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作者 徐继文 《鄂州大学学报》 1996年第4期63-64,共2页
《红楼梦》太虚幻境的楹联:“假作真时真亦假,无为有处有还无”,其寓意千回百转,奥妙深远、耐人寻味! 余甚觉“假作真时真亦假”应与姓氏联系在一起破译,即“贾作甄时甄亦假”,假真倒个儿为“甄作贾时贾亦甄”,姓甄的也就是姓贾的。更... 《红楼梦》太虚幻境的楹联:“假作真时真亦假,无为有处有还无”,其寓意千回百转,奥妙深远、耐人寻味! 余甚觉“假作真时真亦假”应与姓氏联系在一起破译,即“贾作甄时甄亦假”,假真倒个儿为“甄作贾时贾亦甄”,姓甄的也就是姓贾的。更明确地说贾宝玉即甄宝玉,这决不是什么文字游戏,而是《红楼梦》原作者曹頫呕心沥血匠心独运之杰作! 甄宝玉在小说中交待的清楚明白,脂批:“真。后之甄宝玉亦借此谐音后不注”。这条脂批是《甲戌本》第九面批在介绍甄士隐履历的天庭!此脂批点明甄士隐就是真宝玉!真宝玉在哪里?小说第二回借冷子兴与贾雨村的对话透露了出来: (一)曾见两个异样的孩子,所以方才你说的这宝玉,我就猜着了八九是这派人物。 (二)钦差金陵省怀仁院总裁甄家与贾家是老亲。 (三)雨村在甄府所教的这个学生虽是启蒙,却比一个举业的还劳神,读书时必得两个女儿陪着,方能认得字,心上也明白。 (四)他的父亲曾下死挞楚过几次,竞不能改,打的吃痛不过时,便姐姐妹妹的乱叫起来,可解疼! 展开更多
关键词 "假作真时真亦" 《红楼梦》 文学研究 甄士隐 贾宝玉 中国
作者 胡立彪 《中国质量技术监督》 2004年第11期18-18,共1页
关键词 假作真时真亦 散文 文学 现实生活 艺术
以假作真 孙祥夫案
作者 茂钦 《检察风云》 2000年第9期72-74,共3页
关键词 孙祥夫 护军使 证人 假作 被告人
作者 李玉箫 《初中生写作》 2011年第5期28-29,共2页
关键词 中学 语文教学 假作真时真亦
作者 喻梦哲 张陆 《建筑遗产》 CSSCI 2023年第3期84-93,共10页
作为官式做法的简化与背反,“假歇山”可被视作歇山缘起与发展的一面镜鉴,对其内涵的勾勒仰仗于对构造、空间与形象三方面的综合考察。文章以歇山“两厦”空间的成因差异为经,以结角与出际构件的组合模式为纬,尝试细分“假歇山”的类型... 作为官式做法的简化与背反,“假歇山”可被视作歇山缘起与发展的一面镜鉴,对其内涵的勾勒仰仗于对构造、空间与形象三方面的综合考察。文章以歇山“两厦”空间的成因差异为经,以结角与出际构件的组合模式为纬,尝试细分“假歇山”的类型并爬梳这一概念的缘起。通过比对“假歇山”与官式做法的设计逻辑与空间组织,探析“假作”的原因及其发展脉络,提出“假作”的目的是提升规格、简化构造和取整空间,实现途径分为增出披檐、附加围廊、梁檩倒置、假作戗角等几种。不同的“假作”方式也指向“假歇山”的多元源头,借此又可以审视宋、清不同技术体系下生成山花、翼角的设计思维差异,深化对传统营造中“结构-空间单元”互动关系的认识。 展开更多
关键词 歇山” “两厦”空间 附加围廊 梁檩倒置 假作戗角
作者 严锋 《媒介批评》 2022年第1期37-44,共8页
元宇宙与游戏在起源和发展上有着密切的联系,它们都是人类通过虚拟技术对现实进行超越的努力。游戏的发展,在虚拟化、交互性和跨越性这些方面为元宇宙打下物理和心理的基础,元宇宙也为游戏提供了一个更广阔的发展空间。从人文和技术相... 元宇宙与游戏在起源和发展上有着密切的联系,它们都是人类通过虚拟技术对现实进行超越的努力。游戏的发展,在虚拟化、交互性和跨越性这些方面为元宇宙打下物理和心理的基础,元宇宙也为游戏提供了一个更广阔的发展空间。从人文和技术相结合的角度追踪元宇宙与游戏的演化形态和轨迹,有助于我们对这两者的面貌都能够看得更清,也能够更好地投入对两者更积极的建设中去。 展开更多
关键词 元宇宙 游戏 虚拟现实 假作
作者 党霄羽 《甘肃广播电视大学学报》 2015年第2期35-38,共4页
通过分析格里高利·柯里的叙事与扮假作真这两个概念,揭示二者的意向性本质。叙事意向和扮假作真的意向是同时发生的,而叙事概念不仅不是一个行为,而且还在空间和时间两个方面都带有虚构色彩。叙事和扮假作真的行为并不在同一个层面... 通过分析格里高利·柯里的叙事与扮假作真这两个概念,揭示二者的意向性本质。叙事意向和扮假作真的意向是同时发生的,而叙事概念不仅不是一个行为,而且还在空间和时间两个方面都带有虚构色彩。叙事和扮假作真的行为并不在同一个层面,而是虚构行为的一部分,是虚构行为的意向内容。 展开更多
关键词 叙事 虚构 假作 意向行为 意向内容
作者 陈晨 《共产党员(下半月)》 2018年第12期42-42,共1页
'鞭打快牛'是民间的一句俗语,讲的是'快牛'干活快还要挨打,'慢牛'磨洋工却不挨打,最终'快牛'觉得太不公平脱犁而逃。现实中,有的单位也存在这种'快牛''慢牛'现象:干活多的人往往出错... '鞭打快牛'是民间的一句俗语,讲的是'快牛'干活快还要挨打,'慢牛'磨洋工却不挨打,最终'快牛'觉得太不公平脱犁而逃。现实中,有的单位也存在这种'快牛''慢牛'现象:干活多的人往往出错的概率也大,就容易受到批评或处罚;干活少甚至不干活的人几乎不出错,也就不会受到批评或处罚,久而久之,不但消磨了认真做事人的激情,还带坏了单位的风气。 展开更多
关键词 假作 民间 单位 不良习气 磨洋工 风气 俗语
