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作者 凡文吉 《领导科学》 北大核心 2020年第21期57-59,共3页
基于领导决策的复杂性、不确定性和高风险性,领导者在决策中应综合运用先手和后手方法。先手方法包括积极主动,抢占先机;加快速度,保障效率;排查险情,顺势利导;以人为本,保障稳定。后手方法包括摸清情况,找准病根;多维协调,化解冲突;调... 基于领导决策的复杂性、不确定性和高风险性,领导者在决策中应综合运用先手和后手方法。先手方法包括积极主动,抢占先机;加快速度,保障效率;排查险情,顺势利导;以人为本,保障稳定。后手方法包括摸清情况,找准病根;多维协调,化解冲突;调度资源,优化方案;善于借力,提高质量。 展开更多
关键词 领导者 领导决策 先手 后手
作者 袁燕 《当代贵州》 2019年第15期4-4,共1页
春为岁首,携希望和梦想出发。《渝黔合作先行示范区建设实施方案》以融入'一带一路'和长江经济带建设为契机,在产业发展、基础设施建设、生态保护、脱贫攻坚、体制机制创新等领域,下好共同深度融入和服务国家战略,促进两地经济... 春为岁首,携希望和梦想出发。《渝黔合作先行示范区建设实施方案》以融入'一带一路'和长江经济带建设为契机,在产业发展、基础设施建设、生态保护、脱贫攻坚、体制机制创新等领域,下好共同深度融入和服务国家战略,促进两地经济社会高质量发展'先手棋'。一张蓝图擘画渝黔两地新未来。这是历史性决策、战略性谋划。重庆、贵州同处我国西南地区和长江上游地区。 展开更多
关键词 战略性 发展 合作 谋划 两地 先手 岁首 建设
作者 彭寿 《江淮法治》 2019年第5期17-17,共1页
掌握核心技术,提升科技支撑能力,强化原始创新,加强关键核心技术攻关,这是国家创新驱动的重要使命。对于企业来说,具有自主知识产权的核心技术,同样是企业的“命门”所在。随着全球技术革命、科技竞争的持续升级,我国的实体经济,特别是... 掌握核心技术,提升科技支撑能力,强化原始创新,加强关键核心技术攻关,这是国家创新驱动的重要使命。对于企业来说,具有自主知识产权的核心技术,同样是企业的“命门”所在。随着全球技术革命、科技竞争的持续升级,我国的实体经济,特别是以高新技术为代表的科技型企业,既肩负着实施国家战略的使命,也义不容辞担当了攻克“卡脖子”项目,加快实现高质量发展的重任。 展开更多
关键词 科技 竞争 卡脖子 高质量 核心技术 驱动 先手 企业
贯彻新发展理念 下好创新先手棋
作者 叶雪洁 宋超 《科技风》 2020年第15期3-3,共1页
作为资源型城市的安徽省淮南市,在贯彻新发展理念,建设创新型城市过程中,根据自身实际提出了以争创国家创新型城市为契机,以加强与大院大所大学科技合作为切入点,以破除体制机制障碍为突破口,以突出"高精尖缺"人才为方向的新... 作为资源型城市的安徽省淮南市,在贯彻新发展理念,建设创新型城市过程中,根据自身实际提出了以争创国家创新型城市为契机,以加强与大院大所大学科技合作为切入点,以破除体制机制障碍为突破口,以突出"高精尖缺"人才为方向的新发展思路,为资源型城市的创新发展提出了新的解决方案。 展开更多
关键词 新发展理念 创新 先手
作者 张弛月 石煜 《冰雪体育创新研究》 2024年第14期10-12,共3页
成熟的战略思想和丰富的战术储备是冰壶运动员取得比赛优胜不可或缺的条件,先手控分能力是运动员战略能力的重要组成部分。该文统计2021年世界女子冰壶锦标赛14支参赛队先手时控分成功局数及比赛胜率,分析先手控分能力对比赛结果的影响... 成熟的战略思想和丰富的战术储备是冰壶运动员取得比赛优胜不可或缺的条件,先手控分能力是运动员战略能力的重要组成部分。该文统计2021年世界女子冰壶锦标赛14支参赛队先手时控分成功局数及比赛胜率,分析先手控分能力对比赛结果的影响,旨在为冰壶运动员比赛战略选择提供参考。研究结果及结论:第一,比赛中,开局阶段控分能力对比赛胜率的影响最强。末局阶段及终局阶段领先时,控分能力也能够提高比赛胜率。第二,比分领先时,先手控分能力能够提高比赛胜率,先手持平时和先手落后1~2分时,先手控分能力与比赛的胜率均无关。 展开更多
关键词 先手 控分能力 冰壶比赛
打好推动江苏经济高质量发展的“组合拳” 被引量:2
作者 储东涛 《江苏大学学报(社会科学版)》 北大核心 2019年第3期79-85,共7页
改革开放以来江苏经济迅猛发展、成就辉煌,但在追求高速增长的同时也存在一些矛盾和问题,诸如重速度轻质量、重GDP轻环保、重规模轻品牌、重技术引进轻自主创新等,因此,江苏经济目前正处在从高速增长转向高质量发展的“攻关期”。当此时... 改革开放以来江苏经济迅猛发展、成就辉煌,但在追求高速增长的同时也存在一些矛盾和问题,诸如重速度轻质量、重GDP轻环保、重规模轻品牌、重技术引进轻自主创新等,因此,江苏经济目前正处在从高速增长转向高质量发展的“攻关期”。当此时刻,江苏必须以系统思维打好既有针对性又具普遍性的“组合拳”,包括从“速度情结”转向“质量情缘”,从“GDP至上”转向“生态优先”,从“规模扩张”转向“品牌提升”,从“依赖技术引进”转向“依靠自主创新”。唯如此,才能跨越“攻关期”关口,真正步入高质量发展轨道。 展开更多
关键词 高速度增长 高质量发展 攻关期 先手 区域经济
作者 盛光进 《渤海大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2005年第2期156-157,共2页
关键词 先手与后手 争先 占优 条件概率 全概率公式
作者 贾晋 《当代县域经济》 2019年第5期16-21,共6页
2019年初,习近平总书记在省部级主要领导干部坚持底线思维着力防范化解重大风险专题研讨班上发表重要讲话。他强调,面对波谲云诡的国际形势、复杂敏感的周边环境、艰巨繁重的改革发展稳定任务,我们必须始终保持高度警惕,既要高度警惕“... 2019年初,习近平总书记在省部级主要领导干部坚持底线思维着力防范化解重大风险专题研讨班上发表重要讲话。他强调,面对波谲云诡的国际形势、复杂敏感的周边环境、艰巨繁重的改革发展稳定任务,我们必须始终保持高度警惕,既要高度警惕“黑天鹅”事件,也要防范“灰犀牛”事件;既要有防范风险的先手,也要有应对和化解风险挑战的高招;既要打好防范和抵御风险的有准备之战,也要打好化险为夷、转危为机的战略主动战。 展开更多
