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女性的性别突围与身份重建——以吉屋信子及其通俗小说为例 被引量:2
作者 彭旭 肖霞 《河南师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第6期119-123,共5页
明治维新后,日本推行以"贤妻良母主义"为核心的女子教育,使女性成为社会生活中的客体。自小便深受其害的吉屋信子,卓尔独行,以强大的"自我"对抗贤妻良母主义思想的摧残,追求着自由和解放。信子通过描写贤妻良母主... 明治维新后,日本推行以"贤妻良母主义"为核心的女子教育,使女性成为社会生活中的客体。自小便深受其害的吉屋信子,卓尔独行,以强大的"自我"对抗贤妻良母主义思想的摧残,追求着自由和解放。信子通过描写贤妻良母主义对女性的羁系和诳骗,创造了一个丰富的女性文学天地,对女性的突围之路与身份重建进行了持续的探求,为日本女性发出了自己的声音,表达了日本女性要求独立自主的伦理诉求。她通过自己的言行和作品中的女性之口解构着贤妻良母主义的社会秩序,寻求女性在家庭和社会中的新伦理身份,努力找回被遮蔽了的女性的主体地位。 展开更多
关键词 吉屋信子 贤妻良母主义 女性 性别突围 身份重建
国家、媒体及女性作家间的多层“战争”——以吉屋信子和林芙美子为中心 被引量:2
作者 李炜 《日本侵华南京大屠杀研究》 CSSCI 2021年第1期94-104,M0005,共12页
吉屋信子和林芙美子是侵华战争时期日本表现最为活跃的两位女性作家,其曾于1938年作为“笔部队”成员来华,之后分别创作了《波涛》《女人的教室》等作品。通过探究此类作品得以问世的来龙去脉可以发现,日本女性作家的“性别”既是日本... 吉屋信子和林芙美子是侵华战争时期日本表现最为活跃的两位女性作家,其曾于1938年作为“笔部队”成员来华,之后分别创作了《波涛》《女人的教室》等作品。通过探究此类作品得以问世的来龙去脉可以发现,日本女性作家的“性别”既是日本军部及媒体有意利用的“标签”,亦是作家本人着意凸显的个体特征。若在此基础上具体分析作品中所建构的“铳后女性”形象,可以透视日本女性作家如何诱导广大日本女性积极协助侵略战争的内在机制,进而追究其应当承担的战争责任。 展开更多
关键词 吉屋信子 林芙美 日本侵华战争 “铳后女性”
作者 彭旭 肖霞 《兰州学刊》 CSSCI 2018年第1期107-116,共10页
吉屋信子一生创作的主题主要是围绕女性而展开,她对女性自主自立、自我实现与确立的追求、女性同性爱的认同,以及对女性的同情与赞美,都是对以父权制、男权制为中心的社会体制的控诉。信子不仅以欣赏的眼光书写普通的女性大众和历史上... 吉屋信子一生创作的主题主要是围绕女性而展开,她对女性自主自立、自我实现与确立的追求、女性同性爱的认同,以及对女性的同情与赞美,都是对以父权制、男权制为中心的社会体制的控诉。信子不仅以欣赏的眼光书写普通的女性大众和历史上的女性人物,对于作为写作主体的女性作家们更是细加观察,论列是非。运用女性主义的理论与方法重新解读吉屋信子的文学,可以发现其作品所展现出的鲜明的女性意识,以及其文学文本所具有的批判性和超时代性。 展开更多
关键词 吉屋信子 自我意识 女同性爱 女性礼赞
作者 彭旭 《中华女子学院学报》 2015年第6期70-74,共5页
吉屋信子生活时期的日本仍然是男尊女卑思想甚嚣尘上的男权制社会。深受其害的信子对男性霸权深恶痛绝,这不仅表现在其一生的所言所行中,也表现于她在一生的文学研究中建构了一个独特的女性文本世界,颠覆解构了男性霸权的支配地位。运... 吉屋信子生活时期的日本仍然是男尊女卑思想甚嚣尘上的男权制社会。深受其害的信子对男性霸权深恶痛绝,这不仅表现在其一生的所言所行中,也表现于她在一生的文学研究中建构了一个独特的女性文本世界,颠覆解构了男性霸权的支配地位。运用女性主义男权制的理论创作,信子描写了男权社会中女性受到的重压、女性的觉醒与反抗。解读吉屋信子的文学,可以发现,其作品中突出的女性本位意识,及其作为专为女性书写作家的不可替代性。 展开更多
关键词 吉屋信子 男性霸权 颠覆 解构
作者 徐青 《浙江理工大学学报(自然科学版)》 2013年第4期637-642,共6页
针对抗日战争时期日本媒体的战争责任的问题,文章以活跃于大正和昭和年间的日本大众女作家吉屋信子各时期文学作品中的上海表象为线索,以吉屋的现地报告《战祸的北支上海行》为关注的焦点,分析了吉屋文学世界里所凝视的上海表象是"... 针对抗日战争时期日本媒体的战争责任的问题,文章以活跃于大正和昭和年间的日本大众女作家吉屋信子各时期文学作品中的上海表象为线索,以吉屋的现地报告《战祸的北支上海行》为关注的焦点,分析了吉屋文学世界里所凝视的上海表象是"虚伪错误"的,而她提倡的中日两国通力合作的"共同幻想"也只是空洞的现实认识的记录而已。随着此种幻想的不断扩张,日本大众对已有一定倾向性的"上海负面形象"的认识也得以进一步的扩大。 展开更多
关键词 日本女作家 吉屋信子 上海表象 抗日战争
作者 夏宏 《音乐爱好者》 2001年第10期13-15,共3页
俗话说:“英雄莫问出身”,可在音乐领域数百年仍“陋习”未改,讲求的就是师承渊源,吃香的就是“名牌”效应。这个名牌指的自然是名校。譬如在美国,大都言必称朱丽亚、柯蒂斯;在前苏联——俄罗斯,谁又不唯莫斯科音乐学院马首是瞻... 俗话说:“英雄莫问出身”,可在音乐领域数百年仍“陋习”未改,讲求的就是师承渊源,吃香的就是“名牌”效应。这个名牌指的自然是名校。譬如在美国,大都言必称朱丽亚、柯蒂斯;在前苏联——俄罗斯,谁又不唯莫斯科音乐学院马首是瞻呢?其余如欧洲诸国亦大抵如是。在日本,有一所音乐院校是堪称“东方朱丽亚”的,这便是位于东京的桐朋学园。桐朋学园创建于1955年,起先只设中学部,至1961年开设大学部,一跃而为全国最有影响的高等音乐学府。环顾世界乐坛,当今最富国际声誉的日本音乐艺术家大多出自于桐朋:如指挥家小泽征尔(1935—)、秋山和庆(1941—);钢琴家中村纯子(1944—)、神谷郁代(1946—);小提琴才女潮田益子(1942—)、藤川真弓(1946—)以及大提琴俊杰堤刚(1942—)和岩崎洗(1944—)等等端的是蔚然万观、硕果累累。即便是在相对冷门的中提琴专业,桐朋也以为世界贡献了一位当代最著名的女性演奏大师而引以自豪,这位受人尊敬的演奏家就是在中提琴领域“撑起了半边天”的今井信子。 展开更多
关键词 中提琴艺术 音乐艺术 “名牌”效应 日本 今井信子 音乐艺术 演奏技巧 艺术家
作者 童晓薇 《妇女研究论丛》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第1期110-120,共11页
吉屋信子和林芙美子是名噪一时的流行作家,有多次前往中国战场的经历,并作为女性杰出代表入选1938年第一批"笔部队",被称为"笔部队"的"两点红"。吉屋信子在海军班一如既往地扮演"女性"角色,突... 吉屋信子和林芙美子是名噪一时的流行作家,有多次前往中国战场的经历,并作为女性杰出代表入选1938年第一批"笔部队",被称为"笔部队"的"两点红"。吉屋信子在海军班一如既往地扮演"女性"角色,突出自己作为女性的价值和作用;林芙美子则用激烈的方式在中国战场演出了一场新的放浪记。两人用不同的方式自觉地将女性话语和人生诉求融入军国主义话语中,成为侵略战争的协助者。与普通女性不同,她们成为战争协助者并不是受制于国策话语而做出的完全被动的选择,其文学创作反映出的思想缺陷和浅薄认知与她们的战场报告意趣相投,是她们在战争爆发后与军国主义话语一拍即合、轻易地滑落到战争协助陷阱中的本质原因。 展开更多