作者 吴敏 《共产党员(下半月)》 2018年第2期46-46,共1页
新年伊始,千头万绪,各种会议多了起来。有些领导干部习惯于以会议传达会议,以会议落实会议。这不仅是典型的以形式主义反对形式主义,也是工作上"重场面轻效果,重形式轻内容"的典型表征,是彻头彻尾的"不作为""假作为""花架子"。... 新年伊始,千头万绪,各种会议多了起来。有些领导干部习惯于以会议传达会议,以会议落实会议。这不仅是典型的以形式主义反对形式主义,也是工作上"重场面轻效果,重形式轻内容"的典型表征,是彻头彻尾的"不作为""假作为""花架子"。摆脱"会议依赖",必须强化法治思维。精简会议,更根本的办法是要由会议主导向法令主导转变。要树立靠制度与规则运行、靠监督问责促落实的工作体系。 展开更多
关键词 重形式轻内容 反对形式主义 领导干部 新年 于以 表征 假作 督办 分解 部门决策
作者 孙关荣 《科协论坛》 1998年第3期27-28,共2页
伪科学也打出科学的旗号,这是在科学昌明的今天,伪科学居心叵测的绝妙一招。这一招退可守:当伪科学遭到科学的反击时,他们就会大喊大叫:"我也在搞科学,何罪之有?"又进可攻:当自认为有机可乘时,伪科学又以科学研究之名纷纷登... 伪科学也打出科学的旗号,这是在科学昌明的今天,伪科学居心叵测的绝妙一招。这一招退可守:当伪科学遭到科学的反击时,他们就会大喊大叫:"我也在搞科学,何罪之有?"又进可攻:当自认为有机可乘时,伪科学又以科学研究之名纷纷登台亮相,向科学大举进攻。这一招还特别能迷惑人,包括一些有地位身份的人有时也能受其蒙蔽而站出来说些袒护的话。这时,伪科学则表现出一脸委屈的受害相,利用普遍存在的对弱者的同情心理,进一步与科学争夺群众。 展开更多
关键词 伪科学 真科学 非科学 科学史 假作
Theoretical Studies on the Mechanism of the Proton-transfer-coupled Electron Transfer Reactions Between Menaquinone Q_A and Ubiquinone Q_B in the Bacterial Photosynthetic Reaction Center of Rhodopseudomona viridis 被引量:1
作者 马淑华 徐红 +3 位作者 张汝波 屈正旺 张兴康 张启元 《Acta Botanica Sinica》 CSCD 2002年第12期1409-1417,共9页
The mechanism of the proton_transfer_coupled electron transfer (PT_ET) reactions between the menaquinone Q A (MQ 1) and ubiquinone Q B (UQ 1) in the bacterial photosynthetic reaction center of Rhodopseudomona vi... The mechanism of the proton_transfer_coupled electron transfer (PT_ET) reactions between the menaquinone Q A (MQ 1) and ubiquinone Q B (UQ 1) in the bacterial photosynthetic reaction center of Rhodopseudomona viridis was studied by using the B3LYP/6_31G(d) method. The changes of standard Gibbs free energy ΔG 0 of all possible reactions followed the ET reaction (1) were calculated. The results indicated that: (1) according to the ΔG 0 values of corresponding reactions, UQ 1 could not accept two electrons from MQ - 1 continually without the coupled proton transfer reactions. Because of ΔG 0 2b 0, ΔG 0 3b 0 and ΔG 0 4b 0, the corresponding PT_ET reactions could take place along with reactions (2b), (3b) and (4b) sequentially; (2) on the gaseous condition, the first and second transferred protons (H +(1) and H +(2)) from the surrounding amino acid residues or water molecules will combine with the oxygen No.7 and oxygen No.8 of UQ 1, respectively. On the condition of protein surroundings (by SCRF model, ε =4.0), the results are converse but the