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光(温)敏核不育系花粉植株的育性转换及纯化效果的研究 被引量:5
作者 陈远孟 吕志仁 +1 位作者 韦鹏霄 岑秀芬 《广西农业科学》 CAS CSCD 2002年第6期286-288,共3页
对三个光 (温 )敏核不育系培矮 6 4 S、培选 S以及农垦 5 8S进行花药培养 ,其花粉植株均具有育性转换的特性。在 H3代花粉植株的株系中 ,获得花粉不育度 >99.5 %的植株比率 ,高于对照的株系 ,证实了应用花培对光 (温 )
关键词 ()核不 花粉植株 性转换 纯化效果 水稻
籼型光(温)敏核不育系绵9S育性转换研究 被引量:2
作者 彭涛 王志 +5 位作者 黄廷友 褚旭东 侍守佩 刘定友 项祖芬 石军 《中国稻米》 2010年第6期6-8,共3页
对绵9S育性转换期光温反应的研究结果表明,绵9S不育系在日光照14 h,日均温28.0℃、23.5℃、22.5℃、21.5℃,处理天数15 d、11 d、7 d的光温时组合下,表现完全不育;在日光照13 h,日均温22.5℃、21.5℃,处理天数15 d的光温时组合下,育性... 对绵9S育性转换期光温反应的研究结果表明,绵9S不育系在日光照14 h,日均温28.0℃、23.5℃、22.5℃、21.5℃,处理天数15 d、11 d、7 d的光温时组合下,表现完全不育;在日光照13 h,日均温22.5℃、21.5℃,处理天数15 d的光温时组合下,育性部分恢复;在日光照12 h,日均温28.0℃、23.5℃、22.5℃、21.5℃,处理天数15 d、11 d、7 d的光温时组合下育性恢复。对自交结实率的三因子方差分析表明,其光周期效应达到极显著,光温互作效应达到显著,其余效应均未达到显著水平,说明其育性主要受日光照长度的影响,其光温互作也会对其育性产生一定影响。绵9S在四川省绵阳市自然条件下,表现出较长的稳定不育期(约70 d),繁殖抽穗期安排在9月15~25日较为适宜。 展开更多
关键词 ()核不 绵9S 性转换
携带显性半矮秆基因粳型光(温)敏核不育系的配合力分析 被引量:1
作者 程灿 吴跃进 +4 位作者 童继平 吴敬德 刘斌美 张瑛 袁勤 《安徽农业科学》 CAS 北大核心 2005年第10期1789-1790,共2页
为了明确水稻显性半矮秆基因导入不育系后对配组一代主要农艺性状的影响,对新育成的粳稻光(温)敏核不育系D1S和D2S作配合力分析。结果表明:两个显矮光敏核不育系主要农艺性状的配合力多优于对照不育系培矮64S。因此只要选择一定类型的... 为了明确水稻显性半矮秆基因导入不育系后对配组一代主要农艺性状的影响,对新育成的粳稻光(温)敏核不育系D1S和D2S作配合力分析。结果表明:两个显矮光敏核不育系主要农艺性状的配合力多优于对照不育系培矮64S。因此只要选择一定类型的恢复系与D1S和D2S配组,两个显矮光敏核不育系均能获得强优势杂交稻组合。 展开更多
关键词 ()核不 配合力 杂交稻
花药培养对光(温)敏核不育系亲和力的影响 被引量:2
作者 陈远孟 吕志仁 +1 位作者 韦鹏霄 岑秀芬 《广西农业科学》 CAS CSCD 2002年第3期112-113,共2页
以秋光 (粳 )、巴利拉 (粳 )、南京 11号 (籼 )、IR36 (籼 )为测验种 ,对培矮 6 4 S、培选 S、农垦 5 8S及其花药培养后代的亲和力进行测验 ,表明光 (温 )敏核不育系花培后代的亲和力受供体亲本的亲和力影响和制约 ,供体亲本的亲和力高 ... 以秋光 (粳 )、巴利拉 (粳 )、南京 11号 (籼 )、IR36 (籼 )为测验种 ,对培矮 6 4 S、培选 S、农垦 5 8S及其花药培养后代的亲和力进行测验 ,表明光 (温 )敏核不育系花培后代的亲和力受供体亲本的亲和力影响和制约 ,供体亲本的亲和力高 ,则花培后代的亲和力亦高 ;反之则低。即光 (温 ) 展开更多
关键词 花药培养 ()核不 亲和力 杂种优势
光(温)敏核不育系新光S通过安徽省技术鉴定 被引量:1
作者 吴险峰 李焕宏 《杂交水稻》 CSCD 北大核心 1993年第6期43-43,共1页
关键词 ()核不 安徽省 技术鉴定 法杂交水稻 农业大学 科技人员 现场鉴定 不育株率
安徽育成中籼光(温)敏核不育系X07S并通过鉴定 被引量:1
作者 张彬 《杂交水稻》 CSCD 北大核心 1993年第6期44-44,共1页
关键词 ()核不 杂交 技术鉴定 安徽省 中籼 W6154S 农科所
中籼光(温)敏核不育系XO7S鉴定与评价 被引量:2
作者 张彬 胡振大 +4 位作者 苏瑶 唐小马 龚传俊 王美琴 汪德安 《作物品种资源》 1996年第1期14-14,共1页
XO7S是一个实用性较好的中籼光(温)敏核不育系,起点温度较低,育性稳定,育性转换明显,制种风险较小、秋、冬繁产量高,配制组合优势较强,并表现较好的早熟遗传性、结实性和抗白叶枯病特性,1992年与中籼665、明恢63配制的中灿杂交组合,小... XO7S是一个实用性较好的中籼光(温)敏核不育系,起点温度较低,育性稳定,育性转换明显,制种风险较小、秋、冬繁产量高,配制组合优势较强,并表现较好的早熟遗传性、结实性和抗白叶枯病特性,1992年与中籼665、明恢63配制的中灿杂交组合,小区试验亩产分别达到622.5kg和605kg,比对照汕优63显著增产。 展开更多
关键词 中籼 ()核不 起点
光身稻两用核不育系光153S的育性特性观察 被引量:2
作者 张建新 黄建鸿 +3 位作者 陈建民 胡昌泉 洪伟雄 程天杰 《福建稻麦科技》 2005年第3期1-2,9,共3页
对光身稻光(温)敏核不育系光153S的育性转换、光温临界值和开花习性等进行了观察。结果显示:(1)光153S为典型的晚熟核不育系。(2)光153S在三明自然条件下的稳定不育期在89d,与CK(SE21S)相当。(3)光153S经人工气候箱鉴定表明:雄性不育临... 对光身稻光(温)敏核不育系光153S的育性转换、光温临界值和开花习性等进行了观察。结果显示:(1)光153S为典型的晚熟核不育系。(2)光153S在三明自然条件下的稳定不育期在89d,与CK(SE21S)相当。(3)光153S经人工气候箱鉴定表明:雄性不育临界光温指标为14.5h/24℃左右,比较适合在日照较长的稻区制种应用。 展开更多
关键词 身稻 ()核不 性转换 开花习性
中籼型水稻两用核不育系佳丰68S的选育及初步利用 被引量:1
作者 武晓智 张集文 +5 位作者 费震江 周鹏 魏磊 董华林 张建华 徐宏书 《湖北农业科学》 北大核心 2009年第12期2941-2943,共3页
佳丰68S是利用"8077S"与丰两优1号杂交,然后再与蜀恢527和扬稻6号复交选育而成的携带苯达松致死基因的中籼型水稻光(温)敏核不育系。它属于无花粉类型,不育期间败育彻底,不育性稳定,其不育株率、花粉不育度和不育株率均为100%... 佳丰68S是利用"8077S"与丰两优1号杂交,然后再与蜀恢527和扬稻6号复交选育而成的携带苯达松致死基因的中籼型水稻光(温)敏核不育系。它属于无花粉类型,不育期间败育彻底,不育性稳定,其不育株率、花粉不育度和不育株率均为100%,在14.5h长日下,不育临界温度低于23.5℃。开花习性好,容易繁殖和制种,稻米外观品质好,配合力强。利用该不育系配制的组合正在参加各级产量试验。 展开更多
关键词 籼稻 ()核不 佳丰68S 苯达松感致死
