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基于元模型方法的6013铝合金热变形流变行为建模 被引量:4
作者 肖罡 杨钦文 +2 位作者 何欢 李落星 曾建民 《机械工程材料》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第1期78-82,共5页
为探寻金属材料热变形流变行为建模的高效方法,运用Gleeble-3500型热模拟机对6013铝合金进行了热压缩试验,基于试验数据和三种元模型方法(克里金、径向基函数与多元多项式)分别构建了该合金的热变形流变行为模型,并就各方法建模的预测... 为探寻金属材料热变形流变行为建模的高效方法,运用Gleeble-3500型热模拟机对6013铝合金进行了热压缩试验,基于试验数据和三种元模型方法(克里金、径向基函数与多元多项式)分别构建了该合金的热变形流变行为模型,并就各方法建模的预测能力进行了分析与对比。结果表明:三种元模型方法均可建立较高精度的预测模型,可以描述各热力学参数之间高度非线性的复杂关系;在模型预测精度和泛化能力方面,克里金方法较径向基函数和多元多项式方法均具有显著优势,是元模型方法中可用于金属热变形流变行为建模的一种较为准确有效的方法。 展开更多
关键词 铝合金 热变形 流变行为 建模 元模型方法
面向对象方法在模型元方法特征库建立中的应用 被引量:1
作者 王凯峰 王华昌 +2 位作者 潘成刚 胡金焕 刘德学 《金属成形工艺》 2003年第6期4-5,8,共3页
关键词 模型方法 面向对象方法 特征单 模锻 锻造 特征库
塑性加工中的一种广义有限元方法 被引量:12
作者 王华昌 王冠 +1 位作者 龙满林 汪皓 《哈尔滨工业大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2003年第1期21-24,共4页
目前的塑性加工三维有限元分析软件存在着不能直接进行优化设计的关键问题 ,严重制约了这些软件的应用效果 .为解决此问题 ,比较分析了有限元法和上限元法的优、缺点 ,它们的缺点必须用含有更具体的专业基础理论的单元分析法才能克服 ,... 目前的塑性加工三维有限元分析软件存在着不能直接进行优化设计的关键问题 ,严重制约了这些软件的应用效果 .为解决此问题 ,比较分析了有限元法和上限元法的优、缺点 ,它们的缺点必须用含有更具体的专业基础理论的单元分析法才能克服 ,因而提出塑性加工的模型元分析法 .初步说明模型元分析法的基本原理、解题思路 ,以及模型元分析法与有限元法、上限元法在同一环境中的互补关系 ,证明模型元分析法的适用性 .指出模型元分析法是实现塑性加工分析软件智能化与优化设计功能的可行方法 . 展开更多
关键词 广义有限方法 模型方法 有限 上限 塑性加工 塑性理论 软件智能化 优化设计
作者 巴振宁 付继赛 +2 位作者 王方博 梁建文 牛嘉琪 《振动与冲击》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2024年第4期1-11,37,共12页
场地-城市相互作用(site-city interaction,SCI)效应会显著改变场地地震波场分布及建筑反应,基于SCI效应理论计算研究方法的发展现状,发挥谱元(spectral element,SE)法可快速高效求解三维地震波场传播和多自由度(multi-degree of freedo... 场地-城市相互作用(site-city interaction,SCI)效应会显著改变场地地震波场分布及建筑反应,基于SCI效应理论计算研究方法的发展现状,发挥谱元(spectral element,SE)法可快速高效求解三维地震波场传播和多自由度(multi-degree of freedom,MDOF)模型计算量小且可同时模拟大量建筑的优势,同时,结合频率波数域(frequency wave number analysis,FK)方法,以等效地震荷载的方式施加地震波场,建立了FK-SE-MDOF耦合方法,实现了SE-MDOF耦合模型中多种波型(P波、SV波和SH波)的斜入射输入,解决了当前三维SCI效应研究方法中未能同时考虑建筑非线性、频谱特性、地震波波型及入射角度影响的问题。首先对方法原理进行了介绍;然后,通过与振动台试验的对比,验证了方法的正确性;进而,采用该方法建立理想场地-城市建筑群相互作用耦合模型,主要探讨了入射角度和地震波波型对SCI效应的影响,得到了一些有益结论。该方法较为真实地反映SCI效应影响的同时,可反映建筑基础轮廓对地震波场的影响,适用于需考虑建筑轮廓信息的社区尺度SCI效应研究,可为城市规划、抗震设计、风险评估以及震后救援等工作提供定量指导。 展开更多
关键词 场地-城市相互作用(SCI) 频率波数域-谱-多自由度模型(FK-SE-MDOF)方法 斜入射 建筑群 社区尺度
作者 武园浩 罗攀峰 +2 位作者 张承巍 田凌 尤政 《华南理工大学学报(自然科学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第9期9-15,共7页
为了解决不同领域的系统重复开发以及系统缺少动态增量式变化支持的问题,提出了基于本体的仿真物性参数适应性管理模型.在对仿真物性参数管理问题的通用业务与数据类型抽象的基础上,给出了其元模型的形式化定义与本体建模方法,并进一步... 为了解决不同领域的系统重复开发以及系统缺少动态增量式变化支持的问题,提出了基于本体的仿真物性参数适应性管理模型.在对仿真物性参数管理问题的通用业务与数据类型抽象的基础上,给出了其元模型的形式化定义与本体建模方法,并进一步给出其领域模型的建模方法与实例;分析了所提模型的领域适应性、动态扩展性以及数据的可进化性.最后,将基于该模型开发的系统应用于国内某ATM研发企业中,建立了面向柔性介质的可适应仿真物性参数管理系统,从而验证了所提模型的有效性. 展开更多
关键词 物性参数管理 适应性模型 本体 元模型方法
Novel damage constitutive models and new quantitative identification method for stress thresholds of rocks under uniaxial compression
作者 DU Kun YI Yang +3 位作者 LUO Xin-yao LIU Kai LI Peng WANG Shao-feng 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第8期2658-2675,共18页
Four key stress thresholds exist in the compression process of rocks,i.e.,crack closure stress(σ_(cc)),crack initiation stress(σ_(ci)),crack damage stress(σ_(cd))and compressive strength(σ_(c)).The quantitative id... Four key stress thresholds exist in the compression process of rocks,i.e.,crack closure stress(σ_(cc)),crack initiation stress(σ_(ci)),crack damage stress(σ_(cd))and compressive strength(σ_(c)).The quantitative identifications of the first three stress thresholds are of great significance for characterizing the microcrack growth and damage evolution of rocks under compression.In this paper,a new method based on damage constitutive model is proposed to quantitatively measure the stress thresholds of rocks.Firstly,two different damage constitutive models were constructed based on acoustic emission(AE)counts and Weibull distribution function considering the compaction stages of the rock and the bearing capacity of the damage element.Then,the accumulative AE counts method(ACLM),AE count rate method(CRM)and constitutive model