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引漳入卫及其对鲁北沿运地区的影响 被引量:1
作者 闫金伟 《聊城大学学报(社会科学版)》 2011年第2期309-310,共2页
引漳入卫是明清政府为充分保障运河水源畅通而实施的"保运"工程。引漳入卫这一措施的实施,给鲁北沿运地区带来了很大的影响,一方面保障了漕运的畅通无阻,另一方面给沿运地区带来了水灾,淤塞了运道,并导致了漕运与农田生产之... 引漳入卫是明清政府为充分保障运河水源畅通而实施的"保运"工程。引漳入卫这一措施的实施,给鲁北沿运地区带来了很大的影响,一方面保障了漕运的畅通无阻,另一方面给沿运地区带来了水灾,淤塞了运道,并导致了漕运与农田生产之间的矛盾。 展开更多
关键词 引漳入卫 漳河 漕运
作者 罗建军 《海河水利》 北大核心 1996年第6期43-44,共2页
关键词 引黄 引黄入卫工程 水利建设 效益分析
作者 李秀明 《海河水利》 1998年第5期21-22,共2页
1概况引黄入卫工程是华北地区跨流域,跨省区的大型调水工程。该工程利用山东引黄灌区三干渠输水系统,在非灌溉季节(11月至翌年2月)引黄河水调入河北省东南部地区,以缓解该地区严重缺水状况,设计流量75m3/s,输水总量5... 1概况引黄入卫工程是华北地区跨流域,跨省区的大型调水工程。该工程利用山东引黄灌区三干渠输水系统,在非灌溉季节(11月至翌年2月)引黄河水调入河北省东南部地区,以缓解该地区严重缺水状况,设计流量75m3/s,输水总量5亿m3/a。临清立交穿卫枢纽由6大... 展开更多
关键词 涵闸 设计 引黄入卫工程
作者 张锁柱 《河北水利》 1995年第2期16-18,27,共4页
大型跨流域调水工程──引黄入卫工程浅议海河水利委员会张锁柱一、工程概况引黄入卫工程包括山东省引黄入卫、临清立交穿卫枢纽和河北省接水输水工程三部分。山东省引黄入卫工程是对原位山引黄灌区三干渠进行改建、扩建;因引黄需要,... 大型跨流域调水工程──引黄入卫工程浅议海河水利委员会张锁柱一、工程概况引黄入卫工程包括山东省引黄入卫、临清立交穿卫枢纽和河北省接水输水工程三部分。山东省引黄入卫工程是对原位山引黄灌区三干渠进行改建、扩建;因引黄需要,新建临清立交穿卫枢纽工程;河北省接... 展开更多
关键词 引黄入卫工程 调水工程 沉沙池 跨流域 河北省 农业综合开发 聊城地区 位山灌区 领导小组 水资源
作者 张志强 《水利水电工程设计》 1995年第1期26-29,共4页
关键词 引黄入卫工程 调水工程 防冰 设计 概况
“引卫入阴法”治疗失眠探析 被引量:3
作者 范继东 李敬林 《国医论坛》 2017年第6期31-33,共3页
目的:探讨"引卫入阴"治疗失眠的机理及具体方法。方法:以《内经》理论为指导,探讨人体寤寐的产生机制、卫气的生理及失眠的病因病机。结果:《内经》认为"卫气不得入于阴"是失眠产生的最根本病机,并针对此病机提出&q... 目的:探讨"引卫入阴"治疗失眠的机理及具体方法。方法:以《内经》理论为指导,探讨人体寤寐的产生机制、卫气的生理及失眠的病因病机。结果:《内经》认为"卫气不得入于阴"是失眠产生的最根本病机,并针对此病机提出"引卫入阴"可有效治疗失眠,"理气""活血""化痰""祛湿""泻热""消食""补益"为"引卫入阴"常用7法。结论:"引卫入阴法"的提出,弥补了中医药治疗失眠的不足,为失眠的治疗提供了新的思路。 展开更多
关键词 失眠 学术探讨
卫河的形成及其相关问题 被引量:2
作者 钮仲勋 《河南大学学报(社会科学版)》 1985年第1期83-87,共5页
卫河是海河水系的五大河之一,它在历史上是条重要的运河,在南北漕运中曾发挥过重大的作用,直到现在仍然有利用的价值。卫河的形成,经过了一个相当长的历史时期,在卫河形成的历史过程中,曾出现一些与它密切相关的问题,如曹操开白沟,隋炀... 卫河是海河水系的五大河之一,它在历史上是条重要的运河,在南北漕运中曾发挥过重大的作用,直到现在仍然有利用的价值。卫河的形成,经过了一个相当长的历史时期,在卫河形成的历史过程中,曾出现一些与它密切相关的问题,如曹操开白沟,隋炀帝开永济渠,以及明清时期为了解决漕运与灌溉的矛盾对它所采取一系列措施等等。探讨这些问题,不仅对研究卫河的历史有重要意义,而且对今后卫河的综合治理也可提供一些借鉴。 展开更多
关键词 御河 永济渠 白沟 淇水 沁河 公元 入卫 沁水 百泉
引黄入冀工程介绍 被引量:1
《河北水利》 1995年第1期24-25,共2页
引黄入冀工程介绍河北省引黄办公室为尽快缓解河北省东、南部平原地区水资源严重紧缺的状况,国家农业开发办、水利部投资2.1亿元扩建了山东位山灌区三干渠,并修建了穿卫立交工程,使黄河水引入河北。引黄入冀供水范围涉及3个市(... 引黄入冀工程介绍河北省引黄办公室为尽快缓解河北省东、南部平原地区水资源严重紧缺的状况,国家农业开发办、水利部投资2.1亿元扩建了山东位山灌区三干渠,并修建了穿卫立交工程,使黄河水引入河北。引黄入冀供水范围涉及3个市(地)的23个县(市、区、农场),重... 展开更多
关键词 工程介绍 引水口 设计流量 米每秒 衡水地区 总干渠 引黄入卫工程 沧州市 黄河水 供水协议
Assessing the genetic integrity of captive and wild populations for reintroduction programs:the case of Cabot's Tragopan in China 被引量:1
作者 董路 牛文慧 +4 位作者 周祯婷 许育诚 孙岳 Huw Lloyd 张雁云 《Chinese Birds》 2011年第2期65-71,共7页
Reintroduction of captive-bred animals into suitable habitats is an important technique for the long-term conservation and recovery of populations of endangered species in fragmented landscapes.Inbreeding depression i... Reintroduction of captive-bred animals into suitable habitats is an important technique for the long-term conservation and recovery of populations of endangered species in fragmented landscapes.Inbreeding depression is an inherent risk when using captive populations for reintroduction programs and needs to be carefully assessed prior to reintroduction.In this study,we evaluated inbreeding levels within a captive breeding program and one remnant wild population of Cabot's Tragopan (Tragopan caboti),an endangered pheasant species endemic to China,for which reintroduction is now an essential conservation strategy for long-term population persistence.Fifteen highly polymorphic microsatellite loci were developed to genotype individuals.Inbreeding coefficients (FIS) reveal that there is no evidence of inbreeding within the Tragopan