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作者 汤娟 陈素莲 +1 位作者 曹国敏 熊文婕 《中国畜禽种业》 2023年第6期85-89,共5页
光坡鸡是广西肉用型优良鸡种,肉质鲜嫩且具有独特风味,在广西乃至港澳台地区、东南亚等国家市场上享有盛誉。该文对光坡鸡的体型外貌、数量、产地自然条件、品种性能等方面进行阐述。目前光坡鸡仍以散养为主,群体规模大幅度下降,保护工... 光坡鸡是广西肉用型优良鸡种,肉质鲜嫩且具有独特风味,在广西乃至港澳台地区、东南亚等国家市场上享有盛誉。该文对光坡鸡的体型外貌、数量、产地自然条件、品种性能等方面进行阐述。目前光坡鸡仍以散养为主,群体规模大幅度下降,保护工作尤为迫切。光坡鸡养殖中存在育种水平低、产业化程度不高等问题,这需要政府、企业、科研机构形成合力,应重视品种保护,加强政府引导规划,做好品种选育,强化产业发展等方面着手保护。 展开更多
关键词 资源介绍 面临问题 保护建议
日粮中添加发酵芒果皮对鸿光黑鸡生长性能及肉品质的影响研究 被引量:4
作者 温斌华 吴强 +7 位作者 张莹 覃仕善 周俊华 黄丽 吴亮 韦凤英 马青艳 秦黎梅 《中国饲料》 北大核心 2022年第17期132-137,共6页
将发酵后的芒果皮以不同比例添加到相同配方的日粮中饲喂38日龄至130日龄鸿光黑鸡,分别检测肉鸡的生长性能、屠宰性能、血清生化指标、肉品质、肌肉中氨基酸这5项指标。结果显示:试验组和对照组的平均日增重、平均采食量和料肉比无显著... 将发酵后的芒果皮以不同比例添加到相同配方的日粮中饲喂38日龄至130日龄鸿光黑鸡,分别检测肉鸡的生长性能、屠宰性能、血清生化指标、肉品质、肌肉中氨基酸这5项指标。结果显示:试验组和对照组的平均日增重、平均采食量和料肉比无显著差异(P> 0.05);试验1、2组鸡群的死亡率较对照组明显降低,分别降低16.67%、33.33%;试验1、2组腹脂率较对照组提高56.3%、64.26%(P <0.05),差异显著;试验1、2组免疫球蛋白较对照组升高,分别提高20.83%、18.75%;小肠绒毛发育优于对照组;试验1、2组的不饱和脂肪酸含量高于对照组,分别提高16.67%、113.89%,差异显著(P <0.05),其中试验2组的油酸含量达到1.36 g/100 g,试验1、2组油酸较对照组分别提高21.21%、106.06%,差异显著(P <0.05);试验2组的亚油酸是对照组的3倍,试验1、2组亚油酸较对照组分别提高66.67%、200%,差异显著(P <0.05)。研究结果表明,肉鸡日粮中添加发酵芒果皮对生长性能影响不显著;对提高抗病力、降低死亡率,以及改善肉质风味具有较明显的效果。 展开更多
关键词 发酵芒果皮 鸿 生长性能 肉品质
光坡鸡选育报告 被引量:1
作者 杨子亮 吕毅 《广西畜牧兽医》 1995年第2期24-26,共3页
光坡鸡选育报告杨子亮,吕毅防城港市防城区农业局538021一、产地、数量和分布光坡鸡是防城县内销与出口的传统产品。主要产区是东南沿海一带的茅岭、光坡、企沙、附城、江山、江平、东兴等乡镇。曾以光坡鸡为名而闻名远近。常年... 光坡鸡选育报告杨子亮,吕毅防城港市防城区农业局538021一、产地、数量和分布光坡鸡是防城县内销与出口的传统产品。主要产区是东南沿海一带的茅岭、光坡、企沙、附城、江山、江平、东兴等乡镇。曾以光坡鸡为名而闻名远近。常年饲养量47万羽以上。二、产区的生产... 展开更多
关键词 体型 繁殖力 育种
作者 游花 《农村百事通》 2019年第4期43-43,共1页
1.原料选择与整形选用1公斤左右的嫩鸡,宰杀后将血放净,然后煺毛、洗净。在光鸡臀部开膛,去掉内脏,再洗净,将鸡腿、鸡翅造型后沥干水分备用。将洗净的光鸡放在案板上,腹部向上,用刀将肋骨与椎骨中间处切断,然后根据鸡只大小用适宜的高... 1.原料选择与整形选用1公斤左右的嫩鸡,宰杀后将血放净,然后煺毛、洗净。在光鸡臀部开膛,去掉内脏,再洗净,将鸡腿、鸡翅造型后沥干水分备用。将洗净的光鸡放在案板上,腹部向上,用刀将肋骨与椎骨中间处切断,然后根据鸡只大小用适宜的高粱秆一段撑开腹腔。在鸡下腹脯尖处割一小圆洞,将两脚交叉插入洞内;两翅交叉插入口腔内。成两头尖的半圆形,再洗净后沥干水分。 展开更多
关键词 造型 腹腔 圆洞 酱油 水分 光鸡 交叉 脱骨 食盐
《农村实用科技信息》 1995年第10期21-21,共1页
一加工工艺1、原料整修:选用当年鸡,重1公斤左右,宰杀后将血洗净,退毛后用水洗净。然后在臀部开膛,摘去内脏,再洗净。2、鸡腿鸡翅造型:将洗净的光鸡放在案板上,腹部向上,用刀将肋骨与椎骨中间处切断。然后根据鸡只大小用适宜的高粱秆一... 一加工工艺1、原料整修:选用当年鸡,重1公斤左右,宰杀后将血洗净,退毛后用水洗净。然后在臀部开膛,摘去内脏,再洗净。2、鸡腿鸡翅造型:将洗净的光鸡放在案板上,腹部向上,用刀将肋骨与椎骨中间处切断。然后根据鸡只大小用适宜的高粱秆一段,撑开腹腔。 展开更多
关键词 加工工艺 洗净 用水 光鸡 配料 造型 肋骨 高粱 原料
作者 钟雯珏 《花卉》 2005年第1期34-34,共1页
关键词 甜蛋 侏儒 无毛 背水 娃娃 长牙 生物学特性
苦玄参颗粒对鸿光黄鸡生长性能、血液生化指标、免疫及抗氧化功能的影响 被引量:6
作者 杨翠 韦凤英 +12 位作者 胡庭俊 吴强 邓继贤 万火福 黄英飞 吴亮 秦黎梅 黄丽 周俊华 黄宏业 王福林 廖玉英 杨家晃 《中国兽医学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第6期1191-1197,共7页
将480羽1日龄鸿光黄鸡随机分为4组,每组设5个重复,每重复24羽,其中A组为对照组,只喂基础饲粮,B、C、D组为试验组,分别在基础饲粮中添加0.125%,0.250%和0.500%的苦玄参颗粒,试验期49 d;于21,35,49日龄时分别从每组随机抽取10羽进行心脏采... 将480羽1日龄鸿光黄鸡随机分为4组,每组设5个重复,每重复24羽,其中A组为对照组,只喂基础饲粮,B、C、D组为试验组,分别在基础饲粮中添加0.125%,0.250%和0.500%的苦玄参颗粒,试验期49 d;于21,35,49日龄时分别从每组随机抽取10羽进行心脏采血,分离血清进行生化及免疫等指标的测定。结果显示:C组21日龄日均增重极显著高于A、B、D组(P<0.01),35日龄时C组也明显高于A、B、D组(P<0.05),但49日龄时4个组间无明显差异(P>0.05);35日龄时C组的日均采食量显著高于其他3组(P<0.05),其他阶段C组也有高于A组的趋势(P>0.05);C组21日龄时饲料报酬极显著优于其他3组(P<0.01);试验期间C组鸡死亡率比A组降低50%;饲粮添加苦玄参颗粒对试验鸡的生理生化及免疫指标均无明显影响(P>0.05)。然而,21日龄时C、D组的总抗氧化能力极显著高于A、B组(P<0.01),35日龄时C组也显著高于A、B、D组(P<0.05);C、D组的谷胱甘肽含量21日龄时显著高于A、B组(P<0.05),35日龄时也极显著高于A、B组(P<0.01);总超氧化物歧化酶C、D组在3个阶段中均有高于A、B组的趋势(P>0.05)。可见饲粮添加0.250%苦玄参颗粒能明显提高35日龄前鸡的生长性能,并显著增强抗氧化能力,降低死亡率;在3种不同添加量中,0.250%的添加量效果最好。 展开更多
