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作者 任宜敏 《佛学研究》 2003年第0期266-271,共6页
千岩元长禅师是临济宗虎丘派祖先系大德,金两赐、名倾海宇的中峰明本大和尚之法嗣。他于识心达本后,受嘱隐栖,茆茨石室、韬光铲彩。后至伏龙山,复兴圣寿禅寺,秉金刚之心,踞狮子之窟,树法幢,演宗乘,辨龙蛇,别缁素,三十年如一日,惟以唤醒... 千岩元长禅师是临济宗虎丘派祖先系大德,金两赐、名倾海宇的中峰明本大和尚之法嗣。他于识心达本后,受嘱隐栖,茆茨石室、韬光铲彩。后至伏龙山,复兴圣寿禅寺,秉金刚之心,踞狮子之窟,树法幢,演宗乘,辨龙蛇,别缁素,三十年如一日,惟以唤醒梦宅、觉悟痴迷为家务。其间,四海俊杰、江淮雄藩纷纷如仰日月般地争相皈依,朝廷三遣重臣,降香褒扬,赐予“普应妙智弘辩禅师”及“佛慧圆鉴大元普济大禅师”之尊号,并赐金法衣。 展开更多
关键词 千岩元长 透脱生死 话头 显密不二
对改1 1000元长尾票之我见
作者 张柳清 《上海集邮》 2004年第2期45-45,共1页
2003年第1期刊登徐洪《改1 1000元长尾》,读后,我对文中提供的有关数据及票图进行了仔细研究,认为此票可能是切去下边齿孔的改造品。 首先文中所述数据有误,改1 1000元原票为大东版单位邮票,正票的票幅高25ram,不是该文所说24mm,该文所... 2003年第1期刊登徐洪《改1 1000元长尾》,读后,我对文中提供的有关数据及票图进行了仔细研究,认为此票可能是切去下边齿孔的改造品。 首先文中所述数据有误,改1 1000元原票为大东版单位邮票,正票的票幅高25ram,不是该文所说24mm,该文所述长尾票的票幅高26.5ram,也就是说此票竖向尺寸只比正票高1.5mm,如果再加下边齿最多也只高2mm。 展开更多
关键词 徐洪 《改1 1000元长尾》 票图 齿孔 数据 邮票 大东版 票幅 予模特征
领略园区人文 探寻水乡记忆 《乾隆元和县志两种》出版
《江苏地方志》 2024年第6期F0003-F0003,共1页
2024年9月,由苏州工业园区档案管理中心组织点校的《乾隆元和县志两种》在广陵书社出版。全书89万字,横排简体,共上、下两册,为乾隆五年、乾隆二十六年《元和县志》的整理点校本。乾隆五年《元和县志》由江之炜、张若爔修,施何牧等纂。... 2024年9月,由苏州工业园区档案管理中心组织点校的《乾隆元和县志两种》在广陵书社出版。全书89万字,横排简体,共上、下两册,为乾隆五年、乾隆二十六年《元和县志》的整理点校本。乾隆五年《元和县志》由江之炜、张若爔修,施何牧等纂。此书凡三十二卷首一卷。卷首图考,分别是城图、元长学宫图、元和县田圩图、元长合境水利全图、元和县署图。 展开更多
关键词 苏州工业园区 点校本 乾隆五年 元长
Precipitates identification in R_2PdSi_3(R= Pr,Tb and Gd) single crystal growth 被引量:2
作者 徐义库 刘林 +1 位作者 Wolfgang LSER 葛丙明 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2011年第11期2421-2425,共5页
Floating zone method with optical radiation heating was applied to growing a class of R2PdSi3(R=Pr,Tb and Gd) single crystals due to its containerless melting and high stability of the floating zone.One serious prob... Floating zone method with optical radiation heating was applied to growing a class of R2PdSi3(R=Pr,Tb and Gd) single crystals due to its containerless melting and high stability of the floating zone.One serious problem during the single crystal growth,precipitates of secondary phases,was discussed from the following four parts:precipitates from the raw materials and preparation process,precipitates formed during the growing process,precipitates in the melts and precipitates in the grown crystals.Annealing treatment and composition shift can effectively reduce the precipitates which are not formed during the crystallization but precipitated on post-solidification cooling from the as-grown crystal matrix because of the retrograde solubility of Si. 展开更多
