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作者 张春梅 《新教育时代电子杂志(学生版)》 2019年第43期279-280,共2页
关键词 立德树人 全课思政 育人 实施路径
基于WSR方法论的林业高校全课育人研究 被引量:1
作者 麦强盛 陈建成 《西部林业科学》 CAS 北大核心 2020年第2期169-175,共7页
林业高校育人是一项伟大的系统工程,而课程体系是实现立德树人的有效载体。通过对北京林业大学和西南林业大学127名本科毕业生调查发现,林业高校课程存在育人割裂现象、育人轻视心态和育人思想盲区。基于WSR方法论(物理-事理-人理),建... 林业高校育人是一项伟大的系统工程,而课程体系是实现立德树人的有效载体。通过对北京林业大学和西南林业大学127名本科毕业生调查发现,林业高校课程存在育人割裂现象、育人轻视心态和育人思想盲区。基于WSR方法论(物理-事理-人理),建立林业高校全课育人分析模型,并对物理(育人新使命)、事理(坚持全面立德树人)、人理(宏观控制、微观搞活)深入探讨,其中,在事理分析中运用了霍尔的三维结构模式。本文提供了林业高校全课育人研究的一种新框架和新视角,对全课育人实践具有一定参考价值。 展开更多
关键词 林业高校 全课育人 立德树人 WSR方法论
实施教师全课施教 提高师生综合职业能力
作者 石强 解本江 王臣 《华夏教师》 2015年第6期12-13,共2页
关键词 汽修专业 全课施教 程改革 人才培养
作者 邱鲁秦 《黑龙江教育学院学报》 2016年第5期61-62,共2页
课程的导入环节对一节课的整体效果是非常重要的。对于导入环节的用时是否会影响整节课的用时,以及此环节的用时是否要控制在某一个范围之内,众说纷纭。本研究抽取四届全国小学英语教学观摩研讨会共94节课来验证单纯地只考虑导入环节的... 课程的导入环节对一节课的整体效果是非常重要的。对于导入环节的用时是否会影响整节课的用时,以及此环节的用时是否要控制在某一个范围之内,众说纷纭。本研究抽取四届全国小学英语教学观摩研讨会共94节课来验证单纯地只考虑导入环节的用时是否与全课用时之间存在显著相关,是否影响课程的按时完成。研究发现环节的用时与全课用时之间不存在显著相关,导入环节的用时对于整节课是否能够按时完成也不存在显著相关。由此可说明先前研究在没有考虑课堂教学其他因素的情况下,只论述导入环节的时间应该控制在某一个范围之内是不科学的、不严谨的。 展开更多
关键词 导入环节用时 全课用时 相关性
作者 姜庆玲 《辽宁师专学报(社会科学版)》 2024年第3期83-86,共4页
聚焦智慧教育视域下,探索高职院校的育人模式。创新“三全育人、四课联动、五育并举”价值引领下的智慧育人新理念。创立“多方联动,持续推进”的智慧教育新机制,涵盖组织、管理、服务和激励机制的创新。创建“数、智、网”赋能,融合创... 聚焦智慧教育视域下,探索高职院校的育人模式。创新“三全育人、四课联动、五育并举”价值引领下的智慧育人新理念。创立“多方联动,持续推进”的智慧教育新机制,涵盖组织、管理、服务和激励机制的创新。创建“数、智、网”赋能,融合创新的智慧教学新模式,包括创立优质课程资源库、助力教师精准育人、带动学生泛在学习、提升学情系统分析以及实现学生全面发展评价。为高职院校智慧教育的发展提供有效参考和借鉴。 展开更多
关键词 智慧教育 高职院校 融合创新 五育 育人模式
作者 陈小燕 《中小学班主任》 2024年第9期32-35,共4页
主题班会在中小学德育工作中发挥着重要作用,是解决学生成长问题的重要途径。但主题班会怎么上才能达到预期的教育效果,笔者和课题组的老师历经14年研究,通过构建主题班会“全课型教学模型”,较好地解决了一线班主任“怕上班会课 ”“... 主题班会在中小学德育工作中发挥着重要作用,是解决学生成长问题的重要途径。但主题班会怎么上才能达到预期的教育效果,笔者和课题组的老师历经14年研究,通过构建主题班会“全课型教学模型”,较好地解决了一线班主任“怕上班会课 ”“不会上班会课”“育人效果欠佳 ”等问题。本文就研究过程、研究方法、研究实效等进行阐释,以期为同行提供借鉴。 展开更多
关键词 主题班会 全课 实施策略
作者 李沐霖 《中国军转民》 2024年第4期175-176,共2页
显性教育和隐性教育虽然形态不同,但是都对思想政治教育具有重要作用,都是高质量开展思想政治教育,全周期上好思想政治理论课的重要抓手。文章阐述了全周期思想政治理论课显性知识与隐性知识的协同共振,从课程决策、课程设计、课程实施... 显性教育和隐性教育虽然形态不同,但是都对思想政治教育具有重要作用,都是高质量开展思想政治教育,全周期上好思想政治理论课的重要抓手。文章阐述了全周期思想政治理论课显性知识与隐性知识的协同共振,从课程决策、课程设计、课程实施及课程评价几个方面阐述显性知识与隐性知识协同发力对于上好一堂思政课的重要性。 展开更多
关键词 显性知识 隐性知识 周期思想政治理论 教师队伍 思想政治教育
基于LabVIEW的全仿真电子实验课件的设计 被引量:6
作者 袁渊 何光普 +1 位作者 古军 习友宝 《实验室研究与探索》 CAS 2005年第4期37-39,共3页
实验教学课件是提高实验教学质量和效率、降低实验教学成本的重要手段。基于图形化的虚拟仪器开发软件LabVIEW提出了一种全仿真电子实验课件的设计方法,即从课件界面的真实性和可操作的交互性上对实验仪器设备进行了全面仿真,力求在使... 实验教学课件是提高实验教学质量和效率、降低实验教学成本的重要手段。基于图形化的虚拟仪器开发软件LabVIEW提出了一种全仿真电子实验课件的设计方法,即从课件界面的真实性和可操作的交互性上对实验仪器设备进行了全面仿真,力求在使用效果上达到一种真实的现场感受。 展开更多
关键词 实验教学 电子实验 仿真 虚拟仪器开发软件
“新工科”背景下理工高校全英语人文通识课程体系的建设 被引量:9
作者 赵宏 《化工高等教育》 2018年第4期13-19,共7页
"新工科"建设存在一条人文主义路径,即工程教育和人文教育的整合,以弥补我国传统工程教育专注科学范式和技术范式的不足,提升工程人才培养质量。通过对照国外高水平理工院校的通识教育,本文认为建设全英语人文通识课程体系,... "新工科"建设存在一条人文主义路径,即工程教育和人文教育的整合,以弥补我国传统工程教育专注科学范式和技术范式的不足,提升工程人才培养质量。通过对照国外高水平理工院校的通识教育,本文认为建设全英语人文通识课程体系,是理工高校探索"新工科"建设人文路径的有力抓手,可实现提升学生英语技能和人文素养的双重目标。本文提出了理工高校全英语人文通识课程设置的初步构想。全英语人文通识课程体系的成功建设,一方面需要师资转型发展,另一方面也需得到教学管理体系的支持。 展开更多
关键词 新工科 人文教育 英语通识
作者 吴骏 《中国信息技术教育》 2022年第15期66-69,共4页
本文提出将“云教学”“云任务”“云评价”与课前、课中、课后各个环节深度融合的思路,通过综合运用包括“微课”“云互动”工具、“云评价”工具等在内的多种“云资源”开展小学英语“云课堂”教学实践,总结出一个课内外全链条“云课... 本文提出将“云教学”“云任务”“云评价”与课前、课中、课后各个环节深度融合的思路,通过综合运用包括“微课”“云互动”工具、“云评价”工具等在内的多种“云资源”开展小学英语“云课堂”教学实践,总结出一个课内外全链条“云课堂”教学模式,能够显著提升教学效率。 展开更多
关键词 教学模式 内外链条 小学英语
建构儿童文学名著阅读指导课范式的研究 被引量:1
作者 周鸿斌 《基础教育研究》 2020年第8期36-37,共2页
关键词 兴趣 全课
作者 李芳 《小学教学参考》 2020年第23期11-13,共3页
