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作者 谢欣旖 颜健 彭佑多 《可再生能源》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第9期1174-1180,共7页
吸热器是太阳能聚光热利用系统中光-热能量转换的核心部件,文章针对一种简单结构的环腔流道吸热器,采用光线跟踪方法和计算流体力学方法实现光热耦合,建立了含石英窗环腔流道空气吸热器的耦合传热数值模型,探讨了碟式聚光器焦距、太阳... 吸热器是太阳能聚光热利用系统中光-热能量转换的核心部件,文章针对一种简单结构的环腔流道吸热器,采用光线跟踪方法和计算流体力学方法实现光热耦合,建立了含石英窗环腔流道空气吸热器的耦合传热数值模型,探讨了碟式聚光器焦距、太阳直接辐射强度、质量流量、入口温度以及能流分布形式(非均匀与均匀能流分布)对光热转换性能的影响。研究表明:吸热器热效率和出口温度受焦距影响不大,但壁面峰值温度随焦距增大而急剧上升;热效率与质量流量呈正相关而与太阳直接辐射强度(Direct Normal Irradiance,DNI)呈负相关,出口温度反之,当DNI=800 W/m^(2),质量流量m=0.0166 kg/s时,吸热器综合热性能最优,热效率和出口温度分别为74.70%和478.74 K;出口温度受入口温度直接影响以几乎相同的差值变化,入口温度每升高50 K,热效率下降7.3%左右,该吸热器结构适用于中低温空气;能流分布均匀与否对出口温度及热效率影响不大,均匀能流分布下的吸热器壁面峰值温度反而略高于非均匀能流分布的。 展开更多
关键词 太阳能聚利用 环腔流道吸 线跟踪方法 光-热转换 耦合模型
作者 唐大航 肖中鹏 +4 位作者 李建军 姜苏俊 黄险波 徐显骏 陈平绪 《广州化工》 CAS 2024年第24期36-40,55,共6页
为有效解决热致液晶聚合物(LCP)的低导热率和光-热转换能力,本文通过高效、易工业化的双螺杆熔融挤出共混的方法在LCP中利用二维氮化硼(BN)和天然鳞片石墨(GP)进行杂化构筑紧密分布的“面-面”结构,制备具有三维导热通路的液晶导热复合... 为有效解决热致液晶聚合物(LCP)的低导热率和光-热转换能力,本文通过高效、易工业化的双螺杆熔融挤出共混的方法在LCP中利用二维氮化硼(BN)和天然鳞片石墨(GP)进行杂化构筑紧密分布的“面-面”结构,制备具有三维导热通路的液晶导热复合材料。石墨作为桥梁连接LCP和片状BN,有效降低了接触热阻,提升复合材料面内和面间的热导率。当BN和GP添加量分别为20wt%和12wt%时,LCPBNG12的面内和面间热导率分别达到6.11 W/(m·K)和1.16 W/(m·K),并保持优异的力学性能。此外,由于GP对光吸收程度较高,使得LCPBNG12具有优异的光-热/电转换能力。当施加800 mW·cm^(-2)的光强时,LCPBNG12的表面温度和电压分别达到了72.2℃和0.037 V,并且LCPBNG12在5个循环的光热/电测试中表面温度和电压保持恒定,具有较好的可重复性和稳定性。 展开更多
关键词 液晶聚合物 光-热转换 网络 氮化硼 石墨
太阳能光-热-电转换利用系统的分析 被引量:3
作者 王小伍 华贲 《热力发电》 CAS 北大核心 2005年第3期19-21,24,共4页
在太阳能光热电转换利用的“三环节理论”模型的基础上,对太阳能光热电转换利用进行了经济学分析,并与常规火力发电的经济学作了对比,提出了化石能源的稀缺价值和环境成本的观点。探讨了聚焦型太阳能集热器的设计参数对太阳能光... 在太阳能光热电转换利用的“三环节理论”模型的基础上,对太阳能光热电转换利用进行了经济学分析,并与常规火力发电的经济学作了对比,提出了化石能源的稀缺价值和环境成本的观点。探讨了聚焦型太阳能集热器的设计参数对太阳能光热电转换利用系统中单位输出价Cu 的影响。 展开更多
关键词 太阳能利用 --转换 聚焦 三环节理论 YONG经济学
太阳能建筑用石蜡/CNTs相变乳液的制备及光-热性能研究 被引量:2
作者 周升平 曾晟 《化工新型材料》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第3期113-116,121,共5页
结合建筑结构在太阳能领域的蓄热控温特点,采用"两步法"制备出适用于太阳能蓄热的新型石蜡/CNTs相变乳液,通过纳米粒度电位仪和布鲁克旋转黏度仪分析了CNTs掺量对相变乳液技术性能的影响,确定最佳CNTs掺量;再采用差示扫描量... 结合建筑结构在太阳能领域的蓄热控温特点,采用"两步法"制备出适用于太阳能蓄热的新型石蜡/CNTs相变乳液,通过纳米粒度电位仪和布鲁克旋转黏度仪分析了CNTs掺量对相变乳液技术性能的影响,确定最佳CNTs掺量;再采用差示扫描量热仪、导热系数测定仪、自制太阳光-热转换装置及紫外/可见/近红外分光光度计探究相变乳液的热物性能和光-热转换性能。结果表明,随着CNTs掺量的增大,相变液滴的粒径分布和运动黏度发生较为明显的变化,综合考虑相变乳液的稳定性及泵送性,推荐石蜡相变乳液中CNTs的最佳掺量控制为0.6%。由于石蜡具有较高的相变储热性能及CNTs具有较大的导热系数,掺加石蜡/CNTs能够显著增强相变乳液的导热性能和光-热转换能力,完全可用于建筑结构中以达到对太阳光辐射的蓄热与调温作用。 展开更多
关键词 石蜡 相变材料 相变乳液 性能 光-热转换
不同支撑材料/PEG-1500复合相变材料的制备及热性能研究 被引量:1
作者 徐众 吴恩辉 +2 位作者 侯静 李军 昝学平 《化工新型材料》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第4期275-280,286,共7页
以氮化硼(BN)、碳化硼(B_(4)C)、海泡石(SEP)、凹凸棒(ATP)、活性炭(AC)、多壁碳纳米管(MWCNT)和膨胀石墨(EG)作为支撑材料,聚乙二醇(PEG)作为相变主材,采用熔融共混法制备了PCM1—PCM7这7种成型复合相变材料。并对材料稳定性、升温速... 以氮化硼(BN)、碳化硼(B_(4)C)、海泡石(SEP)、凹凸棒(ATP)、活性炭(AC)、多壁碳纳米管(MWCNT)和膨胀石墨(EG)作为支撑材料,聚乙二醇(PEG)作为相变主材,采用熔融共混法制备了PCM1—PCM7这7种成型复合相变材料。并对材料稳定性、升温速率和瞬态热导率进行测试。结果表明:PEG中添加7种支撑材料的最佳质量分数在7%~78%之间;材料泄漏率会随加热时间和温度增加而增大,线性拟合表明材料的泄漏率与加热时间存在一定线性关系(R~2大于0.93);7种材料光-热转换时泄漏率在0.12%~1.13%;复合相变材料热导率比纯PEG提高了11.5%~620.0%之间。 展开更多
关键词 成型复合相变材料 泄漏率 稳定性 光-热转换 导率
Direct Observation of Electron-Vibration Coupling at MXene-Solvent Interface
作者 Yan-jun Xu He-yuan Liu Hai-long Chen 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2021年第5期605-612,I0003,共9页
