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作者 刘彦俊 连亚平 《河北果树》 2004年第1期37-37,共1页
关键词 红富士苹 偏果 肥水管理 中心 花期管理
库尔勒香梨果实中种子数量与偏斜果的相关性研究 被引量:4
作者 邵扬 丁家鸣 +2 位作者 温博 其代 齐曼.尤努斯 《新疆农业大学学报》 CAS 北大核心 2015年第3期181-186,共6页
通过对成熟期库尔勒香梨偏斜果中种子数量、果实纵横径、内果皮直径、重量和果实的偏斜度进行测量,研究偏斜果与果实中种子的相关性。结果表明,种子数量与香梨果实偏斜指数存在极显著相关性(P<0.01)。偏斜指数随着种子数量的增加而降... 通过对成熟期库尔勒香梨偏斜果中种子数量、果实纵横径、内果皮直径、重量和果实的偏斜度进行测量,研究偏斜果与果实中种子的相关性。结果表明,种子数量与香梨果实偏斜指数存在极显著相关性(P<0.01)。偏斜指数随着种子数量的增加而降低,且果实中种子数少于3个时,与对照相比偏斜指数差异极显著(P<0.01)。当种子形成数量少于或等于2个时,香梨果实偏斜率大于35%,为四级果,不符合商品化需求。当种子数量大于或等于8个时,果实偏斜率小于15%。对照平均单果重比种子数量少于3个的果实分别高了2.90g和13.86g。通过主成分分析可将香梨形态指标归为果实大小、形态区别和偏斜指数3类。种子数量少于或等于2个时,不但会影响果实单果重、纵横径、偏斜指数,更会造成香梨果实的商品性、均一性降低,影响库尔勒香梨的市场价格。 展开更多
关键词 库尔勒香梨 种子
作者 柴全喜 《果树实用技术与信息》 2009年第8期18-18,共1页
关键词 富士苹 预防 原因 品种 形指数 经济效益
红富士苹果偏斜果产生的原因及防治措施 被引量:1
作者 耿玉韬 张俊华 祁玉梅 《河南农业科学》 CSCD 1997年第12期25-25,共1页
红富士苹果偏斜果产生的原因及防治措施耿玉韬张俊华(河南农业大学园艺系,郑州450002)祁玉梅(驻马店地区农业机械化学校)红富士自80年代引入我国后,发展极其迅速,目前,已成为我国晚熟苹果的主栽品种。由于其具有果个大... 红富士苹果偏斜果产生的原因及防治措施耿玉韬张俊华(河南农业大学园艺系,郑州450002)祁玉梅(驻马店地区农业机械化学校)红富士自80年代引入我国后,发展极其迅速,目前,已成为我国晚熟苹果的主栽品种。由于其具有果个大,着色艳,果肉细脆,芳香味浓,耐贮... 展开更多
关键词 红富士苹 防治
红富士苹果偏斜果形成原因分析 被引量:1
作者 田琳 王长新 赵政阳 《山西果树》 2018年第2期35-36,共2页
关键词 红富士 调查
作者 红华 《农村实用技术》 2007年第3期46-46,共1页
关键词 红富士苹 斜现象 原因 内在质量 商品价值 外观质量
作者 田琳 《烟台果树》 2018年第1期51-52,共2页
近年来.随着现代果业新技术的实施与普及.果品外在质量和内在品质明显提高。而果形不正成为商品率提高的主要限制因素之一。为此。2017年秋,我们对已成熟即将采摘的红富士果园进行了随机抽样调查和针对偏斜果的专项调查.查找偏斜果... 近年来.随着现代果业新技术的实施与普及.果品外在质量和内在品质明显提高。而果形不正成为商品率提高的主要限制因素之一。为此。2017年秋,我们对已成熟即将采摘的红富士果园进行了随机抽样调查和针对偏斜果的专项调查.查找偏斜果形成的原因。 展开更多
关键词 红富士苹 原因 随机抽样调查 内在品质 外在质量 专项调查
红富士苹果果形不正的原因及预防 被引量:5
作者 张超 李红涛 魏珍 《中国果树》 北大核心 2008年第6期72-72,共1页
关键词 红富士苹 预防 原因 宝鸡地区 商品价值 外观品质
渭北旱塬红富士苹果果形不正的原因及解决对策 被引量:1
作者 张超 《果农之友》 2007年第12期15-16,共2页
关键词 红富士苹 渭北旱塬 原因 商品价值 外观品质
苹果果形要端正 花期管理紧跟上
作者 郭发定 《果农之友》 2008年第4期47-47,共1页
关键词 花期管理 实商品率 种子发育 花期授粉 畸形
液体授粉对苹果坐果率及果实的影响 被引量:5
作者 魏小娟 郭长安 +2 位作者 杨莉芳 梁俊 高华 《河北果树》 2010年第3期4-5,共2页
苹果液体授粉试验结果表明:液体授粉的花朵坐果率较自然授粉提高61.41%,花序坐果率提高13.73%;偏斜果率较自然授粉降低19.6%,果实纵径较自然授粉增加6.43 mm,果实横径较自然授粉增加8.27 mm。
关键词 液体授粉 实纵径 实横径
作者 孙天雨 温玥 +5 位作者 田嘉 郝志超 邵白俊杰 郑玲玲 韩雨涛 张峰 《植物生理学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第7期1095-1104,共10页
本研究以‘库尔勒香梨’(Pyrus sinkiangensis)为试验材料,调查偏斜果发生规律与生长动态,比较正常果和偏斜果内源激素含量差异。结果表明:‘库尔勒香梨’在授粉后40~60 d偏斜现象严重,此时斜果日均增长率为0.335%,高于平均水平0.235%;... 本研究以‘库尔勒香梨’(Pyrus sinkiangensis)为试验材料,调查偏斜果发生规律与生长动态,比较正常果和偏斜果内源激素含量差异。结果表明:‘库尔勒香梨’在授粉后40~60 d偏斜现象严重,此时斜果日均增长率为0.335%,高于平均水平0.235%;偏斜率在授粉后30~50 d(0.136%)与80~100 d(0.152%)期间为两个增长高峰期。偏斜果大小果面纵径在授粉后140 d相差最大(4.144 mm);横径则在授粉后90 d后差异逐渐增大,并在授粉后140 d相差最大(2.112 mm);偏斜果与正常果果形指数整体变化趋势较为相近且相差较小;单果重在授粉后40 d开始出现明显差异,在授粉后130 d相差最大(6.415 g)。正常果与偏斜果大小果面的内源激素在授粉后40 d达到最大值,此时偏斜果小果面生长素(IAA)和赤霉素(GA_(3))含量分别显著低于大果面和正常果面,其中IAA含量分别相差355与291 ng·g^(-1),GA_(3)含量分别相差67与60 ng·g^(-1);脱落酸(ABA)则相反,即偏斜果小果面ABA含量显著大于大果面与正常果面,分别相差2.011和2.006μg·g^(-1);不同果面间玉米素(ZT)含量相差幅度较小,且在授粉后20~60 d均保持较低水平。 展开更多
关键词 ‘库尔勒香梨’ 外观品质 内源激素
Study and Application of Partial Least Squares Regression on Relationship between Soil Nutrient and Fruit Quality 被引量:3
作者 周贝贝 张强 +2 位作者 孙健 李兴亮 魏钦平 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2016年第2期362-366,384,共6页