method(CMM)were introduced to determine the stress thresholds of rocks.Finally,the stress thresholds of 9 different rocks were identified by ACLM,CRM,and CMM.The results show that the theoretical stress−strain curves obtained from the two damage constitutive models are in good agreement with that of the experimental data,and the differences between the two damage constitutive models mainly come from the evolutionary differences of the damage variables.The results of the stress thresholds identified by the CMM are in good agreement with those identified by the AE methods,i.e.,ACLM and CRM.Therefore,the proposed CMM can be used to determine the stress thresholds of rocks. 展开更多
关键词 stress threshold acoustic emission damage constitutive model damage element quantitative method
汶川地震中国道G213左侧某典型高山河谷场地地震滑坡响应分析 被引量:6
作者 杨长卫 张建经 《岩石力学与工程学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第7期1467-1475,共9页
以国道G213左侧一处包含河谷地形的高陡边坡为原型,采用新型离散元计算方法——基于连续模型的离散元方法(CDEM),对高烈度地震作用下高陡边坡上的堆积体滑坡由变形累计到破坏滑动的全过程进行模拟,并结合振动台试验结果,对该高陡边坡上... 以国道G213左侧一处包含河谷地形的高陡边坡为原型,采用新型离散元计算方法——基于连续模型的离散元方法(CDEM),对高烈度地震作用下高陡边坡上的堆积体滑坡由变形累计到破坏滑动的全过程进行模拟,并结合振动台试验结果,对该高陡边坡上堆积体的地震滑坡响应进行研究。研究结果表明,在地震力和重力作用下,堆积体顶部先出现应力集中,造成堆积体沿基岩–堆积体结构面后缘产生变形,进而造成该处出现拉伸、剪切破坏点,之后随着地震动的持续,基岩–堆积体结构面上的剪切破坏点逐渐向堆积体中前部的锁固段扩展,同时伴随着堆积体表面拉伸破坏点的增加,最终造成锁固段发生渐进性破坏,堆积体从剪出口滑出形成滑坡。滑塌发生的时间与地震动峰值加速度到达的时间同步或稍微有所滞后。在高陡边坡地形中,以输入地震波为基准,不论是坡面还是坡体内,不同位置的峰值加速度沿坡高均有所放大,表现为竖向峰值加速度的放大效应>水平峰值加速度的放大效应,坡面峰值加速度的放大效应>坡体内峰值加速度的放大效应。在河谷地形中,以输入波为基准,不论是河床还是河岸两侧的斜坡,不同位置的峰值加速度沿高程均具有不同程度的放大;河谷对加速度放大效应的影响具有一定范围,且在该范围内水平加速度的放大效应>竖向加速度的放大效应,与坡面处加速度的放大效应刚好相反;加速度的放大效应具有一定的方向性,且该方向性与河岸两侧斜坡的坡度有关;加速度放大效应在河谷底部的分布具有不均匀性,距离河岸越近,加速度放大效应越强烈。 展开更多
关键词 边坡工程 基于连续模型的离散方法 高山河谷 地震 滑坡响应 峰值加速度
Dynamic response of multi-scale structure in flexible pavement to moving load 被引量:2
作者 陈俊 黄晓明 +2 位作者 汪林兵 吴建涛 刘云 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2013年第4期425-430,共6页
In order to study the dynamic responses in the microstructures of the pavement structure, the multi-scale modeling subjected to moving load is analyzed using the discrete element method (DEM). The macro-scale discre... In order to study the dynamic responses in the microstructures of the pavement structure, the multi-scale modeling subjected to moving load is analyzed using the discrete element method (DEM). The macro-scale discrete element model of the flexible pavement structure is established. The stress and strain at the bottom of the asphalt concrete layer under moving load are calculated. The DEM model is validated through comparison between DEM predictions and the results from the classical program. Based on the validated macro-scale DEM model, the distribution and the volumetric fraction of coarse aggregate, mastics and air voids at the bottom of the asphalt layer are modeled, and then the multi-scale model is constructed. The dynamic response in the microstructures of the multi-scale model are calculated and compared with the results from the macro model. The influence of mastic stiffness on the distribution of dynamic response in the microstructures is also analyzed. Results show that the average values and the variation coefficient of the tensile stress at the aggregate-mastic interface are far more than those within the mastics. The dynamic response including stress and strain distributes non-uniformly in both mastics and the interface. An increase in mastic stiffness tends to a uniform distribution of tensile stress in asphalt concrete. 展开更多
关键词 PAVEMENT multi-scale model moving load discrete element method dynamic response
新疆喀什地区地下水水资源承载能力综合评价 被引量:1
作者 古丽巴合尔·阿不里孜 《地下水》 2023年第3期40-41,66,共3页
从社会经济、地下水资源量、自然生态环境选取8个指标构建地下水资源承载能力综合评价指标体系,采用模糊权物元方法对喀什地区地下水资源承载力进行综合评估。评估结果表明:喀什地区中麦盖提县地下水资源承载能力综合等级为III级,喀什市... 从社会经济、地下水资源量、自然生态环境选取8个指标构建地下水资源承载能力综合评价指标体系,采用模糊权物元方法对喀什地区地下水资源承载力进行综合评估。评估结果表明:喀什地区中麦盖提县地下水资源承载能力综合等级为III级,喀什市为I级,其他县区均为II级,地下水资源承载能力总体较好。研究成果对于喀什地区地下水资源保护具有参考价值。 展开更多
