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作者 蒲祖泉 龙杰 《民族论坛》 2007年第6期F0003-F0003,共1页
关键词 民族 健强 权利主体 主任 湖南
《中国书画》 2007年第2期98-101,共4页
健强已得"清空"妙谛,从画能看出他内心安静,甚至有安详态,以他的年龄至为难得。静中蕴动、小曲而大直,气象宏大而不存架势:冷逸之思,温雅之情尽倾笔端,或峰峦耸翠,或树影婆娑,云随峰动,泉鸣壁间,创设出的幽境已远高于生活。... 健强已得"清空"妙谛,从画能看出他内心安静,甚至有安详态,以他的年龄至为难得。静中蕴动、小曲而大直,气象宏大而不存架势:冷逸之思,温雅之情尽倾笔端,或峰峦耸翠,或树影婆娑,云随峰动,泉鸣壁间,创设出的幽境已远高于生活。此君受董其昌、八大影响甚大,已知在"境"上做大功夫。健强的笔,以中锋出之,笔笔篆籀法。 展开更多
关键词 健强 文人画 士大夫画 山石 壁间 林木 董其昌 中锋 前锋 君受
心灵的 本真的——李健强山水画之我见
作者 田桑 《中国书画》 2007年第2期97-97,共1页
李健强的画可谓深得中国传统山水画的真髓,而且有一种扑面而来的蕴藉古雅的书卷气,属于典型的文人画一路。他的画中几乎找不到写实的影子(我能够发现的唯一具有写实意味的画大概就是他那幅以石人山为背景材料的作品了,但那里面的写实因... 李健强的画可谓深得中国传统山水画的真髓,而且有一种扑面而来的蕴藉古雅的书卷气,属于典型的文人画一路。他的画中几乎找不到写实的影子(我能够发现的唯一具有写实意味的画大概就是他那幅以石人山为背景材料的作品了,但那里面的写实因素也极其有限),相反却充满了心灵的深思、冥想与歌唱。 展开更多
关键词 词汇表 词表 词典 健强 文人画 士大夫画 萧散 画家 美术家 静修 金线
作者 许婕 《家庭服务》 2015年第9期24-25,共2页
屈健强创办家政无忧之前曾经在阿里巴巴任职,从阿里辞职创业后,他先后试水过职位搜索引擎网站、'销售帮'App和'卖保险'App。经过几年创业摸索,他和团队发现应该用移动互联网来改变传统行业。之后他迅速将目光聚集到了... 屈健强创办家政无忧之前曾经在阿里巴巴任职,从阿里辞职创业后,他先后试水过职位搜索引擎网站、'销售帮'App和'卖保险'App。经过几年创业摸索,他和团队发现应该用移动互联网来改变传统行业。之后他迅速将目光聚集到了家政行业,于2014年9月推出家政无忧App。在被移动互联网浪潮轻拍到重打之后,屈健强深刻感悟到:'传统企业只有具备了互联网的切片思维,才能更快地实现企业转型。' 展开更多
关键词 企业转型 搜索引擎网站 阿里巴巴 家政 互联网浪潮 无忧 健强 互联网化 诺基亚
作者 多亚波 任卉 谢非非 《中国农村金融》 2014年第3期97-99,共3页
一个28岁的80后,大学毕业却扎根农村,出门就脚踏黄土、头顶烈日; 工作7年,已然是基层信合机构掌门人; 一份执著,3年苦干,竟扶植起一个樱桃大产业…… 这就是绛县信用联社南樊信用社主任裴健强. 在一般人的眼里,他无非一个二十来岁的小... 一个28岁的80后,大学毕业却扎根农村,出门就脚踏黄土、头顶烈日; 工作7年,已然是基层信合机构掌门人; 一份执著,3年苦干,竟扶植起一个樱桃大产业…… 这就是绛县信用联社南樊信用社主任裴健强. 在一般人的眼里,他无非一个二十来岁的小伙子而已;然而,当你了解了他,相信你会由衷地赞叹,这小伙子不简单,是个难得的"绩优股",有理想,有思想,实干家,是新一代知识型信合员工的楷模…… 展开更多
关键词 绩优股 健强 信用联社 绛县 不良贷款 优良股 信用社 樱桃树
餐厨废弃物生产微生物油脂酶解条件的研究 被引量:6
作者 曹媛媛 李俊 +2 位作者 陈祥松 吴金勇 姚建铭 《安徽农业大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第2期294-298,共5页
针对餐厨废弃物中的可利用成分,采用复合酶制剂对餐厨废弃物进行处理,确定适宜酶解条件,使餐厨废弃物可作为培养基用于发酵生产微生物油脂。通过试验得出适宜酶解条件为:同时加入淀粉酶8 u.g-1原料、糖化酶200 u.g-1原料、蛋白酶50 u.g-... 针对餐厨废弃物中的可利用成分,采用复合酶制剂对餐厨废弃物进行处理,确定适宜酶解条件,使餐厨废弃物可作为培养基用于发酵生产微生物油脂。通过试验得出适宜酶解条件为:同时加入淀粉酶8 u.g-1原料、糖化酶200 u.g-1原料、蛋白酶50 u.g-1原料、纤维素酶50 u.g-1原料,pH5~7,50~60℃水解2 h。将酶解液做适当调整后接入健强地霉G9菌株发酵,最终可产油脂9.74 g.L-1,即每吨餐厨废弃物可产油脂近20 kg。 展开更多
关键词 餐厨废弃物 酶解 健强地霉G9菌株 油脂发酵
响应面法优化微生物油脂发酵条件 被引量:1
作者 曹媛媛 李俊 +2 位作者 陈祥松 吴金勇 姚建铭 《中国油脂》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第6期65-69,共5页
利用响应面分析法对健强地霉G9菌株生产微生物油脂的发酵条件进行优化。通过Plackett-Burman设计法,对影响菌株油脂产量的8个因素进行考察,确定温度、KH2PO4添加量和花生饼粉添加量为对油脂产量有显著影响的3个重要因素。采用响应面法对... 利用响应面分析法对健强地霉G9菌株生产微生物油脂的发酵条件进行优化。通过Plackett-Burman设计法,对影响菌株油脂产量的8个因素进行考察,确定温度、KH2PO4添加量和花生饼粉添加量为对油脂产量有显著影响的3个重要因素。采用响应面法对3个重要因素的最佳水平进行优化,结果表明菌株最佳产油条件为:温度28℃,KH2PO4添加量16 g/L,花生饼粉添加量16 g/L。在此条件下进行摇瓶培养,健强地霉G9菌株油脂产量达10.73 g/L。采用优化的摇瓶实验条件进行5 L罐上发酵培养,菌株油脂产量达28.63 g/L,为摇瓶培养时的2.67倍,说明该优化条件也适用于5 L发酵罐生产,且健强地霉G9菌株适合放大生产,具有作为工业微生物生产菌种的潜力。 展开更多
关键词 健强地霉G9菌株 微生物油脂 Plackett—Burman设计 响应面分析法 优化 发酵条件
Research on High-Velocity Impact Damage Monitoring Method of CFRP Based on Guided Wave