Breeding Center of Beijing Normal University (TBCBNU) captive population and the remnant population from the Wuyi-Yandang Mountains.Diversity of origin,large founder population size and a rational breeding strategy are the most critical factors preventing inbreeding depression within the TBCBNU captive population.We suggest that the TBCBNU population is a suitable candidate stock for T.caboti reintroduction programs and that there is an urgent need to better coordinate and strengthen reproduction management of captive T.caboti populations to sustain the long-term ex situ conservation of the species. 展开更多
关键词 Tragopan caboti REINTRODUCTION INBREEDING microsatellites
作者 汪秉仁 《地域研究与开发》 1983年第1期40-46,共7页
一、原延封涝碱洼地的形成与排水出路问题 (一)存在问题的症结: 本区地处半干旱半湿润季风型气候区,年降水量650毫米左右,70%以上多以暴雨形式集中在7—9月降落,年蒸发量1300毫米,年内较长时间干旱无雨。由于土壤多系黄河泛滥变迁形成... 一、原延封涝碱洼地的形成与排水出路问题 (一)存在问题的症结: 本区地处半干旱半湿润季风型气候区,年降水量650毫米左右,70%以上多以暴雨形式集中在7—9月降落,年蒸发量1300毫米,年内较长时间干旱无雨。由于土壤多系黄河泛滥变迁形成的潮土和盐化潮土,毛细管发育,极易返盐。 1963——1965年对区内排水骨干河道天然文岩渠,(流域面积2514平方公里,耕地218万亩),曾按三年一遇标准治理,五年一遇标准配套,基本建成了较为完整的排水渠系。 展开更多
关键词 引黄 黄淮海平原 低产区 淤灌 解决途径 存在的主要问题 水利 天然 洼地 入卫
作者 万揆一 《云南师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 1995年第2期30-34,共5页
清兵入关后次年,在南京建立的南明弘先政权,派负来滇征兵、北上入卫。这支拥有胡一青、王永祚等骁将的劲旅,此后相继转战赣、湘、桂等省,归属于永历小朝廷,有“御滇营”之称。永历小朝廷政治同样床败,在清军日益逼近的严峻形势下... 清兵入关后次年,在南京建立的南明弘先政权,派负来滇征兵、北上入卫。这支拥有胡一青、王永祚等骁将的劲旅,此后相继转战赣、湘、桂等省,归属于永历小朝廷,有“御滇营”之称。永历小朝廷政治同样床败,在清军日益逼近的严峻形势下,内部党同伐异、攘夺权利、矛盾重重。“御滇营”主帅赵印选,封公爵后日渐腐化,耽于享乐,从而影响团结,造成分裂,最后全军覆没。本文简述“御滇营”从建立到瓦解的经过,并论其失败的原因。 展开更多
关键词 兴复明室 入卫 笼络 绝路
作者 唐元萍 《当代护士(中旬刊)》 1997年第4期16-16,共1页
我第二次迈入卫校的大门,同一条小巷,同样的教室,那么熟悉,那么亲切。然而不同的年代,不同的身份,又是那么陌生,那么激动。 八十年代初期我步出卫校。纯真浪漫使我如同高飞的乳燕,鞍前马后地护理着病人,昼夜不停地看护着患者。他们的呻... 我第二次迈入卫校的大门,同一条小巷,同样的教室,那么熟悉,那么亲切。然而不同的年代,不同的身份,又是那么陌生,那么激动。 八十年代初期我步出卫校。纯真浪漫使我如同高飞的乳燕,鞍前马后地护理着病人,昼夜不停地看护着患者。他们的呻吟牵动着我的心,他们的痛苦刺痛着我的神经;他们的微笑使我心胸开怀。 展开更多
关键词 护理事业 南丁格尔 护理教育 昼夜不停 八十年代 护理岗位 入卫 医疗护理 通过费 教师
广东造船工程学会第八届理事会理事名单 (排名不分先后)
《广东造船》 1995年第3期58-60,共3页
关键词 造船工程 事名 会理 广东 入卫 扩口 叼口
《内蒙古宣传》 1997年第2期38-38,共1页
关键词 巧算 星期几 星期三 星期日 适用于1 武力 入卫 天罡 计器 次类
Using action research to evaluate a nursing orientation program in a multicultural acute healthcare setting 被引量:2
作者 Diana S.Lalithabai Wael M.Ammar +1 位作者 Khalid S.Alghamdi Ahmad E.Aboshaiqah 《International Journal of Nursing Sciences》 CSCD 2021年第2期181-189,I0004,共10页
Objectives:Competence motivates newly employed nurses to provide high-quality care,which leads to appropriate patient care and satisfaction.A nursing orientation program can have a positive impact on new nurses who ar... Objectives:Competence motivates newly employed nurses to provide high-quality care,which leads to appropriate patient care and satisfaction.A nursing orientation program can have a positive impact on new nurses who are joining healthcare organizations.The research examined the orientation program for new nurses in a multicultural setting to redesign the program.Methods:The study was carried out in a multicultural tertiary setting.Action research was used as a research strategy with qualitative content analysis and quantitative evaluation.Seventy nurses were part of the orientation program.The competence of the nurses was assessed using the Nurse Competence Scale.Focus-group discussions were also conducted to find the views of the beneficiaries about the program.Results:The study revealed that the overall competence was high,and there was an overall gain in the competence score(5.48%)among the nurses.Among their competence in different dimensions,new nurses had a maximum gain