing during infancy before it can be cognitively understood and practiced in maturity. In biological terms, the development of neural networks that regulate emotional growth, and subsequently, the capacity for ethical discrimination, depends on the infant's early social environment. Thus, the toddler's early epigenetic experiences enhance, or impede, its innate still dormant genetic potential. Importantly, personal character development and ethical discrimination begins long before the child's formal educational years. As a consequence, early learning has to discover ways of conserving adaptive thinking which can be applied to the choices that may confront future generations. Early ethics education, including accurate access to scientific, medical, and technological knowledge, is thus critical. Future generations will increasingly require education from a global perspective when making major ethical decisions in areas, such as nuclear technology, disposal of wastes, preservation of biodiversity, global warming, and unregulated human population growth. As long as our culture continues to reflect advances in science and technology, there is an obligation to make science education overlap with crucial periods in the advancement of ethical consciousness. Significantly, when considering the human capacity for excess at times of conflict, it is incumbent on the scientific community to integrate research-based knowledge with wide-ranging learning and problem-solving skills. Bioscience ethics, the established interface bridging applied science and applied bioethics, can assist in this process of integration. To become fully responsible adults, we must share our extraordinary cognitive talents and respect life on earth in all its rich diversity. In biological terms, human uniqueness resides primarily in our brains with its products being co-operation in family and ancestral units, long education, sophisticated language and culture, and importantly, ethical consciousness-all attributes held in trust by knowledge and wisdom for future generations. 展开更多
关键词 human brain programming evolution and ethics NEUROETHICS primary and secondary emotions bioscience ethics bioscience ethics education early childhood education
Effect of traditional Chinese medicine and traditional health care sports on the development of modem community sports
作者 Sun Longtao Wang Wei 《International English Education Research》 2014年第3期162-164,共3页
After thousands of years of history, traditional Chinese medicine and traditional health care sports survive the fittest in the screening of the natural law, breeding, enduring Cheung, and reflects the inherent vitali... After thousands of years of history, traditional Chinese medicine and traditional health care sports survive the fittest in the screening of the natural law, breeding, enduring Cheung, and reflects the inherent vitality. Investigation thoroughly on the effect of traditional Chinese medicine and traditional health care sports for the development of modem community sports is to examine and understand its meaning and value from a higher level, to better inherit and carry forward the excellent traditional culture of China and thus to explore meeting point of traditional Chinese medicine and traditional health sports and modem sports. It also ensures the community to establish a healthy concept, improve the cultural quality, strengthen the moral cultivation, rouse the national spirit, increase life interest and form the modem community culture. In short, by the national education of traditional Chinese medicine and traditional protection movement, there is a unique advantage other cultures are incomparable. 展开更多
关键词 traditional Chinese medicine traditional health community sports EFFECT
Comprehensive therapeutics targeting the corticospinal tract following spinal cord injury 被引量:3
作者 An-kai XU Zhe GONG +2 位作者 Yu-zhe HE Kai-shun XIA Hui-min TAO 《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science B(Biomedicine & Biotechnology)》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2019年第3期205-218,共14页
Spinal cord injury(SCI),which is much in the public eye,is still a refractory disease compromising the well-being of both patients and society.In spite of there being many methods dealing with the lesion,there is stil... Spinal cord injury(SCI),which is much in the public eye,is still a refractory disease compromising the well-being of both patients and society.In spite of there being many methods dealing with the lesion,there is still a deficiency in comprehensive strategies covering all facets of this damage.Further,we should also mention the structure called the corticospinal tract(CST)which plays a crucial role in the motor responses of organisms,and it will be the focal point of our attention.In this review,we discuss a variety of strategies targeting different dimensions following SCI and some treatments that are especially efficacious to the CST are emphasized.Over recent decades,researchers have developed many effective tactics involving five approaches:(1)tackle more extensive regions;(2)provide a regenerative microenvironment;(3)provide a glial microenvironment;(4)transplantation;and(5)other auxiliary methods,for instance,rehabilitation training and electrical stimulation.We review the basic knowledge on this disease and correlative treatments.In addition,some well-formulated perspectives and hypotheses have been delineated.We emphasize that such a multifaceted problem needs combinatorial approaches,and we analyze some discrepancies in past studies.Finally,for the future,we present numerous brand-new latent tactics which have great promise for curbing SCI. 展开更多
关键词 Spinal cord injury(SCI) Comprehensive strategy Corticospinal tract NEUROPROTECTIVE Development GLIAL Transplantation Training Electrical stimulation
Recognition of nestmate eggs in the ant Formicafusca is based on queen derived cues 被引量:1
作者 Heikki HELANTERA Stephen J. MARTIN Francis L.W. RATNIEKS 《Current Zoology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2014年第1期131-136,共6页
Inclusive fitness benefits depend on recognizing the right individuals to interact with. Social insect nests protect themselves from non-kin intruders through nestmate recognition based on chemical cues. The recogniti... Inclusive fitness benefits depend on recognizing the right individuals to interact with. Social insect nests protect themselves from non-kin intruders through nestmate recognition based on chemical cues. The recognition cues on adult individu- als are from a mixture of genetic and environmental sources, but the ontogeny and use of recognition cues on eggs has not been previously assessed. We studied recognition by workers of eggs that were either nestmates or non-nestmates, and the ontogeny of recognition cues on eggs in the ant Formica fusca, a species with precise egg recognition abilities. Workers were able to dis- criminate among freshly laid eggs with no nest derived cues on them, and the egg surface chemicals varied among nests in these eggs, suggesting that queen derived cues are used in nestmate recognition. The results are discussed in the light of their implica- tions on deceptive social parasite strategies and within colony conflicts 展开更多
关键词 Nestmate recognition Social insects Social parasitism Formicafusca Cuticular hydrocarbons
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