作者 WANG Yang YANG Xiaofei +1 位作者 QIU Lei YUAN Shenfang 《Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics》 EI CSCD 2024年第S01期60-69,共10页
Carbon fiber-reinforced polymer(CFRP)is widely used in aerospace applications.This kind of material may face the threat of high-velocity impact in the process of dedicated service,and the relevant research mainly cons... Carbon fiber-reinforced polymer(CFRP)is widely used in aerospace applications.This kind of material may face the threat of high-velocity impact in the process of dedicated service,and the relevant research mainly considers the impact resistance of the material,and lacks the high-velocity impact damage monitoring research of CFRP.To solve this problem,a real high-velocity impact damage experiment and structural health monitoring(SHM)method of CFRP plate based on piezoelectric guided wave is proposed.The results show that CFRP has obvious perforation damage and fiber breakage when high-velocity impact occurs.It is also proved that guided wave SHM technology can be effectively used in the monitoring of such damage,and the damage can be reflected by quantifying the signal changes and damage index(DI).It provides a reference for further research on guided wave structure monitoring of high/hyper-velocity impact damage of CFRP. 展开更多
关键词 guided waves structural health monitoring(SHM) carbon fiber reinforced polymer(CFRP) high-velocity impact
作者 曾健强 《城市学刊》 1988年第5期110-112,共3页
一、前言 我国被誉为“自行车王国”,全国平均每两人拥有一辆。小轿、摩托车及其它微型车的数量与日俱增。各式不锈钢家俱也越来越深入到每个家庭。因此,为这些车辆的保养、装饰服务,是一项大有可为的事业。 一九八六年十一月,在山东泰... 一、前言 我国被誉为“自行车王国”,全国平均每两人拥有一辆。小轿、摩托车及其它微型车的数量与日俱增。各式不锈钢家俱也越来越深入到每个家庭。因此,为这些车辆的保养、装饰服务,是一项大有可为的事业。 一九八六年十一月,在山东泰安市召开的全国技术交易会上。 展开更多
关键词 功能 评审意见 健强 化学系 自行车 脚踏车 同类产品 小轿车
强筋健骨活血汤结合针灸疗法促进膝关节前交叉韧带损伤临床康复效果观察 被引量:11
作者 杨雪捷 张鹏翼 +4 位作者 李巍 王静威 吴业锋 伏春华 于海波 《中华中医药学刊》 CAS 北大核心 2021年第5期44-47,共4页
目的探究强筋健骨活血汤结合针灸疗法促进膝关节前交叉韧带损伤患者临床康复效果。方法研究共计纳入120例膝关节前交叉韧带损伤患者,均由医院2017年2月—2019年8月收治,采取随机数字表法将患者分为两组,对照组患者(60例)采取关节镜下三... 目的探究强筋健骨活血汤结合针灸疗法促进膝关节前交叉韧带损伤患者临床康复效果。方法研究共计纳入120例膝关节前交叉韧带损伤患者,均由医院2017年2月—2019年8月收治,采取随机数字表法将患者分为两组,对照组患者(60例)采取关节镜下三隧道重建术治疗,观察组患者(60例)关节镜下三隧道重建术+强筋健骨活血汤结合针灸疗法治疗,比较两组患者术后下床活动时间、负重时间及住院时间、治疗前后患者膝关节功能Lysholm系统评分变化、术前、术后14 d、术后1个月、术后3个月患者疼痛评分(视觉模拟疼痛评分法,VAS)状况、治疗前后患者关节活动度变化、术前及术后1个月、3个月步态评分变化、治疗安全性情况。结果观察组患者术后下床活动时间、负重时间及住院时间均短于对照组(P<0.05);治疗前,两组患者Lysholm系统评分相当(P>0.05);治疗3个月后各组患者Lysholm系统评分改善,观察组优于对照组(P<0.05);手术前,两组患者VAS评分相当(P>0.05),术后14 d、术后1个月、术后3个月观察组患者VAS评分均低于对照组(P<0.05);治疗前两组患者关节活动度相当(P>0.05),治疗后各组患者关节活动度增大,观察组关节活动度大于对照组(P<0.05);观察组患者术前步态评分相当(P>0.05);治疗后1个月、3个月观察组患者步态评分均优于对照组(P<0.05);两组治疗过程中均未见严重并发症(P>0.05)。结论强筋健骨活血汤结合针灸疗法可较好促进膝关节前交叉韧带损伤患者康复,患者膝关节功能恢复好,恢复快,疼痛缓解,无严重并发症,值得推广与应用。 展开更多
关键词 膝关节前交叉韧带损伤 强筋健骨活血汤 针灸疗法 膝关节功能 步态
Evaluation of small bowel blood flow in healthy subjects receiving low-dose aspirin 被引量:3
