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全天然黑莓果酒加工工艺的研究 被引量:6
作者 王毓宁 李鹏霞 +1 位作者 胡花丽 王炜 《酿酒》 CAS 2008年第6期91-93,共3页
以黑莓为原料,经复合酵母进行单桶发酵,发酵过程中不需添加SO2,而根据菌种强势生长的原理及控制发酵条件来抑制杂菌繁殖,生成具有黑莓果香和酒的醇香的全天然干红黑莓酒。研究了复合菌种比例、原料处理方式、初始糖度、发酵温度、接种... 以黑莓为原料,经复合酵母进行单桶发酵,发酵过程中不需添加SO2,而根据菌种强势生长的原理及控制发酵条件来抑制杂菌繁殖,生成具有黑莓果香和酒的醇香的全天然干红黑莓酒。研究了复合菌种比例、原料处理方式、初始糖度、发酵温度、接种量、下胶用量等因素对产品质量影响,确定了黑莓果酒的最佳加工工艺。 展开更多
关键词 黑莓 全天然 果酒发酵 工艺条件
全天然纯丝胶蚕品种与非绢丝产业链构建 被引量:5
作者 陈复生 叶崇军 +1 位作者 徐凤梅 魏兆军 《安徽农业科学》 CAS 北大核心 2009年第24期11777-11780,共4页
分析了传统蚕业的严峻形势和全天然纯丝胶蛋白质原料和副产品鲜活蚕蛹在非绢丝产业化中的地位,介绍了全天然纯丝胶蚕新品种选育与非绢丝产业链构建的工作基础,提出了构建非绢丝产业链的设想和建议,以实现从品种选育、示范推广、素材加... 分析了传统蚕业的严峻形势和全天然纯丝胶蛋白质原料和副产品鲜活蚕蛹在非绢丝产业化中的地位,介绍了全天然纯丝胶蚕新品种选育与非绢丝产业链构建的工作基础,提出了构建非绢丝产业链的设想和建议,以实现从品种选育、示范推广、素材加工到创新产品研发和产业化的经济、社会、生态效益提高,开辟新的蚕丝领域,拓宽蚕丝蛋白质利用市场,提高自主创新能力,拉动蚕丝产品创新,促进蚕丝业的可持续发展。 展开更多
关键词 全天然纯丝胶 蚕新品种 非绢丝产业链
全天然果蔬保鲜涂料在锥栗保鲜上的应用研究 被引量:4
作者 黄勇来 《福建林业科技》 北大核心 1999年第2期49-51,共3页
采用不同浓度的全天然果蔬保鲜涂料在常温和低温条件下进行锥栗果的保鲜试验研究,结果表明,在低温条件下,采用20%的全天然果蔬保鲜涂料保鲜锥栗的效果最好,100d的保存率达91.97%,失水率为4.20%。而且保鲜后锥栗... 采用不同浓度的全天然果蔬保鲜涂料在常温和低温条件下进行锥栗果的保鲜试验研究,结果表明,在低温条件下,采用20%的全天然果蔬保鲜涂料保鲜锥栗的效果最好,100d的保存率达91.97%,失水率为4.20%。而且保鲜后锥栗果的可溶性糖、淀粉、粗脂肪及多种氨基酸含量基本不变,且经济效益显著,值得在闽北林区大力推广。 展开更多
关键词 锥栗 全天然果蔬保鲜涂料 保鲜
杨梅全天然保鲜贮运及营销技术的研究 被引量:2
作者 周东生 《湖南农业科学》 2008年第1期95-96,99,共3页
杨梅是我国亚热带特有的优良经济树种和生态树种。仲夏成熟的鲜果,受其生理结构、生理特性、采运方法等因素的影响,采收后在自然条件下经过1~2d的存放或200km以上的运输,即变味、变色、变形、出水、腐烂,而且鲜果集中成熟期常遭遇... 杨梅是我国亚热带特有的优良经济树种和生态树种。仲夏成熟的鲜果,受其生理结构、生理特性、采运方法等因素的影响,采收后在自然条件下经过1~2d的存放或200km以上的运输,即变味、变色、变形、出水、腐烂,而且鲜果集中成熟期常遭遇风雨交加的恶劣天气,导致大量落果,丰产不丰收。杨梅全天然保鲜贮运,已成为全国各产区共同面临的一项技术难题。以保鲜贮运技术创新和包装技术创新为主题,通过技术、设施的有效集成和2000~2006年分年度实施的“初试”、“中试”、综合性实验、市场化应用,初步建立杨梅全天然保鲜贮运及营销技术系统。2003年被列为国家科技“星火计划”项目。 展开更多
关键词 杨梅 全天然保鲜 贮藏 运输
天然原料在牙膏中的应用及全天然牙膏的开发 被引量:2
作者 郑娟 曾晓宇 《口腔护理用品工业》 CAS 2017年第6期11-15,共5页
目前市场上绝大多数的口腔护理产品都含有大量的合成成分,据报道许多合成原料在高剂量或高浓度情况下会有致癌风险,甚至诱发过敏反应,而且有资料显示,某些原料可以大幅提高口疮性溃疡的发生率。因此,人们追求天然口腔护理产品的趋势日... 目前市场上绝大多数的口腔护理产品都含有大量的合成成分,据报道许多合成原料在高剂量或高浓度情况下会有致癌风险,甚至诱发过敏反应,而且有资料显示,某些原料可以大幅提高口疮性溃疡的发生率。因此,人们追求天然口腔护理产品的趋势日益显著,采用的天然原料所研制出的全天然牙膏不仅具有优异的口感和亮丽的外观,而且安全性高且具有美白功效。 展开更多
关键词 天然原料 全天然 口腔护理 牙膏
全天然料烧结法合成莫来石工艺研究 被引量:1
作者 皮天礼 《四川冶金》 CAS 1992年第1期70-76,62,共8页
关键词 合成莫来石 全天然料烧结 工艺
作者 万成忠 《中国农村科技》 1998年第2期39-40,共2页
荷桑袋泡保健茶以中医茶疗保健为核心,选用具有清热解渴、利湿消滞作用的绿茶叶为主料,辅以荷叶清暑利湿、减肥降脂,桑叶散风解热、凉血明目,合理搭配制成袋泡保健茶,以沸水冲泡,其色、香、味更接近饮茶之本色。长期饮用可防止人体细胞... 荷桑袋泡保健茶以中医茶疗保健为核心,选用具有清热解渴、利湿消滞作用的绿茶叶为主料,辅以荷叶清暑利湿、减肥降脂,桑叶散风解热、凉血明目,合理搭配制成袋泡保健茶,以沸水冲泡,其色、香、味更接近饮茶之本色。长期饮用可防止人体细胞老化。 展开更多
关键词 苹果冻 果冻 复合型果冻 全天然 加工工艺
作者 邢小鹏 《食品信息与技术》 2004年第7期13-13,共1页
关键词 英国 全天然高褪黑素牛奶 产品开发 营养价值 保健功能
《美容院》 2003年第7期46-46,共1页
关键词 全天然营养减肥食品 减肥效果 饮食疗法 运动疗法 饮食调节
作者 张恭勤 《中国动物保健》 2002年第6期33-34,共2页
2002年3月5日,上海市科委在中国科学院上海文献情报中心主持召开了由上海市杨浦区春晴生物技术研究所张恭勤等完成的<全天然物饲料添加剂-891资生宝鉴定会>.891资生宝(原名"891促生长素",文中简称"891")是我... 2002年3月5日,上海市科委在中国科学院上海文献情报中心主持召开了由上海市杨浦区春晴生物技术研究所张恭勤等完成的<全天然物饲料添加剂-891资生宝鉴定会>.891资生宝(原名"891促生长素",文中简称"891")是我们将现代生物科技与我国传统中医药学相结合历多年研究而完成的一项重大科技成果经中国科学院上海文献情报中心查新检索和参加会议的京沪两地专家讨论一致认定,该项成果具有新颖性和创造性,达到了国内领先的水平,而且在国外未见有类似的报道. 展开更多
关键词 全天然中草药 饲料添加剂 891资生宝 对比试验 应用试验
一种功能性化妆品原料——全天然纯丝胶蛋白质 被引量:5
作者 陈复生 徐凤梅 +2 位作者 陈远平 魏兆军 广丰 《中国化妆品》 2009年第12期24-29,共6页
关键词 全天然纯丝胶蛋白质 特性与功能 化妆品原料
蚕丝天然丝胶蛋白的紫外吸收能力研究 被引量:12
作者 陈复生 叶崇军 魏兆军 《天然产物研究与开发》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第3期388-390,共3页
丝胶蛋白质将广泛应用于食品、化妆品、纤维加工、细胞工程、医用材料等领域,这种预言是基于其在这些领域的利用上具有诸多独特的、有用的功能特性。紫外吸收能力是化妆品利用的重要功能特性之一。本研究对全天然丝胶茧品种"绿S&qu... 丝胶蛋白质将广泛应用于食品、化妆品、纤维加工、细胞工程、医用材料等领域,这种预言是基于其在这些领域的利用上具有诸多独特的、有用的功能特性。紫外吸收能力是化妆品利用的重要功能特性之一。本研究对全天然丝胶茧品种"绿S"、"白S"和现行推广普通蚕品种"菁松×皓月"的丝胶蛋白含量及其紫外吸收能力进行了比较分析。结果表明天然的"绿S"蚕丝胶蛋白质具有较强的紫外吸收能力,在化妆品添加剂领域具有极其优越的利用价值。 展开更多
