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论炙甘草、生地黄共为炙甘草汤君药 被引量:15
作者 赵亮 关溪 +1 位作者 白长川 尚东 《环球中医药》 CAS 2022年第3期466-468,共3页
炙甘草汤是张仲景治疗气血阴阳俱虚之“脉结代,心动悸”的千古名方,组方配伍法度严谨,诸药合用阴阳双补、气血同调,共奏益气养阴、通阳复脉之功。但方中孰为君药,自古争议颇多,至今未有定论。本文通过深入剖析张仲景学术思想和命方规律... 炙甘草汤是张仲景治疗气血阴阳俱虚之“脉结代,心动悸”的千古名方,组方配伍法度严谨,诸药合用阴阳双补、气血同调,共奏益气养阴、通阳复脉之功。但方中孰为君药,自古争议颇多,至今未有定论。本文通过深入剖析张仲景学术思想和命方规律,结合《方剂学》中“君臣佐使”定义,认为在炙甘草汤中,炙甘草生化气血、通利经脉、用量重达四两,生地黄峻补阴血、逐血通痹、用量冠绝全方,两者均符合君药的标准;借鉴现代药理研究,炙甘草是方中抗心律失常的主要有效成分,生地黄不仅能通过强心扩冠、保护心肌发挥稳定心律的作用,还能拮抗大剂量炙甘草的类糖皮质激素副作用,两者合用增效减毒、稳定心律。因此,炙甘草和生地黄联合在炙甘草汤中发挥主导作用,应共为君药。 展开更多
关键词 炙甘草汤 共为君药 君药标准 命方规律 药理研究
共生 共为 共享——也谈中国共产党人核心价值观的确立
作者 斯国新 《观察与思考》 2012年第7期33-36,共4页
共产党人的价值观是共产党人对于人生价值或共产党人自身价值的根本观点,而核心价值观就是深嵌于其中的最为重要的部分。作为共产党人来讲,其核心价值观与共产党政党核心价值观并无本质区别,但就当前来说,在构建社会主义核心价值体系和... 共产党人的价值观是共产党人对于人生价值或共产党人自身价值的根本观点,而核心价值观就是深嵌于其中的最为重要的部分。作为共产党人来讲,其核心价值观与共产党政党核心价值观并无本质区别,但就当前来说,在构建社会主义核心价值体系和推进党建科学化、民主化过程的形势下,着重探讨中国共产党人的核心价值观更具迫切性和现实性。本文从"共生、共为、共享"这一被认为是共产党人核心价值观中最重要、最核心、最稳固的部分入手,分析了共产党人核心价值观的形态、意义,探讨了共产党人核心价值观的内涵、特征、历史形成及具体实现等问题。 展开更多
关键词 共生 共为 共享 共产党人 价值观
《学语文(A版)》 2005年第12期15-15,共1页
[原文]昔有夫妇,有三番(1)饼。夫妇共分,各食一饼。余一番在,共作要(2)言:“若有语者,要不与饼。?既作要已,若一饼故,各不敢语。须臾有贼人家偷盗,取其财物。一切所有,尽毕贼手。夫妇二人以先要故,眼看不语。贼见不语,... [原文]昔有夫妇,有三番(1)饼。夫妇共分,各食一饼。余一番在,共作要(2)言:“若有语者,要不与饼。?既作要已,若一饼故,各不敢语。须臾有贼人家偷盗,取其财物。一切所有,尽毕贼手。夫妇二人以先要故,眼看不语。贼见不语,即其夫前侵略(3)其妇。其夫眼见,亦复不语。妇便唤贼,语其夫言:“云何痴人,为一饼故,见贼不唤?”其夫拍手笑言:“咄(4)婢(5)!我定得饼,不复与尔。” 展开更多
关键词 《夫妇食饼共为要喻》 《百喻经》 印度 佛教故事集 初中 语文 文言文阅读 译文 注释
思想共识 工作共为 行为共约
作者 刘玉彬 《企业改革与管理》 2000年第2期34-35,共2页
关键词 国企改革 领导班子 思想共识 工作共为 行为共约
试从中医天人观探讨肺脾与天地的关系 被引量:1
作者 李玲玲 李斌 林丰琦 《中国中医药现代远程教育》 2024年第10期56-58,共3页
中医学的天人相应观源于中国古代哲学。在此基础上,古代医家以象思维和取象比类法为指导,积极探求人与自然的本质特征,并受此影响形成了以人为中心的天人观。文章在象思维的指导下,试从天地阴阳可与肺脾相通,肺脾气机的运动与天气降、... 中医学的天人相应观源于中国古代哲学。在此基础上,古代医家以象思维和取象比类法为指导,积极探求人与自然的本质特征,并受此影响形成了以人为中心的天人观。文章在象思维的指导下,试从天地阴阳可与肺脾相通,肺脾气机的运动与天气降、地气升的形式相类,肺脾在经络上交互联系犹如天地互根,脾升肺降的枢机作用如同天地交泰等四方面,探究肺脾效法天地的表现,并提出肺脾共为五脏主的观点。 展开更多
关键词 天人相应 肺脾 《黄帝内经》 肺脾共为五脏主
作者 王亚南 《云南社会主义学院学报》 2016年第4期50-54,共5页
自古以来,中华民族的"华夷一体"思想观念和中华国家的"天下一统"社会历史蔚为传统。对于这样一种"大一统"社会共同体的文明认同,先由上古夏、商、周三代帝君成功达至"逐鹿中原"的诸夏诸华,经... 自古以来,中华民族的"华夷一体"思想观念和中华国家的"天下一统"社会历史蔚为传统。对于这样一种"大一统"社会共同体的文明认同,先由上古夏、商、周三代帝君成功达至"逐鹿中原"的诸夏诸华,经春秋、战国时期的诸侯国竞争兼并,产生出一种既定的"大一统"社会观念;继由"华夏一统"的扩张顺势达至"雪球滚大"的汉唐属民共同体,经汉唐统一国家治土、治民整合发展,成为一种稳定的"大一统"社会现实;再由历代王朝的"一统天下"追求,最终达至"共为中华"的整个中华民族,经数千年以来的观念因袭和实践推进,已经固化为一种基于中华文明历史共识的国家整合传统和国民共同体认同。 展开更多
关键词 华夷一体 天下一统 共为中华 国民整合
Effects of microcystin-LR on hippocampal N-acetylaspartate and neurobehaviors in rats 被引量:1
作者 李云晖 周珏 +5 位作者 张敏辉 杨明 李晓波 刘冉 尹立红 浦跃朴 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2015年第4期577-581,共5页
The effects of low-doses of microcystin-leucinearginine ( MC-LR ) exposure on neurobehaviors and N-acetylaspartate (NAA) expression in the hippocampus of rats were investigated. After male Sprague-Dawley (SD) ra... The effects of low-doses of microcystin-leucinearginine ( MC-LR ) exposure on neurobehaviors and N-acetylaspartate (NAA) expression in the hippocampus of rats were investigated. After male Sprague-Dawley (SD) rats were treated intra-gastrically with different doses of MC-LR for 90 d, the locomotor activity, spatial learning and memory function were evaluated in the rats after treatment using open field tests and Morris water maze tests. The results show that MC-LR exposure can lead to impairment of the spatial learning capacity and locomotor activity in rats at the dose of 2. 00 p,g/kg. The levels of NAA in the hippocampus were measured by magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRI). A significant decrease of NAA/Cr ratio ( P 〈 0. 05) was observed in the hippocampous. This study indicates that intra-gastrical exposure to low-doses of MC-LR has adverse effects on neuronal behavior and NAA levels in the hippocampous. 展开更多
