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作者 叶国林 刘邓 +1 位作者 郭家文 张晓宇 《软件》 2024年第9期139-141,共3页
本研究基于银联交易数据,成功构建了某银行贷前审批风控评分卡模型。经过数据处理、特征衍生与选择、建模及评估,该模型的KS指标超过了0.3,PSI在0.02左右,表现稳定且业务可行,对贷前用户风险评估具有显著参考价值。研究同时证明了银联... 本研究基于银联交易数据,成功构建了某银行贷前审批风控评分卡模型。经过数据处理、特征衍生与选择、建模及评估,该模型的KS指标超过了0.3,PSI在0.02左右,表现稳定且业务可行,对贷前用户风险评估具有显著参考价值。研究同时证明了银联交易数据的商业价值,为多方数据联合建模提供了经典案例。 展开更多
关键词 银联数据 评分卡模型 信贷风
作者 吴晓棠 《商情(科学教育家)》 2007年第11期26-27,共2页
关键词 银行债权 信贷风险防范 消费信贷业务 个人信用制度 借款人 商业银行防范 金融机构 个人征信 信贷风
基于数字银行背景下数字信贷风险控制管理的战略研究 被引量:126
作者 陆岷峰 王婷婷 《金融理论与实践》 北大核心 2020年第1期21-26,共6页
商业银行作为与数字基因关联度最强的实体,数字经济的发展无疑会加快其数字化的进程。信贷资产作为商业银行资产的主体,其风险管理水平高低直接决定其质量好坏。数字银行首先要体现在数字信贷风险控制(以下简称数字风控)上。数字银行背... 商业银行作为与数字基因关联度最强的实体,数字经济的发展无疑会加快其数字化的进程。信贷资产作为商业银行资产的主体,其风险管理水平高低直接决定其质量好坏。数字银行首先要体现在数字信贷风险控制(以下简称数字风控)上。数字银行背景下的数字风控就要根据数字经济条件下商业银行信贷风险新特征,打金融科技工具运用的组合拳,实现信贷业务贷前调查、贷中检查、贷后管理的全方位、全流程的数字化管理。 展开更多
关键词 金融科技 数字银行 数字信贷风 战略
作者 刘纪录 《中国商论》 2020年第3期39-40,共2页
以权益检验为核心的信贷风控技术是一个完整的风控链条,技术工具运用、制度建设、客户经理及风险经理平行调查、财务数据审查会、审贷会等以权益检验为核心的信贷风控技术,针对性的加强信贷风险管控,把不良贷款率控制在合理水平,降低信... 以权益检验为核心的信贷风控技术是一个完整的风控链条,技术工具运用、制度建设、客户经理及风险经理平行调查、财务数据审查会、审贷会等以权益检验为核心的信贷风控技术,针对性的加强信贷风险管控,把不良贷款率控制在合理水平,降低信贷风险发生概率,减少信贷风险给银行带来的损失,从而实现银行收益的改善,提升银行的核心竞争力。 展开更多
关键词 权益检验 信贷风 应用
基于商业银行视角的大数据信贷风控研究 被引量:1
作者 邵黎 张仿龙 +1 位作者 陈俊 张林欢 《国际金融》 2020年第11期50-55,共6页
互联网技术推动了大数据在金融科技中的应用。本文立足大数据在商业银行信贷风险控制中的作用,通过分析阿里金融、京东金融、A银行的大数据风控模式,对商业银行大数据信贷风控的实践与运用进行了研究探讨。在此基础上,从大数据风控模式... 互联网技术推动了大数据在金融科技中的应用。本文立足大数据在商业银行信贷风险控制中的作用,通过分析阿里金融、京东金融、A银行的大数据风控模式,对商业银行大数据信贷风控的实践与运用进行了研究探讨。在此基础上,从大数据风控模式下的小企业信贷风险防范,以及未来商业银行大数据信贷风控的重点等维度,提出了商业银行改进大数据信贷风控模式的对策建议。本文的研究对当前经济金融环境下加强商业银行对信贷风险的防范控制,具有一定的现实意义。 展开更多
关键词 商业银行 大数据 信贷风 控模式 控研究
作者 张佳 李毅 《中国农村金融》 2020年第10期93-94,共2页
关键词 核心竞争力 农商银行 人工智能技术 险管理水平 信贷风 大数据 智能化发展 信贷管理系统
浅析电商平台相关联的互联网信贷发展 被引量:2
作者 陈超 《中国集体经济》 2014年第19期97-99,共3页
近来兴起的低门槛的互联网金融使得普惠制金融体制改革迎来曙光。新兴金融具备了很多优势,但是也存在着一些不可回避的问题。文章围绕互联网信贷相关问题,着眼于中小企业融资问题,浅析了互联网金融对利率市场化的影响,着重分析了互联网... 近来兴起的低门槛的互联网金融使得普惠制金融体制改革迎来曙光。新兴金融具备了很多优势,但是也存在着一些不可回避的问题。文章围绕互联网信贷相关问题,着眼于中小企业融资问题,浅析了互联网金融对利率市场化的影响,着重分析了互联网信贷两个主要考虑的问题——资金流动性风险和信贷违约控制问题,针对问题给出了相应的措施和政策建议。 展开更多
关键词 互联网信贷 利率市场化 信贷风 流动性
基于二类Logistic回归的小微企业网贷在线评估及实现 被引量:1
作者 黄天云 刘一平 《西南民族大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2018年第4期381-389,共9页
对源于某银行的92420例小微企业贷款类申请数据,首先应用二类Logistic回归分析,得到信用评估初步结论.进一步基于地理位置、成交时间、类别等组合特征进行深度数据挖掘,通过Xgboost特征选择和参数随机波动,训练多个子模型进行Bagging;通... 对源于某银行的92420例小微企业贷款类申请数据,首先应用二类Logistic回归分析,得到信用评估初步结论.进一步基于地理位置、成交时间、类别等组合特征进行深度数据挖掘,通过Xgboost特征选择和参数随机波动,训练多个子模型进行Bagging;通过Bootstrap数据子集抽样,在多个子集上训练Large-Scale SVM进行平均.综合Xgboost、LargeScale SVM,以及Rank加权求和,提出一种最佳融合模型方案—XSL模型,该模型交叉验证值提高到0.79.采用Python加载flask搭建web框架,设计小微企业网贷在线申请与审核系统,审核结果用总得分和雷达图表示,实现了自动化审核和可视化展示. 展开更多
关键词 小微企业 互联网金融 信贷风 LOGISTIC回归分析 数据可视化
Determination of Credit Risk Charges for Malaysian Life Insurance Industry: An Application of Default Probability
作者 Norhana Abd Rahim Fauziah Hanim Tafri 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2012年第3期435-444,共10页
The objective of this paper is to measure the risk charge for credit risk as one of the components in the risk based capital of the capital adequacy framework. Currently, the risk charge for credit risk is measured by... The objective of this paper is to measure the risk charge for credit risk as one of the components in the risk based capital of the capital adequacy framework. Currently, the risk charge for credit risk is measured by referring it to the credit rating of a company. Following the subprime crisis in 2007, the markets start to question the soundness of the credit rating issued as it has resulted in an inadequate risk charge. Therefore, this study attempts to determine the risk charge for credit risk using the probability of default (PD) for life insurers in Malaysia. The credit risk has been categorized into several types of debt obligations. Whereby, the KMV-Merton model has been used to measure the distance to default and estimate the probability of default. The estimation of default probability is based on the movement in the price index of several debt obligations. The price index of debt obligations from year 2004 to 2009 is collected inclusive of the subprime crisis period during the crisis period. Therefore, Malaysia insurance industry is The results found that the risk charges are lower not affected by the subprime crisis in 2007. 展开更多
关键词 credit risk risk charge probability of default (PD) KMV-Merton