关键词 floating zone technique single crystal growth rare earth compound PRECIPITATE
江西出土宋代碑志综考 被引量:1
作者 陈柏泉 《南方文物》 1982年第1期61-72,共12页
建国以来,江西地区先后掘获宋代碑志一批。在这些新出土的碑志中,涉及到一些见于史传记载的历史人物,且其中有的碑志文又与史传记载有所出入,故可用以校补和印证文献记载。今特予选录,条列于后,并就所知,略加考订,用以互证史籍,订正年代... 建国以来,江西地区先后掘获宋代碑志一批。在这些新出土的碑志中,涉及到一些见于史传记载的历史人物,且其中有的碑志文又与史传记载有所出入,故可用以校补和印证文献记载。今特予选录,条列于后,并就所知,略加考订,用以互证史籍,订正年代。 宋元丰七年中书舍人 曾巩墓志铭 此墓志于1970年出土于南丰县。志题“朝散郎试中书舍人轻车都尉赐紫金鱼袋曾公墓志铭并序”。志首署“ 展开更多
关键词 朝散郎 《宋史》 曾巩墓志铭 轻车都尉 待制 元长 杨惟忠 进士科 枢密直学士 圹志
法度谨严 精思妙用——读《重固三何医案》
作者 陈小翠 章敏 《福建中医药》 2000年第3期59-60,共2页
关键词 重固三何医案 清代 元长 何书田 何鸿舫
《开庆临汀志》研究——残本《永乐大典》中的方志研究之一 被引量:1
作者 方健 《历史地理》 2006年第1期366-383,共18页
今存世并已影印出版的残本《永乐大典》(下简称《大典》)812卷中,有约5 477条明初以前方志佚文,约近180万字;涉及约900种书名之多,去其重复,所见仍约有780余种书名。其所保存的史料中,绝大多数与宋代相关,无疑是宋史研究中尚未利用与开... 今存世并已影印出版的残本《永乐大典》(下简称《大典》)812卷中,有约5 477条明初以前方志佚文,约近180万字;涉及约900种书名之多,去其重复,所见仍约有780余种书名。其所保存的史料中,绝大多数与宋代相关,无疑是宋史研究中尚未利用与开发的资料库。早在二十世纪八十年代中期,中华书局影印本《大典》797卷刊行之际,笔者就已开始利用《大典》录存的方志史料研究宋代经济史,苦于《大典》方志佚文分散在各卷不同韵目中,查检十分困难,兼之近年病目等原因, 展开更多
关键词 方志研究 《永乐大典》 开庆 胡太初 元长 一统志 熙宁 举子仓 七八 宋会要辑稿
蔡京书法鉴赏 被引量:1
作者 张国宏 《秘书》 2015年第11期43-43,共1页
蔡京(1047—1126),字元长,福建兴化仙游(今属莆田市)人。蔡京是历史上有名的权奸,曾先后四次任相,共达十七年之久。亲笔书写《元祐党籍碑》,诬陷忠良,为世痛恨。但擅长书法,后人评其书法:"字势豪健,痛快沉着。迨绍圣间天下号能书... 蔡京(1047—1126),字元长,福建兴化仙游(今属莆田市)人。蔡京是历史上有名的权奸,曾先后四次任相,共达十七年之久。亲笔书写《元祐党籍碑》,诬陷忠良,为世痛恨。但擅长书法,后人评其书法:"字势豪健,痛快沉着。迨绍圣间天下号能书,无出鲁公(蔡京)右者。"陶宗仪《书史会要》称蔡京"正书如冠剑大人, 展开更多
关键词 书法鉴赏 书史会要 字势 宗仪 鲁公 元长 能书 宽博 气势不凡 光彩射人
作者 于保练 《哈尔滨商业大学学报(社会科学版)》 1986年第3期80-81,共2页
《汉语成语词典》解释"不以为然"是"不认为是对的。表示不同意。有轻视的意思。"前两句的解释是确切的,第三句"有轻视的意思"只是在现代汉语中存在,在古汉语里并没有这个意思。就以该书例句为例:①宣和初... 《汉语成语词典》解释"不以为然"是"不认为是对的。表示不同意。有轻视的意思。"前两句的解释是确切的,第三句"有轻视的意思"只是在现代汉语中存在,在古汉语里并没有这个意思。就以该书例句为例:①宣和初,徽宗有意征远辽,蔡元长、郑达夫不以为然。(《宋·王明清《挥廑后录》)宣和初年,宋徽宗有攻打辽国的想法,蔡元长和郑达夫认为徽宗的想法是不对的.从以上的例句我们不难看出:蔡元长和郑达夫也只是不同意而已,岂敢有轻视皇帝的意思。 展开更多
关键词 宾语提前 意思 古汉语 元长 徽宗 例句 宣和 现代汉语 鲍叔牙
作者 晨声 《音乐学习与研究》 1988年第3期33-34,共2页
林金元生不逢时,小学五年级就赶上了文化大革命。课不能上了,社会情况也乱得很。他父亲和哥哥都是工人。爸爸有一手好的绱鞋手艺,哥哥是个焊工,妈妈是个能干的主妇,在邻里当中有很高的威信。一家人不明白文化大革命是怎么回事,但厌恶社... 林金元生不逢时,小学五年级就赶上了文化大革命。课不能上了,社会情况也乱得很。他父亲和哥哥都是工人。爸爸有一手好的绱鞋手艺,哥哥是个焊工,妈妈是个能干的主妇,在邻里当中有很高的威信。一家人不明白文化大革命是怎么回事,但厌恶社会上的混乱情况,尤其担心小孩子学坏了。学校停课胡闹的时候他们把金元关在家里不放他出去。一个十几岁的男孩子只呆在屋里干什么呢?他只能整天听收音机。十五岁左右的金元长得结实,个子和大人差不多高了。他以收音机为师学会了唱歌,最爱唱的是主席诗词歌曲。 展开更多
关键词 林金元 社会情况 五年级 元长 卡门 中第 蝴蝶夫人 元关 五七学校 花开花落
视觉系 2015款长安致尚XT
作者 张夼源 《中国汽车市场》 2015年第6期11-11,共1页
关键词 XT 倒梯形 指导价格 层次感 元长
作者 王培明 《语文知识》 1994年第4期59-59,共1页
