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作者 卢海龙 孙桂珍 孙微阳 《航天医学与医学工程》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第5期371-376,共6页
目的建立一定对比的视标在人眼光亮度有效感知区和眩光影响下的有效对比度的曲线方程。方法假定人眼有生理光亮度有效感知区,用极限值(明阈值与暗阈值)来量化表示,结合眩光变量,在迈克逊的对比度公式基础上,分析各种条件下的适用曲线方... 目的建立一定对比的视标在人眼光亮度有效感知区和眩光影响下的有效对比度的曲线方程。方法假定人眼有生理光亮度有效感知区,用极限值(明阈值与暗阈值)来量化表示,结合眩光变量,在迈克逊的对比度公式基础上,分析各种条件下的适用曲线方程,进行一般二次曲线的不变量判别和计算后,建立分段曲线方程组。结果 6个分段曲线方程构成两幅无缝接壤曲线图,3种条件下呈一直线,另3个条件下都是双曲线。结论眩光变量与有效对比度关系曲线方程组可用于计算多因素影响下的视标有效对比度,再通过与相同背景适应光下测定的对比敏感函数对照就可以知道相应的有效视力。 展开更多
关键词 对比度 有效对比度 光变量 亮度感知区 闽值
连续变量纠缠态光场在光纤中传输特性的实验研究 被引量:4
作者 万振菊 冯晋霞 +1 位作者 成健 张宽收 《物理学报》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第2期110-115,共6页
连续变量纠缠态由于其确定性产生、高效率的特点而被广泛应用于连续变量量子信息处理.在量子信息处理过程中纠缠态与量子信道发生相互作用而退相干,这是限制长距离量子信息发展的重要因素之一.光纤信道作为理想的量子信道,是目前连续变... 连续变量纠缠态由于其确定性产生、高效率的特点而被广泛应用于连续变量量子信息处理.在量子信息处理过程中纠缠态与量子信道发生相互作用而退相干,这是限制长距离量子信息发展的重要因素之一.光纤信道作为理想的量子信道,是目前连续变量量子信息研究关注的热点.本文利用Ⅱ类匹配的楔角极化磷酸氧钛钾晶体构成了三共振的非简并光学参量放大器,获得了8.3 dB的光通信波段1.5μm连续变量纠缠态光场.将产生的纠缠态光场注入单模光纤,其量子特性在传输距离达50 km后仍得到保持,纠缠度为0.21dB.该研究可为基于光纤的长距离连续变量量子信息研究提供有效的依据. 展开更多
关键词 量子 连续变量纠缠态 学参量放大器 纤信道
连续变量1.34 μm量子纠缠态光场的实验制备 被引量:4
作者 马亚云 冯晋霞 +2 位作者 万振菊 高英豪 张宽收 《物理学报》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2017年第24期70-75,共6页
设计研制了连续单频671 nm/1342 nm双波长激光器,并通过模式清洁器降低了激光器额外噪声.利用该低噪声连续单频激光器抽运由Ⅱ类准相位匹配晶体构成的双共振非简并光学参量放大器,实验制备出纠缠度达3 dB的光通信波段1.34μm连续变量量... 设计研制了连续单频671 nm/1342 nm双波长激光器,并通过模式清洁器降低了激光器额外噪声.利用该低噪声连续单频激光器抽运由Ⅱ类准相位匹配晶体构成的双共振非简并光学参量放大器,实验制备出纠缠度达3 dB的光通信波段1.34μm连续变量量子纠缠态光场.该波段量子纠缠态光场在光纤中传输损耗低且相散效应小,与现有的光纤通信系统相兼容,可用于实现基于光纤的实用化连续变量量子通信. 展开更多
关键词 量子 连续变量量子纠缠态 学参量放大器 1.34μm通信波段
作者 赵豪 冯晋霞 +2 位作者 孙婧可 李渊骥 张宽收 《物理学报》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第9期122-130,共9页
Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen纠缠态光场是实现基于光纤的连续变量量子信息处理的重要量子光源,其在光纤信道分发时会与信道相互作用发生解纠缠,影响量子信息处理的性能.本文利用部分转置正定判据分析了Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen纠缠态光场... Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen纠缠态光场是实现基于光纤的连续变量量子信息处理的重要量子光源,其在光纤信道分发时会与信道相互作用发生解纠缠,影响量子信息处理的性能.本文利用部分转置正定判据分析了Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen纠缠态光场在单通道和双通道光纤信道分发方案中,其初始态的关联正交分量对称性、模式对称性、纯度和光纤信道额外噪声对传输距离、纠缠态光场的纠缠特性及鲁棒性的影响.在单通道和双通道方案中,光纤信道的额外噪声都会引起纠缠态光场的解纠缠,随着噪声的增大,传输距离迅速减小.要保持Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen纠缠态光场在光纤损耗信道中的纠缠鲁棒性,双通道方案比单通道方案对初始态的关联正交分量对称性和纯度方面的要求更为苛刻.而且单光纤噪声通道分发方案对模式对称性参数不敏感,模式对称性参数变化不会引起解纠缠,也不影响最大传输距离和纠缠鲁棒性特征;在双光纤噪声通道分发时,模式不对称参数降低会减小最大传输距离,并出现纠缠突然死亡. 展开更多
关键词 连续变量Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen纠缠态 纤信道 鲁棒性 解纠缠
作者 笪诚 《光源与照明》 2021年第3期61-62,128,共3页
对光场量子态实现有效控制是实现量子信息处理和量子照明的必要前提,然而量子控制常常由于退相干原因备受干扰,因此研究退相干规律具有现实意义。几百年来的物理学史已表明,不同的光场会反映光的不同性质,特别是非经典光场已经成为量子... 对光场量子态实现有效控制是实现量子信息处理和量子照明的必要前提,然而量子控制常常由于退相干原因备受干扰,因此研究退相干规律具有现实意义。几百年来的物理学史已表明,不同的光场会反映光的不同性质,特别是非经典光场已经成为量子信息中重要的量子资源。文章提出用解若干量子通道密度矩阵主方程的方法在理论上分析光场量子态的退相干行为并试图发现新光场,即分析连续变量光场进入典型量子通道中的退相干行为及演化后的新光场密度矩阵的统计性质,研究其非经典特性,以便能在量子通信、量子照明和量子计算中加以应用。 展开更多
关键词 连续变量 非经典 退相干 量子照明 量子计算
人类颜色视觉的计算理论 被引量:6
作者 陶霖密 姚国正 汪云九 《心理学报》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 1993年第3期233-240,共8页
该文有机地结合了计算视觉理论和生态学视觉理论,指出颜色信息处理的根本任务是检测环境中的光不变量。在此基础上,作者提出了颜色视觉的计算理论以及计算理论本身的生物学标准。初级视觉计算是典型的不适定问题,动物的视觉系统则利用... 该文有机地结合了计算视觉理论和生态学视觉理论,指出颜色信息处理的根本任务是检测环境中的光不变量。在此基础上,作者提出了颜色视觉的计算理论以及计算理论本身的生物学标准。初级视觉计算是典型的不适定问题,动物的视觉系统则利用视环境中存在的条件将该不适定问题转化为定解问题。本文引入颜色视觉计算的免要条件,客观性约束,以及颜色认知的神经表象,证明了上述约束下颜色算法的存在性。本文给出了构造颜色知觉的基本假设。同时,该文还讨论了与上述问题密切相关的几个基本问题:神经表象的完备性,主观色觉的客观性,明度知觉和颜色知觉的统一,人类主观色觉的实现方式。 展开更多
关键词 颜色视觉 计算理论 变量
Compressively Strained InGaAs/InGaAsP Quantum Well Distributed Feedback Laser at 1.74μm 被引量:1
作者 潘教青 王圩 +4 位作者 朱洪亮 赵谦 王宝军 周帆 王鲁峰 《Journal of Semiconductors》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第9期1688-1691,共4页