关键词 苦玄参颗粒 鸿 生长性能 免疫功能 抗氧化能力
Interspecific Transition Among Caragana microphylla, C. davazamcii and C. korshinskii Along Geographic Gradient. Ⅱ. Characteristics of Photosynthesis and Water Metabolism 被引量:13
作者 马成仓 高玉葆 +1 位作者 郭宏宇 王金龙 《Acta Botanica Sinica》 CSCD 2003年第10期1228-1237,共10页
The characteristics of photosynthesis and water metabolism of Caragana microphylla Lam.,C. davazamcii Sancz. and C. korshinskii Kom. populations in different sites (117.6o-105.7o E, 44.6o-38.8o N)were studied. (1) Fro... The characteristics of photosynthesis and water metabolism of Caragana microphylla Lam.,C. davazamcii Sancz. and C. korshinskii Kom. populations in different sites (117.6o-105.7o E, 44.6o-38.8o N)were studied. (1) From the east to the west, the responses of the three species to photosyntheticallyavailable radiation (PAR) in net photosynthesis rate increased, the relative humidity of the air whichcorresponded to the occurrence of maximum photosynthesis rate decreased, and the corresponding airtemperature increased. Along the same gradient, the before-noon superiority of the photosynthesis be-came evident, and the photosynthesis rate and the light use efficiency (LUE ) increased, while the transp-iration rate decreased, thus the water use efficiency (WUE ) increased notably, and the leaf water contentdecreased gradually. From the east to the west, the plants took a water-saving strategy step by step withhigher photosynthesis rate and lower transpiration rate. These physiological changes in the plants wereadaptable to the conditions of light, temperature and humidity in the habitat of the plants, and might be thebiological foundation for the geographical transition among C. microphylla , C. davazamcii and C. korshinskii.(2) The adaptation of photosynthetic system of C. microphylla , C. davazamcii and C. korshinskii to PAR, airhumidity and temperature exhibited the interspecific continuity, which was consistent with theenvironmental gradient. In different species and different sites, the diurnal changes of net photosynthesisrate, the daily cumulative value of net photosynthesis, the diurnal changes of transpiration rate, the dailycumulative value of transpiration, the water use efficiency and the diurnal changes of leaf water contentvaried with longitudinal descent (from the east to the west). The characteristics of photosynthesis andwater metabolism indicated that the geographical transition among C. microphylla , C. davazamcii and C.korshinskii was in gradual change, and these three species formed a geographical cline. 展开更多
关键词 Caragana microphylla C. davazamcii C. korshinskii geographical transition PHOTOSYNTHESIS water metabolism
FTIR Characterization of Gelatin from Chicken Feet
作者 Poliana Fernandes de Almeida Suzana Caetano da Silva Lannes +2 位作者 Felipe Araujo Calarge Thiago Michel de Brito Farias Jose Carlos Curvelo Santana 《Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering》 2012年第11期1029-1032,共4页
