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作者 尹峻 《西部学刊》 2024年第20期129-132,共4页
《杜凤治日记》是晚清州县官员杜凤治宦粤及回乡闲居的日记,是研究清代地方官员生活史翔实而又珍贵的史料,日记中有着大量有关州县钱粮征收的内容,从杜凤治的日记中可看到,晚清广东各州县钱粮难征已成为普遍难题,部分州县还有严重的抗... 《杜凤治日记》是晚清州县官员杜凤治宦粤及回乡闲居的日记,是研究清代地方官员生活史翔实而又珍贵的史料,日记中有着大量有关州县钱粮征收的内容,从杜凤治的日记中可看到,晚清广东各州县钱粮难征已成为普遍难题,部分州县还有严重的抗粮行为,州县官除了处理日常政务外,还常需要带领人马下乡催征钱粮,平时则派委员、“家人”等手下设立若干粮站收粮。杜凤治征收钱粮,注重依靠族绅协助,在催征过程中,州县官经常会使用诸如枷号、羁押等威胁手段以催促地方百姓完纳钱粮,对基层社会有着重要影响。 展开更多
关键词 杜凤治 《杜凤治日记》 钱粮催征 抗粮
清代雍乾后的赋役催征机制 被引量:6
作者 魏光奇 《河北学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第6期45-50,共6页
清初沿明制,通过里甲制度来催征赋役,但这一制度在其运作中很快就出现了现年负担沉重、豪劣包揽和催征系统严重紊乱等弊病。为矫正这些弊病,清廷和各地官府采取各种措施对赋役制度进行改革,但也仍然需要一定形式的催征。有清一代始终没... 清初沿明制,通过里甲制度来催征赋役,但这一制度在其运作中很快就出现了现年负担沉重、豪劣包揽和催征系统严重紊乱等弊病。为矫正这些弊病,清廷和各地官府采取各种措施对赋役制度进行改革,但也仍然需要一定形式的催征。有清一代始终没有正式颁行过统一的赋役催征制度,雍乾以后各地自行改革,形成了顺庄催征、乡地催征、里甲催征和义图催征等几种不同的催征机制。这几种催征机制就其基本特征而言,可归结为当时人所谓的"板法"与"活法"。然"板法"与"活法"都存在严重弊病,导致催征效率低下。清政府不去建立常规的行政组织来管理户口、土地和赋役册籍,反映了它只求保证政府税收而不关心国家治理和社会民生的治理理念。这种落后的治理理念是导致赋役催征弊病严重、效率低下的根本原因。 展开更多
关键词 清代赋役制度 催征机制 治理理念
晚清广东州县催征钱粮探微——以《望凫行馆宦粤日记》的记载为中心 被引量:2
作者 邱捷 《安徽史学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第1期28-37,45,共11页
同治、光绪年间在广东任州县官的杜凤治,留下一部350余万字的日记,其中有大量有关州县征收钱粮的内容,研究清代赋税的学者很少有人注意到这部日记。从杜凤治的日记可知,晚清广东各州县普遍钱粮难征,州县官经常要带领大队人马下乡催征钱... 同治、光绪年间在广东任州县官的杜凤治,留下一部350余万字的日记,其中有大量有关州县征收钱粮的内容,研究清代赋税的学者很少有人注意到这部日记。从杜凤治的日记可知,晚清广东各州县普遍钱粮难征,州县官经常要带领大队人马下乡催征钱粮,平时则派官亲、委员、幕客、“家人”等设立若干粮站收粮,罗定州还存在殷丁参与征粮的制度。杜凤治在任职的所有州县,无不依靠族绅、局绅的协助催征钱粮。在催征过程中,州县官经常要使用包括枷号、杖责、羁押、封祠堂、烧屋等威胁和强迫手段。在杜凤治的日记中基本没有写花户“自封投柜”的事,也看不到图甲制在州县征粮过程中的作用,令人感到困惑。 展开更多
关键词 杜凤治 《望凫行馆宦粤日记》 催征钱粮 殷丁 士绅
作者 白雪 王晓映 《全媒体探索》 2022年第11期27-31,共5页
重大主题报道,往往是主流媒体的同题大考,体现着主流媒体首要功能,无论是投入、产出还是影响力,都占据着首屈一指的地位。本届中国新闻奖首次评选重大主题报道专题奖项。新华日报获一等奖的系列报道《号角催征——解码〈新华日报〉老报... 重大主题报道,往往是主流媒体的同题大考,体现着主流媒体首要功能,无论是投入、产出还是影响力,都占据着首屈一指的地位。本届中国新闻奖首次评选重大主题报道专题奖项。新华日报获一等奖的系列报道《号角催征——解码〈新华日报〉老报纸里的百年初心》破题出新,从独家报史中探寻红色血脉,解码百年初心,报海淘金,深入调查,新旧融合,实现了“昨天的新闻”到“今天的新闻”的跨时空叙事,在重大主题报道的创新性上作出了有益探索,一举斩获第三十二届中国新闻奖重大主题报道类一等奖。 展开更多
关键词 重大主题报道 建党百年 中国新闻奖 新华日报 号角催征 新闻“四力”
建构三维记忆场域,实证伟大“建党精神”——以《新华日报》“号角催征”融媒体系列报道为例 被引量:1
作者 王晓映 刘玉琴 白雪 《传媒观察》 CSSCI 2021年第11期94-99,共6页
本文结合政治传播、认同传播等阐释重大主题新闻策划的底层逻辑。重大主题新闻策划如果不能辨明其政治传播的核心使命,则可能出现导向问题;如果不能洞悉其认同传播的方法论,则可能事倍功半;如果不能坚守事实传播的原则底线,则所有目标... 本文结合政治传播、认同传播等阐释重大主题新闻策划的底层逻辑。重大主题新闻策划如果不能辨明其政治传播的核心使命,则可能出现导向问题;如果不能洞悉其认同传播的方法论,则可能事倍功半;如果不能坚守事实传播的原则底线,则所有目标和诉求都将成为空中楼阁。今年的建党百年主题策划,因其政治传播目标强烈显著,策划与实操者尤需把握好政治、认同、事实三维传播的平衡艺术。《新华日报》"号角催征——解码《新华日报》老报纸里的百年初心"融媒体系列报道的有益探索,提供了较为典范的案例。 展开更多
关键词 政治传播 认同传播 回忆形象 记忆之场 建党百年主题策划 新华日报 号角催征
号角催征砺精兵 逐梦双碳踏征程
作者 姜国庆 《河南电力》 2023年第2期45-45,共1页
王金行董事长的工作报告政治站位高、把握形势准、谋划思路清、举措要求实,明确了“五个坚持”“五个全面”的工作要求,国网河南省电力公司直流中心将认真落实相关决策部署,做好“六个全力”,为国网河南电力实现“大而强”目标作出更大... 王金行董事长的工作报告政治站位高、把握形势准、谋划思路清、举措要求实,明确了“五个坚持”“五个全面”的工作要求,国网河南省电力公司直流中心将认真落实相关决策部署,做好“六个全力”,为国网河南电力实现“大而强”目标作出更大贡献。一是全力确保安全生产万无一失。 展开更多
关键词 催征
Adsorption/reaction energetics measured by microcalorimetry and correlated with reactivity on supported catalysts: A review 被引量:1
作者 李林 林坚 +3 位作者 李筱玉 王爱琴 王晓东 张涛 《Chinese Journal of Catalysis》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第12期2039-2052,共14页