The compressively strained InGaAs/InGaAsP quantum well distributed feedback laser with ridge-wave- guide is fabricated at 1.74μm. It is grown by low-pressure metal organic chemical vapor deposition(MOCVD). A strain... The compressively strained InGaAs/InGaAsP quantum well distributed feedback laser with ridge-wave- guide is fabricated at 1.74μm. It is grown by low-pressure metal organic chemical vapor deposition(MOCVD). A strain buffer layer is used to avoid indium segregation. The threshold current of the device uncoated with length of 300μm is 11.5mA. The maximum output power is 14mW at 100mA. A side mode suppression ratio of 35.5dB is obtained. 展开更多
关键词 DFB laser compressive strain quantum well
GSMBE-Grown InGaAs/InGaAsP Strained Quantum Well Lasers at 1.84 Micron Wavelength 被引量:1
作者 柏劲松 方祖捷 +3 位作者 张云妹 陈高庭 李爱珍 陈建新 《Journal of Semiconductors》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2001年第2期126-129,共4页
GSMBE grown 1 84 micron wavelength InGaAs/InGaAsP/InP strained quantum well lasers are reported. Lasers with 800 micron long cavity and 40 micron wide planar electrical stripe have been operated under the pulsed r... GSMBE grown 1 84 micron wavelength InGaAs/InGaAsP/InP strained quantum well lasers are reported. Lasers with 800 micron long cavity and 40 micron wide planar electrical stripe have been operated under the pulsed regime at room temperature. At 20℃, the threshold current density is 3 8kA/cm 2 and the external different quantum efficiency is 9 3%. 展开更多
关键词 GSMBE midinfrared band strained quantum well laser
Approximate Well Width and Optical Gain Formulas of 1 .555μm In_(1-x-y )Ga_y Al_x As Compressively Strained Quantum- Well Laser 被引量:2
作者 张冶金 陈维友 +2 位作者 蒋恒 刘彩霞 刘式墉 《Journal of Semiconductors》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2001年第1期11-17,共7页
Using Harrison's model and anisotropic parabolic approximation,the band structure of In1- x- y Gay Alx As compressively strained quantum wells is calculated.To design lasers with1.55μm wavelength,it is necessary... Using Harrison's model and anisotropic parabolic approximation,the band structure of In1- x- y Gay Alx As compressively strained quantum wells is calculated.To design lasers with1.55μm wavelength,it is necessary to an- alyze the well width,differential gain,transparency carrier density and the characteristic gain for an arbitrary com- position.Some useful empirical formulas are also presented. 展开更多
关键词 In1- x- y Gay Alx As QW linear gain differential gai
作者 孟爱东 骆飞 袁慎芳 《Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics》 EI 2000年第2期224-227,共4页
The distributed strain sensor has significant application in real time measurement of strain status for large and important engineering structures such as aircraft, bridge and dam. In this paper, a quasi distributed... The distributed strain sensor has significant application in real time measurement of strain status for large and important engineering structures such as aircraft, bridge and dam. In this paper, a quasi distributed optical fiber strain sensor system is set up using optical time domain reflect technique. The local strain sensors based on a novel microbend configuration are designed and applied to measure local strains along the optical fiber. As the result of the experimental research, the microbend sensors show high sensitivity, good linearity and repeatability in certain operation range. 展开更多
关键词 strain measurement strain sensor optical fiber sensor DISTRIBUTED micro bend
Optimization Design of Active Structure of Strained MQW DFB Lasers
作者 张冶金 朱林 +5 位作者 高志国 陈明华 董毅 陈维友 刘式墉 谢世钟 《Journal of Semiconductors》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2003年第1期6-10,共5页
The well number and the cavity length of 1.55μm wavelength In 1-x-y Ga y Al x As MQW DFB lasers are optimized using a simple model.A low threshold,maximum operating temperature of 550~560K,and high relaxat... The well number and the cavity length of 1.55μm wavelength In 1-x-y Ga y Al x As MQW DFB lasers are optimized using a simple model.A low threshold,maximum operating temperature of 550~560K,and high relaxation oscillation frequency of over 30GHz MQW DFB laser is presented. 展开更多
