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全脑意识对创造性思维的影响——以右脑智力开发为例 被引量:6
作者 秦志敏 漆捷 李俊 《理论探索》 北大核心 2005年第2期34-35,共2页
创造性思维是人有别于其他动物的特征之一。在左脑思维的基础上 ,强调右脑思维的重要性 ,从而把全脑意识应用于认识主体的创造性思维活动之中 。
关键词 意识 创造性思维 右脑智力
论教师全专业意识的内涵及其唯物主义基础 被引量:6
作者 朱旭东 李育球 《云南师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第1期116-123,共8页
文章从马克思主义立场出发,试图揭示教师全专业意识的唯物主义基础,以解释教室物质文化为何能深刻影响教师的全专业意识发展。文章认为教师全专业意识由教师的学习专业意识、学科专业意识和教授专业意识有机构成。教师全专业意识的唯物... 文章从马克思主义立场出发,试图揭示教师全专业意识的唯物主义基础,以解释教室物质文化为何能深刻影响教师的全专业意识发展。文章认为教师全专业意识由教师的学习专业意识、学科专业意识和教授专业意识有机构成。教师全专业意识的唯物主义基础主要包括3个方面:客观矛盾基础、交往实践基础与历史发展基础。客观矛盾基础主要包括师生矛盾、教师与知识矛盾、教师与环境矛盾;交往实践基础主要指教育性的师生"全人交往",历史发展基础主要包括教师的教学史与所接受的教师教育史。 展开更多
关键词 教师专业意识 唯物主义 客观矛盾 交往实践 教师教育
作者 王颖 欧阳文珍 《阜阳师范学院学报(社会科学版)》 2007年第3期120-122,共3页
本文综述了创造性思维生理基础的研究新进展:低水平的皮质激活和潜伏抑制有利于创造性思维的产生,同时大脑两半球的功能不对称与创造性思维的产生也有着密切的关系。然后根据大脑两半球功能分化的非绝对性,提出创造性思维需要左右脑的... 本文综述了创造性思维生理基础的研究新进展:低水平的皮质激活和潜伏抑制有利于创造性思维的产生,同时大脑两半球的功能不对称与创造性思维的产生也有着密切的关系。然后根据大脑两半球功能分化的非绝对性,提出创造性思维需要左右脑的协同作用,即全脑意识。最后从全脑意识出发,提出教育意见:重视创造性人格的培养、尽早进行有脑开发以注意左右脑的协同发展。 展开更多
关键词 创造性思维 两半球不对称性 意识
作者 朴白林 《活力》 2012年第6期194-194,共1页
近年来,我省唯一少数民族党报。又是外文报的《黑龙江新闻》(韩文),以“三报一网,报网一体”为主线,从自身发展实际出发,整合内部资源。积极推进数字媒体建设,强化全媒体意识,并努力探索在新媒体时代纸媒体的生存和发展空间方... 近年来,我省唯一少数民族党报。又是外文报的《黑龙江新闻》(韩文),以“三报一网,报网一体”为主线,从自身发展实际出发,整合内部资源。积极推进数字媒体建设,强化全媒体意识,并努力探索在新媒体时代纸媒体的生存和发展空间方面积累了一些好的经验。 展开更多
关键词 媒体意识 数字化转型 媒体升级
作者 李砚博 《新闻文化建设》 2022年第3期104-106,共3页
当前媒体融合正处于由“输血”向“造血”过渡的关键探索期,2020年底全国多地已陆续将媒体深度融合纳入中长期发展规划中,以融媒体中心建设为先导,推动媒体融合与媒体转型。本文对当前广播节目创新的内外动因进行梳理与分析,围绕内容生... 当前媒体融合正处于由“输血”向“造血”过渡的关键探索期,2020年底全国多地已陆续将媒体深度融合纳入中长期发展规划中,以融媒体中心建设为先导,推动媒体融合与媒体转型。本文对当前广播节目创新的内外动因进行梳理与分析,围绕内容生产形式变革、受众交互机制建设、加快从业队伍转型、强化技术创新动力四个层面,探讨全媒体意识指导下广播电视节目创新的长效发展路径,希望为广播节目实现破圈升级提供重要参考价值。 展开更多
关键词 广播节目 媒体意识 传播形态 受众交互 技术创新
全媒体环境下高校图书馆深化读者服务工作的思考 被引量:4
作者 何巧 罗璇 《江苏科技信息》 2019年第31期10-12,共3页
文章简述全媒体环境高校图书馆读者服务工作发生的变化,指出高校图书馆读者服务工作存在的问题,提出高校图书馆馆员应加强网上互动交流平台建设,开展图书馆"微"服务,着力打磨读者服务的精细度,提升馆员的专业素养和职业道德... 文章简述全媒体环境高校图书馆读者服务工作发生的变化,指出高校图书馆读者服务工作存在的问题,提出高校图书馆馆员应加强网上互动交流平台建设,开展图书馆"微"服务,着力打磨读者服务的精细度,提升馆员的专业素养和职业道德等策略。 展开更多
关键词 媒体意识 读者服务 “微”服务 精细度
作者 尚娅娅 陈莎 《科教文汇》 2009年第5期288-288,共1页
关键词 遭扒窃者 全意识 注意力
浅谈安全管理心理学在企业中的应用 被引量:1
作者 黄健 《工会博览(理论研究)》 2010年第4期110-111,共2页
美国著名安全管理学家海因里希的安全管理理论指出:所有的事故隐患均由三个因素决定,即人的不安全行为,物的不安全状态和管理上的缺陷,而其中对人的安全行为的协调,控制和管理尤为重要。本文主要从人的个人行为入手,分析个人对企... 美国著名安全管理学家海因里希的安全管理理论指出:所有的事故隐患均由三个因素决定,即人的不安全行为,物的不安全状态和管理上的缺陷,而其中对人的安全行为的协调,控制和管理尤为重要。本文主要从人的个人行为入手,分析个人对企业的影响,并从心理学角度提出科学合理用人的方法。 展开更多
关键词 心理学 管理 全意识 企业中应用
作者 李祥洲 《中国出版》 CSSCI 北大核心 2001年第7期27-28,共2页
关键词 新闻出版工作 出版安 市场经济 WTO 出版方式 全意识 管理体制
简析加强环境宣传教育提高公众环保意识的对策 被引量:3
作者 关锋 《科技资讯》 2016年第35期137-138,共2页
随着经济社会发展,环境问题日益成为威胁人类发展的重要问题。加强环保宣传,提高公众环保意识,是当前经济社会发展的必然要求。加强环保宣传既是对当前经济社会发展形势所迫,也是提高全民族整体素质的必然要求。在进行环保宣传过程中,... 随着经济社会发展,环境问题日益成为威胁人类发展的重要问题。加强环保宣传,提高公众环保意识,是当前经济社会发展的必然要求。加强环保宣传既是对当前经济社会发展形势所迫,也是提高全民族整体素质的必然要求。在进行环保宣传过程中,要充分利用媒体、调动群众力量,分层级、分内容的进行宣传教育。 展开更多
关键词 环保宣传教育 公众环保意识 民族的环保意识
百年党史新闻“意识”的逻辑转换与内涵发展研究 被引量:1
作者 曾伯秋 《齐齐哈尔大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2022年第9期124-128,共5页
