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自己决定权与公序——婚姻家庭·成年人监护·脑死亡 被引量:3
作者 杜颖(译) 《私法》 2002年第2期130-162,共33页
现代日本社会中的各个领域以及各种语境下都在谈论自己决定权。从私法学的观点进行整理的话,可以看出其三种不同的性质。第一,使强行法规对一定社会关系的强制相对化的自己决定权;第二,使国家和中间团体(企业、学校等)确保个人自由领域... 现代日本社会中的各个领域以及各种语境下都在谈论自己决定权。从私法学的观点进行整理的话,可以看出其三种不同的性质。第一,使强行法规对一定社会关系的强制相对化的自己决定权;第二,使国家和中间团体(企业、学校等)确保个人自由领域的自己决定权;第三,在修正契约当事人之间的信息差距时援用的自己决定权。本文选取第一个自己决定权,即'作为公序相对化原理的自己决定权',探讨其法律性质和在现代社会的意义。具体要探讨的对象是:1.以引进选择性夫妇别姓制度为课题的家族法修改问题;2.旨在协调尊重自己决定和本人保护之间关系的成年人监护制度;3.在脑死亡和器官移植争论中提到的自己决定权。通过这些探讨指出,这些领域中的自己决定权不是本来意义上的权利,因为侵犯这种权利并不当然要做出违法评价。因此,仅仅提出自己决定权并不能够使公序相对化正当化,公序应否相对化最终还要在公序那里寻求正当性。为研究之便,把公序分为'政治的公序'和'保护的公序',作为结论,本文指出,对于前者,需要为尊重自己决定权而谋求相对化,但是后者的相对化应该慎重。 展开更多
关键词 自己决定权 公序 私法
福建晋江市磁灶镇大埔村:谋公益 树公序 建设美丽新农村
作者 吴金涛 《党建》 CSSCI 2017年第8期43-43,共1页
福建省晋江市磁灶镇大埔村两委秉持"谋公益、树公序"理念,坚持从六处着力,新农村建设逐渐"枝繁叶茂",取得长足进展。着力发展集体经济。集体经济是基层党组织凝聚力的重要物质基础。为此,村两委探索采取了一系列措施发展经济。一是... 福建省晋江市磁灶镇大埔村两委秉持"谋公益、树公序"理念,坚持从六处着力,新农村建设逐渐"枝繁叶茂",取得长足进展。着力发展集体经济。集体经济是基层党组织凝聚力的重要物质基础。为此,村两委探索采取了一系列措施发展经济。一是资产整合,组织专门小组清查集体资产,全面回收,登记造册, 展开更多
关键词 福建省晋江市 磁灶 公序 资产整合 党组织凝聚力 专门小组 登记造册 中心幼儿园 舞蹈室 参保率
文化立法基本原则的反思、评价与重构 被引量:16
作者 石东坡 《浙江工业大学学报(社会科学版)》 2009年第2期191-197,共7页
文化立法是维护国家文化主权、实现公民文化权益、推动文化和谐发展、形成文化公共秩序的必要条件和重要保障。关于文化立法的基本原则,在认识上存在不同观点和研究缺失,在实践上也是在不断探索和提炼之中。针对当前我国文化发展进程,... 文化立法是维护国家文化主权、实现公民文化权益、推动文化和谐发展、形成文化公共秩序的必要条件和重要保障。关于文化立法的基本原则,在认识上存在不同观点和研究缺失,在实践上也是在不断探索和提炼之中。针对当前我国文化发展进程,文化立法应当遵循文化主权原则、文化人权原则、文化和谐原则和文化公序原则等四个基本原则,以保障文化立法的顺利开展并与文化发展相适应、相促进。 展开更多
关键词 文化立法 基本原则 文化主权 文化人权 文化和谐 文化公序
私序及其对矿业权市场发展和完善的作用 被引量:2
作者 晏波 《中国矿业》 北大核心 2014年第12期1-5,共5页
本文首先通过对相关文献的简要梳理,阐述了私序的特点、运行机制、优势和劣势,然后利用新制度经济学的理论与方法,分析了矿业权及其交易特殊性所导致的高昂交易费用对矿业权市场发展与完善的阻碍作用,以及建立单一功能的矿业权交易中介... 本文首先通过对相关文献的简要梳理,阐述了私序的特点、运行机制、优势和劣势,然后利用新制度经济学的理论与方法,分析了矿业权及其交易特殊性所导致的高昂交易费用对矿业权市场发展与完善的阻碍作用,以及建立单一功能的矿业权交易中介机构的局限性。同时,由于与矿业权交易纠纷有关的某些关键信息对于法庭的不可证实性以及利用法庭裁决纠纷的巨大成本,法庭在裁决矿业权交易纠纷中的作用有限,利用法庭等公序并不能大幅降低矿业权的交易费用;与此不同,私序在降低矿业权交易费用方面大有作为。由此可以得出私序在矿业权市场的发展与完善中起着无可替代作用的结论。最后,本文初步探讨了我国矿业权市场中私序发展程度低的原因。 展开更多
关键词 私序 公序 矿业权 声誉
矿业仲裁制度与矿业权市场的完善 被引量:1
作者 晏波 《中国矿业》 北大核心 2015年第3期17-20,共4页
大多数重要的矿业权及其交易通常具有不同于普通物品及其交易的特性,这些特性所导致的矿业权高昂交易费用,阻碍了矿业权交易,从而不利于发挥市场在配置矿业权方面的决定性作用。减少矿业权交易纠纷、提高解决交易纠纷的效率,是降低矿业... 大多数重要的矿业权及其交易通常具有不同于普通物品及其交易的特性,这些特性所导致的矿业权高昂交易费用,阻碍了矿业权交易,从而不利于发挥市场在配置矿业权方面的决定性作用。减少矿业权交易纠纷、提高解决交易纠纷的效率,是降低矿业权交易费用的重要途径。本文在阐述交易合约所涉及的三类信息的基础上,分析了矿业权交易纠纷专业仲裁机构在裁决矿业权交易纠纷方面相比法庭的优势,揭示了当前我国矿业权交易纠纷专业仲裁机构缺失的原因,提出了等我国的仲裁法修改完善后在矿业权交易中心成立矿业权交易纠纷专业仲裁机构的建议。 展开更多
关键词 私序 公序 仲裁 矿业权交易中心
私序的功能与转型:一个述评 被引量:4
作者 李艳东 郑江淮 《产业经济研究》 2007年第1期64-70,共7页
本文区分了私序和公序、纵向一体化在交易治理上的差异,分析了私序在节约交易成本、保证交易安全上有着与公序、纵向一体化不同的治理过程。指出了以声誉为基础的关系型社区内的自我执行、非正式的第三方执行和自主治理的私序的作用方... 本文区分了私序和公序、纵向一体化在交易治理上的差异,分析了私序在节约交易成本、保证交易安全上有着与公序、纵向一体化不同的治理过程。指出了以声誉为基础的关系型社区内的自我执行、非正式的第三方执行和自主治理的私序的作用方式、私序的负面效应,以及经济转型国家的私序变迁特征。公序逐渐改善的过程伴随着私序的不断恶化,这可能会给经济带来暂时的损失,新的治理制度不能被期望短期内就能达到完善,需要经历一个试验和学习的试错期。 展开更多
关键词 私序 公序 治理 执行
职业体育比赛票务制度的公共秩序原则考察——以CBA辽宁飞豹篮球俱乐部“门票事件”为样本 被引量:1
作者 薛山 王桢 《山东体育科技》 2015年第6期27-32,共6页
