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作者 王俊杰 王兴顺 +1 位作者 韩茗可 李文楚 《广东蚕业》 2024年第6期1-6,共6页
研究人员发现新的耐药性菌株含有耐药性基因mcr-1,使细菌对抗生素之一的多黏菌素(polymyxins)具有很强的抗性。文章致力于柞蚕免疫血淋巴干冻粉(ApDIH)和纳米银(AgNPs)对耐药性菌的杀菌效果研究,以丰富天然抗菌物质和饲料添加剂的种类... 研究人员发现新的耐药性菌株含有耐药性基因mcr-1,使细菌对抗生素之一的多黏菌素(polymyxins)具有很强的抗性。文章致力于柞蚕免疫血淋巴干冻粉(ApDIH)和纳米银(AgNPs)对耐药性菌的杀菌效果研究,以丰富天然抗菌物质和饲料添加剂的种类及用途。实验以ApDIH和AgNPs为材料,采用正交设计,以平皿抑菌圈法和分光光度法定性和定量测定ApDIH、AgNPs对若干病原菌的杀菌活性,通过测定杀菌圈直径以及吸光度变化计算其杀菌活力,并进行方差分析。实验结论:(1)在低浓度下,ApDIH和AgNPs对E.coli K12D31、K.pneumoniae和Salmonella有较强的杀菌效果,而当ApDIH浓度升高到5.00×10^(-3) mg/mL以上,AgNPs浓度升高到2.0×10^(-8) mg/mL以上时,才表现出对E.coli mcr-1的杀菌效果。(2)实验数据证实了ApDIH和AgNPs的杀菌活力存在浓度依赖关系。 展开更多
关键词 耐药性菌株 免疫血淋巴干冻粉 纳米银 杀菌活力
家蝇免疫血淋巴对几种动、植物病原菌的抑菌作用 被引量:14
作者 周永富 饶军华 +4 位作者 阳建春 罗裕良 伍明亮 李文楚 黄自然 《昆虫天敌》 CSCD 1997年第1期15-20,共6页
关键词 家蝇 幼虫 免疫血淋巴 抑菌活性
家蝇免疫血淋巴的性质研究 被引量:11
作者 饶军华 周永富 +3 位作者 阳建春 吴晓萍 郑青 黄自然 《昆虫天敌》 CSCD 1999年第3期121-125,共5页
带菌(E.coli.K12D31)针刺诱导36- 48h 后家蝇三龄幼虫免疫血淋巴的抑菌活性最高。其中抗菌成分为一种弱碱性物质,具有热稳定性、耐低温的特性。毛细管区带电泳(CZE)证实:经针刺诱导后家蝇免疫血淋巴的吸收峰与对照组大致相同,这表明家... 带菌(E.coli.K12D31)针刺诱导36- 48h 后家蝇三龄幼虫免疫血淋巴的抑菌活性最高。其中抗菌成分为一种弱碱性物质,具有热稳定性、耐低温的特性。毛细管区带电泳(CZE)证实:经针刺诱导后家蝇免疫血淋巴的吸收峰与对照组大致相同,这表明家蝇抗菌物质的产生可能受结构基因调控。 展开更多
关键词 家蝇 免疫血淋巴 性质
黄粉虫幼虫免疫血淋巴最佳制样条件的确定 被引量:13
作者 王小平 徐冠军 《华中农业大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 1998年第5期442-446,共5页
关键词 黄粉虫 大肠杆菌 免疫血淋巴 制样 抑菌物质
家蝇免疫血淋巴对SMMC-7721肝癌细胞超微结构和增殖周期的影响 被引量:17
作者 文彩虹 曲传智 +1 位作者 李东英 张晓琴 《河南肿瘤学杂志》 2004年第2期100-101,F003,共3页
目的 研究家蝇幼虫免疫血淋巴对SMMC 772 1细胞的作用机制。方法 提取家蝇幼虫免疫血淋巴 ,电镜观察对SMMC 772 1细胞超微结构的影响 ,流式细胞仪测定增殖周期的变化。结果 免疫血淋巴作用SMMC 772 1细胞后 ,细胞膜上出现小孔洞、线... 目的 研究家蝇幼虫免疫血淋巴对SMMC 772 1细胞的作用机制。方法 提取家蝇幼虫免疫血淋巴 ,电镜观察对SMMC 772 1细胞超微结构的影响 ,流式细胞仪测定增殖周期的变化。结果 免疫血淋巴作用SMMC 772 1细胞后 ,细胞膜上出现小孔洞、线粒体水肿、粗面内质网轻度扩张、游离的核糖体减少 ;细胞的增殖指数下降 (P <0 .0 1)。结论 家蝇免疫血淋巴作用SMMC 772 1细胞后 ,引起细胞膜通透性增高 ,抑制能量代谢 ,抑制分裂增殖。 展开更多
关键词 家蝇 免疫血淋巴 SMMC-772l 肝癌 细胞超微结构 细胞增殖 细胞周期
作者 戴祝英 郭玉梅 胡云龙 《广东蚕业》 1994年第2期60-60,共1页
关键词 抗菌肽 免疫血淋巴 肿瘤细胞 抑制作用 家蚕 杀菌作用 昆虫病毒 农作物 包含体 致病菌
冰核活性细菌(INAB)对菜青虫血淋巴免疫系统影响的研究 被引量:6
作者 杨凤连 程家森 罗佑珍 《昆虫知识》 CSCD 北大核心 2005年第4期391-394,F0002,共5页
实验采用浸泡和喂食2种方法,研究了冰核活性细菌(INAB)在不同处理时间对菜青虫Pierisrapae血淋巴免疫系统的影响。结果表明,采用水浴法可使菜青虫血淋巴免疫力被破坏,而喂食法效果则不明显;同时结果还表明冰核活性细菌主要是在低温条件... 实验采用浸泡和喂食2种方法,研究了冰核活性细菌(INAB)在不同处理时间对菜青虫Pierisrapae血淋巴免疫系统的影响。结果表明,采用水浴法可使菜青虫血淋巴免疫力被破坏,而喂食法效果则不明显;同时结果还表明冰核活性细菌主要是在低温条件下通过体表侵入菜青虫血淋巴而影响其免疫力。 展开更多
关键词 冰核活性细菌 菜青虫 淋巴免疫系统 免疫系统 淋巴 处理时间 低温条件 免疫 水浴法 喂食
生物技术在蚕业上的应用 被引量:1
作者 黄自然 《广东蚕业》 1995年第Z1期66-71,共6页
生物技术包括酶工程、细胞工程、基因工程、蛋白质工程及发酵工程等几个主要领域。运用生物技术的原理方法研究、开发蚕业生产上的重要问题,密切与常规传统技术结合,将会促进科学的发展。七十年代末,通过学习及思考开始起步,作为交叉学... 生物技术包括酶工程、细胞工程、基因工程、蛋白质工程及发酵工程等几个主要领域。运用生物技术的原理方法研究、开发蚕业生产上的重要问题,密切与常规传统技术结合,将会促进科学的发展。七十年代末,通过学习及思考开始起步,作为交叉学科互相渗透,运用蚕业的深厚基础与前沿学科并轨。 展开更多
关键词 柞蚕杀菌肽 生物技术 基因工程 大肠杆菌 溶菌酶 蚕业生产 免疫血淋巴 基因转化 柞蚕蛹 探针杂交
微量农药和大肠杆菌诱导蓖麻蚕产生抗菌物质的研究 被引量:2
作者 戴祝英 高建 +1 位作者 张双全 沙巨姣 《南京师大学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 1991年第4期90-95,共6页
用微量除虫菊酯类农药和大肠杆菌(E·coli)诱导蓖麻蚕(Philosamiacynthia ricini)蛹后,其血淋巴经聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳测活和葡聚糖凝胶、琼脂糖凝胶层析分离后,在蛹血淋巴中至少可分离到4种具有抗菌活性的物质,3种为偏碱性的抗菌蛋... 用微量除虫菊酯类农药和大肠杆菌(E·coli)诱导蓖麻蚕(Philosamiacynthia ricini)蛹后,其血淋巴经聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳测活和葡聚糖凝胶、琼脂糖凝胶层析分离后,在蛹血淋巴中至少可分离到4种具有抗菌活性的物质,3种为偏碱性的抗菌蛋白和抗菌多肽,1种为偏酸性的大分子抗菌蛋白。蓖麻蚕蛹免疫血淋巴中的抗菌物质以抗菌蛋白为主,其分子量为7万-7.5万和2.3万-2.4万道尔顿。两种小分子抗菌物质的含量较少,按其电泳位置推测,分子量为4000道尔顿左右。诱导前和诱导后3hr内注射放线菌素D均能抑制抗菌物质的合成。 展开更多