三系不育系和两系不育系对温度反应的研究 被引量:2
作者 张赛清 唐平徕 覃明 《种子》 CSCD 北大核心 2007年第6期84-86,共3页
初步分析了不同的水稻核质互作型不育系(CMS)和光(温)敏核不育系(TGMS)在不同的温度处理下,两种不同类型的不育系在败育时期、败育方式、花药和散粉特性、卡茎率、开花4天后的柱头活力等方面差别等进行初步研究,对不育系的选育提出了自... 初步分析了不同的水稻核质互作型不育系(CMS)和光(温)敏核不育系(TGMS)在不同的温度处理下,两种不同类型的不育系在败育时期、败育方式、花药和散粉特性、卡茎率、开花4天后的柱头活力等方面差别等进行初步研究,对不育系的选育提出了自己的初步意见。 展开更多
关键词 质互作型不育成果 ()核不 度效应 研究
《三明农业科技》 2012年第1期45-45,共1页
1品种来源三明市农业科学研究所与福建省农业科学研究院遗传工程重点实验室1999年春,选用SE21S作母本,双光糯S作父本进行配组。经过五年十代在不同生态条件下筛选及人工气候箱的光、温反应鉴定,于2004年育成了光身稻光(温)敏核不育系... 1品种来源三明市农业科学研究所与福建省农业科学研究院遗传工程重点实验室1999年春,选用SE21S作母本,双光糯S作父本进行配组。经过五年十代在不同生态条件下筛选及人工气候箱的光、温反应鉴定,于2004年育成了光身稻光(温)敏核不育系光153S,2005年10月通过了福建省科技成果鉴定。 展开更多
关键词 153S ()核不 科技成果鉴定 农业科学研究院 农业科学研究所 重点实验室 人工气候箱 遗传工程
Correlation between Stigma Characteristics and Outcrossing Rate of Five Photo-thermo Sensitive Genic Male Sterile(PTGMS) Rice Lines 被引量:2
作者 舒志芬 陈勇 +3 位作者 刘钊 袁露 熊朝 张海清 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2016年第3期573-576,583,共5页
[Objective] This study aimed to investigate the correlation between stigma characteristics and outcrossing rate of photo-thermo sensitive genic male sterile(PTGMS) rice lines. [Method] The stigma exsertion rate, sti... [Objective] This study aimed to investigate the correlation between stigma characteristics and outcrossing rate of photo-thermo sensitive genic male sterile(PTGMS) rice lines. [Method] The stigma exsertion rate, stigma size and stigma vitality of Chuang 5S, Yun 9S, Peiai 64 S, P88 S and Y58 S were analyzed. Using R608 as a male parent, outcrossing rate of these five PTGMS lines was determined. [Result]There were differences in stigma exsertion rate, stigma size and stigma vitality among five PTGMS lines. P88 S exhibited the best stigma characteristics and relatively strong stigma vitality, with the stigma exsertion rate of 95.94%, stigma vitality coefficient of 2.71, outcrossing rate of 84.02% in the field. Peiai 64 s had the minimum stigma length(2.41 mm) and stigma width(1.10 mm) and the weakest stigma vitality, with the stigma exsertion rate of 93.04%, outcrossing rate of 65.47%. Yun 9S,Y58 S and Chuang 5S displayed medium stigma characteristics, among which Yun9 S exhibited higher outcrossing rate than other two PTGMS lines. Correlation analysis showed that stigma exsertion rate, stigma length, stigma width, stigma area and stigma volume were significantly correlated to outcrossing rate(P〈0.05), with correlation coefficients of 0.897, 0.934, 0.934, 0.939 and 0.937, respectively. However,there was no significant correlation between stigma vitality coefficient and outcrossing rate. [Conclusion] Based on stigma characteristics of five PTGMS lines, auxiliary pollination measures should be adopted reasonably to save production costs and improve hybrid rice seed yield. 展开更多
关键词 RICE PTGMS lines Stigma characteristics Outcrossing rate
Comparative Studies on the Changes of Microtubule Distribution and Reorganization During the Meiotic Stages of Development in Normal (IR36) and a Temperature/photoperiod Sensitive Male Sterile Line (Peiai 64S) of Rice ( Oryza sativa ) 被引量:3
作者 徐是雄 刘向东 +1 位作者 冯九焕 卢永根 《Acta Botanica Sinica》 CSCD 2001年第3期221-226,共6页
