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作者 王苏醒 《江西警察学院学报》 2012年第2期41-45,共5页
社会矛盾纠纷大调解的"公调对接"机制,在实现公安机关与相关主管部门、市场组织、民间组织及志愿者等社会资源整合的同时,还满足了群众快速多变的需求,并进一步解放了警力,实现了社会稳定。该机制的构建与无缝隙政府的追求有... 社会矛盾纠纷大调解的"公调对接"机制,在实现公安机关与相关主管部门、市场组织、民间组织及志愿者等社会资源整合的同时,还满足了群众快速多变的需求,并进一步解放了警力,实现了社会稳定。该机制的构建与无缝隙政府的追求有内在一致性。"公调对接"以顾客、竞争及结果为导向,通过一站式服务等形式广泛调动社会力量,加强部门之间协作。当前,应根据"公调对接"实践中存在的问题,以无缝政府理论为导向,从推动电子政务、绩效评估主体机制及创新责任机制建设等方面完善"公调对接"机制。 展开更多
关键词 无缝隙政府 公调对接 顾客导向
作者 周海燕 《江苏警官学院学报》 2009年第5期169-173,共5页
目前民间纠纷层出不穷,呈现出多元性、利益性、复杂性和调解难度大等特点,传统的公安调解方式已经无法完全化解纠纷。为适应时代要求,公安机关及时推出了"公调对接"调解模式,即将公安110接处警与社会矛盾纠纷调处中心对接,整... 目前民间纠纷层出不穷,呈现出多元性、利益性、复杂性和调解难度大等特点,传统的公安调解方式已经无法完全化解纠纷。为适应时代要求,公安机关及时推出了"公调对接"调解模式,即将公安110接处警与社会矛盾纠纷调处中心对接,整合社会纠纷调解资源,主动发现,积极化解,超前预防社会矛盾纠纷,促进治安平稳、社会和谐。 展开更多
关键词 公调对接 公安调解 非诉讼调解
作者 崔富鹏 《湖北警官学院学报》 2012年第11期43-45,共3页
2003年4月,江苏南通市在全国率先建立了社会矛盾纠纷大调解机制,其中就涉及到了"公调对接"这项工作。随后"公调对接"工作如火如荼地从"点"的试行延伸到"面"的推广。"公调对接"破解... 2003年4月,江苏南通市在全国率先建立了社会矛盾纠纷大调解机制,其中就涉及到了"公调对接"这项工作。随后"公调对接"工作如火如荼地从"点"的试行延伸到"面"的推广。"公调对接"破解了长期以来困扰基层公安机关因矛盾纠纷调处工作牵涉警力、制约公安主业开展的难题,也为江苏省紧急报警与社会求助分流处理工作探索出一条成功经验。 展开更多
关键词 公安机关 公调对接 矛盾纠纷 调解
作者 李海峰 《湖北警官学院学报》 2014年第5期153-157,共5页
轻微刑事案件在具备条件的情况下适用"公调对接"工作机制,对于及时有效地解决纠纷,缓和社会矛盾,构建和谐社会,具有重要意义,同时有利于改善基层警力不足的局面,节约司法资源。轻微刑事案件适用"公调对接"工作机制... 轻微刑事案件在具备条件的情况下适用"公调对接"工作机制,对于及时有效地解决纠纷,缓和社会矛盾,构建和谐社会,具有重要意义,同时有利于改善基层警力不足的局面,节约司法资源。轻微刑事案件适用"公调对接"工作机制,符合多方面的要求,在我国基层公安机关办案的过程中,有一定的发展空间,但也存在法律和制度层面上的问题,值得探讨。 展开更多
关键词 轻微刑事案件 公调对接” 工作机制
作者 李佳佳 《农村经济与科技》 2021年第17期251-254,共4页
"公调对接"模式作为矛盾纠纷调解的创新机制,将110接处警与社会矛盾纠纷调解进行双向对接。H市作为"公调对接"全国先行先试地区,调解异化暴露出的基层治理困境值得引起思考。具体表现为乡村社会治理中,压力型体制... "公调对接"模式作为矛盾纠纷调解的创新机制,将110接处警与社会矛盾纠纷调解进行双向对接。H市作为"公调对接"全国先行先试地区,调解异化暴露出的基层治理困境值得引起思考。具体表现为乡村社会治理中,压力型体制下调解员与民警双向嵌入过程中的功能错位,群众的"闹大"策略导致常规矛盾转向非常规化,进而呈现出基层社会规则混乱的现象。据此提出在国家政权与社会之间,建构起实现基层"公调对接"模式绩效合法性的复合逻辑,通过在群众个人层面上解决分配公平问题、减少现实期望差距、推动理性化公民成长和价值观转型等实现微观绩效合法性,以及在国家层面上通过优化权力资源分配、绩效选择性生产、借助新闻媒体重建公共精神和运用符号象征激发社会认同等一系列自主行为来改善宏观绩效合法性,为中国治理结构和模式的转型提供一种可供选择的思路,从而推进基层社会治理体系与能力现代化。 展开更多
关键词 公调对接 矛盾冲突 双向嵌入
《南京市人民政府公报》 2015年第9期29-35,共7页
关键词 公调 司法局 人民调解员 对接工作 人社 群体性事件 奖励标准 直属单位 司法行政机关 委办局
公调对接的基本模式及其评析——基于江苏省基层社会非诉讼纠纷化解机制的考察 被引量:3
作者 赵石麟 《公安研究》 2012年第4期17-22,共6页
当下,公调对接的基本模式是派驻式,即人民调解机构派出人民调解员进驻公安派出所。该种对接模式是在实践中不断探索形成的,具有实践理性特征。人们对于该种对接模式总体持积极评价,但是也有差异。该种模式符合中国当下社会化解矛盾纠纷... 当下,公调对接的基本模式是派驻式,即人民调解机构派出人民调解员进驻公安派出所。该种对接模式是在实践中不断探索形成的,具有实践理性特征。人们对于该种对接模式总体持积极评价,但是也有差异。该种模式符合中国当下社会化解矛盾纠纷的需求,也符合建设法治国家的基本理念,在一定的时间内依然会成为主导的对接模式。应当逐渐完善该种对接模式,其中,最为关键之处在于人民调解员专项经费的制度保障。 展开更多
关键词 社会矛盾 纠纷化解 公调对接
作者 路艳娥 《公安研究》 2015年第8期20-24,共5页
公调对接机制滥觞于人民调解制度的崛起及重构,具有纠纷分流、合理分配警力资源的重要功能。特别是近年来在推动多元化纠纷解决机制体系构建等外在环境的催化下,公调对接机制的萌发和不断丰富,更为公安机关执法与矛盾纠纷解决机制之... 公调对接机制滥觞于人民调解制度的崛起及重构,具有纠纷分流、合理分配警力资源的重要功能。特别是近年来在推动多元化纠纷解决机制体系构建等外在环境的催化下,公调对接机制的萌发和不断丰富,更为公安机关执法与矛盾纠纷解决机制之间的关系互动提供了新契机和新平台。但在实践中,公调对接机制的启动依赖于公安机关的主动委托或移送,其有效运行有赖于公安机关对矛盾纠纷的先期处理,该机制实效的真正发挥需要公安机关的干预监督。换言之,公安机关主导是公调对接机制运行的主要模式。为实现公调对接机制的应然功能的理性归位,社会自治力的培育是其完善的有效路径。 展开更多
关键词 公调对接 多元化机制 社会矛盾
学习“枫桥经验” 深化“诉源治理”——青白江区全面推进“公调对接”的实践和探索
作者 周大庆 龚剑 +2 位作者 郑意雄 张义 汪勇 《先锋》 2019年第11期60-61,共2页
在超大城市治理中,矛盾纠纷的化解需要摆脱"人情化",走向"法治化、专业化、社会化"。派出所是矛盾纠纷的集合处置平台,能够快速识别、研判、介入矛盾纠纷,促使矛盾纠纷得到较早处置,不上交、不激化。青白江区按照... 在超大城市治理中,矛盾纠纷的化解需要摆脱"人情化",走向"法治化、专业化、社会化"。派出所是矛盾纠纷的集合处置平台,能够快速识别、研判、介入矛盾纠纷,促使矛盾纠纷得到较早处置,不上交、不激化。青白江区按照党的十九大关于加强预防和化解社会矛盾机制建设的要求,进一步践行"枫桥经验",依靠群众就地化解矛盾,创新群众工作方法,强化"公调对接"机制建设,深化"诉源治理",实现了城市治理中矛盾纠纷的早介入、早化解。 展开更多
