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工程菌所产黑色素对生物大分子光保护作用的研究 被引量:18
作者 宁华 《华中师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2001年第1期85-88,共4页
研究了黑色素在防止紫外线照射引起的 DNA双链断裂方面的作用 ,并探讨了该黑色素对 B.t.
关键词 工程菌 黑色素 光保护作用 DNA双链断裂 微生物杀虫剂
ABA对水稻幼苗叶片光抑制的光保护作用 被引量:1
作者 阳成伟 陈贻竹 彭长连 《广西植物》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2002年第6期534-536,共3页
经ABA处理的水稻幼苗叶片和对照相比 ,PSII光化学效率 (Fv/Fm)和非光化学猝灭系数 (qN)显著受抑制。经高光处理 1h后 ,ABA处理的水稻幼苗叶片光抑制程度比对照小 ,这暗示ABA对高光光抑制具有一定的光保护作用 ,且间接表明ABA提高水稻幼... 经ABA处理的水稻幼苗叶片和对照相比 ,PSII光化学效率 (Fv/Fm)和非光化学猝灭系数 (qN)显著受抑制。经高光处理 1h后 ,ABA处理的水稻幼苗叶片光抑制程度比对照小 ,这暗示ABA对高光光抑制具有一定的光保护作用 ,且间接表明ABA提高水稻幼苗抗光抑制的能力与叶黄素循环密切相关。 展开更多
关键词 ABA 水稻幼苗 叶片 抑制 光保护作用
萝卜硫素的皮肤光保护作用研究进展 被引量:5
作者 黄静红 李德如 《中国美容医学》 CAS 2008年第11期1698-1699,共2页
流行病学、临床和生物学研究提示,日光中的紫外线(UV)是一种完全致癌物,短期集中或长期间断紫外线辐射可引起皮肤损伤,尤其是日光中的中波紫外线(UVB)与各种皮肤病包括光老化、皮肤炎症和皮肤癌密切相关。近年来,对富含多种芥... 流行病学、临床和生物学研究提示,日光中的紫外线(UV)是一种完全致癌物,短期集中或长期间断紫外线辐射可引起皮肤损伤,尤其是日光中的中波紫外线(UVB)与各种皮肤病包括光老化、皮肤炎症和皮肤癌密切相关。近年来,对富含多种芥子苷(glucosinolates,简称GLs)成分的十字花科芸苔属蔬菜进行了研究,发现芥子苷的酶解成分-萝卜硫素(sulforaphen,简称SF)具有防止皮肤癌的潜能,同时也发现SF有很强的光防护作用,本文就萝卜硫素的皮肤光保护作用综述如下。 展开更多
关键词 光保护作用 皮肤损伤 萝卜 紫外线辐射 完全致癌物 中波紫外线 防护作用
天然抗氧化剂维生素E、维生素C、辅酶Q10的光保护作用 被引量:7
作者 洪钢 方红 《国外医学(皮肤性病学分册)》 2003年第4期241-243,共3页
研究表明光损害是由于光照后皮肤中产生大量活性氧簇 ,消耗皮肤中的抗氧化系统包括抗氧化酶和低分子抗氧化剂 ,进而使脂质、蛋白质氧化 ,DNA破坏 ,金属酶激活等 ,使皮肤产生一系列变化。维生素C、维生素E、辅酶Q10作为天然的抗氧化剂通... 研究表明光损害是由于光照后皮肤中产生大量活性氧簇 ,消耗皮肤中的抗氧化系统包括抗氧化酶和低分子抗氧化剂 ,进而使脂质、蛋白质氧化 ,DNA破坏 ,金属酶激活等 ,使皮肤产生一系列变化。维生素C、维生素E、辅酶Q10作为天然的抗氧化剂通过消除活性氧簇 ,在保护皮肤免于光损害 。 展开更多
关键词 天然抗氧化剂 维生素E 维生素C 辅酶Q10 光保护作用
荧光素对舞毒蛾核型多角体病毒不同地理品系的增效与光保护作用 被引量:3
作者 王树娟 段立清 +5 位作者 李海平 马涛 Otvos I.S. Conder N 《生态学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第6期1796-1802,共7页
舞毒蛾Lymantria dispar L.是源于欧亚大陆的多食性叶部害虫,取食300多种乔灌木,现已分布于北美、北非,成为世界性危险害虫之一,给林业生产带来了巨大损失。舞毒蛾核型多角体病毒(LdMNPV)是控制舞毒蛾种群动态的重要生物因素,可引起舞... 舞毒蛾Lymantria dispar L.是源于欧亚大陆的多食性叶部害虫,取食300多种乔灌木,现已分布于北美、北非,成为世界性危险害虫之一,给林业生产带来了巨大损失。舞毒蛾核型多角体病毒(LdMNPV)是控制舞毒蛾种群动态的重要生物因素,可引起舞毒蛾种群急剧下降。在室内采用青杨枝条饲养的方法,测定了来自中国、北美和日本的3个LdMNPV品系(分别为LdMNPV-H,LdMNPV-D和LdMNPV-J)对危害青杨的亚洲型舞毒蛾幼虫的毒力,并测定了荧光素Tinopal LPW对它们的增效和光保护作用。结果表明Tinopal LPW对LdMNPV 3个地理品系均有增效和光保护作用,而且随着Tinopal LPW浓度的增加,增效作用增强,1%Tinopal LPW的增效作用最好。添加1%Tinopal LPW的LdMNPV-D品系、LdMNPV-H品系和LdMNPV-J品系对取食青杨的舞毒蛾幼虫的致死中浓度(LC50)分别为1.0、1.6、17.6 OBs/μL,不添加1%Tinopal LPW时,它们的LC50分别为32.9、39.0、1076.4 OBs/μL,分别降低了33、24、61倍。不添加1%Tinopal LPW时,D、H和J品系对舞毒蛾二龄幼虫的致LC95分别是2125.5、1275.8、303540.0 OBs/μL,添加1%Tinopal LPW后LC95分别为73.0、285.4、2360.8OBs/μL,分别降低了26、4.5、128.6倍。此外,1%Tinopal LPW的荧光素使3个品系的致死中时间(LT50)分别缩短了2.9d、5.3d、1.2d。LdMNPV-D和LdMNPV-H品系对亚洲型舞毒蛾表现出低致死中浓度、较短的致死中时间和较大的斜率,二者的毒力较LdMNPV-J品系高,在生产实践中应选择LdMNPV-D添加1%Tinopal LPW。Tinopal LPW对LdMNPV-D、LdMNPV-H和LdMNPV-J 3个品系均有光保护作用,添加1%Tinopal LPW后在距离30W紫外灯40cm下照射16h后,它们毒力保持系数比未添加Tinopal LPW分别高1.8、2.6、1.8倍。 展开更多