in competence for the dimension of ensuring quality.However,they showed low competence gain in teaching coaching.The results show that the difference in the overall pre-and post-test scores was statistically significant(P<0.05)in all dimensions except teaching coaching and managing situations,and the program was effective.However,a few challenges were identified in the program.Conclusions:New nurses were found to be competent,and the orientation program had a significant impact on the competence of the nurses.The findings emphasized the need for modification of some content and strategy for future programs.The strategies developed from the findings were presented.This helps hospitals to consider examining specific aspects of the orientation program and redesigning it so it can enrich the experiences of new nurses. 展开更多
关键词 Action research COMPETENCY Healthcare Orientation program Nurses
Enhanced multiple access schemes for future broadband satellite communications
作者 贾敏 顾学迈 郭庆 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2010年第1期117-122,共6页
A new structure of next generation integrated communication system was proposed, which is composed of space segment based on satellites and terrestrial segment. Moreover, the characteristics of enhanced multiple acces... A new structure of next generation integrated communication system was proposed, which is composed of space segment based on satellites and terrestrial segment. Moreover, the characteristics of enhanced multiple access schemes based on orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) technique were analyzed for satellite links. However, OFDM is a doubtful candidate as its higher peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR) that causes the distortion of high power amplifier (HPA). Furthermore, different schemes were evaluated and compared in terms of the HPA nonlinearity and the link level performance in detail. And the pilot-aided channel estimation and equalization techniques were also considered for analyzing the problem. Simulation results show that the bit error rate (BER) and block error rate (BLER) performance of orthogonal frequency division multiple access (OFDMA) outperforms that of single carrier-frequency division multiple access (SC-FDMA) for the satellite links in the proposed structure, though discrete Fourier transform-spread OFDM DFT-S OFDM has low PAPR, especially the BER performance of OFDMA is 3.6 dB larger than that of SC-FDMA at the target BER. 展开更多
关键词 SATELLITE orthogonal frequency division multiplexing discrete Fourier transform high power amplifier channel estimation
Community-Based Health Insurance: An Evolutionary Approach to Achieving Universal Coverage in Low-Income Countries
作者 Hong Wang Nancy Pielemeier 《Journal of Life Sciences》 2012年第3期320-329,共10页
The WHO World Health Assembly, and the most recent WHO World Health Report, have called for all health systems to move toward universal coverage. However, low-income countries have made little progress in this respect... The WHO World Health Assembly, and the most recent WHO World Health Report, have called for all health systems to move toward universal coverage. However, low-income countries have made little progress in this respect. We use existing evidence to describe the evolution of community-based health insurance in low-income countries through the three stages of basic model, enhanced model, and nationwide model. We have concluded that community-based health insurance development is a potential strategy to meet the urgent need for health financing in low-income countries. With careful planning and implementation, it is possible to adopt such evolutionary approach to achieve universal coverage by extending tax-based financing/social insurance characteristics to community-based health insurance schemes. 展开更多