关键词 公调对接 矛盾纠纷 司法局 “枫桥经验” 青白江区 全面推进 实践和探索
银行业仲调对接、公调对接机制实践、问题及未来展望 被引量:1
作者 陈皓 《中国银行业》 2019年第2期66-68,共3页
仲裁、公证非常适用于银行信用卡各类分期付款、贷款协商还款协议的确认,可以帮助银行化解大批量的纠纷。与此同时,仲调对接、公调对接可高效、快捷地化解纠纷,相对保密且成本较低。建议大型商业银行、信用卡中心带头,更多运用仲调对接... 仲裁、公证非常适用于银行信用卡各类分期付款、贷款协商还款协议的确认,可以帮助银行化解大批量的纠纷。与此同时,仲调对接、公调对接可高效、快捷地化解纠纷,相对保密且成本较低。建议大型商业银行、信用卡中心带头,更多运用仲调对接、公调对接方式,进而在行业形成示范引领效应。 展开更多
关键词 公调对接 银行业 信用卡中心 公证处 银行信用卡
作者 金淑琪 《婚姻与家庭(家庭教育版)》 2011年第1期29-29,共1页
你觉得老公很少主动关怀你吗?你总在默默忍受吗?其实,想得到老公的关怀,需要你首先跨出一步。你认为关怀到底指的是什么呢?在对方开口之前预先安排妥当才是关怀吗?或者是尽管心里有些不痛快但仍忍着不吭声才是关怀吗?也许你觉得这些就... 你觉得老公很少主动关怀你吗?你总在默默忍受吗?其实,想得到老公的关怀,需要你首先跨出一步。你认为关怀到底指的是什么呢?在对方开口之前预先安排妥当才是关怀吗?或者是尽管心里有些不痛快但仍忍着不吭声才是关怀吗?也许你觉得这些就是关怀的具体表现吧。我在开始时也希望我丈夫能够做到这些。我希望他出于爱我能够将事情按我的意愿安排好。 展开更多
关键词 预先安排 公调 教成 不知道 能将 不等于
公调对接升级版 源头治理见真功
作者 李世刚 白玉博 徐庆鹏 《人民调解》 2021年第8期16-19,共4页
进入新时代,人民群众对调解的便民性、及时性、公正性等提出了新的更高要求。面对新情况新问题,江苏省南京市司法局深入贯彻习近平法治思想,坚持以人民为中心,创新发展新时代“枫桥经验”,靠近矛盾纠纷集中地,坚持源头治理,充分发挥人... 进入新时代,人民群众对调解的便民性、及时性、公正性等提出了新的更高要求。面对新情况新问题,江苏省南京市司法局深入贯彻习近平法治思想,坚持以人民为中心,创新发展新时代“枫桥经验”,靠近矛盾纠纷集中地,坚持源头治理,充分发挥人民调解和行政调解各自职能优势,进一步打造公调对接升级版,为高质量建设“强富美高”新南京作出积极贡献。 展开更多
关键词 行政调解 习近平法治思想 公调对接 源头治理 人民调解 枫桥经验 职能优势 矛盾纠纷
Interest Coordination Mechanism of Green Open Space Development in International Metropolises:Experience from New York City
作者 LUO Yuxiang ZHANG Surong 《国际大都市发展研究(中英文)》 2024年第2期24-37,共14页
The development of green open spaces is the key component for cities built for the people and a major initiative to enhance the core competitiveness of Chinese cities.This paper summarizes the research on green open s... The development of green open spaces is the key component for cities built for the people and a major initiative to enhance the core competitiveness of Chinese cities.This paper summarizes the research on green open spaces in international metropolitan cities,focusing on public participation,funding mix,and governmental actions.It focuses on the alignment of interests between public,private,and community sectors in New York City's green open space development in a series of case studies.It draws lessons from New York's experience and applies them to Chinese cities and proposes that:private non-government organizations should be introduced to improve the mechanism of major development and governance;real estate development incentives should be optimized to guide the private capital to provide public welfare;and policy innovation in land and property development is imperative in fiscal health and sustainability. 展开更多
关键词 Green open space Coordination of interests Public participation Public-private partnership GOVERNANCE
Factors affecting headway regularity on bus routes 被引量:5
作者 张曼 李文权 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2013年第1期99-102,共4页
The common phenomenon of uneven headway in bus service is explored based on the automatic vehicle location (AVL) data of Route 2 in Yichun City of Jiangxi province from 6:00 to 9:00 in the morning. The headway reg... The common phenomenon of uneven headway in bus service is explored based on the automatic vehicle location (AVL) data of Route 2 in Yichun City of Jiangxi province from 6:00 to 9:00 in the morning. The headway regularity of two stages 6: 00--7:00 and 7: 00--9:00 is comparatively