关键词 蓖麻蚕 抗菌活性 免疫血淋巴
The Characteristics of Immunophenotype in Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia and Its Clinical Significance 被引量:1
作者 舒文秀 陈燕 《The Chinese-German Journal of Clinical Oncology》 CAS 2005年第6期354-357,共4页
Objective: To study the characteristics of immunophenotype in acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) and its clinical significance. Methods: Immunophenotyping was performed on 81 ALL patients by three-color flow cytom... Objective: To study the characteristics of immunophenotype in acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) and its clinical significance. Methods: Immunophenotyping was performed on 81 ALL patients by three-color flow cytometry analysis using CD45/SSC gating, meanwhile the cytogenetic analysis was performed on 45 cases out of 81 ALL patients. Results: (1) CD19 was the most commonly expressed of all B-lineage antigens detected with the positive rate being 100%. In T-ALL, the positive expression rate of CD5 and CD7 was the highest, being 90%. Both B-ALL and T-ALL overlapped in expression of lineage antigens. There was no significant difference in the complete remission rate (CR rate) between T-ALL and B-ALL. (2) The incidence of ALL with rayeloid antigens expression (My+ALL) was 39.5%. CD13 was most often seen among the myeloid markers. My+ALL always involved in B-lineage antigens and the CR rate in children and adults was 72.2% and 78.6% respectively. (3) The incidence of HAL was 19.8%. Coexpression of B-lineage and myeloid-assoeiated antigens was the commonest subtype in HAL. The expression of CD34 was commonly seen in HAL patients (81.3%). The CR rate was low in HAL, 50% for children and 40% for adults. (4) Compared to T-ALL, B-ALL, My+ALL, and HAL had a higher positive rate of CD34 expression with the difference being significant (P〈0.025). Conclusion: Immunophenotyping had remarkable predominance in diagnosing special category of ALL (such as HAL and My+ALL); CD19 and CD5 were highly sensitive in diagnosing B-ALL and T-ALL, but less special, and overlapping was found in expression. No significant association was found between the expression of CD34 or myeloid antigens and CR rate, while low CR rate was found in HAL patients, especially for those coexpressing CD34 antigen. 展开更多
关键词 leukemia lymphoid cell acute IMMUNOPHENOTYPE
Changes in count and function of splenic lymphocytes from patients with portal hypertension 被引量:14
作者 Zong-Fang Li Shu Zhang +5 位作者 Gao-Bo Lv Ying Huang Wei Zhang Song Ren Jun Yang Shuang-Suo Dang 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2008年第15期2377-2382,共6页