关键词 丝胶蛋白 全天然 蛋白质含量 紫外吸收
Study of coal and gas outbursts by numerical modeling approach
作者 李胜 张宏伟 《Journal of Coal Science & Engineering(China)》 2007年第4期497-499,共3页
Abstract During mining or road-way development, the distribution of stress and coal pore pressure in the coal face and rib around the new opening will change, under certain conditions, dynamic failure of coal in the f... Abstract During mining or road-way development, the distribution of stress and coal pore pressure in the coal face and rib around the new opening will change, under certain conditions, dynamic failure of coal in the form of an outburst can occur. In the modeling studies presented in this paper, an outburst was considered to consist of three distinct stages: preinitiation, initiation and post-initiation, which takes into account the major processes and mechanisms that can influence both outburst-proneness and post-initiation outburst behavior. The model has been applied to simulate the effects of mechanisms in the coal matrix, coal strength, coal damage, geological structures on outbursts. The model constructed using the FLAC software, which were undertaken to research the effects on outbursts of coal strength pressure gradient, and other factors. 展开更多
关键词 coal and gas outbursts numerical modeling FLAC
Assessment of Present and Future Radioactive Contamination at Global Scale 被引量:1
作者 Juan Manuel Navarrete Miguel Angel ZUNiga +1 位作者 Guillermo Espinosa Jose Ignacio Golzarri 《Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering》 2012年第11期1010-1015,共6页
As a result of more than two thousand nuclear tests performed since 1945, two war actions and few accidents in nuclear reactor, it does already exist a radioactive contamination at global scale. This contamination has... As a result of more than two thousand nuclear tests performed since 1945, two war actions and few accidents in nuclear reactor, it does already exist a radioactive contamination at global scale. This contamination has been accumulated mainly in marine sediments, because sea is about 80% of planet surface, and solid fission products released by nuclear explosions are transported by wind first and then by rain to liquid and solid portions on earth, while gaseous fission products are diffused in the atmosphere. In this way, heavy, high yielding fission products, such as 137Cs, get marine sediments, where they are found mixed with heavy radioactive natural elements such as U, Th and their also radioactive decay products. But since alkaline are so abundant on earth, it is also found natural radioactive isotope 4~K, 0.0118% of isotopes forming K element, with half life 1.28 ~ l09, in the time range of planet age and elements origin. So, one easy way to assess both the importance and evaluation of radioactive contamination at global scale should be to establish a RCF (radioactive contamination factor) as a percentage of 137Cs contaminant radioactivity in marine sediments, compared to 4~K natural radioactivity present from the very beginning of earth, both expressed as Bq per gram of sediment. In the frame of these rather general considerations, a research project has started in Mexico whose varied purposes are: to characterize sea regions in both vast littorals in the country, by its natural 4~K radioactivity present in sea salts, as well as to determine if 137Cs traces produced by recent radioactive contamination have reached their coasts. Also, to assess the 137Cs traces already present in marine