关键词 low-doses of microcystin-leucine-arginine (MC- LR) N-acetylaspartate (NAA) neurobeha-viors magnetic resonance spectroscopy NEURO
2021年度山东省优秀广播电视广告作品评析 被引量:1
作者 李超 高子钧 《现代视听》 2022年第6期28-31,共4页
关键词 优秀广告 趋势共为 情感沉浸 思维融通
作者 田晓翠 《理论学习与探索》 2009年第6期70-71,共2页
关键词 安全文化 共创共建 共管共为 同心同向 互促互进
Melting Behavior of PA6 and PA6/PE Blends Crystallized from Amorphous State
作者 仇武林 罗运军 +4 位作者 罗善国 谭惠民 李政军 麦堪成 曾汉民 《Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology》 EI CAS 1999年第1期56-60,共5页
Aim To investigate the melting behavior of polyamide 6 in polyamide 6/polyethy lene blends crystallized from amorphous state. Methods DSC was used to test effects of annealing temperature, annealing time, DS... Aim To investigate the melting behavior of polyamide 6 in polyamide 6/polyethy lene blends crystallized from amorphous state. Methods DSC was used to test effects of annealing temperature, annealing time, DSC scan rate, and the step wise annealing on the melting peaks of the ice water quenched specimens. Results and Conclusion Varied melting peaks of PA6 component were obtained. The degree of perfection and the crystallization degree of PA6 crystals decreased in the blends, and the crystallization degree of PA6 increased with the increasing of the annealing time. The height of the upper melting peak of reference PA6 is higher than that in blends. 展开更多
关键词 polyamide 6 BLENDS QUENCH melting behavior
Effect of Thermal Treatment on the PA-6 in the Blends
作者 仇武林 罗善国 +4 位作者 罗运军 谭惠民 李政军 麦堪成 曾汉民 《Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology》 EI CAS 1999年第2期13-18,共6页
Aim To investigate the multiple melting behavior of polyamide 6(PA 6) in polyamide 6/linear low density polyethylene blends crystallized from the crystal amorphous state. Methods\ The effects of annealing tempera... Aim To investigate the multiple melting behavior of polyamide 6(PA 6) in polyamide 6/linear low density polyethylene blends crystallized from the crystal amorphous state. Methods\ The effects of annealing temperature, annealing time, heating rate, and the step wise annealing were measured by DSC. Results and Conclusion\ There exists a critical heating rate affecting the middle temperature melting peak. When annealed at the temperature close to the melting peak, the main melting peak of PA 6 shifted to a higher temperature. Within a short time, annealing time has much effect on neat PA 6 but little effect on PA 6 in the blends. Addition of PE results in a decreasing in the height of melting peak. These phenomenon show that the melting behavior of PA 6 was affected by PE, compatibilizer, as well as thermal treatment. 展开更多
关键词 polyamide 6 BLENDS crystal amorphous state melting behavior
Thermal Decomposition and Kinetics of Mixtures of Polylactic Acid and Biomass during Copyrolysis 被引量:5
作者 王刚 李爱民 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2008年第6期929-933,共5页