作者 Urara Nishida Mototsugu Kato +5 位作者 Mutsumi Nishida Go Kamada Takeshi Yoshida Shouko Ono Yuichi Shimizu Masahiro Asaka 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第2期226-230,共5页
AIM:To investigate the relationship between low-dose aspirin-induced small bowel mucosal damage and blood flow,and the effect of rebamipide. METHODS:Ten healthy volunteers were enrolled in this study.The subjects were... AIM:To investigate the relationship between low-dose aspirin-induced small bowel mucosal damage and blood flow,and the effect of rebamipide. METHODS:Ten healthy volunteers were enrolled in this study.The subjects were divided into two groups:a placebo group given low-dose aspirin plus placebo and a rebamipide group given low-dose aspirin plus rebamipide for a period of 14 d.Capsule endoscopy and contrast-enhanced ultrasonography were performed before and after administration of drugs.Areas under the curves and peak value of time-intensity curve were calculated. RESULTS:Absolute differences in areas under the curves were-1102.5(95%CI:-1980.3 to-224.7,P=0.0194) in the placebo group and-152.7(95%CI:-1604.2 to 641.6,P=0.8172) in the rebamipide group. Peak values of time intensity curves were-148.0(95% CI:-269.4 to-26.2,P=0.0225) in the placebo group and 28.3(95%CI:-269.0 to 325.6,P=0.8343) in the rebamipide group.Capsule endoscopy showed mucosal breaks only in the placebo group. CONCLUSION:Short-term administration of low-dose aspirin is associated with small bowel injuries and blood flow. 展开更多
关键词 Small-intestine Capsule endoscopy Lowdose aspirin Contrast-enhanced ultrasonography REBAMIPIDE
Physical activity,sedentary behaviors,physical fitness,and their relation to health outcomes in youth with type 1 and type 2 diabetes:A review of the epidemiologic literature 被引量:13
作者 Angela D. Liese Xiaoguang Ma +1 位作者 David M. Maahs Jennifer L. Trilk 《Journal of Sport and Health Science》 SCIE 2013年第1期21-38,共18页
Diabetes is a leading chronic disease of childhood and adolescence. In addition to the well-known auto-immune, insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (type 1 diabetes (T 1D)), the past two decades have witnessed the ... Diabetes is a leading chronic disease of childhood and adolescence. In addition to the well-known auto-immune, insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (type 1 diabetes (T 1D)), the past two decades have witnessed the emergence of type 2 diabetes (T2D) in children and adolescents, which previously was only seen in middle-aged or older adults. One of the key components of diabetes management is physical activity (PA). The beneficial effects of increased PA and decreased sedentary behavior are extremely important in youth with diabetes because of the