sediments as a result of more than two thousand nuclear test explosions performed till now, rather than contamination produced by four main accidents in nuclear reactors during the last 60 years. It is proposed a radioactive contamination factor obtained from samples taken up in both coasts during the last two years, which should be very useful in two ways: first to assess the real danger of radioactive contamination already present by comparing with natural radioactivity, and second to assess the growth, equilibrium or drop of radioactive contamination, given that nuclear energy is still the best option to solve the large energy demand foreseen in the near future. 展开更多
The creep experiment and theoretical model analysis of gas- containing coal
作者 尹光志 张东明 王维中 《Journal of Coal Science & Engineering(China)》 2007年第4期458-462,共5页
A creep experiment of preformed molding coal under different confining pressures were carried out using self-developed 3-triaxial creep loading device for gas-containing coal, which loaded by Shimadzu AGI-250 kN elect... A creep experiment of preformed molding coal under different confining pressures were carried out using self-developed 3-triaxial creep loading device for gas-containing coal, which loaded by Shimadzu AGI-250 kN electrical servo-controlled stiffness testing machine. Based on the experimental results, the variation trend of axial deformation under different stress states was studied, and creep failure characteristics of gas-containing coal under different confining pressures were analyzed. The experimental results were identified with seven-component nonlinear viscoelasto-plastic creep model (Hohai model), and the creep material parameters were obtained. The experimental result complies well with the theoretical value of this model. It indicates that creep constitutive relation of gas-containing coal can be expressed by nonlinear viscoelasto-plastic creep model correctly. 展开更多
关键词 creep gas-containing coal nonlinear viscoelasto-plastic model
On the Governance of the Arctic Region under the Tragedy of the Commons
作者 Jiang Xiumin Liang Yiwen 《Contemporary International Relations》 2018年第4期134-148,共15页
Because of global climate change,the natural environment is rapidly changing in the Arctic.The large amount of sea ice melting in the Arctic can lead to a great increase in the use of the world’s natural resources.Th... Because of global climate change,the natural environment is rapidly changing in the Arctic.The large amount of sea ice melting in the Arctic can lead to a great increase in the use of the world’s natural resources.This thesis focuses on the exploration and utilization of public waters in the Arctic region based on the economic theory of the Tragedy of the Commons,analyzes the current situation of Arctic governance,and predicts potential problems in the Arctic region,mainly including overfishing and environmental problems caused by coal and natural gas exploitation.Additionally,it makes an in-depth analysis on the current Arctic governance model based on the Arctic Council,and finally proposes some countermeasures and suggestions for Arctic governance. 展开更多
关键词 Tragedy of the Commons Arctic region Arctic governance
America's Journey to Energy Independence and Its Revelation on China's Energy Supply Security
作者 Hou Mingyang 《China Oil & Gas》 CAS 2015年第3期29-33,共5页
