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道岔大轨件全生命周期管理信息系统的设计与实现 被引量:1
作者 任京楠 陈金泽 +2 位作者 王东妍 吴霞 姜帅 《铁路计算机应用》 2024年第1期52-56,共5页
为解决道岔大轨件(简称:大轨件)台账记录方式落后、现场作业人员无法快速掌握设备信息、备件重复利用不充分等问题,设计实现了大轨件全生命周期管理信息系统。该系统优化大轨件全生命周期管理流程,精确、实时掌控大轨件服役状态,采用网... 为解决道岔大轨件(简称:大轨件)台账记录方式落后、现场作业人员无法快速掌握设备信息、备件重复利用不充分等问题,设计实现了大轨件全生命周期管理信息系统。该系统优化大轨件全生命周期管理流程,精确、实时掌控大轨件服役状态,采用网页端与手持终端App相结合的形式,强化生产作业过程管控,保障大轨件信息获取与更新的时效性,已在某工务段试点应用,并取得良好的试用效果,验证了该系统对大轨件信息化管理的实际意义。 展开更多
关键词 道岔大轨 生命周期管理 再利用 现场管控
全周期视角下政务服务的新突破——基于宁波市江北区“一件事”改革的分析 被引量:1
作者 袁方成 马康 《公共治理研究》 2023年第3期31-40,共10页
政务服务是多要素组合的复杂系统,强化各要素的有机链接成为当前改革的重要动向之一。宁波市江北区“一件事”改革引入全周期管理理念,通过即时感知需求、厘定事项边界和权责清单、建立业务协同机制等举措,将跨部门、跨层级的“多项事... 政务服务是多要素组合的复杂系统,强化各要素的有机链接成为当前改革的重要动向之一。宁波市江北区“一件事”改革引入全周期管理理念,通过即时感知需求、厘定事项边界和权责清单、建立业务协同机制等举措,将跨部门、跨层级的“多项事”整合为市民、企业视角的“一件事”,推进政务需求整合和要素联动,极大地促成了政务服务的集成高效办理。案例表明,“一件事”改革推动了政务服务从技术主导到生命需求指引、从服务结果管理到全过程闭环管理的导向转换和资源整合,由此实现了政务服务全周期管理,是政务服务领域的新突破,也成为“放管服”改革背景下的重要创新经验。 展开更多
关键词 政务服务 周期管理 一件 改革 效率
全生命周期价值管理法在高压件管理中的创新应用——以江汉石油井下测试公司为例 被引量:1
作者 韩家新 《产业与科技论坛》 2018年第22期241-243,共3页
关键词 生命周期价值管理法 高压 石油企业
作者 王国润 《中国战略新兴产业(理论版)》 2019年第24期0111-0112,共2页
航空发动机研制离不开试验,试验件制造成本约占研制总成本的 40% 左右,试验件制造周期约占研制总周期的 60% 左右,本文对试验件全生命周期管理方法进行了研究,提出了试验件全生命周期各个阶段的管理办法,通过提高试验件
关键词 航空发动机 试验 生命周期管理
作者 乔晓辰 田罡 《施工企业管理》 2023年第5期107-107,共1页
“谋”即要有前瞻性、科学性的策划统筹。“事后控制不如事中控制,事中控制不如事前控制”,项目全生命周期管理覆盖面广,管理前瞻性、科学性尤为重要。上兵伐谋,全生命周期的施工策划是项目开展的前提和基础。方案编制须合理,清晰、明... “谋”即要有前瞻性、科学性的策划统筹。“事后控制不如事中控制,事中控制不如事前控制”,项目全生命周期管理覆盖面广,管理前瞻性、科学性尤为重要。上兵伐谋,全生命周期的施工策划是项目开展的前提和基础。方案编制须合理,清晰、明确、有逻辑的充分策划是项目持续稳定推进的关键和量变到质变的基础,同等竞争条件下目标与结果之间的差距往往就在此。科学统筹、前瞻通盘策划,才能开好局、起好步。 展开更多
关键词 中控制 项目生命周期 后控制 施工策划 生命周期管理 上兵伐谋 方案编制 前控制
全空间时空对象可视化工具的设计与实现 被引量:9
作者 曹一冰 张江水 +1 位作者 华一新 陈云海 《测绘科学技术学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2021年第2期173-180,共8页
在全空间信息系统中,多粒度时空对象及其时空域的组织方式,本身并没有对对象进行专门的可视化处理。对象的全特征、复杂关联与多维动态特点客观上造成了用户理解和认知数据的困难,需要专门的可视化工具,对对象的特征信息进行可视化检查... 在全空间信息系统中,多粒度时空对象及其时空域的组织方式,本身并没有对对象进行专门的可视化处理。对象的全特征、复杂关联与多维动态特点客观上造成了用户理解和认知数据的困难,需要专门的可视化工具,对对象的特征信息进行可视化检查与交互探索,一方面可以向下验证全空间信息系统建模理论,融合多粒度时空对象一体化管理技术;另一方面可以向上为系统示范应用提供数据可视化工具,检查对象数据的正确性和完整性。为此,首先从体系架构和可视化流程2个方面对可视化工具进行总体设计;在此基础上,以对象特征的直接动态可视化表达为目标,针对对象特征信息的不同来源和时空演变特点,提出多粒度时空对象离散变化特征动态表达、连续变化特征动态表达的关键技术流程,实现对象全生命周期特征信息的变化管理、动态表达与交互探索;最后通过插件扩展,实现了系统功能,以若干应用场景验证了系统架构的合理性和关键技术流程的正确性。 展开更多
关键词 空间信息系统 多粒度时空对象 时空域 生命周期管理 版本技术 时空过程
工程机械结构件可靠性及整机综合性能提升研究 被引量:1
作者 马立峰 《工程机械与维修》 2018年第4期44-45,共2页
掌握各铰接点在偏载工况下所受的最大载荷,对于改进局部结构、提高结构件整体的可靠性具有重要意义。整体研究方向和内容在液压挖掘机产品全生命周期内,会经历设计、分析、制造、使用和维护多个环节,其中的分析包括静态分析和动态分析... 掌握各铰接点在偏载工况下所受的最大载荷,对于改进局部结构、提高结构件整体的可靠性具有重要意义。整体研究方向和内容在液压挖掘机产品全生命周期内,会经历设计、分析、制造、使用和维护多个环节,其中的分析包括静态分析和动态分析。静态分析包括工况分析、强度分析、刚度分析等。动态分析包括包括模态分析、谐响应分析、瞬态动力学分析、控制特性分析等。 展开更多
关键词 可靠性 结构 综合性能 工程机械 产品生命周期 瞬态动力学分析 整机 静态分析
作者 韩立成 章回 《中国照明电器》 2015年第2期1-3,共3页
(续上期)防风设计户外用灯具要能够承受2.5 k N/m2的风力测试,保证灯具壳体及连接件能够承受相应的应力。 EMC和EMF设计从电气原理设计和线路布置方面防止电磁场对人、电路及周围环境的影响。3.2.5环境特性设计产品生产... (续上期)防风设计户外用灯具要能够承受2.5 k N/m2的风力测试,保证灯具壳体及连接件能够承受相应的应力。 EMC和EMF设计从电气原理设计和线路布置方面防止电磁场对人、电路及周围环境的影响。3.2.5环境特性设计产品生产制造过程中不排放有毒有害物质,产品报废后不释放破坏环境的有毒有害物质,优先选用绿色资源和能源。 展开更多
关键词 开发模型 线路布置 产品生命周期 产品报废 周围环境 连接 电气原理 绿色资源 生产制造过程
作者 李粉 王鹏 《中国发展观察》 2023年第4期44-47,共4页
重大科技基础设施(简称“大设施”)是国家创新体系的重要组成部分,被称为“国之重器”“科创基石”。2月21日,习近平总书记在二十届中央政治局第三次集体学习上发表重要讲话,指出要科学规划布局前瞻引领型、战略导向型、应用支撑型重大... 重大科技基础设施(简称“大设施”)是国家创新体系的重要组成部分,被称为“国之重器”“科创基石”。2月21日,习近平总书记在二十届中央政治局第三次集体学习上发表重要讲话,指出要科学规划布局前瞻引领型、战略导向型、应用支撑型重大科技基础设施,强化设施建设事中事后监管,完善全生命周期管理,全面提升开放共享水平和运行效率。目前,我国大设施规模虽已跃居国际前列,但综合效益与世界科技强国相比尚有差距。随着美西方对我国科技创新遏制和封锁力度不断加大. 展开更多