AIM: To investigate changes in numbers and proliferative function of splenic lymphocytes in patients with hypersplenism due to portal hypertension (PH), to provide evidence for further study of immune status of the sp... AIM: To investigate changes in numbers and proliferative function of splenic lymphocytes in patients with hypersplenism due to portal hypertension (PH), to provide evidence for further study of immune status of the spleen during PH. METHODS: Twelve spleens from patients with hypersplenism due to PH served as the PH group, and four spleens from cases of traumatic spleen rupture were regarded as the control group. After weighing the spleen, lymphocytes were separated and counted using a cell counting plate to calculate the lymphocyte count per gram of spleen tissue (relative quantity) and total lymphocyte count in whole spleen (absolute quantity). The immunohistochemical SP method was used to observe the density and distribution of lymphocytes in the spleen. The MTT method was used to observe changes in lymphocyte proliferative function. RESULTS: As compared to the control group, the splenic lymphocytes in the PH group showed that: (1) There was no difference in distribution but a significant decreasein density; (2) the number of lymphocytes per gram of spleen (relative quantity) decreased significantly (0.822 ± 0.157) × 108 vs (1.174 ± 0.254) × 108, P < 0.01]; (3) with the significant increase in the weight of the PH spleen (832.6 ± 278.2 g vs 211.7 ± 85.6 g, P < 0.01), the total quantity of lymphocytes (absolute quantity) increased significantly (0.685 ± 0.072) × 1011 vs (0.366 ± 0.057) × 1011, P < 0.01]; and (4) the proliferative function of lymphocytes was enhanced: T lymphocytes, (0.022 ± 0.005 vs 0.015 ± 0.003, P < 0.05), and B lymphocytes (0.034 ± 0.006 vs 0.023 ± 0.001, P < 0.01). CONCLUSION: Although lymphocyte density in the spleen decreased in patients with PH, the total quantity of lymphocytes increased because spleen weight increased greatly, along with the proliferating function. With respect to changes in lymphocytes, PH spleens may still have immune function, although it may be disordered. However, complete evaluation of the immune function of the spleen in PH requires more research. 展开更多
关键词 Portal hypertension SPLEEN LYMPHOCYTE Immune function
Effect of lead exposure on the immune function of lymphocytes and erythrocytes in preschool children 被引量:3
作者 赵正言 李荣 +2 位作者 孙鹂 历志玉 杨茹莱 《Journal of Zhejiang University Science》 CSCD 2004年第8期1001-1004,共4页
Objective: To investigate the influence of lead exposure on the immune function of lymphocytes and erythrocytes in preschool children. Materials and methods: A group of 217 children three to six years of age from a ru... Objective: To investigate the influence of lead exposure on the immune function of lymphocytes and erythrocytes in preschool children. Materials and methods: A group of 217 children three to six years of age from a rural area were given a thorough physical examination and the concentration of lead in blood samples taken from each subject was determined. The indices of lymphocyte immunity (CD^+3CD^+4, CD^+3CD^+8, CD^+4CD^+8, CDˉ3CD^+19) and erythrocyte immunity (RBC-C3b, RBC-IC, RFER, RFIR, CD35 and its average fluorescence intensity) of 40 children with blood lead levels above 0.483 μmol/L were measured and compared with a control group. Results: The blood lead levels of the 217 children ranged from 0.11 μmol/L to 