关键词 高中语文 《聊斋》 阎典史传 主要人物 文中 应元 成子 元长 公名 二字
Effects of Substrate Complexing Light Rare Earth on Growth,Cd Absorption and Organ Distribution of Sweet Pepper(Capsicum annuum var.annuum)
作者 王甲辰 左强 +4 位作者 邹国元 陈曦 张琳 谷佳林 宫延刚 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2012年第11期2394-2399,共6页
[Objective] The aim was to research effects of substrate complexing light rare earth on growth, Cd absorption and organ distribution of sweet pepper to pro- vide references for development of rhizosphere regulation pr... [Objective] The aim was to research effects of substrate complexing light rare earth on growth, Cd absorption and organ distribution of sweet pepper to pro- vide references for development of rhizosphere regulation products in farmland seri- ously polluted. [Method] In the test, effects of substrate cakes (at the same size) and light rare earth (in different doses) on growth, Cd absorption and distribution of green peppers under stress from Cd were explored with a pot experiment. [Result] When 40 mg/kg of rare earth was added into a substrate cake, plant height of pep- per seedlings and the dry weight increased by 21.52% and 11.11%, compared with control group; when Cd was at 5.19 mg/kg (a highly graded pollution), the shoot biomass, olant biomass and dry weight of fruits all enhanced significantly, but root system changed little in the groups where substrate cakes were saved, compared with the group where the substrate cake was washed away. No matter RE was added into substrate cakes or not, root system was significantly inhibited by Cd stress (5.19 mg/kg), but RE at proper dose improved growth of green pepper and had little effect on fruit yielding. In addition, RE had little inhibition on Cd content in roots. RE at 10 mg/kg promoted Cd contents in stems and leaves, but reduced the content in fruits substantially. The regressive equation of Cd content and rare dose in leaves was as follows: y=4E-05x%0.009 6x+0.655 6, FF=0.542 6; the regression equations of Cd content in root, stem and fruit did not make sense. [Conclusion] The experiment lays foundation for further research on heavy metals rhizosphere complexing controlling. 展开更多
关键词 Rhizosphere regulation Substrate cake Light rare earth Cd absorption
最 Hot 约会装
作者 黄学敏 孙稚青 胡文清 《半岛新生活》 2007年第2期56-61,共6页
做他的第一眼女主角,总要惊艳四座,任何服装到了情人节那一天,就好像被施了魔法,一下鲜活不凡。动感青春的男孩女孩,约会、出游,甜蜜的小情调体现在细节,任意搭配就是最 HOT!