关键词 笔部队 吉屋信子 林芙美 两点红
作者 俞芳 《上海鲁迅研究》 1989年第1期78-83,共6页
信子是芳子的大姐姐,比芳子大九岁。一九一二年五月的一天,芳子的母亲羽太石之助夫人,对芳子说:信子在绍兴就要分娩了,希望她去绍兴照顾,并帮助带领婴儿,时间最多两年。这个任务,对年方十五岁的芳子,无疑是极其艰难的。芳子知道,信子的... 信子是芳子的大姐姐,比芳子大九岁。一九一二年五月的一天,芳子的母亲羽太石之助夫人,对芳子说:信子在绍兴就要分娩了,希望她去绍兴照顾,并帮助带领婴儿,时间最多两年。这个任务,对年方十五岁的芳子,无疑是极其艰难的。芳子知道,信子的性格不好,任性、自私、跋扈、多疑……是一个很难对付的人。 展开更多
关键词 歇斯底里 无端 绍兴 时间 信子
《諸子徙信 燕趙璽印》札記(四則)
作者 張一方 《出土文献综合研究集刊》 2023年第1期166-170,共5页
本文對《諸子徙信燕趙璽印》中幾枚璽印的釋文提出自己的觀點:一、將原釋文爲“喜丞”的“”,改釋爲“厃(尉)喜”;二、將原釋文爲“”的“”讀爲“軌”;三、將原釋文爲“”的“”,改釋爲“餲”;四、將原釋文爲“䍚”的“”,改釋爲“罩(淖... 本文對《諸子徙信燕趙璽印》中幾枚璽印的釋文提出自己的觀點:一、將原釋文爲“喜丞”的“”,改釋爲“厃(尉)喜”;二、將原釋文爲“”的“”讀爲“軌”;三、將原釋文爲“”的“”,改釋爲“餲”;四、將原釋文爲“䍚”的“”,改釋爲“罩(淖)”。 展开更多
关键词 《諸燕趙璽印》 戰國璽印 私璽
作者 何敏 《中医药学报》 CAS 北大核心 1990年第4期42-46,共5页
五倍子味酸、涩、寒。归肺、大肠、肾经。有敛肺降火、涩肠、固精、敛汗、止血等作用。本品一般外用较多,有解毒、消肿、收湿、敛疮、止血等功效,效果满意,现将近10年来临床研究动态综述如下: 一内服法 (一) 上消化道出血:陈氏等用单味... 五倍子味酸、涩、寒。归肺、大肠、肾经。有敛肺降火、涩肠、固精、敛汗、止血等作用。本品一般外用较多,有解毒、消肿、收湿、敛疮、止血等功效,效果满意,现将近10年来临床研究动态综述如下: 一内服法 (一) 上消化道出血:陈氏等用单味五倍子煎剂口服治疗上消化道出33血例,效果显著。 展开更多
关键词 信子 临床应用
我国电子期刊和高校图书馆的发展与利用 被引量:1
作者 刘忠 《黑龙江科技信息》 2008年第31期128-128,共1页
关键词 期刊 服务
作者 白凯 《电子测试》 2013年第5X期266-267,共2页
本文通过对物理层平台使用双核数字信号处理芯片,完成高效的基于OFDM技术的点对点通信。详细讨论了实际电力线通信系统中,采用多相序列族的同步算法、含虚拟子载波的信噪比估计算法、限幅滤波峰均功率比算法的优缺点,以及LDPC编码和卷... 本文通过对物理层平台使用双核数字信号处理芯片,完成高效的基于OFDM技术的点对点通信。详细讨论了实际电力线通信系统中,采用多相序列族的同步算法、含虚拟子载波的信噪比估计算法、限幅滤波峰均功率比算法的优缺点,以及LDPC编码和卷积编码的适用范围,为宽带电力线通信技术的广泛应用提供了有益的参考。 展开更多
关键词 多相序列族的同步算法 含虚拟载波的噪比估计算法 限幅滤波峰均功率比算法
Witnessing quantum phase transition in a non-Hermitian trapped ion system via quantum Fisher information
作者 LIN Yu-Hao YAN Kai +2 位作者 TAN Jia CAO Zhao-Liang HAO Xiang 《中国光学(中英文)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第6期1468-1475,共8页
Quantum Fisher information is used to witness the quantum phase transition in a non-Hermitian trapped ion system with balanced gain and loss,from the viewpoint of quantum parameter estimation.We formulate a general no... Quantum Fisher information is used to witness the quantum phase transition in a non-Hermitian trapped ion system with balanced gain and loss,from the viewpoint of quantum parameter estimation.We formulate a general non-unitary dynamic of any two-level non-Hermitian system in the form of state vector.The sudden change in the dynamics of quantum Fisher information occurs at an exceptional point characterizing quantum criticality.The dynamical behaviors of quantum Fisher information are classified into two different ways which depends on whether the system is located in symmetry unbroken or broken phase regimes.In the phase regime where parity and time reversal symmetry are unbroken,the oscillatory evolution of quantum Fisher information is presented,achieving better quantum measurement precision.In the broken phase regime,quantum Fisher information undergoes the monotonically decreasing behavior.The maximum value of quantum estimation precision is obtained at the exceptional point.It is found that the two distinct kinds of behaviors can be verified by quantum entropy and coherence.Utilizing quantum Fisher information to witness phase transition in the non-Hermitian system is emphasized.The results may have potential applications to non-Hermitian quantum information technology. 展开更多
