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作者 吴凡 徐维德 《经贸导刊》 1999年第11期22-23,共2页
面对着即将大敞的国门和风云变幻的国际市场,在我们看到加入世贸组织所给我们带来的种种机遇和实惠时,我们绝不可忽视“入贸”将会给我国市场带来的巨大冲击和严峻挑战,也许我们更应该用另一只眼睛来看看加入WTO所带来的种种影响,以更... 面对着即将大敞的国门和风云变幻的国际市场,在我们看到加入世贸组织所给我们带来的种种机遇和实惠时,我们绝不可忽视“入贸”将会给我国市场带来的巨大冲击和严峻挑战,也许我们更应该用另一只眼睛来看看加入WTO所带来的种种影响,以更审慎的眼光来看待开放竞争与我国市场的适度保护。 展开更多
关键词 组织 民族产业 保护措施 入贸 适度保护 支柱产业 总协定 国际市场 关税保护 国内市场
作者 梅德平 《农村经济与技术》 1999年第6期7-8,共2页
犹如一声惊雷,随着4月中旬朱总理出访美国、加拿大的极大成功,中国年内加入WTO已迈出最为坚实的一步。尤其是《中美农业合作协议》的签署,更标志着中国农业将进一步向甚富竞争力的国外市场开放。 那么,加入世贸组织后,中国农业将面临怎... 犹如一声惊雷,随着4月中旬朱总理出访美国、加拿大的极大成功,中国年内加入WTO已迈出最为坚实的一步。尤其是《中美农业合作协议》的签署,更标志着中国农业将进一步向甚富竞争力的国外市场开放。 那么,加入世贸组织后,中国农业将面临怎样的机遇和遭遇何等的冲击? 展开更多
关键词 中国 农业 WTO 入贸 发展机遇 组织
《中国金属通报》 2001年第10期2-2,共1页
关键词 入贸 国内企业 中小企业 跨国企业 大公司 受惠 时间 达成协议 延迟 对华
作者 仲大军 《中国远洋航务》 1999年第6期2-5,共4页
中国入贸问题,已经成了当前经济界意见分歧较大的问题。 加入世贸将对中国带来什么影响?主要看入贸的条件,而这些条款又非常具体,入贸是一项大工程,淡判对象不是一个世贸组织,而是各个国家。人们关心入贸无非是入贸将会对自己带来什么... 中国入贸问题,已经成了当前经济界意见分歧较大的问题。 加入世贸将对中国带来什么影响?主要看入贸的条件,而这些条款又非常具体,入贸是一项大工程,淡判对象不是一个世贸组织,而是各个国家。人们关心入贸无非是入贸将会对自己带来什么。但这一问题又非常复杂,因为中国的情况复杂,既有走上市场的竞争性企业,又有仍然处在国家保护下的垄断企业; 展开更多
关键词 入贸 关税削减 组织 谈判 世界易组织 关税率 易权利 进口限额 农产品
作者 刘松林 《经贸导刊》 1999年第11期19-19,共1页
一、人口问题:最大忧虑。据预测,中国人口在2050年达到16亿左右时才有可能实现零增长。因此,有人曾惊呼,下个世纪谁来养活中国。而且目前人口问题中存在着诸多隐患:农村已形成潜在失业大军,人口老龄化居世界之首,人口总体素质差等,这些... 一、人口问题:最大忧虑。据预测,中国人口在2050年达到16亿左右时才有可能实现零增长。因此,有人曾惊呼,下个世纪谁来养活中国。而且目前人口问题中存在着诸多隐患:农村已形成潜在失业大军,人口老龄化居世界之首,人口总体素质差等,这些都将成为一个下世纪无法推卸的沉重包袱。 展开更多
关键词 人口问题 人口老龄化 入贸 农民问题 东西差距 教育问题 科技竞争力 教育运行机制 技术改进 潜在失业
作者 许森林 《经贸导刊》 1999年第11期16-18,共3页
关键词 “复关” 反倾销 入贸 组织 中国经济 最惠国待遇 谈判 经营机制 发展非公有制经济 中国加WTO
作者 徐唐龄 《金融经济》 1999年第5期1-1,共1页
关键词 入贸 克林顿 自我保护 关税和易总协定 “复关” 最惠国待遇 易组织 国际 国有企业 扩大内需
面临加入世贸组织的我国旅行社业 被引量:8
作者 煜炜 《旅游学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 1998年第2期26-30,62,共6页
面临加入世贸组织的我国旅行社业□煜炜伴随着我国加入世贸组织步伐的加快,开放服务贸易正在向我们逼近。按服务贸易总协定规定的以市场为基础,以自由贸易为原则,实行最惠国待遇、市场准入、国民待遇等条款,就旅行社业来说,则意味... 面临加入世贸组织的我国旅行社业□煜炜伴随着我国加入世贸组织步伐的加快,开放服务贸易正在向我们逼近。按服务贸易总协定规定的以市场为基础,以自由贸易为原则,实行最惠国待遇、市场准入、国民待遇等条款,就旅行社业来说,则意味着本国市场允许外国旅行社企业准入,... 展开更多
关键词 旅行社业 组织 外资旅行社 境旅游 旅行社管理条例 国内旅游 美国旅行社 市场定位 入贸 市场准
作者 李之 《中国粮食经济》 1999年第5期45-45,共1页
4月10日,中美签署《农业合作协议》,并发表关于中国加入世贸组织的联合声明。看来我国“入贸”已为期不远。“入贸”意味着中国的农产品市场将向具有极强竞争力的国外农产品开放。这对长期在自然风险、市场风险、政策风险中苦苦搏... 4月10日,中美签署《农业合作协议》,并发表关于中国加入世贸组织的联合声明。看来我国“入贸”已为期不远。“入贸”意味着中国的农产品市场将向具有极强竞争力的国外农产品开放。这对长期在自然风险、市场风险、政策风险中苦苦搏斗的广大粮食生产群体及国有粮食流通... 展开更多
关键词 入贸 粮食生产 国际市场 顺价销售 中国加组织 国有粮食企业 体制改革 农产品市场 市场风险 粮食流通
作者 杨春 张海元 黄志平 《中国水运(下半月)》 2016年第11期7-8,11,共3页
关键词 级军 内舾防火设计 防火材料 防火绝缘 甲板敷料
作者 成诚 《金融管理与研究(杭州金融研修学院学报)》 2004年第5期64-64,共1页
关键词 山西票号 人之道 学徒期间 顶身股制 通票 总经理 入贸 准接触 造铁 杂活
作者 孙晓芹 《经济工作导刊》 1996年第12期41-42,共2页
五、“追赶型”非均衡发展战略。 这一战略,就是通过突出重点,将生产要素配置到效益最好的部门,并利用其生产的相关效应,带动整个国经济的发展,提高有效供给,增强综合国力,以缩短同欧美发达国家的经济差距。日本政府根据经济计划设定的... 五、“追赶型”非均衡发展战略。 这一战略,就是通过突出重点,将生产要素配置到效益最好的部门,并利用其生产的相关效应,带动整个国经济的发展,提高有效供给,增强综合国力,以缩短同欧美发达国家的经济差距。日本政府根据经济计划设定的目标和经济发展的阶段性,各个经济发展时期均有不同的产业政策目标和追赶目标。1995年制定的《经济自立五年计划》强调,“日本今后的产业结构要以第二产业。特别是重工业的发展为中心”,并提出了加强技术产业及完善充实产业用地的具体构想。1957年日本政府在《在新时期经济计划》 展开更多
关键词 日本政府 产业结构优化升级 引进技术 关税制度 六十年代 入贸 成长产业 易自由化 新技术装备 钢铁工业
Embodied Pollution in China-U.S.Trade——An Empirical Study Based on Estimation of Input-Output Technology Matrix
作者 党玉婷 《China Economist》 2015年第1期43-57,共15页
