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强化国土文化建设 提升发展软实力
作者 陈立松 《改革与开放》 2012年第10X期175-175,共1页
关键词 国土资源 资源目标管理 权力主体 用地审批 举报电话 矿产资源保护 文艺汇演 思廉 廉政档案 公民道
作者 尉迟晓苓 《思想政治课研究》 2014年第2期101-103,共3页
一、社会主义核心价值观是最根本的正能量"正能量"原本是物理学名词,现在它已被人们广泛理解为是一种健康乐观、积极向上的动力和情感的代名词而广泛使用并被接受。现实生活中能被称为"正能量"的是所有积极的、健... 一、社会主义核心价值观是最根本的正能量"正能量"原本是物理学名词,现在它已被人们广泛理解为是一种健康乐观、积极向上的动力和情感的代名词而广泛使用并被接受。现实生活中能被称为"正能量"的是所有积极的、健康的、催人奋进的、给人力量的、充满希望的、展示真善美的人和事。党的十八大报告明确提出"倡导富强、民主、文明、和谐,倡导自由、平等、公正、法治,倡导爱国、敬业、诚信、友善,积极培养和饯行社会主义核心价值观"。 展开更多
关键词 思想品德 物理学名词 现实生活 《思想品德》课 初中思想品德课 能力现状 学习过程 责任教育 公民道
作者 殷云 谭海清 《小康》 2015年第11X期16-21,共6页
建设文明河南的核心是"做文明人、办文明事"。要通过改革创新,完善公民道德建设方面的制度,健全社会普法教育机制,建立健全社会征信体系,切实加快转变政府职能,推动服务型机关建设。河南,"位于九州之中",历称中原,... 建设文明河南的核心是"做文明人、办文明事"。要通过改革创新,完善公民道德建设方面的制度,健全社会普法教育机制,建立健全社会征信体系,切实加快转变政府职能,推动服务型机关建设。河南,"位于九州之中",历称中原,是中华民族和华夏文明的重要发祥地。今天的河南,不仅是我国第一人口大省,也是我国第一农业大省、第一粮食生产大省。河南省区位优势明显,是我国重要的交通通信枢纽和物资集散地。进入二十一世纪的河南,正处于工业化、城镇化加快发展阶段,发展的活力和后劲不断增强。 展开更多
关键词 赵素萍 粮食生产大省 人口大省 征信体系 基础工程 物资集散地 普法教育 灵魂工程 舆论生态 公民道
《新教师》 2015年第5期81-,共1页
福建省霞浦县实验小学创办于1905年,前身为官立高等小学堂,之后几经易名,1958年定名为霞浦县实验小学。学校现有46个教学班,学生2402人。教师131人,其中高级职称3人,大专以上学历127人,福建省名校长培养对象1人,国家级骨干教师培养对象2... 福建省霞浦县实验小学创办于1905年,前身为官立高等小学堂,之后几经易名,1958年定名为霞浦县实验小学。学校现有46个教学班,学生2402人。教师131人,其中高级职称3人,大专以上学历127人,福建省名校长培养对象1人,国家级骨干教师培养对象2人,省名师培养对象1人。 展开更多
关键词 易名 高等小学堂 中高级职称 校园占地面积 品质卓越 专用教室 中心小学 圣书 校舍建筑面积 公民道
Liberals, Communitarians, Republicans and the Intervention of the State in the Private Sphere
作者 Rafael Rodrigues Pereira 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2014年第5期354-362,共9页
The aim of this paper is to discuss whether the increasing intervention of the state in the private sphere-as is evidenced in labor laws, consumer rights, bioethics, and Internet crimes-is compatible with the liberal ... The aim of this paper is to discuss whether the increasing intervention of the state in the private sphere-as is evidenced in labor laws, consumer rights, bioethics, and Internet crimes-is compatible with the liberal ideal of neutrality, or, on the contrary, whether it can be seen as a turning point towards the position of communitarian or republican authors, for whom the state must endorse a substantive good. Such a turning point could lead to a reformulation of the public and private spheres, and of course, raise questions over which values justify which kinds of intervention. This paper will cover these debates in three parts: First, by presenting briefly the history of the liberal conception of rights, I will try to show that, from a starting point based mostly on individual protection, the liberal tradition has become more interventionist, which can be seen through the notion of "claim rights." Departing from John Rawls's work, I will argue that this notion allows for some level of intervention, without betraying liberal neutrality. Subsequently, I will discuss the difference between this kind of intervention and the ones proclaimed by communitarians and republicans authors: The former will be illustrated by Michael Sandel's criticism of Rawls in Liberalism and the Limits of Justice, and the later by Richard Dagger's position in Civic Virtues, Citizenship, and Republican Liberalism. Finally, in the third part, we'll discuss whether liberal principles can be harmonized with the republican and communitarian focus on civic virtues and good life. 展开更多
关键词 State intervention LIBERALISM COMMUNITARIANISM REPUBLICANISM NEUTRALITY public sphere private sphere
Aristotle's Account of Philia/Amiability
作者 Maria Silvia Vaccarezza 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2012年第3期195-202,共8页
The purpose of my paper is to show that the virtue which Aristotle calls philia, not in the strong sense of friendship, but in the weaker one of amiability (cf. NE 1126b 10-1 i 27a 12), represents a particular kind ... The purpose of my paper is to show that the virtue which Aristotle calls philia, not in the strong sense of friendship, but in the weaker one of amiability (cf. NE 1126b 10-1 i 27a 12), represents a particular kind of bond, related to the fact of being part of a community, and therefore has a very strong relationship, although the two do not coincide with that kind of friendship which Aristotle calls politike philia (civic friendship). My thesis, then, is that there is a strong relationship, among Aristotelian ethical works, between philia/amiability, like-mindedness (homonoia), and politike philia. The key to discovering this link is the Aristotelian account of social relations: in Aristotle's opinion, the polls is not a commercial alliance, as if it were a public limited company, in which the common good depends on the fact that everyone has a strong economic interest in the company, but is a common life in which citizens are concerned about each other's moral goodness. The link between them is therefore a kind of friendship, which is of course civic and therefore does not presuppose love. In the political context, the knowledge of the nature of the constitution, in fact, is a sufficient condition for there being benevolence towards other citizens. Since philia/amiability shows deep analogies with homonoia as well, for both represent, in different ways, peculiar features of the citizenship, the thesis I want to support is not that philia/amiability, homonoia, and politike philia coincide, but that philia/amiability and homonoia are two different expressions of the same disposition, namely politike philia: according to my view, the former is the expression ofpolitike philia on a relational and moral side, while the latter represents the attitude of the citizens towards each other when implicated in political decisions. 展开更多
关键词 ARISTOTLE Nicomachean Ethics (NE) philia/amiability philia/friendship civic friendship (politike philia) like-mindedness (homonoia)
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