中国共产党在新闻舆论引导工作中的新闻“意识”,经历了引领意识、团结意识、服务意识与全媒体意识四个阶段的逻辑转换,内涵也在不断地丰富和发展。新民主主义革命时期,中国共产党在新闻舆论工作领域勇做人民群众的“引领者”,以引领意... 中国共产党在新闻舆论引导工作中的新闻“意识”,经历了引领意识、团结意识、服务意识与全媒体意识四个阶段的逻辑转换,内涵也在不断地丰富和发展。新民主主义革命时期,中国共产党在新闻舆论工作领域勇做人民群众的“引领者”,以引领意识指引、领导人民群众参加革命斗争。社会主义革命与建设时期,中国共产党以团结意识凝聚人民群众,将新闻舆论工作理解为团结凝聚力量的宣传方式。改革开放以来,新闻舆论工作的服务意识主要为社会、经济发展而服务,并呼应新时代的现实需要与使命召唤,不断强化新闻舆论工作的全媒体意识的创新性转换。 展开更多
关键词 新闻“意识 引领意识 团结意识 服务意识 媒体意识
提升全媒体意识 推动媒体融合发展
作者 邵黎 《中国报业》 2023年第24期24-25,共2页
关键词 媒体意识 媒体融合 发展路径
作者 王爱华 《新疆职业大学学报》 2002年第4期22-25,共4页
从当前人类生存环境出现严重危机的前提出发 ,阐述人类应改变传统的思维观念 ,由单向的功利型思维向双向的互利型思维转变 ,树立人与自然 ,自然与社会和谐统一的全生态意识观 ,以确保人类自身的持续长久发展。
关键词 生态环境 功利型思维 互利型思维 生态意识
作者 王爱华 《新疆职工大学学报》 1996年第2期17-21,共5页
关键词 生态环境 功利型思维 互利型思维 生态意识
A Study on the Awareness of Fire Safety Measures for Users and Staff of Shopping Malls: The Case of Mlimani City and Quality Centre in Dar es Salaam
作者 Geraldine J. Kikwasi 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2015年第12期1415-1422,共8页
Shopping malls are accessed by people from all walks of life and, therefore, provision of adequate fire safety measures is equally important. In Dares Salaam, Tanzania, at large construction, use of shopping malls is ... Shopping malls are accessed by people from all walks of life and, therefore, provision of adequate fire safety measures is equally important. In Dares Salaam, Tanzania, at large construction, use of shopping malls is a relatively new experience, and risks associated with use of shopping malls, such as fire outbreak, are not evident to frequent users. The main purpose of the study is to assess awareness of fire safety measures for users and staff of two shopping malls located in Dares Salaam. The research adopted a case study strategy, and 100 respondents were involved in the study. Both random and purposive sampling methods were used to select respondents for the study. Multiple sources of evidence were used in data collection, namely literature review, observations, questionnaires and interviews. Findings indicate that both shopping malls have in place fairly fire prevention measures with varying degrees. Majority of staff and users indicated that they know fire safety measures but their poor knowledge was reflected in assessing them on diferent equipment and installations, such as foam, hose reel, sprinklers and drenchers. The paper concludes that awarenes of fire safety measure of users and staff of the two shopping malls is relatively low. It is, therefore, recommended that provision of fire safety training and instructions, such as posters for users and seminars for staff of shopping malls, shall be a main focus of shopping malls owners and responsible authorities. 展开更多
关键词 Fire safety measures RISKS shopping mall users.
Study on the Safety of Physical Education in Colleges and Universities
作者 Ping Wei 《International English Education Research》 2014年第3期159-161,共3页