2.11 μmol/L. The CD^+3CD^+4and CD^+4CD^+8 cells were lower (P<0.01) and the CD^+3CD^+8 cells were higher in the lead-poisoned subjects than those in the control group (P<0.05). CD^+3 and CDˉ3CD^+19 did not show significant differences. Although the RBC-C3b rosette forming rate was lower and the RBC-IC rosette forming rate was higher in the lead-poisoned group, this difference could not be shown to be statistically significant (P>0.05). RFIR was found to be lower in the lead-poisoned group (P<0.01). Compared with the control group, the positive rate of CD35 was not found to be significantly different in a group of 25 lead-poisoned children (P>0.05), while the average fluorescence intensity was lower in the lead-poisoned group (P<0.05). Conclusion: Lead exposure can result in impaired immune function oft lymphocytes and erythrocytes in preschool children. 展开更多
关键词 CHILDREN Lead exposure Lymphocyte immunity Erythrocyte immunity
昆虫hemocytin蛋白研究进展 被引量:1
作者 王菁菁 胡宏旺 胡琼波 《昆虫学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第12期1687-1694,共8页
本课题组前期研究发现,绿僵菌素A与家蚕Bombyx mori的hemocytin蛋白互作,强烈抑制血淋巴免疫,预示hemocytin可能成为一种杀虫剂的新型作用靶标。因此,进一步了解hemocytin十分必要。Hemocytin是昆虫血淋巴免疫的重要因子,作为一种凝集素... 本课题组前期研究发现,绿僵菌素A与家蚕Bombyx mori的hemocytin蛋白互作,强烈抑制血淋巴免疫,预示hemocytin可能成为一种杀虫剂的新型作用靶标。因此,进一步了解hemocytin十分必要。Hemocytin是昆虫血淋巴免疫的重要因子,作为一种凝集素,介导血淋巴中的凝血、结节和囊胞化过程,防止表皮破损造成的血淋巴外溢和微生物入侵,并参与对已入侵病原的固定与清除。昆虫的hemocytin一般由3000~4000个氨基酸组成,是一个巨大的多结构域蛋白,含有多个重复排列的结构域,包括FA58C(coagulation factor 5 or 8 C-terminal),VWD(von Willebrand factor type D),TIL(trypsin inhibitor like cysteine rich),VWC(von Willebrand factor type C),CT(C-terminal cystine knot-like),C8(8 conserved cysteine residues),ChtBD2(chitin-binding domain type 2)和MUC(mucin-2 protein WxxW repeating region);不同昆虫间hemocytin的氨基酸序列相似性较小,但其结构域序列具有较高的保守性。Hemocytin由血细胞生物合成,以成熟形式分泌至血淋巴中。Hemocytin是凝血块的主要成分,通过其纤维结构凝聚血细胞和凝血因子形成软凝块封闭伤口,再通过交联作用形成硬凝块和结痂。Hemocytin在结节和囊胞化过程中发挥重要作用,将血细胞、免疫因子和病原体凝聚,最后联合黑化作用隔绝和杀死病原体。总体上,昆虫hemocytin的研究还不够深入。解析hemocytin调控昆虫免疫的分子机理,对于丰富昆虫免疫学基础研究,促进基于hemocytin为靶点的新型杀虫剂研发具有重要意义。 展开更多
关键词 Hemocytin 淋巴免疫 凝集素 囊胞化
Immune response of Pseudosciaena crocea to the injection of Vibrio alginolyticus 被引量:1
作者 鄢庆枇 张俊杰 +3 位作者 邹文政 陈强 庄峙厦 王小如 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第1期85-91,共7页
For the investigation of anti-infection immune response of Pseudosciaena crocea, 160 healthy fish samples were categorized into infected and control groups. Each individual fish in the infected group was injected intr... For the investigation of anti-infection immune response of Pseudosciaena crocea, 160 healthy fish samples were categorized into infected and control groups. Each individual fish in the infected group was injected intraperitoneally (i.p.) with 0.2 ml bacterial suspension of Vibrio alginolyticus in density of 2×107 CFU/ml, while each individual in the control group was injected i.p. with 0.2 ml sterile saline solution (0.85%). It was observed that the artificial injection of V. alginolyticus significantly increased the number of erythrocytes, leucocytes, lymphocytes in peripheral blood as well as peripheral serum antibacterial activity and antibody titer of