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作者 张淑英 李庆兰 《铁道标准设计》 1989年第1期34-37,共4页
关键词 水源水质 水质指数 近似公式 兰东 多元回归分析 水质监测资料 轻度污染 统计检验 方差分析 回归方程
兰东“归参止痒方”治疗血虚风燥慢性瘙痒性皮肤病 被引量:6
作者 苏玉梅 兰东 《实用中医内科杂志》 2018年第2期1-3,共3页
兰东教授认为慢性瘙痒性皮肤病系机体退化,肝肾渐衰,脾失健运,营血虚滞,血虚生风,风胜则燥,风燥之邪久郁肌肤,肌肤失养,形成肝肾阴虚、血虚风燥之证,肝血亏虚、肝风内动,系根本原因。兰东教授指出,风邪有内外,外风常引动内风,内风又常... 兰东教授认为慢性瘙痒性皮肤病系机体退化,肝肾渐衰,脾失健运,营血虚滞,血虚生风,风胜则燥,风燥之邪久郁肌肤,肌肤失养,形成肝肾阴虚、血虚风燥之证,肝血亏虚、肝风内动,系根本原因。兰东教授指出,风邪有内外,外风常引动内风,内风又常招致外风,外风宜散,内风宣熄,依据生风之血虚、血燥而养血熄风、平肝熄风、滋阴润燥等,强调养血祛风还应注重安神止痒,治以养血润肤,疏风止痒。创立归参止痒方(当归20g,苦参15g,钩藤6g,珍珠粉1.5g,何首乌15g,赤芍12g,白芍15g,防风、荆芥穗各9g,白鲜皮15g,白蒺藜10g,甘草9),祛内风重用当归、赤芍、白芍养血柔肝熄风,钩藤、珍珠粉等平肝、镇静熄风;白藓皮、白蒺藜、防风、荆芥穗祛外风,内外风兼顾;珍珠粉镇心安神。附瘾疹(血虚风燥,慢性人工性荨麻疹)、痒风(肝肾阴虚、血虚风燥,老年瘙痒症)验案二则。 展开更多
关键词 慢性瘙痒性皮肤病 瘾疹 痒风 血虚风燥 归参止痒方 养血润肤 疏风止痒 肝血亏虚 肝风内动 慢性人工性荨麻疹 老年瘙痒症 兰东 老中医经验 中医药治疗 中药复方
兰东主任医师治疗女性迟发性和持久性痤疮的经验 被引量:2
作者 苏玉梅 兰东 《中国中医药现代远程教育》 2017年第18期73-74,共2页
临床上发现很多女性在青春期后,甚至成年后才发生痤疮,另有一些患者从青春期发病一直持续到成年,长达10余年,形成迟发性或持久性痤疮。兰东主任医师认为女性迟发性和持久性痤疮在临床辨证中以肝肾阴虚、气滞血瘀为主。治疗应在辨证基础... 临床上发现很多女性在青春期后,甚至成年后才发生痤疮,另有一些患者从青春期发病一直持续到成年,长达10余年,形成迟发性或持久性痤疮。兰东主任医师认为女性迟发性和持久性痤疮在临床辨证中以肝肾阴虚、气滞血瘀为主。治疗应在辨证基础上注重清热养阴、理气活血,同时根据辨证加减配伍并辅以针刺疗法,临床取得较好疗效。 展开更多
关键词 痤疮 清热养阴 理气活血 兰东 妇科
作者 王军 《广西水利水电》 2020年第6期62-64,共3页
广西左江治旱驮英水库及灌区工程客兰东干渠共有改扩建隧洞10座,总长度为1380.3 m。隧洞开挖断面为城门型,最大断面为3.5 m×4.317 m,最小断面2.9 m×3.350 m,洞内围岩以Ⅴ~Ⅳ类灰岩为主。论述了改扩建隧洞施工中多次现场爆破... 广西左江治旱驮英水库及灌区工程客兰东干渠共有改扩建隧洞10座,总长度为1380.3 m。隧洞开挖断面为城门型,最大断面为3.5 m×4.317 m,最小断面2.9 m×3.350 m,洞内围岩以Ⅴ~Ⅳ类灰岩为主。论述了改扩建隧洞施工中多次现场爆破试验及实际爆破的技术要点,并对及各类围岩的最小抵抗线、炮孔间距、装药参数、孔位布置及深度等爆破参数和起爆顺序进行了详细的分析计算。 展开更多
关键词 引水隧洞 改扩建 施工技术 兰东干渠 驮英水库灌区
作者 徐晓涛 《甘肃科技》 2004年第12期141-143,共3页
兰东国际金融广场是由兰东房地产开发有限责任公司投资兴建的一组集商贸、商住、办公为一体的大型多功能高层综合建筑。通过本工程B1.B2及C三栋楼框架 -剪力墙结构设计表明 ,本工程结构体系选择 .材料选用 .构件截面及基础设计符合技术... 兰东国际金融广场是由兰东房地产开发有限责任公司投资兴建的一组集商贸、商住、办公为一体的大型多功能高层综合建筑。通过本工程B1.B2及C三栋楼框架 -剪力墙结构设计表明 ,本工程结构体系选择 .材料选用 .构件截面及基础设计符合技术《高层建筑混凝土结构规程》(JGJ3- 2 0 0 2 )等国家和行业规范 .规程要求 ,特别是地震区抗震措施严格遵守《建筑抗震设计规范》(GB5 0 0 11- 2 0 0 1)的有关规定 ,使工程质量得到保证。 展开更多
关键词 兰东国际金融广场 结构设计
作者 赵一匡 《兰州学刊》 CSSCI 1989年第2期82-84,共3页
灾祸连年1931年冬,陕军孙蔚如部奉扬虎城之命,率军人甘,击走西北军残余雷中田,进入兰州,结束了国民军在兰州的统治。1932年夏、南京中央政府为遏制陕军的发展,以“军民分治”为借口,任邵力子为甘肃省政府主席。邵主席暨省政府委员贺耀... 灾祸连年1931年冬,陕军孙蔚如部奉扬虎城之命,率军人甘,击走西北军残余雷中田,进入兰州,结束了国民军在兰州的统治。1932年夏、南京中央政府为遏制陕军的发展,以“军民分治”为借口,任邵力子为甘肃省政府主席。邵主席暨省政府委员贺耀祖、孙蔚如、邓宝珊、谭克敏等及秘书长杜斌丞在兰州宣誓就职,国民党对兰州的统治从此开始。次年初,邵因地方割据,财政困难无法克服,派系斗争复杂。 展开更多
关键词 雷中田 克敏 地方割据 西北军 虎城 邓宝珊 派系斗争 宣誓就职 兰东 周从政
作者 从容 《电影文学》 北大核心 2000年第10期4-21,2,共19页
关键词 兰东 儿子 林志 画外音 村民
《煤炭经济研究》 1983年第4期46-,共1页
关键词 采煤机械化 潞安 石咀 新密 阳曲 义州 兰东 剧刊 南票 一九
作者 陈侗 《美术之友》 2003年第5期30-33,共4页
关键词 午夜出版社 兰东 阿兰·罗伯-格里耶 巴黎 法国 贝尔纳 罗姆 电子邮箱 电子邮件
Genetic Diversity Analysis of Guangxi Donglan Black-bone Chicken 被引量:2
作者 廖玉英 莫国东 +2 位作者 黄英飞 吴强 韦凤英 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2016年第1期136-140,共5页
[Objective] This study aimed to understand the genetic diversity and breed conservation effect, and to provide reference for future germplasm resources protection and breeding researches of Guangxi Donglan black-bone ... [Objective] This study aimed to understand the genetic diversity and breed conservation effect, and to provide reference for future germplasm resources protection and breeding researches of Guangxi Donglan black-bone chicken. [Method] The wing venous blood of Donglan Black-bone chicken(silky feather and contour feather) was collected, and the total DNA was extracted. The 18 microsatellite loci were amplified by PCR technology, and the obtained gene fragments were scanned. The number of alleles(Na), number of effective alleles(Ne), heterozygosity(H) and polymorphism information content(PIC) were determined using Pop Gen 32 biological software to do cluster analysis of