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基于FTIR的光谱辐射率测量试验研究 被引量:1
作者 谭洪 宣益民 +1 位作者 韩玉阁 李强 《工程热物理学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第10期1771-1773,共3页
光谱辐射率是表征材料表面辐射特征的重要物理量。本文采用能量法,基于傅立叶红外光谱仪(FTIR)进行光谱辐射率测量试验研究,分析了光谱仪校准方法,测量了不同温度下铜的法向光谱辐射率。结果表明:线性拟合法很好地获得了光谱仪响应函数... 光谱辐射率是表征材料表面辐射特征的重要物理量。本文采用能量法,基于傅立叶红外光谱仪(FTIR)进行光谱辐射率测量试验研究,分析了光谱仪校准方法,测量了不同温度下铜的法向光谱辐射率。结果表明:线性拟合法很好地获得了光谱仪响应函数与背景辐射;双温黑体法能够快捷地校准光谱仪,所选两个黑体的温度在大温差条件下可以获得足够校准精度;铜的光谱辐射率随温度升高而整体上升,随波长增加逐步降低。 展开更多
关键词 FTIR 光谱辐射率 响应函数
光谱比辐射率对卫星遥感地表温度影响的研究 被引量:21
作者 杨文 《高原气象》 CSCD 北大核心 1997年第1期36-44,共9页
应用分裂窗方法反演地表温度的结果表明:地表温度不仅线性地依赖于AVHRR的4,5通道的亮度温度,而且还线性地依赖于与光谱比辐射率有关的项,即(1-ε4)/ε4及(ε4-ε5)/ε4。分析指出:(1)若Δε(ε4-ε5... 应用分裂窗方法反演地表温度的结果表明:地表温度不仅线性地依赖于AVHRR的4,5通道的亮度温度,而且还线性地依赖于与光谱比辐射率有关的项,即(1-ε4)/ε4及(ε4-ε5)/ε4。分析指出:(1)若Δε(ε4-ε5)=0,当ε4从0.94~1.00时,地表温度的变化达3.0℃。(2)当Δε≠0时,Δε对反演地表温度的影响比ε4所造成的影响更敏感、更显著;若Δε>0,Δε对ε4所造成的影响有减弱作用;若Δε<0,Δε对ε4所造成的影响有加强作用。(3)要使反演地表温度的误差小于1.0℃,则Δε的误差量级必须小于0.005。 展开更多
关键词 青藏高原 地表温度 光谱辐射率 遥感
北约空中目标红外辐射模型 被引量:6
作者 张赛金 张常国 《现代防御技术》 1994年第5期40-51,共1页
北约空中目标红外辐射模型张赛金,张常国编译精确预测空中目标的红外辐射特性具有极其重大的实际意义。红外搜索跟踪系统、警戒系统和导弹红外制导系统的探测识别都依赖于准确的目标辐射数据,飞机、导弹等空中目标的设计者们也要根据... 北约空中目标红外辐射模型张赛金,张常国编译精确预测空中目标的红外辐射特性具有极其重大的实际意义。红外搜索跟踪系统、警戒系统和导弹红外制导系统的探测识别都依赖于准确的目标辐射数据,飞机、导弹等空中目标的设计者们也要根据这些数据采取相应的被动对抗措施,如... 展开更多
关键词 红外辐射 空中目标 红外制导 弹道数据 目标辐射 跟踪系统 光谱辐射率 红外搜索 探测识别 辐射强度
作者 高国龙 《红外》 CAS 2003年第8期41-41,共1页
关键词 赝布儒斯特角红外辐射 水温测量 光谱辐射率 偏振特性
辐射光谱法电站锅炉燃烧检测诊断研究 被引量:7
作者 刘家汛 杨斌 蔡小舒 《工程热物理学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第9期2055-2059,共5页
准确有效地监测燃煤电站锅炉炉内火焰,对锅炉和电厂的高效安全运行具有十分重要的意义。本文基于光谱法测量火焰温度和辐射率研究的基础上,研制了火检探针,在一台300 MW煤粉锅炉上开展了试验研究,测量了锅炉不同位置燃烧器煤粉火焰的辐... 准确有效地监测燃煤电站锅炉炉内火焰,对锅炉和电厂的高效安全运行具有十分重要的意义。本文基于光谱法测量火焰温度和辐射率研究的基础上,研制了火检探针,在一台300 MW煤粉锅炉上开展了试验研究,测量了锅炉不同位置燃烧器煤粉火焰的辐射光谱,得到在不同负荷下的温度、辐射率,给出了测量结果,并对结果进行了深入的分析. 展开更多
关键词 火焰检测 高温测量 光谱辐射率 燃烧诊断 煤粉锅炉
远红外PET的制备及其性能研究 被引量:2
作者 王静江 《合成纤维工业》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第5期21-23,共3页
以对苯二甲酸、乙二醇为主要原料,在酯化反应后,缩聚反应前添加远红外粉末改性剂,间歇式聚合合成远红外聚酯(PET)切片,并对其性能进行了研究。结果表明:合成分散剂对远红外粉末的研磨效果较好,小于1μm的粒子占92%,远红外剂对PET切片... 以对苯二甲酸、乙二醇为主要原料,在酯化反应后,缩聚反应前添加远红外粉末改性剂,间歇式聚合合成远红外聚酯(PET)切片,并对其性能进行了研究。结果表明:合成分散剂对远红外粉末的研磨效果较好,小于1μm的粒子占92%,远红外剂对PET切片的主要性能没有影响;远红外PET切片具有良好的可纺性和拉伸性;远红外PET纤维的物理性能和后加工性能良好;相对PTA的远红外剂质量分数为3.0%的PET纤维具有85%的法向比辐射率,其切片在37℃时的温升达2.2℃。 展开更多
关键词 聚对苯二甲酸乙二醇酯 远红外剂 分散性 可纺性 力学性能 法向光谱辐射率
作者 葛世名 《塑料科技》 CAS 1984年第4期31-36,共6页
远红外线加热是七十年代迅速发展起来的一项节能新技术。在塑料工业上应用有着广泛的用途:原料树脂的干燥,泡沫人造革的硬化,各种环氧树脂的硬化加工,各种薄膜的复合,塑料真空成形,中空成型的予热软化,聚丙烯、聚氯乙烯厚板的弯曲加工,... 远红外线加热是七十年代迅速发展起来的一项节能新技术。在塑料工业上应用有着广泛的用途:原料树脂的干燥,泡沫人造革的硬化,各种环氧树脂的硬化加工,各种薄膜的复合,塑料真空成形,中空成型的予热软化,聚丙烯、聚氯乙烯厚板的弯曲加工,各种乳胶、糊状树脂脱水硬化,各种胶带的粘接剂干燥……。实践表明。 展开更多
关键词 远红外线加热技术 辐射 光谱辐射率 表面温度 近红外光 石英元件 塑料 聚合物
作者 荆公 《海洋信息》 1995年第3期27-28,共2页
关键词 海洋水色卫星 海洋水色遥感 传感器 叶绿素浓度 社会需求 海洋产业 悬浮泥沙浓度 气象卫星 光谱辐射率 中分辨率成像光谱
作者 李治 金俊泽 曹志强 《材料科学与工艺》 EI CAS CSCD 1998年第2期110-112,共3页
采用铸造凝固复合法将铝和在4~14μm波长范围内具有强辐射能力的TM颗粒复合在一起,制成Al/TM红外辐射功能复合材料.Al/TM复合材料组织致密,颗粒分布均匀。研究发现,Al/TM复合材料在红外光谱4~14μm的光谱比辐射率和光谱辐射出... 采用铸造凝固复合法将铝和在4~14μm波长范围内具有强辐射能力的TM颗粒复合在一起,制成Al/TM红外辐射功能复合材料.Al/TM复合材料组织致密,颗粒分布均匀。研究发现,Al/TM复合材料在红外光谱4~14μm的光谱比辐射率和光谱辐射出射度比铝有很大提高. 展开更多
关键词 功能复合材料 光谱辐射率 铝基复合材料