large yellow croaker, and significantly reduced the number of peripheral blood granulocytes as compared with those in the control group. No significant difference in acid phosphytase and superoxide dismutase activity of serum was detected between the two groups. It is suggested that non-specific immune factors including leucocytes and anti-bacteria substance in peripheral blood played important role at the initial stage of infection, and specific immune factors such as antibody then played important role in response to anti-infection at the latter stage. 展开更多
关键词 Pseudosciaena crocea Vibrio alginolyticus artificial infection immune response
作者 Li-min Xing Zong-hong Shao +9 位作者 Rong Fu Hong Liu Jun Shi Jie Bai Mei-feng Tu Hua-quan Wang Zhen-zhu Cui Hai-rong Jia Juan Sun Chong-li Yang 《Chinese Medical Sciences Journal》 CAS CSCD 2007年第2期128-131,共4页
Objective To investigate the quantities of bone marrow CD5+ B lymphocytes in the patients with autoimmune hemocytopenia and the relationship between quantities of CD5+ B lymphocytes and clinical or laboratorial parame... Objective To investigate the quantities of bone marrow CD5+ B lymphocytes in the patients with autoimmune hemocytopenia and the relationship between quantities of CD5+ B lymphocytes and clinical or laboratorial parameters. Methods Quantities of CD5+ B lymphocytes in the bone marrow of 14 patients with autoimmune hemolytic anemia (AIHA) or Evans syndrome, 22 immunorelated pancytopenia (IRP) patients, and 10 normal controls were assayed by flow cytometry. The correlation between their clinical or laboratorial parameters and CD5+ B lymphocytes was analyzed. Results The quantity of CD5+ B lymphocytes of AIHA/Evans syndrome (34.64%±19.81%) or IRP patients (35.81%±16.83%) was significantly higher than that of normal controls (12.00%±1.97%, P<0.05). However, there was no significant difference between AIHA/Evans syndrome and IRP patients (P>0.05). In all hemocytopenic patients, the quantity of bone marrow CD5+ B lymphocytes showed significantly negative correlation with serum complement C3 level (r=-0.416, P<0.05). In the patients with AIHA/Evans syndrome, the quantity of bone marrow CD5+ B lymphocytes showed significantly positive correlation with serum indirect bilirubin level (r=1.00, P<0.05). In Evans syndrome patients, the quantity of CD5+ B lymphocytes in bone marrow showed significantly positive correlation with platelet-associated immunoglobulin G (r=0.761, P<0.05) and platelet-associated immunoglobulin M (r=0.925, P<0.05). The quantity of CD5+ B lymphocytes in bone marrow of all hemocytopenic patients showed significantly negative correlation with treatment response (tau-b=-0.289, P<0.05), but had no correlation with colony forming unit-erythroid (r=-0.205, P>0.05) or colony forming unit-granulocyte-macrophage colonies (r=-0.214, P>0.05). Conclusions The quantity of bone marrow CD5+ B lymphocytes in the patients with autoimmune hemocytopenia significantly increases and is correlated with disease severity and clinical response, which suggest that CD5+ B lymphocytes might play an important role in the pathogenesis of autoimmune hemocytopenia. 展开更多