[Objective] The objective of the study was to elucidate the duplicate collinearity diagnosis method for soil nutrient and provide basis for establishment of multiple regression model of relationship between independen... [Objective] The objective of the study was to elucidate the duplicate collinearity diagnosis method for soil nutrient and provide basis for establishment of multiple regression model of relationship between independent variable and depen- dent variable in fruit trees. [Method] An investigation on soil nutrients and 'Fuji' fruit quality was conducted at 153 commercial apple orchards in the production re- gions of 51 counties in China from 2011 to 2012. At first, the regression equation was used to do the duplicate collinearity diagnosis, and then the partial least squares regression was used to analyze the weights of different soil nutrients that affected the fruit quality and screen out main soil nutrients. [Result] The results showed the conditional number between soil nutrients was 61.31, and the correlation coefficient of soil pH and available calcium, iron was 0.82 and -0.824 respectively, which demonstrated that there was multicollinearity between various soil nutrient contents. The soil organic matter, total nitrogen, available potassium, available nitro- gen, available phosphorus, available zinc, available iron and available boron showed positive effect Ioadings on fruit quality, while the }oadings and weights of the effects of available calcium and pH on fruit quality were negative. The variable importance for projection method was adopted to get the orders of the effects of major soil nu- trients on fruit quality, which was in the order of soil available calcium, nitrogen, available iron, available phosphorous, organic matter and available boron. The solu- ble solid content of the fruit was affected by soil organic matter, available phospho- rus, available iron, available boron and soil pH. [Conclusion] This study provided an analysis method and theoretical basis for the study and analysis on the relationships between dependent variables and multi-objective optimization, as well as the effects of soil nutrients on fruit quality in fruit tree. 展开更多
关键词 APPLE Soil nutrient Fruit quality PLS
Correlation Analysis between Quality Characteristics and Fruit Mineral Element Contents in 'Fuji' Apples
作者 张强 李兴亮 +3 位作者 李民吉 周贝贝 张军科 魏钦平 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2017年第2期212-218,共7页
[Objective] The aims were to explore the relationship between the contents of fruit mineral elements and quality features of the 'Fuji' apple, screen major mineral elements of the fruit affecting fruit quality featu... [Objective] The aims were to explore the relationship between the contents of fruit mineral elements and quality features of the 'Fuji' apple, screen major mineral elements of the fruit affecting fruit quality features, and set up optimum proposals of fruit mineral elements for good fruit qualities, so as to provide a theoretical basis for the reasonable orchard soil and foliar fertilizer applications to increase fruit quality and reduce the physiological diseases related to the 'Fuji' apple. [Methods] The fruit mineral elements and quality indicators of 'Fuji" apples were in- vestigated and analyzed, which were collected from the 153 commercial apple or- chards of "Fuji' apple located in 51 counties. The variable importance for projection (VlP) of partial least squares regression (PLS) method was used to analyze the model effect and weight analysis impact of the fruit mineral element contents to fruit