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一种新颖的稳定光强的实用方法 被引量:1
作者 蒋融 《实用测试技术》 CAS 1994年第4期25-26,共2页
关键词 电测量 稳定光强法
光强对比法测量表面粗糙度的研究 被引量:2
作者 于助 刘国华 +1 位作者 邹利君 柏小强 《哈尔滨科学技术大学学报》 1990年第3期278-284,共7页
光强对比法是对镜反射光法测量表面粗糙度的一种改进.它的优越性在于排除了光源输出功率不稳的影响,提高了测量的准确性,更适于实时、在线测量.本文利用光强对比法对磨加工的粗糙度标准样块系列进行测量,取得了大量实验数据,描绘出光强... 光强对比法是对镜反射光法测量表面粗糙度的一种改进.它的优越性在于排除了光源输出功率不稳的影响,提高了测量的准确性,更适于实时、在线测量.本文利用光强对比法对磨加工的粗糙度标准样块系列进行测量,取得了大量实验数据,描绘出光强比与粗糙度参数之间的关系曲线,进而推得了一系列表征粗糙度的经验公式,其计算值与实际测量值的偏差在2%—20%,证明经验公式是可靠的、准确的. 展开更多
关键词 粗糙度 测量 对比 表面
光强外调制法抑制相对强度噪声 被引量:8
作者 徐建营 王学锋 +1 位作者 李超 高峰 《中国惯性技术学报》 EI CSCD 2008年第6期740-743,共4页
针对高精度光纤陀螺超荧光光纤光源的相对强度噪声(RIN),阐述了光强外调制法抑制RIN系统构成。系统利用集成光学强度调制器及其反馈控制回路将光纤光源的强度变化作为调制信号,通过负反馈消除光源的RIN。文中给出了反馈回路中增益非平... 针对高精度光纤陀螺超荧光光纤光源的相对强度噪声(RIN),阐述了光强外调制法抑制RIN系统构成。系统利用集成光学强度调制器及其反馈控制回路将光纤光源的强度变化作为调制信号,通过负反馈消除光源的RIN。文中给出了反馈回路中增益非平坦型带通滤波器的实现方法。实验结果表明,在10kHz~800kHz范围内,光强外调制法使单位带宽内信噪比改善了15~5dB。 展开更多
关键词 高精度纤陀螺 超荧 相对度噪声 外调制
He-Ne双折射塞曼双频激光器的等光强稳频研究 被引量:5
作者 田振国 张立 张书练 《红外与激光工程》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2016年第5期45-50,共6页
在精密测量领域,He-Ne激光器是制造激光干涉仪的首选光源,因波长作为测量的"尺子",激光器的频率稳定性至关重要。介绍了双频激光器的稳频技术原理,利用调谐腔中平行光和垂直光的等光强点作为稳频点,以光强平衡为依据设计热伺... 在精密测量领域,He-Ne激光器是制造激光干涉仪的首选光源,因波长作为测量的"尺子",激光器的频率稳定性至关重要。介绍了双频激光器的稳频技术原理,利用调谐腔中平行光和垂直光的等光强点作为稳频点,以光强平衡为依据设计热伺服控制电路,采用数字和模拟电路共同控制,实现了He-Ne双折射塞曼双频激光器的频率稳定。对大频差(7.95 MHz)的双频激光器进行拍频测试,单次频率稳定度达10-9量级,重复多次多日测量,频率不确定度达1.074×10-8(k=2)。同时对频差稳定度进行测试,频差波动范围在8 k Hz以内,相对偏差度为0.001,完全达到商用双频干涉仪的标准。 展开更多
关键词 双折射-塞曼 双频 光强法 稳频
利用光强判别法改进超声光栅测量水中声速实验 被引量:1
作者 董玮涔 何旭东 《物理实验》 2020年第12期39-43,共5页
介绍了超声光栅形成原理及如何利用该原理测量液体中的超声速度.采用光强判别法测量了非0级条纹光强极大时的超声频率,并利用Matlab拟合计算出水中超声速度为1460 m/s,较传统的分光计测角法更精确.
