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健康素质、体育和健育 被引量:21
作者 韩丹 《体育与科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2003年第4期11-14,25,共5页
十六大已把“促进人的全面发展”列入全面建设小康社会的奋斗目标 ,并把提高全民族健康素质 ,形成全民健身和医疗卫生体系定为实现这个奋斗目标的基本措施 ,这同我们的体育工作和学校体育教育有着极其紧密的联系 ,对我们提出了发展要有... 十六大已把“促进人的全面发展”列入全面建设小康社会的奋斗目标 ,并把提高全民族健康素质 ,形成全民健身和医疗卫生体系定为实现这个奋斗目标的基本措施 ,这同我们的体育工作和学校体育教育有着极其紧密的联系 ,对我们提出了发展要有新思路、改革要有新突破的创新前进的要求。为了深入领会十六大精神 ,本文对“健康素质”作了初步解读 ,并提出了一些粗浅的想法 ,供参考。 展开更多
关键词 全面发展 康素质 健育 全民 康教体系 意识
作者 王晓娥 游学军 +1 位作者 杨小帆 李晓霞 《体育科技》 2023年第1期144-147,共4页
文章探索贯彻《〈体育与健康〉教学改革指导纲要(试行)》精神,落实“立德树人”根本任务,实现“四位一体”目标达成新路径。以小学体育课堂深度学习为基点,从“低阶”和“高阶”思维出发,通过“趣、动、量、变”教学活动预设,用“说、... 文章探索贯彻《〈体育与健康〉教学改革指导纲要(试行)》精神,落实“立德树人”根本任务,实现“四位一体”目标达成新路径。以小学体育课堂深度学习为基点,从“低阶”和“高阶”思维出发,通过“趣、动、量、变”教学活动预设,用“说、看、练、用”来评价教学效果,助推“健、体、育、德”教学育人目标达成,建构有利于促进小学生形成体育学科“关键能力和必备品格”的有效教学模式。 展开更多
关键词 小学体 健育课堂 立德树人 核心素养
作者 郭鹏强 《学周刊》 2020年第1期154-154,共1页
体育教育作为中小学生成长的重要内容,以现阶段中小学教学情况为基础,结合近年来体育教学特点,明确新课改对中小学教育提出的全新要求,深层探索如何通过构建中小学"以健育美"课堂培育阳光少年,并提出有效的教学措施,以此引导... 体育教育作为中小学生成长的重要内容,以现阶段中小学教学情况为基础,结合近年来体育教学特点,明确新课改对中小学教育提出的全新要求,深层探索如何通过构建中小学"以健育美"课堂培育阳光少年,并提出有效的教学措施,以此引导中小学生全面发展. 展开更多
关键词 中小学 "以健育美" 课程 身心
作者 林文胜 《福建陶研》 2013年第2期14-16,共3页
我校几年来着力构建“健康教育”特色校园文化。“健育”不只是一种德育行为,而是蕴含丰富的审美诉求,构成“健育”体系的几个部分也都具有审美诉求,这些,可以在陶行知思想里找到理论依据。只有充分认识“健育”的审美诉求,“健育... 我校几年来着力构建“健康教育”特色校园文化。“健育”不只是一种德育行为,而是蕴含丰富的审美诉求,构成“健育”体系的几个部分也都具有审美诉求,这些,可以在陶行知思想里找到理论依据。只有充分认识“健育”的审美诉求,“健育”才具趣味性、情感性、人文性、超越性、唯美性,促进“健育”文化向深层次发展。 展开更多
关键词 康教 健育”文化 审美诉求 陶行知思想
糖尿病患者健康教育模式及效果评价 被引量:1
作者 王德萍 王银凤 《当代护士(上旬刊)》 2002年第3期59-61,共3页
本文的目的是为了探讨糖尿病(DM)患者健康教育的最佳模式,通过自行设计的调查表,将78例DM患者随机分成两组,一组是对照组,用传统的方式进行健康教育,另一组是观察组,采用健康教育单进行健康教育,通过接受教育后的效果比较和达标率比较,... 本文的目的是为了探讨糖尿病(DM)患者健康教育的最佳模式,通过自行设计的调查表,将78例DM患者随机分成两组,一组是对照组,用传统的方式进行健康教育,另一组是观察组,采用健康教育单进行健康教育,通过接受教育后的效果比较和达标率比较,观察组明显优于对照组.说明采用健康教育单的方式进行健康教育是一种行之有效的方式. 展开更多
关键词 糖尿病 健育 模式 康教
健康教育对中青年男性高脂血症的影响 被引量:2
作者 徐萍萍 《解放军护理杂志》 2009年第8期7-9,共3页
目的探讨开展健康教育对中青年男性高脂血症的干预效果。方法选择机关干部体检中发现高脂血症的50例中青年男性患者作为研究对象,对其进行1年健康教育,比较开展健康教育前后患者的血脂水平、对高脂血症相关知识的知晓率、生活方式的改... 目的探讨开展健康教育对中青年男性高脂血症的干预效果。方法选择机关干部体检中发现高脂血症的50例中青年男性患者作为研究对象,对其进行1年健康教育,比较开展健康教育前后患者的血脂水平、对高脂血症相关知识的知晓率、生活方式的改变情况、自我管理能力变化等。结果开展健康教育后,患者的高脂饮食、高盐饮食、夜餐、酗酒人数明显少于开展健康教育前,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01);运动锻炼人数明显多于开展健康教育前,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01)。开展健康教育后,调查对象对卫生知识情况、自我保健能力、疾病预防治疗的知晓率得优者明显多于开展健康教育前,得良和得差者明显少于开展健康教育前,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01)。开展健康教育后,患者的空腹血清三酰甘油(TG)、胆固醇(TC)、低密度脂蛋白(LDL-C)均明显低于健康教育前,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01)。结论开展健康教育能有效控制高脂血症的发病率、改变患者的不良生活方式、提高中青年高脂血症患者的自我管理能力。 展开更多
关键词 健育 高脂血症 中青年男性
作者 王晓娥 《体育视野》 2023年第12期45-48,共4页
运用文献资料法、归纳分析法等研究方法,结合体育理论研究与实践经验,立足小学体育与健康课程,以课堂教学为基点,提出从低阶和高阶两种教学思维出发,通过“趣、动、量、变”进行活动创设,助推“健、悟、育、德”育人目标达成,构建有利... 运用文献资料法、归纳分析法等研究方法,结合体育理论研究与实践经验,立足小学体育与健康课程,以课堂教学为基点,提出从低阶和高阶两种教学思维出发,通过“趣、动、量、变”进行活动创设,助推“健、悟、育、德”育人目标达成,构建有利于小学生形成体育学科关键能力和必备品格的有效教学模式。 展开更多
关键词 健育 教学主张 教学思维
日粮添加“育生健”对提高母猪生产性能的作用 被引量:3
作者 林俊华 李文杨 《福建畜牧兽医》 2004年第4期37-38,共2页
为探讨“育生健”对母猪生产性能及其经济效益的影响 ,试验选用 80头怀孕 1 0 0天左右的长大二元初产母猪 ,随机分成 2组 (试验组、对照组 )。各组母猪基础日粮和乳猪教槽饲料均相同。结果表明在日粮中按 0 1 %比例添加“育生健”的试... 为探讨“育生健”对母猪生产性能及其经济效益的影响 ,试验选用 80头怀孕 1 0 0天左右的长大二元初产母猪 ,随机分成 2组 (试验组、对照组 )。各组母猪基础日粮和乳猪教槽饲料均相同。结果表明在日粮中按 0 1 %比例添加“育生健”的试验组 ,其产活仔数、断奶仔猪成活率、哺乳仔猪平均日增重分别比对照组提高 8 57%、2 91 %和 2 93 % :而母猪产死胎数 ,试验组对照组降低了 37 5 %。在日粮中添加 0 1 %的“育生健” ,虽然试验组的基础日粮成本比对照组提高 2 .37% ,但提供断奶仔猪数比对照组多 41头 ,其产值比对照组提高 1 1 68%。 展开更多
关键词 日粮添加剂 母猪 生产性能
急性冠脉综合征患者的健康需求现状调查及分析 被引量:1
作者 任婕 沈蕴之 《当代护士(上旬刊)》 2021年第1期29-32,共4页
