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“全球战疫”背景下国内医院参与国际抗疫的实践探索——以广西医科大学第一附属医院为例 被引量:1
作者 陈俊强 欧阳文兵 +4 位作者 罗明朗 张琰 黎慧钰 陆尘香 陈亮 《广西医学》 CAS 2020年第22期2974-2976,共3页
在“全球战疫”的背景下,医院作为参与抗疫医疗救治的主体,如何有效地将其在抗疫过程中形成的经验总结归纳为可吸收、易接受、能落地的“中国方案”并将其输出以助力国际抗疫,已成为当前国际医学合作与交流的主题。围绕这一问题,本文以... 在“全球战疫”的背景下,医院作为参与抗疫医疗救治的主体,如何有效地将其在抗疫过程中形成的经验总结归纳为可吸收、易接受、能落地的“中国方案”并将其输出以助力国际抗疫,已成为当前国际医学合作与交流的主题。围绕这一问题,本文以广西医科大学第一附属医院为例,总结梳理其“战武汉、守广西、援边境”和助力东盟国家医疗机构抗疫的实践经验,以供参考。 展开更多
关键词 全球战 国际合作 医院 实践探索
风险社会治理责任范式:全球战“疫”与中国行动 被引量:15
作者 肖祥 《学术界》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第9期23-36,共14页
现代性社会风险以“现代化风险”、自反性现代化的“风险再造”为主要类型,并呈现出全球流动性、综合复杂性、显著的不确定性、连锁衍生性等特征。从肆虐全球的新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情及其治理现况看,当前“全球风险社会”治理正面临严重... 现代性社会风险以“现代化风险”、自反性现代化的“风险再造”为主要类型,并呈现出全球流动性、综合复杂性、显著的不确定性、连锁衍生性等特征。从肆虐全球的新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情及其治理现况看,当前“全球风险社会”治理正面临严重的信任困境、责任困境和协调困境。基于全球战“疫”的观照,建构以“思维转换、价值建构、利益整合、责任分配、协同行动”等要素有机组合的风险社会治理责任范式,成为全球风险社会治理的必然选择和有效路径。中国抗“疫”的积极行动为全球风险社会治理提供了实践参照:倡导和践行“人类是休戚与共的命运共同体”,促成全球风险社会治理的价值共识;化解信任危机,增强全球风险社会治理的主体合力;倡导和促进全球经济合作,为全球风险社会治理提供坚实的力量支撑;加强全球治理,推进全球治理体制变革。 展开更多
关键词 全球战“疫” 社会风险 风险治理 责任范式
作者 郑忠梅 聂玲 《青年发展论坛》 2020年第4期3-9,共7页
抗击新冠肺炎疫情,人类命运息息相关,世界已处于全球战“疫”的命运共同体之中。深刻洞悉这场全球战“疫”中的教育契机,不断拓展涵育青年命运共同体意识的多重路径,提升青年命运共同体意识的认同意蕴、厚植青年命运共同体意识的家国情... 抗击新冠肺炎疫情,人类命运息息相关,世界已处于全球战“疫”的命运共同体之中。深刻洞悉这场全球战“疫”中的教育契机,不断拓展涵育青年命运共同体意识的多重路径,提升青年命运共同体意识的认同意蕴、厚植青年命运共同体意识的家国情怀、引领青年践行命运共同体理念的行为自觉,才能传承马克思主义“真正共同体”思想的精神基因,为构建人类命运共同体奉献全球战“疫”的中国青年力量。 展开更多
关键词 全球战“疫” 精神基因 命运共同体
作者 田苗 《延边教育学院学报》 2022年第1期74-76,79,共4页
2020年初至今,疫情席卷了全球的各个角落,使本来如火如荼发展的跨境电商遭遇了前所未有的冲击。欧美各国的交通管制、亚马逊FBA的“封仓”、国外需求断崖式减少、国内复工复产临时性供应不足等问题都给跨境电商发展造成了重创。而对于... 2020年初至今,疫情席卷了全球的各个角落,使本来如火如荼发展的跨境电商遭遇了前所未有的冲击。欧美各国的交通管制、亚马逊FBA的“封仓”、国外需求断崖式减少、国内复工复产临时性供应不足等问题都给跨境电商发展造成了重创。而对于跨境电商人才培养,也面临着新的路径亟需探索。为了顺应市场对跨境电商人才的需求,教育部批准从2020年9月始,全国7所本科高校开设跨境电商专业。本文旨在研究作为地方应用型公办本科院校,如何在新一轮的专业发展中脱颖而出,在原有专业的基础上发展跨境电商方向,培养适应社会需求的高素质综合型跨境电商人才。本文从跨境电商人才需求与培养现状入手,分析了人才培养过程中面临的制约因素,并提出了有针对性的对策。 展开更多
关键词 全球战 跨境电商 培养路径 公办本科院校
作者 姜红明 赵文华 《决策与信息》 2000年第4期4-6,共3页
新军事革命拉开了全球信息战的帷幕信息技术的飞速发展,正把人类带入信息时代。在知识经济浪潮的推动下,一场新的军事革命也在世界军事领域悄然兴起。以信息技术为核心、以信息化武器为重点的知识军事正逐渐取代传统的国防与军事概念,... 新军事革命拉开了全球信息战的帷幕信息技术的飞速发展,正把人类带入信息时代。在知识经济浪潮的推动下,一场新的军事革命也在世界军事领域悄然兴起。以信息技术为核心、以信息化武器为重点的知识军事正逐渐取代传统的国防与军事概念,战争不再是单纯的军事“物质”流的较量,战争的胜负越来越取决于对“信息”流的控制。这场军事革命荡涤着各国军事战略家的传统战争观念,冲击着陈旧的军事学说和军队编制体制,并把工业时代的一件件武器装备抛向历史的垃圾堆。一种新的作战方式昂首阔步地走上世界军事舞台。 展开更多
