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光学相干断层成像(OCT)新技术及其在临床诊断中的应用 被引量:2
作者 沈婷梅 顾瑛 《中国激光医学杂志》 CAS CSCD 2007年第6期379-382,共4页
光学相干断层成像术(OCT)是一种能对生物组织浅表微结构进行断层成像的新技术,笔者总结了OCT新技术的研究进展及其发展趋势,介绍了几种功能OCT;概述了OCT在生物医学领域的应用情况及其在光动力学疗法(PDT)疗效检测中的应用前景,最后讨论... 光学相干断层成像术(OCT)是一种能对生物组织浅表微结构进行断层成像的新技术,笔者总结了OCT新技术的研究进展及其发展趋势,介绍了几种功能OCT;概述了OCT在生物医学领域的应用情况及其在光动力学疗法(PDT)疗效检测中的应用前景,最后讨论了OCT技术的应用局限。 展开更多
关键词 光相干断层成像术 功能 动力学疗法
光学相干断层扫描血管成像术在早期青光眼诊断中的优势 被引量:4
作者 方林 陈臻 张希瑞 《中国医疗设备》 2021年第11期150-154,共5页
青光眼是一组以视神经萎缩和视野缺损为共同特征的疾病,是全球范围内主要致盲性眼病之一,近年来随着检查技术的进一步提高,青光眼的检出率日益提高。光相干断层扫描血管成像术是基于检测血流来构建视网膜血管网图像的一种无侵入性快速... 青光眼是一组以视神经萎缩和视野缺损为共同特征的疾病,是全球范围内主要致盲性眼病之一,近年来随着检查技术的进一步提高,青光眼的检出率日益提高。光相干断层扫描血管成像术是基于检测血流来构建视网膜血管网图像的一种无侵入性快速成像方式,能够提供视网膜和脉络膜血流灌注系统的三维成像。并可同时对血流变化与视网膜神经纤维层、神经节细胞层厚度变化之间的关系进行严谨的循证研究。对评估早期青光眼的损伤提供了良好的诊疗前景。 展开更多
关键词 相干断层扫描血管成像 血流灌注 视网膜 神经纤维层厚度
光相干连续断层成像术在视神经脊髓炎谱系病的临床应用 被引量:6
作者 张祥 俞海 +1 位作者 邓波 陈向军 《中国临床神经科学》 2017年第2期176-182,共7页
目的探讨光相干连续断层成像术(OCT)在视神经脊髓炎谱系病(NMOSD)的临床应用。方法利用OCT对49例NMOSD患者(NMOSD组)和1 5例健康对照志愿者(对照组)视乳头周围视网膜神经纤维层(RNFL)厚度进行比较;NMOSD组再根据是否伴视神经炎、水通道... 目的探讨光相干连续断层成像术(OCT)在视神经脊髓炎谱系病(NMOSD)的临床应用。方法利用OCT对49例NMOSD患者(NMOSD组)和1 5例健康对照志愿者(对照组)视乳头周围视网膜神经纤维层(RNFL)厚度进行比较;NMOSD组再根据是否伴视神经炎、水通道蛋白抗体状态(AQP4-IgG)等对NMOSD组分为伴视神经炎(NMOSD-ON)亚组(34例);不伴视神经炎(NMOSD-NON)亚组(15例)。比较各亚组的RNFL厚度差异;采用扩展病残状态评分(EDSS)评价神经功能缺损程度,分析EDSS与RNFL是否存在相关性。结果 NMOSD患者受累眼的RNFL各象限厚度与未受累眼和对照组比较显著变薄(P<0.01);NMOSD未受累眼与对照组比较,RNFL厚度差异无显著性(P>0.05)。AQP4-IgG阳性或阴性NMOSD-ON亚组的RNFL厚度比较差异无显著性(P>0.05);RNFL厚度变化与NMOSD残障的严重程度无相关性(P>0.05)。结论 RNFL变薄仅在NMOSD受累眼表现,厚度变化与AQP4-IgG无关,OCT可能有助于临床对NMOSD诊疗提供参考指标。 展开更多
关键词 视神经脊髓炎谱系病 相干连续断层成像 视网膜神经纤维层
息肉状脉络膜血管病变的诊治现状与进展 被引量:10
作者 陈奇 杨建军 李敏 《国际眼科杂志》 CAS 2017年第8期1457-1460,共4页
息肉状脉络膜血管病变(polypoidal choroidal vasculopathy,PCV)是一组常见的视网膜疾病,有色人种多见,在我国主要患者群以60岁左右为主,且女性较多见,该病目前发病原因不明且尚无特效药,眼底镜下可见橘红色病灶、出血及渗出,结合吲哚... 息肉状脉络膜血管病变(polypoidal choroidal vasculopathy,PCV)是一组常见的视网膜疾病,有色人种多见,在我国主要患者群以60岁左右为主,且女性较多见,该病目前发病原因不明且尚无特效药,眼底镜下可见橘红色病灶、出血及渗出,结合吲哚菁绿血管造影(indocyanine green angiography,ICGA)可做出诊断,近几年对其治疗的主要手段有光动力疗法(photodynamic therapy,PDT)、玻璃体腔抗VEGF药物注射疗法、针对并发症的手术治疗及其联合治疗,本文将对息肉状脉络膜血管病变的诊疗展开综述,对其未来的研究方向进行展望。 展开更多
关键词 息肉状脉络膜血管病变 相干断层扫描血管成像 动力疗法 玻璃体腔抗新生血管药物注射 联合治疗
不同结构生物组织光透明作用比较 被引量:13
作者 徐向群 吴柳 《中国激光》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第7期998-1002,共5页
为了了解生物组织不同结构对光透明进程的影响,利用光相干断层成像术(OCT)和近红外光谱(NIR)对肌肉组织(猪骨骼肌)和上皮组织(猪胃黏膜)经丙三醇处理后的光透明效果进行了比较研究。结果表明,这两种组织的光相干断层成像术成像深度和内... 为了了解生物组织不同结构对光透明进程的影响,利用光相干断层成像术(OCT)和近红外光谱(NIR)对肌肉组织(猪骨骼肌)和上皮组织(猪胃黏膜)经丙三醇处理后的光透明效果进行了比较研究。结果表明,这两种组织的光相干断层成像术成像深度和内层次结构的成像对比度均得到改善;肌肉组织和胃黏膜组织的光透射率分别增加了21%和16%,而漫反射率分别降低了33%和21%;这两种结构组织的光透明效果(肌肉组织较好)和进程(肌肉组织较快)与各自的失水率和失水动力学成正相关,肌肉组织失水过程为先快后慢;胃黏膜组织的失水过程为先慢后快;肌肉组织的总失水率大于胃黏膜组织。这表明结构不同的生物组织的光透明效果存在差异,必须考虑其内部结构的影响。 展开更多
关键词 医用学和生物技 生物组织透明 光相干断层成像术 近红外 生物组织结构
三维OCT在开角型青光眼鉴别诊断价值 被引量:3
作者 邵东平 杨晓然 +1 位作者 梁雪芬 杨洁华 《中国实用眼科杂志》 CSCD 北大核心 2011年第3期213-216,共4页