关键词 领导 发展 干部 风险 事件 经济 研讨班 高度 先手
中国女子冰壶队得分表现特征及发展策略 被引量:4
作者 林惠莎 陈亮 《福建师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2022年第5期114-124,共11页
分析中国女子冰壶队2022年北京冬奥会周期内参赛的得分表现特征,并提出针对性发展策略.采用马尔科夫决策模型计算冰壶比赛的得分概率分布,并得出适合我国女子冰壶队在比赛中各局次的最佳状态.结果显示:(1)比赛开局、晚局的得分特征及末... 分析中国女子冰壶队2022年北京冬奥会周期内参赛的得分表现特征,并提出针对性发展策略.采用马尔科夫决策模型计算冰壶比赛的得分概率分布,并得出适合我国女子冰壶队在比赛中各局次的最佳状态.结果显示:(1)比赛开局、晚局的得分特征及末局比赛的先后手权对比赛结果具有重要作用;比赛中局阶段表现出“不稳定性”及“慢热型”的得分特征.(2)获胜时高得分能力有限和控分能力较强,失利时得分与控分能力均较差.(3)与国外强队对比,呈现出后手局得分能力不弱,先手局“偷分”及防守能力不足的特征.建议:尽量遵循最优“先后手”模式;重视首局战术策略达成的技术能力培养;加强中局对前段竞技过程的控制;提高晚局控分和末局得分能力;强化专项能力提高投壶成功率,并增加高难技术的训练与实战尝试. 展开更多
关键词 中国女子冰壶队 技战术表现 先手 后手 备战策略
科技创新“新风向” 被引量:1
作者 邓晓蕾 《宁波经济(财经视点)》 2019年第4期10-12,共3页
当今世界,科技创新已经成为提高综合国力的关键支撑,成为社会生产方式和生活方式变革进步的强大引领,谁牵住了科技创新这个牛鼻子,谁走好了科技创新这步先手棋,谁就能占领先机、赢得优势。回顾过去几年,“互联网+”云计算、大数据、人... 当今世界,科技创新已经成为提高综合国力的关键支撑,成为社会生产方式和生活方式变革进步的强大引领,谁牵住了科技创新这个牛鼻子,谁走好了科技创新这步先手棋,谁就能占领先机、赢得优势。回顾过去几年,“互联网+”云计算、大数据、人工智能、集成电路等科技热词在“两会”高频出现。 展开更多
关键词 科技 报告 新风 生活 先手 方式 人工智能 热词 社会
《江苏教育宣传》 2019年第1期3-5,共3页
自2013年起,江苏教育报刊总社连续组织江苏教育年度十大新闻评选,江苏教育年度十大新闻评选已成为全国教育同行和主流媒体观察了解江苏教育的窗口,彰显出越来越广泛的影响力。2018年底评选出的年度十大新闻,真实反映了江苏教育2018年取... 自2013年起,江苏教育报刊总社连续组织江苏教育年度十大新闻评选,江苏教育年度十大新闻评选已成为全国教育同行和主流媒体观察了解江苏教育的窗口,彰显出越来越广泛的影响力。2018年底评选出的年度十大新闻,真实反映了江苏教育2018年取得的显著成绩。“2018江苏教育十大新闻”的一些关键词让人倍感振奋。如“改革开放40年来我省教育改革取得巨大成就,涌现出以胡福明为代表的‘改革先锋’”中的“先锋”,“省委传达学习全国教育大会精神,切实把优先发展教育作为重要先手棋来抓”中的“先手棋”等。 展开更多
关键词 年度 教育 先手 江苏 改革 新闻
作者 戴晓杭 《现代盐化工》 2016年第3期85-86,共2页
关键词 围棋 博弈 大局观 先手 行棋方向 战略
作者 史凤珍 《江苏科技信息》 2019年第33期4-7,共4页
随着我国居民生活水平的不断提高,汽车保有量逐年增加,汽车养护服务等后市场需求日益旺盛,但现阶段高邮市汽车产业还存在布局分散、企业规模小、服务水平参差不齐、环境污染等问题。文章从高质量打造城南汽车产业园背景出发,分析现有汽... 随着我国居民生活水平的不断提高,汽车保有量逐年增加,汽车养护服务等后市场需求日益旺盛,但现阶段高邮市汽车产业还存在布局分散、企业规模小、服务水平参差不齐、环境污染等问题。文章从高质量打造城南汽车产业园背景出发,分析现有汽车城的现状与存在问题,结合外地成功经验,提出以集聚发展、重点打造汽车后市场为主攻方向,为未来汽车产业园建设提供一定参考。 展开更多
关键词 汽车产业园 后市场 调研 先手
作者 于作军 牛志培 雷懿 《北京体育大学学报》 北大核心 2024年第6期133-143,共11页
旨在提升我国冰壶运动员的竞技实力和备战参赛的科学化水平,采用文献资料法、现场观察法、专家访谈法和数理统计法,分析中国女队在第31届世界大学生冬季运动会期间的备战参赛过程和临场竞技表现,探索夺冠致胜的备战策略和参赛方案。研... 旨在提升我国冰壶运动员的竞技实力和备战参赛的科学化水平,采用文献资料法、现场观察法、专家访谈法和数理统计法,分析中国女队在第31届世界大学生冬季运动会期间的备战参赛过程和临场竞技表现,探索夺冠致胜的备战策略和参赛方案。研究结果:中国女队的平均年龄排在第5位,参加世界冰壶联合会赛事的人均次数排在第4位;失分方面可见显著性差异,得分方面未见显著性差异;循环赛胜场与负场,以及循环赛胜场与复赛之间的后手进攻效率可见显著性差异;一垒投壶成功率在循环赛胜场与负场之间可见显著性差异。结论:中国女队大赛经验丰富,年龄结构合理,战术体系尚不成熟;得分能力稳定,防失分能力较强,得大分能力有限;后手攻防能力薄弱,先手攻防能力优异;一垒投壶成功率直接决定着对比赛的控制程度。研究提出:要精准收集竞技信息,以便科学掌控备战参赛工作;要制定适宜参赛目标,以便正确引导备战参赛行为;要科学设计赛前训练,以便实现竞技能力的优化整合;要实时分析临场数据,以便实现临场指导的科学决策;要有效激发团队动力,以便实现互动过程的协调优化。以期助力中国冰壶队在赛场上更好的展示训练成效和获得理想的竞技表现与竞技成绩。 展开更多
关键词 女子冰壶 竞技表现 投壶成功率 得失分 先手战术 后手战术
Advances in diagnosis,treatment and palliation of cholangiocarcinoma:1990-2009 被引量:83