Guangxi indigenous chicken breeds. [Result] The18 microsatellite loci of Donglan black-bone chicken were found to be highly polymorphic. A total of 98 alleles were detected out from 80 Donglan black-bone chicken samples. The averages of Na, Ne, PIC and H per locus were 5.44, 2.78, 0.5382 and 0.596 3, respectively. A total of 93 and 98 alleles were detected out from silky- and contour-feather Donglan black-bone chickens, respectively. The averages of Ne per locus were 2.62 and 2.76, of PIC per locus were 0.508 8 and 0.539 8,of H per locus were 0.624 7 and 0.599 1, respectively. The results of cluster analysis showed that there was greater genetic distance between Donglan black-bone chicken and any of other Guangxi indigenous chicken breeds, including three yellow chicken, Xiayan chicken and Nandan Yao chicken, which was consistent with the breed evolution, geographical distribution and breeding history of Donglan black-bone chicken. [Conclusion] There are greater genetic variation and abundant genetic diversity in the conserved population of Donglan black-bone chicken, suggesting abundant genetic diversity and great breeding potential of Donglan black-bone chicken. 展开更多
关键词 Donglan black-bone chicken Microsatellite marker ALLELE Genetic diversity Cluster analysis
Known and probable risk factors for hepatitis C infection:A case series in north-eastern Poland
作者 Slawomir Chlabicz Robert Flisiak +3 位作者 Anna Grzeszczuk Oksana Kovalchuk Danuta Prokopowicz Lech Chyczewski 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2006年第1期141-145,共5页
AIM: To describe the risk profile of patients in hospita with hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection in Poland. METHOD: Using a structured questionnaire, all patients with confirmed HCV infection were interviewed about... AIM: To describe the risk profile of patients in hospita with hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection in Poland. METHOD: Using a structured questionnaire, all patients with confirmed HCV infection were interviewed about the risk factors. RESULTS: Among the 250 patients studied, transfusion before 1993 was the primary risk factor in 26%, intravenous drug use setting in 9% and occupational exposure in health-care in 9%. Women were more likely to have a history of occupational exposure or transfusion before 1993 and less likely to undergo minor surgery. Known nosocomial risk factors (transfusion before 1993, dialysis) were responsible for 27% of infections, probable nosocomial factors (transfusions after 1992, minor surgery) for 14% and further 9% were occupationally acquired infections. CONCLUSION: A careful history investigation can identify a known or probable risk factor for HCV acquisition in 59% of patients with HCV infection. Preventive activities in Poland should focus on infection control measures in health-care setting. 展开更多
关键词 HepaUtis C Risk factors
Media Transition in Eastern Europe after 1989 Albania and Poland in Comparison
作者 Paolo Carelli 《Journalism and Mass Communication》 2014年第12期739-746,共8页
In this article the author compares the transformation of media systems of two countries belonging to the former Soviet bloc of Eastern Europe: Albania and Poland. The aim is to highlight differences that occurred in... In this article the author compares the transformation of media systems of two countries belonging to the former Soviet bloc of Eastern Europe: Albania and Poland. The aim is to highlight differences that occurred in this process, in order to show how, albeit a similar past and the belonging to the same political and economic model until 1989. The diversity of media transition explains the existence of different national ways in which post-communism developed during the last 25 years. 展开更多
