调查对象:对聊城市中心医院妇产科中宫颈残端肌瘤切除术后并发肠破裂1例分析。1 病例摘要患者女,32岁,单位:聊城市中心医院;因"下腹痛伴腰痛8年,发现盆腔包块1天"入院;患病时间10年;体检状况:T:37.1℃,P:80次/分,R:20次/分,Bp:...调查对象:对聊城市中心医院妇产科中宫颈残端肌瘤切除术后并发肠破裂1例分析。1 病例摘要患者女,32岁,单位:聊城市中心医院;因"下腹痛伴腰痛8年,发现盆腔包块1天"入院;患病时间10年;体检状况:T:37.1℃,P:80次/分,R:20次/分,Bp:100/70 mm Hg,神清,双肺无异常,腹软,无压痛、反跳痛;入院诊断:(1)盆腔包块:卵巢肿瘤?(2)子宫次全切除术后。展开更多
The objective of this research was to determine whether sexual complaints,such as dyspareu nia,are associated with pelvic floor disorders.We used data collected for the Maryland Women’s Health Study.Among adult women...The objective of this research was to determine whether sexual complaints,such as dyspareu nia,are associated with pelvic floor disorders.We used data collected for the Maryland Women’s Health Study.Among adult women scheduled for hysterectomy,we used multiple logistic re-gression analysis to identify chara cteristics associated with4sexual complaints:decreased libi do,vaginal dryness,dyspareunia,and anorgasmia.Among1299participants,495(38.1%)had evidence of pelvic floor disorders.Sexual complaints were significant ly more common among women with pelvic floor disorders(53.2%vs 40.4%,P<.01).In the multiple regression model,u rinary in-continence was significantly associated with low libido(odds ratioOR1.96),vaginal dryness(OR 2.11),and dyspareunia(OR 2.04),independent of age,educational attainment,and race.In contrast,p elvic organ prolapse was not associated with any sexual complaint.In a cohort of women planning hys -terectomy,wome n with urinary in-continence were significantly more likely to report sexual complaints.展开更多
文摘调查对象:对聊城市中心医院妇产科中宫颈残端肌瘤切除术后并发肠破裂1例分析。1 病例摘要患者女,32岁,单位:聊城市中心医院;因"下腹痛伴腰痛8年,发现盆腔包块1天"入院;患病时间10年;体检状况:T:37.1℃,P:80次/分,R:20次/分,Bp:100/70 mm Hg,神清,双肺无异常,腹软,无压痛、反跳痛;入院诊断:(1)盆腔包块:卵巢肿瘤?(2)子宫次全切除术后。
文摘The objective of this research was to determine whether sexual complaints,such as dyspareu nia,are associated with pelvic floor disorders.We used data collected for the Maryland Women’s Health Study.Among adult women scheduled for hysterectomy,we used multiple logistic re-gression analysis to identify chara cteristics associated with4sexual complaints:decreased libi do,vaginal dryness,dyspareunia,and anorgasmia.Among1299participants,495(38.1%)had evidence of pelvic floor disorders.Sexual complaints were significant ly more common among women with pelvic floor disorders(53.2%vs 40.4%,P<.01).In the multiple regression model,u rinary in-continence was significantly associated with low libido(odds ratioOR1.96),vaginal dryness(OR 2.11),and dyspareunia(OR 2.04),independent of age,educational attainment,and race.In contrast,p elvic organ prolapse was not associated with any sexual complaint.In a cohort of women planning hys -terectomy,wome n with urinary in-continence were significantly more likely to report sexual complaints.
文摘子宫良性平滑肌瘤并发肺部转移临床上较为少见,子宫次全切除后宫颈残端巨大肌瘤并发肺部良性平滑肌瘤转移更为罕见,现将1例患者临床资料报道如下。1病例患者,女性,48岁,20年前因"子宫肌瘤"在当地医院行子宫次全切除术,近4年B超发现宫颈残端肌瘤复发,未予重视,半月前因乏力,发现盆腔肿物来浙江省绍兴第二医院检查,B超提示宫颈16 cm×14 cm×14 cm,