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信息多元与舆论一律——试析微博在舆论建构中的错误逻辑 被引量:1
作者 王菲 马磊 《东南传播》 2011年第12期51-52,共2页
微博客作为互联网时代的一种新型的融合性媒体,它蕴涵了巨大的能量与可能性。新闻信息的多元、多媒体化的标志性特征与庞大的用户群使微博日益成为舆论滋生的平台和舆论意见的集散地。多元的新闻信息、众多的参与者、自由表达的可能似... 微博客作为互联网时代的一种新型的融合性媒体,它蕴涵了巨大的能量与可能性。新闻信息的多元、多媒体化的标志性特征与庞大的用户群使微博日益成为舆论滋生的平台和舆论意见的集散地。多元的新闻信息、众多的参与者、自由表达的可能似乎预示着微博成为意见交锋的自由市场,兼具资产阶级公共领域特征,但是,纵观社会热点事件中微博舆论的走向与数量,其更多的呈现出一种"舆论一律"的状态。本文旨在揭示微博舆论所呈现的错误逻辑与其非"公共领域"的具体表征以期对如何建构理性的舆论做出一番有益的探讨。 展开更多
关键词 信息多元 舆论一律 微博客 非公共领域
信息多元背景下高职高专大学生理想信念的特征及教育对策 被引量:1
作者 漆晓玲 《西南民族大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第S3期155-157,共3页
在经济全球化背景下,各种信息大举进攻,对当前高职高专大学生的理想信念带来了前所未有的冲击和破坏,他们的理想信念主要表现在积极健康和消极错误并存、努力拚搏和急功近利共生、个人理想和社会理想断裂。本文通过研究四个结合,即马克... 在经济全球化背景下,各种信息大举进攻,对当前高职高专大学生的理想信念带来了前所未有的冲击和破坏,他们的理想信念主要表现在积极健康和消极错误并存、努力拚搏和急功近利共生、个人理想和社会理想断裂。本文通过研究四个结合,即马克思主义理论指导与社会实践教育相结合;高校思想政治理论课的主渠道教育与学校、家庭、社会多渠道相结合;个人理想与社会理想相结合;日常校园管理与解决学生实际问题相结合的引导方式,使他们不仅有扎实的知识和过硬的技能,又有崇高的理想信念,成为建设中国特色社会主义的中坚力量。 展开更多
关键词 高职高专 信息多元 理想信念 个人理想 社会理想
基于SSM框架的辅助管理系统的设计与搭建 被引量:1
作者 陈峰 于晋萍 +2 位作者 何金成 陈行 刘相君 《科技视界》 2015年第34期105-106,共2页
随着人们对信息网络需求的不断增长,移动互联网服务已经成为当下互联网行业中越来越重要的分支领域。结合当今大多数学生使用移动通信设备且信息呈现多元化的背景,为解决传统基于单一B/S结构的管理系统带来的使用不方便,信息更新缓慢等... 随着人们对信息网络需求的不断增长,移动互联网服务已经成为当下互联网行业中越来越重要的分支领域。结合当今大多数学生使用移动通信设备且信息呈现多元化的背景,为解决传统基于单一B/S结构的管理系统带来的使用不方便,信息更新缓慢等问题,提出一种工作管理系统。系统采用SpringMVC+Shiro+Mybatis框架建立,界面采用JSP技术,运用微信服务号,并整合形成完整系统。应用结果表明,该系统能方便广大教师学生的管理工作与交流。 展开更多
关键词 SpringMVC+Shiro+Mybatis 移动应用 信息多元
A Multi-Tuple Rough Set Approach for Information Retrieval
作者 马志锋 邢汉承 郑晓妹 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 1999年第1期63-68,共6页
How to deal with the imprecise information retrieval has become more and more important in the present information society. An efficient and effective method of information retrieval based on multi tuple rough set is... How to deal with the imprecise information retrieval has become more and more important in the present information society. An efficient and effective method of information retrieval based on multi tuple rough set is discussed in this paper. The new approach is considered as a generalization of the original rough set model for flexible information retrieval. The imprecise query results can be obtained by multi tuple approximations. 展开更多
关键词 multi tuple rough set information retrieval information system
作者 崔茉 《新媒体研究》 2016年第12期86-87,共2页
关键词 互联网 竞争优势 信息多元 丰富
作者 崔津铭 《新闻文化建设》 2021年第17期36-37,共2页
随着互联网和新媒体技术的迅猛发展,新闻事业在其生产过程、播报内容及报道形式等方面有诸多变化。宏观上来讲,途径渠道由单一走向多元,形式上由媒体主导走向自媒化。但是总体发展程度将会由自由野蛮发展向规范化、约束化、制度化、法... 随着互联网和新媒体技术的迅猛发展,新闻事业在其生产过程、播报内容及报道形式等方面有诸多变化。宏观上来讲,途径渠道由单一走向多元,形式上由媒体主导走向自媒化。但是总体发展程度将会由自由野蛮发展向规范化、约束化、制度化、法律化过渡,内容上也会由多样化信息向更加有价值、有内涵、有营养、有广泛社会意义的信息发展过渡,在保证新闻本质特性意义的同时发展具有中国特色的新闻传播新理论、新观点。 展开更多
关键词 新媒体 新闻媒介 受众群体 反馈 信息多元
Determinants of Capital Structure in the Nigerian Listed Insurance Firms 被引量:1
作者 Shehu Usman Hassan 《Chinese Business Review》 2012年第7期672-681,共10页
