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作者 王雪妮 张雷克 赵雪花 《山西水利》 2024年第7期58-60,64,共4页
高等院校双语课程的开设及建设是顺应时代发展、培养具有国际视野高层次人才的重要举措。文章从双语教学实施要素构成层面对我国高校双语教学的特点进行了介绍,并以太原理工大学《水信息技术》课程为例,从教学目标、教学方法和考核考评... 高等院校双语课程的开设及建设是顺应时代发展、培养具有国际视野高层次人才的重要举措。文章从双语教学实施要素构成层面对我国高校双语教学的特点进行了介绍,并以太原理工大学《水信息技术》课程为例,从教学目标、教学方法和考核考评等方面进行了论述,讨论了双语教学开展过程中面临的困难和挑战,同时提出了课程未来发展的建议,以期为相关双语教学课程改革提供借鉴。 展开更多
关键词 双语教学 信息技术 教学改革
作者 刘亚丽 唐宏博 +2 位作者 林茜妍 梁正 赵新力 《全球科技经济瞭望》 2023年第4期34-40,共7页
在国际电信联盟曾使用的信息通信技术(ICT)发展指数(IDI)基础上,提出改进的信息通信技术发展指数。通过分析2007—2020年二十国集团(G20)的19个成员国的IDI指数和ICT相关指标揭示了G20成员国在信息通信技术发展方面的特点和差异性。分... 在国际电信联盟曾使用的信息通信技术(ICT)发展指数(IDI)基础上,提出改进的信息通信技术发展指数。通过分析2007—2020年二十国集团(G20)的19个成员国的IDI指数和ICT相关指标揭示了G20成员国在信息通信技术发展方面的特点和差异性。分析发现G20成员国信息通信技术发展水平均有较大幅度的提升,国家之间的信息通信技术发展差距逐渐缩小,但增长速度和发展水平仍存在较大差异;G20成员国中韩国、日本、法国、德国和英国的信息通信技术发展水平最高,美国、加拿大、澳大利亚、沙特阿拉伯和俄罗斯的信息通信技术发展居于G20成员国的中上水平,意大利、阿根廷、中国、巴西、土耳其的发展居于中下水平,墨西哥、南非、印度尼西亚和印度的信息通信技术发展水平较低。 展开更多
关键词 G20 信息 数字化 信息通信技术发展指数 ICT IDI
水利专业课程思政体系方法研究--以水信息技术课程为例 被引量:2
作者 鲁俊蓉 詹欣圣 《中国教育技术装备》 2023年第6期75-77,共3页
关键词 课程思政 课程思政体系 信息技术
基于专业认知提升和工程实践能力培养的“水信息技术”本科生教学改革思考——以太原理工大学“水信息技术”课程为例 被引量:2
作者 王雪妮 张雷克 《黑龙江教育(高教研究与评估)》 2018年第11期16-18,共3页
针对太原理工大学水文与水资源工程专业核心主干课程之一"水信息技术"在教学实践中存在的问题,以激发学生学习兴趣、增强解决实际工程问题能力、提高动手能力为出发点,从树立学习意识、优化教材结构、更新教学内容、加强实践... 针对太原理工大学水文与水资源工程专业核心主干课程之一"水信息技术"在教学实践中存在的问题,以激发学生学习兴趣、增强解决实际工程问题能力、提高动手能力为出发点,从树立学习意识、优化教材结构、更新教学内容、加强实践环节以及完善考核体系等几个方面介绍了该课程未来教学改革的方法与策略,以期加深学生对"水信息技术"的认知程度,从而促进课程总体教学品质与质量的提升。 展开更多
关键词 文与资源工程 信息技术 教学改革
工科院校水文与水资源工程专业本科生实验教学改革思考——以太原理工大学“水信息技术”课程为例 被引量:1
作者 王雪妮 张雷克 《黑龙江教育(高教研究与评估)》 2019年第6期49-51,共3页
针对太原理工大学水文与水资源工程专业核心主干课程之一——“水信息技术”课程实验教学环节存在的问题,以培养学生动脑思考、加强动手能力和树立创新精神为目标,从提升实验教学地位、增加实验教学学时、凸显实验报告思想性、革新实验... 针对太原理工大学水文与水资源工程专业核心主干课程之一——“水信息技术”课程实验教学环节存在的问题,以培养学生动脑思考、加强动手能力和树立创新精神为目标,从提升实验教学地位、增加实验教学学时、凸显实验报告思想性、革新实验教学考核考评机制、优化实验教学内容以及完善实验队伍建设等几个方面介绍了该课程未来实验教学改革的方法与策略,以期为开展该课程及相关课程实验教学的工科院校提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 文与资源工程 信息技术 实验教学 教学改革
《中国防汛抗旱》 2007年第2期63-,共1页
北京金水信息技术发展有限公司(简称金水公司)成立于1998年,是水利部水利信息中心全资高新技术企业。公司内部设立行政事务部、市场策划部、财务部、设计事业部、网络事业部、通信事业部和软件事业部等七个部门,现有员工90多名,专业技... 北京金水信息技术发展有限公司(简称金水公司)成立于1998年,是水利部水利信息中心全资高新技术企业。公司内部设立行政事务部、市场策划部、财务部、设计事业部、网络事业部、通信事业部和软件事业部等七个部门,现有员工90多名,专业技术人员占85%以上。其中,教授级高级工程师8名,高级工程师15名,工程师40余名。 展开更多
关键词 事业部 信息技术 有限公司 北京 教授级高级工程师
基于人工神经网络的洪水水位预报模型 被引量:48
作者 朱星明 卢长娜 +1 位作者 王如云 白婧怡 《水利学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2005年第7期806-811,共6页
本文利用人工神经网络技术,以确定性系数为目标函数,建立以上游和本站水位资料预报本站未来若干时段洪水水位的预报模型,以探讨神经网络技术在水文预报中的应用。研究成果为提高网络训练速度和预报可能产生的超历史洪水情况,给出了输入... 本文利用人工神经网络技术,以确定性系数为目标函数,建立以上游和本站水位资料预报本站未来若干时段洪水水位的预报模型,以探讨神经网络技术在水文预报中的应用。研究成果为提高网络训练速度和预报可能产生的超历史洪水情况,给出了输入输出层的数据规范化的处理方法。选择珠江三角洲河网地区水位站资料,对预报模型进行检验,结果表明在合理选择输入层单元数据和预见期的条件下,可以取得很好的预报成果。 展开更多
关键词 神经网络 文预报 信息技术