Loan Loss Provisioning Practices
作者 Mohd Yaziz Mohd Isa Yap Voon Choong David Yong Gun Fie 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2013年第6期814-822,共9页
The purpose of this paper is to come up with factors in loan loss provisioning practices on commercial banks that reflect on collectability of defaulted loans. The need for this research is due to failures in the loan... The purpose of this paper is to come up with factors in loan loss provisioning practices on commercial banks that reflect on collectability of defaulted loans. The need for this research is due to failures in the loan loss provisioning practices which resulted in loan loss provisions (LLP) not reflecting on collectability of the defaulted loans. As a consequence, the banks do not capture their loss expectations and do not continuously reassess their loss expectations as the conditions affecting their borrowers may change. Henceforth, in their financial reporting, the banks do not represent relevantly and faithfully their true underlying credit risks conditions. When the banks do not represent relevantly and faithfully their true underlying risk conditions, they contradict the objectives of useful financial reporting. The results showed that among explanatory variables, bad debt recoveries as a factor in loan loss provisioning practices that reflect on collectability of defaulted loans was rejected. Bad debt recoveries was a biased variable and inconsistent estimator. In context of perceived credit risks as the basis to make credit judgments, an estimate of bad debt recoveries had not fulfilled the criteria. On the other hand, non-performing loans (NPL) as a factor in loan loss provisioning practices was not rejected. 展开更多
关键词 loan loss provisioning practices commercial banks non-performing loans (NPL) estimated bad debt recoveries defaulted loans
Risk Premiums and Financial Stability
作者 Bogdan Moinescu 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2011年第8期792-798,共7页
The collective revelation of credit institutions as regards the imminence of specific risks materialising, which often follows long periods of underestimating probable losses, can trigger a broad-based financial delev... The collective revelation of credit institutions as regards the imminence of specific risks materialising, which often follows long periods of underestimating probable losses, can trigger a broad-based financial deleveraging via an overly high upsurge in banks' risk premiums vis-a-vis the dynamics of fundamentals underlying loan repayment capability. In this context, this paper seeks to investigate the banking sector's internal mechanisms that might bring about a negative spiral of credit risk by building a model for the interaction between the increase of the risk premium and that of net interest income and provisioning rate. Statistical results confirm that a higher risk premium is one of the major determinants of credit default in Romania and its excessive widening could affect financial stability in Romania. 展开更多
关键词 risk premium financial stability negative spirals of credit risk financial deleveraging CDS (credit default swap) spread
Chinese banking system: Peculiarities in a comparison with Italian case
作者 Manuela Gallo Valeria Vannoni 《Chinese Business Review》 2010年第8期1-12,共12页
The analysis of principal data on Chinese banks highlights how they are exposed to credit risk, primarily generated from loans to public companies. Chinese banks have a good capital provision; The analysis of economic... The analysis of principal data on Chinese banks highlights how they are exposed to credit risk, primarily generated from loans to public companies. Chinese banks have a good capital provision; The analysis of economic data describes a system oriented towards relationship lending; The average profitability per employee shows wide margins of improvement in terms of efficiency and technological equipment. The comparison with the case of Italy, which like China can be considered an economy heavily oriented to banking intermediation, it is useful to highlight some peculiarities of the Chinese banking system. 展开更多
关键词 China banking system bank performances
Credit Risk (Based on Analysis of Financial Statements) as the Decisive Factor Influencing the Risk of Investors
作者 Nada Milenkovic Milos Pjanic Jelena Andrasic 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2013年第8期1081-1087,共7页