The formations and transformations of the chemical bonds of reactants and intermediates on cata- lyst surfaces occur in conjunction with the evolution of heat during catalytic reactions. Measure- ment of this evolved ... The formations and transformations of the chemical bonds of reactants and intermediates on cata- lyst surfaces occur in conjunction with the evolution of heat during catalytic reactions. Measure- ment of this evolved heat is helpful in terms of understanding the nature of the interactions be- tween the catalyst and the adsorbed species, and provides insights into the reactivity of the catalyst. Although various techniques have previously been applied to assessments of evolved heat, direct measurements using a Tian-Calvet microcalorimeter are currently the most reliable method for this purpose. In this review, we summarize the relationship between the adsorption/reaction energetics determined by microcalorimetry and the reactivities of supported catalysts, and examine the im- portant role of microcalorimetry in understanding catalytic performance from the energetic point of view. 展开更多
关键词 Catalysis Microcalorimetry Reactivity Energetics Binding strength Catalyst characterization
作者 孙国祥 《中国农垦》 2017年第11期60-61,共2页
踏入江苏农垦淮海农场场部小城镇,移步皆是景,一座座精致的居民住宅小区,一条条宽阔整齐的街道和一张张幸福的笑脸映入眼帘。短短5年,淮海农场走出了一条经济平稳发展、政治清明公正、生态良好有序、民生极大改善、文化不断繁荣的新路... 踏入江苏农垦淮海农场场部小城镇,移步皆是景,一座座精致的居民住宅小区,一条条宽阔整齐的街道和一张张幸福的笑脸映入眼帘。短短5年,淮海农场走出了一条经济平稳发展、政治清明公正、生态良好有序、民生极大改善、文化不断繁荣的新路。让存量资源不断释放红利2012年10月,"坚持生态优先,实现绿色转型"的行动号角犹如催征的战鼓,在区位优势并不明显的淮海农场擂响了鼓点。 展开更多
关键词 淮海 农场职工 江苏农垦 居民住宅小区 绿色转型 张张 催征 红利 民生 生态优先
作者 王致 《政工导刊》 2017年第12期6-6,共1页
党的十九大圆满落幕,新时代强军号角催征。深入推进十九大精神在基层部队的学习贯彻,必须按照习主席"学懂弄通做实"的要求,在"真"字上下功夫,切实抓紧抓实抓出成效。坚持"真学",在走在前列、掀起热潮上取得实效。各级党委和领导... 党的十九大圆满落幕,新时代强军号角催征。深入推进十九大精神在基层部队的学习贯彻,必须按照习主席"学懂弄通做实"的要求,在"真"字上下功夫,切实抓紧抓实抓出成效。坚持"真学",在走在前列、掀起热潮上取得实效。各级党委和领导干部要提高站位,高度重视,精心组织,在部队掀起学习热潮。一是作为首要政治任务来筹划。要制订学习贯彻的长远规划和具体安排,主要领导负总责,政治机关牵头抓,切实形成整体合力。要以坚定"四个自信"、 展开更多
关键词 政治机关 大圆满 站位 领导干部 九大 催征 习近平 信仰 职责定位 领导机关
《网络传播》 2018年第3期80-80,共1页
惟奋斗者进,惟奋斗者强,惟奋斗者胜。以“空谈误国,实干兴邦”警醒领导干部求真务实,以“有志者奋斗无悔”寄语青年朋友建功立业,以“幸福都是奋斗出来的”勉励每一个中国人追求梦想,习近平总书记一次次为劳动者鼓劲、为创新者点赞、为... 惟奋斗者进,惟奋斗者强,惟奋斗者胜。以“空谈误国,实干兴邦”警醒领导干部求真务实,以“有志者奋斗无悔”寄语青年朋友建功立业,以“幸福都是奋斗出来的”勉励每一个中国人追求梦想,习近平总书记一次次为劳动者鼓劲、为创新者点赞、为建设者喝彩,让奋斗成为中国高歌前行的主旋律新时代的万千气象,激荡着每一个梦想;新时代的蓬勃朝气,激励着每一种奋斗。“新时代属于每一个人,每一个人都是新时代的见证者、开创者、建设者。 展开更多
关键词 奋斗者 有志者 习近平 领导干部 催征 蓬勃朝气 运动健儿 敢闯 日月 谆谆告诫
Synthesis and characterization of ZnTiO_3 with high photocatalytic activity 被引量:2
作者 严欣 赵翠连 +3 位作者 周义龙 吴振军 袁剑民 李文生 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第7期2272-2278,共7页
Perovskite ZnTiO3 was prepared through a new method which contained a hydrothermal process for the preparation of titanate nanotubes and an ion-exchange process.The titanate nanotubes were inferred to be H2Ti3O7·... Perovskite ZnTiO3 was prepared through a new method which contained a hydrothermal process for the preparation of titanate nanotubes and an ion-exchange process.The titanate nanotubes were inferred to be H2Ti3O7·3H2O.X-ray diffraction(XRD)result revealed the presence of cubic perovskite phase of ZnTiO3.The unique chain-like morphology of ZnTiO3 was observed by scanning electron microscopy(SEM) and transmission electron microscopy(TEM).UV-Vis diffusive reflection spectra of ZnTiO3indicated that the absorbance obviously increased in the visible light region.The degradation rate of methyl orange solution(15 mg/L)reached 95.3%over ZnTiO3(0.3 g/L) after 20 min xenon light irradiation,which was higher than that using the commercial catalyst P25 under the same reaction condition.The degradation kinetic results follow the first-order equation and the rate constant is 0.1020. 展开更多