Generation of the data required by Conservation Model
作者 牟瑞芳 《Hunan Agricultural Science & Technology Newsletter》 2004年第1期18-20,共3页
Remote sensing techniques and geographic information systems offer a good means of collecting and manipulating the data required for assessing conservation practices. A method for automatic generation of most of the d... Remote sensing techniques and geographic information systems offer a good means of collecting and manipulating the data required for assessing conservation practices. A method for automatic generation of most of the data required by the Agricultural Non point Source erosion model is developed from three sources:(1) file with contour lines from the topographic maps(TM), (2) soil mapping units from the soil surveys, and (3)land cover from land sat TM image classification. 展开更多
关键词 GIS remote sensing technique non-point source pollution AGNPS model
作者 侯伟民 《中小学电教(下)》 2009年第7期113-113,共1页
关键词 信息技术培训 信息技术知识 培训者 教学过程 受训者 信息化教学 学校信息技术 未来教育 信息技术水
Obtain Thematic Maps of Diyarbakir Basalt Aquifer's Water Quality Parameters with Using GIS Technique
作者 Recep Celik 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering(A)》 2016年第3期163-170,共8页
In this study, groundwater quality and water features of Diyarbakir urban basalt aquifer which contains Baglar, Kayapmar, Sur and Yenisehir residential areas aimed to be determined. At this location, water wells opene... In this study, groundwater quality and water features of Diyarbakir urban basalt aquifer which contains Baglar, Kayapmar, Sur and Yenisehir residential areas aimed to be determined. At this location, water wells opened for drinking water and irrigation water are used in the agricultural field. Therefore, in the study area, which opened in water samples taken from water wells were examined. It was reformed in the field, water samples were taken from the predrilled water wells. Water wells in the same coordinates are determined by Garmin etrex 30 handheld GPS system. Chemical analysis of water samples taken in the laboratory was made. The wells water's pH, Electrical Conductivity (EC) and Dissolved Solids (TDS) features were acquired by Portable Hanna HI 98125 pH/EC/TDS/℃ meter device at the field. At this study, basalt aquifer features are considered, and water quality and water chemical properties were determined in Diyarbakir city centre, pH, EC and TDS values of the water samples taken on site and those water chemical analyses were measured in the laboratory. Then, they were modelled by using ARC INFO 10.2.1 GIS programme and geostatistical analyst extension tool. At the end of this process, thematic map of Diyarbakir's basalt aquifer pH, EC and TDS were produced. 展开更多
关键词 GROUNDWATER GIS water quality Diyarbaklr city center.