目的了解急性冠脉综合征患者对健康教育知识的需求情况,为制定有效的讲座内容和护理措施提供指导性的科学依据。方法选取本科室2019年1月—10月诊断为急性冠脉综合征的112例患者为调查对象,采用自编问卷星进行调查,运用描述分析方法和SP... 目的了解急性冠脉综合征患者对健康教育知识的需求情况,为制定有效的讲座内容和护理措施提供指导性的科学依据。方法选取本科室2019年1月—10月诊断为急性冠脉综合征的112例患者为调查对象,采用自编问卷星进行调查,运用描述分析方法和SPSS 21.0统计学软件对调查结果进行分析。结果结果发现,患者对饮食的品种(77.68%)、急性发作时的自救(71.43%)和疾病预后(69.64%)、活动方式(69.64%)的知识需求占了前3位;在需求形式选择中,排在前列的为文字资料(58.93%)和医务人员讲解(55.36%);排在首位的延续护理模式为微信公众号(70.54%)。结论根据患者对健康教育的需求制定有目的的教育内容和干预方案,能提高患者行为的积极性,使其主动实施健康行为,做到真正的知信行统一。 展开更多
关键词 急性冠脉综合征 健育需求 现状调查 分析
An Evaluation of STD/AIDS Health Education among Female Sex Workers in Entertainment Establishments in Jingjiang City
作者 杜亚平 钱卫娟 周章林 《Chinese Journal of Sexually Transmitted Infections》 2004年第2期81-85,i002,共6页
Objective: To explore effective ways of conducting STD/AIDS health education among female commercial sex workers in entertainment establishments and to promote implementation of an 100% condom use programme. Methods: ... Objective: To explore effective ways of conducting STD/AIDS health education among female commercial sex workers in entertainment establishments and to promote implementation of an 100% condom use programme. Methods: In-depth interviews were carried out to collect qualitative information about demographic characteristics, STD/AIDS knowledge, attitude and risk behaviors of female sex workers. Female sex workers were selected by sampling and were given baseline survey and assessment after intervention. Based on the results of the interviews, a questionnaire was developed, and intervention measures were determined. These measures included face-to-face interviewing, counseling, and distribution of STD/AIDS information and condoms. Results: 196 and 182 female sex workers of the same population were interviewed separately before and after intervention. STDs/AIDS knowledge had significantly increased after one year's intervention (P <0.01). Knowledge increased in both the intervention group and the non-intervention group but the increase was more significant among sex workers who received the intervention. Risk behaviors remained at baseline levels in both groups. Conclusion: STD/AIDS health education among female sex workers in entertainment establishments was effective and may benefit society, but the strategies need to be adjusted to the female sex workers' lifestyles, particularly their high rates of mobility and high-risk behaviors. 展开更多
关键词 female sex workers in entertainment establishments STD/AIDS health education behavioral intervention
Physical activity and academic achievement in children:A historical perspective 被引量:15
作者 Erin K.Howie Russell R.Pate 《Journal of Sport and Health Science》 SCIE 2012年第3期160-169,194,共11页
As the focus on academic achievement has increased,physical activity(PA) opportunities in schools have decreased in the United States.In an attempt to discover how the decline in PA may affect academic achievement,res... As the focus on academic achievement has increased,physical activity(PA) opportunities in schools have decreased in the United States.In an attempt to discover how the decline in PA may affect academic achievement,researchers have been studying the effects of PA on cognition and academic achievement in children for more than 50 years.This review takes a historical perspective on the science of PA and academic achievement prior to and during the past 5 years.A total of 125 published articles were included and reviewed.Fifty-three of these articles were published in the past 5 years.In recent years,the overall quality of the studies has increased,but the results continue to be inconsistent.Many use cross-sectional designs and the methods vary substantially.The majority of conclusions show a positive effect of PA on constructs related to academic achievement.Future studies should use strong study designs to examine the types and doses of PA needed to produce improvements in academic achievement. 展开更多