关键词 超声 声速 判别 LABVIEW
影响石英单模光纤数值孔径测量的因素及分析 被引量:1
作者 廖红波 李多 《大学物理》 2021年第5期33-36,54,共5页
本文采用远场光斑法和光强法测量了石英单模光纤的数值孔径.实验结果表明,由光纤耦合条件不同导致的光斑形状变化,对数值孔径的测量影响不大,单模光纤的纤芯直径小,导致出射光存在较强的衍射现象,对数值孔径的测量造成较大的影响,无论... 本文采用远场光斑法和光强法测量了石英单模光纤的数值孔径.实验结果表明,由光纤耦合条件不同导致的光斑形状变化,对数值孔径的测量影响不大,单模光纤的纤芯直径小,导致出射光存在较强的衍射现象,对数值孔径的测量造成较大的影响,无论采用光斑法还是光强法,需以衍射第1次极大为计算标准,尽量选择光斑中心为亮斑时测量其数值孔径.此外,用远场光斑法进行测量时,观察屏到光纤的距离要合适,太短或太长都会增加实验误差. 展开更多
关键词 单模石英 数值孔径 远场 远场光强法
角度加权对动态光散射信号噪声影响的抑制作用 被引量:4
作者 王雅静 黄钰 +3 位作者 申晋 徐亚南 张雯雯 毛帅 《光学精密工程》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第4期808-816,共9页
在动态光散射技术中,光强自相关数据中信号噪声对测量结果的影响,主要取决于颗粒粒度反演算法。在多角度测量时,角度加权则成为左右噪声对测量结果影响的又一重要因素。本文在多角度动态光散射角度加权机理分析的基础上,研究了光强均值... 在动态光散射技术中,光强自相关数据中信号噪声对测量结果的影响,主要取决于颗粒粒度反演算法。在多角度测量时,角度加权则成为左右噪声对测量结果影响的又一重要因素。本文在多角度动态光散射角度加权机理分析的基础上,研究了光强均值和迭代递归角度加权方法对测量信号噪声影响的抑制作用。结果表明,无信号噪声时,对于单峰小粒度分布,迭代递归方法加权对小颗粒粒度分布略有展宽;对于中、大颗粒,光强均值法进行角度加权所得的峰值误差略有增大;随着噪声的增加,迭代递归法加权所得反演结果的性能指标无显著变化,而光强均值法进行角度加权所得结果的峰值误差和分布误差均呈显著增大的趋势。306/974 nm标准双峰颗粒体系光强均值法和迭代递归法的反演峰值误差分别为0.170/0.121,0.092/0.097,迭代递归法峰值位置更准确,能够验证模拟数据的结论。迭代递归法通过各个散射角逐次反演和比较粒度分布重新计算角度权重,这种通过角度权重更新的“修正”作用,在很大程度上抵消了噪声导致的粒度分布误差,从而显现出抵御噪声影响的“去噪”性能。因此,在测量噪声较大的环境下,宜采用迭代递归方法进行多角度加权。 展开更多
关键词 动态散射 角度加权 信号噪声 均值 迭代递归
无衍射光在直线度误差测量系统中的应用 被引量:6
作者 张青 赵斌 +1 位作者 范光照 李柱 《华中理工大学学报》 CSCD 北大核心 1997年第9期1-3,共3页
无衍射光的中心光斑直径很小,且在传播方向上其尺寸不随传播距离而变化.将其应用于直线度误差测量系统,可以获得较高的测量精度.研究了无衍射光束的特性及其实现方法,给出了测量系统的结构和参数.理论分析和实验表明这种新型测量... 无衍射光的中心光斑直径很小,且在传播方向上其尺寸不随传播距离而变化.将其应用于直线度误差测量系统,可以获得较高的测量精度.研究了无衍射光束的特性及其实现方法,给出了测量系统的结构和参数.理论分析和实验表明这种新型测量系统可满足高精度测量的要求. 展开更多
关键词 无衍射 直线度误差 测量系统 型准直
作者 沈张 《有线传输技术译文》 1995年第3期32-38,共7页
关键词 纤总规范 近场分布 四同心圆
基于红外传感器的新型机器人敏感皮肤 被引量:5
作者 王树国 曹政才 +1 位作者 付宜利 靳保 《上海交通大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第6期923-927,共5页
阐述了基于红外传感器机器人敏感皮肤的设计方法.为快速准确地采集大量的传感器数据,系统采用数字信号处理器(DSP)作为主处理芯片,外围电路由复杂可编程逻辑器件(CPLD)实现,多路高速数据采集使用并行方式处理.应用光强法测量敏感皮肤与... 阐述了基于红外传感器机器人敏感皮肤的设计方法.为快速准确地采集大量的传感器数据,系统采用数字信号处理器(DSP)作为主处理芯片,外围电路由复杂可编程逻辑器件(CPLD)实现,多路高速数据采集使用并行方式处理.应用光强法测量敏感皮肤与障碍物间的距离.实验结果表明:该敏感皮肤提高了机器人对未知环境的感知能力,解决了机器人实时避障的首要问题. 展开更多
关键词 红外传感器 机器人 敏感皮肤 光强法 测距
Impacts of bird abundance, activity height and light intensity on the number of birds captured by mist netting 被引量:2
作者 邹发生 陈桂珠 杨琼芳 《Chinese Birds》 2010年第4期221-229,共9页
To understand better the impact on mist net capture rates of the activity height of birds, light intensity, bird richness and abundance, we compared data from mist nets and point counts at the Jianfengling Forest Area... To understand better the impact on mist net capture rates of the activity height of birds, light intensity, bird richness and abundance, we compared data from mist nets and point counts at the Jianfengling Forest Area, Hainan Island. Mist-nets were operated for a total of 7135 net-hours. A total of 587 individuals of 45 bird species were captured. The total mean capture rate was 8.6 ± 10.4 per 100 net-hours. A total of 4932 individuals of 107 bird species were recorded by visual observation alone and 7616 individuals of 120 species were recorded in a visual and aural combination. The Grey-cheeked Fulvetta (Alcippe morrisonia) was the most abundant species, accounting for 38.7% of total captures, 27.9% of visual observations and 22.2% of visual + aural observations. The capture number was correlated with the number observed. Thirty-one species were more likely to be captured than observed. Canopy species, such as members of the Corvidae and Dicruridae, were seldom captured. For all ground feeding species, the capture number was greater than that of observation. Some cryptic species, such as the Lesser Wren Babbler (Napothera epilepidota), Spotnecked Babbler (Stachyris striolata) and Cuckoo Owl (Glaucidium cuculoides) also had a higher relative capture rate than that of observations. There was a significant relationship between light intensity and the number of birds captured. 展开更多