Students' Attitude and Their Level of the ICT Use as Learning English Media
作者 Sudiran 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2016年第5期315-323,共9页
This study aims to reveal the students' attitude towards the use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) as learning English Media, to describe the level of their ability to use ICT, and to portray their ... This study aims to reveal the students' attitude towards the use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) as learning English Media, to describe the level of their ability to use ICT, and to portray their difficulties to apply Internet at universities. This study used quantitative and qualitative (mixed) method which consisted of two data collection techniques: questionnaire and interview. Respondents total 153 students who responded to the questionnaire and participants interviewed were four students from two private universities in Malang, East Java, Indonesia. The findings show that students have positive attitude towards ICT use as media for learning English. The data analysis strengthens the results which indicate that Intemet as part oflCT functions helps students to elicit useful information. Of the 99.4% participants respond to the questionnaire which stated strongly agree or agree, its mean score is M = 4.69, and its standard deviation is SD = 0.50. The level of students' ability to apply ICT is good. Moreover, interview data indicates that students face two difficulties to apply ICT such as Intemet connection problems and ICT illiteracy. The former is regarding the Intemet facility given by the university. The latter deals with the students' incompetence in applying ICT because they have no Intemet use experience. 展开更多
Evaluation of Material-based Development of China Using GIS Methods
作者 Liu Dong Feng Zhiming Yang Yanzhao 《Chinese Journal of Population,Resources and Environment》 2010年第3期17-24,共8页
Regional development is a course of accumulation based on many factors, which is directly related to resources utilization and conversion. And material wealth production and accumulation embody the outcome of regional... Regional development is a course of accumulation based on many factors, which is directly related to resources utilization and conversion. And material wealth production and accumulation embody the outcome of regional development. Thus, focusing on material wealth, regional development can be evaluated from resources and perspective of resources conversion. Taking the infrastructural level, transportation accessibility and economic development level into full account, the concept of "material-based development" was presented and the material-based development index (MDI) model was established. By using the MDI model, geographic information system technology and mathematic methods, this article then calculated MDI of each county and province of China in 2005 and systematically evaluated the material-based development of China at county and provincial scales, so as to bring some scientific references and policy-making supports to the population development function oriented zoning and population spatial distribution planning of China. The result showed that: (1) At county scale, the material-based development of counties within China in 2005 was significantly different, in which there were 1876 counties belonging to the mid-level material-based development and accounted for 78.10% of the total. The numbers of high-level and low-level counties were 144 and 382 and accounted for 6.00% and 15.90% respectively, demonstrating a spindle shape in general. The spatial distribution of material-based development was unbalanced, and it was much better in southeastern part of the line of "Daxinganling–Yinshan-Liupanshan–southeast edge of Qinghai–Tibet Plateau" than that of northwestern. Furthermore, there were also differences of the sub-index between different material-based development levels. Therefore, for different regions, key issues and measures adaptable to local condition should be prioritized and taken in order to realize regional balance development. (2) At provincial scale, there was also significant difference between each province and the spatial distribution of it was "high in the east, low in the west" in general. It meant that the capacity of natural resources attraction and conversion of east China was better than that of west China. The infrastructure level was the main factor ac- counting for the differences of material-based development levelsamong provinces. As a result, our government should make great efforts to improve infrastructure condition, especially the western part of China, so as to narrow the gap between the western part and the eastern part to realize the coordinated development within different regions and rapidly socio-economic development of China. 展开更多
关键词 material-based development material-based development index RESOURCES population GIS China
Hydro-hypsometric analysis of tropical river basins,Southwest Coast of India using geospatial technology
作者 Gopinath GIRISH Ambili Gopalan KAMALAMMA +1 位作者 N P JESIYA Kuriachan LEMOON 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2016年第5期939-946,共8页