关键词 Academic achievement CHILDREN COGNITION FITNESS Physical activity
Comparison of an SMS text messaging and phone reminder to improve attendance at a health promotion center:A randomized controlled trial 被引量:9
作者 Zhou-wen CHEN Li-zheng FANG Li-ying CHEN Hong-lei DAI 《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science B(Biomedicine & Biotechnology)》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2008年第1期34-38,共5页
Objective: To compare the efficacy of a short messaging service (SMS) text messaging and phone reminder to im-prove attendance rates at a health promotion center. Methods: A total of 1 859 participants who had schedul... Objective: To compare the efficacy of a short messaging service (SMS) text messaging and phone reminder to im-prove attendance rates at a health promotion center. Methods: A total of 1 859 participants who had scheduled appointments in the health promotion center of our hospital from April 2007 to May 2007 were enrolled in the study and randomly assigned into 3 groups: control (no reminder) group,SMS text messaging reminder group and telephone reminder group. Attendance rates and costs of interventions were collected. Results: A total of 1848 participants were eligible for analysis. Attendance rates of control,SMS and telephone groups were 80.5%,87.5% and 88.3%,respectively. The attendance rates were significantly higher in SMS and telephone groups than that in the control group,with odds ratio 1.698,95% confidence interval 1.224 to 2.316,P=0.001 in the SMS group,and odds ratio 1.829,95% confidence interval 1.333 to 2.509,P<0.001 in the telephone group. However,there was no difference between the SMS group and the telephone group (P=0.670). The cost effectiveness analysis showed that the cost per attendance for the SMS group (0.31 Yuan) was significantly lower than that for the telephone group (0.48 Yuan). Conclusion: SMS and telephone are effective reminders for improving attendance rate at a health promotion center. SMS reminder may be more cost-effective compared with the telephone reminder. 展开更多
关键词 REMINDER Short messaging service (SMS) TELEPHONE Failure to attend (FTA) Randomized controlled trial (RCT)
糖尿病理脾三法 被引量:2
作者 汪玲 《湖北中医杂志》 2001年第7期24-25,共2页
关键词 糖尿病 中医药疗法 调理脾胃 治则 治法 阴法 运脾化湿法
Comparative efficacy of social media delivered health education on glycemic control: A meta-analysis 被引量:2
作者 Caifang Chen Ling Wang +2 位作者 Han-Lin Chi Wenfeng Chen Mijung Park 《International Journal of Nursing Sciences》 CSCD 2020年第3期359-368,共10页
Objective:To compare outcomes associated with patient education about glycemic control via group chat versus patient education as usual among individuals with diabetes in China.Methods:We searched the following databa... Objective:To compare outcomes associated with patient education about glycemic control via group chat versus patient education as usual among individuals with diabetes in China.Methods:We searched the following databases both in English and in Chinese languages:PubMed,CNKI,Wanfang database,VIP database,and CBM for articles