MXenes,a new family of two-dimensional(2D)materials,have received extensive interest due to their fascinating physicochemical properties,such as outstandinglight-to-heat conversion efficiency.However,the photothermal ... MXenes,a new family of two-dimensional(2D)materials,have received extensive interest due to their fascinating physicochemical properties,such as outstandinglight-to-heat conversion efficiency.However,the photothermal conversion mechanism of MXenes is still poorly understood.Here,by using femtosecond visible and mid-infrared transient absorption spectroscopy,the electronic energy dissipation dynamics of MXene(Ti_(3)C_(2)T_(x))nanosheets dispersed in various solvents are carefully studied.Our results indicate that the lifetime of photoexcited MXene is strongly dependent on the surrounding environment.Especially,the interfacial electron-vibration coupling between the MXene nanosheets and the adjacent solvent molecules is directly observed following the ultrafast photoexcitation of MXene.It suggests that the interfacial interactions at the MXene-solvent interface play a critical role in the ultrafast energy transport dynamics of MXene,which offers a potentially feasible route for tailoring the light conversion properties of 2D systems. 展开更多
关键词 MXene Ultrafast spectroscopy Photothermal conversion Electron-vibration coupling
Practical Realization of a Hybrid Solution for Photovoltaic and Photothermal Conversion
作者 Katarzyna Znajdek Maciej Sibinski 《Journal of Energy and Power Engineering》 2013年第2期283-289,共7页
In this paper, an idea and a realization of a hybrid Operational solar system is presented and practically verified discussed on the base of the performance and efficiency results, is confirmed. solution for photovolt... In this paper, an idea and a realization of a hybrid Operational solar system is presented and practically verified discussed on the base of the performance and efficiency results, is confirmed. solution for photovoltaic and photothermal conversion is presented. by the series of experiments. Improvements of the construction are The synergy effect ofphotothermal and photovoltaic part cooperation 展开更多
关键词 Renewable energy photovoltaic conversion photothermal conversion solar hybrid device.
太阳光谱选择性吸收涂层 被引量:10
作者 曹宁宁 卢松涛 +3 位作者 姚锐 李慧敏 秦伟 吴晓宏 《化学进展》 SCIE CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第4期597-612,共16页
太阳能作为最重要的可再生新型能源,具有储量巨大、分布广泛以及清洁安全等诸多优势,研究太阳能利用技术具有丰富能源结构、降低环境污染、优化资源配置等重要意义,其中太阳能光-热转换是实现太阳能直接利用的最简单高效的方式。本文简... 太阳能作为最重要的可再生新型能源,具有储量巨大、分布广泛以及清洁安全等诸多优势,研究太阳能利用技术具有丰富能源结构、降低环境污染、优化资源配置等重要意义,其中太阳能光-热转换是实现太阳能直接利用的最简单高效的方式。本文简要地介绍了太阳能新能源的重要性与优缺点,系统地论述了近年来在太阳能光-热转换材料中应用最广泛的太阳能集热器用选择性吸收涂层的研究进展,主要针对选择性吸收涂层的基本类型、作用机制及其国内外最新研究成果进行了较为全面地分析。最后,指出了太阳能选择性吸收涂层存在的主要问题并展望了其未来发展前景。 展开更多
关键词 太阳能 光-热转换 太阳能集 选择性吸收涂层
Tm^(3+)掺杂材料激光冷却的研究 被引量:1
作者 贾佑华 印建平 《光学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第10期1375-1379,共5页
固体材料的激光制冷又称反斯托克斯荧光制冷,是近年来刚兴起的全光学制冷技术。该技术的核心问题是制冷材料的选择。以Tm3+掺杂离子为例,从理论上分析了最小制冷能级间距与激光抽运速率的关系,研究了不同抽运速率下制冷功率与能级间距... 固体材料的激光制冷又称反斯托克斯荧光制冷,是近年来刚兴起的全光学制冷技术。该技术的核心问题是制冷材料的选择。以Tm3+掺杂离子为例,从理论上分析了最小制冷能级间距与激光抽运速率的关系,研究了不同抽运速率下制冷功率与能级间距的关系以及热光转换效率与能级间距的关系,获得了最佳热光转换效率与抽运速率的关系,结果表明,最小的制冷能级间距约为4500 cm-1,能级间距在5000~6000 cm-1的宽度是比较合适的。最后探讨了Tm3+掺杂材料用于激光冷却的可行性,并讨论了制冷基体材料的合理选择问题。 展开更多
关键词 学材料 反斯托克斯荧制冷 抽运-辐射循环 抽运速率 能级间距 制冷功率 -转换效率