儿童具有具体性和直观形象性思维,需要在大量的感性材料的基础上,通过感知、体验、比较、抽象、概括,最终形成对数学的理性认识.全经验是指儿童经验领域对客观世界的全覆盖.全经验视角下开展的数学教育教学主要包括全经验数学拓展课、... 儿童具有具体性和直观形象性思维,需要在大量的感性材料的基础上,通过感知、体验、比较、抽象、概括,最终形成对数学的理性认识.全经验是指儿童经验领域对客观世界的全覆盖.全经验视角下开展的数学教育教学主要包括全经验数学拓展课、全经验数学课外活动、数学阅读与创作三部分,三者相辅相成、互为补充,对提升儿童数学核心素养,乃至综合素养,建构儿童完整的数学生活世界具有重要意义和作用. 展开更多
关键词 经验 经验数学拓展 经验数学外活动 数学阅读与创作
作者 奚亚英 王岚 《中小学管理》 北大核心 2016年第2期31-33,共3页
江苏省常州市武进清英外国语学校在推进课堂教学改革的过程中,进行了变"课堂"为"学堂"的探索。学校基于"用自己的课程教与学"的课程观,以儿童视角设计学校课程体系,推进核心课程的重组和优化,探索基于全... 江苏省常州市武进清英外国语学校在推进课堂教学改革的过程中,进行了变"课堂"为"学堂"的探索。学校基于"用自己的课程教与学"的课程观,以儿童视角设计学校课程体系,推进核心课程的重组和优化,探索基于全学科视域的跨学科统整。通过架设"易课"实践通道,优化教学目标、创新教学结构、重塑教学时空,实现课堂重建。通过学习方式、学习平台、学习评价的改变,引领学生实现深度学习。 展开更多
关键词 堂教学改革:“学堂” 程统整:学科:“易 深度学习
“问题教学法”在中职英语教学的妙用 被引量:2
作者 陈标宽 《福建教育学院学报》 2014年第2期92-93,共2页
关键词 问题教学法 中职英语教学 全课式问题 阶梯式问题 辐射式问题
讨论式教学 被引量:2
作者 郭海忠 杨帆 王冬梅 《内蒙古农业科技》 2001年第S1期86-88,共3页
关键词 主导 主体 信息网络 全课 随机式
The Legacy of Conventional Textbook Trade Theory in the Light of Globalization 被引量:1
作者 Daniel Nagel Sorin Burnete 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2018年第4期204-219,共16页
The term “globalization” designates the rapidly advancing international economic integration through substantial growth in trade of goods and services as well as surging cross-border factor mobility from the early 1... The term “globalization” designates the rapidly advancing international economic integration through substantial growth in trade of goods and services as well as surging cross-border factor mobility from the early 1990s onwards. This acceleration in the liberalization of world trade and capital movements is largely attributable to technological progress which significantly curtailed the expenses for transport as well as communication. In conjunction with the progressing opening of major newly industrializing economies endowed with abundant and cheap labor forces, it has reinforced a geographical fragmentation of production processes according to cost considerations. This phenomenon termed as “vertical specialization”, “outsourcing” or also “slicing the value chain” in turn has translated into a hike in FDI and international trade of intermediate products. The main objective of this paper is to identify adequate trade models for assessing the corresponding effects of those developments. In this context, textbook trade theories spanning from comparative advantage à la Ricardo to the new-new trade theory are examined. Subsequently, we expand on globalization-induced new forms of trade (intra-firm trade, trade within the value chain) and finally conclude with our findings to properly account for those trends. 展开更多
关键词 economic integration international trade GLOBALIZATION OUTSOURCING trade theory
Time Course of Q Value after Myopic Laser-assisted In Situ Keratomileusis
作者 Zheng-wei Zhang Wei-ran Niu +2 位作者 Ming-ming Ma Ke-li-mu Jiang Bi-lian Ke 《Chinese Medical Sciences Journal》 CAS CSCD 2011年第3期141-145,共5页
Objective To assess the time course of Q value after myopic laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis(LASIK) and preliminarily evaluate the determinants of the difference of Q value between before and after LASIK.Methods ... Objective To assess the time course of Q value after myopic laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis(LASIK) and preliminarily evaluate the determinants of the difference of Q value between before and after LASIK.Methods We performed a retrospective,longitudinal investigation on patients undergoing wavefront optimized LASIK therapy for emmetropization.A total of 418 eyes from 222 cases