关键词 第一眼 HOT 卡其色 华服 天都 元长 元发 波西米亚 口诵 运动裤
Biogeochemistry of Nutrient Elements in the Changjiang (Yangtze River) Estuary 被引量:4
作者 王保栋 屠建波 《Marine Science Bulletin》 CAS 2005年第2期72-79,共8页
Based on the biogeochemical studies on nutrient elements in the Changjiang estuary, the main results and recent progresses are reviewed in this paper, such as the nutrient fluxes into the sea, the mixing behaviors, th... Based on the biogeochemical studies on nutrient elements in the Changjiang estuary, the main results and recent progresses are reviewed in this paper, such as the nutrient fluxes into the sea, the mixing behaviors, the distribution characteristics and transportation as well as the biogeochemical behaviors of nutrients in the plume frontal region. The exploring directions and research emphases in the future are proposed. 展开更多
关键词 NUTRIENT BIOGEOCHEMISTRY the Changjiang estuary
Effects of Different Lead Compounds on Growth and Heavy Metal Uptake of Wetland Rice 被引量:13
作者 CHENHUAI-MAN ZHENGCHUN-RONG 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 1991年第3期253-264,共12页
Effects of different lead compounds, PbCl2, Pb(NO3)2 and Pb(OAc)2, on the rice growth and uptake of lead and some microelements by wetland rice were studied. The results showed that the seed germination, rice seedling... Effects of different lead compounds, PbCl2, Pb(NO3)2 and Pb(OAc)2, on the rice growth and uptake of lead and some microelements by wetland rice were studied. The results showed that the seed germination, rice seedling growth, chlorophyl content, grain yield and uptake of Pb, Cu, Zn, Fe and Mn by rice plant were affected by the chemical forms of Pb compounds added in soil to a certain degree. The germination rate and the amount of chlorophyl decreased remarkably with increasing Pb concentration, the root extension was restrained obviously by the presence of Pb, and the effect of PbCl2 was more evident than that of Pb(NO3)2 or Pb(OAc)2. The pot incubation test with yellow brown soil and red soil showed that there was no significant regularity in effect of Pb on grain yield, but the difference in the influence of various Pb compounds on yield was clearer. The effect on the amount of Pb in straw and brown rice was in the sequence of Pb(NO3)2> Pb(OAc)2> PbCl2. In case the content of Pb in brown rice was 0.5 mg/ kg, the relative loading capacities of yellow brown soil for Pb added as PbCl2, Pb(OAc)2 and Pb(NO3)2 were 100, 90 and 60 respectively. Pb uptake by wetland rice was closely related to the chemical species of Pb in soil, but there was no comparability among chemical forms of different Pb compounds in the same soil. The uptake of Cu, Zn, Fe and Mn by wetland rice was markedly affected by the addition of Pb, and different Pb compounds varied in their impacts on the uptake of other metals by different organs of wetland rice, e.g. the concentration of Fe in root increased significantly (r = 0.92), while opposite was true for Fe in brown rice (r =-0.92) due to the application of Pb(OAc), in soil. These results demonstrate that the effect of accompanying anions of Pb on the physiological and biochemical processes of wetland rice was rather complex. 展开更多
关键词 ANION loading capacity of soil microelement PB RICE
Phase-field simulation of lamellar growth for a binary eutectic alloy 被引量:1
作者 李新中 刘冬梅 +3 位作者 孙涛 苏彦庆 郭景杰 傅恒志 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2010年第2期302-307,共6页
Using general multi-phase-field model,detailed microstructures corresponding to different initial lamellar sets were simulated in a binary eutectic alloy with an asymmetric phase diagram.The simulation results show th... Using general multi-phase-field model,detailed microstructures corresponding to different initial lamellar sets were simulated in a binary eutectic alloy with an asymmetric phase diagram.The simulation results show that regular or unstable oscillating lamellar structures depend on the initial lamellar widths of two solid phases.A lamellar morphology map associating with the initial widths has been derived,which is capable of showing the condition of forming various lamella structures.For instance,a regular lamella was formed with fast solidification while large lamella resulted from disorder growth with low interfacial velocity. The investigated interface velocities indicate that with fast solidification to form regular lamella,a disorder growth manner or a large lamellar spacing causes a low interface velocity.These results are in good agreement with those proposed by Jackson-Hunt model. 展开更多
关键词 phase-field simulation microstructure eutectic lamella
All Single Traveling Wave Solutions to (3+1)-Dimensional Nizhnok-Novikov-Veselov Equation 被引量:12
作者 LIU Cheng-Shi 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2006年第6期991-992,共2页
Using elementary integral method, a complete classification of all possible exact traveling wave solutions to (3+1)-dimensional Nizhnok-Novikov-Veselov equation is given. Some solutions are new.