Changes in the pattern of organization of microtubules in the meiotic stages of development of pollen (i.e. from pre-meiotic interphase to more or less metaphase I) of a normal (IR36) and a temperature/photoperiod sen... Changes in the pattern of organization of microtubules in the meiotic stages of development of pollen (i.e. from pre-meiotic interphase to more or less metaphase I) of a normal (IR36) and a temperature/photoperiod sensitive male sterile line (Peiai 64S) of rice were studied using immunofluorescence confocal microscopy. In IR36, from pre-meiotic interphase to metaphase I, the pattern of microtubule distribution in the meiocytes underwent a series of changes. Some new organizational patterns of microtubules (that have not been described before) were observed during microsporogenesis, including the existence of a broad band of perinuclear microtubules at the diakinesis stage of development. The pattern of microtubule distribution in the meiocytes of the male sterile line, Peiai 64S, was quite different front that seen in IR36. In Peiai 64S, the microtubules showed abnormal patterns of distribution from pre-meiotic interphase to metaphase I. For example the broad band of perinuclear microtubules seen at diakinesis in IR36 was much disorganized and loosened in Peiai 64S. The spindles formed were also very abnormal and different from the normal spindle. The appearance of abnormal microtubule distribution in the early stages of microsporogenesis may contribute to the malformation and ultimate abortion of pollen in Peiai 64S. 展开更多
关键词 Oryza sativa temperature/photoperiod sensitive male sterile rice line microtubules Peiai 64S IR36 microsporocyte meiosis microsporogenesis
Study on Seed Vigor of Rice Photo-ThermoSensitive Genic Male Sterile(PTGMS) Line with Low Temperature Storage 被引量:1
作者 蒋凌云 张海清 +5 位作者 刘爱民 王明 刘烨 杨永标 庞嘉 蒋珊瑚 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2017年第12期2536-2542,2595,共8页
To explore the change rule of seed vigor and seed application technology of rice PTGMS lines with low temperature storage,Zhun S,Y58S,Feng S and Guangzhan 63-4S stored in the seed bank with the temperature of 8-10 ℃ ... To explore the change rule of seed vigor and seed application technology of rice PTGMS lines with low temperature storage,Zhun S,Y58S,Feng S and Guangzhan 63-4S stored in the seed bank with the temperature of 8-10 ℃ and with the relative humidity of 55% for different years were used as the materials to study the properties of seed vigor,growth and development in the field, etc. The re- sults showed that the germination potential, germination rate, germination index and vigor index of rice PTGMS lines seeds showed downward trends as the time of low temperature storage prolonged,and all of the germination rates of the seeds within five years were over 60%. The conductivity in the soaked solution of seeds was significantly increased with the prolonged low temperature storage time. Seedling rate,root length,white root number,base stem width and seedling dry weight of seeds showed downward trends as the time of low temperature storage prolonged. There was no significant difference between two integral seedling qualities of seeds within 4-6 years in low temperature storage. Compared with the