关键词 autoimmune hemocytopenia B lymphocyte SUBTYPE
The immunophenotypic changes and clinical effectiveness after treatment of cancer patients with infusion of human peripheral blood lymphocytes stimulated by anti-CD28 and anti-CD80 monoclonal antibodies in combination with radiotherapy and chemotherapy
作者 JUN JIA LI QIONG LUO +4 位作者 XUE LING RUAN QI FENG CHENG LIAN HUA XIONG TONG WANG SHU LIN HUANG 《Journal of Microbiology and Immunology》 2005年第2期142-147,共6页
To investigate the changes on the immunopbenotypes and the clinical effects of treatment of the late cancer patients with infusion of human peripheral blood lymphocytes stimulated by anti-CD28 and anti-CD80 monoclonal... To investigate the changes on the immunopbenotypes and the clinical effects of treatment of the late cancer patients with infusion of human peripheral blood lymphocytes stimulated by anti-CD28 and anti-CD80 monoclonal antibodies in combination with radiotherapy and chemotherapy, 42 patients with late cancers were collected for study, among which 22 patients were treated with infusion of stimulated lymphocytes in combination with radiotherapy and chemotherapy. The immunological treatment procedure was given twice per week, and one course of treatment consisted of 8 times of giving infusion of lymphocytes. Another 20 patients were selected for control group, in which only radiotherapy and chemotherapy were given without lymphocyte infusions. Flow cytometry was used to examine the immunophenotypes and the clinical symptoms were observed before and after treatments. It was found that the numbers of the CD3^ + , CD4^+ cells increased, while those of the CD8 ^+ cells decreased, with an increase of CD4/CD8 radios, but no significant difference existed in case of 22 patients treated with lymphocyte infusion as well as with radiotherapy and chemotherapy. Fifteen patients out of these 22 cases (68.18%), the immunophenotypes changed obviously with increased numbers of CD3^ + , CD4^ + cells in comparison with those before treatment, and the number of CD95^ + cells was increased after treatment. The PS value in this group of patients decreased after treatment. In comparison with 20 cases in the control group, the immunophenotypes showed no differences before and after treatment. While the PS value decreased obviously. Seven out of the 22 cases (31.83 % ) treated with lymphocyte infusions as well as with radiotherapy and chemotherapy illustrated no major changes in their i mmunophenotypes, compared with the situation before treatment, but the PS value also decreased. In case of treatment with lymphocyte infusions in combination with radiotherapy and chemotherapy, the alteration of phenotypes was reversely correlated with the changes of clinical grades. Although there were 7 cases showing no major alterations of the immunological phenotypes, but their correlation was still evident. In the control group, neither alteration of immunophenotypes nor changes in clinical grades was found. It is concluded that immunotherapy in combination with radiotherapy and chemotherapy can relieve the side effects induced by radiotherapy and chemotherapy and also enhance the therapeutic efforts. 展开更多