关键词 PT symmetry non-Hermitian system quantum Fisher information quantum criticality ion trap
Development and Application of Detection Methods for Capture and Transcription Elongation Rate of Bacterial Nascent RNA
作者 LI Yuan-Yuan WANG Yu-Ting +8 位作者 WU Zi-Chun LI Hao-Xuan FEI Ming-Yue SUN Dong-Chang GUALERZI O.Claudio FABBRETTI Attilio GIULIODORI Anna Maria MA Hong-Xia HE Cheng-Guang 《生物化学与生物物理进展》 SCIE CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第9期2249-2260,共12页
Objective Detection and quantification of RNA synthesis in cells is a widely used technique for monitoring cell viability,health,and metabolic rate.After exposure to environmental stimuli,both the internal reference g... Objective Detection and quantification of RNA synthesis in cells is a widely used technique for monitoring cell viability,health,and metabolic rate.After exposure to environmental stimuli,both the internal reference gene and target gene would be degraded.As a result,it is imperative to consider the accurate capture of nascent RNA and the detection of transcriptional levels of RNA following environmental stimulation.This study aims to create a Click Chemistry method that utilizes its property to capture nascent RNA from total RNA that was stimulated by the environment.Methods The new RNA was labeled with 5-ethyluridine(5-EU)instead of uracil,and the azido-biotin medium ligand was connected to the magnetic sphere using a combination of“Click Chemistry”and magnetic bead screening.Then the new RNA was captured and the transcription rate of 16S rRNA was detected by fluorescence molecular beacon(M.B.)and quantitative reverse transcription PCR(qRT-PCR).Results The bacterial nascent RNA captured by“Click Chemistry”screening can be used as a reverse transcription template to form cDNA.Combined with the fluorescent molecular beacon M.B.1,the synthesis rate of rRNA at 37℃is 1.2 times higher than that at 15℃.The 16S rRNA gene and cspI gene can be detected by fluorescent quantitative PCR,it was found that the measured relative gene expression changes were significantly enhanced at 25℃and 16℃when analyzed with nascent RNA rather than total RNA,enabling accurate detection of RNA transcription rates.Conclusion Compared to other article reported experimental methods that utilize screening magnetic columns,the technical scheme employed in this study is more suitable for bacteria,and the operation steps are simple and easy to implement,making it an effective RNA capture method for researchers. 展开更多
关键词 nascent RNA selection Click Chemistry fluorescence molecular beacon
作者 李士虎 《中国水产》 北大核心 2001年第11期48-49,共2页
关键词 鱼病防治 中草药 应用 大黄 信子
Integrative analysis of bone-formation associated genes and immune cell infiltration in osteoporosis, and the prediction of active ingredients in targeted traditional Chinese medicine
作者 WANG Kai DONG Ping GUO Hongzhang 《Digital Chinese Medicine》 CAS CSCD 2024年第2期160-170,共11页