markedly increased long-term risk of cardiovascular disease in this population compared to persons without diabetes. This review aims to comprehensively summarize the epidemiologic, observational research published and listed in PubMed between 1970 and 2012 on PA and sedentary behaviors, as well as physical fitness in children and adolescents with T1D and T2D. Additionally, we describe briefly the state of knowledge on perceived barriers of PA in persons with diabetes, with a focus on hypoglycemia. Finally, we provide an overview of the epidemiological literature pertaining to health benefits of increased PA in youth with TID and T2D and briefly discuss the topic of exercise-related hypoglycemia, Copyright ~ 2012, Shanghai University of Sport. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. 展开更多
关键词 Cardiovascular risk Children EXERCISE Glycemic control HYPOGLYCEMIA Physical activity Physical fitness Sedentary behavior Type 1 diabetesmellitus Type 2 diabetes mellitus YOUTH
Regulative Effects of Auricular Acupuncture,Moxibustion and Chinese Herbs on Immunologic Function in the D-Galactose-induced Aging Mouse 被引量:5
作者 谢甦 凌湘力 王友京(译) 《Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2008年第2期129-133,共5页
Objective:To observe the regulative effect of auricular acupuncture, moxibustion and Chinese herbs on immunologic function in the D-galactose-induced aging mouse and to probe the feasibility and possible mechanisms fo... Objective:To observe the regulative effect of auricular acupuncture, moxibustion and Chinese herbs on immunologic function in the D-galactose-induced aging mouse and to probe the feasibility and possible mechanisms for delaying aging, so as to provide experimental basis for acupuncture, moxibustion and Chinese herbs for delaying aging. Methods: Aging mouse model was established by subcutaneous injection of D-galactose, and treated by auricular acupuncture, auricular acupuncture plus moxibustion, and auricular acupuncture plus Chinese herbs respectively for 6 weeks and then serum interleukin-2 (IL-2) and IL-6 contents and splenic lymphocyte transformation rate were compared among the groups. Results: Compared with the young group, the serum IL-2 level and the splenic lymphocyte transformation rate significantly decreased and the IL-6 level significantly increased in the aging mouse. After treatment by auricular acupuncture, auricular acupuncture plus Chinese herbs, especially auricular acupuncture plus moxibustion, the serum IL-2 level and the splenic lymphocyte transformation rate significantly increased, and the IL-6 level significantly decreased as compared with the model group. Conclusions: Combined application of auricular acupuncture, moxibustion and Chinese herbs can improve the decline or dysfunction of immunological function in the aging organism to a certain extent. 展开更多