published up to Jan 1,2018.The studies were screened by two independent reviewers.Using criteria from the risk of bias assessment tool developed by Cochrane Collaboration to assess the risk of bias of eligible studies.A meta-analysis of studies was performed using comprehensive meta-analysis version 3.0.Results:Twenty-five unique randomized clinical trials,including 2,838 patients,were identified.The education delivered via group chat had large overall pooled effect sizes in improving glucose control measured by hemoglobin A1c[Hedges'g=-0.81,95%CI:(-0.98,-0.64)],fasting blood glucose[Hedges'g=-1.11,95%CI:(-1.37,-0.85)],and 2 h postprandial blood glucose[Hedges'g=-0.98,95%CI:(-1.20,-0.76)].Additionally,patient education delivered via group chat has shown consistently superior outcomes in glucose control in short-term(0-3 months),mid-term(3-6 months)and longer-term(6-12 months).Conclusions:Educational interventions via group chat had a superior outcome in blood glucose control compared to education as usual in China.Educational interventions via group chat had superior shortterm,mid-term,and longer-term outcomes in blood glucose control compared to education as usual in China. 展开更多
关键词 Diabetes mellitus Health education Nursing care Social media
Economic and Social Impact of China’s Aging Population and Public Policy Response 被引量:11
作者 Wang Guangzhou Wang Jun 《China Economist》 2021年第1期78-107,共30页
In mapping out China’s future development,policymakers must bear in mind the challenges from a falling birthrate and aging society.Based on previous demographic censuses and original data of large sample surveys,this... In mapping out China’s future development,policymakers must bear in mind the challenges from a falling birthrate and aging society.Based on previous demographic censuses and original data of large sample surveys,this study employed an indirect method for estimating China’s total fertility rate(TFR)and a demographic forecast method based on the parity progression ratio(PPR).Our analysis details the socioeconomic implications behind demographic change,and we have proposed public policy countermeasures.The findings include:(i)China’s ultra-low fertility rate over the past three decades has led to an increasingly aging society,and China’s future fertility rate is likely to continue to decrease.(ii)Around 2024,China’s total population is expected to peak at 1.407 billion,followed by chronic negative population growth at an accelerating pace.By 2050,China’s newborn population will shrink to 8.73 million and the aging population will increase to roughly 30%of the total population resulting in the total dependency ratio above 50%.(iii)With a falling birthrate and aging society,China will face unprecedented challenges with respect to education,employment,and pension.(iv)As a public policy response,China should remove birth control altogether.If the fertility rate continues to stall,policymakers should consider issuing policies to encourage birth and create a birth-friendly society for all birth cycles. 展开更多
关键词 falling birthrate aging society education EMPLOYMENT elderly health removal of birth control
Cross-sectional Study on Their Reproductive Health Status of 604 Fem ale Floating Residents in Beijing 被引量:3
作者 WANGYan(王 燕) Lin(安 琳) +1 位作者 ZHANGXue-bin(张学斌) WANGShao-xian(王绍贤) 《Journal of Reproduction and Contraception》 CAS 1999年第1期49-57,共9页
