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作者 王传声 何金奇 《世界产品与技术》 2003年第6期33-36,共4页
新一代光纤通信模块的封装需要提高机械,热性能和环境稳定性的综合能力以集或电子和光学的功能。这些推动着光电市场快速发展,同时也大幅度降低系统成本。已在高可靠军事领域,以及商业汽车和无线通讯领域应用成功的厚膜电路和低温共烧陶... 新一代光纤通信模块的封装需要提高机械,热性能和环境稳定性的综合能力以集或电子和光学的功能。这些推动着光电市场快速发展,同时也大幅度降低系统成本。已在高可靠军事领域,以及商业汽车和无线通讯领域应用成功的厚膜电路和低温共烧陶瓷(LTCC)具有上述所需特性。本文综述了厚膜电路和LTCC技术在封装和互连材料上针对光纤电路和模块需求的特性。 展开更多
关键词 光纤通信模块 厚膜 低温共烧陶瓷 LTCC 封装 互连材料 光纤电路
《机械工程师》 2014年第4期I0008-I0008,共1页
关键词 光纤电路 可拉伸 光学 弯曲 现实世界 金属
作者 李楠 《中国仪器仪表》 2024年第5期60-63,共4页
在DCS系统中,DPU和I/O卡之间的RS485通信存在着电子信号衰减,易受电磁干扰且数据需长距离传送等问题。本文设计模块主要由光模块、RS485通信芯片以及保护电路组成,光模块能够将RS485通信芯片发出的电信号转换成光信号,从而实现DPU与远程... 在DCS系统中,DPU和I/O卡之间的RS485通信存在着电子信号衰减,易受电磁干扰且数据需长距离传送等问题。本文设计模块主要由光模块、RS485通信芯片以及保护电路组成,光模块能够将RS485通信芯片发出的电信号转换成光信号,从而实现DPU与远程I/O卡件之间的数据交互。实践证明,此模块能保证DCS主控制器和插卡之间的可靠通信,是一种实用的解决方案。 展开更多
关键词 分散控制系统 RS485 光模组 光纤保护 远程通信
光纤陀螺捷联式惯性系统的研究与设计 被引量:12
作者 宋凝芳 杨功流 《中国惯性技术学报》 EI CSCD 2002年第1期10-14,19,共6页
介绍了基于光纤陀螺的捷联式惯性系统的总体设计,设计了加速度计再平衡回路数字读出电路及光纤陀螺信号输出电路。采用PC104工控机作为导航计算机,构成捷联式惯性系统原理样机。在此基础上,设计了系统的误差补偿方案、初始对准方案和机... 介绍了基于光纤陀螺的捷联式惯性系统的总体设计,设计了加速度计再平衡回路数字读出电路及光纤陀螺信号输出电路。采用PC104工控机作为导航计算机,构成捷联式惯性系统原理样机。在此基础上,设计了系统的误差补偿方案、初始对准方案和机械编排方案。样机的初步测试结果表明:该样机达到了设计指标要求(航向精度:<1°;水平姿态精度:<0.5°)。 展开更多
关键词 光纤陀螺 捷联式 惯性系统 误差补偿 总体设计 PC1042控机 光纤陀螺信号输出
《合肥科技》 2006年第4期5-5,共1页
我市电子政务专网在完成网络架构建设的基础上,积极推进,已完成核心层的双环光纤电路互连工作。目前,我市电子政务专网完成了电信级安全网关(KILL Shield Gateway)部署。电信级安全网关设备可以在网络边界制定有效控制策略,全面... 我市电子政务专网在完成网络架构建设的基础上,积极推进,已完成核心层的双环光纤电路互连工作。目前,我市电子政务专网完成了电信级安全网关(KILL Shield Gateway)部署。电信级安全网关设备可以在网络边界制定有效控制策略,全面过滤以电子邮件、Internet访问、文件下载等形式传播的计算机病毒,阻断蠕虫攻击,拦截垃圾邮件,控制敏感内容扩散。 展开更多
关键词 安全网关 子政务 信级 专网 部署 INTERNET访问 控制策略 计算机病毒 网络架构 光纤电路
浅谈无线通信网络在淮河流域的应用 被引量:1
作者 董小吉 《治淮》 2012年第11期30-31,共2页
一、淮河流域无线通信网络构成淮河流域无线通信网络经历了近20年的发展,以淮河干流东、西线数字微波为基础,并向沿淮两岸防汛单位延伸,基本形成了覆盖淮河流域的防汛通信网络。该网络以数字微波通信为主,兼有部分光纤电路,以蚌埠... 一、淮河流域无线通信网络构成淮河流域无线通信网络经历了近20年的发展,以淮河干流东、西线数字微波为基础,并向沿淮两岸防汛单位延伸,基本形成了覆盖淮河流域的防汛通信网络。该网络以数字微波通信为主,兼有部分光纤电路,以蚌埠为中心,与淮南、阜阳、信阳、驻马店、漯河、周口等地区连接,沟通王家坝、曹台孜、城西湖、临淮岗、鲇鱼山等重要防汛单位及行蓄洪区;并通过租用光纤电路, 展开更多
关键词 无线通信网络 淮河流域 数字微波通信 应用 光纤电路 网络构成 淮河干流 行蓄洪区
作者 柏屏 钱进 《江苏水利》 2003年第12期16-18,共3页
江苏省水利信息网络建设以先进的网络技术为依托,按照省、市、县三级网络架构,实现了省、市、县水利部门网络的互联互通.系统建成以后,实现了全省水利部门之间数据资源共享、内部语音连网、图像业务交互,为全省的水利信息应用系统提供... 江苏省水利信息网络建设以先进的网络技术为依托,按照省、市、县三级网络架构,实现了省、市、县水利部门网络的互联互通.系统建成以后,实现了全省水利部门之间数据资源共享、内部语音连网、图像业务交互,为全省的水利信息应用系统提供了基础平台. 展开更多
关键词 江苏 水利信息 信息网络 光纤电路
2.5Gb/s Monolithic IC of Clock Recovery,Data Decision,and 1∶4 Demultiplexer 被引量:2
作者 陈莹梅 王志功 +1 位作者 熊明珍 章丽 《Journal of Semiconductors》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第8期1532-1536,共5页
A high integrated monolithic IC, with functions of clock recovery, data decision, and 1 : 4 demultiplexer,is implemented in 0.25μm CMOS process for 2.5Gb/s fiber-optic communications. The recovered and frequency div... A high integrated monolithic IC, with functions of clock recovery, data decision, and 1 : 4 demultiplexer,is implemented in 0.25μm CMOS process for 2.5Gb/s fiber-optic communications. The recovered and frequency divided 625MHz clock has a phase noise of -106.26dBc/Hz at 100kHz offset in response to a 2.5Gb/s PRBS input data (2^31-1). The 2.5Gb/s PRBS data are demultiplexed to four 625Mb/s data. The 0.97mm× 0.97mm IC consumes 550mW under a single 3.3V power supply (not including output buffers). 展开更多