关键词 (3+1)-dimensional Nizhnok-Novikov-Veselov equation traveling wave solution elementary integral method
Parameter Optimization of CdZnTe Crystal Growth Simulated by Finite Element Method 被引量:1
作者 MINJia-hua SANGWen-bing LIWan-wan LIUHong-tao YUFang WANGKun-shu CAOZe-chun 《Semiconductor Photonics and Technology》 CAS 2005年第1期20-27,共8页
During the crystal grown by VBM, the solid/liquid interface configurations greatly influence the quality of as-grown crystals. In this paper, finite element method (FEM) was used to simulate the growth process of CdZn... During the crystal grown by VBM, the solid/liquid interface configurations greatly influence the quality of as-grown crystals. In this paper, finite element method (FEM) was used to simulate the growth process of CdZnTe crystal. The effects of different crucible moving rates and temperature gradient of adiabatic zone on crystal growth rate and solid-liquid interface configuration were studied as well. Simulation results show that when crucible moves at the rate of about 1mm/h, which is nearly equal to crystal growth rate, nearly flat solid/liquid interface and little variation of axial temperature gradient near it can be attained, which are well consistent with the results of experiments. CdZnTe crystal with low dislocation density can be obtained by employing appropriate crucible moving rate during the crystal growth process. 展开更多
关键词 CDZNTE vertical bridgman method finite element method solid-liquidinterface configuration
Arc-length technique for nonlinear finite element analysis 被引量:9
作者 MEMONBashir-Ahmed 苏小卒 《Journal of Zhejiang University Science》 EI CSCD 2004年第5期618-628,共11页
Nonlinear solution of reinforced concrete structures, particularly complete load-deflection response, requires tracing of the equilibrium path and proper treatment of the limit and bifurcation points. In this regard, ... Nonlinear solution of reinforced concrete structures, particularly complete load-deflection response, requires tracing of the equilibrium path and proper treatment of the limit and bifurcation points. In this regard, ordinary solution techniques lead to instability near the limit points and also have problems in case of snap-through and snap-back. Thus they fail to predict the complete load-displacement response. The arc-length method serves the purpose well in principle, received wide acceptance in finite element analysis, and has been used extensively. However modifications to the basic idea are vital to meet the particular needs of the analysis. This paper reviews some of the recent developments of the method in the last two decades, with particular emphasis on nonlinear finite element analysis of reinforced concrete structures. 展开更多
关键词 Arc-length method Nonlinear analysis Finite element method Reinforced concrete Load-deflection path Document code: A CLC number: TU31 Arc-length technique for nonlinear finite element analysis* MEMON Bashir-Ahmed# SU Xiao-zu (苏小卒) (Department of Structural Engineering Tongji University Shanghai 200092 China) E-mail: bashirmemon@sohu.com xiaozub@online.sh.cn Received July 30 2003 revision accepted Sept. 11 2003 Abstract: Nonlinear solution of reinforced concrete structures particularly complete load-deflection response requires tracing of the equilibrium path and proper treatment of the limit and bifurcation points. In this regard ordinary solution techniques lead to instability near the limit points and also have problems in case of snap-through and snap-back. Thus they fail to predict the complete load-displacement response. The arc-length method serves the purpose well in principle received wide acceptance in finite element analysis and has been used extensively. However modifications to the basic idea are vital to meet the particular needs of the analysis. This paper reviews some of the recent developments of the method in the last two decades with particular emphasis on nonlinear finite element analysis of reinforced concrete structures. Key words: Arc-length method Nonlinear analysis Finite element method Reinforced concrete Load-deflection path
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