were examined preoperatively,and partly followed up at one week(172 eyes),one month(134 eyes) and three months(51 eyes) after surgery.The horizontal,vertical and total Q values of cornea were calculated from eccentricity measured at the central 6-mm corneal zones respectively.Potential determinants of the change of Q value were analyzed using multiple linear regressions.Results The mean Q value was-0.17±0.13 preoperatively,and 0.99±0.70,0.97±0.66,and 0.86±0.41 one week,one and three months postoperatively,respectively.One way analysis of variance(ANOVA) demonstrated significant differences between measurements made before surgery and at all postoperative times(at one week,one and three months;all P<0.0001,Bonferroni post hoc),but no significant differences were found among postoperative groups.Significant differences of Q values between horizontal and vertical meridians were found before surgery and at all postoperative times(all P<0.0001).Multiple regression analysis revealed that change of Q value significantly correlated with manifest refraction spherical equivalent(r=0.116,P<0.0001) and axial length(r=0.264,P<0.0001).Conclusions Over the study period,the primary changes in Q value occur within 1 week after surgery,and then become slightly decreased and nearly stable.Manifest refraction spherical equivalent and axial length play a significant role in the change of postoperative Q value. 展开更多
关键词 corneal asphericity Q value MYOPIA laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis
Evaluation of whole-course three-dimensional conformal radiotherapy combined with late-course accelerated hyperfractionated radiotherapy for esophageal carcinoma patients 被引量:1
作者 Dianfu Zhang Peliang Zhang Yuguo Wang Shuren Cao Ruiyan Fang Yichang Liu Tao Zhang 《The Chinese-German Journal of Clinical Oncology》 CAS 2011年第3期144-146,共3页
Objective: The aim of the study was to evaluate the therapeutic effect and safety of whole-course three-dimensional conformal radiotherapy (3DCRT) combined with late-course accelerated hyperfractionated radiothera... Objective: The aim of the study was to evaluate the therapeutic effect and safety of whole-course three-dimensional conformal radiotherapy (3DCRT) combined with late-course accelerated hyperfractionated radiotherapy (LCAFR) on patients with esophageal carcinoma. Methods: one hundred and one patients with esophageal carcinoma were divided into two groups. Observing group (49 cases) were treated by whole-course 3DCRT. Patients in control group (52 cases) were treated by conventional radiotherapy. Clinical efficiencies and radiation toxicities were compared between two groups. Results: The side effects including radiation esophagitis (63.2%) and tracheitis (49.0%) decreased in observing group, but there was no significant difference between two groups (69.2% and 55.7% in controls). The 1-, 2-and 3-year tumor local control rates and overall survival rates in the observing group were significantly improved compared with the control group, being respectively 87.8%, 75.5%, 63.3% vs 71.2%, 55.8%, 42.3% and 85.7%, 71.4%, 46.7% vs 69.2%, 51.9%, 26.9% (all P 0.05). Conclusion: The therapeutic effect of whole-course 3DCRT combined with LCAFR for esophageal carcinomas is superior to conventional radiotherapy. 展开更多
关键词 esophageal neoplasms three-dimensional conformal radiotherapy (3DCRT) late-course accelerated hyperfractionated radiotherapy (LCAFR)