Objective To explore the differential expression and mechanisms of bone formation-related genes in osteoporosis(OP)leveraging bioinformatics and machine learning methodologies;and to predict the active ingredients of ... Objective To explore the differential expression and mechanisms of bone formation-related genes in osteoporosis(OP)leveraging bioinformatics and machine learning methodologies;and to predict the active ingredients of targeted traditional Chinese medicine(TCM)herbs.Methods The Gene Expression Omnibus(GEO)and GeneCards databases were employed to conduct a comprehensive screening of genes and disease-associated loci pertinent to the pathogenesis of OP.The R package was utilized as the analytical tool for the identification of differentially expressed genes.Least absolute shrinkage and selection operator(LASSO)logis-tic regression analysis and support vector machine-recursive feature elimination(SVM-RFE)algorithm were employed in defining the genetic signature specific to OP.Gene Ontology(GO)and Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes(KEGG)pathway enrichment analyses for the selected pivotal genes were conducted.The cell-type identification by estimating rela-tive subsets of RNA transcripts(CIBERSORT)algorithm was leveraged to examine the infiltra-tion patterns of immune cells;with Spearman’s rank correlation analysis utilized to assess the relationship between the expression levels of the genes and the presence of immune cells.Coremine Medical Database was used to screen out potential TCM herbs for the treatment of OP.Comparative Toxicogenomics Database(CTD)was employed for forecasting the TCM ac-tive ingredients targeting the key genes.AutoDock Vina 1.2.2 and GROMACS 2020 softwares were employed to conclude analysis results;facilitating the exploration of binding affinity and conformational dynamics between the TCM active ingredients and their biological targets.Results Ten genes were identified by intersecting the results from the GEO and GeneCards databases.Through the application of LASSO regression and SVM-RFE algorithm;four piv-otal genes were selected:coat protein(CP);kallikrein 3(KLK3);polymeraseγ(POLG);and transient receptor potential vanilloid 4(TRPV4).GO and KEGG pathway enrichment analy-ses revealed that these trait genes were predominantly engaged in the regulation of defense response activation;maintenance of cellular metal ion balance;and the production of chemokine ligand 5.These genes were notably associated with signaling pathways such as ferroptosis;porphyrin metabolism;and base excision repair.Immune infiltration analysis showed that key genes were highly correlated with immune cells.Macrophage M0;M1;M2;and resting dendritic cell were significantly different between groups;and there were signifi-cant differences between different groups(P<0.05).The interaction counts of resveratrol;curcumin;and quercetin with KLK3 were 7;3;and 2;respectively.It shows that the interac-tions of resveratrol;curcumin;and quercetin with KLK3 were substantial.Molecular docking and molecular dynamics simulations further confirmed the robust binding affinity of these bioactive compounds to the target genes.Conclusion Pivotal genes including CP;KLK3;POLG;and TRPV4;exhibited commendable significant prognostic value;and played a crucial role in the diagnostic assessment of OP.Resveratrol;curcumin;and quercetin;natural compounds found in TCM;showed promise in their potential to effectively modulate the bone-forming gene KLK3.This study provides a sci-entific basis for the interpretation of the pathogenesis of OP and the development of clinical drugs. 展开更多