作者 Murad Aljiffry Mark J Walsh Michele Molinari 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第34期4240-4262,共23页
Several advances in diagnosis,treatment and palliation of cholangiocarcinoma(CC)have occurred in the last decades.A multidisciplinary approach to this disease is therefore recommended.CC is a relatively rare tumor and... Several advances in diagnosis,treatment and palliation of cholangiocarcinoma(CC)have occurred in the last decades.A multidisciplinary approach to this disease is therefore recommended.CC is a relatively rare tumor and the main risk factors are:chronic inflammation, genetic predisposition and congenital abnormalities of the biliary tree.While the incidence of intra-hepatic CC is increasing,the incidence of extra-hepatic CC is trending down.The only curative treatment for CC is surgical resection with negative margins.Liver transplantation has been proposed only for selected patients with hilar CC that cannot be resected who have no metastatic disease after a period of neoadjuvant chemo-radiation therapy.Magnetic resonance imaging/magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography,positron emission tomography scan,endoscopic ultrasound and computed tomography scans are the most frequently used modalities for diagnosis and tumor staging.Adjuvant therapy,palliative chemotherapy and radiotherapy have been relatively ineffective for inoperable CC.For most of these patients biliary stenting provides effective palliation.Photodynamic therapy is an emerging palliative treatment that seems to provide pain relief,improve biliary patency and increase survival. The clinical utility of other emerging therapies such as transarterial chemoembolization,hepatic arterial chemoinfusion and high intensity intraductal ultrasound needs further study. 展开更多
Abdominal neurenteric cyst 被引量:1
作者 Radoje olovi Marjan Micev +3 位作者 Miodrag Jovanovi Slavko Mati Nikica Grubor Henry Dushan E Atkinson 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2008年第23期3759-3762,共4页
Neurenteric cysts are extremely rare congenital anomalies, often presenting in the first 5 years of life, and are caused by an incomplete separation of the notochord from the foregut during the third week of embryogen... Neurenteric cysts are extremely rare congenital anomalies, often presenting in the first 5 years of life, and are caused by an incomplete separation of the notochord from the foregut during the third week of embryogenesis. They are frequently accompanied with spinal or gastrointestinal abnormalities, but the latter may be absent in adults. Although