A versatile Pt-Ce6 nanoplatform as catalase nanozyme and NIR-Ⅱ photothermal agent for enhanced PDT/PTT tumor therapy 被引量:5
作者 Qing Chen Su He +6 位作者 Fangjun Zhang Fengzhi Cui Jianhua Liu Man Wang Dongmei Wang Zhigang Jin Chunxia Li 《Science China Materials》 SCIE EI CSCD 2021年第2期510-530,共21页
The hypoxic nature of solid tumors has severely negative effects on oxygen-based photodynamic therapy.In this study,we used porous Pt nanoparticles as a catalase(CAT)nanozyme,the second near-infrared(NIR-Ⅱ)region pho... The hypoxic nature of solid tumors has severely negative effects on oxygen-based photodynamic therapy.In this study,we used porous Pt nanoparticles as a catalase(CAT)nanozyme,the second near-infrared(NIR-Ⅱ)region photothermal transition agents(PTAs),and carriers of photosensitizer chlorin e6(Ce6)to synthesize a composite nanosystem Pt-Ce6.In this system,Pt-Ce6 can continuously and stably decompose H2O2 into oxygen,thereby alleviating tumor hypoxia and improving the effect of photodynamic therapy(PDT).With 650 nm illumination,the reactive oxygen species(ROS)produced by Ce6 will decrease the mitochondrial membrane potential(MMP,ΔΨm)to release cytochrome c(Cyt-c)from the mitochondria into the cytoplasm,eventually leading to mitochondrial-mediated cellular apoptosis during the PDT process.In addition,Pt-Ce6 has good photothermal stability and high photothermal conversion efficiency(52.62%)in the NIR-II region.In U14 tumor-bearing mice,Pt-Ce6 completely suppressed tumor growth and recurrence under laser irradiation.Thus the nanocomposite shows excellent PDT/photothermal therapy(PTT)synergistic performance in vitro and in vivo. 展开更多
关键词 HYPOXIA CATALASE photodynamic photothermal therapy cell apoptosis mechanisms
Macrophages loaded CpG and GNR-PEI for combination of tumor photothermal therapy and immunotherapy 被引量:5
作者 Jie Chen Lin Lin +6 位作者 Nan Yan Yingying Hu Huapan Fang Zhaopei Guo Pingjie Sun Huayu Tian Xuesi Chen 《Science China Materials》 SCIE EI CSCD 2018年第11期1484-1494,共11页
Nano-therapeutic approach for clinical implementation of tumors remains a longstanding challenge in the medical field. The main challenges are rapid clearance, offtarget effect and the limited role in the treatment of... Nano-therapeutic approach for clinical implementation of tumors remains a longstanding challenge in the medical field. The main challenges are rapid clearance, offtarget effect and the limited role in the treatment of metastatic tumors. Toward this objective, a cell-mediated strategy by transporting photothermal reagents and CpG adjuvant within macrophage vehicles is performed. The photothermal reagents are constructed by conjugating of hyperbranched polyethyleimine(PEI) to golden nanorode(GNR) via S-Au bonds.GNR-PEI/CpG nanocomposites, formed via electrostatic interaction and displayed excellent near-infrared(NIR) photothermal performance, exhibit immense macrophage uptake and negligible cytotoxic effect, which is essential for the fabrication of GNR-PEI/CpG loaded macrophages. GNR-PEI/CpG loaded macrophages demonstrated admirable photothermal response in vitro. Benefited from the functionalization of the binding adhesion between macrophages and 4 T1 cells, GNR-PEI/CpG loaded macrophages significantly promoted tumor accumulation in vivo and dramatically enhanced the efficiency of photothermal cancer therapy. Moreover, the immune system is activated after photothermal therapy, which is mainly attributed to the generation of tumor specific antigens and CpG adjuvant in situ. Our findings provide a potential cell-mediated nanoplatform for tumor therapy by combination of near infrared photothermal therapy and immunotherapy. 展开更多
