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作者 周志平 《福建教育学院学报》 2019年第10期19-25,共7页
新时代儿哲教育显得更加紧迫,这是由中国教育“立德树人”的根本任务决定的。文章从人性角度探讨哲学解决“立德”问题,从认知角度探讨哲学解决“树人”问题,将儿哲教育的新时代使命指向弘扬中哲的率性教育、丰富西哲的理性教育和立足... 新时代儿哲教育显得更加紧迫,这是由中国教育“立德树人”的根本任务决定的。文章从人性角度探讨哲学解决“立德”问题,从认知角度探讨哲学解决“树人”问题,将儿哲教育的新时代使命指向弘扬中哲的率性教育、丰富西哲的理性教育和立足马哲的创造教育。这样的儿哲教育意味着给予儿童完整的世界。儿童完整的世界是由主体世界、客体世界和创体世界构成的,打通的路径是开放儿童心灵,弘扬中哲的率性教育,完善儿童的主体世界;解放儿童头脑,丰富西哲的理性教育,完善儿童的客体世界;释放学生技艺,立足马哲的创造教育,完善儿童的创体世界。 展开更多
关键词 儿哲教育 完整世界 主体世界 客体世界 创体世界
儿童哲学教育:价值、要领与标准 被引量:9
作者 张荣伟 《福建教育学院学报》 2019年第4期19-26,I0002,共9页
儿童哲学教育具有基本的价值追求、实践要领与评价标准。从形式上看,儿童哲学教育的价值追求在于开展对话式教学、构建探究共同体和提升语言表达能力;从实质上看,则在于呵护儿童的哲学天性、提升儿童的哲学素养、奠定儿童的哲学人生。... 儿童哲学教育具有基本的价值追求、实践要领与评价标准。从形式上看,儿童哲学教育的价值追求在于开展对话式教学、构建探究共同体和提升语言表达能力;从实质上看,则在于呵护儿童的哲学天性、提升儿童的哲学素养、奠定儿童的哲学人生。儿童哲学教育的实践要领在于熟练整体活动的基本步骤,掌握相关活动的基本特征。儿童哲学教育不仅需要具有普遍意义的"一般标准"和具有学科渗透性质的"特殊标准",而且需要以学校活动状况为观测对象的总体标准和以师生活动成效为观测对象的具体标准。 展开更多
关键词 儿童哲学 儿哲教育 价值追求 实践要领 评价标准
美、英、中儿童哲学教育之比较研究——以P4C为考察重点 被引量:9
作者 张荣伟 《福建教育学院学报》 2019年第1期21-28,37,F0002,共10页
"儿童哲学"与"儿童哲学教育"不是一回事。"儿童哲学教育"与"儿童教育"不是一回事。一般意义上的"儿童哲学教育"(p4c)与马修·李普曼等人创立的"儿童哲学教育"(P4C)不... "儿童哲学"与"儿童哲学教育"不是一回事。"儿童哲学教育"与"儿童教育"不是一回事。一般意义上的"儿童哲学教育"(p4c)与马修·李普曼等人创立的"儿童哲学教育"(P4C)不是一回事。本文对"不是一回事"的相关概念进行了评析,对P4C在美国、英国和中国的发展概况进行了考察,对儿童哲学教育的根本问题和未来走向发表了一些看法。 展开更多
关键词 儿童哲学 儿童教育 儿童哲学教育 儿哲教育 P4C
The Nature of Philosophy for Children and Its Role in Teaching and Learning
作者 Yahya Gaedi 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2015年第6期292-296,共5页
The claim of philosophy connection with academic education is based upon the assumption that philosophy can change students' critical status (such as surprising, demanding standard...) and train them with reasoning... The claim of philosophy connection with academic education is based upon the assumption that philosophy can change students' critical status (such as surprising, demanding standard...) and train them with reasoning, conception forming, changing, and investigating skills. Philosophy in school, on the one hand, is a progressive discussion about our future educational system so that it can provide safe training about how philosophy can be performed and mixed in school classes and auditoriums. Therefore, philosophy for children explains that how each teacher in each subject is able to accept a model of philosophical search and adapt it to the class situation. Philosophy is much better understood if considered as a public activity and a conversation according to what Socrates did, than just considered as an education subject which should be inserted in child's memory. On the other hand, philosophical opening, questioning, and surprising toward the word--the characteristics which are undeniable, admirable, and comprehensive----can be remained superficial and even bare. Unless, it founts from Socrates' dialectic insight: "I know that I don't know." Philosophy for children is a program which involves them in every class discussion in the field of philosophical subjects. The aim of this program is the improvement of children though via introducing them numerous "Big Question" and enables them in considering these questions. Using this program, teachers encourage children to think more deeply on ideas about their schoolwork. This strategy mainly takes place in project community of classes. Children will deeply concentrate on their thoughts and skill and then improve them while considering and reinforcing their own and others' ideas in response to philosophical puzzles. This article aims to reply the following questions: What is philosophy for children? What aims does it follow? What is its content? What skills does it consider? How does it compose with the current educational programming? What strategies does this curriculum follow? 展开更多
关键词 PHILOSOPHY philosophy for children P4C CURRICULUM dominant approach
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