The objective of this study was characterizing the gelatin from the chicken feet by FTIR (Fourier transform infrared) spectroscopy. Two gelatin samples were prepared for the experiment which were extracted of 200 g ... The objective of this study was characterizing the gelatin from the chicken feet by FTIR (Fourier transform infrared) spectroscopy. Two gelatin samples were prepared for the experiment which were extracted of 200 g of chicken feet by a thermal bath of 4% acetyl acid solution at 60 ℃. A commercial gelatin was used to compare the results. FTIR spectra of gelatin samples were recorded using a Nicolet iS5 FTIR spectrometer equipped with an ATR/iD3 with argon horizontal cell in which the spectra were varied in the range of 400-4,000 cm1 at 16 ~C. The results showed that FTIR spectra of the chicken feet gelatin had the most with the vibration peak at wave numbers of 1,652.01 cm~ to the amide I, of 1,539.87 cm1 to the amide II, of 1,241.29 cm~ to the amide III, of 2,923.72 cm-~ to the amide B and of 3,399.56 cm~ to the amide A. The collagen composition of the chicken feet gelatins was twotimes larger than the commercial gelatin and the vibration bands to beef gelatin have been different from chicken feet gelatins. This demonstrates that chicken feet gelatins are very good nutritional quality when compared to the commercial gelatin. 展开更多
关键词 FTIR GELATIN chicken feet COLLAGEN composition.
Relations between the Elemental Composition Hens' Eggs and Feeds
作者 Sager Manfred 《Journal of Food Science and Engineering》 2013年第6期332-340,共9页
Hens' eggs and corresponding feeds were sampled at commercial farms. The eggs were separated into egg yolk and egg white and freeze dried. After pressure digestion, total element contents of Ca, P, Mg, S, Na, Fe, Mn,... Hens' eggs and corresponding feeds were sampled at commercial farms. The eggs were separated into egg yolk and egg white and freeze dried. After pressure digestion, total element contents of Ca, P, Mg, S, Na, Fe, Mn, Zn, Sr, Cu and Ba were detected by ICP-OES in the eggs, whereas, Pb, Ni, Sb, Sn, AI, Cd, Cr, Mo and V were all or largely below the detection limits. In addition, iodine was done by ICP-MS and Se after ashing with Mg-nitrate by hydride-generation-AAS. There were significant accumulations of P, S, Se and I in the egg yolk versus feed levels, as well as S and Na in the egg white. Just a few correlations between concentrations in feed and egg white resp. egg yolk were detected, indicating regulation mechanisms by homeostasis. Strontium showed the strongest trends between feeds and egg white and egg yolk, whereas, there was none for calcium. Among the main elements in the feeds, sulfur had the strongest effects on the egg compositions, e.g., on iodine and iron in the yolk and on sodium in the white, some of them might be non-linear. 展开更多
关键词 Feeds egg yolk egg white STRONTIUM SELENIUM iodine.