关键词 hyperbranched polymers IMMUNOTHERAPY MACROPHAGES photothermal therapy synergistic treatment
Photogated proton conductivity of ZIF-8 membranes co-modified with graphene quantum dots and polystyrene sulfonate 被引量:2
作者 Shuaikang Fan Shilin Wang +5 位作者 Xiaobin Wang Zhuoyi Li Xu Ma Xinyi Wan Shabab Hussain Xinsheng Peng 《Science China Materials》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2021年第8期1997-2007,共11页
Smart proton conductive metal-organic framework(MOF) membranes with dynamic remote control over proton conduction show high potential for use in advanced applications, such as sensors and bioprocesses. Here, we report... Smart proton conductive metal-organic framework(MOF) membranes with dynamic remote control over proton conduction show high potential for use in advanced applications, such as sensors and bioprocesses. Here, we report a photoswitchable proton conductive ZIF-8 membrane by coencapsulating polystyrene sulfonate and graphene quantum dots into a ZIF-8 matrix(GQDs-PSS@ZIF-8) via a solidconfined conversion process. The proton conductivity of the GQDs-PSS@ZIF-8 membrane is 6.3 times higher than that of pristine ZIF-8 and can be reversibly switched by light due to photoluminescence quenching and the photothermal conversion effect, which converts light into heat. The local increase in temperature allows water molecules to escape from the porous channels, which cuts off the proton transport pathways and results in a decrease in proton conductivity. The proton conductivity is restored when the light is off owing to regaining water molecules, which act as proton carriers, from the surroundings. The GQDs-PSS@ZIF-8 membrane responds efficiently to light and exhibits an ON/OFF ratio of 12.8. This photogated proton conduction in MOFs has potential for the development and application of MOF-based protonic solids in advanced photoelectric devices. 展开更多
关键词 ZIF-8 graphene quantum dots photoswitchable proton conductivity photoluminescence quenching photothermal conversion
Conjugated microporous polymers for near-infrared photothermal control of shape change 被引量:1
作者 Jialong Wu Yongwei Wu +4 位作者 Zepeng He Zihua Li Huahua Huang Yongming Chen Guodong Liang 《Science China Materials》 SCIE EI CSCD 2021年第2期430-439,共10页
Herein,a facile and highly efficient synthetic method to prepare organic photothermal materials with high photo-stability and outstanding photothermal performance is reported.Through direct polymerization of commercia... Herein,a facile and highly efficient synthetic method to prepare organic photothermal materials with high photo-stability and outstanding photothermal performance is reported.Through direct polymerization of commercial aromatic monomers in the presence of anhydrous aluminium chloride and dichloromethane,four kinds of conjugated microporous polymers(CMPs)were