目的探讨高分辨率三维OCT在开角型青光眼中的诊断价值。方法采用CirrusHD—OCT对正常组94人188只眼和试验组46例92只眼进行视网膜神经纤维层厚度的检测,对比分析视盘形态和视网膜神经纤维层厚度改变。结果正常组各部位神经纤维层厚度... 目的探讨高分辨率三维OCT在开角型青光眼中的诊断价值。方法采用CirrusHD—OCT对正常组94人188只眼和试验组46例92只眼进行视网膜神经纤维层厚度的检测,对比分析视盘形态和视网膜神经纤维层厚度改变。结果正常组各部位神经纤维层厚度与性别、眼别无相关(P〉0.05)。正常对照组各部位神经纤维纤维层厚度明显高于实验组,经过独立样本t检验得出差异有统计学意义(P〈O.05)。根据OCT结果,并根据视野、眼压等将试验组46例92只眼诊断为青光眼的24例48只眼,大视杯22例44只眼,两个亚组各部位RNFL厚度和正常对照组相比较,视网膜神经纤维层厚度均变薄,差异有统计学意义(P〈0.05);但大视杯亚组各部RNFL厚度均高于青光眼亚组,差别有统计学意义(P〈0.05)。结论OCT可以清晰显示视网膜神经纤维层变薄的范围和区域,再配合其他检查,即可较准确、快捷鉴别原发性开角型青光眼患者,大大提高开角型青光眼的早期诊断水平,是诊断早期青光眼的不可缺少的重要检查方法之一。 展开更多
关键词 光相干断层成像术 视网膜神经纤维层
后巩膜加固术对变性近视并发症的治疗效果 被引量:5
作者 游昌涛 张效房 张金嵩 《眼外伤职业眼病杂志》 2010年第11期813-816,共4页
目的评价后巩膜加固术对变性近视并发症的治疗效果。方法变性近视28例(31眼),施行改进的后巩膜加固术联合后极部巩膜垫压术,观察其对后巩膜葡萄肿所引起的并发症的治疗效果。检查术前术后的裸眼视力、矫正视力、屈光度、眼球前后径、中... 目的评价后巩膜加固术对变性近视并发症的治疗效果。方法变性近视28例(31眼),施行改进的后巩膜加固术联合后极部巩膜垫压术,观察其对后巩膜葡萄肿所引起的并发症的治疗效果。检查术前术后的裸眼视力、矫正视力、屈光度、眼球前后径、中心视野及视敏感度并做光相干断层成像术(OCT)检查。结果术后3~24月视力较术前提高,屈光度减低,眼前后径缩短,中心视野及视敏度改善,OCT显示并发症治愈或减轻。结论后巩膜加固术加固了向后延伸的呈葡萄肿的巩膜,缓解了对后极部各层和相关的牵拉,治愈或减轻了变性近视并发症,从而提高了视功能。是安全有效的手术方法。 展开更多
关键词 后巩膜加固 变性近视 并发症 光相干断层成像术
作者 邹悦 魏华江 +2 位作者 杨洪钦 谢树森 巫国勇 《激光与光电子学进展》 CSCD 北大核心 2022年第10期358-366,共9页
研究脉冲超声强度为0~0.8 W/cm^(2)时的不同强度超声对在体的人皮肤中甘油溶液的渗透性和光穿透深度的影响。实验采用光学相干断层扫描(OCT)成像技术做定量连续的测量。研究结果表明,脉冲超声强度为0~0.8 W/cm^(2)时,超声具有加速甘油... 研究脉冲超声强度为0~0.8 W/cm^(2)时的不同强度超声对在体的人皮肤中甘油溶液的渗透性和光穿透深度的影响。实验采用光学相干断层扫描(OCT)成像技术做定量连续的测量。研究结果表明,脉冲超声强度为0~0.8 W/cm^(2)时,超声具有加速甘油溶液渗透、增强光穿透皮肤的能力,且皮肤的光透明效果随超声强度的增加而增大。以仅施加甘油溶液的样品为对照组,而施加超声作用及甘油溶液的样品为实验组。实验组和对照组的比较结果表明,在分别经超声强度为0.2,0.4,0.6,0.8 W/cm^(2)的超声处理的人体皮肤中,15%甘油的平均渗透系数与仅施加15%甘油处理的人体皮肤相比分别增加了2.6%,9.5%,14.7%,19.8%。脉冲超声处理的30%甘油在人体皮肤中的渗透系数分别高于仅施加30%甘油处理的对照组3.7%,12%,16.7%,22.2%。结论表明,应用强度为0.2~0.8 W/cm^(2)的超声,甘油的平均渗透系数随超声强度的增加而增加。 展开更多
关键词 生物技 在体皮肤 生物组织透明 光相干断层成像术 渗透系数 1/e穿透深度
Optical coherence tomography in measuring retinal nerve fiber layer thickness in normal subjects and patients with open-angle glaucoma 被引量:5
作者 刘杏 凌运兰 +2 位作者 骆荣江 葛坚 郑小平 《Chinese Medical Journal》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2001年第5期76-81,109-110,共8页
Objectives To investigate image characteristics and thickness of the retinal nerve fiber layer (RNFL) in normal and glaucomatous eyes using optical coherence tomography (OCT), and analyze the relationship between RNFL... Objectives To investigate image characteristics and thickness of the retinal nerve fiber layer (RNFL) in normal and glaucomatous eyes using optical coherence tomography (OCT), and analyze the relationship between RNFL thickness and visual field index.Methods Eighty-three normal persons (150 eyes) and 83 patients with primary open angle glaucoma (POAG, 149 eyes) underwent OCT examinations with 3.4 mm diameter circle scan to calculate the RNFL thickness. Statistical analysis was used to compare differences in RNFL thickness in quadrants and means between the normal and glaucomatous groups and the different stages of POAG. Linear correlation and regression analysis were used to show the correlation between RNFL