关键词 OSTEOPOROSIS Bone formation Differentially expressed genes Biological information Traditional Chinese medicine(TCM) Active ingredients Molecular mechanism
Revised quantum direct communication scheme with mutual authentication 被引量:2
作者 刘文杰 陈汉武 +1 位作者 许娟 刘志昊 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2010年第4期532-536,共5页
Based on mutual authentication and dense coding,a novel revised efficient quantum direct communication scheme is proposed.It is composed of two phases:the quantum state distribution process and the direct communicati... Based on mutual authentication and dense coding,a novel revised efficient quantum direct communication scheme is proposed.It is composed of two phases:the quantum state distribution process and the direct communication process.The purpose of the former is to authenticate Trent and users to each other,and let the two legitimate users(Alice and Bob)safely share the Bell states.While the latter aims to make direct communication to transmit a secret message between Alice and Bob.In order to prevent from Eve's eavesdropping as well as to authenticate each other simultaneously,a decoy photon checking technique is applied.Compared with other analogous protocols,the quantum state distribution process is more simple and feasible and the proposed scheme is more efficient;i.e.,the total efficiency is almost 100%.Security analysis shows that the proposed scheme is secure against the eavesdropping attacks,the impersonation attacks,and some special Trent's attacks,including the attacks by using different initial states. 展开更多
关键词 quantum direct communication mutual authentica-tion decoy-photon checking impersonation attack special Trent's attack
Neural function rebuilding on different bodies using microelectronic neural bridge technique 被引量:2
作者 沈晓燕 王志功 +3 位作者 吕晓迎 李文渊 赵鑫泰 黄宗浩 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2010年第4期523-527,共5页
A microelectronic circuit is used to regenerate the neural signals between the proximal end and the distal end of an injured nerve.An experimental scheme is designed and carried out to verify the feasibility of the so... A microelectronic circuit is used to regenerate the neural signals between the proximal end and the distal end of an injured nerve.An experimental scheme is designed and carried out to verify the feasibility of the so-called microelectronic neural bridge(MNB).The sciatic signals of the source spinal toad which are evoked by chemical stimuli are used as source signals to stimulate the sciatic of the controlled spinal toad.The sciatic nerve signals of the source spinal toad,the regenerated sciatic signals in the controlled spinal toad,and the resulting electromyography(EMG)signals associated with the gastrocnemius muscle movements of the controlled spinal toad are displayed and recorded by an oscilloscope.By analyzing the coherence between the source sciatic nerve signals and the regenerated sciatic nerve signals and the coherence between the regenerated nerve signals and the EMG signals,it is proved that the regenerated sciatic nerve signals have a relationship with the source sciatic nerve signals and control shrinkage of the leg of the controlled toad. 展开更多