The paper investigates the determinants of capital structure in Nigerian listed insurance firms using data obtained from annual report of the sampled firms for the period of 2001-2010. It used five explanatory variabl... The paper investigates the determinants of capital structure in Nigerian listed insurance firms using data obtained from annual report of the sampled firms for the period of 2001-2010. It used five explanatory variables to measure their effects on debt ratio. Multiple regression is employed as a tool of analysis. The result reveals that all the explanatory variables have statistically and significantly influenced the explained variable. The results approve the prediction of pecking order theory in the case of profitability and trade-off theory in case of tangibility variables. The growth variable supports the agency theory hypothesis whereas size variable confirms to the asymmetry of information theory. It is therefore recommended that the management of listed insurance firms in Nigeria should always consider their positions using these capital structure determinants as important inputs before embarking on debt financing decision. 展开更多
关键词 capital structure determinants leverage Nigerian insurance firms
On the Relationship between China and the International Energy Agency 被引量:1
作者 ma yan zhang yimeng(译) 《Contemporary International Relations》 2016年第1期117-128,5,共12页
As China needs to play a more active role in global energy governance, it must create a diversified, multi-level system to enhance energy security and to alleviate environmental pressures. A China-IEA bilateral relati... As China needs to play a more active role in global energy governance, it must create a diversified, multi-level system to enhance energy security and to alleviate environmental pressures. A China-IEA bilateral relationship exists under an Association Initiative, but a stronger bond is needed. Though it is not an IEA member, China's massive energy needs makes it sensible that the two sides overcome existing obstacles that include OECD membership, statistical information issues and energy autonomy. In this regard an "IEA+China" might be a feasible model. 展开更多
关键词 bilateral autonomy obstacles diversified overcome governance cooperation membership feasible reserve
Portfolio Diversification Using Information Theory Applied to Brazilian Stocks
作者 Hellinton Hatsuo Takada Raphael Assad Santos 《Journal of Mathematics and System Science》 2014年第5期289-294,共6页
Using the concepts from information theory, it is possible to improve the traditional methodologies of asset allocation. In this paper, it was studied and extended the two existent approaches: the first is based on t... Using the concepts from information theory, it is possible to improve the traditional methodologies of asset allocation. In this paper, it was studied and extended the two existent approaches: the first is based on the Shannon entropy concept and the second on the Kullback-Leibler distance. In modem portfolio theory, the investor has two basic procedures: the choice of a portfolio that maximizes its risk-adjusted excess return or the mixed allocation between the maximum Sharpe portfolio and the risk-free asset. The first procedure was already addressed in the related literature. One important contribution of this paper is the consideration of the second procedure in the information theory context. The performance of these approaches was compared with the three traditional asset allocation methodologies: the Markowitz's mean-variance, the resampled mean-variance and the equally weighted portfolio. It was used simulated and real data from Brazilian stocks. The information theory-based methodologies were verified to be more robust when dealing with the estimation errors. 展开更多
关键词 Information theory ENTROPY financial markets.