obtained.Detailed structural analysis confirmed that the resultant CMPs possessed abundant micropores with an extendedπ-conjugated skeleton.Under near-infrared(NIR)light irradiation(808 nm,1.0 W cm−2),all the CMPs showed fast heating-up behavior with their maximum temperatures higher than 150℃.Moreover,the efficiency of photothermal conversion(η)of the CMPs was found to increase linearly with the increase in the number of conjugated benzene rings within the monomer.Poly-TPE from tetraphenylethylene(TPE)and Poly-TP from o-terphenyl(TP)showed highηvalues of over 47%.Poly-TPE was additionally used as a photothermal filler to remotely and spatially control the shape recovery of thermal-sensitive shape memory polymers(SMPs),while its introduction(1 wt%)had little influence on the thermal and mechanical properties of the polymer matrixes.Owing to their excellent NIR photothermal performance as well as a one-step synthetic preparation,these CMPs may be promising photothermal materials for practical applications. 展开更多
关键词 conjugated microporous polymer photothermal conversion NEAR-INFRARED ACTUATOR
Hydrothermal growth of MoS_2/Co_3S_4 composites as efficient Pt-free counter electrodes for dye-sensitized solar cells
作者 董飞燕 郭延军 +3 位作者 徐鹏 殷雄 李远刚 贺蒙 《Science China Materials》 SCIE EI CSCD 2017年第4期295-303,共9页
MOS2/Co3S4 composite films were prepared via a facile one-step hydrothermal method, and used as efficient and low-cost Pt-free counter electrodes (CEs) for dye-sen- sitized solar cells (DSSCs). Characterizations r... MOS2/Co3S4 composite films were prepared via a facile one-step hydrothermal method, and used as efficient and low-cost Pt-free counter electrodes (CEs) for dye-sen- sitized solar cells (DSSCs). Characterizations revealed that Co3S4 and MoS2 were obtained simultaneously during the facile hydrothermal process. The composites afforded a promising synergistic effect on the catalyzing of triiodide reduction. Enhanced electrocatalytic performance of the resultant composite films was confirmed through cyclic voltammetry (CV) and electrochemical impedance spec- troscopy (EIS) analyses. DSSCs using MoS2/Co3S4 composite CEs outperform the devices with pristine MoS2 or Co3S4 CEs in power conversion efficiency (PCE). Furthermore, a PCE of 6.77% is obtained for the optimized devices using MoS2/Co3S4 composite CEs measured under standard 1 sun illumination (100 mW cm-2, AM 1.5G), which is comparable to that of the devices fabricated under the same conditions with conventional thermally deposited Pt CEs (7.14%). The results demonstrate that MoS2/Co3S4 composites are promis- ing alternatives to Pt to be applied as CEs for DSSCs, 展开更多
关键词 dye-sensitized solar cells counter electrodes COMPOSITES transition metal sulfide hydrothermal growth electro-chemical impedance spectroscopy
Quantum dot-sensitized solar cells employing Pt/C_(60) counter electrode provide an efficiency exceeding 2%
作者 YUE GenTian WU JiHuai +4 位作者 XIAO YaoMing LIN JianMing HUANG MiaoLiang FAN LeQing LAN Zhang 《Science China Chemistry》 SCIE EI CAS 2013年第1期93-100,共8页