公共秩序原则是公序良俗原则组成部分,在不同的法律领域内有不同的表现形式,对体育票务制度的发展至关重要。从对辽宁飞豹篮球俱乐部"门票事件"的个案研究中发现,打击倒卖比赛门票行为可以依据公共秩序原则解除门票买卖合同,... 公共秩序原则是公序良俗原则组成部分,在不同的法律领域内有不同的表现形式,对体育票务制度的发展至关重要。从对辽宁飞豹篮球俱乐部"门票事件"的个案研究中发现,打击倒卖比赛门票行为可以依据公共秩序原则解除门票买卖合同,但解除受到严格的条件限制。在不满足条件的情况下解约人应当承担违约责任,且对不同相对人的责任承当方式不尽相同。另外,公共秩序原则的一个重要内容要求在市场交易的过程中,门票的出卖人不得利用体育票务市场的支配地位实施垄断行为,其垄断行为多部门的综合管辖。最后,体育票务市场公共秩序的维护仅靠涨价打击倒卖比赛门票的行为不能起效。应当从制度设计入手,加快倒卖有价票证行为的刑事立法,同时采用市场、科技、交易等多方面的手段进行规制。 展开更多
关键词 体育比赛门票 公序秩序原则 合同违约责任 市场垄断责任 倒卖有价票证
作者 何其荣 五十岚清 《贵州警官职业学院学报》 1993年第1期35-38,共4页
这里所谈的比较法的方法,为了避免其过多地陷入方法论上的争论,打算只以比较研究的过程为中心,仪就其某些实际的做法加以说明。 (一)比较对象的选定。在进行比较法研究时,课题一旦选定,接下来的问题首先便是选择哪一个法律体系作为比... 这里所谈的比较法的方法,为了避免其过多地陷入方法论上的争论,打算只以比较研究的过程为中心,仪就其某些实际的做法加以说明。 (一)比较对象的选定。在进行比较法研究时,课题一旦选定,接下来的问题首先便是选择哪一个法律体系作为比较对象。对于研究课题来说,必须选择与之相适应的法律体系。也就是说,对象要依课题而定。但有时会觉得比较法几乎没打用处。 展开更多
关键词 比较法研究 比较法学 大陆法系 婚姻关系 英美法系 德国法 日尔曼 法国民法 特定地区 公序
作者 文心 《长沙理工大学学报(社会科学版)》 1990年第1期42-42,共1页
宋庠、宋祁兄弟是北宋前期政坛和文坛卓有建树的人物.宋庠(996-1066年)北宋政治家、文学家.初名郊,后仁宗改名为庠,字公序.祖籍安陆(今属湖北),后迁开封雍丘(今河南杞县),好俭约,读书至老不倦,善正讹误.与兄祁俱有文名,时称“二宋”,“... 宋庠、宋祁兄弟是北宋前期政坛和文坛卓有建树的人物.宋庠(996-1066年)北宋政治家、文学家.初名郊,后仁宗改名为庠,字公序.祖籍安陆(今属湖北),后迁开封雍丘(今河南杞县),好俭约,读书至老不倦,善正讹误.与兄祁俱有文名,时称“二宋”,“大宋、小宋”. 展开更多
关键词 宋庠 北宋前期 大宋 天圣 玉楼春 公序 子京 工部尚书 李日 著撰
作者 编辑部 《刑事技术》 1985年第5期50-,共1页
关键词 科学技术文献 计算机检索 一九 研究工作 简炼 卜山 公序 综合分析
作者 孙德祓 《临沂师专学报》 1991年第1期43-44,33,共3页
《国语》校勘一识《国语》现存的版本中有宋代刻印的两种:明道本和公序本。中华书局《四部备要》的《国语》是根据清代士礼居翻刻明道本排印的;商务印书馆《四部丛刊》的《国语》是根据杭州叶氏收藏的明金李校刊的公序本影印的。以后出... 《国语》校勘一识《国语》现存的版本中有宋代刻印的两种:明道本和公序本。中华书局《四部备要》的《国语》是根据清代士礼居翻刻明道本排印的;商务印书馆《四部丛刊》的《国语》是根据杭州叶氏收藏的明金李校刊的公序本影印的。以后出版的《国语》单行本。 展开更多
关键词 《国语》 四部备要 《四部丛刊》 道本 士礼居 公序 西湖游览志余 明金 九十其仪 见其
A Greedy Traffic Light and Queue Aware Routing Protocol for Urban VANETs 被引量:2
作者 Yangyang Xia Xiaoqi Qin +1 位作者 Baoling Liu Ping Zhang 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2018年第7期77-87,共11页
Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks(VANETs) require reliable data dissemination for time-sensitive public safety applications. An efficient routing protocol plays a vital role to achieve satisfactory network performance. It is ... Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks(VANETs) require reliable data dissemination for time-sensitive public safety applications. An efficient routing protocol plays a vital role to achieve satisfactory network performance. It is well known that routing is a challenging problem in VANETs due to the fast-changing network typology caused by high mobility at both ends of transmission. Moreover, under urban environment, there are two non-negligible factors in routing protocol design, the non-uniform vehicle distribution caused by traffic lights, and the network congestion due to high traffic demand in rush hours. In this paper, we propose a greedy traffic light and queue aware routing protocol(GTLQR) which jointly considers the street connectivity, channel quality, relative distance, and queuing delay to alleviate the packet loss caused by vehicle clustering at the intersection and balance the traffic load among vehicles. Through performance evaluation, we show that our proposed protocol outperforms both TLRC and GLSR-L in terms of packet delivery ratio and end-to-end delay. 展开更多