Preparation, Characterization and Catalytic Behavior of 12-Molybdophosphoric Acid Encapsulated in the Supercage of Cs^+-exchanged Y Zeolite 被引量:7
作者 魏瑞平 郭麦平 王军 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2009年第1期58-63,共6页
In order to solve the serious leaching problem of supported heteropoly acid catalysts in polar reaction media, 12-molybdophosphoric acid encapsulated in the supercage of Cs^+-exchanged Y zeolite was prepared by the ... In order to solve the serious leaching problem of supported heteropoly acid catalysts in polar reaction media, 12-molybdophosphoric acid encapsulated in the supercage of Cs^+-exchanged Y zeolite was prepared by the "ship in the bottle" synthesis. The influence of ion-exchange conditions and the synthesis parameters on the encaosulation of PMo12 were investigated. The obtained solid sample was characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), 31p magic angle spin nuclear magnetic resonance (MAS NMR) and Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FT-IR), and its catalytic activity in the esterification of acetic acid and n-butanol was tested. The ion-exchange time, concentration of aqueous Cs^+ solution, pH value, and amount of Mo added in the synthesis mixture were revealed to influence the encapsulation very remarkably. Under the optimal conditions, 12-molybdophosphoric acid could be successfully encapsulated in the supercage of CsY zeolite, and the samples showed considerable catalytic activity and excellent reusability in the esterification reaction. 展开更多
关键词 Y zeolite 12-molybdophosphoric acid ship in the bottle ESTERIFICATION
Coordinatively unsaturated sites in zeolite matrix: Construction and catalysis 被引量:6
作者 Weijie Li Lanan Sun +3 位作者 Linjun Xie Xin Deng Naijia Guan Landong Li 《Chinese Journal of Catalysis》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第9期1255-1281,共27页
Zeolites with ordered porous structure of molecular size are widely employed as commercial adsorbents and catalysts.On the other hand,the zeolite matrix is regarded as an ideal scaffold for hosting coordinatively unsa... Zeolites with ordered porous structure of molecular size are widely employed as commercial adsorbents and catalysts.On the other hand,the zeolite matrix is regarded as an ideal scaffold for hosting coordinatively unsaturated sites.Remarkable achievements have been made dealing with the construction,characterization and catalytic applications of coordinatively unsaturated sites in zeolite matrix.Herein,a literature overview of recent progresses on this important topic is presented from the specific view of coordination chemistry.Different strategies to construction coordinatively unsaturated sites in zeolite matrix,in zeolite framework or extraframework positions,are first introduced and their characteristics are compared.Then,spectroscopic techniques to determine the existing states of cation sites and their transformations in zeolite matrix are discussed.In the last section,the catalytic applications of coordinatively unsaturated sites in zeolite matrix for various important chemical transformations are summarized. 展开更多