关键词 国家创新体系 后监管 重大科技基础设施 集体学习 生命周期管理 开放共享 综合效益 应用支撑
作者 许丕昕 《设备管理与维修》 2023年第23期85-88,共4页
发动机送修不但影响发动机的在翼性能和可靠性,而且直接影响航空公司的运营成本。从航空发动机返厂大修成本出发,针对航空发动机的维修特点,提出全生命周期小时大修和寿命件成本计算方法,浅析其中的主要影响因子,并提出降低全生命周期... 发动机送修不但影响发动机的在翼性能和可靠性,而且直接影响航空公司的运营成本。从航空发动机返厂大修成本出发,针对航空发动机的维修特点,提出全生命周期小时大修和寿命件成本计算方法,浅析其中的主要影响因子,并提出降低全生命周期小时大修和寿命件成本的建议。 展开更多
关键词 生命周期 大修和寿命成本 返厂成本 运行严酷度 大修管理策略
可定制产品数据BOM构造方法研究 被引量:12
作者 刘明周 曹飞 +1 位作者 张铭鑫 蒋增强 《计算机辅助设计与图形学学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2005年第2期202-208,共7页
通过对传统产品设计BOM的组成结构分析 ,构建了可定制产品数据BOM的组织模型 ;并在此基础上 ,给出了它的构造方法及其分解算法 ,运用该构造方法实现了面向客户的产品数据BOM的一致性管理及企业各职能域间对产品数据信息的集成与共享 ... 通过对传统产品设计BOM的组成结构分析 ,构建了可定制产品数据BOM的组织模型 ;并在此基础上 ,给出了它的构造方法及其分解算法 ,运用该构造方法实现了面向客户的产品数据BOM的一致性管理及企业各职能域间对产品数据信息的集成与共享 通过在产品配置中增加虚拟件的方式 ,实现了产品数据BOM的定制信息描述 ,同时 ,利用可定制产品数据BOM的联合分解算法 ,实现了物料数据清单的高效。 展开更多
关键词 生命周期 可定制产品 面向客户 虚拟 虚拟部
Conditional autoregressive negative binomial model for analysis of crash count using Bayesian methods 被引量:1
作者 徐建 孙璐 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2014年第1期96-100,共5页
In order to improve crash occurrence models to account for the influence of various contributing factors, a conditional autoregressive negative binomial (CAR-NB) model is employed to allow for overdispersion (tackl... In order to improve crash occurrence models to account for the influence of various contributing factors, a conditional autoregressive negative binomial (CAR-NB) model is employed to allow for overdispersion (tackled by the NB component), unobserved heterogeneity and spatial autocorrelation (captured by the CAR process), using Markov chain Monte Carlo methods and the Gibbs sampler. Statistical tests suggest that the CAR-NB model is preferred over the CAR-Poisson, NB, zero-inflated Poisson, zero-inflated NB models, due to its lower prediction errors and more robust parameter inference. The study results show that crash frequency and fatalities are positively associated with the number of lanes, curve length, annual average daily traffic (AADT) per lane, as well as rainfall. Speed limit and the distances to the nearest hospitals have negative associations with segment-based crash counts but positive associations with fatality counts, presumably as a result of worsened collision impacts at higher speed and time loss during transporting crash victims. 展开更多
关键词 traffic safety crash count conditionalautoregressive negative binomial model Bayesian analysis Markov chain Monte Carlo
广电在构建退役军人信息化服务上的探索和实践 被引量:1
作者 舒明霞 朱勤风 章海滨 《广播电视网络》 2020年第11期40-43,共4页
十九大以来,各级政府陆续成立了退役军人事务管理机构,整合原来分布在民政、人社、公安、军区、卫健委等部门与退役军人有关的所有事务。中广有线信息网络有限公司柯桥分公司结合当地的实际情况,打造出一套能整合所有业务和数据的退役... 十九大以来,各级政府陆续成立了退役军人事务管理机构,整合原来分布在民政、人社、公安、军区、卫健委等部门与退役军人有关的所有事务。中广有线信息网络有限公司柯桥分公司结合当地的实际情况,打造出一套能整合所有业务和数据的退役军人全生命周期"一件事"服务信息管理系统,以满足政府相关部门在新形势下的迫切需要。 展开更多
关键词 退役军人 全生命周期“一件事” 广电
Research on Full Space Transient Electro-magnetism Technique for Detecting Aqueous Structures in Coal Mines 被引量:24
作者 YU Jing-cun LIU Zhi-xin TANG Jin-yun 《Journal of China University of Mining and Technology》 EI 2007年第1期58-62,共5页