analyzed, and it is found that both the traffic conditions and the passenger demand affect headway regularity. A bus arrival model, which assumes that the dwell time of a bus is linear in headway, is built to probe the effect of scheduled headway, and the model is simulated by Matlab. The simulation results reveal that the departure intervals and fluctuations affect headway regularity. Longer intervals and less fluctuation mean higher regularity of headway. And, the fluctuation has a more obvious influence on headway regularity than the interval. Controlling the fluctuations of scheduled headway can effectively raise the regularity of headway and improve the level of public transport service. 展开更多
关键词 traffic engineering bus scheduling headway regularity scheduled headway bus bunching
《浙江档案》 北大核心 1991年第12期26-26,共1页
浙江省石油总公司杭州分公司创建于1954年1月,1991年7月改称现名。 该公司是经营石油成品油(汽油、煤油、柴油、润滑油)润滑脂和石油沥青的专业公司。除担负杭州市区工农业生产用油的供应任务外,还兼任本地区系统内的部分油料中转、调... 浙江省石油总公司杭州分公司创建于1954年1月,1991年7月改称现名。 该公司是经营石油成品油(汽油、煤油、柴油、润滑油)润滑脂和石油沥青的专业公司。除担负杭州市区工农业生产用油的供应任务外,还兼任本地区系统内的部分油料中转、调拨任务。 展开更多
关键词 工作简介 企业标准 企业内部改革 管理制度 管理手段 利润总额 管理决策服务 公调 组织落实 编研
Arterial traffic signal coordination model considering buses and social vehicles 被引量:5
作者 Zhang Weihua Li Jun Ding Heng 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2020年第2期206-212,共7页
Considering the difference in driving parameters of buses and social vehicles on the arterial,an arterial traffic signal coordination model that takes into account social vehicles and buses on the basis of the maximum... Considering the difference in driving parameters of buses and social vehicles on the arterial,an arterial traffic signal coordination model that takes into account social vehicles and buses on the basis of the maximum bandwidth is proposed.By using the pre-set parameters of a common cycle,green/red duration and known parameters of bus dwell time distribution,link length and vehicle speed and solving the mixed-integer-linear programming and optimizing the signal offsets,the model obtains the signal control parameters of the green bands both of social vehicles and buses.Finally,taking Wangjiang Road in Hefei as an example,simulation and evaluation are carried out by VISSIM.The results show that the new model has 15.2%and 13.2%reduction in average person delay and number of stops,respectively,compared with the traditional coordinated control method. 展开更多
关键词 arterial coordination control buses coordination maximum bandwidth mixed-integer-linear programming
Tourism versus nature conservation: reconciliation of common interests and objectives——an analysis through Picos de Europa National Park 被引量:4
作者 LóPEZ Iván PARDO Mercedes 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2018年第11期2505-2516,共12页