关键词 optical transmission systems clock recovery circuits data decision 1 4 demultiplexer charge pump phase-locked loops
《新农业》 2011年第7期10-10,共1页
西藏自治区政府在2011~2015年间,全区通信建设投资将超过100亿元。到2015年,全区将建成至新疆维吾尔自治区的一级干线光缆,提升西藏至印度的通信业务能力,推进西藏至尼泊尔直达光纤电路建设。力争在全区所有乡镇、重要道路和景区... 西藏自治区政府在2011~2015年间,全区通信建设投资将超过100亿元。到2015年,全区将建成至新疆维吾尔自治区的一级干线光缆,提升西藏至印度的通信业务能力,推进西藏至尼泊尔直达光纤电路建设。力争在全区所有乡镇、重要道路和景区(点)实现2G网络覆盖,全区95%以上的乡镇通光缆,地市所在城镇和具备条件的乡镇实现3G网络覆盖,全区电话用户总数达到286万户,所有行政村均能上网。 展开更多
关键词 西藏 上网 新疆维吾尔自治区 通信建设 干线光缆 网络覆盖 业务能力 光纤电路
《电子测试(新电子)》 2005年第5期96-96,共1页
安捷伦科技(Agilent)公司日前宣布,推出增强型号的光色散分析仪86038B。这款全内置解决方案可以测试和检验关键光学器件,如10Gbps和40Gbps DWDM器件和光纤,进行高吞吐量制造测试,经济地检验光电器件(特别是光纤电路),以更少的投资... 安捷伦科技(Agilent)公司日前宣布,推出增强型号的光色散分析仪86038B。这款全内置解决方案可以测试和检验关键光学器件,如10Gbps和40Gbps DWDM器件和光纤,进行高吞吐量制造测试,经济地检验光电器件(特别是光纤电路),以更少的投资实现高带宽网络。 展开更多
关键词 分析仪 色散 推出 10Gbps DWDM器件 安捷伦科技 光学器件 解决方案 光纤电路 器件 带宽网络 吞吐量 检验 测试 内置
《福建教育(小学版)(A版)》 2014年第5期8-8,共1页
日前,省教育厅与中国电信股份有限公司福建分公司签订补充协议,决定依托已建成的福建教育科研主干网,由中国电信股份有限公司福建分公司负责实施教育视频网和宽带网络进校园项目。该项目由省级财政统一购买,为农村中小学校提供20M专线... 日前,省教育厅与中国电信股份有限公司福建分公司签订补充协议,决定依托已建成的福建教育科研主干网,由中国电信股份有限公司福建分公司负责实施教育视频网和宽带网络进校园项目。该项目由省级财政统一购买,为农村中小学校提供20M专线光纤电路带宽,其中:6M为视频专网、 展开更多
关键词 宽带网络 中小学校 中国信股份有限公司 农村 接入 底基 教育科研 光纤电路
Monolithical Integrated CMOS Injected Synchronized Ring
作者 刘丽 王志功 +2 位作者 林其松 熊明珍 章丽 《Journal of Semiconductors》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2004年第7期762-765,共4页
Oscillator IC technique is developed by combining injecting synchronization technique with a ring VCO.Using the technique,a novel 2 488GHz of monolithical integrated injected synchronized ring VCO (ISRVCO) is realize... Oscillator IC technique is developed by combining injecting synchronization technique with a ring VCO.Using the technique,a novel 2 488GHz of monolithical integrated injected synchronized ring VCO (ISRVCO) is realized in a standard 0 25μm CMOS process.The ISRVCO is characterized by the following performances: -100dBc /Hz@1MHz at free running frequency,-91 7dBc/Hz@10kHz when injection is locked.With the 3 3V of power supply,the tuning range is 150MHz and the locking range is 100MHz with 50m V p p signal injection. 展开更多
关键词 VCO PLL CRC injection synchronization optical transmission systems
Optical Fiber Pyrometer Applied in IC Engine
作者 JIANGXianyang SHIDinghe 《Semiconductor Photonics and Technology》 CAS 1997年第3期223-227,共5页