Based on the transmitting theory of "smoke ring effect", the transient electromagnetism technique was used in coal mines to detect abnormal areas of aquiferous structures in both roofs and floors of coal sea... Based on the transmitting theory of "smoke ring effect", the transient electromagnetism technique was used in coal mines to detect abnormal areas of aquiferous structures in both roofs and floors of coal seams and in front of excavated roadways. Survey devices, working methods and techniques as well as data processing and interpretation are discussed systematically. In addition, the direction of mini-wireframe emission electromagnetic wave of the full space transient electromagnetism technique was verified by an underground borehole for water detection and drainage. The result indicates that this technique can detect both horizontal and vertical development rules of abnormal water bodies to a certain depth below the floor of coal seams and can also detect the abnormal, low resistance water bodies within a certain distance of roofs. Furthermore, it can detect such abnormal bodies in ahead of the excavated roadway front. Limited by the underground environment, the full space transient electromagnetism technique can detect to a depth of only 120 m or so. 展开更多
关键词 water eruption structure water hazard in coal mines detection technique full space transient electromagnetism
Cold event at 5500 a BP recorded in mud sediments on the inner shelf of the East China Sea 被引量:9
作者 徐方建 李安春 +4 位作者 胥可辉 李铁刚 陈世悦 万世明 刘建国 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第4期975-984,共10页
A 700-year record (1.0-1.5 a resolution) of the East Asian winter monsoon (EAWM), based on grain-size analysis and AMSI4C dating of Core EC2005 from the inner-shelf mud wedge of the East China Sea (ECS), was com... A 700-year record (1.0-1.5 a resolution) of the East Asian winter monsoon (EAWM), based on grain-size analysis and AMSI4C dating of Core EC2005 from the inner-shelf mud wedge of the East China Sea (ECS), was compared with the Dongge stalagmite 8180 record during the mid-Holocene. The upper muddy section of Core EC2005 has been formed mainly by suspended sediments derived from the Changjiang (Yangtze) River mouth since 7.3 ka BP. High precipitation and a strengthened EAWM might have played key roles in the high sedimentation rate (1 324-1 986 crn/ka) between 5.9-5.2 ka BP. The EAWM strengthened when the Asian summer monsoon weakened, especially around 5 500 a BE which corresponded to a worldwide cold event. The EAWM during the mid-Holocene shows statistically significant solar periodicities at 62 and 11 a. The 5 500 a BP cold event might be resulted from orbital forcing and changes in solar activity. 展开更多
关键词 5 500 a BP cold event GRAIN-SIZE East Asian winter monsoon MID-HOLOCENE East China Sea
Future Changes of Drought and Flood Events in China under a Global Warming Scenario 被引量:15
作者 CHEN Huo-Po SUN Jian-Qi CHEN Xiao-Li 《Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters》 CSCD 2013年第1期8-13,共6页
This study investigates the impact of global warming on drought/flood patterns in China at the end of the 21st century based on the simulations of 22 global climate models and a regional climate model(RegCM3) under th... This study investigates the impact of global warming on drought/flood patterns in China at the end of the 21st century based on the simulations of 22 global climate models and a regional climate model(RegCM3) under the SRES(Special Report on Emissions Scenarios) A1B scenario.The standardized precipitation index(SPI),which has well performance in monitoring the drought/flood characteristics(in terms of their intensity,duration,and spatial extent) in China,is used in this study.The projected results of 22 coupled models and the RegCM3 simulation are consistent.These models project a decrease in the frequency of droughts in most parts of northern China and a slight increase in the frequency in some parts of southern China.Considering China as a whole,the spatial extents of droughts are projected to be significantly reduced.In contrast,future flood events over most parts of China are projected to occur more frequently with stronger intensity and longer duration than those prevalent currently.Additionally,the spatial extents of flood events are projected to significantly increase. 展开更多