energy difference between the combination of H +(1) and H +(2) with UQ - 1 is quite small. The difference of ΔG 0 values between the corresponding reactions in gaseous surroundings and the SCRF model is not significant; (3) the PT_ET reactions between MQ 1 - and UQ 1 - should be as follows: MQ 1 -+UQ 1→MQ 1+UQ 1 - (1) UQ 1 - ( O (7) )+H +( HisL 190)→UQ 1H(2b) ( Gas ) or UQ 1 - ( O (8) )+H +(H 2O)→UQ 1H (2b') ( SCRF ) or UQ 1 - ( O (8) )+H + ( ArgL 217)→UQ 1H(2b') ( SCRF ) MQ 1 -+UQ 1H→MQ 1+UQ 1H - (3b) ( Gas ) MQ 1 -+UQ 1H→MQ 1+UQ 1H -(3b') ( SCR F) UQ 1H -+H +(H 2O)→UQ 1H 2(4b) ( Gas ) or UQ 1H -+H + ( ArgL 217)→UQ 1H 2 (4b) ( Gas ) or UQ 1H -+H + ( HisL 190)→UQ 1H 2 (4b') ( SCRF ) 展开更多
关键词 Rhodopseudomena viridis electron transfer proton transfer Q A and Q B DFT
Isolation and denitrification characteristic of an aerobic denitrifier 被引量:1
作者 周丹丹 马放 +2 位作者 王弘宇 董双石 王爱杰 《Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology(New Series)》 EI CAS 2006年第5期535-540,共6页
Aerobic denitrifiers were enriched by activated sludge cultivation method. By this way, 105 strains were isolated from the activated sludge and 25 strains were confirmed to be capable of obtaining energy by deoxidizat... Aerobic denitrifiers were enriched by activated sludge cultivation method. By this way, 105 strains were isolated from the activated sludge and 25 strains were confirmed to be capable of obtaining energy by deoxidization of nitrate to nitrogen gas under aerobic condition. The characteristic of one denitrifier, Pseudomonas chloritidismutans strain, was particularly studied due to its higher nitrogen removal rate. It was found that Pseudumonas chloritidismutans can use nitrite, nitrate and oxygen for aerobic respiration in liquid medium, and tbe pH increased and ORP decreased by activated denitrifier. When they used nitrite or nitrate fur respiration, nitrogen removal effect was high and nitrite could be reduced more efficiently than nitrate. Denitrification process was accomplished faster when both nitrite and nitrate existed in the medium compared to each of which existed alone. Particularly, at denitrifying activity, the nitrogen removal rate of strain was not affected by the DO concentration in the euhure media. 展开更多
关键词 aerobic denitrification pseudomonas chloritidismutans nitrogen removal dissolved oxygen.