关键词 模糊权物元模型方法 综合评价指标体系 地下水资源承载能力 喀什地区
作者 王华昌 《武汉理工大学学报》 CAS CSCD 2004年第2期11-13,共3页
为了解决三维体积成形有限元数值模拟所面临的技术困难 ,模型元方法从方法学与工程塑性理论方面找到一种解决问题的途径。为使在复杂的三维体积成形过程中能清晰地划分出不同的模型单元 ,并使每个模型单元均有较准确的理论模型与之相对... 为了解决三维体积成形有限元数值模拟所面临的技术困难 ,模型元方法从方法学与工程塑性理论方面找到一种解决问题的途径。为使在复杂的三维体积成形过程中能清晰地划分出不同的模型单元 ,并使每个模型单元均有较准确的理论模型与之相对应 ,在划分模型单元前必须对金属塑性成形过程在时域上划分出不同的时域区段。文中讨论了金属塑性变形过程时域区段划分的原理与方法 。 展开更多
关键词 模型方法 体积成形 变形阶段 工程塑性理论
作者 李书 冯太华 范绪箕 《Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics》 EI 1995年第2期129-133,共5页
The location of model errors in a stiffness matrix by using test data has been investigated by the others.The present paper deals with the problem of updating stiffness elements in the erroneous areas. Firstly,a model... The location of model errors in a stiffness matrix by using test data has been investigated by the others.The present paper deals with the problem of updating stiffness elements in the erroneous areas. Firstly,a model that bears relation to erroneous elements only is derived.This model is termed local errors model,which reduces orders and computational loads compared with global stiffness matrix. Secondly,an inverse eigenvalue method is used to update model errors. The results of a numerical experiment demonstrate that the method is quite effective. 展开更多
关键词 finite element methods STRUCTURES inverse problem updating method MODEL
2.5D forward modeling and inversion of frequency-domain airborne electromagnetic data 被引量:1
作者 李文奔 曾昭发 +3 位作者 李静 陈雄 王坤 夏昭 《Applied Geophysics》 SCIE CSCD 2016年第1期37-47,218,共12页
Frequency-domain airborne electromagnetics is a proven geophysical exploration method.Presently,the interpretation is mainly based on resistivity-depth imaging and onedimensional layered inversion;nevertheless,it is d... Frequency-domain airborne electromagnetics is a proven geophysical exploration method.Presently,the interpretation is mainly based on resistivity-depth imaging and onedimensional layered inversion;nevertheless,it is difficult to obtain satisfactory results for two- or three-dimensional complex earth structures using 1D methods.3D forward modeling and inversion can be used but are hampered by computational limitations because of the large number of data.Thus,we developed a 2.5D frequency-domain airborne electromagnetic forward modeling and inversion algorithm.To eliminate the source singularities in the numerical simulations,we split the fields into primary and secondary fields.The primary fields are calculated using homogeneous or layered models with analytical solutions,and the secondary(scattered) fields are solved by the finite-element method.The linear system of equations is solved by using the large-scale sparse matrix parallel direct solver,which greatly improves the computational efficiency.The inversion algorithm was based on damping leastsquares and singular value decomposition and combined the pseudo forward modeling and reciprocity principle to compute the Jacobian matrix.Synthetic and field data were used to test the effectiveness of the proposed method. 展开更多
关键词 Frequency-domain airborne electromagnetic finite element method 2.5D geoelectric model damped least-squares method
Dynamic response analysis of a moored crane-ship with a flexible boom 被引量:8
作者 Hui-li REN Xue-lin WANG +1 位作者 Yu-jin HU Cheng-gang LI 《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science A(Applied Physics & Engineering)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2008年第1期26-31,共6页
