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作者 陈志宇 陆亮亮 《南京大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第2期183-195,共13页
光量子系统在量子技术中的作用至关重要,伴随光子集成技术的发展,光量子集成被认为是推进量子信息技术的重要途径.同时,量子纠缠是量子信息处理中重要的物理资源,其中高维纠缠的量子系统与二维系统比较,具有更为独特的优势.然而,随着维... 光量子系统在量子技术中的作用至关重要,伴随光子集成技术的发展,光量子集成被认为是推进量子信息技术的重要途径.同时,量子纠缠是量子信息处理中重要的物理资源,其中高维纠缠的量子系统与二维系统比较,具有更为独特的优势.然而,随着维度的增加,高维量子纠缠态的产生和操控也面临挑战.综述近年来高维集成量子技术的相关研究,先回顾不同自由度片上高维纠缠态制备方案,再从量子光源、可重构量子调控、前沿量子信息应用等三个方面分别进行分析和总结.在量子光源方面,重点对产生非线性效应、光源结构和产生纠缠方式进行说明,并对其适用性和优势进行分析;在可重构量子调控中,针对基本操控单元、通用操控线路和结构改进三个方面进行综述,阐述面临的困难和目前的解决思路;最后,对集成高维光量子纠缠态在各个领域的应用场景进行归纳,并对未来的发展做出展望. 展开更多
关键词 量子纠缠 高维纠缠 光学芯片 光量子技术 量子信息
作者 廖常俊 刘颂豪 《光子学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2002年第0Z2期11-15,共5页
指出光量子信息传输与常规光通信不同的特点。量子信息的传输的载体选用单光子。单光子是由复振幅概率波迭加的波函数来表示的。其本征函数是一组完全正交的偏振态。量子编码即是由表征光子量子态的复数概率波振幅的变化来实现的,传输... 指出光量子信息传输与常规光通信不同的特点。量子信息的传输的载体选用单光子。单光子是由复振幅概率波迭加的波函数来表示的。其本征函数是一组完全正交的偏振态。量子编码即是由表征光子量子态的复数概率波振幅的变化来实现的,传输光纤的双折射和光子的偏振性质是要考虑的一个关键问题。指出用于量子信息编码的三组互为共轭的量子态之间的转化及相位调制对量子态演化的作用,由此比较了各种量子信息传输的方法。 展开更多
关键词 量子光通信 光量子信息传输技术 量子密码术 单光子 量子密钥分发 量子编码 量子 偏振态
低浓度CS_2废气的光降解研究及工艺设计 被引量:1
作者 房豪杰 吴奇方 +1 位作者 朱承驻 侯惠奇 《环境污染治理技术与设备》 CSCD 北大核心 2006年第3期80-82,143,共4页
利用185~253.7nm紫外光联合降解低浓度二硫化碳废气。结果表明,在一定的气体浓度、流速以及湿度下,该技术能够有效降解二硫化碳使其浓度低于人的嗅阈值,同时研究也发现,该技术对苯乙烯和甲苯二甲苯等有机废气也有同样的处理效果... 利用185~253.7nm紫外光联合降解低浓度二硫化碳废气。结果表明,在一定的气体浓度、流速以及湿度下,该技术能够有效降解二硫化碳使其浓度低于人的嗅阈值,同时研究也发现,该技术对苯乙烯和甲苯二甲苯等有机废气也有同样的处理效果,具有很好的工业化应用前景。 展开更多
关键词 光量子技术 恶臭 嗅阈值 COS CS2OH
Fabrication and Characteristics of a Si-Based Single Electron Transistor 被引量:2
作者 卢刚 陈治明 +1 位作者 王建农 葛惟昆 《Journal of Semiconductors》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2002年第3期246-250,共5页
Si based single electron transistor (SET) is fabricated successfully on p type SIMOX substrate,based on electron beam (EB) lithography,reactive ion etching (RIE) and thermal oxidation.In particular,using thermal oxi... Si based single electron transistor (SET) is fabricated successfully on p type SIMOX substrate,based on electron beam (EB) lithography,reactive ion etching (RIE) and thermal oxidation.In particular,using thermal oxidation and etching off the oxide layer,a one dimensional Si quantum wire can be converted into several quantum dots inside quantum wire in connection with the source and drain regions.The differential conductance (d I ds /d V ds ) oscillations and the Coulomb staircases in the source drain current ( I ds ) are shown clearly dependent on the source drain voltage at 5 3K.The I ds V gs (gate voltage) oscillations are observed from the I ds V gs characteristics as a function of V gs at different temperatures and various values of V ds .For a SET whose total capacitance is about 9 16aF,the I ds V gs oscillations can be observed at 77K. 展开更多
关键词 single electron transistor Coulomb blockade single electron tunneling quantum dot electron beam lithography
为电脑点一盏灯 为眼睛设一道防——爽目电脑灯
《中国现代教育装备》 2004年第7期54-55,共2页
关键词 爽目电脑灯 眼疲劳 护眼产品 超高频技术 光量子技术
Deterministic Secure Quantum Communication with Cluster State and Bell-Basis Measurements 被引量:3
作者 YUAN Hao HE Qin +3 位作者 HU Xiao-Yuan HOU Kui HAN Lian-Fang SHI Shou-Hua 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2008年第11期1105-1108,共4页
