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作者 陈慧敏 《科技经济市场》 2024年第6期94-96,共3页
数字化转型可以有效提升企业的治理能力和治理体系现代化水平,并促使企业通过联动构建长效工作机制。借助数字化转型的理论原理、典型方案和方向趋势等,加深对转型工作的深刻认识,并探讨企业如何根据自身现状梳理问题,明确战略,制定措施... 数字化转型可以有效提升企业的治理能力和治理体系现代化水平,并促使企业通过联动构建长效工作机制。借助数字化转型的理论原理、典型方案和方向趋势等,加深对转型工作的深刻认识,并探讨企业如何根据自身现状梳理问题,明确战略,制定措施,细化路径,形成基于全流程全业态的覆盖公司各个环节的公司数字化转型方案。 展开更多
关键词 数字化 数字化转型 流程全业态
作者 段书贵 孙梦洁 《中文科技期刊数据库(全文版)经济管理》 2024年第8期0045-0049,共5页
首都集体经济薄弱村主要集中在生态涵养区,推动集体经济薄弱村产业振兴是实现首都高质量发展的必然要求,文章分析了集体经济薄弱村产业发展的成功经验,挖掘自身资源,探索特色定位;盘活文旅产业,促进融合发展;引才育才留才,蓄积乡村建设... 首都集体经济薄弱村主要集中在生态涵养区,推动集体经济薄弱村产业振兴是实现首都高质量发展的必然要求,文章分析了集体经济薄弱村产业发展的成功经验,挖掘自身资源,探索特色定位;盘活文旅产业,促进融合发展;引才育才留才,蓄积乡村建设人才资源;整村全业态运营,链接内外资源;建立利益联结机制,促进共同富裕;发挥堡垒作用,筑牢乡村发展根基。案例启示通过深挖特色业态、用好外部资源与青年创新才智、普通村庄也能可持续发展,并提出了统筹联合发展、深化优惠政策的建议。 展开更多
关键词 集体经济薄弱村 产业发展 整村运营 全业态
浅析中国版本图书馆的全业态智慧化服务 被引量:6
作者 于海洋 《出版发行研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第9期26-33,共8页
本文通过统计出版数据分析我国出版领域及以中国版本图书馆为代表的出版服务机构为出版业及相关行业提供数据服务的现状和存在的问题,浅析以中国版本图书馆为纽带建设智慧服务平台、构建数据共享交互机制,融合流程和终端数据,关联实体... 本文通过统计出版数据分析我国出版领域及以中国版本图书馆为代表的出版服务机构为出版业及相关行业提供数据服务的现状和存在的问题,浅析以中国版本图书馆为纽带建设智慧服务平台、构建数据共享交互机制,融合流程和终端数据,关联实体数据及用户行为等多类型数据,形成数据服务生态,实施多维服务模式,实现基于全业态数据平台开展的图书出版智慧化服务。 展开更多
关键词 融合化语境 图书出版 全业态服务 智慧化服务
作者 王建国 朱春华 《山东工业技术》 2016年第18期265-266,共2页
关键词 新形势 广电全业态 监测监管
政府补贴对数字内容产业绩效影响的实证研究——基于我国上市影视公司的全业态数据分析 被引量:1
作者 杨毅 张琳 王佳 《中国文化产业评论》 CSSCI 2017年第1期334-347,共14页
基于全业态视角,以2015年度影视类上市企业为样本,采取杜邦分析法,将权益乘数、总资产周转率和销售净利率作为考量标准,检验政府补贴对于不同业态影视上市企业的经营绩效的影响。研究发现,政府补贴能够对影视类上市企业的部分财务指标... 基于全业态视角,以2015年度影视类上市企业为样本,采取杜邦分析法,将权益乘数、总资产周转率和销售净利率作为考量标准,检验政府补贴对于不同业态影视上市企业的经营绩效的影响。研究发现,政府补贴能够对影视类上市企业的部分财务指标在当期产生定向性作用;政府补贴对影视类上市企业经营绩效影响效度在企业业态和财务指标两个层面产生双重交互式差异;政府财政补贴在某种程度上虚增了影视类上市企业的盈利能力,导致"寻租"行为的发生。故此,政府对于影视类上市企业的财政补贴应当由定向补贴向定点补贴转变,由直接补贴向间接补贴转变,由以补为主向以奖代补转变。 展开更多
关键词 政府补贴 影视上市企业 全业态 经营绩效
跨境电商业态全口径统计的研究与应用 被引量:1
作者 陆海生 方正 张建国 《海关与经贸研究》 2021年第5期22-42,共21页
由于不同机构对跨境电商内涵外延的理解不同,导致目前跨境电商统计存在口径不一、数据多源、方法各异、结论相差甚远等“乱象”。文章以世界海关组织《跨境电商标准框架》为基础,提出界定跨境电商的标准,进而提出实施跨境电商业态全口... 由于不同机构对跨境电商内涵外延的理解不同,导致目前跨境电商统计存在口径不一、数据多源、方法各异、结论相差甚远等“乱象”。文章以世界海关组织《跨境电商标准框架》为基础,提出界定跨境电商的标准,进而提出实施跨境电商业态全口径统计的概念以及相关原则,结合工作实践提出开展跨境电商业态全口径统计的具体思路和方法,并对未来改进的内容进行探讨。 展开更多
关键词 贸易新业态 跨境电商 业态口径统计 统计调查
关于全媒体新业态下地方新闻媒体如何破解“融合之困”的几点思考 被引量:3
作者 刘颖 《东南传播》 2015年第10期17-18,共2页
互联网高速发展,让全媒体的新业态成为一种社会正常现象。传统媒体与新媒体融合发展已从行业共识上升到国家战略,然而融合之路并没有固定答案,很多地方传统新闻媒体仍处困境,并不断思考探索如何破解"融合之困"。笔者认为,运... 互联网高速发展,让全媒体的新业态成为一种社会正常现象。传统媒体与新媒体融合发展已从行业共识上升到国家战略,然而融合之路并没有固定答案,很多地方传统新闻媒体仍处困境,并不断思考探索如何破解"融合之困"。笔者认为,运用互联网思维,发挥二者的自我优势,立足权威,培育"用户思维",实现"内容为王"的新旧融合与平台互通,将是地方传统新闻媒体破解"融合之困"的有益探索。 展开更多
关键词 媒体新业态 融合之困 内容为王 用户思维
“全媒体”难以拯救报业 被引量:4
作者 林籽舟 谭天 《新闻爱好者》 2014年第10期21-24,共4页
近几年,"全媒体"成为一个席卷传媒业界和学界的热词,频繁见诸各种新闻报道、学者论著和传媒发展规划中。面对新媒体冲击,业界反响尤为强烈,而其中的传统报业也紧紧抓住"全媒体"这根从传统媒体红海进入数字化蓝海的... 近几年,"全媒体"成为一个席卷传媒业界和学界的热词,频繁见诸各种新闻报道、学者论著和传媒发展规划中。面对新媒体冲击,业界反响尤为强烈,而其中的传统报业也紧紧抓住"全媒体"这根从传统媒体红海进入数字化蓝海的救命稻草。但"全媒体"难解运营难题,难以力挽狂澜;唯有"全业态"才能拯救报业。 展开更多
关键词 媒体 报业转型 全业态
作者 韩风 佟文杰 《记者摇篮》 2024年第6期156-158,共3页
随着媒介纵深的演进,在媒体权威性、内容公信力、人才专业度等方面,传统媒体有着显著优势,而新媒体则存在显著不足;在载体丰富性、传受互动性、媒介时效性等方面,新媒体有着显著优势,而传统媒体则存在显著不足。将传统媒体与新媒体互补... 随着媒介纵深的演进,在媒体权威性、内容公信力、人才专业度等方面,传统媒体有着显著优势,而新媒体则存在显著不足;在载体丰富性、传受互动性、媒介时效性等方面,新媒体有着显著优势,而传统媒体则存在显著不足。将传统媒体与新媒体互补升级,有助于形成更好适应社会发展的媒体形态。具体来说,应从坚持正确舆论导向与创新媒体风格、兼顾内容质量与提速内容分发、打造媒体的“四全”业态三方面开展。 展开更多
关键词 传统媒体 新媒体 互补升级 “四业态
作者 孟繁林 《广播电视信息》 2017年第1期31-33,共3页
关键词 数据安 AFD 多元化审片 媒体新业态
Invasive Weed Mapping of Lebanon 被引量:1