关键词 全球信息 中国 科技强军 信息斗力
作者 刘昌黎 《东北财经大学学报》 2008年第1期F0003-F0003,共1页
关键词 信息安全 信息安全保障 全球信息 信息安全问题 中国经济出版社 专著 信息技术革命 机遇和挑
作者 张体勤 《山东经济》 2008年第2期160-160,共1页
关键词 信息安全 信息安全保障 全球信息 实用价值 学术价值 力作 中国经济出版社 国家社科基金项目
作者 方芳 《宁夏党校学报》 2020年第4期43-49,共7页
在《共产党宣言》中,马克思、恩格斯首先考察了资本文明对人的传统生存方式的彻底颠覆,接着着重论述了由于资本逻辑自身内在的矛盾性,必然造成人的生存方式的非生态性,以至于必须对之进行第二次否定,构建真正的联合体,才能使人获得适合... 在《共产党宣言》中,马克思、恩格斯首先考察了资本文明对人的传统生存方式的彻底颠覆,接着着重论述了由于资本逻辑自身内在的矛盾性,必然造成人的生存方式的非生态性,以至于必须对之进行第二次否定,构建真正的联合体,才能使人获得适合自己个性的生态生存方式。当前全球共同战"疫"背景下,迫切需要以《共产党宣言》中的生态生存思想为指导,超越资本主导的、冲突型的文明形态,树立人类命运共同体理念,向以人的生态生存方式为目标的、以和谐、共生为特质的生态文明转型升级,携手并进应对人类共同的敌人。 展开更多
关键词 《共产党宣言》 生态生存 全球共同“疫” 生态文明
作者 何吉刚 《川汽科技》 1997年第1期43-43,共1页
关键词 信息资源 知识财富 全球信息
专利保护期滥用解析——以跨国公司在中国专利战问题为视角 被引量:1
作者 张冬 刘妍 《学术交流》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第5期40-43,共4页
在日益激烈的高科技竞争背景下,专利权滥用的认定演变为不断更新的全球问题。WTO-TR IPS协议对专利滥用并没有明确认定范围,不同国家的做法不尽相同,而我国的相关立法尚属空白。只有从专利保护期滥用争议在全球范围、国内内外资企业范... 在日益激烈的高科技竞争背景下,专利权滥用的认定演变为不断更新的全球问题。WTO-TR IPS协议对专利滥用并没有明确认定范围,不同国家的做法不尽相同,而我国的相关立法尚属空白。只有从专利保护期滥用争议在全球范围、国内内外资企业范围、历史范围和我国市场整体利益范围上的主要特点,以及滥用认定中懈怠原则的基本法理层面上,透视滥用专利战的产生与存在现象,我们才可以对全球专利战产生相对客观理性的认识态度。面对全球化的专利战,应当有序提高专利注册标准、合理借鉴西方懈怠制度。通过有组织的强化专利法及其滥用认定规范,才能对专利权人利益予以合法保护,进而维护我国在技术市场开放及技术进出口方面的整体利益。 展开更多
关键词 专利权合理保护 保护期滥用 懈怠原则 全球专利
人类命运共同体的历史必然及其时代价值——基于全球携手战“疫”的理论思考 被引量:2
作者 狄英娜 《江西社会科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第8期13-20,共8页
新冠肺炎疫情的全球大流行,以前所未有的方式深刻表明,各国之间的联系密切相关,命运休戚与共。经济全球化以压缩时空的方式,使人类社会交往密切化的趋势不断增强。经济全球化在带来沟通方便、交往密切等诸多红利的同时,也在另一层面增... 新冠肺炎疫情的全球大流行,以前所未有的方式深刻表明,各国之间的联系密切相关,命运休戚与共。经济全球化以压缩时空的方式,使人类社会交往密切化的趋势不断增强。经济全球化在带来沟通方便、交往密切等诸多红利的同时,也在另一层面增加了全球风险的传动联导效应,21世纪人类社会历史发展愈发面临诸多不确定性与风险的考验。在此背景下,必须打破传统国际政治经济关系秩序下形成的单一固化的排他性思维与零和博弈的封闭观念,建立“你中有我、我中有你”的人类命运共同体理念,进而超越阶级、国家与意识形态等因素的分野,从关涉人类社会普遍利益福祉的高度出发,统筹推进全球治理困境问题的解决。构建人类命运共同体,既是对世界普遍问题属性的根本性洞察,更是对人类社会历史发展趋势的前瞻性判断。 展开更多
关键词 人类命运共同体 时代价值 全球战“疫” 思维方式
警惕美国发动的贸易战引发全球金融动荡 被引量:4
作者 方明 郑珂屹 《国际金融》 2018年第5期39-43,共5页
美国对中国发动贸易战,并有愈演愈烈之势,但美国贸易战的对象未来不可能仅限于中国,也不可能仅仅止于贸易,而是可能会伴随着金融战,最终出现影响全球格局的全球凉战。尽管经济形势正在复苏,但从多方面看,全球仍处于脆弱期,贸易战和金融... 美国对中国发动贸易战,并有愈演愈烈之势,但美国贸易战的对象未来不可能仅限于中国,也不可能仅仅止于贸易,而是可能会伴随着金融战,最终出现影响全球格局的全球凉战。尽管经济形势正在复苏,但从多方面看,全球仍处于脆弱期,贸易战和金融战可能引发全球货币竞相贬值或被动贬值,随之而来的则是股市大幅下跌、流动性风险、债市崩盘和重要金融机构倒闭等,最终引发局部或全球的金融动荡,美国自身也未必能够幸免。 展开更多
关键词 贸易 金融 全球 全球金融动荡
China's Global Energy Strategy: from Energy Strength to Energy Power 被引量:1