germination rate of low temperature storage seeds soaking for 6,12 and 24 h,the appropriate soak time of long time low temperature storage or low vigor seeds was 12 h. A serious natural aging phenomenon occurred in low temperature storage seeds after out of the storage. The germination rate of seeds placed under natural condition for 50 d decreased obviously. The duration from seeding to heading of Zhun S,Y58S and Feng S shortened as the time of low temperature storage prolonged, while the vari- ation of panicle duration of all PTGMS lines was not obvious. In conclusion, rice PTGMS line seeds with low temperature storage in 5 years could still be used nor- mally. However.seeds after low temperature storage should be sowed as soon as possible, and the soaking time of low vigor seeds should be shortened,and the possibility that the decreased duration from seeding to heading should also be con- sidered. 展开更多
关键词 Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Photo-thermo-sensitive genic male sterile (PT-GMS) lines Low temperature storage Seed vigor
Breeding and Application of Indica PTGMS Line Yan 161S and Its Hybrid Yanliangyou 1618 in Rice
作者 孙明法 严国红 +12 位作者 唐红生 王爱民 朱国永 何冲霄 任仲玲 刘凯 张桂云 施伟 万林生 孙红芹 倪正斌 单忠德 姚立生 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2015年第6期1140-1143,共4页
In 2006, the indica photoperiod- and thermo-sensitive genic male sterile (PTGMS) line Yan 161S was successful y bred by crossing the Guangzhan 63S (♀) and the medium indica breeding material Yan 229 (♂), which... In 2006, the indica photoperiod- and thermo-sensitive genic male sterile (PTGMS) line Yan 161S was successful y bred by crossing the Guangzhan 63S (♀) and the medium indica breeding material Yan 229 (♂), which was bred by the Institute of Agricultural Sciences in Coastal Region of Jiangsu Province, after years' and generations’ selection in different areas. It passed the identification by Jiangsu Provincial Crop Variety Appraisal Committee in 2013. Crossing the Yan 161S with Yanhui 888, a new high-yielding and high-quality two-line hybrid rice combination Yanliangyou 1618 was developed, and it passed the variety identification in 2014. This paper introduced the breeding processes and characteristics of Yan 161S and Yanliangyou 1618 and the cultivation and seed production techniques of Yanliangyou 1618. 展开更多
关键词 盐161S Two-line hybrid rice PTGMS line Yan 161S BREEDING
Effect of High Temperature on Outcrossing Characteristics at the Fertility Sensitive Period of Photo-thermo Sensitive Genic Male Sterile (PTGMS) Rice Lines
作者 王明 刘烨 +6 位作者 张海清 刘爱民 肖层林 唐荣 杨永标 蒋凌云 李雪雪 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2017年第11期2019-2025,共7页
Four sterile lines (Peiai64S, Y58S, Guangzhan 63-2S and H638S) and the restoring line R527 were used as materials. Five temperature gradients (24, 27, 30, 33 and 36 ℃ in artificial climate chamber) and the natura... Four sterile lines (Peiai64S, Y58S, Guangzhan 63-2S and H638S) and the restoring line R527 were used as materials. Five temperature gradients (24, 27, 30, 33 and 36 ℃ in artificial climate chamber) and the natural temperature (as control) were treated to the four sterile lines for 6 d in the fertility sensitive