thickness and visual field index of 115 eyes in glaucomatous patients. Reproducibility, sensitivity and specificity of RNFL measurements using OCT were evaluated.Results RNFL thickness measured by OCT in normal subjects was thicker in superior and inferior, less in temporal, and thinnest in nasal quadrants. The curve showed double peaks. RNFL of glaucomatous patients showed local thinning or defect, diffuse thinning, or both. The mean RNFL thicknesses of the normal group in the temporal, superior, nasal and infeior quadrants were 90.1 ± 10.8 lμm, 140.4 ± 10.5μm, 85.2 ± 14.0 μm, and 140.4 + 9.7 μm, respectively with a mean of 114.2 ± 6.0 μm. The numbers for the glaucomatous group were respectively 56.0 ± 31.0 μm, 81.0 ± 36.3 μm, 47.1 ± 27.5 μm, and 73.4 ±38.4 μm for the four quadrants, with a mean of 64.6 ± 28.8 μm. There was a significant difference in RNFL thickness between the normal and glaucomatous groups (P < 0.000), and the three stages (early,developing and late) of glaucornatous groups (P < 0.000). There was a close negative relationship between RNFL thickness and visual field index ( r = - 0.796, P < 0.0001 ). The sensitivity and specificity of RNFL thickness in POAG measured using OCT were 93.3% and 92.0%, respectively.Conclusions OCT can quantitatively measure RNFL thickness differences between normal persons and glaucomatous patients. RNFL thickness gradually decreases while visual field defect increases with the development of POAG. 展开更多
关键词 retinal nerve fiber layer · optical coherence tomography · glaucoma
Assessment of cortical bone microdamage following insertion of microimplants using optical coherence tomography: a preliminary study 被引量:2
作者 Hemanth Tumkur LAKSHMIKANTHA Naresh Kumar RAVICHANDRAN +2 位作者 Mansik JEON Jeehyun KIM Hyo-sang PARK 《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science B(Biomedicine & Biotechnology)》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2018年第11期818-828,共11页
Objectives: The study was done to evaluate the efficacy of optical coherence tomography (OCT), to detect and analyze the microdamage occurring around the microimplant immediately following its placement, and to com... Objectives: The study was done to evaluate the efficacy of optical coherence tomography (OCT), to detect and analyze the microdamage occurring around the microimplant immediately following its placement, and to compare the findings with micro-computed tomography (IJCT) images of the samples to validate the result of the present study. Methods: Microimplants were inserted into bovine bone samples. Images of the samples were obtained using OCT and μCT. Visual comparisons of the images were made to evaluate whether anatomical details and microdamage induced by microimplant insertion were accurately revealed by OCT. Results: The surface of the cortical bone with its anatomical variations is visualized on the OCT