quality, screen out major factors of fruit mineral elements influencing the different fruit qualities, and set up the regression equation of the fruit qualities and major fruit mineral elements. Linear programming was used to obtain optimum proposals of the fruit mineral elements to achieve good 'Fuji' apple qualities. [Results] The mineral elements content and quality characteristics in "Fuji' apple fruit had great differences in the different produce regions in which the maximum content of nitro- gen, iron, zinc and boron in the 'Fuji' fruit were12.06, 6.17, 7.7, and 10.08 times greater than the minimum respectively, and the differences for titratable acid and the SSC/TA ratio were 2.33 and 2.16 times respectively. The correlation analysis between the fruit mineral element contents and qualities showed that the nitrogen content of fruit had a significantly negative correlation with the soluble solid content, SSC/TA ratio and red color area, while the calcium and iron contents in the fruit were in significantly positive correlation with the soluble solid content and SSC/TA ratio. The model effect and weight analysis showed that the content of nitrogen and iron in the fruit had a greater influence on the integral fruit quality, followed by phosphorus, potassium and calcium. The variable importance for projection (VlP) technology of PLS found that the mean fruit weight was primarily affected by nitro- gen, phosphorus and potassium, and the soluble solid was primarily affected by ni- trogen, calcium and iron, while the red color area was primarily affected by nitro- gen, potassium, calcium, iron and zinc. The regression equation between fruit quality and mineral element contents showed that the mean fruit weight had a greater pos- itive effect coefficient with the content of phosphorus and potassium, and a greater negative effect coefficient with the content of nitrogen in the fruit. Moreover, the sol- uble solid had the largest negative effect coefficient with nitrogen and largest posi- tive effect coefficient with calcium and iron in the fruit. [Conclusion] The maximum content of soluble solid and titratable acid were 1.5 times more than the minimum, and nitrogen, iron, zinc and boron were 6 times more than in the 'Fuji' apple fruit in the different produce regions. Therefore, it is a key technological measure to improve the overall qualities of the "Fuji' apple by decreasing the content of nitrogen, and increasing the contents of iron, phosphorus, potassium and calcium in the fruit. 展开更多
关键词 "Fuji' apple Fruit mineral element Fruit quality Partial least squares regression (PLS) Optimum proposals
Helping learners construct correct beliefs about English learning
作者 朱丽萍 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2009年第4期1-4,14,共5页
Learners themselves are playing an essential role in foreign language learning. "To teach" is not enough for foreign language teachers, and what is more important for them is to help the learners construct correct l... Learners themselves are playing an essential role in foreign language learning. "To teach" is not enough for foreign language teachers, and what is more important for them is to help the learners construct correct learning beliefs and instruct them how to learn. Based on the questionnaire, this paper sums up the leading deviations in English learning and makes corresponding proposals of how to help students construct correct learning beliefs. 展开更多