关键词 VANETS 5G traffic light queuing delay vehicular communications
On the Smarandache Pseudo Number Sequence 被引量:7
作者 LIU Yah-hi 《Chinese Quarterly Journal of Mathematics》 CSCD 北大核心 2006年第4期581-584,共4页
The main purpose of this paper is to study the mean value properties of thesecond Smarandache pseudo-odd number sequence and pseudo-even number sequence, andgive some interesting asymptotic formula for them.
关键词 pseudo-odd numbers pseudo-even numbers asymptotic formula.
A new method of AHP applied to personal credit evaluation
作者 姜明辉 熊琦 曹静 《Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology(New Series)》 EI CAS 2006年第2期211-214,共4页
This paper presents a new negative judgment matrix that combines the advantages of the reciprocal judgment matrix and the fuzzy complementary judgment matrix, and then puts forth the properties of this new matrix. In ... This paper presents a new negative judgment matrix that combines the advantages of the reciprocal judgment matrix and the fuzzy complementary judgment matrix, and then puts forth the properties of this new matrix. In view of these properties, this paper derives a clear sequencing formula for the new negative judgment matrix, which improves the sequencing principle of AHP. Finally, this new method is applied to personal credit evaluation to show its advantages of conciseness and swiftness. 展开更多
关键词 negative judgment matrix sequencing formula personal credit evaluation
The Criminal Law of Public Order as a Guardian of Public Interest in Terrorist Acts Scenario
作者 Altin Shegani 《Sociology Study》 2013年第3期172-181,共10页
Promotion of a model of the criminal law of public order represents an important point of reflection in criminal law doctrine. Public order, as a juridical good, has many predispositions to be exposed to criminal acti... Promotion of a model of the criminal law of public order represents an important point of reflection in criminal law doctrine. Public order, as a juridical good, has many predispositions to be exposed to criminal activity, and in this point of view, its special protection through criminal law norms constitutes a major concern of criminal legislation objectives. Criminal legislation (as a regulatory and modifying tool within society) is an intelligent social product It is a concrete expression of the important contribution of society in ensuring qualitative and quantitative relations of the model of public order. The latter finds expression as the object of a subjective right, which cannot be divided from the affirmation made by criminal legislation as a primary juridical good. In this context, the model of public order is associated with that of protection of general interest, in the subjective sense of the right to punish (ius puniendO, implemented by state authorities. In their universal meaning, all criminal offences in one way or another affect the normal functioning of public order, but