Multiple Antimicrobial Resistance of Extended Spectrum Beta-Lactamase-Producing Escherichia coli from Small-Scaled Poultry Farms and Retail Chicken
作者 Agnes Kilonzo-Nthenge Samuel Nahashon +2 位作者 Siqin Liu Ravneet Sandhu Kourtney Daniels 《Journal of Food Science and Engineering》 2018年第1期1-13,共13页
Antibiotics used for agricultural purpose has contributed to the increased prevalence of antibiotic-resistant bacteria. The goal of this study was to investigate the prevalence and antimicrobial resistance of ESBL-pro... Antibiotics used for agricultural purpose has contributed to the increased prevalence of antibiotic-resistant bacteria. The goal of this study was to investigate the prevalence and antimicrobial resistance of ESBL-producing E. coli in small-scaled poultry farms and retail chicken. The cultured E. coli isolates were subjected to phenotypic tests, susceptibility tests, and the polymerase chain reaction for detection of blacTX-M, blasHv, and blaTEM genes. From 120 samples each of chicken feces, retail chicken, soil and chicken feed, ESBL-producing E. coli isolates were detected in 75.9%, 63.6%, 39.2%, and 13.3% of the samples, respectively. Minimum inhibitory concentration (MICs) values indicated that ESBL-producing E. coli were resistance to ampicillin (MIC 〉 32 μg/mL), gentamicin (M1C ≥ 16 μg/mL), cefotaxime (MIC 〉 4 μg/mL) and cefhiaxone (MIC 〉 4 gg/mL), respectively. The total resistance for imipenem was also observed at 1.0% (MIC ≥ 4 gg/mL) and none of the isolates were resistant to ceftazidime (MIC 〉 16 μg/mL). ESBL-producing E. coli from chicken feces and retail chicken carried blasHv gene at a rate of 6.8% and 5.7%, respectively and blaCTX-M gene was also revealed at 2.9% in retail chicken. Moreover, ESBL-producing E. coli isolated from soil harbored blasnv and blaCTX-M genes at 5%. None of the feed samples yielded ESBLs genes. Twenty three resistance patterns were observed for multi-resistant ESBL-producing E. coli. This study highlights the prevalence of multi-antimicrobial resistant ESBL-producing E. coli in small-scaledpoultry farms and retail chicken, hence the need to review poultry management practices to minimize the occurrence. 展开更多
关键词 E. coli Β-LACTAMASES poultry farms retail chicken.
作者 李金兰 李金荣 《新农村》 1996年第2期22-22,共1页
1.油淋仔鸡原料:老嫩仔鸡1只(1000克),调料:香菜10克,胡椒粉0.5克、酱油20克、味精1克、生油500克、葱10克、黄酒10克、白糖1.5克、麻油25克。制法:光鸡去内脏,斩去脚爪,洗净。锅内放水烧沸后,将光鸡投入,烧至不出血水时捞出,沥干水分,... 1.油淋仔鸡原料:老嫩仔鸡1只(1000克),调料:香菜10克,胡椒粉0.5克、酱油20克、味精1克、生油500克、葱10克、黄酒10克、白糖1.5克、麻油25克。制法:光鸡去内脏,斩去脚爪,洗净。锅内放水烧沸后,将光鸡投入,烧至不出血水时捞出,沥干水分,趁热将酒和酱油(各5克)涂在鸡身上,以着色解腥。香菜、香葱切成细末,放在小碗内待用;锅烧热,加油。等油烧至七成热时,将鸡下锅炸到皮色金红后捞出,斩成小块, 展开更多
关键词 烹调方法 酱油 黄酒 光鸡 味精 胡椒粉 香菜 制法 麻油
Assessment of Nutrients of Escamoles Ant Eggs Limotepum apiculatum M. by Spectroscopy Methods
作者 Virginia Melo-Ruiz Yomas Quirino-Barreda +2 位作者 Concepcion Calvo-Carrillo Karina Sanchez-Herrera Horacio Sandoval-Trujillo 《Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering》 2013年第12期1181-1187,共7页
Edible insects, escamoles ant eggs of the Formicidae family are consumed by cultural tradition at rural communities and by sensory characteristics at high class restaurants of Mexico; however, people ignore the import... Edible insects, escamoles ant eggs of the Formicidae family are consumed by cultural tradition at rural communities and by sensory characteristics at high class restaurants of Mexico; however, people ignore the importance of insect consumption in the nutrition of humans. Laboratory spectroscopy methods in food analysis represent benefits in time and precision. The aim of this study is to assess macronutrients and micronutrients of escamoles and eggs by spectroscopic methods to inform population the benefits they provide in health and to mention