关键词 post-communism media systems TRANSITION TELEVISION DEMOCRATIZATION
Religious Violence in the Middle East: Military Intervention, Salafi-Jihadism and the Dream of a Caliphate
作者 Emran El-Badawi 《Cultural and Religious Studies》 2016年第6期396-409,共14页
From the beginnings of Wahabism in the 18th century to the so called Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL, ISIS) violence has occasionally been justified in the name of Islam, which is problematic for secular ... From the beginnings of Wahabism in the 18th century to the so called Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL, ISIS) violence has occasionally been justified in the name of Islam, which is problematic for secular and traditional scholars alike. This paper demonstrates that there are three complex, interrelated causes for this violence: foreign military intervention, Salafi-Jihadism and a utopian state founded upon faith and justice, i.e. a caliphate. 展开更多
关键词 JIHAD caliphate salafi islamic state ISIS ISIL al-qaeda muslim brotherhood HAMAS HEZBOLLAH wahabism TALIBAN Arab Spring Iranian revolution war on terror gulf war cold war israeli-arab war syrian civilwar
Detection and Monitoring of New-Ice in the East Greenland Sea Using the SeaWinds Scatterometer
作者 Robert Ezraty 《Journal of Ocean University of Qingdao》 2002年第2期109-118,共10页
Space borne radar scatterometers are primarily designed to measure the wind vector over the world ocean; yet they also provide useful information on sea ice type and extent. In this paper, it is shown how the SeaWinds... Space borne radar scatterometers are primarily designed to measure the wind vector over the world ocean; yet they also provide useful information on sea ice type and extent. In this paper, it is shown how the SeaWinds scatterometer can be used to detect new sea ice at the very beginning of its growth. Taking advantage of the very good coverage of the East Greenland Sea by SeaWinds on board the QuikSCAT satellite it has been possible to detect the early stage of formation of the sea ice peninsula, named the Odden, and to monitor its evolution during March 2001. The early sea ice detection has been validated by using RADARSAT Synthetic Aperture Radar scenes. It is also shown that microwave radiometers, such as the Special Sensor Microwave Imager (SSM/I), which are used as standard sensors for sea ice monitoring, do not detect the very early stage of sea ice growth and lag behind new sea ice occurrence by about twelve to twenty four hours. 展开更多
关键词 sea ice East Greenland Sea Odden SCATTEROMETER
Corporate Governance Intelligence: Minority Shareholder's Aspects (Evidence From Ukraine)
作者 Tetiana Momot Oleksandr Vashchenko Nina Avanesova Anna Chudopal 《Chinese Business Review》 2015年第4期210-218,共9页
The paper is devoted to the corporate governance intelligence system investigation as the part of the complex stakeholder-related approach to the corporate strategic intelligence system (CSIS). The special attention... The paper is devoted to the corporate governance intelligence system investigation as the part of the complex stakeholder-related approach to the corporate strategic intelligence system (CSIS). The special attention is given to the minority shareholders activism in the system of corporate governance. Some existing methods of abusing minority shareholders rights, made by joint-stock companies executives, are generalized. The recommendations for minority shareholder's rights protection are given. The necessity for the implementation of the stakeholders-oriented approach for the CSIS creation on the base of companies' security principles is substantiated. 展开更多