Teaching Locally, Engaging Globally to Enhance the Undergraduate Curriculum: A Social Science Research and Evaluation Perspective
作者 K. E. Dooley G. Roberts +4 位作者 M. Navarro A. Harder T. Murphrey J. Ricketts J. Lindner 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(A)》 2011年第1X期24-32,共9页
The purpose of this project is to reach more students in food, agricultural, and environmental sciences with a globalized undergraduate curriculum, by providing contextually-rich reusable learning objects (RLOs) and... The purpose of this project is to reach more students in food, agricultural, and environmental sciences with a globalized undergraduate curriculum, by providing contextually-rich reusable learning objects (RLOs) and authentic case studies that address multidisciplinary issues. Reusable learning objects (RLOs) are self--contained, digital learning activities that range in length from 2 to 15 minutes. RLOs can contain a wide array of media, including text, web sites, charts, maps, models, PowerPoint presentations, photos, case studies, simulations, video clips, audio clips, and assessments, Food and agricultural sciences faculty at the University of Florida, the University of Georgia, and Texas A&M University have been selected to be part of a Faculty Learning Community that Will work together in curriculum and RLO development, and will participate in an international study experience funded by this project. For each experience, a group of approximately ten faculty and three project team members will spend roughly two weeks in a Latin American/Caribbean basin country. Various social science data collection processes and evaluation strategies will be the focus of the presentation. The use of preflective and reflective instruments to measure initial attitudes or beliefs about the context-rich multidisciplinary experience and expected gains from participating in the curricula development will be demonstrated. 展开更多
关键词 Reusable learning objects (RLO) social science research internationalizing curriculum global competency
The Practical Study of ESP Theory in Professional Foreign Language Teaching
作者 HAN Caihong 《International English Education Research》 2018年第1期21-23,共3页
With the rapid development of economic globalization, foreign language talents who are cultivated by general foreign language teaching should meet the requirements of the international development strategy. Therefore,... With the rapid development of economic globalization, foreign language talents who are cultivated by general foreign language teaching should meet the requirements of the international development strategy. Therefore, it is of great importance to promote foreign language teaching quality. In this paper, we discuss how to fully utilize the English for Specific Purposes (ESP) theory to enhance professional foreign language teaching quality. ESP refers to a type of teaching concept or approach as the counterpart of English for General Purposes (EGP), which contains a vast range of aspects. Particularly, we propose two English course design methods based on the ESP theory, that is, 1) language centered curriculum design, and 2) learning centered curriculum design. Finally, experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method can significantly improve teaching quality. 展开更多
关键词 English for Specific Purposes Language teaching Course design High education
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