作者 Xu Qinhua 《China Oil & Gas》 CAS 2017年第2期9-16,81-88,共16页
Since the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1949, China's global energy strategy has experienced three stages: "infancy", "growth" and "maturity". Chinese foreign ener... Since the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1949, China's global energy strategy has experienced three stages: "infancy", "growth" and "maturity". Chinese foreign energy cooperation has also gone through three periods chronologically, which include(1) the period when China got rid of its high dependence on oil imports from the Soviet Union, achieved self-reliance and even became a net exporter;(2) the period when China first focused on "bringing in" and then turned itself into a net importer of crude oil and refined oil; and(3) the period when China "went global" to engage in energy cooperation in diverse areas, gradually shifting into a leading role before launching the Belt and Road Initiative, which marked the full establishment of the Chinese global energy strategy. The objective of the Chinese global energy strategy has gradually changed from merely pursuing "energy strength" to transforming "energy strength" into "energy power"; the mission is mainly to "promote energy cooperation and energy revolution"; to implement this mission, China will provide international public goods to global and regional energy governance through energy diplomacy and services; and the areas covered by the strategy are countries and regions along the "Silk Road Economic Belt". 展开更多
关键词 GLOBAL Energy strategy Energy strength Energy power
Obama's Legacy The Foreign Policy of the Late-Term Obama Administration
作者 Ni Feng 《Contemporary International Relations》 2017年第2期67-81,共15页
The year 2014 was a tipping point for the Barack Obama Administration--that was the year when it strove to forge a legacy of the Obarna era but came up against challenges arising from major changes that were taking pl... The year 2014 was a tipping point for the Barack Obama Administration--that was the year when it strove to forge a legacy of the Obarna era but came up against challenges arising from major changes that were taking place internationally and domestically. The Administration was then focused on maintaining a fragile balance between creating this