关键词 beliefs about foreign language learning deviation construction learning effect
Characteristics of fruit ripening in tomato mutant epi 被引量:1
作者 王中凤 应铁进 +1 位作者 鲍碧丽 黄晓丹 《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science B(Biomedicine & Biotechnology)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2005年第6期502-507,共6页
The characteristics of fruit ripening and expression of ripening-related genes were investigated in epi, an ethylene overproduction mutant of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.). The epi produces apparently more et... The characteristics of fruit ripening and expression of ripening-related genes were investigated in epi, an ethylene overproduction mutant of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.). The epi produces apparently more ethylene than its wild type VFN8 at every stage of vegetative and fruit growth and ripening; compared to VFN8, the epi fruit showed higher CO2 evolution, faster descending of chlorophyll, slightly quicker increase of carotenoid and lycopene, and faster reduction in pericarp firmness during maturation and ripening; and the mRNAs of three ripening-related genes including E8, pTOM5 and pTOM6 were at higher levels in epi. The ripening-related characteristics changing of the fruit are consistent with the increase of ethylene production and ripening-related genes expression. These results suggest that epi mutation possibly did not affect the ethylene perception and signaling during fruit ripening, and that the modified characteristics of fruit ripening possibly resulted from the ethylene over- production and increased expression of ripening-related genes. 展开更多
关键词 Epinastic (epi) mutant Ethylene overproduction Ethylene signaling Fruit ripening
Itopride therapy for functional dyspepsia:A meta-analysis 被引量:15
作者 Xuan Huang Bin Lv +2 位作者 Shuo Zhang Yi-Hong Fan Li-Na Meng 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第48期7371-7377,共7页
AIM:To evaluate the therapeutic effects of itopride vs other drugs(placebo,domperidone,mosapride) for functional dyspepsia(FD).METHODS:Randomized controlled trials(RCTs) of itopride for FD were retrieved from database... AIM:To evaluate the therapeutic effects of itopride vs other drugs(placebo,domperidone,mosapride) for functional dyspepsia(FD).METHODS:Randomized controlled trials(RCTs) of itopride for FD were retrieved from databases.Relevant information was extracted and analyzed,using the relative risk(RR) and weighted mean deviation,as appropriate.A random or fixed effect model was used,based on the heterogeneity of the included articles,and visual inspection of funnel plots was used to evaluate publication bias.RESULTS:Nine RCTs enrolling 2620 FD cases were included;1372 cases received itopride treatment and 1248 cases received placebo or other drugs(control groups).Compared with control groups,itopride had superior RR values of 1.11 [95%CI:(1.03,1.19),P = 0.006],1.21 [95%CI:(1.03,1.44),P = 0.02],and1.24 [95%CI:(1.01,1.53),P = 0.04] for global patient assessment,postprandial fullness,and early satiety,respectively.For the Leeds Dyspepsia Questionnaire score,the weighted mean deviation was-1.38 [95%CI:(-1.75,-1.01),P < 0.01].The incidence of adverse effects was similar in the itopride and control groups.The funnel plots for all indicators showed no evidence of publication bias.CONCLUSION:Itopride has good efficacy in terms of global patients assessment,postprandial fullness,and early satiety in the treatment of patients with FD and shows a low rate of adverse reactions.Itopride can greatly improve FD syndromes-score. 展开更多