usually located in the thorax, neurenteric cysts may be found along the entire spine. We present a 24-year-old woman admitted for epigastric pain, nausea, vomiting, low grade fever and leucocytosis. She underwent cystgastrostomy for a Ioculated cyst of the distal pancreas at the age of 4 years, which recurred when she was at the age of 11 years. Ultrasound and computer tomograghy (CT) scan revealed a 16 cmx 15 cm cystic mass in the body and tail of pancreas, with a 6-7 mm thickened wall. Laboratory data and chest X-ray were normal and spinal radiographs did not show any structural abnormalities. The patient underwent a complete cyst excision, and after an uneventful recovery, remained symptom-free without recurrence during the 5-year follow-up. The cyst was found to contain 1200 mL of pale viscous fluid. It was covered by a primitive singlelayered cuboidal epithelium, along with specialized antral glandular parenchyma and hypoplastic primitive gastric mucosa. Focal glandular groups resembling those of the body of the stomach were also seen. In addition, ciliary respiratory epithelium, foci of squamous metaplasia and mucinous glands were present. The wall of the cyst contained a muscular layer, neuroglial tissue with plexogenic nerve fascicles, Paccini corpuscle-like structures, hyperplastic neuroganglionar elements and occasional psammomatous bodies, as well as fibroblast-like areas of surrounding stroma. Cartilagenous tissue was not found in any part of the cyst. Immunohistochemistry confirmed the presence of neurogenic elements marked by S-100, GFAP, NF and NSE. The gastric epithelium showed mostly CK7 and EMA immunoexpression, and the respiratory epithelium revealed a CK8 and CK18 immunoprofile without CK 10/13 positive elements, though neither CEA or AFP positive cells were found. To our knowledge, this is the first reported case of an abdominally located neurenteric cyst with no associated spinal anomalies. 展开更多
关键词 Neurenteric cyst CONGENITAL ABDOMEN PANCREAS Surgical excision
Megacolon in adulthood after surgical treatment of Hirschsprung's disease in early childhood 被引量:3
作者 Christoph R.Werner Gisela Stoltenburg-Didinger +8 位作者 Henning Weidemann Christoph Benckert Marco Schmidtmann Ivo R.van der Voort Viola Andresen Burghard F.Klapp Peter Neuhaus Bertram Wiedenmann Hubert Mnnikes 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2005年第36期5742-5745,共4页