作者 Alia H. Sabra Mustapha A. Haidar 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(B)》 2012年第9期1010-1015,共6页
Surveying and early detection of invasive weeds are essential for strategic management and monitoring. Accordingly, a weed mapping was conducted during July 2011, against native (Orobanche ramosa, Cuscuta spp., Sorgh... Surveying and early detection of invasive weeds are essential for strategic management and monitoring. Accordingly, a weed mapping was conducted during July 2011, against native (Orobanche ramosa, Cuscuta spp., Sorghum halepense and Xanthium strumarium) and non native (Abutilon theophrasti, Datura stramonium, Solanum elaeagnifolium and Verbesina encelioide) weeds of Lebanon. A global positioning system (Garmin 2006) was used for precise waypoint, elevation, navigation and distance. The result of interviewing and interacting with the residents in 95 villages distributed between the Beq'aa and the North governorates of Lebanon, along with the observations made on the route, yielded the first detection of Abutilon theophrasti in both governorates. Solanum elaeagnifolium and Verbesina encelioide were not found in the agro-ecosystems of either governorates. This is the first report of the introduction ofAbutilon theophrasti in Lebanon and the establishment of a baseline data on weeds of Lebanon. The adoption of an integrated weed management program with a quarantine and control techniques and methods is needed to manage the spreading of weeds and to lessen their ability to adapt to a constantly changing system which uses several control practices. 展开更多
关键词 Abutilon theophrasti invasive weeds Lebanon weed mapping
Study on City Environment,Safety and Health from the Viewpoint of Ecological Risks
作者 YIN Qian-liang 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2011年第1期74-76,共3页
Urban ecological risk analysis is a relatively new study field.Rapid industrial modernization and urbanization have significantly improved the living standards of the city.However,as environmental,safety and health is... Urban ecological risk analysis is a relatively new study field.Rapid industrial modernization and urbanization have significantly improved the living standards of the city.However,as environmental,safety and health issues are causing widespread concern,these problems have potential serious threat on ecosystems and human health.So how to solve many problems arising from city has become a key to sustainable development of human civilization.The present article analyzed the major problems that the city confronts and pointed out the main measures from the aspects of urban environment,safety and health. 展开更多
关键词 Urban environment Urban safety Healthy city RISK
Application of coal mine dynamic safety management and occupational health and safety management system
作者 张华 王春秋 +2 位作者 曹庆贵 刘业娇 林晓飞 《Journal of Coal Science & Engineering(China)》 2007年第3期319-322,共4页
A method system was put forward based on the occupational health and safety management system to develop the dynamic safety management of coal mine. It aimed at the problems in the mining safety management and was put... A method system was put forward based on the occupational health and safety management system to develop the dynamic safety management of coal mine. It aimed at the problems in the mining safety management and was put in practice in Lingxin coal mine of Ningxia Coal Industry Group Co., Ltd.. And good effect was obtained in safety work. It developed the mining dynamic safety management based on the building of occupational health and safety management system of mining enterprise and its main contents are as follows: timely identification and dynamic control of accident risk, persistent improvement of safety management performance according to the "PDCA" circle. 展开更多