the advantage in the use of these techniques at laboratory work. Samples were gather the second week of March and April 2012, at Hidalgo State and analyze moisture and macronutrients by AOAC (Association of Official Analytical Chemistry) methods, amino acids by cation exchange chromatography, tryptophan was determined by a colorimeter method, fatty acids by GC (gas chromatography) using helium as a carrier (AOAC), fat soluble vitamins A, D and E by HPLC (high performance liquid chromatography), and minerals by atomic absorption spectrophotometers and phosphorus by colorimeter (AOAC). Data showed high amount in proteins, lipids and minerals; low in fiber and soluble carbohydrates; contained all essential amino acids. Fatty acids contain monounsaturated and polyunsaturated. Fat soluble vitamins A, D and E. Minerals: sodium, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, calcium and manganese. Escamoles ant eggs include polyunsaturated fatty acids essential for mental development, vitamin A to prevent eye diseases, vitamin E as antioxidant and vitamin D involved in calcium absorption that low intake, impair grow and bone health. Iron and zinc contained anemia. Regarding the laboratory benefits, needs less expensive chemicals, testing is clean, rapid and easy results of multiple samples, but it is required to handle by qualified chemists. In conclusion, data may change according to biotic and abiotic conditions of the environment; however, escamoles have all nutrients in adequate balance to improve human health; and provide faster and precise results. 展开更多
关键词 Edible insects escamoles ant eggs NUTRITION spectroscopy methods.
作者 孙兴 《生意通》 2007年第4期90-91,共2页
山东德州的五香脱骨扒鸡,即"德州扒鸡",是传统的风味菜肴。它选料上乘,制作精细,外形完整,品尝时将鸡身一抖,顷刻间肉骨分离,故得此名。"德州扒鸡"历史悠久,名震海内外。20世纪初,德州经营烧鸡者如雨后春笋,名店众... 山东德州的五香脱骨扒鸡,即"德州扒鸡",是传统的风味菜肴。它选料上乘,制作精细,外形完整,品尝时将鸡身一抖,顷刻间肉骨分离,故得此名。"德州扒鸡"历史悠久,名震海内外。20世纪初,德州经营烧鸡者如雨后春笋,名店众多,桕互竞争。 展开更多
关键词 传统 油炸 制作 风味 光鸡 洗净 香味
Development of NIR-II fluorescence image-guided and pH-responsive nanocapsules for cocktail drug delivery 被引量:7
作者 Sheng Huang Shan Peng Yuanbao Li Jiabin Cui Hongli Chen Leyu Wang 《Nano Research》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第6期1932-1943,共12页
Nanocapsule-based targeted delivery and stimulus-responsive release can increase drug effectiveness, while reducing the side effects of the drug. However, difficulties in the scale-up synthesis, fast burst release, an... Nanocapsule-based targeted delivery and stimulus-responsive release can increase drug effectiveness, while reducing the side effects of the drug. However, difficulties in the scale-up synthesis, fast burst release, and low degradability, could hamper the translation of drug nanocapsules from lab to clinic. Here we have controllably functionalized the biodegradable and widely available polysuccinimide, in order to obtain an amphiphilic poly(amino acid). Using this polymer, we designed nanocapsules (〈 100 nm) for hydrophobic drug delivery, which could facilitate tumor targeting, hydrogen bond-based pH-responsive release, and real-time fluorescence tracking, in the second near-infrared region. This method is versatile, eco-friendly, and easy to scale up at low costs. In addition, this system can carry a cocktail of drugs, obtained by loading multiple anticancer drugs to the same vehicle. Our nanocapsules were observed to be stable in blood vessels (pH = 7.4), and the pH-responsive release (pH = 5.0 in lysosome) was sustained. The chemotherapy results in tumor-xenografted mice suggested that our nanocapsule was safe and efficient, and may be a useful tool for drug delivery. 展开更多
关键词 near IR fluorescence pH responsive cocktail drug delivery
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