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作者 刘丽 王天琪 +2 位作者 王渝鑫 丁刚 梁广智 《中国现代医生》 2024年第18期22-25,48,共5页
目的探讨CompothixoTM充填器、传统充填器、SonicFill声波手机3种充填器对树脂充填Ⅱ类洞效果的影响。方法选取2020年10月至2021年2月山东第二医科大学附属医院(潍坊医学院附属医院)口腔科拔除的恒磨牙共40颗,随机分为A、B、C、D四组。... 目的探讨CompothixoTM充填器、传统充填器、SonicFill声波手机3种充填器对树脂充填Ⅱ类洞效果的影响。方法选取2020年10月至2021年2月山东第二医科大学附属医院(潍坊医学院附属医院)口腔科拔除的恒磨牙共40颗,随机分为A、B、C、D四组。在离体牙的近中、远中分别制备标准Ⅱ类洞,按各分组要求进行树脂充填,经温度循环、亚甲蓝染色后剖开,体视显微镜下观测牙体组织与修复体轴壁和龈壁的染料渗透深度并分级,计算微渗漏程度评分。结果四组中均有样本发生微渗漏,经Mann-Whitney U检验,A组龈壁微渗漏评分高于另外三组(P<0.05);B组与C组比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);B组、C组均高于D组(P<0.05)。A组轴壁微渗漏评分高于D组(P<0.05),其余组间比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论与传统充填器相比,CompothixoTM充填器有利于减少树脂与牙体组织间微渗漏;与使用SonicFill声波手机相比,使用CompothixoTM充填器并没有减少SonicFill超声树脂与牙体组织间微渗漏。 展开更多
关键词 树脂充填器 SonicFill超声树脂充填系统 微渗漏 微渗漏评分 Ⅱ类洞 染料渗透法
树脂充填器用于修复楔状缺损的临床研究 被引量:3
作者 刘丽静 张雷 杨春侠 《中国医疗器械杂志》 2017年第5期388-390,共3页
目的探讨树脂充填器在楔状缺损修复中的应用价值。方法楔状缺损患者126例,共计178颗患牙,随机分对照组,用普通树脂填充器进行修复;研究组用Kerr树脂充填器进行修复,观察两组修复时间、效果及塑形能力。结果研究组填充时间、塑形能力、... 目的探讨树脂充填器在楔状缺损修复中的应用价值。方法楔状缺损患者126例,共计178颗患牙,随机分对照组,用普通树脂填充器进行修复;研究组用Kerr树脂充填器进行修复,观察两组修复时间、效果及塑形能力。结果研究组填充时间、塑形能力、充填有效率明显优于对照组,P<0.05,差异有统计学意义,且工作头无沾黏填充材料的现象。结论 Kerr树脂填充器用于修复锲状缺损临床效果明显。 展开更多
关键词 楔状缺损 Kerr树脂充填器 充填材料 应用疗效
用充填器与用Hawe颈部成型片治疗楔状缺损的分析比较 被引量:4
作者 陈红 司徒琦芬 +1 位作者 黄雪文 刘屹立 《中外医学研究》 2010年第1期9-10,共2页
目的本文分别采用充填器与用瑞士产Hawe牙体颈部成型片对颈部楔状缺损较深但未穿髓患牙进行光固化树脂充填成型治疗后分析,比较充填效果。方法分别对200颗楔缺患牙采用充填器与Hawe成型片充填治疗,1年后复诊,将复查结果用改良的USPH... 目的本文分别采用充填器与用瑞士产Hawe牙体颈部成型片对颈部楔状缺损较深但未穿髓患牙进行光固化树脂充填成型治疗后分析,比较充填效果。方法分别对200颗楔缺患牙采用充填器与Hawe成型片充填治疗,1年后复诊,将复查结果用改良的USPHS直接临床评价系统进行评价。从边缘密合性、固位效果、边缘着色等方面进行分析比较。结果1年后两组比较,两组分别脱落3颗、2颗(颈部成型片充填治疗),充填体脱落颗数分别占1.5%和1.0%,无明显差异。充填体轻微边缘缺损或轻微磨损需重新充填各2例,各占1.0%,两组无差异。充填体部分变色或牙体与充填体之间变色需重新充填分别为4颗与1颗(颈部成型片充填治疗),分别占2.0%和0.5%,有显著差异。边缘继发龋分别为3颗(有1颗发生牙髓病变)与0颗(颈部成型片充填治疗),分别占1.5%和0.0%,有明显差异。结论200颗楔缺患牙用充填器与Hawe成型片充填颈部楔缺,1年后分析比较:充填物脱落及因磨损需重新充填无明显差异,色素沉着与继发龋的发生则差别较大。 展开更多
关键词 楔状缺损 Hawe颈部成型片 充填器
作者 王掌义 《口腔材料器械杂志》 2007年第1期54-54,共1页
在正畸临床操作中,一些医生用持针器钳喙作为结扎丝末端推进器,虽然方便,但由于钳喙光滑。容易滑脱伤及牙龈,结扎丝末端也不容易一次到位。正畸科医生希望一种器械多种用途,既减少器械使用数量,又避免器械频繁更换,节约时间,从... 在正畸临床操作中,一些医生用持针器钳喙作为结扎丝末端推进器,虽然方便,但由于钳喙光滑。容易滑脱伤及牙龈,结扎丝末端也不容易一次到位。正畸科医生希望一种器械多种用途,既减少器械使用数量,又避免器械频繁更换,节约时间,从而提高工作效率。 展开更多
关键词 临床操作 正畸科 充填器 银汞 双头 工作效率 结扎丝 推进器
矿用卸压孔封孔充填器设计 被引量:1
作者 宋增路 孟庆新 刘中洋 《煤矿机械》 北大核心 2018年第11期103-104,共2页
在冲击地压矿井,最常用的卸压方式为大直径钻孔卸压。大直径钻孔卸压大大降低了发生冲击地压的可能性,但卸压孔的施工也破坏了巷道煤体的完整性,降低了锚固体强度。在采掘扰动影响下,未充填的卸压孔塌孔易引起巷道失稳。为在锚杆支... 在冲击地压矿井,最常用的卸压方式为大直径钻孔卸压。大直径钻孔卸压大大降低了发生冲击地压的可能性,但卸压孔的施工也破坏了巷道煤体的完整性,降低了锚固体强度。在采掘扰动影响下,未充填的卸压孔塌孔易引起巷道失稳。为在锚杆支护范围内充填卸压孔,研发了一种矿用卸压孔封孔充填器。与以往采用水泥混合预制件充填卸压孔的方式比较,使用该工具充填卸压孔进一步提高了卸压孔充填效果。 展开更多
关键词 卸压孔 封孔 充填器
作者 张淑媛 《牙体牙髓牙周病学杂志》 CAS 2003年第6期330-330,共1页
关键词 根管侧压充填器 根管充填 根管治疗术
作者 池庆田 《牙体牙髓牙周病学杂志》 CAS 2006年第6期310-310,共1页
关键词 根管充填器 双头 自制 牙根管充填 临床常用 不锈钢
不同充填方法修复楔状缺损边缘微渗漏情况比较 被引量:18
作者 彭早霞 李宁 +3 位作者 陈曦 堵安庆 米丛波 梁学萍 《口腔医学研究》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第2期158-160,共3页