关键词 Universal coverage community-based health insurance health care financing financial risk protection.
Stopping or reducing dietary fiber intake reduces constipation and its associated symptoms 被引量:9
作者 Kok-Sun Ho Charmaine You Mei Tan +1 位作者 Muhd Ashik Mohd Daud Francis Seow-Choen 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第33期4593-4596,共4页
AIM: To investigate the effect of reducing dietary fiber on patients with idiopathic constipation. METHODS: Sixty-three cases of idiopathic constipation presenting between May 2008 and May 2010 were enrolled into the ... AIM: To investigate the effect of reducing dietary fiber on patients with idiopathic constipation. METHODS: Sixty-three cases of idiopathic constipation presenting between May 2008 and May 2010 were enrolled into the study after colonoscopy excluded an organic cause of the constipation. Patients with previous colon surgery or a medical cause of their constipation were excluded. All patients were given an explanation on the role of fiber in the gastrointestinal tract. They were then asked to go on a no fiber diet for 2 wk. Thereafter, they were asked to reduce the amount of dietary fiber intake to a level that they found acceptable. Dietary fiber intake, symptoms of constipation, difficulty in evacuation of stools, anal bleeding, abdominal bloating or abdominal pain were recorded at 1 and 6 mo. RESULTS: The median age of the patients (16 male, 47 female) was 47 years (range, 20-80 years). At 6 mo, 41 patients remained on a no fiber diet, 16 on a reduced fiber diet, and 6 resumed their high fiber diet for religious or personal reasons. Patients who stopped or reduced dietary fiber had significant improvement in their symp-toms while those who continued on a high fiber diet had no change. Of those who stopped fiber completely, the bowel frequency increased from one motion in 3.75 d (± 1.59 d) to one motion in 1.0 d (± 0.0 d) (P < 0.001); those with reduced fiber intake had increased bowel frequency from a mean of one motion per 4.19 d (± 2.09 d) to one motion per 1.9 d (± 1.21 d) on a reduced fiber diet (P < 0.001); those who remained on a high fiber diet continued to have a mean of one motion per 6.83 d (± 1.03 d) before and after consultation. For no fiber, reduced fiber and high fiber groups, respectively, symptoms of bloating were present in 0%, 31.3% and 100% (P < 0.001) and straining to pass stools occurred in 0%, 43.8% and 100% (P < 0.001). CONCLUSION: Idiopathic constipation and its associated symptoms can be effectively reduced by stopping or even lowering the intake of dietary fiber. 展开更多
关键词 Dietary fiber Constipation Chronic idiopathic constipation Abdominal bloating
Brazil After Lula and Dilma Administrations: The Bolsa Familia and Implantation of a Basic Income 被引量:1
作者 Maria Ozanira da Silva e Silva Valeria Ferreira Santos de Almada Lima 《Sociology Study》 2017年第4期179-194,共16页