关键词 D-galactose-induced aging mouse Auricular acupuncture MOXIBUSTION Reinforcing kidney strengthening spleen and removing blood stasis
作者 史鹏亮 朱景航 林一峰 《风湿病与关节炎》 2023年第3期20-23,47,共5页
目的:探讨健步强督方联合系统宣教法对腰椎间盘突出症患者症状复发的影响。方法:将80例腰椎间盘突出症患者随机分为治疗组和对照组,每组40例。治疗组使用健步强督方联合系统宣教法治疗,对照组予传统宣教方式联合甲钴胺注射液、塞来昔布... 目的:探讨健步强督方联合系统宣教法对腰椎间盘突出症患者症状复发的影响。方法:将80例腰椎间盘突出症患者随机分为治疗组和对照组,每组40例。治疗组使用健步强督方联合系统宣教法治疗,对照组予传统宣教方式联合甲钴胺注射液、塞来昔布胶囊治疗。研究分为2步进行,(1)观察患者出院时临床疗效指标和视觉模拟评分法(VAS)评分,对2组在院治疗效果进行评估;(2)对在院治疗评估为有效的患者,进行出院后16周的连续随访,分析健步强督方联合系统宣教法是否对患者腰椎间盘突出症的疾病复发产生影响。结果:(1)经住院治疗后,治疗组和对照组中各有1例患者症状加重,分别选择转院或手术治疗,治疗组显效率为65.00%,优于对照组的40.00%(P <0.05);2组总有效率均为97.50%,差异无统计学意义(P> 0.05);2组VAS评分均≤3分,差异无统计学意义(P> 0.05)。(2)随访后,治疗组复发人数、首次复发时间、复发次数和复发后治疗天数低于对照组(P <0.05)。结论:采用健步强督方的温养督脉法治疗联合系统宣教法指导患者日常行为、康复锻炼和结合心理疏导可以减少腰椎间盘突出症患者症状复发。 展开更多
关键词 腰椎间盘突出症 健步强督方 温养督脉法 系统宣教法 康复锻炼
Robustness analysis for a class of nonlinear descriptor systems 被引量:1
作者 吴敏 张凌波 何勇 《Journal of Central South University of Technology》 2004年第4期457-460,共4页
The robustness analysis problem of a class of nonlinear descriptor systems is studied. Nonlinear matrix inequality which has the good computation property of convex feasibility is employed to derive some sufficient co... The robustness analysis problem of a class of nonlinear descriptor systems is studied. Nonlinear matrix inequality which has the good computation property of convex feasibility is employed to derive some sufficient conditions to guarantee that the nonlinear descriptor systems have robust disturbance attenuation performance, which (avoids) the computational difficulties in conversing nonlinear matrix and Hamilton-Jacobi inequality. The computation property of convex feasibility of nonlinear matrix inequality makes it possible to apply the results of nonlinear robust control to practice. 展开更多
关键词 nonlinear descriptor system robustness analysis robust disturbance attenuation nonlinear matrix (inequality)
A Psychoanalytic Insight Into Blanche in A Streetcar Named Desire Psychic Strength From Defense Mechanism 被引量:1
作者 U. H. Ruhina Jesmin 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2012年第3期404-409,共6页
This paper attempts to analyze Blanche's psyche in relation to her employing defense mechanism to restore her mental health and herself in A Streetcar Named Desire (1947) by the American playwright Tennessee Willia... This paper attempts to analyze Blanche's psyche in relation to her employing defense mechanism to restore her mental health and herself in A Streetcar Named Desire (1947) by the American playwright Tennessee Williams. It focuses on her replacing reality with fantastic embodiments or illusion. She has taken unacceptable impulses into acceptable forms by