Thermal decomposition of polylactic acid (PLA) was studied in the presence of pine wood sawdust (PS), walnut shell (WS), corncob (CC) in order to understand the pyrolytic behavior of these components occurring... Thermal decomposition of polylactic acid (PLA) was studied in the presence of pine wood sawdust (PS), walnut shell (WS), corncob (CC) in order to understand the pyrolytic behavior of these components occurring in waste. A thermogravimetric analyzer (TGA) was applied for monitoring the mass loss profiles under heating rate of 10℃·min^-1. Results obtained from this comprehensive investigation indicated that PLA was decomposed in the temperature range 300 -372℃, whereas the thermal degradation temperature of biomass is 183-462℃. The difference of mass loss (AW) between experimental and theoretical ones, calculated as algebraic sums of those from each separated component, is about 17%-46% at 300-400℃. These experimental results indicated a significant synergistic effect during PLA and biomass copyrolysis. Moreover, a kinetic analysis was performed to fit thermogravimetric data, the global processes being considered as one to two consecutive reactions. A reasonable fit to the experimental data was obtained for all materials and their blends. 展开更多
Electrochemical reduction mechanism of Zn^(2+)in molten NaCl-KCl eutectic 被引量:3
作者 Xiao-bin WU Zeng-li ZHU +3 位作者 Hui KONG You-qi FAN Si-wei CHENG Zhong-sheng HUA 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2022年第9期3088-3098,共11页
A process comprising selective chlorination and molten salt electrolysis was proposed to develop an efficient and environmental-friendly technology for zinc recovery from metallurgical dusts.The theoretical feasibilit... A process comprising selective chlorination and molten salt electrolysis was proposed to develop an efficient and environmental-friendly technology for zinc recovery from metallurgical dusts.The theoretical feasibility of this technology was firstly estimated based on thermodynamic fundamentals.Subsequently,the electrochemical behavior of Zn^(2+)on tungsten electrode was investigated in molten NaCl-KCl eutectic at 973 K by many electrochemical transient methods.The results showed that the reduction of Zn^(2+)on tungsten electrode was found to be a one-step process exchanging two electrons with the initial reduction potential of-0.74 V(vs Ag/AgCl),and the electrode process was considered as quasi-reversible and controlled by diffusion.The diffusion coefficient of Zn^(2+)ions in the melts was determined in the order of 10^(-5)cm^(2)/s.Finally,the electrolytic preparation of zinc was carried out by potentiostatic electrolysis in molten NaCl-KCl-ZnCl_(2)eutectic at-1.6 V(vs Ag/AgCl).Spheroidic granular metal with silver-white luster was attained after electrolysis for 9.5 h,and identified as pure Zn.The present study confirms that it is practically feasible to extract pure zinc metal by direct electrolysis of ZnCl_(2)in molten NaCl-KCl eutectic,and provides a valuable theoretical reference for the efficient recovery of zinc from metallurgical dusts. 展开更多
关键词 electrochemical reduction zinc ions electrochemical behavior molten NaCl-KCl eutectic metallurgical dusts
Free Riding Inhibition Mechanism Based on User Behavior in P2P File-Sharing System 被引量:2
作者 Zhang Yu Bai Yanping Hao Ying 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2012年第12期36-45,共10页