Banks as the key subjects in the financing of investment have a strong influence on the risk of investors. Hence, the solvency of the bank is of crucial importance for the risk management in the investment process. Gi... Banks as the key subjects in the financing of investment have a strong influence on the risk of investors. Hence, the solvency of the bank is of crucial importance for the risk management in the investment process. Given the fact of underdevelopment of financial markets and the lack of trading activities in securities, it is evident that the investments of banks in the developing countries mostly include lending investments. Looking at the key categories of risk that influence the overall risk of the banking business in such conditions, it can be concluded that credit risk presents the dominant and decisive factor. The aim of the paper is to select the bank determinant key factors of credit risk and to determine the extent to which non-performing loans (NPL) of bank credits affect the solvency of banks, and therefore also the risk of investors. This selection of the main determinants will be based on the analysis of financial statements. This is essential, especially taking into account the impact of the global financial crisis and the increasingly frequent falling into insolvency customers. Finally, liquidity of customers is that of the bank, and it is crucial for investors to timely identify possible risks associated with bank loans in order to proactively manage risk investment. 展开更多
关键词 risk management credit risk analysis bank solvency non-performing loans (NPL)
On Structural Approach for the Valuation of Credit Risk
作者 O. H. Edogbanya S. E. Fadugba 《Journal of Mathematics and System Science》 2014年第6期377-386,共10页
This paper presents structural approach for the valuation of credit risk. Credit risk arises whenever a borrower is expecting to use future cash flows to pay a current debt. It is closely tied to the potential return ... This paper presents structural approach for the valuation of credit risk. Credit risk arises whenever a borrower is expecting to use future cash flows to pay a current debt. It is closely tied to the potential return of investment, the most notable being that the yields on bonds correlate strongly to their perceived credit risk. Structural approach is based on the volatility of the total value of the firm. The credit risk to this measured in a standard way. The random time of default is defined in an intuition way. The default event is linked to the notion of the firm's insolvency. This approach is known to generated low credit spreads for corporate bonds close to maturity. It requires a judicious specification of the default barrier in order to get a good fit to the observed spread curves. 展开更多
关键词 Credit risk structural approach risk-neutral valuation formula
The impact of credit risk transfer on financial stability
作者 Shoufang Wang 《International English Education Research》 2015年第5期39-41,共3页
The development of credit risk transfer market disperse the credit risk of banks, at the same time, also give a threat to the whole financial system with instability. This paper from the influence factors of financial... The development of credit risk transfer market disperse the credit risk of banks, at the same time, also give a threat to the whole financial system with instability. This paper from the influence factors of financial stability, explores how credit risk affecting the stability of financial system. Research found that the rating risk of credit risk transfer can cause default contagion in the financial markets. 展开更多
关键词 credit risk financial stability credit derivative instrument
Credit Risk Transfer and the Performance of Commercial Banks --Based on the Panel Data
作者 Wang shoufang 《International English Education Research》 2015年第6期22-27,共6页
Based on the panel data, we analyze the US commercial banks' CRT. According to the study, we find that the introduction of CRT will increase the level of banks' liquid risk. The performance of bank mainly is that it... Based on the panel data, we analyze the US commercial banks' CRT. According to the study, we find that the introduction of CRT will increase the level of banks' liquid risk. The performance of bank mainly is that its supervision and review of risk will drop, based on the impact of asymmetric information, commercial Banks transfer the bad loans to investors. Through the analysis we can see that after the transfer of credit risk in commercial bank did not increase income and reduce risk. Because commercial Banks can extend more bad loans to expand its lending scale, and bad loans will increase the bank overall risk. 展开更多