The key aspect in planning and management of water resources is to analyze the runoff potential and erosion status of the river basin.For the detailed investigation of hydrological response freely available Cartosat-1... The key aspect in planning and management of water resources is to analyze the runoff potential and erosion status of the river basin.For the detailed investigation of hydrological response freely available Cartosat-1(IRS-P5) data was used for the preparation of digital elevation model(DEM).The runoff potential and type of erosive process of 22 river basins originating in the global biodiversity hotspot of Western Ghats,was inferred through hypsometric analysis.Several parameters like Hypsometric integral(HI),maximum concavity(Eh),coordinates of slope inflection point(I) given by a* and h* and normalized height of hypsometric curve(h) were extracted from the hypsometric curves and used for understanding the hydrological responses.From the hypsometric curves,the landform evolution processes were inferred.Contribution of diffusive and fluvial processes in slope degradation of the river basins was understood.Basins with lesser area(<100 km^2) were found to have a positive correlation between hypsometric integral and basin area,whereas for large basins no such correlation exists.Based on the study,river basins can be prioritized for the appropriate conservation measures. 展开更多
关键词 HYPSOMETRY Runoff potential Erosion status Cartosat-1 data River Basins
Thoughts on Grade Teaching of "University Computer Basis" in Medical College
作者 SUN Hua WANG Yibai 《International English Education Research》 2016年第5期75-76,共2页
Along with information technology in depth, The combined degree of computer and medical specialty is more closely, students in computer operation level has greatly improved, traditional teaching in basic computer has ... Along with information technology in depth, The combined degree of computer and medical specialty is more closely, students in computer operation level has greatly improved, traditional teaching in basic computer has been seriously impacted, ?This paper discusses the effect of the university Computer Basis reform in Medical College. 展开更多
关键词 University Computer Basis Medical College
A new image watermarking framework based on levels-directions decomposition in contourlet representation
作者 M.F.Kazemi M.A.Pourmina A.H.Mazinan 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2017年第3期521-532,共12页
With the development of digital information technologies,robust watermarking framework is taken into real consideration as a challenging issue in the area of image processing,due to the large applicabilities and its u... With the development of digital information technologies,robust watermarking framework is taken into real consideration as a challenging issue in the area of image processing,due to the large applicabilities and its utilities in a number of academic and real environments.There are a wide range of solutions to provide image watermarking frameworks,while each one of them is attempted to address an efficient and applicable idea.In reality,the traditional techniques do not have sufficient merit to realize an accurate application.Due to the fact that the main idea behind the approach is organized based on contourlet representation,the only state-of-the-art materials that are investigated along with an integration of the aforementioned contourlet representation in line with watermarking framework are concentrated to be able to propose the novel and skilled technique.In a word,the main process of the proposed robust watermarking framework is organized to deal with both new embedding and de-embedding processes in the area of contourlet transform to generate watermarked image and the corresponding extracted logo image with high accuracy.In fact,the motivation of the approach is that the suggested complexity can be of novelty,which consists of the contourlet representation,the embedding and the corresponding de-embedding modules and the performance monitoring including an analysis of the watermarked image as well as the extracted logo image.There is also a scrambling module that is working in association with levels-directions decomposition in contourlet embedding mechanism,while a decision maker system is designed to deal with the appropriate number of sub-bands to be embedded in the presence of a series of simulated attacks.The required performance is tangibly considered through an integration of the peak signal-to-noise ratio and the structural similarity indices that are related to watermarked image.And the bit error rate and the normal correlation are considered that are related to the extracted logo analysis,as well.Subsequently,the outcomes are fully analyzed to be competitive with respect to the potential techniques in the image colour models including hue or tint in terms of their shade,saturation or amount of gray and their brightness via value or luminance and also hue,saturation and intensity representations,as long as the performance of the whole of channels are concentrated to be presented.The performance monitoring outcomes indicate that the proposed framework is of significance to be verified. 展开更多
关键词 contourlet based watermarking framework levels-directions decomposition embedding process de-embedding process peak signal-to-noise ratio structural similarity indices normal correlation bit error rate
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