In order to inhibit Free Riding in Peer-toPeer(P2P) file-sharing systems,the Free Riding Inhibition Mechanism Based on User Behavior(IMBUB) is proposed.IMBUB considers the regularity of user behavior and models user b... In order to inhibit Free Riding in Peer-toPeer(P2P) file-sharing systems,the Free Riding Inhibition Mechanism Based on User Behavior(IMBUB) is proposed.IMBUB considers the regularity of user behavior and models user behavior by analyzing many definitions and formulas.In IMBUB,Bandwidth Allocated Ratio,Incentive Mechanism Based on User Online Time,Double Reward Mechanism,Incentive Mechanism of Sharing for Permission and Inhibition Mechanism of White-washing Behavior are put forward to inhibit Free Riding and encourage user sharing.A P2P file system BITShare is designed and realized under the conditions of a campus network environment.The test results show that BITShare's Query Hit Ratio has a significant increase from 22% to 99%,and the sharing process in BITShare is very optimistic.Most users opt to use online time to exchange service quality instead of white-washing behavior,and the real white-ishing ratio in BITShare is lower than 1%.We confirm that IMBUB can effectively inhibit Free Riding behavior in P2P file-sharing systems. 展开更多
关键词 free riding user behavior FILE-SHARING white-washing
Degradation behaviors,thermostability and mechanical properties of poly(ethylene terephthalate)/polylactic acid blends 被引量:1
作者 夏学莲 刘文涛 +4 位作者 唐新颖 史向阳 王丽娜 何素芹 朱诚身 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2014年第5期1725-1732,共8页
It is difficult for polyethylene terephthalate (PET) to degrade,which caused severe pollution.In this work,polylactic acid (PLA) was introduced to improve the degradation of PET.PET/PLA was synthesized by extrusio... It is difficult for polyethylene terephthalate (PET) to degrade,which caused severe pollution.In this work,polylactic acid (PLA) was introduced to improve the degradation of PET.PET/PLA was synthesized by extrusion blending.The thermal,crystalline and mechanical properties of blends were investigated with TGA,DSC,WAXD and universal testing machine.The degradation of the blends in soil,acid and alkaline buffer solutions was assessed,respectively.It was found that the introduction of a little PLA promoted crystallization of PET during injection molding process.The starting decomposition temperature lowered from 412.1 ℃ of pure PET to 330.4 ℃ at 50% PLA content,tensile and bending strength of blends gradually decreased with the PLA content increasing,while the degradation rate improved.Alkaline environment was most beneficial for blends to degrade.The degradation mechanism was discussed. 展开更多
关键词 DEGRADATION polyester: polylactic acid mechanical property
Corrosion behavior of hypereutectic Al-23%Si alloy (AC9A) processed by severe plastic deformation 被引量:1
作者 江静华 马爱斌 +3 位作者 宋丹 N. SAITO 袁玉春 Y. NISHIDA 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2010年第2期195-200,共6页
Ultrafine-grained(UFG) hypereutectic Al-23%Si (mass fraction) alloy was achieved through equal-channel angular pressing(EACP) procedure. And the electrochemical properties after various ECAP passes were investigated i... Ultrafine-grained(UFG) hypereutectic Al-23%Si (mass fraction) alloy was achieved through equal-channel angular pressing(EACP) procedure. And the electrochemical properties after various ECAP passes were investigated in neutral NaCl solution. Potentiostatic polarization curves show that the corrosion potential of the ECAPed sample after 4 passes decreases markedly, while the corrosion current density reaches 1.37 times