This study on the reproductive health statusw asbased on the data from a survey and an exam ination of severalhundredsof fem ale floating residentsin Beijing. The results w ere compared w ith those from fem ale perm a... This study on the reproductive health statusw asbased on the data from a survey and an exam ination of severalhundredsof fem ale floating residentsin Beijing. The results w ere compared w ith those from fem ale perm anent residents in Beijing. The study revealed thatm ostof theinvestigated fem alefloating residentshad lived in Bei- jing w ith their fam ily for threeyearson an average. They had a harderlifethan that of Beijing perm anentresidents. Also they did notreceiveadequateprenatalcaresdur- ing their pregnanciesin Beijing and a quarter of thesem othersdid notreceiveany pre- natal exam ination during their pregnancies at all. Again the fem ales had a great prevalence of reproductive tractinfections, reaching 29.3of thoseexam ined, high- er than the w om en perm anently residing in Beijing. 展开更多
关键词 Floating residents Health care Reproductive tractinfections
Self-care actions for the maintenance of the arteriovenous fistula:An integrative review 被引量:4
作者 Natália Ramos Costa Pessoa Laís Helena de Souza Soares Lima +3 位作者 Gutembergue Arag(a)o dos Santos Cecília Maria Farias de Queiroz Fraz(a)o Clemente Neves sousa V(a)nia Pinheiro Ramos 《International Journal of Nursing Sciences》 CSCD 2020年第3期369-377,共9页
Objective:To identify self-care actions for the maintenance of arteriovenous fistula of renal patients.Method:An integrative review study was conducted and literature were searched in Medline/PubMed,Scopus,CINAHL LILA... Objective:To identify self-care actions for the maintenance of arteriovenous fistula of renal patients.Method:An integrative review study was conducted and literature were searched in Medline/PubMed,Scopus,CINAHL LILACS,BDENF and SciELO Library databases using the descriptors chronic renal insufficiency,arteriovenous fistula,self-care,and knowledge.The inclusion criteria were that the documents be written in Portuguese,English,and Spanish,full text available,published in the last five years,and that they address the research question.Reflection articles,theses,dissertations,editorials of nonscientific journals,and research studies that did not follow the necessary methodological rigor were excluded.Data were analyzed with the IRAMUJTEQ software.Results:Fifteen articles were selected and comprised the final sample.Seven classes of self-care actions emerged from the text segments analysis and grouped into three categories:(1)Self-care actions that maintain the arteriovenous fistula;(2)Self-care actions for the prevention and the monitoring of complications with arteriovenous fistula;(3)Self-care actions directed at the perioperative period of arteriovenous fistula preparation.Conclusion:The results allowed us to identify important care for the maintenance of arteriovenous fistula functionality.The self-care actions identified in this study can guide a nursing care policy for implementation with protocols that help identify problems related to self-care actions and,thus,subsidize the development of actions aimed at the renal patient.However,more studies with high levels of evidence that identify self-care actions with arteriovenous fistula and the factors involved in its implementation are needed. 展开更多
关键词 Arteriovenous fistula Chronic renal insufficiency Health education Renal dialysis Self care
A comprehensive health education plus monitoring support program for older adults with knee osteoarthritis coexisting with overweight and type 2 diabetes 被引量:3