images. Microdamage occurring on the surface of the cortical bone around the microimplant can be appreciated in OCT images. The resulting OCT images were compared with the μCT images. A high correlation regarding the visualization of individual microcracks was observed. The depth penetration of OCT is limited when compared to μCT. Conclusions: OCT in the present study was able to generate high-resolution images of the microdamage occurring around the microimplant. Image quality at the surface of the cortical bone is above par when compared with μCT imaging, because of the inherent high contrast and high-resolution quality of OCT systems. Improvements in the imaging depth and development of intraoral sensors are vital for developing a real-time imaging system and integrating the system into orthodontic practice. 展开更多
关键词 Optical coherence tomography Microimplant Cortical bone Micro-computed tomography
Assessments of tear meniscus height, tear film thickness, and corneal epithelial thickness after deep anterior lamellar keratoplasty 被引量:2
作者 Wen-jia XIE Ye-sheng XU +1 位作者 Xia ZHANG Yu-feng YAO 《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science B(Biomedicine & Biotechnology)》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2018年第3期218-226,共9页
Objective: To assess the lower tear meniscus height(LTMH), central tear film thickness(CTFT), and central corneal epithelial thickness(CCET) after deep anterior lamellar keratoplasty(DALK). Methods: This was... Objective: To assess the lower tear meniscus height(LTMH), central tear film thickness(CTFT), and central corneal epithelial thickness(CCET) after deep anterior lamellar keratoplasty(DALK). Methods: This was a retrospective cross-sectional study of 20 patients who had DALK in one eye over a three-month period. LTMH, CTFT, and CCET of the operated eyes and the unoperated fellow eyes were measured using high-definition optical coherence tomography(HD-OCT). Correlations between three OCT assessments and age, time following surgery, graft size, bed size, and the number of residual sutures were analyzed. Results: Compared to patients with keratoconus, patients with other corneal conditions had significantly higher CCET in the fellow eye(P=0.024). For all patients, CCET in the operated eye was significantly negatively correlated with the number of residual sutures(R=-0.579, P=0.008), and was significantly positively correlated with time following surgery(R=0.636, P=0.003). In the fellow eye, a significant positive correlation was found between age and CCET(R=0.551, P=0.012), and a significant negative correlation between age and CTFT(R=-0.491, P=0.028). LTMH was found to be significantly correlated between operated and fellow eyes(R=0.554, P=0.011). There was no significant correlation between LTMH and age, bed/graft size, time following surgery, or residual sutures(all possible correlations, P0.05). Conclusions: Patients with keratoconus tend to have a thinner central corneal epithelium. Corneal epithelium keeps regenerating over time after DALK. DALK did not induce a significant change in tear volume compared with the fellow eye. Postoperative tear function might depend on an individual's general condition, rather than on age, gender, bed/graft size, time following surgery, or residual sutures. 展开更多