terrorist acts can violate or impinge upon public order more closely and specifically. While affecting the designated model of public order, terrorist crimes put in question the architecture of the rule of law. In response to the mechanisms of terrorist offences, two main criminalization techniques are elaborated: (1) the classical technique of criminalization; and (2] the enumerative technique of criminalization. Criminal sanctions, by which the repression of this criminal vector is carried out, aim at ensuring not only the survival of human society, but also its cardinal values and interests, as well as the technical and scientific progress. 展开更多
关键词 Criminal law public order juridical good individual freedom public interest
A minimal axiom group for rough set based on quasi-ordering 被引量:2
作者 代建华 陈卫东 潘云鹤 《Journal of Zhejiang University Science》 CSCD 2004年第7期810-815,共6页
Rough set axiomatization is one aspect of rough set study to characterize rough set theory using dependable and minimal axiom groups. Thus, rough set theory can be studied by logic and axiom system methods. The classi... Rough set axiomatization is one aspect of rough set study to characterize rough set theory using dependable and minimal axiom groups. Thus, rough set theory can be studied by logic and axiom system methods. The classic rough set theory is based on equivalent relation, but rough set theory based on reflexive and transitive relation (called quasi-ordering) has wide applications in the real world. To characterize topological rough set theory, an axiom group named RT, consisting of 4 axioms, is proposed. It is proved that the axiom group reliability in characterizing rough set theory based on similar relation is reasonable. Simultaneously, the minimization of the axiom group, which requires that each axiom is an equation and each is independent, is proved. The axiom group is helpful for researching rough set theory by logic and axiom system methods. 展开更多
关键词 Rough set theory QUASI-ORDERING AXIOMS Minimization
A Study on the Acts of Civil Disobedience That Have Nationwide Significance in Republic of Turkey
作者 Atil Cem Cicek Selcuk Aydin Eda Akgul 《Sociology Study》 2016年第1期1-17,共17页
When the relationship between the government and the citizens is taken into consideration, at the times when the government is misusing its power, the citizens may express themselves about the injustice in various way... When the relationship between the government and the citizens is taken into consideration, at the times when the government is misusing its power, the citizens may express themselves about the injustice in various ways and civil disobedience is one of them. If the injustice still exists after all the judicial proceedings are taken, then, this act that has nonviolence as its fundamental philosophy is seen to take place. The most important representatives of civil disobedience in the world are Socrates, Henry David Thoreau, M. Luther King and Mahatma Gandhi. These thinkers