目的:比较采用充填器与HAWE牙体颈部成型片对楔状缺损牙进行光固化复合树脂充填成型治疗后充填体边缘微渗漏情况。方法:取新鲜离体双尖牙40颗,在颊侧颈部釉牙骨质界处制备标准V类(3mm×2mm×2mm)洞型,随机分成2组,A组采用不锈... 目的:比较采用充填器与HAWE牙体颈部成型片对楔状缺损牙进行光固化复合树脂充填成型治疗后充填体边缘微渗漏情况。方法:取新鲜离体双尖牙40颗,在颊侧颈部釉牙骨质界处制备标准V类(3mm×2mm×2mm)洞型,随机分成2组,A组采用不锈钢两头扁充填器,B组采用颈部成型片行复合树脂充填治疗。样本经冷热循环后,在2%亚甲基蓝溶液中染色24h,将充填体正中颊舌向纵行剖开,立体显微镜下观察修复体边缘染色情况,采用Image-Pro plus 6.0图像分析软件测量微渗漏深度。结果:两种方法均有微渗漏现象发生,A组边缘微渗漏深度为(0.641±0.370)mm,B组边缘微渗漏深度为(0.395±0.462)mm。两种方法树脂充填后边缘微渗漏程度及深度差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:虽然两种方法均不能消除充填体边缘微渗漏,但用颈部成型片的边缘封闭性明显优于传统充填器,而且操作简单,方便,节省时间,适合临床推广。 展开更多
关键词 楔状缺损 HAWE颈部成型片 充填器 微渗漏
油脂中天然抗氧剂α-生育酚的快速HPLC测定法 被引量:1
作者 曹栋 《粮食与油脂》 1989年第1期46-49,52,共5页
本文建立了一种快速测定油脂中天然抗氧剂α-生育酚的 HPLC 方法。方法准确快速,单个样品分析几分钟即可完成。方法回收率99%~100%,相对标准偏差为0.56%。本文介绍方法与目前国内外 HPLC 的方法相比具有高分离效率,高灵敏度,高检测选... 本文建立了一种快速测定油脂中天然抗氧剂α-生育酚的 HPLC 方法。方法准确快速,单个样品分析几分钟即可完成。方法回收率99%~100%,相对标准偏差为0.56%。本文介绍方法与目前国内外 HPLC 的方法相比具有高分离效率,高灵敏度,高检测选择性等优点,是目前较理想的一种 HPLC 方法。 展开更多
关键词 天然抗氧剂 HPLC测定 Α-生育酚 分离效率 样品分析 标准贮备液 正已烷 标准偏差 压力程序 充填器
作者 屈沛 《实用口腔医学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2001年第6期508-508,共1页
关键词 乳牙 根管充填 根管充填器 制作
Design,Analysis,and Optimization of a CMOS Active Pixel Sensor 被引量:2
作者 徐江涛 姚素英 +2 位作者 李斌桥 史再峰 高静 《Journal of Semiconductors》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第9期1548-1551,共4页
A three-transistor active pixel sensor and its double sampling readout circuit implemented by a switch capacitor amplifier are designed. The circuit is embedded in a 64 × 64 pixel array CMOS image sensor and succ... A three-transistor active pixel sensor and its double sampling readout circuit implemented by a switch capacitor amplifier are designed. The circuit is embedded in a 64 × 64 pixel array CMOS image sensor and success-fully taped out with a Chartered 0.35μm process. The pixel pitch is 8μm × 8μm with a fill factor of 57%, the photo-sensitivity is 0.8V/(lux · s) ,and the dynamic range is 50dB. Theoretical analysis and test results indicate that as the process is scaled down, a smaller pixel pitch reduces the sensitivity. A deep junction n-well/p-substrate photodiode with a reasonable fill factor and high sensitivity are more appropriate for submicron processes. 展开更多
关键词 CMOS image sensor active pixel sensor fill factor photo-response sensitivity
A New CMOS Image Sensor with a High Fill Factor and the Dynamic Digital Double Sampling Technique
作者 刘宇 王国裕 《Journal of Semiconductors》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第2期313-317,共5页
A single CMOS image sensor based on a 0.35μm process along with its design and implementation is introduced. The architecture of an active pixel sensor is used in the chip. The fill factor of a pixel cell can reach 4... A single CMOS image sensor based on a 0.35μm process along with its design and implementation is introduced. The architecture of an active pixel sensor is used in the chip. The fill factor of a pixel cell can reach 43%,higher than the traditional factor of 30%. Moreover, compared with the conventional method whose fixed pattern noise (FPN) is around 0.5%, a dynamic digital double sampling technique is developed, which possesses simpler circuit architecture and a better FPN suppression outcome. The CMOS image sensor chip is implemented in the 0.35μm mixed signal process of a Chartered by MPW. The experimental results show that the chip operates welt,with an FPN of about 0.17%. 展开更多