period of heading to flowering stage, respectively, to study the effects of temperature on physiological biochemical characteristics of young panicles and outcrossing characteristics. The results showed that the percentages of exerted stigma of Peiai 64S and Y58S were the highest at 27 ℃, which were 86.81% and 86.06%, respectively, while the percentages of exerted stigma of Guangzhan 63-2S and H638S were the highest at 24 ℃, which were 76.24% and 81.76%, respectively; the stigma viability of Peiai 64S, Y58S, Guangzhan 63-2S and H638S were the best at 24 ℃, which were 1.96, 2.12, 1.74 and 1.94, respectively; the outcrossing rates of Peiai 64S, Guangzhan 63-2S and H638S were the highest at 24 ℃, which were 58.87%, 54.22% and 50.50%, respectively, while the outcrossing rate of Y58S was the highest at 27 ℃, which was 58.96%; and the contents of peroxidase (POD) of the four sterile lines increased significantly at 33 ℃ compared with the control, while the contents of malondialdehyde (MDA) and proline increased significantly at 36 ℃ compared with the control. There were differences in temperature sensitivity between the male sterile lines, and the 24 ℃ treatment during the sensitive period was the best for the fertility sensitive period of Peiai 64S, while 27 ℃ was the best temperature for Y58S, Gangzhan 63-2S and H638S. 展开更多
关键词 RICE Photo-thermo sensitive male sterile line Fertility sensitive period Temperature Outcrossing characteristics Physiological and biochemical characteristics
Research on a Method for Purification and Multiplication of PTGMS Lines
作者 何强 庞镇宇 +4 位作者 邢俊杰 舒服 张武汉 杨益善 邓华凤 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2014年第3期352-354,366,共4页
[Objective] The aims was to explore PTGMS line purification and multipli- cation technology. [Method] Three commercial PTGMS lines, Annong 810S, P88S and C815S, were used in this study. In the first year, two sterile ... [Objective] The aims was to explore PTGMS line purification and multipli- cation technology. [Method] Three commercial PTGMS lines, Annong 810S, P88S and C815S, were used in this study. In the first year, two sterile line populations with same genetic background were multiplied by dividing seedling; meanwhile, se- lection and multiplication of the core individuals were conducted; within the year, the core seeds harvested were multiplied under the isolated condition in Hainan, and at the same time, superior individuals were selected and used as the seeds for two populations with same genetic background in the next year. In the second year, seeds harvested in Hainan were planted in Changsha, while the core individuals were selected and multiplied; the core seeds harvested were continued to multiply in Hainan. The above procedures were repeated in the following years. [Result] The test results showed that in two years the proportion of core individuals in the popu- lation of Annong 810S, P88S and C815S increased from 40.3%, 0.7% and 0.3% in the first year to 71.67%, 66.00% and 68.67% in the second year respectively. [Conclusion] This suggested that this method of purification and multiplication of the PTGMS lines for consecutive years can effectively control the drift of the critical sterility inducing temperature, and at the same time, core seeds with high purity and controlled inducing temperature can be harvested. 展开更多