legacy and responding to these challenges. Obama stuck to his fundamental principles when dealing with overseas affairs, but he also came up with new responses. The dynamic balance struck between these two formed the basis of the global strategy of the late-term Obama Administration. The Administration's focus at this time highlights the dilemma it faced in forging a legacy. Further, the foreign policy of Obama and Trump are actually not so different; they both supported some degree of isolationism with a focus on domestic issues. 展开更多
关键词 US global strategy Obama's legacy diplomatic legacy
Could Innovation be Driven by Globalization?
作者 Fawzy Soliman 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2012年第12期1848-1860,共13页
This paper examines the critical role of globalization as a driver for innovation. The introduction of the global strategy quadruple model truly links the three known strategy perspectives (namely, industry competiti... This paper examines the critical role of globalization as a driver for innovation. The introduction of the global strategy quadruple model truly links the three known strategy perspectives (namely, industry competition, resources and institution views) and performance. The model could assist in advancing the cause of sustainable competitive advantages. This study could assist scholars in addressing the three important research questions: (1) Why are some finns more innovative than others? (2) What effects do product, firm, industry, and market innovativeness have on business performance? and (3) Does the link between innovativeness and business performance depend on all or some of the innovativeness factors of product, firm, industry, and market? The presented set of four hypotheses, when tested, will result in a better understanding of the links and relationships among a firm's global strategy, innovativeness, and business performance. The quadruple model presented can be used to examine these relationships in general and in the context of innovation. It is anticipated that this paper will assist researchers, business management, and analysts in developing global innovation strategies. 展开更多
关键词 strategy INNOVATIVENESS product innovativeness firm innovativeness industry innovativeness marketinnovativeness
Does Innovation Drive Sustainable Competitive Advantages?