关键词 Coordinatively unsaturated sites Zeolite matrix CONSTRUCTION Characterization CATALYSIS
Characterization of Catalytic Cracking Catalysts Regenerated by Gasifying Deposited Coke 被引量:4
作者 Men Xiujie Zhan Shuhong +3 位作者 Li Yanjun Wu Zhiguo Wang Zijun Wang Xieqing (Research Institute of Petroleum Processing,SINOPEC,Beijing 100083) 《China Petroleum Processing & Petrochemical Technology》 SCIE CAS 2010年第1期5-12,共8页
Partially or fully regenerated catalytic cracking catalysts were prepared by gasifying the coke deposited on coked catalysts with a gaseous mixture of oxygen and steam in a fixed fluidized bed (FFB). The resultant s... Partially or fully regenerated catalytic cracking catalysts were prepared by gasifying the coke deposited on coked catalysts with a gaseous mixture of oxygen and steam in a fixed fluidized bed (FFB). The resultant samples were characterized by different methods such as the nitrogen adsorption-desorption analysis, the X-ray diffractometry, the infrared spectroscopy, the ammonia temperature-programmed desorption (NH3-TPD) method, the X-ray fluorescence (XRF) analysis, the transmission electron microscopy and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (TEM-EDX), the thermal-gravimetric analysis (TGA) and the differential thermal analysis (DTA). The results showed that exposure of catalyst to steam for about 10 minutes at temperature ≥ 800 ℃ could not cause too much destruction of the catalysts, and an amount of coke equating to about 0.27 m% was enough to block approximately all acid sites in micro-pores of the zeolite catalyst. Coke didn't show equal reactivity during coke burning-off that could be accelerated by the catalytic action of nearby metal atoms. However, when the carbon content on the catalyst reached about 2.44 m%, the catalytic action of metals on the catalyst was not evident. The severe thermal and hydrothermal environment during exposure of the catalyst to steam at a temperature in the range of about 860--880 ℃ for 30 minutes could lead to collapse of pore structure and transformation of crystal phase and consequently decrease of the surface area and acid amount on the catalyst. 展开更多
关键词 coked catalysts GASIFICATION hydrothermal destruction CHARACTERIZATION
Preparation and Characterization of Pt-Sn/SBA-15 Catalysts and Their Catalytic Performances for Long Chain Alkane Dehydrogenation 被引量:8
作者 卢泽湘 季生福 +1 位作者 刘辉 李成岳 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2008年第5期740-745,共6页