关键词 activity height bird abundance light intensity mist nets point counts
温度对LED性能的影响 被引量:2
作者 谢倩雯 《物联网技术》 2012年第3期37-38,41,共3页
关键词 LED 椭圆灯 正向电压 PN结
Upconversion Luminescence from Ho3+ and Yb3+ Codoped α-NaYF4 Single Crystals 被引量:1
作者 Jia-zhong Zhang Hai-ping Xia +5 位作者 Shuo Yang Yong-zhang Jiang Xue-mei Gu Jian-li Zhang Hao-chuan Jiang Bao-jiu Chen 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2015年第3期351-354,I0002,共5页
The Ho3+/yb3+ co-doped a-NaYF4 single crystal was grown successfully for the first time by a modified Bridgman method in which KF was used as assisting flux and a large temperature gradient (70-90℃ /cm) of solid-... The Ho3+/yb3+ co-doped a-NaYF4 single crystal was grown successfully for the first time by a modified Bridgman method in which KF was used as assisting flux and a large temperature gradient (70-90℃ /cm) of solid-liquid interface was adopted. Upconversion emissions at green -544 nm, red -657 and -751 nm were obtained under 980 nm laser diode excitation. The intensity at -544 nm was much stronger than those of -657 and -751 nm. The mechanisms of the upconversion emissions were investigated by studying the relationship between the upconversion intensity and pump power. The optimized Yb3+ concentration was about 8.08moi% when Ho3+ concentration was hold at about 1.0mol%. The results showed that Ho3+/yb3+ doped α-NaYF4 single crystal was a possible candidate upconversion material for the green solid-state laser. 展开更多
关键词 Ho3+/yb3+ a-NaYF4 single crystal Fluorescent intensity UPCONVERSION
Surface Treatment of UHMWPE Fibers for Adhesion Promotion in Epoxy Polymers 被引量:1
作者 宋俊 肖长发 +1 位作者 安树林 贾广霞 《Journal of Donghua University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2007年第3期329-332,共4页
Surface of Ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene (UHMWPE) fiber were treated by chromic acid chemical etching, pyrrole chemical vapour phase deposition and the complex of these two methods, respectively. The chan... Surface of Ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene (UHMWPE) fiber were treated by chromic acid chemical etching, pyrrole chemical vapour phase deposition and the complex of these two methods, respectively. The change of surface properties and structure of fibers were discussed by Fiour Transform Infrared Spectroscope (FTIR), Dynamic Mechanical Analysis (DMA) and Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM). The results show that some new oxygenous groups could be found on surface of UHMWPE fiber after chromic acid chemical etching, which enhanced intemolecular interaction with polypyrrcle. The adhesion of the fiber and resin natrix increased after pyrrole chemical vapour deposition. When chromic acid etching combined with pyrrole chemical vapor deposition, the treated fiber not only has the same properties as original fiber bat also outstanding adhesion to epoxy resin matrix, and its composites have better mechanic properties shear strength), resulting from intemolecular interaction treated fiber and polypyrrole. 展开更多
关键词 ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene surface treatment pol yprrole composite material
A calculation method for low dynamic vehicle velocity based on fusion of optical flow and feature point matching
作者 Liu Di Chen Xiyuan 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2017年第4期426-431,共6页