关键词 In 1-x-y Gay Alx As QW laser DFB differential gain optimization design
Calculation of Valence Subband Structures for Strained Quantum-Wells by Plane Wave Expansion Method Within 6×6 Luttinger-Kohn Model
作者 国伟华 黄永箴 《Journal of Semiconductors》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2002年第6期577-581,共5页
The valence subband energies and wave functions of a tensile strained quantum well are calculated by the plane wave expansion method within the 6×6 Luttinger Kohn model.The effect of the number and period of pla... The valence subband energies and wave functions of a tensile strained quantum well are calculated by the plane wave expansion method within the 6×6 Luttinger Kohn model.The effect of the number and period of plane waves used for expansion on the stability of energy eigenvalues is examined.For practical calculation,it should choose the period large sufficiently to ensure the envelope functions vanish at the boundary and the number of plane waves large enough to ensure the energy eigenvalues keep unchanged within a prescribed range. 展开更多
关键词 semiconductor optical amplifier strained quantum well plane wave expansion method POLARIZATION
Fractional Radon Transform and Transform of Wigner Operator 被引量:1
作者 FANHong-Yi CHENJun-Hua 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2003年第2期147-150,共4页
Based on the Radon transform and fractional Fourier transform we introduce the fractional Radon trans-formation (FRT). We identify the transform kernel for FRT. The FRT of Wigner operator is derived, which naturallyre... Based on the Radon transform and fractional Fourier transform we introduce the fractional Radon trans-formation (FRT). We identify the transform kernel for FRT. The FRT of Wigner operator is derived, which naturallyreduces to the projector of eigenvector of the rotated quadrature in the usual Radon transform case. 展开更多
关键词 fractional Radon transformation Wigner operator IWOP techneque
Spectroscopic Multicomponent Analysis Using Multi-objective Optimization for Variable Selection 被引量:1
作者 Anderson da Silva Soares Telma Woerle de Lima +3 位作者 Daniel Vitor de LuPcena Rogerio Lopes Salvini GustavoTeodoro Laureano Clarimar Jose Coelho 《Computer Technology and Application》 2013年第9期466-475,共10页
The multiple determination tasks of chemical properties are a classical problem in analytical chemistry. The major problem is concerned in to find the best subset of variables that better represents the compounds. The... The multiple determination tasks of chemical properties are a classical problem in analytical chemistry. The major problem is concerned in to find the best subset of variables that better represents the compounds. These variables are obtained by a spectrophotometer device. This device measures hundreds of correlated variables related with physicocbemical properties and that can be used to estimate the component of interest. The problem is the selection of a subset of informative and uncorrelated variables that help the minimization of prediction error. Classical algorithms select a subset of variables for each compound considered. In this work we propose the use of the SPEA-II (strength Pareto evolutionary algorithm II). We would like to show that the variable selection algorithm can selected just one subset used for multiple determinations using multiple linear regressions. For the case study is used wheat data obtained by NIR (near-infrared spectroscopy) spectrometry where the objective is the determination of a variable subgroup with information about E protein content (%), test weight (Kg/HI), WKT (wheat kernel texture) (%) and farinograph water absorption (%). The results of traditional techniques of multivariate calibration as the SPA (successive projections algorithm), PLS (partial least square) and mono-objective genetic algorithm are presents for comparisons. For NIR spectral analysis of protein concentration on wheat, the number of variables selected from 775 spectral variables was reduced for just 10 in the SPEA-II algorithm. The prediction error decreased from 0.2 in the classical methods to 0.09 in proposed approach, a reduction of 37%. The model using variables selected by SPEA-II had better prediction performance than classical algorithms and full-spectrum partial least-squares. 