关键词 corporate governance intelligence minority shareholders rights corporate governance financial and economic security system corporate strategic intelligence
Mollisols Properties and Changes in Ukraine and China 被引量:2
作者 Yuri S KRAVCHENKO ZHANG Xingyi +2 位作者 LIU Xiaobing SONG Chunyu Richard M CRUSE 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2011年第3期257-266,共10页
Soils are the foundation of civilizations and the basis for human food production.Mollisols in Ukraine and Northeast China are two out of the four major Mollisol regions in the world.The natural areas from which Molli... Soils are the foundation of civilizations and the basis for human food production.Mollisols in Ukraine and Northeast China are two out of the four major Mollisol regions in the world.The natural areas from which Mollisols developed are the prairies and steppes that experience temperate and freezing conditions.This review paper introduces the general climate,vegetation,and topography of Mollisols regions in Ukraine and Northeast China,analyzes their properties,including soil texture,soil organic matter content,soil bulk density,pH,cation exchange capacity and other chemical properties,and compares the property changes and management practices of Mollisols in relation to sustainable grain production. 展开更多
关键词 MOLLISOLS soil properties soil organic matter TILLAGE Mollisols management
The Strategies of Grassland Management in Farms of Northeastern Part of Poland
作者 Jankowski Kazimierz Kolczarek Roman Jankowska Jolanta Sosnowski Jacek 《Journal of Life Sciences》 2013年第7期727-731,共5页
Four directions for grassland management are set out under the Common Agricultural Policy: the existing, environmental, productional and integrated. The aim of this work is to demonstrate the agreement of production ... Four directions for grassland management are set out under the Common Agricultural Policy: the existing, environmental, productional and integrated. The aim of this work is to demonstrate the agreement of production potential of grassland with the strategy of the CAP on the background of commodity milk production. This work is connected with randomly selected 1656 farms from the north-eastern part of the Lublin province remaining the dairy cattle. Source material for analysis was derived from the evaluation reports of dairy farms and the datas of Voivodeship Statistical Office. Taken the average annual milk production and surface of permanent grasslands, were divided into three groups of management direction: I- existing, II- integrated, III- productional In a separate II group of this management, three subgroups were identified dependent on the volume of milk production: A-(20-50), B-(50-100), C-(100-350) thousand of liters. In the studied farms the participation of grasslands in the structure of agriculture fanning lands was significantly higher than the average in the region as well as in the country. The largest research group accounted 49.5% of farms producing 20-50 thousand liters of milk with an average area of 21.23 ha and sustained an average of 9.8 cows. Large proportion of permanent grassland in the structure of agricultural lands and large stocking density per 100 ha of grasslands in northeast farms of Lublin province indicate significant intensification of feed production on the farmlands. 展开更多
关键词 Grassland management milk production stocking density.