A series of the Pt-Sn/SBA-15 catalysts were prepared and their properties characterized by using X-ray powder diffraction (XRD), N2 adsorption-desorption, high resolution transmission electron microscope, X-ray phot... A series of the Pt-Sn/SBA-15 catalysts were prepared and their properties characterized by using X-ray powder diffraction (XRD), N2 adsorption-desorption, high resolution transmission electron microscope, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and H2-temperature programmed reduction. Their performances in long chain alkane dehydrogenation were evaluated in a fixed-bed microreactor with dodecane as a model alkane. The results indicated that SBA-15 maintained the well-order mesoporous structure during the reaction. The performance of the catalyst was found not dominated by its textural properties, but by the molar ratio of Sn to Pt which governed the degree of Sn reduction. Owing to the highest degree of Sn reduction, 1% (by mass) Pt-1.8% (by mass) Sn/SBA-15 showed the best catalytic activity. At 0.1 MPa and 470℃, the molar ratio of hydrogen to alkane at 4, and liquid hourly space velocity (LHSV) 20 h^-1, the dodecane conversion is 10%, and the dodecene selectivity is about 70%. 展开更多
Preparation, characterization and catalytic performance of single-atom catalysts 被引量:20
作者 Liqiong Wang Liang Huang +3 位作者 Feng Liang Simin Liu Yuhua Wang Haijun Zhang 《Chinese Journal of Catalysis》 CSCD 北大核心 2017年第9期1528-1539,共12页
Supported and colloidal single‐atom catalysts(SACs),which possess excellent catalytic properties,are particularly important in both fundamental studies and practical applications.The progress made in the preparation ... Supported and colloidal single‐atom catalysts(SACs),which possess excellent catalytic properties,are particularly important in both fundamental studies and practical applications.The progress made in the preparation methods,characterization,catalytic performances and mechanisms of SACs anchored to metal oxides,two‐dimensional materials and the surface of metal nanoclusters(NCs)are reviewed.The different techniques for SAC fabrication,including conventional solution methods based on co‐precipitation,incipient wetness co‐impregnation,and the chemical vapor deposition method,as well as the newer atom layer deposition(ALD)and galvanic replacement methods,are summarized.The main results from experimental and theoretical studies of various catalytic reactions over SACs,including oxidation reactions,hydrogenation,water gas shift,photocatalytic H2evolution and electrochemical reactions,are also discussed.Moreover,the electronic properties of the single atoms and their interactions with the supports are described to assist in understanding the origin of the high catalytic activity and selectivity of SACs.Finally,possible future research directions of SACs and their applications are proposed. 展开更多
关键词 Single atom catalyst Preparation method Catalytic activity CHARACTERIZATION Electronic properties
In situ studies of energy-related electrochemical reactions using Raman and X-ray absorption spectroscopy 被引量:6
作者 Heng‐Quan Chen Lie Zou +4 位作者 Di‐Ye Wei Ling‐Ling Zheng Yuan‐Fei Wu Hua Zhang Jian‐Feng Li 《Chinese Journal of Catalysis》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2022年第1期33-46,共14页