Nature tourism and particularly tourism in national parks have acquired significant importance in contemporary societies. Post-Fordist consumers have reevaluated the meanings of ‘nature' and ‘natural spaces'... Nature tourism and particularly tourism in national parks have acquired significant importance in contemporary societies. Post-Fordist consumers have reevaluated the meanings of ‘nature' and ‘natural spaces' and now avoid standardization to seek singularity. Tourism in national parks is a consequence of this tendency and has both positive and negative aspects. The purpose of this sociological research is to describe the most relevant conflicts in the Picos de Europa National Park(Spain) involving the park's conservation, local economic development,and tourism. Seven in-depth interviews and three focus groups were addressed to key local stakeholders.In this research were identified three chief areas of existing or potential inter-related conflicts and the main actors interacting with them. The first is on population, particularly, the negative consequences of depopulations on the local socio-economic development and the environment. A second source of conflicts identified is caused by the difficult conciliation between commercial exploitation and conservation of the protected natural area. More precisely, this specific form of tourism positively contributes to the economy of local communities whilst problems can arise for the conservation goals of National Parks. Thirdly, in this research is also analyzed the institutional governance and the inter and intra-governmental conflicts as well as with the Park's management body. These findings provide important information for the improved management of tourism and conflicting interests in natural parks. 展开更多
关键词 National parks Environmental conservation Nature tourism Mountain traditional economy Picos de Europa Spain
QoE-Aware Proportional Fair Scheduling for Multiuser Multiservice Wireless Networks 被引量:1
作者 Wu Wenjun Zhang Yingkai Zhang Yueying Zheng Karl Wang Wenbo 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2012年第9期52-60,共9页
The effective radio resource allocation al-gorithms, which satisfy diversiform requirements of mobile naltimedia services in wireless cellular net-works, have recently attracted more and more at-tention. This paper pr... The effective radio resource allocation al-gorithms, which satisfy diversiform requirements of mobile naltimedia services in wireless cellular net-works, have recently attracted more and more at-tention. This paper proposes a service-aware scheduling algorithm, in which the Mean Opinion Score (MOS) is chosen as the unified metric of the Quality of Experience (QoE). As the network needs to provide satisfactory services to all the users, the fairness of QoE should be considered. The Propor- tional Fair (PF) principle is adopted to achieve the trade-off between the network perfonmnce and us- er fairness. Then, an integer progranming problem is formed and the QoE-aware PF scheduling princi-ple is derived by solving the relaxed problem. Simu-lation results show that the proposed scheduling principle can perform better in terms of user fair-ness than the previous principle maximizing the sum of MOS. It also outperfoms the max-rain scheduling principle in terms of average MOS. 展开更多
关键词 QOE proportional fair SCHEDULING MULTI-SERVICE
Truth telling for patients with esophageal squamous cell carcinoma in Henan,China 被引量:2
作者 Lian-Qun Zhang Pei-Nan Chen +14 位作者 Hai-Ling Wang Li Sun Xue-Ke Zhao Xin Song Min-Jie Wu Tang-Juan Zhang Ling-Fen Ji Wei-Li Han Zong-Min Fan Yuan Yuan Hai-Jun Yang Jian-Po Wang Fu-You Zhou Yi-Jun Qi Li-Dong Wang 《Cancer Biology & Medicine》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2017年第1期83-89,共7页