that of the as-cast alloy. However, the φcorr and Jcorr values after 16 passes are improved and approach those of the as-cast alloy. Immersion tests also show that the mass-loss ratio of ECAPed alloy decreases with increasing the pressing pass, which is lowered to 28.7% with the increase of pass number from 4 to 16. Pitting susceptibility of the ECAPed alloy after initial 4 passes is boosted, due to the presence of biggish voids resulted from the breakage of brittle large primary silicon crystals during ECAP. Increasing ECAP pass makes the voids evanesce and results in the homogeneous ultrafine-grained structure, contributing to a higher pitting resistance. These results indicate that enough ECAP passes are beneficial to increasing corrosion resistance of the hypereutectic Al-23%Si alloy. 展开更多
关键词 aluminum casting alloys ECAP corrosion behavior ultrafine grained microstructure
Mechanical behaviors of NiAl-Cr(Mo)-based near eutectic alloy with Ti, Hf, Nb and W additions 被引量:4
作者 汤林志 张志刚 +1 位作者 李树索 宫声凯 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2010年第2期212-216,共5页
Effects of Ti, Hf, Nb and W alloying elements addition on the microstructure and the mechanical behaviors of NiAl-Cr(Mo) intermetallic alloy were investigated by means of XRD, SEM, EDX and compression tests. The res... Effects of Ti, Hf, Nb and W alloying elements addition on the microstructure and the mechanical behaviors of NiAl-Cr(Mo) intermetallic alloy were investigated by means of XRD, SEM, EDX and compression tests. The results show that Ni-31Al-30Cr-4Mo-2(Ti, Hf, Nb, W) alloy consists of four phases: NiAl, ??Cr solid solution, Cr2Nb and Ni2Al(Ti, Hf). The mechanical properties are improved significantly compared with the base alloy. The compression yield strength at 1 373 K is 467 MPa and the room temperature compression ductility is 17.87% under the strain rate of 5.56??0-3 s-1, due to the existence of Cr2Nb and Ni2Al(Ti, Hf) phases for strengthening and Ti solid solution in NiAl matrix and coarse Cr(Mo, W) solid solution phase at cellular boundaries for ductility. The elevated temperature compression deformation behavior of the alloy can be properly described by power-law equation: ε=0.898 σ8.47exp[-615/(RT)]. 展开更多
关键词 NiAl-Cr(Mo)-based alloy Heusler phase Cr(Mo W) solid solution mechanical properties
Behavioral interactions between a coexisting rodent Micaelamys namaquensis and macroscelid Elephantulus myurus 被引量:1
作者 Jennifer LANCASTER Neville PILLAY 《Current Zoology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第4期395-400,共6页
A number of mechanisms are known to influence coexistence in small mammal communities. However, the role ofbehavioral interactions in promoting species coexistence is under-represented in the literature. We studied th... A number of mechanisms are known to influence coexistence in small mammal communities. However, the role ofbehavioral interactions in promoting species coexistence is under-represented in the literature. We studied the behavioral interactionsof two coexisting small mammals, the Namaqua rock mouse Micaelamys namaquensis (Rodentia) and the Rock sengi Elephantulusmyurus (Macroscelidae), which have high dietary and microhabitat overlap. Using wild-caught individuals, intra- andinterspecific dyadic encounters were staged in tanks on a neutral rocky outcrop. Interspecific dyads displayed significantly moreactive avoidance