关键词 Tumor immunotherapy Radiotherapy Chemotherapy Immunophenotype Clinical situation
Effect of cold-dryness on pulmonary and immunologic function in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease model rats
作者 Zhen Gao Fengsen Li +4 位作者 Halmurat Upur Jiang Min Wang Jing Jing Jing Dan Xu 《Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2014年第2期221-226,共6页
OBJECTIVE: To study the effects of cold-dryness on pulmonary and immunologic function of peripheral T-lymphocytes in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) model rats, and to provide references for the preven... OBJECTIVE: To study the effects of cold-dryness on pulmonary and immunologic function of peripheral T-lymphocytes in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) model rats, and to provide references for the prevention and treatment of cold-dryness COPD in the Xinjiang region. METHODS: The COPD model was established with an elastase drip into the trachea combined with smoking. The cold-dryness COPD model was developed by stressing with a cold-dry environment. Success of the model was determined by observation of pathologic lung sections. Rats were sacrificed by exsanguination from the femoral artery and changes of peripheral blood CD4+, CD8+, and CD4+/CD8+ were detected by flow cytometryo Data were analyzed with SAS 11.5 statistical software. RESULTS: On the ninetieth day after ending the ex- periment, Peak expiratory flow in the cold-dryness COPD group was lower than that in the COPD and normal control groups (P〈0.01). The time of inspiration in the cold-dryness COPD group was higher than that in the COPD and normal groups (P〈0.05). Time of expiration (Te) in the cold-dryness COPD group was higher than that in the COPD and normal groups (P〈0.01). 50% tidal volume expiratory flow (EFS0) in the cold-dryness COPD group was lower than that in the COPD and normal groups (P〈 0.01), and EFS0 in the COPD group was lower than that in the normal group (P〈0.05). CD4+ content of peripheral blood in the cold-dryness COPD group was lower than that in the COPD and the normal groups (P〈0.05). CD8+ content in the cold-dryness COPD and COPD groups was higher than that in the normal control group (P〈0.01), and CD8+ content in the cold-dryness COPD group was higher than that in the COPD group (P〈0.01). CD4+/CD8+ in the cold-dryness COPD group and the COPD group was lower than that in the normal control group (P〈0.01), and CD4+/CD8+ in the cold-dryness COPD group was lower than that in the COPD group (P〈0.05). CONCLUSION: In the cold-dryness COPD model, CD8+ increased and CD4+/CD8+ decreased. Moreover, cold-dryness may aggravate this state. The effects of cold-dryness on pulmonary function main- ly manifested as prolongation of Te and decrease of EF50, which could be one of causes of cold-dryness environment in the northwest of China leading to COPD with region characteristics. 展开更多
关键词 Pulmonary disease chronic obstructive T-LYMPHOCYTES CD4-CD8 ratio Cold-dryness
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