A microporous platinum/fullerenes (Pt/C 60) counter electrode was prepared by using a facile rapid thermal decomposition method,and the quantum-dot sensitized solar cell (QDSSC) of Pt/C 60-TiO 2-CdS-ZnS and Pt/C 60-Ti... A microporous platinum/fullerenes (Pt/C 60) counter electrode was prepared by using a facile rapid thermal decomposition method,and the quantum-dot sensitized solar cell (QDSSC) of Pt/C 60-TiO 2-CdS-ZnS and Pt/C 60-TiO 2-CdTe-ZnS was fabrication.The technique forms a good contact between QDs and TiO 2 films.The photovoltaic performances of the as-prepared cells were investigated.The QDSSCs with Pt/C 60 counter electrode show high power conversion efficiency of 1.90% and 2.06%,respectively (under irradiation of a simulated solar light with an intensity of 100 mW cm 2),which is comparable to the one fabricated using conventional Pt electrode. 展开更多
关键词 counter electrode quantum dot microporous platinum/fullerenes solar cell
Carbon nanocomposites with high photothermal conversion efficiency 被引量:15
作者 Qian Zhang Weilin Xu Xianbao Wang 《Science China Materials》 SCIE EI CSCD 2018年第7期905-914,共10页
Photothermal conversion for water vapor gen- eration is a novel strategy and an efficient way to utilize solar energy, which has great potential for water purification and desalination. In this review, the development... Photothermal conversion for water vapor gen- eration is a novel strategy and an efficient way to utilize solar energy, which has great potential for water purification and desalination. In this review, the development of photothermal conversion and the classification of absorbers for solar vapor generation systems are presented, especially in recent devel- opment of carbon nanocomposites (carbon nanotubes and graphene) as solar vapor generation devices. Combined with recent progresses and achievements in this field, we discuss the challenges and opportunities for photothermal conversion based on carbon nanocomposites as well as their promising applications. 展开更多
关键词 carbon composites photothermal conversion solarenergy water vapor
Excellent photothermal conversion of core/shell CdSe/ Bi2Se3 quantum dots 被引量:3
作者 Guo Zhi Jia Wen Kai Lou +5 位作者 Fang Cheng Xiong Long Wang Jiang Hong Yao Ning Dai Hai Qing Lin Kai Chang 《Nano Research》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第5期1443-1453,共11页
Water-dispersed CdSe/Bi2Se3 core/shell QDs with a photothermal conversion coefficient of 27.09% have been synthesized by a cation exchange reaction. The microstructure and crystal structure of the QDs, which were conf... Water-dispersed CdSe/Bi2Se3 core/shell QDs with a photothermal conversion coefficient of 27.09% have been synthesized by a cation exchange reaction. The microstructure and crystal structure of the QDs, which were confirmed by TEM and XRD, showed that partial cation exchange occurred inside the CdSe QDs. Two main mechanisms are responsible for the excellent photothermal conversion: inhibition of radiative recombination of carriers due to the formation of type-II semiconductor heterostructures, and the large surface-to-volume ratio of the QDs. Photothermal conversion experiments indicated that the CdSe/Bi2Se3 QDs showed high photothermal conversion efficiency and excellent NIR photostability. 展开更多
关键词 cation exchange quantum dots PHOTOTHERMAL type-II heterostructure CdSe/Bi2Se3