关键词 dynamic safety management occupational health and safety management "PDCA" circle
A Focus: Epitomizing Approaches of Effective Employability Skills
作者 Janaki Tamraparni 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2013年第4期302-305,共4页
The present paper reveals the pivotal challenges of fast changing global work environment and industrial needs. Employability skills need to be checked rather than unemployment problem in India. The paper further aims... The present paper reveals the pivotal challenges of fast changing global work environment and industrial needs. Employability skills need to be checked rather than unemployment problem in India. The paper further aims to explore the necessary skills to the challenges of globalizing trends. The issues, approaches, and remedial strategies are focused with reference to the people's skills. As the reflections of quality and competence depend on transparency and accountability of the organization, it is necessary to improve the required skills which enhance the levels of confidence. The potential employer's requirements are need to be worked very keenly by the institutions. The paper also deals with the effective learning process, which is at par with global counter parts. Exposure to the universal student-centered learning is emphasized to enhance the very crucial pace of work place. Finally this paper studies effective micro and macro issues regarding the dynamics of the industry by applying a broad range of employability skills complementing the technical skills. 展开更多
关键词 employability skills INDUSTRY requirements APPROACHES ISSUES EFFECTS
创新经营策略 构建全媒体传播竞争力——湖北日报转型融合的全媒体经营实践 被引量:3
作者 徐存存 李燕 《中国报业》 2022年第7期19-22,共4页
关键词 经营策略 媒体业态 矩阵产品 多元服务
借船出海 战略转“移”——论广电行业如何利用短视频品牌闯出新赛道 被引量:1
作者 陈瑜 《视听纵横》 2021年第3期24-27,共4页
在移动端成为资讯传播主战场的互联网时代,传统广电如何寻求“破圈突围”的新可能?在瞬息万变的媒体融合生态圈中,广电行业如何加快深度融合转型,实现在舆论场中话语权和影响力的垂直倍增?随着视频号时代的来临,中央、省、市各级广电媒... 在移动端成为资讯传播主战场的互联网时代,传统广电如何寻求“破圈突围”的新可能?在瞬息万变的媒体融合生态圈中,广电行业如何加快深度融合转型,实现在舆论场中话语权和影响力的垂直倍增?随着视频号时代的来临,中央、省、市各级广电媒体,纷纷守住大屏,开拓小屏,通过打造视频品牌,与全国诸多头部账号合作,重塑生产,再造流程,让传统广电生产的精品视频内容实现更广泛的触达,闯出自己的新赛道。 展开更多
关键词 视频号时代 新赛道 大小屏融合 全业态传播
Review of Tourism Ecological Security from the Perspective of Ecological Civilization Construction 被引量:7
作者 HAN Ying TANG Chengcai ZENG Rui 《Journal of Resources and Ecology》 CSCD 2022年第4期734-745,共12页
In the era of sustainable development,the ecological impact of the development of the tourism industry has attracted extensive attention from all walks of life.Generally considered,tourism ecological security(TES)is a... In the era of sustainable development,the ecological impact of the development of the tourism industry has attracted extensive attention from all walks of life.Generally considered,tourism ecological security(TES)is an important link to realize the high-quality development of tourism destinations and promote the construction of ecological civilization.Based on keyword discrimination of TES,tourism ecological risk and tourism ecological health,and from the perspective of ecological civilization construction,this paper uses the databases of Web of Science and CNKI as data sources to systematically comb and analyze TES research from the aspects of development process,research methods and research content,and puts forward the prospects for future research on this basis.This analysis found that research in the TES field presents four main characteristics.