Regional Atmospheric Blocking in the Drought Periods in Ukraine
作者 Inna G. Semenova 《Journal of Earth Science and Engineering》 2013年第5期341-348,共8页
The conditions for regional circulation of the atmosphere in the periods of severe droughts in Ukraine are described by two circulation indexes. In analogy with experimental index EBI (European Blocking Index) for t... The conditions for regional circulation of the atmosphere in the periods of severe droughts in Ukraine are described by two circulation indexes. In analogy with experimental index EBI (European Blocking Index) for the Eastern Atlantic and Western Europe is proposed a new index ECBI (European Continental Blocking Index), which describes the blocking of zonal flow over the European continent. The obtained time series of the ECBI for the spring-summer seasons with the severe droughts in Ukraine were analyzed. Katz circulation index was used for the estimating of intensity of the meridional atmospheric processes during the same droughts. It is shown that there registered a high frequency of blocking processes which was accompanied by positive phases of ECBI and an increase in the meridional component of an atmospheric flow over the region of Europe. In years with droughts in average 60% consecutive pentads were with a positive value of ECBI, mostly in April to May. The absolute maximum duration of blocking was the 10 consecutive pentads and observed in 1963. The high positive values of the ECBI and Katz index were connected with strong anomalies in seasonal and monthly fields of wind over territory of Eastern Europe. A close relationship between the ECBI and the Katz index was obtained, which allowed to determine the critical value of the Katz index for the beginning of blocking situation, 展开更多
关键词 Atmospheric blocking blocking index circulation index drought.
Abstract Artist Xu Dongdong
作者 JIAO FENG 《China Today》 2015年第7期63-65,共3页
TALKING with Xu Dongdong is a pleasure.His gentle voice with its authentic Beijing burr is easy on the ear.Occasionally laughing out loud,he reveals a frank and free personality.Our topics of discussion ranged from th... TALKING with Xu Dongdong is a pleasure.His gentle voice with its authentic Beijing burr is easy on the ear.Occasionally laughing out loud,he reveals a frank and free personality.Our topics of discussion ranged from the arts and philosophy to quantum mechanics,from traditional Oriental culture to the industrial revolution in the West,and from his early years in painting studies to the Chinese-style abstract paintings that he now 展开更多
关键词 authentic discussion pleasure painting revolution personality gentle philosophy voice ranged
作者 张展赫 《汽车之友》 2017年第21期16-16,共1页
在意大利的北部有一条欧洲最险的公路,也是欧洲第二高的山路,几乎每一个热爱驾驶,热爱骑行的车迷都将其奉为圣地,这就是Passo Stelvio几年前就听说过,在意大利的北部有一条欧洲最险的公路,几乎每一个热爱驾驶,热爱骑行的车迷都将其奉为... 在意大利的北部有一条欧洲最险的公路,也是欧洲第二高的山路,几乎每一个热爱驾驶,热爱骑行的车迷都将其奉为圣地,这就是Passo Stelvio几年前就听说过,在意大利的北部有一条欧洲最险的公路,几乎每一个热爱驾驶,热爱骑行的车迷都将其奉为圣地。这就是Passo Stelvio,斯泰尔维奥山口。当我还没有驾照的时候,征服这条公路的想法就已经埋藏在了心里。如今驾龄快三年,去这条公路朝圣的计划也提上了日程。斯泰尔维奥山路位于意大利北部, 展开更多
关键词 维奥 兰东 圣地 山口 驾照 三年 将其 北方 会将 油耗
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