关键词 Commercial banks credit risk transfer panel data PERFORMANCE
Credit Risk Transfer in SME Loan Guarantee Networks 被引量:13
作者 LENG Aolin XING Guangyuan FAN Weiguo 《Journal of Systems Science & Complexity》 SCIE EI CSCD 2017年第5期1084-1096,共13页
Joint loan guarantee contracts and mutual guarantee contracts among SMEs form the basis of SME guarantee networks. The expansion of these networks increases the fragility of a financial system as a result of the regio... Joint loan guarantee contracts and mutual guarantee contracts among SMEs form the basis of SME guarantee networks. The expansion of these networks increases the fragility of a financial system as a result of the regional and industrial risk contagion embedded within them. By providing a theoretical framework of a loan guarantee network, a method is proposed for calculating the amount of risk spillover caused by loan guarantees taking the perspective of the entire network. In addition,the route of risk contagion in guarantee networks is analyzed, revealing that when default risk shocks occur, risk contagion travels along the nodes not once but for several rounds and that the risk control of one firm cannot prevent these systemic risks. Therefore, a risk control scheme is designed based on the location and importance of firms in the network. Using data from a real guarantee network,we demonstrate that identifying the node locations of firms' in the guarantee network(including the coritivity and closeness of the firm) can help in understanding risk contagion mechanisms and preventing systemic credit risk before a crisis occurs. 展开更多
Personal Credit Risk .Scoring Model Based on Rough Set and Neural Network
作者 Hui Lu Shangfeng Yao 《Journal of Systems Science and Information》 2008年第4期307-314,共8页
In order to improve the precision of personal credit risk assessment, applying rough set and neural network to the credit risk scoring prediction problem in an attempt to suggest a new model with better classification... In order to improve the precision of personal credit risk assessment, applying rough set and neural network to the credit risk scoring prediction problem in an attempt to suggest a new model with better classification accuracy. To evaluate the prediction accuracy of the model, we compare its performance with those of SVM, linear discriminate analysis, logistic regression analysis, K-nearest neighbors, classification and regression tree, neural network and PCA-NN. The experimental results show the model have a very good prediction accuracy 展开更多
关键词 credit risk credit risk assessment rough set neural network 5-fold cross-validation
A Credit Risk Evaluation Approach to Neural Network Training by Means of Financial Ratios
作者 Qian Ye 《Journal of Systems Science and Information》 2009年第1期23-32,共10页
In recent years artificial neural networks are used to recognize the risk category of investigated companies. The research is based on data from 81 listed enterprises that applied for credit in domestic regional banks... In recent years artificial neural networks are used to recognize the risk category of investigated companies. The research is based on data from 81 listed enterprises that applied for credit in domestic regional banks operating in China. The backpropagation algorithm-the multilayer feedforward network structure is described. Each firm is described by 9 diagnostic variables and potential borrowers are classified into four classes. The efficiency of classification is evaluated in terms of classification errors calculated from the actual classification made by the credit officers. The results of the experiments show that LevenbergMarque training error is smallest among 4 learning algorithms and its performance is better, and application of artificial neural networks and classification functions can support the creditworthiness evaluation of borrowers. 展开更多
关键词 credit risk evaluation financial ratio neural network classification algorithms the multilayer network
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