Experimental Study and Heat Transfer Analysis on the Boiling of Saturated Liquid Nitrogen under Transient Pulsed Laser Irradiation
作者 ZhaoyiDONG XiulanHUAI 《Journal of Thermal Science》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2005年第1期62-68,共7页
The boiling behavior of the liquid nitrogen (LN2) under the transient high heat flux urgently needs to be researched systematically. In this paper, the high power short pulse duration laser was used to heat the satura... The boiling behavior of the liquid nitrogen (LN2) under the transient high heat flux urgently needs to be researched systematically. In this paper, the high power short pulse duration laser was used to heat the saturated LN2 rapidly, and the high-speed photography aided by the spark light system was employed to take series of photos which displayed the process of LN2's boiling behavior under such conditions. Also, a special temperature measuring system was applied to record the temperature variation of the heating surface. The experiments indicated that an explosive boiling happened within LN2 by the laser heating, and a conventional boiling followed up after the newly-defined changeover time. By analyzing the temperature variation of the heating surface, it is found that the latent heat released by the crack of the bubbles in the bubble cluster induced by the explosive boiling is an important factor that greatly influences the boiling heat transfer mechanism. 展开更多
关键词 explosive boiling pulsed laser heating liquid nitrogen changeover time.
Flexible thermocells for utilization of body heat 被引量:3
作者 Hyeongwook Im Hyung Geun Moon +3 位作者 Jeong Seok Lee In Young Chung Tae June Kang Yong Hyup Kim 《Nano Research》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2014年第4期443-452,共10页
Plastic thermo-electrochemical ceils (thermocells) involving aqueous potassium ferricyanide/ferrocyanide electrolyte have been investigated as an alternative to conventional thermoelectrics for thermal energy harves... Plastic thermo-electrochemical ceils (thermocells) involving aqueous potassium ferricyanide/ferrocyanide electrolyte have been investigated as an alternative to conventional thermoelectrics for thermal energy harvesting. Plastic thermocells that consist of all pliable materials such as polyethylene terephthalate (PET), fabrics, and wires are flexible enough to be wearable on the human body and to be wrapped around cylindrical shapes. The performance of the thermocells is enhanced by incorporating carbon nanotubes into activated carbon textiles, due to improved charge transfer at the interface. In cold weather conditions (a surrounding temperature of 5 ℃), the thermocell generates a short-circuit current density of 0.39 A/m2 and maximum power density of 0.46 mW/m2 from body heat (temperature of 36℃). For practical use, we have shown that the thermocell charges up a capacitor when worn on a T-shirt by a person. We also have demonstrated that the electrical energy generated from waste pipe heat using a serial array of the thermocells and voltage converters can power a typical commercial light emitting diode (LED). 展开更多
关键词 wearable thermocell body heat waste heat recovery carbon nanotubes activated carbon textile porous electrode
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