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信息网络化社会的师生和谐关系构建路向 被引量:2
作者 白明亮 《南京师大学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第3期12-16,共5页
师生冲突不仅要关注基本概念、行为类属、成因根源、功能认识、问题策略等核心要素的必要分析,也应充分考虑诸如发生状况、内涵构成、责任主体、总体性质等涵盖要素的分析必要。基于此,立足信息网络化社会特征及其对学生的影响,在阐明... 师生冲突不仅要关注基本概念、行为类属、成因根源、功能认识、问题策略等核心要素的必要分析,也应充分考虑诸如发生状况、内涵构成、责任主体、总体性质等涵盖要素的分析必要。基于此,立足信息网络化社会特征及其对学生的影响,在阐明信息网络化社会师生冲突基本样态基础上,结合师生和谐"权力占有"和"权益分配"关注面缺失下"和谁之谐"与"怎样和谐"的合理追问,从形式和内涵两方面提出信息网络化社会社会视野下和而不同式师生和谐关系的构建路向。 展开更多
关键词 信息网络化社会 师生冲突 师生和谐 和而不同
学生是谁——信息网络化社会学生社会属性再审视 被引量:2
作者 白明亮 《教育理论与实践》 北大核心 2010年第7期11-14,共4页
信息技术的发展在使得网络由原初单纯便利性的"技术手段"向人类社会"生活(新)样式"转变的同时,也在改变着学生的社会性存在。网络依凭其"较弱的社会角色期待、海量的知识信息提供和广延的互动交往空间"... 信息技术的发展在使得网络由原初单纯便利性的"技术手段"向人类社会"生活(新)样式"转变的同时,也在改变着学生的社会性存在。网络依凭其"较弱的社会角色期待、海量的知识信息提供和广延的互动交往空间"的独特文化品性,以及合乎学生"做自己(喜欢做)的事"、说自己(想说)的话"和"成自己(想成为)的人"的个体主观诉求,成为学生的第四重社会存在,改变着学生既有的社会面目,重组着学生既有的社会结构,调整着学生既有的社会认同,拓展着"和而不同"新型师生和谐关系的构建。 展开更多
关键词 学生 信息网络化社会 社会属性
作者 白明亮 《南京航空航天大学学报(社会科学版)》 2009年第4期92-95,100,共5页
师生冲突不仅要关注"基本概念、行为类属、成因根源、功能认识、问题策略"等核心要素的必要分析,也应充分考虑诸如"发生状况、内涵构成、责任主体、总体性质"等涵盖要素的分析必要。基于此,立足信息网络化社会特征... 师生冲突不仅要关注"基本概念、行为类属、成因根源、功能认识、问题策略"等核心要素的必要分析,也应充分考虑诸如"发生状况、内涵构成、责任主体、总体性质"等涵盖要素的分析必要。基于此,立足信息网络化社会特征及其对学生的影响,在阐明信息网络化社会师生冲突基本样态基础上,结合师生和谐"权力占有"和"权益分配"关注面缺失下"和谁之谐"与"怎样和谐"的合理追问,从形式和内涵两方面提出信息网络化社会社会视野下和而不同式师生和谐关系的构建路向。 展开更多
关键词 信息网络化社会 师生冲突 师生和谐 和而不同
作者 白明亮 《文教资料》 2009年第32期179-180,共2页
信息网络化社会对教育,尤其高等教育的影响越来越深、越来越广。网络依凭其独特文化品性和特质,在改变学生社会属性、影响学生学习和教育生活的同时,也在不断冲击和侵蚀着教师的“知识权威”和“社会权威”。“教会学习”与“和而不... 信息网络化社会对教育,尤其高等教育的影响越来越深、越来越广。网络依凭其独特文化品性和特质,在改变学生社会属性、影响学生学习和教育生活的同时,也在不断冲击和侵蚀着教师的“知识权威”和“社会权威”。“教会学习”与“和而不同”,成为教师有效“教(整合网络知识)”和合理“育(构建和谐价值)”的必要角色选择。 展开更多
关键词 信息网络化社会 高校教师 角色研究
On the necessity and countermeasures of the "internalization" construction of the China-characterized public diplomacy under the new situations
作者 Li Weitao 《International English Education Research》 2015年第6期115-118,共4页
In the era of the globalization of the economy, the network of the information, and the socialization of the citizens, there is the tendency that a country's domestic problems will be internationalized, while the int... In the era of the globalization of the economy, the network of the information, and the socialization of the citizens, there is the tendency that a country's domestic problems will be internationalized, while the international issues will be domestic. Combined with the background of China to realize the "China Dreams", in the field of the public diplomacy, we should pay sufficient attention to the "internalization" construction in the aspects of the value ideas, the mode of the systems, the political propositions, and the cultural influence and so on, which is the benign interaction involving the governments, the citizens and the social organizations. In this paper, the author casts a brick to attract jade. Through the discussion of the necessity of the "internalization" construction of the public diplomacy, the author carries out the discussion from the social and the cultural dimensions, in order to arouse the attention to the "internalization" construction of the public diplomacy, so that our country will be more influential in the politics, and more approachable in the images, and more appealing in the morality. 展开更多
关键词 Public diplomacy internalization construction Chinese characteristics
Research on the characteristics of the mode of the network ideological and political education of college students
作者 Yuan Hui 《International English Education Research》 2015年第8期65-67,共3页
With the development and progress of the social sciences, the Party and the state have attached great importance to the work of the construction of the informatization. Especially the Eighteenth National Congress of t... With the development and progress of the social sciences, the Party and the state have attached great importance to the work of the construction of the informatization. Especially the Eighteenth National Congress of the CPC put forward the synchronous development of the "four modernizations", and promoted the information technology to the national strategy, making the field of the construction of the informatization broader, so that the informatization also occupied an important position in the construction of colleges and universities. The development of the informatization plays an important role in the development of colleges and universities. 展开更多
Research on Public Opinion Transmission and Evolution Mechanism in Network
作者 Zhang Fangyuan 《International English Education Research》 2014年第2期35-38,共4页
As the Internet continues to expand, the influence of network information on real life has gradually deepened. Research on propagation and evolution of Internet public opinion has become a hot topic. The force of inte... As the Internet continues to expand, the influence of network information on real life has gradually deepened. Research on propagation and evolution of Internet public opinion has become a hot topic. The force of intemet public opinion penetrates and influences on every aspect of the society. Compared with traditional public opinion, the network public opinion has features of immediate, multivariate and interactive, the propagation behavior has the new change compared with the traditional public opinion. In the propagation behavior of network public opinion, agenda setting is no longer an arbitrary, the influence of opinion leaders in the agenda setting becomes more and more complex and diversified. The formation time of network public opinion is short, and social influence becomes strong. Guide the public opinion to build a harmonious environment of network public opinion. Overall, our country' s network public opinion environment is a benign situation and steadily promoting the reforms of public policies. Although there is still a few not rational voices full of them, the network public opinion shows a general trend of positive thinking. Based on this philosophy, through the research of network public opinion dissemination and evolution mechanism, can be all-round good guidance and supervision of public opinion, building a harmonious network environment of public opinion. 展开更多
关键词 network public opinion propagation of intemet public opinion evolution of intemet public opinion
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