Objective: This study aims to investigate the truth-telling status and the relevant factors of esophageal squamous cell carcinoma(ESCC) patients in Henan, China.Methods: A cross-sectional study from April to June 2015... Objective: This study aims to investigate the truth-telling status and the relevant factors of esophageal squamous cell carcinoma(ESCC) patients in Henan, China.Methods: A cross-sectional study from April to June 2015 using questionnaires was given to 301 family members of hospitalized ESCC patients based in three affiliated hospitals of Zhengzhou University(i.e., The First Hospital, The Second Hospital, and Tumor Hospital) and Anyang Tumor Hospital.Results: Among the 41.9%(126/301) hospitalized ESCC patients who knew of their true diagnoses, only 4.0% patients were informed by their corresponding responsible doctors, 39.7% by their family members, and 56.3% by themselves. Univariate analyses showed that disclosure of confirmed ESCC diagnosis to patients was correlated with gender, family history of cancer(FHC), education level, vocation, hospital administrative level, and attitudes of family members(P < 0.05). Furthermore,multivariate analysis indicated that attitude of family members was the most important and an independent factor for diagnosis disclosure. Those patients with a negative FHC, under-education, manual occupation, advanced stages, and hospitalized in municipal hospitals exhibited a low rate of truth telling.Conclusions: Truth telling for ESCC patients in Henan is not prevalent and may be improved through consultation with family members, particularly for patients with a negative FHC, poor education, manual occupation, and advanced stages. 展开更多
关键词 Truth telling esophageal squamous cell carcinoma DIAGNOSIS
Controversy of International Carbon-motivated Border Tax Adjustment and Its Impact on China's Manufacturing Industries
作者 Shen Keting 《Chinese Journal of Population,Resources and Environment》 2011年第4期59-70,共12页
Carbon-motivated border tax adjustment (BTA) aims to compensate for the loss of competitiveness of carbon intensive products due to carbon dioxide abatement actions. Based on the analysis of the international backgr... Carbon-motivated border tax adjustment (BTA) aims to compensate for the loss of competitiveness of carbon intensive products due to carbon dioxide abatement actions. Based on the analysis of the international background of carbon-motivated BTAs, this paper discusses the fundamental motivation leading to US policy transformation, the potential impacts of the policy on China's manufacturing industries, and the compatibility of the policy to WTO rules. Carbon-motivated BTAs violate the fundamental principle of the UNFCCC, and potentially conflict with the core WTO principle of non-discrimination reflected in the GATT Articles 1 and III. However, Article XX of the GATT may be applicable. Thus, the author suggests several measures to alleviate the impacts of carbon-motivated BTAs, and puts forward countermeasures based on carbon consumption per capita. 展开更多
关键词 climate change carbon-motivated BTAs manufacturing industry WTO rules
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