The Family Stipend Program (Bolsa Famflia--BF) has been implemented since 2003 as the main strategy to face poverty in Brazil. Its benefit is the transfer of income to poor and extremely poor families as well as to ... The Family Stipend Program (Bolsa Famflia--BF) has been implemented since 2003 as the main strategy to face poverty in Brazil. Its benefit is the transfer of income to poor and extremely poor families as well as to articulate the monetary income transfer with some structural policies, mainly education, health, and work. The BF has already reached almost 14 million of families and is implemented in all the 5,545 Brazilian municipalities, i.e. about ~ of the Brazilian population. The program requires the fulfillment of some conditionalities in the field of education and health, such as: enrollment and attendance of the children and adolescents in school; children must get basic health care; and pregnant women must receive prenatal care. The BF is considered in Brazil, according to Eduardo Suplicy's Law Bill 266/2001 sanctioned by President Lula on ]anuary 8 of 2004, as the first step towards creating a Citizenship Basic Income. The goal of this proposal is to present and to problematize the recent political and economic post Lula and Dilma Administrations situation in order to demonstrate the climate of regression in the social protection programs and the dismantling of the same social rights already conquered by the worker class and the poor population. Among the programs to be mentioned is the BF. The intention is to highlight the economic situation of a long recession and rise in unemployment rates besides the decrease of the workers' income and the repression of social movements, in order to develop an analysis of the BF in this context. 展开更多
关键词 Family stipend income transfer programs Brazil
作者 钟竑 朱洪生 张臻 《Journal of Shanghai Second Medical University(Foreign Language Edition)》 2002年第1期11-15,共5页
Objective To study the improvement of infarcted myocardial contractile force after autologous skeletal muscle satellite cell implantation via intracoronary arterial perfusion. Methods Skeletal muscle cells were harves... Objective To study the improvement of infarcted myocardial contractile force after autologous skeletal muscle satellite cell implantation via intracoronary arterial perfusion. Methods Skeletal muscle cells were harvested from gluteus max of adult mongrel dogs and the cells were cultured and expanded before being labeled with DAPI (4’, 6-diamidino-2-phenylindone). The labeled cells were then implanted into the acute myocardial infarct site via the ligated left anterior descending (LAD) coronary artery. Specimens were taken at 2nd, 4th, 8th week after myoblast implantation for histologic and contractile force evaluation, respectively. Results The satellite cells with fluorescence had been observed in the infarct site and also in papi- llary muscle with consistent oriented direction of host myocardium. A portion of the implanted cells had differen- tiated into muscle fibers. Two weeks after implantation, the myocardial contractile force showed no significant difference between the cell implant group and control group. At 4 and 8 week, the contractile force in the cell implant group was better than that in control group. Conclusion The skeletal muscle satellite cells, implanted into infarct myocardium by intracoronary arterial perfusion, could disseminate through the entire infarcted zone with myocardial regeneration and improve the contractile function of the infarcted myocardium. 展开更多
关键词 acute myocardial infarction skeletal muscle satellite cell cell implantation myocardial regeneration myocardial contractile force
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