作者 Suparb Aree-Ue Inthira Roopsawang +3 位作者 Yuwadee Saraboon Phichpraorn Youngcharoen Basia Belza Viroj Kawinwonggowit 《International Journal of Nursing Sciences》 CSCD 2022年第4期512-520,I0003,共10页
Objectives:To examine the patient outcomes of a comprehensive health education plus village health volunteer monitoring support program on older adults with knee osteoarthritis who are overweight and have type 2 diabe... Objectives:To examine the patient outcomes of a comprehensive health education plus village health volunteer monitoring support program on older adults with knee osteoarthritis who are overweight and have type 2 diabetes.Methods:Quasi-experimental,two-group,pretest-posttest design was applied.Using random geographic cluster sampling,older adults who met the inclusion criteria were assigned to two groups,62 in the intervention group and 71 in the control group.The intervention group received the comprehensive health education plus village health volunteer monitoring support program.The control group received only the comprehensive health education program.Study outcomes,including blood glucose level,knee pain and range of motion,body weight,physical ability(Timed Up and Go Test),fatigue,depressive symptoms,quality of sleep,and quality of life,were assessed at baseline,3 months,and 6 months after enrollment and analyzed using descriptive statistics and multivariate analysis of variance.Results:One hundred and ten participants completed the study(55 participants in each group).Most patient outcomes in the two groups showed general improvement with statistical significance(P<0.001):pain decreased,physical ability improved,less depressive symptoms and fatigue,quality of life and sleep improved.The interaction effect(the group and time)demonstrated statistically significant differences between the intervention and control groups on pain,knee range of motion,and fatigue according to each time follow-up(P<0.001).Conclusions:The comprehensive health education plus village health volunteer monitoring support program promotes good patient outcomes in this population.The integrated health education resource and support for older adults with knee osteoarthritis and type 2 diabetes is an effective,non-surgical treatment that highlights professional nursing roles and non-professional rolesdvillage health volunteers.Nurses should consider implementing a health education plus monitoring support program to mitigate the effects of chronic diseases and improve patients’quality of life. 展开更多
关键词 Aged COMMUNITY DIABETES Health education Knee osteoarthritis OVERWEIGHT VOLUNTEERS
Community health nursing courses in baccalaureate nursing programsin China: A descriptive study based on website information 被引量:3
作者 Duanying Cai 《International Journal of Nursing Sciences》 CSCD 2020年第4期433-437,I0006,共6页
Objective:To survey current community health nursing(CHN)courses offered in baccalaureate nursing programs in the mainland of China from the perspective on information available on websites of colleges and universitie... Objective:To survey current community health nursing(CHN)courses offered in baccalaureate nursing programs in the mainland of China from the perspective on information available on websites of colleges and universities.Methods:A descriptive research design was used.Data were collected from the official websites of colleges and universities providing baccalaureate nursing