关键词 active pixel CMOS image sensor fill factor dynamic digital double sampling fixed pattern noise
作者 潘玲斐 《口腔材料器械杂志》 1993年第1期40-40,共1页
牙颌畸形固定矫治中弓丝在托槽槽沟内就位常用0.25mm的软不锈钢丝结扎,钢丝末端应该压向弓丝内侧,以免刺激组织。我们自制了一种推子,简便易行,现将制作及使用方法介绍如下,以供同行参考。 (1)将废旧的根管充填器一端用砂轮磨扁平约1mm... 牙颌畸形固定矫治中弓丝在托槽槽沟内就位常用0.25mm的软不锈钢丝结扎,钢丝末端应该压向弓丝内侧,以免刺激组织。我们自制了一种推子,简便易行,现将制作及使用方法介绍如下,以供同行参考。 (1)将废旧的根管充填器一端用砂轮磨扁平约1mm。 (2)在此端用金刚砂片切一“V”形槽,边长约1mm(见附图)。 展开更多
关键词 托槽 弓丝 固定矫治 牙颌畸形 槽沟 根管 充填器 使用方法介绍 切一
作者 赵呈利 邢学玲 +2 位作者 崔秀英 李言君 蔡军 《滨州医学院学报》 1999年第4期342-343,共2页
受多种因素的影响,Ⅱ类洞悬突的发生率较高[1,2],使用有效楔子可预防其发生,但不能完全杜绝。我们就充填器选择使用、龈壁宽度和外形对Ⅱ类洞悬突形成的影响进行观察。1材料与方法1.1立体牙因牙周病拔除的恒磨牙160颗,... 受多种因素的影响,Ⅱ类洞悬突的发生率较高[1,2],使用有效楔子可预防其发生,但不能完全杜绝。我们就充填器选择使用、龈壁宽度和外形对Ⅱ类洞悬突形成的影响进行观察。1材料与方法1.1立体牙因牙周病拔除的恒磨牙160颗,刮除表面组织并清洗,置于40%甲醛... 展开更多
关键词 Ⅱ类洞悬突 充填器 龈壁宽度 龈壁外形
作者 栾兴云 李洪 《邯郸医学高等专科学校学报》 2000年第4期279-279,共1页
关键词 复合树脂 临床疗效观察 牙体缺损 微填料 邯郸钢铁集团公司 充填材料 塑料充填器 继发龋 楔状缺损 职工医院
CFD Analysis of Gas Distributor in Packed Column ——Prediction of Gas Flow and Effect of Tower Internals Geometry Structure 被引量:3
作者 张吕鸿 周海鹰 +1 位作者 李鑫钢 杜玉萍 《Transactions of Tianjin University》 EI CAS 2004年第4期270-274,共5页
Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations were carried out on the gas flow patterns of twin-tangential annular deflector gas distributor in the absence of liquid flow in a packed column (6.4 m in diameter), and t... Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations were carried out on the gas flow patterns of twin-tangential annular deflector gas distributor in the absence of liquid flow in a packed column (6.4 m in diameter), and the gas flow field in the column was presented close to reality on the whole. Furthermore, after ame-(lioration) of this gas distributor frame, turbulence energy and turbulence energy dissipation rate were both decreased greatly.Simulation results showed that the flow pattern and the distribution of gas flow were strongly affected by the column bottom frame; the proper column bottom frame could decrease the flow pressure drop greatly. Multifold factors, such as the column bottom geometry structure and distributor structure which affects the distribution capacity, must be considered. 展开更多
关键词 packed column gas distributor CFD simulation
Characterizing pressure fluctuation into single-loop oscillating heat pipe 被引量:3
作者 PARK Yong-ho Md.Riyad Tanshen +2 位作者 Md.J.Nine CHUNG Han-shik JEONG Hyo-min 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2012年第9期2578-2583,共6页