Using input-output tables of China and the U.S., this paper has calculated the pollution embodied in trade and structure of pollution, the balance of emissions embodied in trade (BEET) and the pollution terms of tra... Using input-output tables of China and the U.S., this paper has calculated the pollution embodied in trade and structure of pollution, the balance of emissions embodied in trade (BEET) and the pollution terms of trade (PTT) for 18 manufacturing sectors of China and the US. between 2001 and 2010. The calculation aims to verify whether China has become a "pollution haven" in bilateral trade with developed countries represented by the U.S., and whether Chinese exports are "dirtier" compared with imports from the U.S., and further conducting an industry structure analysis and effect decomposition study on pollution embodied in trade in industrial goods between China and U.S.. Result of our research indicates that according to our calculation of the BEET, China remains a country with environmental deficits in bilateral trade with the U.S. while the gaps between pollution embodied in China's export and import are narrowing. Pollution embodied in China's export has the tendency of increase before decline while pollution embodied in import demonstrates no significant tendency of decline. Through effect decomposition, we further found that the effect of technology arising from the substantial decline of pollution intensity effectively lowered pollution embodied in export and narrowed the environmental deficits of China in its bilateral trade. The effect of scale arising from growing export volumes significantly increased China's environmental deficits while the structural effect arising from changes in the structure of import and export is insignificant in reducing environmental deficits. Our calculation of the PTT led to the finding that China's export goods are more pollution intensive compared with import goods and that the structure of US exports to China is cleaner than the structure of Chinese exports to the US., which requires further improvements of China's import and export structure. 展开更多
关键词 China-US trade embodied pollution balance of emissions embodied in trade pollution terms of trade (PTT) environmental effect of trade
Analysis of the Energy Embodied in Foreign Goods Trade of China
作者 Ma Tao Fang Changming Chen Jiakuan 《Chinese Journal of Population,Resources and Environment》 2009年第4期39-45,共7页
In recent years,scientists have been increasingly interested in the energy embodied in traded goods among countries.In this article,the direct energy intensities in various economic sectors of China were calculated wi... In recent years,scientists have been increasingly interested in the energy embodied in traded goods among countries.In this article,the direct energy intensities in various economic sectors of China were calculated with the data of energy consumption and output value of each sector,and the input-output table was used to estimate the external energy consumption.The total energy intensity of all sectors was then obtained.From the data of international trade,the energy embodied in goods trade of China was estimated for the period of 1994-2001.During this period,the average energy intensity of imported goods was always higher than that of exported ones.As a country with a surplus in international goods trade,China actually imported net embodied energy in the past few years.The net embodied energy imported was at the same magnitude of the imported energy in the form of fossil fuels. 展开更多
关键词 embodied energy foreign trade China
India's Engagement With Indonesia: Potentiality Lies in Air Services
作者 Anil K Kanungo Abhishek Jha 《Journalism and Mass Communication》 2018年第2期101-110,共10页