关键词 亚洲型舞毒蛾 核型多角体病毒 青杨 毒力 增效作用 光保护作用
作者 Cummins D.L. Gaspari A.A. 田中伟 《世界核心医学期刊文摘(皮肤病学分册)》 2005年第2期24-25,共2页
Background: Thalidomide is an anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory agent with proven efficacy in several refractory inflammatory skin conditions including photoexacerbated skin diseases. The effects of thalidomide o... Background: Thalidomide is an anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory agent with proven efficacy in several refractory inflammatory skin conditions including photoexacerbated skin diseases. The effects of thalidomide on ultraviolet (UV)-induced cutaneous damage in humans have not been extensively studied. We describe the results of minimal erythema dose (MED) testing in nonlesional skin of three patientswith chronic cutaneous lupus erythematosus (CCLE) before and after treatment with thalidomide. Objectives: To determine whether thalidomide treatment provides clinical and histological evidence of photoprotection from acute UV injury. Methods: MED testing was performed in nonlesional skin of three patients with CCLE before and after treatment with thalidomide. Skin biopsy specimens were taken from MED sites for in situ immunochemistry. Results: In each patient, the MED to UVB irradiation was significantly higher while the patient was receiving thalidomide treatment than in the absence of thalidomide, suggesting a systemic photoprotective effect. Thalidomide treatment had no significant effect on markers of apoptosis including sunburn cell formation and terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase-mediated biotinylated deoxyuridine triphosphate nick end labelling, which identifies single-strand breaks in DNA. Conclusions: Thalidomide inhibits acute UVB erythema at 24h after exposure, as a 100-mg daily dose of this drug for 4 weeks conveyed a sun protection factor of 1.56 to > 4.0. We conclude that inhibition of UVB-induced inflammation may, in part, explain the therapeutic benefits of this agent on photosensitive diseases. 展开更多
关键词 系统性红斑狼疮 光保护作用 皮肤红斑狼疮 最小红斑量 沙立度胺 沙利度胺 细胞形成 红斑狼疮患者 紫外线损伤 敏感性
Photoinhibition in Shaded Cotton Leaves After Exposing to High Light and the Time Course of Its Restoration 被引量:25
作者 杨兴洪 邹琦 王玮 《Acta Botanica Sinica》 CSCD 2001年第12期1255-1259,共5页
Chlorophyll fluorescence emission, pigment composition and photosynthetic rate of shade-grown cotton ( Gossypium hirsutum L.) plants were measured immediately after suddenly exposing to full sunlight and at regular in... Chlorophyll fluorescence emission, pigment composition and photosynthetic rate of shade-grown cotton ( Gossypium hirsutum L.) plants were measured immediately after suddenly exposing to full sunlight and at regular intervals there after