The pressure characteristics inside single loop oscillating heat pipe (OHP) having 4.5 mm inner diameter copper tube with the loop height of 440 mm were addressed. Distilled water was used as working fluid inside th... The pressure characteristics inside single loop oscillating heat pipe (OHP) having 4.5 mm inner diameter copper tube with the loop height of 440 mm were addressed. Distilled water was used as working fluid inside the OHP with different filling ratios of 40%, 60% and 80% of total inside volume. Experimental results show that the thermal characteristics are significantly inter-related with pressure fluctuations as well as pressure frequency. And the pressure frequency also depends upon the evaporator temperature that is maintained in the range of 60-96 ℃. Piezoresistive absolute pressure sensor (Model-Kistler 4045A5) was used to take data. The investigation shows that the filling ratio of 60% gives the highest inside pressure magnitude at maximum number of pressure frequency at any of set evaporator temperature and the lowest heat flow resistance is achieved at 60% filling ratio. 展开更多
关键词 oscillating heat pipe pressure fluctuation heat flow resistance filling ratio
Impact of silver sulphides on gold cyanidation with polymetal sulphides
作者 Muhammad KHALID Faical LARACHI 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2018年第3期542-555,共14页
Gold leaching was influenced in association with silver and polymetal sulphide minerals.A packed bed was adopted to single out the galvanic and passivation effects with four sets of minerals:pyrite?silica,chalcopyrite... Gold leaching was influenced in association with silver and polymetal sulphide minerals.A packed bed was adopted to single out the galvanic and passivation effects with four sets of minerals:pyrite?silica,chalcopyrite?silica,sphalerite?silica and stibnite?silica.Pyrargyrite enhanced Au recovery to 77.3%and 51.2%under galvanic and passivation effects from pyrite(vs 74.6%and 15.8%).Pyrargyrite in association with sphalerite also enhanced Au recovery to 6.6%and 51.9%(vs 1.6%and 15.6%)under galvanic and passivation effects from sphalerite.Pyrargyrite associated with chalcopyrite retarded gold recovery to 38.0%and 12.1%(vs 57%and 14.1%)under galvanic and passivation effects.Accumulative silver minerals enhanced Au recovery to 90.6%and 81.1%(vs 74.6%and 15.8%)under galvanic and passivation impacts from pyrite.Silver minerals with sphalerite under galvanic and passivation effects enhanced Au recovery to 71.1%and 80.5%(vs 1.6%and 15.6%).Silver minerals associated with chalcopyrite retarded Au recovery to 10.2%and 4.5%under galvanic and passivation impacts(vs 57%and 14.1%).Stibnite retarded Au dissolution with pyrargyrite and accumulative silver minerals.Pyrargyrite and accumulative silver enhanced gold dissolution for free gold and gold associated with pyrite and sphalerite.Gold dissolution was retarded for gold and silver minerals associated with chalcopyrite and stibnite. 展开更多
关键词 silver mineral gold cyanidation packed-bed reactor sulphide mineral PASSIVATION galvanic interaction
Simulation Studies of the Hydrogen Production from Methanol Partial Oxidation Steam Reforming by a Tubular Packed-bed Catalytic Reactor 被引量:1
作者 蒋元力 林美淑 金东显 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2001年第3期297-305,共9页