Based on the theory of thermal radiation,a contact type optical fiber pyrometer applied in IC engine is put forward.It is composed of three parts:a blackbody probe,optical system,electrical process system.The key tech... Based on the theory of thermal radiation,a contact type optical fiber pyrometer applied in IC engine is put forward.It is composed of three parts:a blackbody probe,optical system,electrical process system.The key technology of design is discussed.Experiment is given to prove that the pyrometer has much higher responsive speed,distinguishability and much longer running life than other pyrometers. 展开更多
关键词 BLACKBODY IC Engine Optical Fiber Pyrometer
2.5 Gb/s 16∶1 MUX IC Design with CMOS
作者 ZHANGCheng-an SONGQi-feng WANGZhi-gong 《Semiconductor Photonics and Technology》 CAS 2004年第4期233-236,共4页
A low-power and high-speed 16:1 MUX IC designed for Optical fiber communication based on TSMC 0.25 μm CMOS technology is represented. A tree-type architecture was utilized. The output data bit rate is 2.5 Gb/s at inp... A low-power and high-speed 16:1 MUX IC designed for Optical fiber communication based on TSMC 0.25 μm CMOS technology is represented. A tree-type architecture was utilized. The output data bit rate is 2.5 Gb/s at input clock rate of 1.25 GHz. The simulation results show that the output signal has peak-to-peak amplitude of 400 mV, the power dissipation is less than 200 mW and the power dissipation of core circuit is less than 20 mW at the 2.5 Gb/s standard bit rate and supply voltage of 2.5 V. The chip area is (1.8) mm2. 展开更多
关键词 MUX CMOS integrated circuit Optical fiber communication
Stabilization of Intensity- based Optical Fiber Pressure Sensor
作者 WANG Li-tian, WANG Yu-tian, ZHENG Long-jiang, HOU Pei-guo (Yanshan University,Qinhuangdao 066004,CHN) 《Semiconductor Photonics and Technology》 CAS 1999年第4期221-225,共5页
A practical optical fiber differential pressure sensor is presented at first. Then the techniques of light source feedback, set up of reference channel, proportional measurement and other methods to improve the stabil... A practical optical fiber differential pressure sensor is presented at first. Then the techniques of light source feedback, set up of reference channel, proportional measurement and other methods to improve the stability of the system as well as to reduce the interference with same nature are emphatically discussed. Finally, the experiment results of the developed instrument are given. 展开更多
关键词 Light Intensity Optical Fiber Pressure Sensor Light Feedback Reference Channel
Mathematical Model of Fiber Optic Temperature Sensor Based on Optic Absorption and Experiment Testing
作者 HU Yan-ling (Yanshan University, Qihuangdao 066004, CHN) 《Semiconductor Photonics and Technology》 CAS 2001年第1期60-64,共5页
On the basis of analysis on the temperature monitoring methods for high voltage devices, a new type of fiber optic sensor structure with reference channel is given. And the operation principle of fiber optic sensor is... On the basis of analysis on the temperature monitoring methods for high voltage devices, a new type of fiber optic sensor structure with reference channel is given. And the operation principle of fiber optic sensor is analysed at large based on the absorption of semiconductor chip. The mathematical model of both devices and the whole system are also given. It is proved by the experiment that this mathematical model is reliable. 展开更多