unconsciously blocking the impulses such as superego and thereby reducing agony for the earlier traumatic experiences left indelible marks on her mind, and anxiety for survival. Her anxiety becomes too overwhelming that her ego urgently employs defense mechanisms to protect her. With her new hopes and dreams she desires to replace the highly stressful loss. Under mental and social stress, her illusion and her falsification of reality nevertheless became unable to overcome recurring trauma-causing situation in reality and her healing process thereby leaving her on the verge of extinction. 展开更多
关键词 TRAUMA defense mechanism itlusion DENIAL rationalizationIntroduction
Borderline Products between Bio-fertilizers/ Bio-effectors and Plant Protectants: The Role of Microbial Consortia
作者 Marco Nuti Giusto Giovannetti 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(A)》 2015年第5期305-315,共11页
In the delicate normative balance, at European Union (EU) level of the borderline products (i.e., between plant protectants and bio-fertilizers/bio-effectors) containing microbial consortia (MC) instead of singl... In the delicate normative balance, at European Union (EU) level of the borderline products (i.e., between plant protectants and bio-fertilizers/bio-effectors) containing microbial consortia (MC) instead of single microbial strains, the most relevant factors influencing the categorization of the products are the intention of use, the cell density and the mode of action. For the latter, the basic difference between the two types of products is that a plant protectant has a targeted activity on plant pathogens, while a bio-fertilizer acts indirectly by nourishing and fortifying the host plant (healthier plant), thus inducing a generalized resistance to the onset of pathological status, irrespective of its origin and nature. Case-studies are presented on the effectiveness of MC as bio-fertilizers/bio-effectors on different crops. Bio-fertilizers exhibit a double effect--biotic and abiotic, leading to the fortification of the crop plant linked to its more effective water and nutrient uptakes as well asto a generalized healthier status. This in turn leads to a higher resistance to diseases. In addition, bio-fertilizers play a relevant role on the reduction of environmental impacts due to chemical fertilizers, e.g., by facilitating the uptake of phosphorus (P), thus reducing the need of P fertilization. Although finding a scientifically-based balance between regulatory need and marketing constraint is not always an easy task, the availability of scientific advancements combined to common sense should help in describing positive effects and risk profiles of MC in agriculture. 展开更多
关键词 Bio-fertilizers/bio-effectors plant protection products MC.