We present a novel protocol for deterministic secure quantum communication by using the lour-qubit cluster state as quantum channel. It is shown that two legitimate users can directly transmit the secret messages base... We present a novel protocol for deterministic secure quantum communication by using the lour-qubit cluster state as quantum channel. It is shown that two legitimate users can directly transmit the secret messages based on Bellbasis measurements and classical communication. The present protocol makes use of the ideas of block transmission and decoy particle checking technique. It has a high capacity as each cluster state can carry two 5its of information, and has a high intrinsic efficieney 5ecause almost all the instances except the decoy checking particles (its numSer is negligible) are useful. Furthermore, this protocol is feasible with present-day technique. 展开更多
关键词 deterministic secret quantum communication cluster state Bell-basis measurement block transmission decoy photon checking technology
《化工学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2004年第1期115-115,共1页
关键词 量子光学 原子态不透明介质 光脉冲 量子状态 电磁脉冲 光量子存储技术
Enhancement of GAO's Multiparty Quantum Secret Sharing 被引量:2
作者 Cheng-Chieh Hwang Tzonelih Hwang Chuan-Ming Li 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第7期79-82,共4页
A multiparty quantum secret sharing (MQSS) protocol with two-photon three-dimensional Bell states was proposed by Gao [Commun. Theor. Phys. 52 (2009) 421] recently. This study points out that the performance of Gao... A multiparty quantum secret sharing (MQSS) protocol with two-photon three-dimensional Bell states was proposed by Gao [Commun. Theor. Phys. 52 (2009) 421] recently. This study points out that the performance of Gao's protocol can be much improved by using the technique of decoy single photons and carefully modifying the protocol to remove some unnecessary unitary operations, devices, and transmissions. 展开更多
关键词 quantum secret sharing Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger state
Quantum BCH Codes Based on Spectral Techniques
作者 GUO Ying ZENG Gui-Hua 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2006年第2期283-286,共4页
When the time variable in quantum signal processing is discrete, the Fourier transform exists on the vector space of n-tuples over the Galois field F2, which plays an important role in the investigation of quantum sig... When the time variable in quantum signal processing is discrete, the Fourier transform exists on the vector space of n-tuples over the Galois field F2, which plays an important role in the investigation of quantum signals. By using Fourier transforms, the idea of quantum coding theory can be described in a setting that is much different from that seen that far. Quantum BCH codes can be defined as codes whose quantum states have certain specified consecutive spectral components equal to zero and the error-correcting ability is also described by the number of the consecutive zeros. Moreover, the decoding of quantum codes can be described spectrally with more efficiency. 展开更多
关键词 Fourier transform BCH code quantum error-correction code
2- DFourier Transform Method for Optical Measurement of 3 - DSurface
作者 QUShi-ming WANGYun-shan 《Semiconductor Photonics and Technology》 CAS 1999年第4期247-251,共5页
A method of 2-D Fourier transform used in 3-D surface profilometry is proposed,analyzed and compared with 1-D Fourier transform method in theory and practical measuring result.It was proved that the 2-D Fourier transf... A method of 2-D Fourier transform used in 3-D surface profilometry is proposed,analyzed and compared with 1-D Fourier transform method in theory and practical measuring result.It was proved that the 2-D Fourier transform method has more advantages over 1-D Fourier transform method in biggest crook-rate limits,accuracy and sensitivity of measuring.Study on measuring object surface