作者 Fawzy Soliman 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2013年第1期130-143,共14页
This paper examines the critical role of innovations as a driver for sustainable competitive advantages. A quadruple model of global strategy is introduced. The model is based on the introduction of an innovation-base... This paper examines the critical role of innovations as a driver for sustainable competitive advantages. A quadruple model of global strategy is introduced. The model is based on the introduction of an innovation-based perspective of strategy. This is in addition to the other three but well-known perspectives of global strategy (industry-based, resource-based, and institution-based views). Thus, the four perspectives of strategy could lead a complete set of factors that need to be analyzed for the formulation of global strategy. The model could assist organizations in sustaining their competitive advantages. It is proposed that the introduction of the innovation-based view represents the fourth perspective of a strategy quadruple, thus overcoming a long-standing criticism, namely, the global strategy may lack adequate attention to innovation in developing a firms' global competitive strategies. This paper presents a set of four hypotheses. When tested, these hypotheses could result in a better understanding of the link between the innovation and the global strategy domain. Furthermore, the quadruple model could be useful in understanding the relationship between innovativeness and business performance. It is anticipated that this paper could assist researchers, business management, and analysts in developing global innovation strategies. 展开更多
关键词 strategy INNOVATIVENESS product innovativeness firm innovativeness industry innovativeness market innovativeness competitive advantages
作者 王玉主 《当代亚太》 CSSCI 北大核心 2007年第12期60-60,共1页
关键词 信息安全 信息安全保障 全球信息 信息技术革命 信息安全问题 信息网络化 学术性
Research on the Development of Shanghai Creative Industry Park
作者 YANG Jia 《International English Education Research》 2018年第2期1-3,共3页
With the rise and development of knowledge economy in the world, the economic form is undergoing a global strategic change, the creative economy has become the new economic form of international strategic competition,... With the rise and development of knowledge economy in the world, the economic form is undergoing a global strategic change, the creative economy has become the new economic form of international strategic competition, and shows a number of development trends. The creative industry is rising rapidly at an unprecedented rate and becoming an important pillar of the economic development of all countries. In recent years, with the adjustment of China's industrial structure, creative industry has been paid more and more attention. Shanghai as the early development of Creative Industrial Park City, in recent years, the number of creative industrial parks in Shanghai has been more and more, according to the author statistics 2017 Shanghai, the current creative industrial park has reached 385, these industrial parks are mainly located in the city center, mainly engaged in the project to fashion design, cultural media, architectural design, Research and development design, consulting planning mainly. 展开更多
关键词 Shanghai creative Industry Park development status park layout industry type
Strategies of Chinese Offshore Oil Engineering Companies to Go Global
作者 Yang Yun Mi Wenxue 《China Oil & Gas》 CAS 2015年第4期17-22,共6页
Alang with big drop of oil prices, offshore oil engineering market demand is witnessing profound changes. This brings rare opportunities while huge challenges for Chinese offshore oil engineering enterprises. Chinese ... Alang with big drop of oil prices, offshore oil engineering market demand is witnessing profound changes. This brings rare opportunities while huge challenges for Chinese offshore oil engineering enterprises. Chinese offshore oil engineering enterprises have made rapid development in recent years, but they still have a certain gap with European and American competitors. Only by answering the time's call for developmentof international market and having the courage to participate in international competition could Chinese offshore oil engineering enterprises gnaw strong unceasingly. 展开更多
关键词 Offshore oil engineering Service provider International cooperation COMPETITION
CNPC to Be Made Global Competitive Multinational Corporation——Mr. Chen Geng’s View on Oil Situation and CNPC’s Development Scheme in the New Era
《China Oil & Gas》 CAS 2005年第2期4-9,共6页
Five fundamental judgments on oil security situation With the revival of world economy and acceleration of globalization, and with China's rapid growth in national economy and improved market accessibility, both glo... Five fundamental judgments on oil security situation With the revival of world economy and acceleration of globalization, and with China's rapid growth in national economy and improved market accessibility, both global and domestic macro situations are undergoing profound changes. 展开更多
关键词 中国石油天然气集团公司 全球 企业管理 油气工业 经营管理
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