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图像对语言的僭越与图像批评的生成——从竹林七贤故事的语图互文关系谈起 被引量:3
作者 张玉勤 《文艺理论研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第5期1-10,共10页
语言与图像的关系问题,已成为当前文艺理论研究必然面对的一个话题。历史上的"竹林七贤图"是依据"竹林七贤"的人和事而进行的图像创作。"竹林七贤"不只是历史上七位放浪不羁、纵情肆志的贤达人士的统称,... 语言与图像的关系问题,已成为当前文艺理论研究必然面对的一个话题。历史上的"竹林七贤图"是依据"竹林七贤"的人和事而进行的图像创作。"竹林七贤"不只是历史上七位放浪不羁、纵情肆志的贤达人士的统称,更成为魏晋南北朝时期乃至此后文学艺术发展史中一个特殊的文化符号,它承载着历史,彰显着当下,又昭示着未来。竹林七贤图像文本既源于语言文本,形成了"因文生图"型的"语-图"互文模式;又溢出、游离了语言文本,形成对后者的超越甚至僭越。图像文本对语言文本的僭越,源于"图言"或"像语",即图像的无声言说以及读者"化图为语"的符号转译。图像作为意义的"结晶体"和"凝合物",在面向读者时,经历了"符号敞开-心象凝结-像语生成-意义释放"的"由像及语"过程。图像文本在内在机理上对语言文本实现僭越的同时,自身亦升华为一种"表意工具",甚至成为一种"批评形态"。至此,图像进入话语中心,真正成为意义存在,图像表征、图像隐喻、图像修辞以及图像时代的来临得以成立,图像对语言的僭越最终完成:不仅我们拥有图像,而且图像开始拥有我们。文艺理论与批评真正进入了一个全新的发展时代。 展开更多
关键词 竹林七贤 -图”互文 图像僭越 像语 图像批评
Region-Aware Fashion Contrastive Learning for Unified Attribute Recognition and Composed Retrieval
作者 WANG Kangping ZHAO Mingbo 《Journal of Donghua University(English Edition)》 CAS 2024年第4期405-415,共11页
Clothing attribute recognition has become an essential technology,which enables users to automatically identify the characteristics of clothes and search for clothing images with similar attributes.However,existing me... Clothing attribute recognition has become an essential technology,which enables users to automatically identify the characteristics of clothes and search for clothing images with similar attributes.However,existing methods cannot recognize newly added attributes and may fail to capture region-level visual features.To address the aforementioned issues,a region-aware fashion contrastive language-image pre-training(RaF-CLIP)model was proposed.This model aligned cropped and segmented images with category and multiple fine-grained attribute texts,achieving the matching of fashion region and corresponding texts through contrastive learning.Clothing retrieval found suitable clothing based on the user-specified clothing categories and attributes,and to further improve the accuracy of retrieval,an attribute-guided composed network(AGCN)as an additional component on RaF-CLIP was introduced,specifically designed for composed image retrieval.This task aimed to modify the reference image based on textual expressions to retrieve the expected target.By adopting a transformer-based bidirectional attention and gating mechanism,it realized the fusion and selection of image features and attribute text features.Experimental results show that the proposed model achieves a mean precision of 0.6633 for attribute recognition tasks and a recall@10(recall@k is defined as the percentage of correct samples appearing in the top k retrieval results)of 39.18 for composed image retrieval task,satisfying user needs for freely searching for clothing through images and texts. 展开更多
关键词 attribute recognition image retrieval contrastive language-image pre-training(CLIP) image text matching transformer
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