展开更多
关键词 Multi-objective algorithms variable selection linear regression.
Binding interactions of pefloxacin mesylate with bovine lactoferrin and human serum albumin 被引量:2
作者 FAN Ji-cai CHEN Xiang WANG Yun FAN Cheng-ping SHANG Zhi-cai 《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science B(Biomedicine & Biotechnology)》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2006年第6期452-458,共7页
The binding of pefloxacin mesylate (PFLX) to bovine lactoferrin (BLf) and human serum albumin (HSA) in dilute aqueous solution was studied using fluorescence spectra and absorbance spectra. The binding constant ... The binding of pefloxacin mesylate (PFLX) to bovine lactoferrin (BLf) and human serum albumin (HSA) in dilute aqueous solution was studied using fluorescence spectra and absorbance spectra. The binding constant K and the binding sites n were obtained by fluorescence quenching method. The binding distance r and energy-transfer efficiency E between pefloxacin mesylate and bovine lactoferrin as well as human serum albumin were also obtained according to the mechanism of Forster-type dipole-dipole nonradiative energy-transfer. The effects of pefloxacin mesylate on the conformations of bovine lactoferrin and human serum albumin were also analyzed using synchronous fluorescence spectroscopy. 展开更多
关键词 Pefloxacin mesylate (PFLX) Bovine lactoferrin (BLf) Human serum albumin (HSA) Fluorescence spectra Energy-transfer efficiency
Coherence Properties of Light from Optical Parametric Oscillators
作者 Surendra Singh Reeta Vyas 《量子光学学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2006年第B08期57-57,共1页
关键词 连贯性 变量振荡器 非经典 量子
Centre symmetric quadruple pattern-based illumination invariant measure
作者 Hu Changhui Zhang Yang +1 位作者 Lu Xiaobo Liu Pan 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2020年第4期407-413,共7页
A centre symmetric quadruple pattern-based illumination invariant measure(CSQPIM)is proposed to tackle severe illumination variation face recognition.First,the subtraction of the pixel pairs of the centre symmetric qu... A centre symmetric quadruple pattern-based illumination invariant measure(CSQPIM)is proposed to tackle severe illumination variation face recognition.First,the subtraction of the pixel pairs of the centre symmetric quadruple pattern(CSQP)is defined as the CSQPIM unit in the logarithm face local region,which may be positive or negative.The CSQPIM model is obtained by combining the positive and negative CSQPIM units.Then,the CSQPIM model can be used to generate several CSQPIM images by controlling the proportions of positive and negative CSQPIM units.The single CSQPIM image with the saturation function can be used to develop the CSQPIM-face.Multi CSQPIM images employ the extended sparse representation classification(ESRC)as the classifier,which can create the CSQPIM image-based classification(CSQPIMC).Furthermore,the CSQPIM model is integrated with the pre-trained deep learning(PDL)model to construct the CSQPIM-PDL model.Finally,the experimental results on the Extended Yale B,CMU PIE and Driver face databases indicate that the proposed methods are efficient for tackling severe illumination variations. 展开更多
关键词 centre symmetric quadruple pattern illumination invariant measure severe illumination variations single sample face recognition