This paper uses survey research methods to research the three factors affecting sports teaching safety and management in the colleges and universities. It proposed to increase the awareness of the safety of teachers a... This paper uses survey research methods to research the three factors affecting sports teaching safety and management in the colleges and universities. It proposed to increase the awareness of the safety of teachers and students. And it should have a rational organization of teaching. It also should increase financial input on a regular basis in the field and equipment maintenance. Specialized security agencies and establish safety management systems and contingency plans, to encourage students to participate in accident insurance, guarantee learning the sports teaching activities of the security. 展开更多
关键词 Physical Education Sports Teaching Safety Colleges and Universities
作者 单淼 《记者摇篮》 2017年第3期43-44,共2页
新媒体发展形式多样,突飞猛进,快速抢占舆论阵地。传统媒体想要提升竞争力,必须把从业人员的融合发展意识提升上来,加快新闻舆论工作者全媒体意识和综合能力培养,破除"本领恐慌",使其实现"一兵多用",快速充实到全... 新媒体发展形式多样,突飞猛进,快速抢占舆论阵地。传统媒体想要提升竞争力,必须把从业人员的融合发展意识提升上来,加快新闻舆论工作者全媒体意识和综合能力培养,破除"本领恐慌",使其实现"一兵多用",快速充实到全媒体的舆论阵地中去,用自己的经验和专业能力,发出更多正能量声音。本文从加快培养新闻舆论工作者"一专多能"的必要性紧迫性、传统媒体如何分批次按步骤培养新闻"特种兵"的角度进行探讨。 展开更多
关键词 融合发展 媒体意识 创新 岗位交流
Work safety and sustainable development in enterprise
作者 唐敏康 周跃 许建红 《Journal of Coal Science & Engineering(China)》 2005年第1期106-108,共3页
The nature of work safety and the way insisting on sustainable development in enterprise were analyzed. It indicates that problem of work safety in enterprise is closely related to the public’s consciousness, to the ... The nature of work safety and the way insisting on sustainable development in enterprise were analyzed. It indicates that problem of work safety in enterprise is closely related to the public’s consciousness, to the development of science and tech- nology, and to the weakening of safety management during the economic transition pe- riod. However, it is the people’s questions concerned in the final analysis for the forming and development of the problem of work safety. Therefore, in order to solve the problem of work safety radically, the most basic way of insisting on the sustainable development in safety administration is to do a good job of every aspect about people. We should im- prove all people quality in science and culture and strengthen their safety and legal consciousness to form correct safety value concept. We should fortify safety legislation and bring close attention to approach and apply new safety technology. 展开更多
关键词 work safety sustainable development public's consciousness safety tech- nology
The Role of Integrated English Language Skills and Critical Thinking in the Development of Global Awareness
作者 Laurence MacDonald Izumi Kanzaka Richmond Stroupe 《Sociology Study》 2014年第4期316-322,共7页