Estimating Fraction of Photosynthetically Active Radiation of Corn with Vegetation Indices and Neural Network from Hyperspectral Data 被引量:2
作者 YANG Fei ZHU Yunqiang +1 位作者 ZHANG Jiahua YAO Zuofang 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2012年第1期63-74,共12页
The fraction of photosynthetically active radiation (FPAR) is a key variable in the assessment of vegetation productivity and land ecosystem carbon cycles. Based on ground-measured corn hyperspectral reflectance and... The fraction of photosynthetically active radiation (FPAR) is a key variable in the assessment of vegetation productivity and land ecosystem carbon cycles. Based on ground-measured corn hyperspectral reflectance and FPAR data over Northeast China, the correlations between corn-canopy FPAR and hyperspectral reflectance were analyzed, and the FPAR estimation performances using vegetation index (VI) and neural network (NN) methods with different two-band-combination hyperspectral reflectance were investigated. The results indicated that the corn-canopy FPAR retained almost a constant value in an entire day. The negative correlations between FPAR and visible and shortwave infrared reflectance (SWIR) bands are stronger than the positive correlations between FPAR and near-infrared band re- flectance (NIR). For the six VIs, the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) and simple ratio (SR) performed best for estimating corn FPAR (the maximum R2 of 0.8849 and 0.8852, respectively). However, the NN method esti- mated results (the maximum Rz is 0.9417) were obviously better than all of the VIs. For NN method, the two-band combinations showing the best corn FPAR estimation performances were from the NIR and visible bands; for VIs, however, they were from the SWIR and NIR bands. As for both the methods, the SWIR band performed exceptionally well for corn FPAR estimation. This may be attributable to the fact that the reflectance of the SWIR band were strongly controlled by leaf water content, which is a key component of corn photosynthesis and greatly affects the absorption of photosynthetically active radiation (APAR), and makes further impact on corn-canopy FPAR. 展开更多
关键词 hyperspectral remote sensing CORN FPAR vegetation index neural network
Modeling Gross Primary Production by Integrating Satellite Data and Coordinated Flux Measurements in Arid and Semi-Arid China 被引量:1
作者 WANG He-Song JIA Gen-Suo +2 位作者 FENG Jin-Ming ZHAO Tian-Bao MA Zhu-Guo 《Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters》 2010年第1期7-13,共7页
Assessing large-scale patterns of gross primary production (GPP) in arid and semi-arid (ASA) areas is important for both scientific and practical purposes.Remote sensing-based models,which integrate satellite data wit... Assessing large-scale patterns of gross primary production (GPP) in arid and semi-arid (ASA) areas is important for both scientific and practical purposes.Remote sensing-based models,which integrate satellite data with input from ground-based meteorological measurements and vegetation characteristics,improve spatially extended estimates of vegetation productivity with high accuracy.In