within 15 d. Photoinhibition occurred in shade-grown cotton leaves immediately after exposed to full sunlight. The chlorophyll fluorescence parameter F-v/F-m and PhiPS II, which reflect the efficiency of PS II,obviously decreased in shade-grown leaves, much lower than that of the full sunlight-grown leaves. On the contrary, F-o value was sharply increased. Neither of these parameters could completely recover till next morning. The photoinhibition was chronic and continued for about 4 d, while the F-v/F-m and the net photosynthetic rate ( P-n) continued to decline, then began to increase gradually 6 d later and turned stable after 10 - 12 d, appearing as an acclimation phenomenon. However, the final value of F-v/F-m and P-n did not reach the level as in those leaves grown in the full sunlight ever before. The final P-n was higher by 60% than that before exposure, but lower for more than 40% than that of the full sunlight-grown leaves. The most notable response of chloroplast pigment composition was a pronounced increase in the pool size of carotenoids in xanthophyll cycle over a period of 3 d. The results indicated that when shade-grown cotton seedlings were suddenly transferred to the full sunlight, the decline of F-v/F-m and P-n might associate with the damage of the PS II reaction center. During the light acclimation, photoprotective mechanisms such as the xanthophyll cycle-dependent energy dissipation were increased, so that photodamage in leaves transferred from low to high light might be reduced. 展开更多
关键词 Gosstypium hirsutum SHADING PHOTOINHIBITION PHOTOPROTECTION xanthophyll cycle
The Protective Role of Xanthophyll Cycle in Resurrection Angiosperm Boea hygrometrica During Dehydration and Rehydration 被引量:4
作者 阳文龙 胡志昂 +2 位作者 王洪新 单际修 匡廷云 《Acta Botanica Sinica》 CSCD 2003年第3期307-310,共4页
The protective role of xanthophyll cycle in resurrection angiosperm Boea hygrometrica (Bunge) R.Br. was investigated by analysis of the changes of chlorophyll fluorescence and xanthophyll cycle components in response ... The protective role of xanthophyll cycle in resurrection angiosperm Boea hygrometrica (Bunge) R.Br. was investigated by analysis of the changes of chlorophyll fluorescence and xanthophyll cycle components in response to dehydration and rehydration in detached leaves under very weak light condition (3 mumol photons.m(-2).s(-1)) and in the dark. With declines in the values of PSII photochemical efficiency (Fv/Fm), PSII actual quantum yield (Phi(PSII)), photochemical quenching (qP) and non-photochemical quenching (NPQ) during dehydration, zeaxanthin significantly increased in control Boea leaves under very weak light condition, while no zeaxanthin accumulation was detected in Boea leaves treated