Isolation of a novel antifungal peptide from the bark of Eucommia ulmoides Oliv 被引量:2
作者 刘世会 Zhao Degang Han Yuzhen 《High Technology Letters》 EI CAS 2008年第2期216-219,共4页
A novel Eucommia antifungal peptide, named EAFP3, was isolated from the bark of Eucommia ul- moides by NaC1 extract, gel filtration and reverse phase high performance liquid chromatography. The molecular mass of EAFP3... A novel Eucommia antifungal peptide, named EAFP3, was isolated from the bark of Eucommia ul- moides by NaC1 extract, gel filtration and reverse phase high performance liquid chromatography. The molecular mass of EAFP3 is 4157.3 Da, and its partial amino acid sequence is -. LYQQLIAGITLNK.-. EAFP3 exerts an inhibitory activity against Candida albicans in vitro and the drug concentration required for 50% growth inhibition (IC50) is 31.25μg/mL. 展开更多
关键词 antifungal peptide ISOLATION the bark of Eucommia ulmoides Oliv Candida albicans
Modified molecular matrix model for predicting molecular composition of naphtha' 被引量:4
作者 Kun Wang Shiyu Li 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2017年第12期1856-1862,共7页
To improve the naphtha composition prediction model based on molecular type homologous series matrix (MTHS), this paper puts forward a novel molecular matrix to characterize the naphtha composition and the norreal d... To improve the naphtha composition prediction model based on molecular type homologous series matrix (MTHS), this paper puts forward a novel molecular matrix to characterize the naphtha composition and the norreal distribution hypothesis to better describe the molecular composition distribution within each homologous series of the molecular matrix. Through prediction calculation of eight groups of naphtha samples and eight groups of gasoline samples, it is verified that the normal distribution hypothesis is more applicable than gamma distribution hypothesis for the prediction model. According to the prediction results of the samples, the restrain range of normal distribution parameters during model computing process is summarized. With the bulk properties of naphtha samples and the value range of distribution parameters as input conditions, this study utilizes the improved novel molecular matrix to predict the composition of naphtha samples. As the results show, the novel molecular matrix can predict more detailed composition information of naphtha and improve prediction accuracy with less unknown parameters. 展开更多
关键词 MTHS molecular matrix Distribution assumption Naphtha Molecular composition Prediction model
Simplified Scheme for Testing Symmetrization Postulate for Photons
作者 YE Sai-Yun 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2007年第5期913-915,共3页
We propose a scheme for testing the small violations of the symmetrization postulate (SP) for photons in cavity QED. In the scheme, a degenerate A-type three-level atom is sent through a cavity field initially in a ... We propose a scheme for testing the small violations of the symmetrization postulate (SP) for photons in cavity QED. In the scheme, a degenerate A-type three-level atom is sent through a cavity field initially in a q-deformed coherent state. After an appropriate interaction time, the atom is measured by a state-selective detector. The probability that the atom makes a transition from one of the lower states to the other characterizes the violation of the SP. In the scheme, only one atom is required and classical fields are unnecessary, which is prior to the previous schemes. 展开更多
关键词 symmetrization postulate PHOTON Raman interaction
Machine Interference Problem with Reliable Server under Single Vacation
作者 Ojobor, S. A. 《Journal of Mathematics and System Science》 2014年第11期732-742,共11页