Engineering Multi-atom Entangled States via Cavity Decay
作者 ZHENG Shi-Biao 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2007年第4期719-721,共3页
A scheme is proposed for the generation of entangled states for multiple atoms trapped in a cavity by detecting photon decay. The scheme is valid no matter when the effective atom-cavity coupling strength is larger th... A scheme is proposed for the generation of entangled states for multiple atoms trapped in a cavity by detecting photon decay. The scheme is valid no matter when the effective atom-cavity coupling strength is larger than the cavity decay rate or not, which is of importance in view of experiment. The fidelity of entanglement is insensitive to the inefticiency of the photo-detector. The scheme does not require a photon to be initially injected into the cavity. 展开更多
关键词 entangled state PHOTON cavity decay
Quantifying biochemical variables of corn by hyperspectral reflectance at leaf scale
作者 Qiu-xiang YI Jing-feng HUANG +1 位作者 Fu-min WANG Xiu-zhen WANG 《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science B(Biomedicine & Biotechnology)》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2008年第5期378-384,共7页
To further develop the methods to remotely sense the biochemical content of plant canopies,we report the results of an experiment to estimate the concentrations of three biochemical variables of corn,i.e.,nitrogen(N),... To further develop the methods to remotely sense the biochemical content of plant canopies,we report the results of an experiment to estimate the concentrations of three biochemical variables of corn,i.e.,nitrogen(N),crude fat(EE) and crude fiber(CF) concentrations,by spectral reflectance and the first derivative reflectance at fresh leaf scale. The correlations between spectral reflectance and the first derivative transformation and three biochemical variables were analyzed,and a set of estimation models were established using curve-fitting analyses. Coefficient of determination(R2),root mean square error(RMSE) and relative error of prediction(REP) of estimation models were calculated for the model quality evaluations,and the possible opti-mum estimation models of three biochemical variables were proposed,with R2 being 0.891,0.698 and 0.480 for the estimation models of N,EE and CF concentrations,respectively. The results also indicate that using the first derivative reflectance was better than using raw spectral reflectance for all three biochemical variables estimation,and that the first derivative reflectances at 759 nm,1954 nm and 2370 nm were most suitable to develop the estimation models of N,EE and CF concentrations,respectively. In addition,the high correlation coefficients of the theoretical and the measured biochemical parameters were obtained,especially for nitrogen(r=0.948). 展开更多
关键词 Biochemical variables CORN The first derivative spectral reflectance Spectral reflectance
Darboux Transformation and New Soliton-like Solutions for (1+1)-Dimensional Higher-Order Broer-Kaup System 被引量:1
作者 YU Rui HUANG Ding-Jiang ZHANG Hong-Qing 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2006年第3期401-404,共4页
In this letter, we construct a kind of new Darboux transformation for the (1+1)-dimensional higher-order Broer-Kaup (HBK) system with the help of a gauge transformation of a spectral problem. By applying this new... In this letter, we construct a kind of new Darboux transformation for the (1+1)-dimensional higher-order Broer-Kaup (HBK) system with the help of a gauge transformation of a spectral problem. By applying this new Darboux transformation, some new soliton-like solutions of the (1+1)-dimensional HBK system are obtained. 展开更多
关键词 Darboux transformation (1+1)-dimensional higher-order Broer-Kaup system soliton-like solu-tions
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