(1)The phased characteristic of“germination-exploration-development”is significant,and a relatively standard research framework of“evaluation-influencing factors-early warning-regulation”has been formed.(2)The empirical orientation of the research methods is distinct.(3)The development trend is characterized by small-scale dominance and a large-scale surge.(4)The disciplinary integration and practical combination have been continuously strengthened.Combined with the development trends and hot spots of TES,this paper proposes that the direction and goal of deepening TES research in the future should be carried out from the aspects of strengthening research on thresholds,early warning and regulation,improving the application of big data,constructing the synergistic effect mechanisms between tourism and ecology,and realizing the longitudinal deepening and interconnection of scale research. 展开更多
关键词 TOURISM ecological security tourism ecological security(TES) ecological civilization construction tourist destination sustainable development
All-solid-state electrochromic devices based on WO3‖NiO films:material developments and future applications 被引量:8
作者 Ding Zhou Dong Xie +3 位作者 Xinhui Xia Xiuli Wang Changdong Gu Jiangping Tu 《Science China Chemistry》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2017年第1期3-12,共10页
Electrochromism refers to the persistent and reversible change of optical properties by an applied voltage pulse.Electrochromic(EC)devices have been extensively studied because of their commercial applications in smar... Electrochromism refers to the persistent and reversible change of optical properties by an applied voltage pulse.Electrochromic(EC)devices have been extensively studied because of their commercial applications in smart windows of green buildings,display devices and thermal control of equipments.In this review,a basic EC device design is presented based on useful oxides and solid-state electrolytes.We focus on the state-of-the-art research activities related to the structures of tungsten oxide(WO_3)and nickel oxide(NiO),summarizing the strategies to improve their EC performances and further applications of devices. 展开更多
关键词 electrochromic devices tungsten oxide nickel oxide solid-state electrolyte ELECTROCHROMISM
Evaluation of Agricultural Ecological Security in Hubei Province
作者 LI Pingheng YAN Lidong +1 位作者 PAN Shilei MA Yifei 《Journal of Resources and Ecology》 CSCD 2017年第6期620-627,共8页