Ever since 2005, the US' shale oil and gas production growth and effective adjustment of domestic energy consumption mix have made it possible for the country to be less dependent upon imported energy and gain ene... Ever since 2005, the US' shale oil and gas production growth and effective adjustment of domestic energy consumption mix have made it possible for the country to be less dependent upon imported energy and gain energy independence. What should we learn from it to guarantee energy supply security? This paper tried to answer the question. 展开更多
关键词 energy independence shale oil and gas structure adjustment energy efficiency geostrategic strategy
CNPC to Be Made Global Competitive Multinational Corporation——Mr. Chen Geng’s View on Oil Situation and CNPC’s Development Scheme in the New Era
《China Oil & Gas》 CAS 2005年第2期4-9,共6页
Five fundamental judgments on oil security situation With the revival of world economy and acceleration of globalization, and with China's rapid growth in national economy and improved market accessibility, both glo... Five fundamental judgments on oil security situation With the revival of world economy and acceleration of globalization, and with China's rapid growth in national economy and improved market accessibility, both global and domestic macro situations are undergoing profound changes. 展开更多
关键词 中国石油天然气集团公司 全球化战略 企业管理 油气工业 经营管理
To the Issue of Increasing the Efficiency of Operation of Energy Transmission Systems
作者 Irine Berdzenishvili Manana Siradze 《Journal of Energy and Power Engineering》 2016年第8期486-488,共3页
This paper presents an overview of the safety performance of the major existing pipeline transmission system in Canada, USA and Europe. The article deals the experience of Georgia in the development of pipeline transp... This paper presents an overview of the safety performance of the major existing pipeline transmission system in Canada, USA and Europe. The article deals the experience of Georgia in the development of pipeline transport. The information on the distribution of catastrophic failures and incidents per individual cause is given. The role of corrosion in these failures is considered. To ensure efficient and reliable operations of oil and gas pipelines, the new compositions of competitive cost effective protective pipe enamel coatings have been developed. 展开更多
关键词 Pipeline transmission systems FAILURE CORROSION protective coatings safety.
Evaluation of Natural Gas Supply Security in Turkey with Future Projection
作者 Bilgehan Engin Asiye Beril Tugrul 《Journal of Energy and Power Engineering》 2014年第7期1237-1245,共9页
Natural gas is one of the key energy resources for Turkey due to fact that 32% of annual primary energy supply and 45% of annual electricity production is obtained from natural gas with also common usage of residentia... Natural gas is one of the key energy resources for Turkey due to fact that 32% of annual primary energy supply and 45% of annual electricity production is obtained from natural gas with also common usage of residential and industrial zones. In this study, the supply security of natural gas was taken into consideration with strategic criteria of energy policy with the SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats) analysis and the future projection for Turkey. It has been concluded on geopolitics criteria, domestic production and research for resources must be stimulated as high as possible and participation to abroad resources must be implemented. 展开更多
关键词 Energy supply security natural gas SWOT analysis future projection Turkey.
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