关键词 Fiber optic temperature sensor Optic absorption reference channel Mathematical model
作者 徐钊 钱建生 吴建新 《Journal of China University of Mining and Technology》 1994年第1期112-118,共7页
This system can not only monitor the video signals from 16TV cameras at 10 different spots simultaneously, but also telecontrol the 16 cameras. The hardware in the system is simple, applicable and reliable, because in... This system can not only monitor the video signals from 16TV cameras at 10 different spots simultaneously, but also telecontrol the 16 cameras. The hardware in the system is simple, applicable and reliable, because intelligent components have been adopted and many functions can be achieved by software. Even if the code rates deviate from the designed value (300 baud/s) in 50 times, the remote signals can still be exactly received by the code rate measuring with software. The elash among remote signals from multiple spots is completely eliminated by checking their priorities with software. 展开更多
关键词 industrial TV TELECONTROL code rate single-chip microcomputer SOFTWARE
A coupled optoelectronic oscillator with three resonant cavities 被引量:1
作者 单媛媛 江阳 +3 位作者 白光富 马闯 李红霞 梁建惠 《Optoelectronics Letters》 EI 2015年第1期26-29,共4页
A new single-mode optoelectronic oscillator(OEO) with three coupled cavities is proposed and demonstrated. A Fabry-Perot(F-P) cavity fiber laser and an optical-electrical feedback branch are coupled together to constr... A new single-mode optoelectronic oscillator(OEO) with three coupled cavities is proposed and demonstrated. A Fabry-Perot(F-P) cavity fiber laser and an optical-electrical feedback branch are coupled together to construct an optoelectronic oscillator, where the F-P cavity fiber laser serves as a light source, and a modulator is placed in the laser cavity to implement reciprocating modulation, which simultaneously splits the laser cavity into two parts and forms a dual-loop configuration. To complete an optoelectronic oscillator, part of optical signal is output from the F-P cavity to implement the feedback modulation, which constructs the third cavity. Since only the oscillation signal satisfies the requirements of all the three cavities, a single-mode oscillation can be finally achieved. Three resonant cavities are successfully designed without adding more optoelectronic devices, and the side-modes can be well suppressed with low cost. The oscillation condition is theoretically analyzed. In the experimental demonstration, a 20 GHz single longitudinal mode microwave signal is successfully obtained. 展开更多
关键词 luminous rendering matching coordinates lighting adjusted tuning overlap adjusting orange
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