关键词 Tear meniscus height Corneal epithelial thickness Tear film Deep anterior lamellar keratoplasty (DALK) High-definition optical coherence tomography (HD-OCT) KERATOCONUS
Diagnostic value of optic disc retinal nerve fiber layer thickness for diabetic peripheral neuropathy
作者 Xiao-hong WU Jing-wen FANG +4 位作者 Yin-qiong HUANG Xue-feng BAI Yong ZHUANG Xiao-yu CHEN Xia-hong LIN 《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science B(Biomedicine & Biotechnology)》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2020年第11期911-920,共10页
Objective:To investigate the value of optic disc retinal nerve fiber layer(RNFL)thickness in the diagnosis of diabetic peripheral neuropathy(DPN).Methods:Ninety patients with type 2 diabetes,including 60 patients with... Objective:To investigate the value of optic disc retinal nerve fiber layer(RNFL)thickness in the diagnosis of diabetic peripheral neuropathy(DPN).Methods:Ninety patients with type 2 diabetes,including 60 patients without DPN(NDPN group)and 30 patients with DPN(DPN group),and 30 healthy participants(normal group)were enrolled.Optical coherence tomography(OCT)was used to measure the four quadrants and the overall average RNFL thickness of the optic disc.The receiver operator characteristic curve was drawn and the area under the curve(AUC)was calculated to evaluate the diagnostic value of RNFL thickness in the optic disc area for DPN.Results:The RNFL thickness of the DPN group was thinner than those of the normal and NDPN groups in the overall average((101.07±12.40)μm vs.(111.07±6.99)μm and(109.25±6.90)μm),superior quadrant((123.00±19.04)μm vs.(138.93±14.16)μm and(134.47±14.34)μm),and inferior quadrant((129.37±17.50)μm vs.(143.60±12.22)μm and(144.48±14.10)μm),and the differences were statistically significant.The diagnostic efficiencies of the overall average,superior quadrant,and inferior quadrant RNFL thicknesses,and a combined index of superior and inferior quadrant RNFL thicknesses were similar,and the AUCs were 0.739(95%confidence interval(CI)0.635–0.826),0.683(95%CI 0.576–0.778),0.755(95%CI 0.652–0.840),and 0.773(95%CI 0.672–0.854),respectively.The diagnostic sensitivity of RNFL thickness in the superior quadrant reached 93.33%.Conclusions:The thickness of the RNFL in the optic disc can be used as a diagnostic method for DPN. 展开更多
关键词 Type 2 diabetes Peripheral neuropathy Retinal nerve fiber layer thickness Optical coherence tomography DIAGNOSIS
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