The ability to communicate effectively in English is increasingly being viewed as an expectation of individuals who wish to engage with the global community. Mindful of these needs, the goals of the Global Citizenship... The ability to communicate effectively in English is increasingly being viewed as an expectation of individuals who wish to engage with the global community. Mindful of these needs, the goals of the Global Citizenship Program (GCP) at Soka University, Tokyo, Japan, focus not only on increasing English proficiency, but also on developing independent study skills, raising awareness of global issues, and enhancing the abilities of students to integrate information from multiple sources in meaningful ways. In the GCP, students enroll in English for Academic Purposes (EAP) courses which focus on developing critical thinking and research skills as well as English fluency. Through activities that require students to critically evaluate and synthesize information, opportunities are provided to engage in independent research focusing on the development process and global initiatives. This paper describes how the GCP curriculum develops academic skills and English proficiency, incorporates critical thinking activities, emphasizes global awareness, and integrates content-knowledge in order to equip students with the skills and knowledge necessary to interact successfully in the global community. 展开更多
关键词 Global citizenship English education critical thinking
Advocating the Need for Incorporating Critical Pedagogy and Critical Literacy in Teaching English for Specific Purposes
作者 Nadezda Stoikovic Sladana Zivkovic 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2012年第6期1213-1219,共7页
The axis tlhesis of this paper is that, today, it is ESP (English for Specific Purposes) in particular, rather than General English, that is the agent of the spread of globalization. Currently, ESP is witnessing an ... The axis tlhesis of this paper is that, today, it is ESP (English for Specific Purposes) in particular, rather than General English, that is the agent of the spread of globalization. Currently, ESP is witnessing an unprecedented spread, to a point of almost taking over the relevance and frequency of teaching of General English. Hereby, we look at the phenomenon of globalization as a social concept that demands of education that students are taught performativity, therefore just skills needed for the global economy functioning, and not education as a move towards change, refinement, and individuation of a personality. ESP is taught as a sort of socially neutral language, as it presumably deals only with the language of some specific science or profession. Relying on the relevant work of the acclaimed social theorists, it is our claim that as there is no socially and/or ideologically neutral language, and that this fact applies for ESP. It is because of this, that we hereby advocate a strong and urgent need for the application of critical pedagogy and critical literacy stances in the practice of ESP, and we give some broad directions of how that can be achieved. 展开更多
关键词 ESP (English for Specific Purposes) GLOBALIZATION performativity LANGUAGE CONTENT
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