with their discourses and actions put forth what constitutes as civil disobedience and set an example to other societies. In this study, firstly, the aforementioned notion of civil disobedience is explained. Then, some demonstrations that took place in Turkey are evaluated in the framework of civil disobedience. The aim is to determine whether or not these demonstrations can be considered as examples of "civil disobedience". Also, the reasons why some of these demonstrations are not in the scope of civil disobedience are discussed. In this study, depiction and historical methods are used. 展开更多
关键词 Passive resistance civil disobedience nonviolence
Accounting treatment and internal controls in financial shared services ofmultinational corporations 被引量:2
作者 CHEN Min 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2010年第8期55-59,共5页
Financial shared services (FSS) play an important role in multinational corporations for the effective cost management. FSS also can reduce errors and fraud so as to achieve perfect internal controls by standardized... Financial shared services (FSS) play an important role in multinational corporations for the effective cost management. FSS also can reduce errors and fraud so as to achieve perfect internal controls by standardized and procedural business processes which are important parts of internal controls. This paper emphasizes on two popular procedures and methods in multinational corporations. One is balance sheet reconciliation. It can illustrate the situation of accounts on an accrual basis which are the focus of internal audit and external audit. The other is Interco-Sop (Intercompany-standard operating procedure) which are important for to ensure the accuracy and effectiveness of accounting system and internal controls. 展开更多
关键词 financial shared services balance sheet reconciliation Interco-Sop
Attitudes and Practices of Health Care Providers Regarding the Management of Uncomplicated Malaria in Abidjan, Cote d'lvoire
作者 Frederic Nogbou Ello Thomas Yapo Aba +7 位作者 Ismael Ouattara Didier Koumavi Ekouvi Offoue Kra Pierre Aime Assemian Amath Wade Serge-Paul Eholie Emmanuel Bissagnene 《Journal of Life Sciences》 2012年第7期747-753,共7页
Malaria is a major public health problem in the Cote d'Ivoire where it is the leading cause of morbidity and mortality. The objective of this study was to assess the knowledge, attitudes and practices of health care ... Malaria is a major public health problem in the Cote d'Ivoire where it is the leading cause of morbidity and mortality. The objective of this study was to assess the knowledge, attitudes and practices of health care providers on the diagnosis and therapeutic procedures used to ensure the management of uncomplicated malaria in the health district of Abidjan. A cross-sectional study was conducted from November 2008 to December 2008 among 169 caregivers who treated 1,691 cases of uncomplicated malaria. Results: The knowledge of the caregivers of the national guidelines