with dithiothreitol (DTT) and Boea leaves in the dark, and after 3 d rehydration, the parameters Fv/Fm, Phi(PSII), qP and NPQ showed full recovery in control Boea leaves under very weak light condition, but the parameters only underwent partial recovery in Boea leaves treated with DTT and Boea leaves in the dark, suggesting that the recovery of photosystem II (PSII) photochemical activities in Boea leaves was obviously affected by treatments with DTT and darkness, therefore, zeaxanthin may play an important protective role in desiccated Boea leaves even under very weak light conditions. 展开更多
关键词 chlorophyll fluorescence DESICCATION resurrection angiosperm xanthophyllcycle
《中国保健营养》 2009年第6期8-8,共1页
叶黄素对视网膜中的黄膜有重要保护作用.缺乏时易引黄斑退化和视力模糊进而出现视力退化.近视等症状。叶黄素对眼睛的主要生理功能是作为抗氧化剂和光保护作用视神经不可再生.极易受到有害自由基的伤害,叶黄素的抗氧化作用可抑制有... 叶黄素对视网膜中的黄膜有重要保护作用.缺乏时易引黄斑退化和视力模糊进而出现视力退化.近视等症状。叶黄素对眼睛的主要生理功能是作为抗氧化剂和光保护作用视神经不可再生.极易受到有害自由基的伤害,叶黄素的抗氧化作用可抑制有害自由基的形成。 展开更多
关键词 叶黄素 护眼功能 有害自由基 光保护作用 天然 视力退化 抗氧化作用 视力模糊
视力模糊怎么办? 营养大军来作战!
作者 吕传彬 《家庭中医药》 2015年第9期74-75,共2页
随着年龄的增长,人的视力会逐渐下降。生活中,老年人经常会抱怨看不清东西,一般人都认为是老花眼所致。其实,视力变差并非都是老花眼造成的,眼睛其他部位的退化也可能是造成视力下降的祸首。 造成视力模糊的三大主因 1.老花眼 如果... 随着年龄的增长,人的视力会逐渐下降。生活中,老年人经常会抱怨看不清东西,一般人都认为是老花眼所致。其实,视力变差并非都是老花眼造成的,眼睛其他部位的退化也可能是造成视力下降的祸首。 造成视力模糊的三大主因 1.老花眼 如果看近处的东西费劲,需要放在老远才能看得清楚的话,可能就是老花眼了。老花眼是因为眼睛晶状体逐渐硬化、弹性下降,导致眼睛生理性调节功能减退而造成的。一般人40岁左右就会开始出现老花眼现象。 展开更多
关键词 飞蚊症 光保护作用 双影 视觉疲劳 视网膜剥离 视网膜黄斑 混浊物 抗氧化剂 眼科中心 蓝莓
迷迭香中一种酚性二萜的抗血小板作用 被引量:1
作者 许重远 《国外医药(植物药分册)》 2008年第1期29-29,共1页
关键词 二萜类化合物 抗血小板作用 迷迭香 光保护作用 血小板凝集 激动剂诱导 鼠尾草酸
《中华皮肤科杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第5期304-304,共1页
沈阳同联医药有限公司与《中华皮肤科杂志》编辑部联合举办氟芬那酸丁酯软膏临床应用有奖征文活动,历时1年余,共收到50余篇征文稿件,经过专家评审,最终评出一等奖2名,二等奖6名,三等奖12名。获奖名单公布如下:一等奖:氟芬那酸... 沈阳同联医药有限公司与《中华皮肤科杂志》编辑部联合举办氟芬那酸丁酯软膏临床应用有奖征文活动,历时1年余,共收到50余篇征文稿件,经过专家评审,最终评出一等奖2名,二等奖6名,三等奖12名。获奖名单公布如下:一等奖:氟芬那酸丁酯软膏对SKH-1无毛小鼠的光保护作用:对紫外线所致日晒伤、 展开更多
关键词 氟芬那酸丁酯软膏 征文活动 临床应用 《中华皮肤科杂志》 光保护作用 专家评审 无毛小鼠 获奖名单
作者 汪更兰 《饭店现代化》 1999年第1期46-47,共2页
男女有别是多种多样的。皮肤保养方面,既有解剖结构上的差别,也有生理功能上的差异,既显示在“质”上,也显现于“量”上。 相对来说,男性的皮肤粗厚、女性的皮肤较细柔。粗厚的皮肤结实,细柔皮肤娇嫩。因此女性的皮肤比男性易于损伤。
关键词 皮肤血管 女性 解剖结构 男女有别 生理功能 皮肤保养 黑色素 光保护作用 皮炎 男性
Protection strategy for improved catalytic stability of silicon photoanodes for water oxidation 被引量:5
作者 Zhaoming Xia Xuemei Zhou +1 位作者 Jing Li Yongquan Qu 《Science Bulletin》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第16期1395-1402,共8页