Aming at the problem of the low accuracy of low dynamic vehicle velocity under the environment of uneven distribution of light intensity,an improved adaptive Kalman filter method for the velocity error estimate by the... Aming at the problem of the low accuracy of low dynamic vehicle velocity under the environment of uneven distribution of light intensity,an improved adaptive Kalman filter method for the velocity error estimate by the fusion of optical flow tracking and scale mvaiant feature transform(SIFT)is proposed.The algorithm introduces anonlinear fuzzy membership function and the filter residual for the noise covariance matrix in the adaptive adjustment process.In the process of calculating the velocity of the vehicle,the tracking and matching of the inter-frame displacement a d the vehicle velocity calculation a e carried out by using the optical fow tracing and the SIF'T methods,respectively.Meanwhile,the velocity difference between theoutputs of thesetwo methods is used as the observation of the improved adaptive Kalman filter.Finally,the velocity calculated by the optical fow method is corrected by using the velocity error estimate of the output of the modified adaptive Kalman filter.The results of semi-physical experiments show that the maximum velocityeror of the fusion algorithm is decreased by29%than that of the optical fow method,and the computation time is reduced by80%compared with the SIFT method. 展开更多
关键词 VELOCITY optical fow feature point matching non-uniform light intensity distribution
Highly Effective Detection of Amitraz in Honey by Using Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering Spectroscopy Coupled with Chemometric Methods 被引量:2
作者 Xin-ming Nie Jing Wang +4 位作者 Xun Wang Ya-ping Tian Si Chen Zhou-yang Long Cheng-hua Zong 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2019年第4期444-450,I0002,共8页
As an effective and universal acaricide, amitraz is widely used on beehives against varroasis caused by the mite Varroa jacobsoni. Its residues in honey pose a great danger to human health. In this study, a sensitive,... As an effective and universal acaricide, amitraz is widely used on beehives against varroasis caused by the mite Varroa jacobsoni. Its residues in honey pose a great danger to human health. In this study, a sensitive, rapid, and environmentally friendly surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy method (SERS) was developed for the determination of trace amount of amitraz in honey with the use of silver nanorod (AgNR) array substrate. The AgNR array substrate fabricated by an oblique angle deposition technique exhibited an excellent SERS activity with an enhancement factor of -10^7. Density function theory was employed to assign the characteristic peak of amitraz. The detection of amitraz was further explored and amitraz in honey at concentrations as low as 0.08 mg/kg can be identified. Specifically, partial least square regression analysis was employed to correlate the SERS spectra in full-wavelength with Camitraz to afford a multiple-quantitative amitraz predicting model. Preliminary results show that the predicted concentrations of amitraz in honey samples are in good agreement with their real concentrations. Compared with the conventional univariate quantitative model based on single peak’s intensity, the proposed multiple-quantitative predicting model integrates all the characteristic peaks of amitraz, thus offering an improved detecting accuracy and anti-interference ability. 展开更多
关键词 AMITRAZ surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy method Oblique angle deposition HONEY DETECTION SENSING Ag nanorod Density function theory Partial least squares regression
Dark Color ZnO Quasi-One-Dimensional Nanostructures Grown by Hydrothermal Method and Modulation of their Optical Properties
作者 Hao Chen Na Dong +2 位作者 Kai Wang Yi Yao Faqiang Xu 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2019年第6期708-714,I0003,共8页