The machine interference problem with reliable server under single vacation is considered here. There are M similar machines that are subject to fail or breaks down with a single server who is responsible for repairin... The machine interference problem with reliable server under single vacation is considered here. There are M similar machines that are subject to fail or breaks down with a single server who is responsible for repairing or maintaining the failed machines. The machine fails completely at random with rate 2 and they are serviced in order of breaks down. More so, the machines operate independently but are subject to fail or break down. The service time distributions of the failed machines are assumed to be exponentially distributed with state dependent service rate #n, where n is the number of failed machines. By state dependent service rate we mean a situation where the rate of service depends on the number of failed machines present in the system. The Chapman-Kolmogorov differential equations obtained for the reliable server under single vacation model is solved through ODE45 (Runge-Kutta algorithm of order 4 and 5) in MATLAB programming language. The transient probabilities obtained are used to compute the operational measures of performance for the systems. The following time dependent operational measures of performance for the system are obtained: expected number of failed machines, expected number of operating machines, machine availability, expected idle period, expected busy period, operational utilization of the machine, the variance of the expected number of failed machine and variance of expected number of operating machine in the system. The effects of failure rate of machines, service rate of failed machines and the number of operating machines are investigated; it is observe that the rate at which machine fails and is serviced, affect the expected number of failed and operating machines in the system. The CPU time for obtaining the transient results for the systems and the variance of the systems are reported in this work. 展开更多
关键词 Transient solution machine interference problem Reliable server Single vacation ODE45 in MATLAB.
Assumptions of Economic Model for Sustainable Productions of Beekeeping in the Bosnia and Hercegovina
作者 F. Cejvanovic Z. Grgic +1 位作者 A. Maksimovic D. Bicanic 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology》 2011年第4期481-485,共5页
Production of bee products using standards of Modern technology requires high specialization and high productivity of labor adequate facilities and equipment, and coordination of natural bee potential with production ... Production of bee products using standards of Modern technology requires high specialization and high productivity of labor adequate facilities and equipment, and coordination of natural bee potential with production characteristics of the wider region. Effectively beekeeping today means using several pastures per year with a yield of 50-60 kg per hive. Mobile beekeeping is the only way to achieve high yields of production and it has considerable advantage over stationary one which is less rentable. Mobile beekeeping require higher investments and labor but with good climate and ecological conditions, one can achieve several times higher income than in stationary beekeeping. Some of the success in mobile beekeeping depends of the selection of hives. The hives must be designed to give the bees the best environment for work and development to be most efficient. Data was collected from 57 beekeepers that live in the district. Data analysis was conducted by using standard statistical and economic processes. Criteria for a recommended for the proposed beekeeping model were incomes and profit per hive. For effective beekeeping and production of bee products, especially honey, beekeeper must have adequate equipment and a good bee hives. Beekeeper must have transportation and additional equipment because their movement depends season on the season and distance to pasture. 展开更多
关键词 BEEKEEPING technology of beekeeping Bosnia and Herzegovina EFFICIENCY sustainable production.