Hirschsprung's disease (HD) is a disorder associated with congenital malformation of the enteric nervous system with segmental aganglionosis. Prevailing therapy includes a resection of the affected part of the bowe... Hirschsprung's disease (HD) is a disorder associated with congenital malformation of the enteric nervous system with segmental aganglionosis. Prevailing therapy includes a resection of the affected part of the bowel, However, patients often do not obtain complete functional improvement after surgical treatment. We present the case of a 25-year-old woman who had surgical treatment of lid in early childhood. After that procedure she had clinical features of constipation for years in the end, passing of stool once a week, requiring laxatives and enemas. We diagnosed an incomplete resection of the aganglionic bowel via rectal biopsy and resected the remaining aganglionic segment. Two months after surgery the patient's bowel function improved to a frequency of 1-4 stools per day. We conclude that regular follow-up is required to identify lid patients with persistent alterations of bowel function after surgery. In patients presenting with constipation, recognition of a remaining aganglionic segment or other alterations of the enteric nervous system should be aimed at in an early stage. 2005 The WJG Press and Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved 展开更多
关键词 Hirschsprung's disease MEGACOLON Surgicaltreatment CONSTIPATION
Heart-shaped anastomosis for Hirschsprung's disease: Operative technique and long-term follow-up 被引量:6
作者 GuoWang Xiao-YiSun Ming-FaWei Yi-ZhenWeng 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2005年第2期296-298,共3页
AIM: To study the long-term therapeutic effect of 'heartshaped' anastomosis for Hirschsprung's disease.METHODS: From January 1986 to October 1997, we performed one-stage 'heart-shaped' anastomosis ... AIM: To study the long-term therapeutic effect of 'heartshaped' anastomosis for Hirschsprung's disease.METHODS: From January 1986 to October 1997, we performed one-stage 'heart-shaped' anastomosis for 193 patients with Hirschsprung's disease (HD). One hundred and fiftytwo patients were followed up patients (follow-up rate 79%).The operative outcome and postoperative complications were retrospectively analyzed.RESULTS: Early complications included urine retention in 2patients, enteritis in 10, anastomotic stricture in 1, and intestinal obstruction in 2. No infection of abdominal cavity or wound and anastomotic leakage or death occurred in any patients. Late complications were present in 22 cases,including adhesive intestinal obstruction in 2, longer anal in 5, incision hernia in 2, enteritis in 6, occasional stool stains in 7 and 6 related with improper diet. No constipation or incontinence occurred in any patient.CONCLUSION: The early and late postoperative complication rates were 7.8% and 11.4% respectively in our 'heartshaped anastomosis' procedure. 'Heart-shaped'anastomosis procedure for Hirschsprung's disease provides a better therapeutic effect compared to classic procedures. 展开更多