this study,the authors simulated GPP in ASA areas by integrating moderate resolution imaging spectral radiometer (MODIS) data with eddy covariance and meteorological measurements at the flux tower sites using the Vegetation Photosynthesis Model (VPM),which is a remote sensing-based model for analyzing the spatial pattern of GPP in different land cover types.The field data were collected by coordinating observations at nine stations in 2008.The results indicate that in the region during the growing season GPP was highest in cropland sites,second highest in woodland sites,and lowest in grassland sites.VPM captured the temporal and spatial characteristics of GPP for different land covers in ASA areas.Further,Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI) had a strong liner relationship with GPP in densely vegetated areas,while the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) had a strong liner relationship with GPP over less dense vegetation.This study demonstrates the potential of satellite-driven models for scaling-up GPP,which is a key component for studying the carbon cycle at regional and global scales. 展开更多
关键词 gross primary production vegetation photo- synthesis model eddy covariance remote sensing coordinated observation arid and semiarid areas
The definition analyses of radiation temperature measurement area
作者 Fu Tairan Cheng Xiaofang Zhong Maohua 《Engineering Sciences》 EI 2008年第2期42-45,共4页
In the research of primary spectrum pyrometry, this paper discussed the definition problem of radiation temperature measurement area based on the measurement coordinates. For the linear spectrum emissivity model and i... In the research of primary spectrum pyrometry, this paper discussed the definition problem of radiation temperature measurement area based on the measurement coordinates. For the linear spectrum emissivity model and improved monotonic spectrum emissivity model, the characteristics of radiation temperature measurement area restricted by the measurement coordinates were theoretically analyzed, through the investigations of the temperature and emissivity coordinate axes. Choosing the specific primary spectrum pyrometer as an example in applications, the theoretical area of radiation temperature measurement of this pyrometer was given and it was verified through blackbody experiments. The discussions of this paper will provide the necessary foundation for the theory research development of primary spectrum pyrometry and the realization of technical applications. 展开更多
关键词 temperature EMISSIVITY radiation temperature measurement the measurement coordinates
Preparation and performance evaluation of Er_2O_3 coating-type selective emitter
作者 WANG HuJun YE Hong ZHANG YuZhi 《Science China(Technological Sciences)》 SCIE EI CAS 2014年第2期332-338,共7页