Zinc oxide has a large energy gap and thus it has potential application in the field of solar cells by tuning the absorption of sunlight. In order to enhance its absorption of sunlight,dark color zinc oxides have been... Zinc oxide has a large energy gap and thus it has potential application in the field of solar cells by tuning the absorption of sunlight. In order to enhance its absorption of sunlight,dark color zinc oxides have been prepared by traditional hydrothermal method directly using a zinc foil as both source and substrate. We found that we could tune the optical properties of ZnO samples by changing the temperature. In particular, increasing temperature could significantly reduce the reflectivity of solar energy in the visible range. We speculate that the phenomenon is relevant to the sharp cone morphology of the ZnO nanorods grown on the surface of Zn foils, which furthermore enhance refraction and reflection of light in the nanorods. The capacity to improve the light absorption of ZnO may have a bright application in raising the efficiency of solar cells. 展开更多
关键词 Hydrothermal method Dark color ZnO samples Enhanced optical properties
A method of simulating intensity modulation-direct detection WDM systems
作者 HUANG Jing YAO Jian-quan LI En-bang 《Optoelectronics Letters》 EI 2005年第1期57-60,共4页
In the simulation of Intensity Modulation-Direct Detection WDM Systems,when the dispersion and nonlinear effects play equally important roles,the intensity fluctuation caused by cross-phase modulation may be overestim... In the simulation of Intensity Modulation-Direct Detection WDM Systems,when the dispersion and nonlinear effects play equally important roles,the intensity fluctuation caused by cross-phase modulation may be overestimated as a result of the improper step size.Therefore,the step size in numerical simulation should be selected to suppress false XPM intensity modulation (keep it much less than signal power).According to this criterion,the step size is variable along the fiber.For a WDM system,the step size depends on the channel separation.Different type of transmission fiber has different step size.In the split-step Fourier method,this criterion can reduce simulation time,and when the step size is bigger than 100 meters,the simulation accuracy can also be improved. 展开更多
关键词 纤通信 WDW 交换 信号传输 度模拟
Gravitational Faraday effect in curved space-time induced by high-power lasers
作者 周华 季沛勇 《Journal of Shanghai University(English Edition)》 CAS 2006年第2期111-114,共4页
Gravitational field produced by high-power laser is calculated according to the linearized Einstein field equation in weak field approximation. Gravitational Faraday effect of electromagnetic wave propagating in the a... Gravitational field produced by high-power laser is calculated according to the linearized Einstein field equation in weak field approximation. Gravitational Faraday effect of electromagnetic wave propagating in the above gravitational field is studied and the rotation angle of polarization plane of electromagnetic wave is derived. The result is discussed and estimated under the condition of present experiment facility. 展开更多
关键词 curved space-time Faraday effect.
用于光纤激光器阵列锁相的光纤环特性研究 被引量:3
作者 雷兵 冯莹 +1 位作者 魏立安 刘泽金 《光学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第9期2479-2485,共7页
光纤环特性对基于公共光纤环的光纤激光器锁相阵列的性能具有重要影响。介绍了利用公共光纤环构建光纤激光器锁相阵列的结构、特征以及光纤环的作用。建立了研究该光纤环特性的理论模型,分别采用光强叠加和光场叠加法分析了光纤环的能... 光纤环特性对基于公共光纤环的光纤激光器锁相阵列的性能具有重要影响。介绍了利用公共光纤环构建光纤激光器锁相阵列的结构、特征以及光纤环的作用。建立了研究该光纤环特性的理论模型,分别采用光强叠加和光场叠加法分析了光纤环的能量传输与谐振选模特性,并在考虑输入光波谱宽的情况下征明了两种方法的一致性。研究表明增加成环耦合器的耦合比可以增强锁相阵列各单元激光器间的能量耦合,且在光纤环损耗较低时不会明显降低输出功率和组合效率。实验中观察到了光纤环的滤波选模效应,而输出功率随着耦合比的增加有规律的略微减小,两者均与理论分析结果一致。 展开更多
关键词 纤激 锁相 叠加 场叠加 纤环 纤耦合器
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