Hydrogen production by partial oxidation steam reforming of methanol over a Cu/ZnO/Al2 O3 catalyst has been paid more and more attention. The chemical equilibria involved in the methanol partial oxidation steam reform... Hydrogen production by partial oxidation steam reforming of methanol over a Cu/ZnO/Al2 O3 catalyst has been paid more and more attention. The chemical equilibria involved in the methanol partial oxidation steam reforming reaction network such as methanol partial oxidation, methanol steam reforming, decomposition of methanol and water-gas shift reaction have been examined over the ranges of temperature 473-1073 K under normal pressure. Based on the detailed kinetics of these reactions over a Cu/ZnO/Al2O3 catalyst, and from the basic concept of the effectiveness factor, the intraparticle diffusion limitations were taken into account. The effectiveness factors for each reaction along the bed length were calculated. Then important results were offered for the simulation of this reaction process. 展开更多
关键词 methanol partial oxidation steam reforming chemical equilibria diffusional limitations effectiveness factor
Performance enhancement of filled-type solar collector with U-tube 被引量:1
作者 梁若冰 张吉礼 +1 位作者 赵亮 马良栋 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第3期1124-1131,共8页
In order to increase the efficiency of solar collector, a methodology is proposed based on the analysis of its influencing factors, such as thermal conductivity of filled layer, structure forms of filled layer and hea... In order to increase the efficiency of solar collector, a methodology is proposed based on the analysis of its influencing factors, such as thermal conductivity of filled layer, structure forms of filled layer and heat loss coefficient. The results of analysis show that the heat transfer between pipes in evacuated tube is one of the most important factors, which can lead to the decrease of the outlet temperature of working fluid. In order to eliminate the negative influence of the heat transfer between pipes, the hollow filled-type evacuated tube with U-tube(HUFET) was developed, and the heat transfer characteristics of HUFET were analyzed by theoretical and experimental studies. The results show that the thermal resistances decrease with the increase of the thermal conductivity of filled layer. When the thermal conductivity is over 10 W/(m·K), the change of thermal resistances is very little.Furthermore, the larger the thermal conductivity of filled layer, the less the rate of the energy transfer between the two pipes to the total energy transfer, which is between the absorber tube and the working fluid. There is a little difference between the efficiencies of HUFET and UFET, with the efficiency of HUFET 2.4% higher than that of UFET. Meanwhile, the validation of the model developed was confirmed by the experiment. 展开更多
关键词 performance enhancement filled-type evacuated tube U-tube
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