关键词 standardized precipitation index drought/ flood PROJECTION
Network Security Incidents Frequency Prediction Based on Improved Genetic Algorithm and LSSVM 被引量:2
作者 ZHAO Guangyao ZOU Peng HAN Weihong 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2010年第4期126-131,共6页
Since the frequency of network security incidents is nonlinear,traditional prediction methods such as ARMA,Gray systems are difficult to deal with the problem.When the size of sample is small,methods based on artifici... Since the frequency of network security incidents is nonlinear,traditional prediction methods such as ARMA,Gray systems are difficult to deal with the problem.When the size of sample is small,methods based on artificial neural network may not reach a high degree of preciseness.Least Squares Support Vector Machines (LSSVM) is a kind of machine learning methods based on the statistics learning theory,it can be applied to solve small sample and non-linear problems very well.This paper applied LSSVM to predict the occur frequency of network security incidents.To improve the accuracy,it used an improved genetic algorithm to optimize the parameters of LSSVM.Verified by real data sets,the improved genetic algorithm (IGA) converges faster than the simple genetic algorithm (SGA),and has a higher efficiency in the optimization procedure.Specially,the optimized LSSVM model worked very well on the prediction of frequency of network security incidents. 展开更多
关键词 Genetic Algorithm LSSVM Network Security Incidents Time Series PREDICTION
Simulation study of coal mine safety investment based on system dynamics 被引量:11
作者 Tong Lei Dou Yuanyuan 《International Journal of Mining Science and Technology》 SCIE EI 2014年第2期201-205,共5页
To generate dynamic planning for coal mine safety investment, this study applies system dynamics to decision-making, classifying safety investments by accident type. It validates the relationship between safety invest... To generate dynamic planning for coal mine safety investment, this study applies system dynamics to decision-making, classifying safety investments by accident type. It validates the relationship between safety investments and accident cost, by structurally analyzing the causality between safety investments and their influence factors. Our simulation model, based on Vensim software, conducts simulation analysis on a series of actual data from a coalmine in Shanxi Province. Our results indicate a lag phase in safety investments, and that increasing pre-phase safety investment reduces accident costs. We found that a 24% increase in initial safety investment could help reach the target accident costs level 14 months earlier. Our simulation test included nine kinds of variation trends of accident costs brought by different investment ratios on accident prevention. We found an optimized ratio of accident prevention investments allowing a mine to reach accident cost goals 4 months earlier, without changing its total investment. 展开更多
关键词 System dynamicsCoal mineSafety investmentCost of accident
Abrupt Climate Changes of Holocene 被引量:7