The dynamic response of moored crane-ship is studied. Governing equations for the dynamic response of a crane-ship coupled with the pendulum motion of the payload are derived based on Lagrange’s equations. The boom i... The dynamic response of moored crane-ship is studied. Governing equations for the dynamic response of a crane-ship coupled with the pendulum motion of the payload are derived based on Lagrange’s equations. The boom is modeled based on finite element method, while the payload is modeled as a planar pendulum of point mass. The dynamic response was studied using numerical method. The calculation results show that the large-amplitude responses occur at wave periods near the natural period of the payload. Load swing angle is smaller for crane-ship with flexible boom, in comparison with rigid boom. The ship surge mo- tions have large vibrations for crane-ship with flexible boom, which were not observed for a rigid boom. The analysis identifies the significance of key parameters and reveals how the system design can be adjusted to avoid critical conditions. 展开更多
关键词 Dynamic response Moored crane-ship Finite element method Rigid-flexible coupling dynamic model
Shape optimization of plate with static and dynamic constraints via virtual laminated element 被引量:1
作者 李芳 徐兴 凌道盛 《Journal of Zhejiang University Science》 EI CSCD 2003年第2期202-206,共5页
The virtual laminated element method (VLEM) can resolve structural shap e optimization problems with a new method. According to the characteristics of V LEM , only some characterized layer thickness values need be def... The virtual laminated element method (VLEM) can resolve structural shap e optimization problems with a new method. According to the characteristics of V LEM , only some characterized layer thickness values need be defined as design v ariables instead of boundary node coordinates or some other parameters determini ng the system boundary. One of the important features of this method is that it is not necessary to regenerate the FE(finite element) grid during the optimizati on process so as to avoid optimization failures resulting from some distortion grid elements. Th e thickness distribution in thin plate optimization problems in other studies be fore is of stepped shape. However, in this paper, a continuous thickness distrib ution can be obtained after optimization using VLEM, and is more reasonable. Fur thermore, an approximate reanalysis method named ″behavior model technique″ ca n be used to reduce the amount of structural reanalysis. Some typical examples are offered to prove the effectiveness and practicality of the proposed method. 展开更多
关键词 Optimum design Virtual laminated element method(V LEM) Behavior model technique Structural reanalysis
Three-dimensional finite element analysis of process-induced residual stress in resin transfer molding process 被引量:1
作者 戴福洪 张博明 杜善义 《Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology(New Series)》 EI CAS 2008年第2期271-276,共6页
A three-dimensional finite element analysis of process-induced residual stress in resin transfer molding (RTM) process is presented. The finite element method (FEM) was employed to solve the coupled equations involved... A three-dimensional finite element analysis of process-induced residual stress in resin transfer molding (RTM) process is presented. The finite element method (FEM) was employed to solve the coupled equations involved in the transient heat transfer and the cure kinetics of the resin, and the distributions of internal temperature and cure degree of the composite at any instant time were obtained. The self-consistent field micro-mechanics model was used to predict the cure-dependent mechanical properties of the composites. Thermal expansion and cure shrinkage were included in the analysis. The thermo-elastic mechanical governing equations were solved using the incremental stress-strain relationship based FEM and the residual stress development was predicted. The present results were validated by the comparisons with the pertinent literature. The numerical example of a half cylinder was presented. The results show that it is necessary to carry out the three-dimensional analysis due to the complex distributions of temperatures, cure degrees and process-induced stress for thick parts, which can be predicted at any point within composite structures in the present analysis. 展开更多