With the promotion of agricultural ecological civilization construction in China, agricultural ecological security has received increasing attention. How to ensure agricultural ecological security has become a great c... With the promotion of agricultural ecological civilization construction in China, agricultural ecological security has received increasing attention. How to ensure agricultural ecological security has become a great concern for many scholars. As an important agricultural province in China, Hubei is of great significance to Chinese food security and agricultural sustainable development. This paper aims to establish an index system of agricultural ecological security and security classification of Hubei via Analytic Hierarchy Process and Pressure-State-Response methods. An evaluation of agricultural ecological security in Hubei, with a base of the national average value in 2015, reveals that the security degree has increased by 0.07566 from 0.90150 in 2005 to 0.97716 in 2015. Results show that agricultural ecological security in Hubei has improved but failed to reach the national average and there is still large space for improvement of the security level, considering a trend of deterioration in some indexes, such as per capita water resources, population density, per unit area pesticide load of farmland, forest coverage, grassland degradation rate and average annual precipitation. Influencing factors, especially population spatial distribution, misconduct in agricultural production, insufficient ability in agricultural natural disaster prevention, deficiency of agro-ecological technology of agricultural ecological security in Hubei are analyzed. For improvement of the degree of agricultural ecological security in Hubei, some countermeasures and suggestions are discussed. 展开更多
关键词 agricultural ecological security security evaluation AHP PSR Hubei Province
Conservation and Adaptive Management of Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems (GIAHS) 被引量:15
作者 Parviz KOOHAFKAN Mary Jane dela CRUZ 《Journal of Resources and Ecology》 CSCD 2011年第1期22-28,共7页
Worldwide specific agricultural systems and landscapes have been created, shaped and maintained by generations of farmers and herders based on diverse natural resources using locally adapted management practices. Buil... Worldwide specific agricultural systems and landscapes have been created, shaped and maintained by generations of farmers and herders based on diverse natural resources using locally adapted management practices. Building on local knowledge and experience these ingenious agricultural systems reflect the evolution of humankind, the diversity of its knowledge and its profound relationship with nature. These systems have resulted not only in outstanding landscapes maintenance and adaptation of globally significant agricultural biodiversity indigenous knowledge systems and resilient ecosystems, but above all, in the sustained provision of multiple goods and services, food and livelihood security and quality of life. However, many of these systems are facing severe threats from various sources including globalization. In 2002 FAO initiated an international partnership initiative: "conservation and adaptive management of Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems (GIAHS)". The global GIAHS initiative aims to establish the basis for the international recognition, dynamic conservation and sustainable management of such systems, agricultural biodiversity and their associated biodiversity knowledge systems, food and livelihood security, landscapes and cultures. 展开更多
关键词 Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems (GIAHS) dynamic conservation agricultural biodiversity indigenous knowledge FAO/UN
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