The Relationship among Stress Response, Weight Management, and Physical Exercise in Japanese University Students
作者 Tomoko Ikeda Takahiro Ikeda Osamu Aoyagi 《Journal of Sports Science》 2016年第3期163-169,共7页
The aim of the present study was to investigate the relationship between stress response, gender, weight management, and physical exercise among Japanese university students. The participants were 411 university stude... The aim of the present study was to investigate the relationship between stress response, gender, weight management, and physical exercise among Japanese university students. The participants were 411 university students (169 males, 242 females). All participants completed the Stress Response Scale and the European Health and Behavior Survey. T-test results showed that scores of females were consistently higher than those of males (P 〈 0.05). In the chi-square test, the proportion of females managing their weight (75.3%) was significantly higher than that of males (42.9%). In multiple regression analysis, the group managing their weight showed a higher stress score, and the group doing physical exercise showed a lower stress score. These results show that weight management through physical exercise reduces mental stress, making it the most beneficial method of weight management for the mental and physical wellbeing of youths. 展开更多
关键词 Health behavior physical activity Stress Response Scale youth.
Evolutionary Game Dynamics in a Fitness-Dependent Wright-Fisher Process with Noise 被引量:3
作者 全吉 王先甲 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第9期404-410,共7页
Evolutionary game dynamics in finite size populations can be described by a fitness-dependent Wright- Fisher process. We consider symmetric 2×2 games in a well-mixed population. In our model, two parameters to de... Evolutionary game dynamics in finite size populations can be described by a fitness-dependent Wright- Fisher process. We consider symmetric 2×2 games in a well-mixed population. In our model, two parameters to describe the level of player's rationality and noise intensity in environment are introduced. In contrast with the fixation probability method that used in a noiseless case, the introducing of the noise intensity parameter makes the process an ergodic Markov process and based on the limit distribution of the process, we can analysis the evolutionary stable strategy (ESS) of the games. We illustrate the effects of the two parameters on the ESS of games using the Prisoner's dilemma games (PDG) and the snowdrift games (SG). We also compare the ESS of our model with that of the replicator dynamics in infinite size populations. The results are determined by simulation experiments. 展开更多
关键词 evolutionary games Wright-Fisher process evolutionary stable strategy noise
中医药治疗重症肌无力简况 被引量:5
作者 李美娟 陈少玫 《实用中医内科杂志》 2018年第7期75-77,共3页
重症肌无力归属为"痿证""睑废""大气下陷"等范畴,"五脏使人痿",分为"痿蹙""脉痿""筋痿""肉痿""骨痿"等,以脾胃虚损为主,兼有肝肾气血亏虚... 重症肌无力归属为"痿证""睑废""大气下陷"等范畴,"五脏使人痿",分为"痿蹙""脉痿""筋痿""肉痿""骨痿"等,以脾胃虚损为主,兼有肝肾气血亏虚或湿热、风邪等外邪侵犯;病位在筋脉肌肉,根本在于五脏虚损,以脾胃、肝、肾等脏腑最为常见;病性以热证、虚证为多,以虚为本。扶正补虚,兼以祛邪,"治痿独取阳明",古方补中益气汤、二妙汤等;自拟方有复肌宁汤、滋肾调肝汤;中成药强肌健力饮、黄芪复方颗粒;其它疗法如针灸、温针、电针、隔物灸等,都有良好的效果。经典名方运用、辨证分型、疗效标准无统一规范,自拟方缺乏严格对照和统计分析,中成药方药固定、治疗证型单一,中医外治法接受度高,疗效与操作手法、临床经验有关,有待系统性规范和拓展。 展开更多
关键词 重症肌无力 痿证 睑废 大气下陷 病因病机 脾胃虚损 气血亏虚 五脏虚损 热证 虚证 中医治疗 扶正补虚 补中益气汤 二妙汤 复肌宁汤 滋肾调肝汤 强肌健力饮 黄芪复方颗粒 针灸 温针 电针 隔物灸
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