regarding malaria was sufficient (89%). A diagnosis of uncomplicated malaria was established only on clinical arguments (70%). The percentage of patients who were prescribed artemisinin-based combination therapy (ACT) was 86%. However, 25% of the antimalarials drugs that were prescribed to patients (oral quinine, artemisinin derivatives monotherapy, and herbal medicine) did not meet the recommendations on first choice treatment as suggested by the national program against malaria. These results indicate sufficient knowledge of the national guidelines for the treatment of malaria by health care providers as evidenced by acceptable prescriptions for ACTs despite an incomplete knowledge of the guidelines. 展开更多
关键词 MALARIA supplier of service ACT knowledge Africa.
Improvements on environmental DNA extraction and purification procedures for matagenomic analysis
作者 谢建平 吴力游 +6 位作者 J.D.van Nostrand 贺志理 吕镇梅 于浩 熊金波 刘新星 周集中 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2012年第11期3055-3063,共9页
Our previously described environmental DNA extraction method has been widely used in environmental microbial community analysis. However, residual humic substances may remain with obtained environmental DNA, which int... Our previously described environmental DNA extraction method has been widely used in environmental microbial community analysis. However, residual humic substances may remain with obtained environmental DNA, which interferes downstream molecular analyses. To remedy this situation, two DNA extraction buffers (PIPES and Tris-HCl) and four purification strategies including our new modified low melting point gel purification method and three commercial kits from QIAEX, Omega and Promega were evaluated with diverse soil samples. The PIPES buffer (pH 6.5) is found to be more effective for removing the humic substances, but it leads to lower DNA yield and causes more severe DNA shearing than using the Tris-HC1 buffer (pH 8.0). Gel purification and the Promega purification kit achieve much higher DNA recoveries than QIAEX or Omega kit, and higher purity of DNA is obtained by gel purification than by the Promega kit with both DNA extraction buffers mentioned above. Considering all results together, two alternative methods for DNA extraction and purification are proposed: one uses Tris-HCl buffer extraction and gel purification as the primary approach when the amount of soil or biomass is not a major concern, and the other uses PIPES buffer extraction and the Promega kit purification when severe DNA shearing and/or limited biomass occurs. Purified DNA samples by both methods are amenable for use as templates for whole community genome amplifications and PCR amplifications of bacterial 16S rRNA genes. It is demonstrated that these two alternative methods could be applied to a wide variety of environmental samples. 展开更多
关键词 DNA extraction DNA purification metagenomic analysis GeoChip PYROSEQUENCING
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