l7 Pseudoaneurysms Treated by Padding and Compression
作者 WANGLu-ping MEIXiao-rong XUYu-lan LIUYi ZHENGCheng-fei WANGGang 《Chinese Journal of Biomedical Engineering(English Edition)》 2004年第2期84-86,共3页
To introduce the method and curative effect of treating pseudoaneurysms by padding and compression.Method:retrospectively analyze the curative effect of treating 17 pseudoaneurysms bypadding hard things and compressio... To introduce the method and curative effect of treating pseudoaneurysms by padding and compression.Method:retrospectively analyze the curative effect of treating 17 pseudoaneurysms bypadding hard things and compression.Result:15 of them was completely recovered by doing so,murmur disappeared and the local skin became even,there was no recurrences and complications after 0.5-3 year's following up,but the other two were the same as before the therapy.Conclusion:pseudoaneurysms can be treated effectively by padding and compression 展开更多
关键词 PSEUDOANEURYSMS non-surgery-treatment
The Biological Activity of Some Bacteria as Biocides to Protect Sesame Crop (Sesamum indicum) from Fungi Diseases
作者 H. N. Farhan A. T. Hameed H. M. Aobad 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(A)》 2011年第3X期344-353,共10页
Two experiments were conducted during 2006-2007 in Complete Randomized Design (CRD) to test the biological activity of Pseudomonas bacteria as biocides to protect sesame crop from some fungi and to evaluate its eff... Two experiments were conducted during 2006-2007 in Complete Randomized Design (CRD) to test the biological activity of Pseudomonas bacteria as biocides to protect sesame crop from some fungi and to evaluate its efficiency as plant growth promoting First experiment investigated the effects of Pseudomonas putida2 and Pseudomonas fluorescens3 on germination and seedlings growth of sesame crop against Pythium, Alternaria and Fusarium under plastic house conditions. Second experiment conducted in large pots to investigate the effects of the two bacterial isolates on some morphological, productive and physiological characters of sesame plants against same fungi under normal conditions. Results showed very low germination and slowly seedlings growth in Pythium, Fusarium and Alternaria treatments respectively, but adding bacterial vaccine of Pseudomonas putida2 and Pseudomonas fluorescens3 as a Biocide to fungi treatments, increased the germination percent and seedlings growth of sesame crop significantly, 20 days after planting compared with control treatment. In the second experiment, control treatment scored germination by 52%, while vaccines of Pseudornonas putida2 and Pseudomonas fluorescence3 treatments increased germination percentage in Fusarium, Pythium and Alternaria treatments significantly in average more than 71%. Both isolates increased significantly Leaf number per plant, leaf area per plant, height of plant, branches number per plant, total dry weight of shoot per plant and chlorophyll content compared with other and control treatments. Similar significant effect for both isolates was recorded in seeds number per pod per plant, total weight of 1,000 seeds per plant and pods number per plant and percentage of N, P, K in total dry weight of shoot per plant and oil percentage in seeds per plant compared with other and control treatments. P. putida2 increased oil percentage in seeds by 43.3, 48.0 and 45.0% respectively while with P. fluorescens3 increased to 42.7, 44.0 and 43.7% respectively compared with control treatment (27.7%). In general Pseudomonas putida2 increased most of growth characters much higher than Pseudomonas fluorescens3, it may related to siderophores compound and genetic factors. 展开更多
关键词 Biological activity PSEUDOMONAS FUNGI biocides BIOFERTILIZERS sesame crop.
A size-gradient hypothesis for alpine treeline ecotones
作者 George P.MALANSON Lynn M.RESLER 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2016年第7期1154-1161,共8页
Research on the stress gradient hypothesis recognizes that positive(i.e. facilitative) and negative(i.e. competitive) plant interactions change in intensity and effect relative to abiotic stress experienced on a gradi... Research on the stress gradient hypothesis recognizes that positive(i.e. facilitative) and negative(i.e. competitive) plant interactions change in intensity and effect relative to abiotic stress experienced on a gradient. Motivated by observations of alpine treeline ecotones, we suggest that this switch in interaction could operate along a gradient of relative size of individual plants. We propose that as neighbors increase in size relative to a focal plant they improve the environment for that plant up to a critical point. After this critical point is surpassed, however, increasing relative size of neighbors will degrade the environment such that the net interaction intensity becomes negative. We developed a conceptual(not site or species specific) individual based model to simulate a single species with recruitment, growth, and mortality dependent on the environment mediated by the relative size of neighbors. Growth and size form a feedback. Simulation results show that the size gradient model produces metrics similar to that of a stress gradient model. Visualizations reveal that the size gradient model produces spatial patterns that are similar to the complex ones observed at alpine treelines. Size-mediated interaction could be a mechanism of the stress gradient hypothesis or it could operate independent of abiotic stress. 展开更多
关键词 Competition Ecotone Environmental gradient Plant interaction Stress gradient Facilitation
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