Electrochemical energy conversion technologies involving processes such as water splitting and O_(2)/CO_(2) reduction,provide promising solutions for addressing global energy scarcity and minimizing adverse environmen... Electrochemical energy conversion technologies involving processes such as water splitting and O_(2)/CO_(2) reduction,provide promising solutions for addressing global energy scarcity and minimizing adverse environmental impact.However,due to a lack of an in-depth understanding of the reaction mechanisms and the nature of the active sites,further advancement of these techniques has been limited by the development of efficient and robust catalysts.Therefore,in situ characterization of these electrocatalytic processes under working conditions is essential.In this review,recent applications of in situ Raman spectroscopy and X-ray absorption spectroscopy for various nano-and single-atom catalysts in energy-related reactions are summarized.Notable cases are highlighted,including the capture of oxygen-containing intermediate species formed during the reduction of oxygen and oxidation of hydrogen,and the detection of catalyst structural transformations occurring with the change in potential during the evolution of oxygen and reduction of CO_(2).Finally,the challenges and outlook for advancing in situ spectroscopic technologies to gain a deeper fundamental understanding of these energy-related electrocatalytic processes are discussed. 展开更多
关键词 Raman spectroscopy X-ray absorption spectroscopy In situ characterization ELECTROCATALYSIS Energy conversion and storage
Synthesis of Bisphenols Carrying Long Hydrocarbon Side Chains 被引量:1
作者 XUJing-zhe JIANGNan-zhe ZHANGJian JIANGRi-shan 《Chemical Research in Chinese Universities》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2005年第1期65-68,共4页
Bisphenols containing long aliphatic hydrocarbon side chains were synthesized by the condensation of phenol with aldehyde or ketone in the presence of heteropolyacid. Their structures were characterized by IR, 1H NMR,... Bisphenols containing long aliphatic hydrocarbon side chains were synthesized by the condensation of phenol with aldehyde or ketone in the presence of heteropolyacid. Their structures were characterized by IR, 1H NMR, 13C NMR and element analysis. The experiment results show that when heteropolyacid was used as a catalyst, these bisphenols were obtained in high selectivity and high yields. 展开更多
Preparation of MnCo/MCM-41 catalysts with high performance for chlorobenzene combustion 被引量:7
作者 Zhen Cheng Jingrong Li +1 位作者 Peng Yang Shufeng Zuo 《Chinese Journal of Catalysis》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第4期849-856,共8页
MCM-41 was synthesized by a soft template technique.The specific surface area and pore volume of the MCM-41 were 805.9 m2/g and 0.795 cm3/g,respectively.MCM-41-supported manganese and cobalt oxide catalysts were prepa... MCM-41 was synthesized by a soft template technique.The specific surface area and pore volume of the MCM-41 were 805.9 m2/g and 0.795 cm3/g,respectively.MCM-41-supported manganese and cobalt oxide catalysts were prepared by an impregnation method.The energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy clearly confirmed the existence of Mn,Co,and O,which indicated the successful loading of the active components on the surface of MCM-41.The structure and function of the catalysts were changed by modulating the molar ratio of manganese to cobalt.The 