programs in the mainland of China.A checklist was applied to identify academic year,type of course,credit,and class hours for both theory and practice teaching of CHN courses including Community Nursing,Geriatric Nursing,Rehabilitation Nursing,and Health Education.The prescribed textbooks were consulted for teaching content.Results:Colleges(n?16)and universities(n?26)offering baccalaureate nursing programs with accessible online information for curriculum setting were recruited.The results showed that most of the accessible educational institutions(92.86%)have offered three to four investigated CHN courses.Community Nursing,Geriatric Nursing and Rehabilitation Nursing are generally offered to juniors,while Health Education is offered in half of these institutions in different academic years.Community Nursing is mainly offered as a required course with 2 credits,while Geriatric Nursing,Rehabilitation Nursing and Health Education are provided as elective courses with fewer credits.Around half of the institutions have practice hours for Community Nursing,Geriatric Nursing and Rehabilitation Nursing courses.However,the proportion of practice hours in the courses is generally less than 50%.The teaching content focuses on clinical care competencies instead of complementary competencies.Conclusion:It was revealed that CHN education in China is still in its infancy from website information of colleges and universities.CHN courses should be included in curriculum design,and teaching reforms and innovations should be taken to prepare nursing students to practice in primary health care and community settings. 展开更多
关键词 Baccalaureate nursing education China CURRICULUM Nursing education
Physically literate and physically educated:A rose by any other name? 被引量:6
作者 Monica A.F.Lounsbery Thomas L.McKenzie 《Journal of Sport and Health Science》 SCIE 2015年第2期139-144,共6页
In the 2013 release of the U.S. National Physical Education Standards the term "physically literate" replaced "physically educated". Un- fortunately, most discourse within the profession about the term physically ... In the 2013 release of the U.S. National Physical Education Standards the term "physically literate" replaced "physically educated". Un- fortunately, most discourse within the profession about the term physically literate occurred primarily after its adoption. While we agree with the spirit and intent of the term, we feel it is essential to discuss not only what has been potentially gained but also lost. In our paper, we illustrate the similarity of the terms physically educated and physically literate and essentially, from a definitional perspective, find little difference--but are these terms interchangeable? We provide a critical review of the standards and conclude that the change to physical literacy has produced a shift away from psychomotor outcomes to cognitive outcomes. Our concerns about this are many, but most importantly they are about the need to emphasize the "physical" in physical education (PE). It is our belief that the key to elevating the profession and maintaining and increasing support for PE is in its ability to promote and provide physical activity. Without physical activity and physical fitness as main outcomes, PE increases its vulnerability to extinction as a standard part of the U.S. K-12 education curriculum. 展开更多
关键词 CURRICULUM PE standards Physical activity Physical education SCHOOLS
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