作者 WANG Shaowu GE Quansheng +2 位作者 WANG Fang WEN Xinyu HUANG Jianbin 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2013年第1期1-12,共12页
This paper is a review of studies of abrupt climate changes(ACCs) during the Holocene published during the past ten years.North Atlantic cold events are indicators of ACCs.As indicated by North Atlantic ice-rafted deb... This paper is a review of studies of abrupt climate changes(ACCs) during the Holocene published during the past ten years.North Atlantic cold events are indicators of ACCs.As indicated by North Atlantic ice-rafted debris(IRD),there were nine confirmed cold events during the Holocene,occurring at 11.1 kyr,10.3 kyr,9.4 kyr,8.1 kyr,5.9 kyr,4.2 kyr,2.8 kyr,1.4 kyr,and 0.4 kyr respectively according to most representative results from Bond et al.(1997).However,the identification of chronology has been made with some uncertainties.Considerable climatic proxy data have shown that,during the cold events,substantial climate abnormalities have occurred widely across the globe,particularly in the areas surrounding the North Atlantic.These abnormalities were in the form of high-latitude cold in the both hemispheres,expansion of the Westerlies to low latitudes,drought in the monsoon regions,recession of summer monsoons,and intensification of the winter monsoons.Studies have indicated that the four ACCs occurring in the early Holocene may be related to freshwater pulses from ice melting in the northern part of the North Atlantic,and the other five ACCs that occurred during the middle and late Holocene may be related to the decreased solar activity. 展开更多
关键词 HOLOCENE abrupt climate change cold event North Atlantic
A New High-resolution Late Glacial-Holocene Climatic Record from Eastern Nanling Mountains in South China 被引量:3
作者 XUE Jibin ZHONG Wei +3 位作者 ZHENG Yanming MA Qiaohong CAI Ying OUYANG Jun 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2009年第3期274-282,共9页
A 350-cm-long sediment core sequence from Dahu Swamp situated in the eastern Nanling Mountains was selected for high-resolution paleoclimatic reconstruction since the Late Glacial period. The multi-proxy records of th... A 350-cm-long sediment core sequence from Dahu Swamp situated in the eastern Nanling Mountains was selected for high-resolution paleoclimatic reconstruction since the Late Glacial period. The multi-proxy records of this paper reveal several evidently dry and cold events that may coincide with the Oldest Dryas, the Older Dryas, the Younger Dryas in the late deglacial period. Two relatively wetter and warmer phases occurred in ca. 15,000-14,400 cal yr B.P. and 13,500-12,800 cal yr B.P. respectively may correspond to the Boiling and Allerod warming events. The Younger Dryas event (ca. 12,800-11,500 cal yr B.P.) revealed by multi-proxies was characterized by relatively colder and drier climate. A warmer and wetter climate, occurred in ca. 10,000~5000 cal yr B.P., was consistent with the Holoeene Optimum, which coincided with the maximum Northern Hemisphere insolation. The "8.2kyr cool event" and even the "8.8kyr cool event" were indicated as well from our sediment core. A dry mid-Holocene period (ca. 60000 3000 cal yr B.P.) indicated by multi-proxies does not follow the traditional concept of the wet mid-Holocene conditions observed in other regions in China. 展开更多
关键词 Late Glacial period HOLOCENE climatic record Dahu Swamp South China
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