关键词 neural function regeneration electromy-ography(EMG) microelectronic neural bridge coherence function
Effects of C_6-HSL on Potato Growth and Capacity against Soft Rot Disease 被引量:3
作者 黄媛媛 邱健 +3 位作者 马宏 苏浴源 宋聪 宋水山 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2010年第1期61-64,共4页
[Objective]The aim of this study was to investigate whether communication signal C6-HSL among individual bacteria can influence plant growth and disease resistance ability. [Method]With potato virus-free plantlets as ... [Objective]The aim of this study was to investigate whether communication signal C6-HSL among individual bacteria can influence plant growth and disease resistance ability. [Method]With potato virus-free plantlets as the test materials and C6-HSL as the inducer,the potato's growth and the ability of resistance against Erwinia carotovora subp carotovora were tested after being treated by C6-HSL with different concentrations. The effects of C6-HSL on plant landmark defense enzyme activities and H2O2 content in potato leaves were measured especially. [Result]C6-HSL with different concentrations could obviously inhibit the growth rate of root and the number of roots,but had no effect on plant height,number of nodes and leaf size. POD or SOD activity and H2O2 content in plant landmark defense enzymes significantly increased after induction of C6-HSL,but PAL and PPO activity had no obvious change. In the resistant test,potato plants induced by C6-HSL could inhibit the infection of Erwinia carotovora subp carotovora effectively,and its incidence was significantly lower than the control group. [Conclusion]Bacteria AHL can be possibly used as a new kind of plant disease-resistant activator. 展开更多
关键词 Bacterial quorum sensing signal molecule C6-HSL POTATO Defense enzyme Erwinia carotovora subp carotovora
Constrained least squares algorithm for channel vector estimation in 2-D RAKE receiver
作者 王建明 赵春明 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2003年第1期1-4,共4页
Based on the fact that the variation of tile direction of arrival (DOA) isslower than that of the channel fading, the steering vector of the desired signal is estimatedfirstly using a subspace decomposition method and... Based on the fact that the variation of tile direction of arrival (DOA) isslower than that of the channel fading, the steering vector of the desired signal is estimatedfirstly using a subspace decomposition method and then a constrained condition is configured.Traffic signals are further employed to estimate the channel vector based on the constrained leastsquares criterion. We use the iterative least squares with projection (ILSP) algorithm initializedby the pilot to get the estimation. The accuracy of channel estimation and symbol detection can beprogressively increased through the iteration procedure of the ILSP algorithm. Simulation resultsdemonstrate that the proposed algorithm improves the system performance effectively compared withthe conventional 2-D RAKE receiver. 展开更多
关键词 2-D RAKE receiver channel estimation subspace decomposition constrained least squares
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