Global financial crisis and subsequent protectionist measures of US government motivated Indian government to look for opportunities towards ASEAN nations through "Look East Policy." While scouting for opportunities... Global financial crisis and subsequent protectionist measures of US government motivated Indian government to look for opportunities towards ASEAN nations through "Look East Policy." While scouting for opportunities, it was found that Indonesian air services market is buoyant and promising where Indonesia has recently liberalized its open sky policies for inviting domestic as well as foreign investment. Time is appropriate for Indian government to negotiate on how India can participate in Indonesian domestic market and provide air services to its consumers. The paper tries to analyze how Indian private domestic airlines can enter into the markets of Indonesia and whether they would be able to provide such services. It further tries to examine that certain value addition services in terms of auxiliary air services are currently required for Indonesia. To that extent, how is India going to capitalize such opportunities by providing such competitive value addition services? Indonesia is currently witnessing frequent air accidents and making safety as a major concern for consumers. It tries to argue whether India can provide technical and other support services to reduce such hazards. The research methodology includes Input-Output Table calculating using WIOD (World Input Output Database) database. National Input-Output Table for analyzing Indonesian air services was also consulted for authors' own calculations 展开更多
关键词 air services ASEAN auxiliary services Input-Output Table WIOD database
Trends and Features of China's Inter-Provincial Trade:1987-2007
作者 张少军 李善同 《China Economist》 2014年第2期90-99,共10页
With today's economic globalization,inter-provincial trade plays an important role in a country's economy.This paper is the first to adopt the input-output tables of 30 Chinese provinces and to summarize the e... With today's economic globalization,inter-provincial trade plays an important role in a country's economy.This paper is the first to adopt the input-output tables of 30 Chinese provinces and to summarize the evolution of China's inter-provincial trade from1987 to 2007.This paper reaches the following conclusions.First,China's inter-provincial trade has sustained a period of rapid growth.In 2007,the total volume of inter-provincial trade was twice the amount of international trade,with the eastern region accounting for the majority of the inter-provincial trade volume.GDP may have a greater effect on interprovincial trade than geographic distance does.Second,inter-provincial trade maintains a high level of concentration and overlaps with the high concentration of GDP.Third,the inter-provincial trade dependence of Chinese provinces tends to increase,an indication of the growing domestic market integration.Moreover,the eastern region's dependence on inter-provincial trade is higher than the central and western regions'.Fourth,the share of inter-provincial trade in the overall external trade of Chinese provinces has a declining tendency,which indicates a slower process of China's domestic market integration compared with international market integration.However,in terms of proportion,the external trade of most Chinese provinces is still dominated by inter-provincial trade.Fifth,most provinces with longstanding inter-provincial trade deficits are in the central and western regions. 展开更多
关键词 inter-provincial trade provincial input-output tables trade inflows andoutflows market integration gravity model of trade.