details with large crook-rate changing accurately used new higher-power index low-pass filter of spatial frequency domain.A new method of automatic produced reference grating image and error-correcting is proposed.One undeform row of deform grating image is used to extend a complete reference grating image,and some error-correcting method is used to process the result to get accurate surface shape and the deflection of reference surface normal line deviated from the axle of camera.By this new method,one deform rectangle grating image is only used to get the 3-D shape accurately. 展开更多
关键词 Fourier Transform Profilometry Low-pass Filter Reference Grating
Ultraslow Optical Solitons in a Coupled Double Quantum-Well Nanostructure 被引量:1
作者 HAO Xiang-Ying LIU Ji-Bing +2 位作者 LU Xin-You SONG Pei-Jun SI Liu-Gang 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第3期519-523,共5页
We demonstrate the formation of ultraslow dark semiconductor double quantum well (SDQW) structure based optical solitons with a four-level scheme in an asymmetric on intersubband transitions by using only a low-inte... We demonstrate the formation of ultraslow dark semiconductor double quantum well (SDQW) structure based optical solitons with a four-level scheme in an asymmetric on intersubband transitions by using only a low-intensity pulsed laser radiation. With appropriate conditions we show numerically that the dark optical soliton can travel with a ultraslow group velocity Vg/c - -10^-3. Such a semiconductor system is much more practical than its atomic counterpart because of its flexible design and the controllable interference strength. This nonlinear optical process in the SDQW solid-state material may be used for the control technology of optical delay lines and optical buffers. 展开更多
关键词 optical solitons intersubband transitions semiconductor quantum well
Scheme for Entanglement Generation of Two Atoms in Two Bad Cavities
作者 ZHANG Li-Hua CAO Zhuo-Liang 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2008年第3期595-598,共4页
We present a scheme for generation of two-atomic entangled state by using the interference of polarized photons. The scheme does not require complete mapping between the atomic state and the photonic state, nor does i... We present a scheme for generation of two-atomic entangled state by using the interference of polarized photons. The scheme does not require complete mapping between the atomic state and the photonic state, nor does it require the establishment of maximal entanglement between the atom and the cavity. And the atom-cavity coupling strength is smaller than the cavity decay rate. This greatly relaxes the requirement on the cavity quality. The scheme is for non-post-selection results and all the steps of the scheme are within the current technologies. 展开更多
关键词 entangled state cavity QED
《光机电信息》 2005年第9期22-22,共1页
关键词 韩国 光学芯片 综合性能 光量子环激光技术 电流
Linear Optical Scheme for Implementing Optimal Real State Cloning
作者 万洪波 叶柳 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2010年第6期1087-1089,共3页
We propose an experimental scheme for implementing the optimal 1 → 3 real state cloning via linear optical elements. This method relies on one polarized qubit and two location qubits and is feasible with current expe... We propose an experimental scheme for implementing the optimal 1 → 3 real state cloning via linear optical elements. This method relies on one polarized qubit and two location qubits and is feasible with current experimental technology. 展开更多
关键词 linear optical real state CLONING