behavior. There was no support for the prediction that the larger, more specialist species, E. myurus, is behaviorallydominant over M. namaquensis. Intraspecific encounters of E. myurus showed significantly more passive avoidance andamicable behavior, whereas the behavior of M. namaquensis did not differ between intra- and inter-specific encounters, both ofwhich were characterized by low levels of aggression and amicability. Thus, due to the lack of aggression, direct competition appearsweak and instead mutual avoidance may reduce or minimize interspecific interactions, potentially promoting coexistence. 展开更多
关键词 AVOIDANCE COEXISTENCE Elephantulus myurus Intraspecific behavior Interspecific behavior Micaelamys namaquensis
Safety control program for complex system based on behavior science
作者 梁美健 杨光 陈大伟 《Journal of Coal Science & Engineering(China)》 2008年第4期578-580,共3页
To control complex system's safety effectively,safety control program was supported based on the principles of behavioral science that shapes organizational be- havior,and organizational behavior produced individu... To control complex system's safety effectively,safety control program was supported based on the principles of behavioral science that shapes organizational be- havior,and organizational behavior produced individual behavior.The program can be structured into a model that consists of three modules including individual behavior rectifi- cation,organization behavior diagnosis and model of safety culture.The research result not only reveals the deep cause of complex system accidents but also provides structural descriptions with the accidents cause. 展开更多
关键词 control program complex system behavior science accident cause
A Study on the Acts of Civil Disobedience That Have Nationwide Significance in Republic of Turkey
作者 Atil Cem Cicek Selcuk Aydin Eda Akgul 《Sociology Study》 2016年第1期1-17,共17页
When the relationship between the government and the citizens is taken into consideration, at the times when the government is misusing its power, the citizens may express themselves about the injustice in various way... When the relationship between the government and the citizens is taken into consideration, at the times when the government is misusing its power, the citizens may express themselves about the injustice in various ways and civil disobedience is one of them. If the injustice still exists after all the judicial proceedings are taken, then, this act that has nonviolence as its fundamental philosophy is seen to take place. The most important representatives of civil disobedience in the world are Socrates, Henry David Thoreau, M. Luther King and Mahatma Gandhi. These thinkers with their discourses and actions put forth what constitutes as civil disobedience and set an example to other societies. In this study, firstly, the aforementioned notion of civil disobedience is explained. Then, some demonstrations that took place in Turkey are evaluated in the framework of civil disobedience. The aim is to determine whether or not these demonstrations can be considered as examples of "civil disobedience". Also, the reasons why some of these demonstrations are not in the scope of civil disobedience are discussed. In this study, depiction and historical methods are used. 展开更多
关键词 Passive resistance civil disobedience nonviolence
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