关键词 CURE residual stress finite element method resin transfer molding (RTM)
New empirical model to evaluate groundwater flow into circular tunnel using multiple regression analysis 被引量:6
作者 Farhadian Hadi Katibeh Homayoon 《International Journal of Mining Science and Technology》 SCIE EI CSCD 2017年第3期415-421,共7页
There are various analytical, empirical and numerical methods to calculate groundwater inflow into tun- nels excavated in rocky media. Analytical methods have been widely applied in prediction of groundwa- ter inflow ... There are various analytical, empirical and numerical methods to calculate groundwater inflow into tun- nels excavated in rocky media. Analytical methods have been widely applied in prediction of groundwa- ter inflow to tunnels due to their simplicity and practical base theory. Investigations show that the real amount of water infiltrating into jointed tunnels is much less than calculated amount using analytical methods and obtained results are very dependent on tunnel's geometry and environmental situations. In this study, using multiple regression analysis, a new empirical model for estimation of groundwater seepage into circular tunnels was introduced. Our data was acquired from field surveys and laboratory analysis of core samples. New regression variables were defined after perusing single and two variables relationship between groundwater seepage and other variables. Finally, an appropriate model for estima- tion of leakage was obtained using the stepwise algorithm. Statistics like R, R2, R2e and the histogram of residual values in the model represent a good reputation and fitness for this model to estimate the groundwater seepage into tunnels. The new experimental model was used for the test data and results were satisfactory. Therefore, multiple regression analysis is an effective and efficient way to estimate the groundwater seeoage into tunnels. 展开更多
关键词 Groundwater inflow Analytical equation Multiple regression analysis Stepwise algorithm Tunnel
Effect of Modeling Range on Structural Analysis for Powerhouse of Hydroelectric Power Plant by FEM 被引量:1
作者 张启灵 伍鹤皋 杨华全 《Transactions of Tianjin University》 EI CAS 2009年第5期388-392,共5页
In this paper,three different modeling ranges were selected in the structural analysis for a hydropower house.The analysis was carried out using ABAQUS 6.6.The modeling range has a remarkable effect on finite element ... In this paper,three different modeling ranges were selected in the structural analysis for a hydropower house.The analysis was carried out using ABAQUS 6.6.The modeling range has a remarkable effect on finite element method(FEM) calculation result at the middle position of typical cross-sections where the concrete is relatively thin,and at the region close to turbine floor.If the ventilation barrel,floor slabs and columns above turbine floor are excluded from FEM model,the maximum rise difference of pedestal structure increases by about 24% compared with that of the whole model.It is indicated that different modeling ranges indeed affect FEM calculation result,and the structure above turbine floor in the FEM model should be included. 展开更多
关键词 hydraulic structures hydroelectric power plants POWERHOUSE modeling range FEM structural analysis
Verified Solution for a Statically Determinate Truss Structure with Uncertain Node Locations 被引量:1
作者 Andrew P. Smith Jurgen Garloff Horst Werkle 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2010年第11期1-10,共10页