关键词 Hirschsprung's disease Heart-shaped anastomosis Follow-up studies
Duplicated appendix complicated by appendiceal cancer 被引量:1
作者 Hugh J Freeman 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第1期135-136,共2页
A 37-year old male presented with an acute abdomen suggestive of an appendiceal perforation.Urgent laparotomy showed a duplicated appendix with one of the lumens involved with appendicitis and a focal periappendicular... A 37-year old male presented with an acute abdomen suggestive of an appendiceal perforation.Urgent laparotomy showed a duplicated appendix with one of the lumens involved with appendicitis and a focal periappendicular abscess while the other lumen had a localized appendiceal cancer.Recognition of congenital intestinal duplications in adults is important to avoid serious clinical consequences. 展开更多
关键词 Duplicated appendix Bifid appendix Appendiceal cancer Congenital duplication.
作者 罗新锦 许建屏 +1 位作者 沈向东 陈霞 《Chinese Medical Sciences Journal》 CAS CSCD 2003年第2期100-104,共5页
Objective. To investigate the effect of peritoneal dialysis on fluid balance and outcome in childrenwho receive cardiac operation.Methods. From July to Dec. 2000, 12(2.08%) patients of 576 consecutive children who und... Objective. To investigate the effect of peritoneal dialysis on fluid balance and outcome in childrenwho receive cardiac operation.Methods. From July to Dec. 2000, 12(2.08%) patients of 576 consecutive children who underwentheart operation required peritoneal dialysis because of acute renal failure. The mean age of these 12 pa-tients was (2.9±2.0) years (range, 5 months~7 years) and the mean body weight was (12±3) kg (range,7.4~18.5 kg ).Results. The interval between the operation and the initiation of peritoneal dialysis was (21.2±11.4)hours (4.4~42 hours). The duration of peritoneal dialysis was (6.3±4.8) days (0.47~15 days). Mortality inthese 12 patients was 25%. Fluid removed by peritoneal dialysis was(34.7±17.8) ml@kg1@day-1@ Asymop-tomatic hypokalemia, thrombocytopenia and hyperglycemia were frequent complications, which were easilymanaged. Hemodynamics and pulmonary function improved during the study period.Conclusion. The early initiation of peritoneal dialysis is an effective and safe method totreat acute renal failure after cardiac operation in children. 展开更多
关键词 cardiac surgery peritoneal dialysis
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