10%MnCo(6:1)/MCM-41(Mn/Co molar ratio is 6:1)catalyst displayed the best catalytic activity according to the activity evaluation experiments,and chlorobenzene(1000 ppm)was totally decomposed at 270°C.The high activity correlated with a high dispersion of the oxides and was attributed to the exposure of more active sites,which was demonstrated by X-ray diffraction and high-resolution transmission electron microscopy.The strong interactions between MnO2,Co3O4,MnCoOx,and MCM-41 indicated that cobalt promoted the redox cycles of the manganese system.The bimetal-oxide-based catalyst showed better catalytic activity than that of the single metal oxide catalysts,which was further confirmed by H2 temperature-programmed reduction.Chlorobenzene temperature-programmed desorption results showed that 10%MnCo(6:1)/MCM-41 had higher adsorption strength for chlorobenzene than that of single metal catalysts.And stronger adsorption was beneficial for combustion of chlorobenzene.Furthermore,10%MnCo(6:1)/MCM-41 was not deactivated during a continuous reaction for 1000 h at 260°C and displayed good resistance to water and benzene,which indicated that the catalyst could be used in a wide range of applications. 展开更多
关键词 MCM‐41 Mn/Co Catalytic combustion CHLOROBENZENE Characterization
Preparation, Characterization, Hydrodesulfurization and Hydrodenitrogenation Activities of Alumina-supported Tungsten Phosphide Catalysts 被引量:11
作者 李翠清 孙桂大 +1 位作者 李成岳 宋亚娟 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2006年第2期184-193,共10页
Two series of WP/Al2O3 catalyst precursors with WP mass loading in the range 18.5%—37.1% were prepared using the impregnation method and mixing method, respectively, and the catalysts were then obtained by temperatur... Two series of WP/Al2O3 catalyst precursors with WP mass loading in the range 18.5%—37.1% were prepared using the impregnation method and mixing method, respectively, and the catalysts were then obtained by temperature-programmed reduction of supported tungsten phosphate (precursor of WP/Al2O3 catatlysts) in H2 at 650℃ for 4h. The catalysts were characterized by XRD, BET, TG/DTA , XPS and 31P MAS-NMR. The activities of these catalysts were tested in the hydrodenitrogenation (HDN) of pyridine and hydrodesulfurization (HDS) of thiophene at 340℃ and 3.0MPa. The results showed that owing to the stronger interaction of the support with the active species, the precursor of WP/Al2O3 catalyst was more difficultly phosphided and a greater amount of W spe- cies was in a high valence state W6+ on the surface of the catalyst prepared by the impregnation method than that by the mixing method. 31P MAS-NMR results indicated that 31P shift from 85% H3PO4 of 2.55×10-4 for WP and 2.57 ×10-4 for WP/γ-Al2O3 catalysts prepared by mixing method. Such WP/Al2O3 catalysts showed higher HDN activi- ties and lower HDS activities than those prepared by the impregnation method under the same loading of WP. WP/γ-Al2O3 catalysts with weak interaction between support and active species were favorable for HDN reaction while the WP/γ-Al2O3 catalysts with strong interaction were favorable for HDS reaction. 展开更多
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