We consider a statically determinate structural truss problem where all of the physical model parameters are uncertain: not just the material values and applied loads, but also the positions of the nodes are assumed ... We consider a statically determinate structural truss problem where all of the physical model parameters are uncertain: not just the material values and applied loads, but also the positions of the nodes are assumed to be inexact but bounded and are represented by intervals. Such uncertainty may typically arise from imprecision during the process of manufacturing or construction, or round-off errors. In this case the application of the finite element method results in a system of linear equations with numerous interval parameters which cannot be solved conventionally. Applying a suitable variable substitution, an iteration method for the solution of a parametric system of linear equations is firstly employed to obtain initial bounds on the node displacements. Thereafter, an interval tightening (pruning) technique is applied, firstly on the element forces and secondly on the node displacements, in order to obtain tight guaranteed enclosures for the interval solutions for the forces and displacements. 展开更多
关键词 Truss systems finite element method uncertain parameters interval arithmetic.
Numerical simulation of asphalt mixture based on three-dimensional heterogeneous specimen 被引量:5
作者 张肖宁 万成 +1 位作者 王栋 贺玲凤 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2011年第6期2201-2206,共6页
In order to verify the validity of finite element numerical simulation method for asphalt mixture, which consists of aggregates, mastic (where mastic is a kind of fine mixture composed of asphalt binder mixed with fi... In order to verify the validity of finite element numerical simulation method for asphalt mixture, which consists of aggregates, mastic (where mastic is a kind of fine mixture composed of asphalt binder mixed with fines and fine aggregates) and air voids, based on three-dimensional (3D) heterogeneous specimen, X-ray computerized tomography (X-ray CT) was used to scan the asphalt specimens to obtain the real internal microstrnctures of asphalt mixture. CT images were reconstructed to build up 3D digital specimen, and the viscoelastic properties of mastic were described with Burgers model The uniaxial creep numerical simulations of three different levels of aggregate gradation were conducted. The simulation results agree well with the experimental results. The numerical simulation of asphalt mixture incorporated with real 3D microstructure based on finite element method is a promising application to conduct research of asphalt concrete. Additionally, this method can increase the mechanistic understanding of global viscoelastic properties of asphalt mixtures by linking the real 3D microstructure. 展开更多
关键词 asphalt mixture X-ray CT 3D heterogeneous specimen numerical simulation
Neural Network Inversion for Multilayer Quaternion Neural Networks 被引量:1
作者 Takehiko Ogawa 《Computer Technology and Application》 2016年第2期73-82,共10页
Recently, solutions to inverse problems have been required in various engineering fields. The neural network inversion method has been studied as one of the neural network-based solutions. On the other hand, the exten... Recently, solutions to inverse problems have been required in various engineering fields. The neural network inversion method has been studied as one of the neural network-based solutions. On the other hand, the extension of the neural network to a higher-dimensional domain, e.g., complex-value or quaternion, has been proposed, and a number of higher-dimensional neural network models have been proposed. Using the quatemion, we have the advantage of expressing 3D (three-dimensional) object attitudes easily. In the quaternion domain, we can define inverse problems where the cause and the result are expressed by the quaternion. In this paper, we extend the neural network inversion method to the quatemion domain. Further, we provide the results of the computer experiments to demonstrate the process and effectiveness of our method. 展开更多
关键词 Inverse problems neural network inversion quatemion inverse mapping inverse kinematics.
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