An Er203 coating-type selective emitter for themophotovoltaic application was prepared by plasma spray technology. The test results show that plasma spray technology could be used to prepare the Er203 coating-type sel... An Er203 coating-type selective emitter for themophotovoltaic application was prepared by plasma spray technology. The test results show that plasma spray technology could be used to prepare the Er203 coating-type selective emitter with good stability at 1400℃. Based on the measurements of the high temperature normal spectral emissivity and the spectral hemispherical emissivity of the samples at room temperature, the influence of the coating thickness was discussed, and the selective emission performance of the sample was evaluated using radiative efficiency as the criterion. The results demonstrate that the emission of substrate could not be neglected unless the coating thickness would be larger than the penetration depth, which is around 100 μm. The selective emission peak of the Er203 coating occurs at 1550 nm, matching well with the GaSb cells. However, the radiative efficiency is not larger than that of the SiC emitter, because the non-convertible emission of 1.725-5 μm accounts for a large proportion of the total radiation power, especially at high temperature. Effective suppression of this band emission is essential to the improvement of the radiation efficiency of the emitter. 展开更多
关键词 THERMOPHOTOVOLTAIC Er203 radiative efficiency high temperature emissivity
Surface velocity estimations of ice shelves in the northern Antarctic Peninsula derived from MODIS data 被引量:1
作者 陈军 柯长青 +2 位作者 周小兵 邵珠德 李澜宇 《Journal of Geographical Sciences》 SCIE CSCD 2016年第2期243-256,共14页
The ice shelves in the northern Antarctic Peninsula are highly sensitive to variations of temperature and have therefore served as indicators of global warming. In this study,we estimate the velocities of the ice shel... The ice shelves in the northern Antarctic Peninsula are highly sensitive to variations of temperature and have therefore served as indicators of global warming. In this study,we estimate the velocities of the ice shelves in the northern Antarctic Peninsula using co-registration of optically sensed images and correlation module(COSI-Corr) in the Environment for Visualizing Images(ENVI) based on Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer(MODIS) images during 2000–2012,from which we conclude that the ice flow directions generally match the peninsulas pattern and the crevasse,ice flows mainly eastward into the Weddell Sea. The spatial pattern of velocity field exhibits an increasing trend from the western grounding line to the maximum at the middle part of the ice shelf front on Larsen C with a velocity of approximately 700 ma–1,and the velocity field shows relatively higher values in its southerly neighboring ice shelf(e.g. Smith Inlet). Additionally,ice flows are relatively quicker in the outer part of the ice shelf than in the inner parts. Temporal changes in surface velocities show a continuous increase from 2000 to 2012. It is worth noting that,the acceleration rate during 2000–2009 is relatively higher than that during 2009–2012,while the ice movement on the southern Larsen C and Smith Inlet shows a deceleration from 2009 to 2012. 展开更多
关键词 surface velocities ice shelf northern Antarctic Peninsula MODIS spatiotemporal variations
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