Competitiveness of Egyptian cotton exports in the international market 被引量:1
作者 Assem ABU HATAB 《Ecological Economy》 2010年第2期195-204,共10页
Cotton plays a vital role in the Egyptian economy by meeting domestic and export demands,contributing significantly to agriculture,industry,export earnings,and providing a cash income to roughly one million small farm... Cotton plays a vital role in the Egyptian economy by meeting domestic and export demands,contributing significantly to agriculture,industry,export earnings,and providing a cash income to roughly one million small farmers.This paper examines the competitiveness of Egyptian cotton exports(ECE) in the international market during the period 1990-2006.It mainly aims at investigating the trends in cotton exports over the studied period,analyzing the competitive position of Egyptian cotton by employing several economic and trade indices,and identifying the key factors that influence Egypt's cotton exports to the world.The results revealed that the total quantity of ECE has fallen from 196.8 thousand tons in 2003 to 87.2 thousand tons in 2006.It also shows a high degree of geographic concentration of ECE,into India,Italy,the Republic of Korea,and Japan.Together,these markets imported about 50%of ECE during 1990-2006.The competitive advantage of Egyptian cotton would appear dependent on quality not price.Japan,the Republic of Korea and Italy presented the most stable markets for ECE.Linear regression analysis suggests that a one percent increase in the Egypt-to-USA export price ratio leads to a decrease in ECE by about 27.8 thousand tons.Such analysis has also shown a positive and significant effect of the World Trade Organization on ECE. 展开更多
关键词 Egyptian cotton exports International market Competitive position
Doha Round: The Environment and Agricultural and Biofuels Markets
《Sociology Study》 2012年第2期107-119,共13页
The agricultural liberalization market process remains stalled Doha Round. The terms in protection levels reductions are negotiated, but the emergence of the global crisis constrains public resources to sustain them. ... The agricultural liberalization market process remains stalled Doha Round. The terms in protection levels reductions are negotiated, but the emergence of the global crisis constrains public resources to sustain them. In addition, the use of some grains as inputs in the production of biofuels, has contributed to the price increase in foods, although this production is an alternative to fossil fuels use and can help to reduce further environmental degradation. In this paper we analyze the main variables to be taken into account when negotiating the liberalization of agricultural trade, but also ofbiofuels in the context of Doha Round. 展开更多
关键词 Doha Round agricultural world market LIBERALIZATION biofuels environment
作者 张学松 《中国禽业导刊》 1999年第10期3-4,共2页
关键词 WTO 家禽业 国际 鸡白痢 土种鸡 发达国 食品安全 药物治疗 入贸 国际市场
Carbon Emission Transfer by International Trade:Taking the Case of Sino-U.S.Merchandise Trade as an Example 被引量:6
作者 余慧超 王礼茂 《Journal of Resources and Ecology》 CSCD 2010年第2期155-163,共9页
中美两国均为温室气体排放大国,且双边贸易额巨大。由于两国在基础设施、技术、装备水平、能源综合效率和资源禀赋上存在差异,使得通过中美商品贸易,美国将大量的碳排放转移到了中国。本文采用投入产出分析方法,结合经济、能源与贸易3... 中美两国均为温室气体排放大国,且双边贸易额巨大。由于两国在基础设施、技术、装备水平、能源综合效率和资源禀赋上存在差异,使得通过中美商品贸易,美国将大量的碳排放转移到了中国。本文采用投入产出分析方法,结合经济、能源与贸易3个系统,建立了基于国际商品贸易的碳排放转移模型,并分别测算了1997与2002年中美商品贸易中各相应部门的碳排放转移量。研究表明:(1)1997与2002年,基于中美商品贸易的中国产业部门通过出口转移到美国的载碳量分别达到4010.13×104 与5056.21×104 t C,分别占中国相应产业部门载碳总量的6.61%与8.33%;而美国产业部门出口到中国商品的载碳量仅为290.65×104与335.61×104 t C,相应的仅占美国产业部门载碳总量的 0.53%与 0.66%;(2)1997 与 2002 年,中美商品贸易的碳转移总量分别达 3719.75×104与4719.60×104 t C,其中化学工业、金属冶炼及其压延加工业是主要的碳转移部门。(3)1997与2002年,通过国际商品贸易,美国分别有相当于其相应部门碳排放总量的6.77%与9.32%的碳被泄露到了中国,中国为美国的碳减排做出了很大的潜在贡献,因此,美国等发达国家应该为中国等发展中国家提供切实有效的气候与环境友好型技术援助。 展开更多
关键词 merchandise trade carbon transfer input-output analysis Sino-U.S.
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