关键词 Itopride Functional dyspepsia Meta-analysis Randomized controlled trials Prokinetic agents
作者 程洪花 《农村实用科技》 2006年第7期23-23,共1页
1.着生位置不适 凡着生于两侧,尤其是向上着生的果枝,所结果实的偏斜率达60%-70%;而向下着生的果枝,偏斜率多在20%以下。因此,在疏花疏果时,要少留着生于侧上方和背上果枝所结的果实,多留向下着生的果枝上的果实。
关键词 红富士 成因 疏花疏 斜率
作者 何 璞 《河南农业》 2002年第5期21-21,共1页
套袋是防止污染,改观果面颜色的主要技术措施,也是绿色食品发展的方向。最近几年,套袋后果品常出现异常现象,影响了效益。现将几种常见现象分析如下,供参考。一、果面有花青色 即白黄色的果面上,出现有成缕或成片的浅色绿痕,这主要是纸... 套袋是防止污染,改观果面颜色的主要技术措施,也是绿色食品发展的方向。最近几年,套袋后果品常出现异常现象,影响了效益。现将几种常见现象分析如下,供参考。一、果面有花青色 即白黄色的果面上,出现有成缕或成片的浅色绿痕,这主要是纸袋质量不好。 展开更多
关键词 面颜色 面毒斑 套袋梨 异常现象
Soil Properties Degradation Assessment Using Infrared Scanning Technique of Soils (Case Study: Eastern of Congo)
作者 Bashagaluke Janvier Mulumuna Janvier +6 位作者 Pieter Pypers Walangululu Jean Shepherd Keith MochogeBenson Mugwe Jayne Vanlauwe Bernard Boeckx Pascal 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(A)》 2013年第9期677-688,共12页
Recently, near infrared reflectance (NIR) and mid-infrared (MIR) spectroscopy techniques are increasingly introduced as convenient and simple non-destructive techniques for quantifying several soil properties. Thi... Recently, near infrared reflectance (NIR) and mid-infrared (MIR) spectroscopy techniques are increasingly introduced as convenient and simple non-destructive techniques for quantifying several soil properties. This study uses MIR method to predict pH, soil organic C, total N, AI, Ca, Mg and K, CEC and soil texture for soil samples collected in Sud-Kivu, Congo. A total of 536 composite soil samples were taken from two locations (Burhale and Luhihi) at two depths (0-20 cm and 20-40 cm) using a spatially-stratified random sampling design within an area of 200 km2. Differences in characteristics were evaluated between the two locations, land use (cultivated vs. non-cultivated land) with soil depths. A random subset of the samples (10%) were analyzed using standard wet chemistry methods, and calibration models developed by MIR data to estimate soil properties for the full soil sample set. Partial least squares regression (PLS) method gave acceptable coefficients of determination between 0.71 and 0.93 for all parameters. Soil organic matter levels were higher in cultivated plots in Luhihi (3.9% C) than in Burhale (3.0% C), suggesting lower levels of soil fertility in the later area. This indicates high levels of acidity, which are likely to limit crop production in the area. Phosphorus deficiency is acute in Burhale (2.4 mg P/kg) but less in Luhihi (5.4 mg P/kg). In both locations, low levels of Ca and Mg indicate that soils may be susceptible to deficiencies in both elements.These findings provide new opportunities for monitoring soil quality in the region which can benefit multiple actors and scientists involved in the agricultural and environmental sectors. 展开更多
关键词 Parameter DEPTH infrared correlation prediction landuse.
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