Preliminary Study on Inheritance of Stigma Exertion in Wheat Thermo-photo Sensitive Genic Male Sterile Line
作者 李宏生 丁明亮 +6 位作者 顾坚 田玉仙 赵红 吴绍柱 杨素梅 杨和仙 李绍祥 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2015年第9期1930-1932,1938,共4页
Stigma exertion is one of the key factors for improving the outcrossing ability of wheat thermo-photo sensitive genic male sterile(TPSGMS) line. A DH population derived from K239S/K92 S was constructed to investigat... Stigma exertion is one of the key factors for improving the outcrossing ability of wheat thermo-photo sensitive genic male sterile(TPSGMS) line. A DH population derived from K239S/K92 S was constructed to investigate the inheritance of stigma exertion. K239 S and K92 S are TPSGMS lines with higher and lower stigma exertion rates(SER), respectively. The SERs of parents, reciprocal crosses and the DH population were evaluated for two consecutive years. The results showed that no significant difference was observed in SER between F1 s of K239S/K92 S and K92S/K239 S,implying that stigma exertion was a trait controlled by nuclear gene(s). In the DH population, the segregation of low and high SERs fitted to a ratio of 3 ∶1 by Chisquare test, suggesting that the stigma exertion of K239 S was controlled by one pair of recessive genes. In addition, the effects of temperature and humidity on the expression of stigma exertion were also discussed. 展开更多
关键词 WHEAT Thermo-photo sensitive genic male sterile line Stigma exertion rate Genetic analysis
Breeding and Application of Indica PTGMS Line Yan 220S in Rice
作者 孙明法 严国红 +10 位作者 唐红生 王爱民 朱国永 何冲霄 任仲玲 刘凯 张桂云 施伟 赵绍路 孙一标 姚立生 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2017年第8期1410-1412,共3页
Yan 220S, which is derived from a natural variant plant discovered among the population of Guangzhan 63S and developed by Jiangsu Agricultural Research Institute for Coastal Regions through pedigree selection over yea... Yan 220S, which is derived from a natural variant plant discovered among the population of Guangzhan 63S and developed by Jiangsu Agricultural Research Institute for Coastal Regions through pedigree selection over years, is an indica photo- and thermo-sensitive genic male sterile (PTGMS) line in rice. In 2013, it was technically identified by Jiangsu Crop Variety Appraisal Committee. Its hybrid Yan-liangyou 2208 (Yan 220S/Yanhui 888), a new two-line hybrid rice combination with high yield and good grain quality, was subsequently developed and released for commercial production by the National Crop Variety Appraisal Committee in 2013. 展开更多
关键词 Hybrid rice PTGMS line Yan 220S BREEDING
作者 王齐年 《中国农技推广》 2007年第11期17-17,共1页
皖稻119是宣城市农业科学研究所以光(温)敏核不育系宣69S为母本、以广亲和恢复系WH26为父本配组选育而成的优质高产两系杂交中籼新品种。该品种于2002年参加安徽省中籼C组区试。2003年继续参加省区试。并破格进入中籼稻生产试验,2004... 皖稻119是宣城市农业科学研究所以光(温)敏核不育系宣69S为母本、以广亲和恢复系WH26为父本配组选育而成的优质高产两系杂交中籼新品种。该品种于2002年参加安徽省中籼C组区试。2003年继续参加省区试。并破格进入中籼稻生产试验,2004年3月通过安徽省品种审定,是一个适宜在长江中下游及沿淮区域种植的优质中籼稻新品种。 展开更多
关键词 杂交中籼 皖稻119 优质高产 ()核不 农业科学研究所 广亲和恢复 长江中下游 新品种
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