基于多种不确定性参数分布的U-GERT网络模型及其应用研究 被引量:11
作者 杨保华 方志耕 +2 位作者 张娜 刘思峰 郭本海 《中国管理科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第2期96-101,共6页
针对随机网络研究中活动参数的分布是不确定信息的情况,本文提出了不确定信息的GERT网络模型,并利用信号流图原理研究了不确定信息的GERT网络仿真算法;研究了不确定变量GERT网络的矩母函数的构造,并对其重要的性质做了详细的探讨;最后... 针对随机网络研究中活动参数的分布是不确定信息的情况,本文提出了不确定信息的GERT网络模型,并利用信号流图原理研究了不确定信息的GERT网络仿真算法;研究了不确定变量GERT网络的矩母函数的构造,并对其重要的性质做了详细的探讨;最后通过算例仿真,验证本文提出的不确定信息的GERT网络模型及其仿真算法能够有效的解决现实生活中不确定信息对GERT网络参数的影响,说明模型与算法正确可行。 展开更多
关键词 不确定理论 GERT网络 多元不确定信息 不确定变量
《中国服饰》 2022年第2期33-33,共1页
关键词 新书推荐 行业类别 数码印花 跨时空 百工 内容多样 黄河流域 信息多元
Risk Assessment of Heavy Metal Pollution in Sediments of the Fenghe River by the Fuzzy Synthetic Evaluation Model and Multivariate Statistical Methods 被引量:13
作者 YANG Yang ZHOU Zhengchao +2 位作者 BAI Yanying CAI Yimin CHEN Weiping 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2016年第3期326-334,共9页
Concentrations of heavy metals in 74 sediment samples from the Fenghe River, which originates from the north of the Qinling Mountains and flows through Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, China, were characterized by employi... Concentrations of heavy metals in 74 sediment samples from the Fenghe River, which originates from the north of the Qinling Mountains and flows through Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, China, were characterized by employing geographic information system(GIS)mapping, fuzzy synthetic assessment, and multivariate statistical analysis to determine the enrichment characteristics of heavy metals as well as their potential risks of pollution to sediments. Al, Cd, and Co were the major pollutants, with a high enrichment factor(EF) value. Heavy metal concentrations from samples near the paper plant were maintained at a high level. Significant enrichment of Al, Ba, Cr, Ni, Pb, and Co was found in the midstream and downstream, while high concentration of Cu occurred in the headwater stream. Based on the cluster and principal component analyses, sediment metals mainly came from the paper plants, agronomic practices, natural sources, and tourism, with a contribution of 51.59%, 23.01%, 14.21%, and 9.88%, respectively. Sediment pollution assessment explored using fuzzy theory based on the entropy method and toxicity coefficient showed that 26, 32, and 11 sites fell into Class III(slightly polluted), Class IV(moderately polluted), and Class V(heavily polluted), respectively, and their scores of membership degree in the polluted level were on the rise, suggesting a relatively high degree of sediment metal pollution in the study area. Closely related to the excessive industrial and agricultural applications, metal pollution in sediment is necessary to be addressed in the Fenghe River. 展开更多
关键词 fuzzy theory risk analysis river ecosystem sediment pollution spatial analysis
Denitrification Rates and Their Controlling Factors in Streams of the Han River Basin with Different Land-Use Patterns 被引量:1
作者 S.P.JUNG Y.J.KIM H.KANG 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2014年第4期516-528,共13页
Land-use patterns can affect various nutrient cycles in stream ecosystems, but little information is available about the effects of urban development on denitrification processes at the watershed scale. In the present... Land-use patterns can affect various nutrient cycles in stream ecosystems, but little information is available about the effects of urban development on denitrification processes at the watershed scale. In the presented study, we investigated the controlling factors of denitrification rates within the streams of the Han River Basin, Korea, with different land-use patterns, in order to enhance the effectiveness of water resource management strategies. Ten watersheds were classified into three land-use patterns (forest, agriculture and urban) using satellite images and geographic information system techniques, and in-situ denitrification rates were determined using an acetylene blocking method. Additionally, sediment samples were collected from each stream to analyze denitrifier communities and abundance using molecular approaches. In-situ denitrification rates were found to be in the order of agricultural streams (289.6 mg N20-N m-2 d-1) 〉 urban streams (157.0 mg N20-N m-2 d-1) 〉 forested streams (41.9 mg N20-N m-2 d-l). In contrast, the average quantity of denitrifying genes was the lowest in the urban streams. Genetic diversity of denitrifying genes was not affected by watershed land-use pattern, but exhibited stream-dependent pattern. More significance factors were involved in denitrification in the sites with higher denitrification rates. Multiple linear regression analysis revealed that clay, dissolved organic carbon and water contents were the main factors controlling denitrification rate in the agricultural streams, while dissolved organic carbon was the main controlling factor in the urban streams. In contrast, temperature appeared to be the main controlling factor in the forested streams. 展开更多
关键词 denitrifier communities denitrifying genes nutrient cycle stream ecosystem
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