Silicon-based electrodes have attracted great attention in the artificial photosynthetic systems that mimic natural photosynthesis and directly convert the solar energy into chemical energy. Despite significant effort... Silicon-based electrodes have attracted great attention in the artificial photosynthetic systems that mimic natural photosynthesis and directly convert the solar energy into chemical energy. Despite significant efforts to date,catalytic stability of the silicon photoelectrodes is limited by their poor electrochemical stability. The formation of passivation or protective layers provides a feasible strategy to improve the photocatalytic stability of silicon photoelectrodes. Many candidates including metals, metal oxides, metal silicides and polymers have been explored as the protection layers for silicon photoelectrodes. The present review gives a concise overview of the protected silicon photoanodes for water oxidation with a focus on the relationship between the structural architecture of silicon photoanodes and their photocatalytic activity and stability. 展开更多
关键词 Silicon photoanode PHOTOCATALYSIS Stability - Protection layer Water oxidation
microRNA-21a-5p/PDCD4 axis regulates mesenchymal stem cell-induced neuroprotection in acute glaucoma 被引量:7
作者 Wenru Su Zuohong Li +6 位作者 Yu Jia Yingting Zhu Wenjia Cai Peixing Wan Yingying Zhang Song Guo Zheng Yehong Zhuo 《Journal of Molecular Cell Biology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2017年第4期289-301,共13页
Mesenchymal stem ceils (MSCs) have been demonstrated to have promising therapeutic benefits for a variety of neurological dis- eases; however, the underlying mechanisms are poorly understood. Here, we showed that in... Mesenchymal stem ceils (MSCs) have been demonstrated to have promising therapeutic benefits for a variety of neurological dis- eases; however, the underlying mechanisms are poorly understood. Here, we showed that intravitreal infusion of MSCs promoted retinal ganglion cell (RGC) survival in a mouse model of acute glaucoma, with significant inhibition of microglial activation, production of TNF-α, IL-1β, and reactive oxygen species, as well as caspase-8 and caspase-3 activation. In vitro, MSCs inhibited both caspase-8-mediated RGC apoptosis and microgUal activation, partly via the action of stanniocalcin 1 (STCl). Furthermore, we found that microRNA-21a-Sp (miR-21) and its target, PDCD4, were essential for STC1 production and the neuroprotective property of MSCs in vitro and in vivo. Importantly, miR-21 overexpression or PDCD4 knockdown augmented MSC-mediated neuroprotective effects on acute glaucoma. These data highlight a previously unrecognized neuroprotective mechanism by which the miR-21/ PDCD4 axis induces MSCs to secrete STC1 and other factors that exert neuroprotective effects. Therefore, modulating the miR- 21/PDCD4 axis might be a promising strategy for clinical treatment of acute glaucoma and other neurological diseases. 展开更多
关键词 mesenchymal stem ceils microRNA NEUROPROTECTION GLAUCOMA neurological diseases
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