宽带消色差超构透镜研究 被引量:2
作者 吴一凡 王漱明 《中国科学:物理学、力学、天文学》 CSCD 北大核心 2022年第6期138-143,共6页
超构表面因其存在丰富的物理内涵和应用价值,可以被制作成各种光场调控器件.为了优化宽带连续消色差的设计方法,我们依靠超构表面的几何相位和共振相位实现对光学器件中波长不依赖的基础相位与波长依赖的色差相位的拆分,设计出在近红外... 超构表面因其存在丰富的物理内涵和应用价值,可以被制作成各种光场调控器件.为了优化宽带连续消色差的设计方法,我们依靠超构表面的几何相位和共振相位实现对光学器件中波长不依赖的基础相位与波长依赖的色差相位的拆分,设计出在近红外波段的消色差反射聚焦镜和反射板.利用在可见光下透明的GaN纳米柱和槽结构,制备了可见光频段的消色差透镜,并首次取得了基于超构表面透镜的全彩成像和视频拍摄.面对数值孔径和通光口径不能同时较大的问题,我们引入超构透镜阵列的体系,不仅获得了成像效果的提升,还可以实现光场成像,这极大地丰富了超构透镜成像的内容和功能.近期,将有相位调控能力的超构透镜阵列与非线性晶体相结合,成功地实现了100个自发参量下转换过程的同时产生.此量子光源可以实现高维路径纠缠光源和多光子源.超构透镜为光学成像和量子光学等领域引入了新的体系和新的物理效应. 展开更多
关键词 超构透镜 消色差 光量子信息技术
Single-photon detection and its applications 被引量:8
作者 LIANG Yan ZENG HePing 《Science China(Physics,Mechanics & Astronomy)》 SCIE EI CAS 2014年第7期1218-1232,共15页
A single-photon detector is an extremely sensitive device capable of registering photons,offering essential technical support for optics quantum information applications.We review herein our recent experimental progre... A single-photon detector is an extremely sensitive device capable of registering photons,offering essential technical support for optics quantum information applications.We review herein our recent experimental progress in the development and application of single-photon detection techniques.Techniques based on advanced self-differencing,low-pass filtering,frequency up-conversion and photon-number-resolving are introduced for attaining high-speed,high-efficiency,low-noise single-photon detection at infrared wavelengths.The advantages of high-speed single-photon detection are discussed in some applications,such as the laser ranging and quantum key distribution.The photon-number-resolving detection is shown to support efficient quantum random number generation. 展开更多
关键词 quantum optics PHOTODETECTION avalanche photodiode frequency up-conversion
Experimental platform for the investigation of magnetized-reverse-shock dynamics in the context of POLAR
作者 B. Albertazzi E. Falize +24 位作者 A. Pelka E Brack E Kroll R. Yurchak E. Brambrink E Mabey N. Ozaki S. Pikuz L. Van Box Som J. M. Bonnet-Bidaud J. E. Cross E. Filippov G. Gregori R. Kodama M. Mouchet T. Morita Y. Sakawa R. E Drake C. C. Kuranz M. J.-E. Manuel C. Li E Tzeferacos D. Lamb U. Schramm M. Koenig 《High Power Laser Science and Engineering》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2018年第3期36-49,共14页
The influence of a strong external magnetic field on the collimation of a high Mach number plasma flow and its collision with a solid obstacle is investigated experimentally and numerically. The laser irradiation (I ... The influence of a strong external magnetic field on the collimation of a high Mach number plasma flow and its collision with a solid obstacle is investigated experimentally and numerically. The laser irradiation (I - 2 × 10^14 W. cm-2) of a multilayer target generates a shock wave that produces a rear side plasma expanding flow. Immersed in a homogeneous 10 T external magnetic field, this plasma flow propagates in vacuum and impacts an obstacle located a few mm from the main target. A reverse shock is then formed with typical velocities of the order of 15-20 4- 5 km/s. The experimental results are compared with 2D radiative magnetohydrodynamic simulations using the FLASH code. This platform allows investigating the dynamics of reverse shock, mimicking the processes occurring in a cataclysmic variable of polar type. 展开更多
关键词 accretion processes high-power laser HYDRODYNAMICS laboratory astrophysics POLAR radiative shocks
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