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作者 金国强 《中文科技期刊数据库(文摘版)社会科学》 2024年第11期0178-0181,共4页
随着城乡产业融合的不断深化,如何有效驱动共同富裕成为了当前的重要议题。宁波市鄞州区在这一背景下,积极探索“共富共同体”模式,以推动城乡产业融合发展,促进共同富裕的实现。本文旨在探讨城乡产业融合在推动共同富裕中的重要作用,... 随着城乡产业融合的不断深化,如何有效驱动共同富裕成为了当前的重要议题。宁波市鄞州区在这一背景下,积极探索“共富共同体”模式,以推动城乡产业融合发展,促进共同富裕的实现。本文旨在探讨城乡产业融合在推动共同富裕中的重要作用,并以宁波市“共富共同体”模式为例,分析其有效路径和实施效果。通过深入研究该模式的运作机制、政策支持以及实践成果,本文旨在为其他地区提供可借鉴的经验和启示。 展开更多
关键词 城乡产业融合 共同富 共同 宁波市 鄞州区
在把握整体特性中突出主体——对邓小平“先富、后富、共同富”思想的再认识 被引量:2
作者 曾端祥 《学习与实践》 2008年第10期60-64,共5页
"先富、后富、共同富""大政策"是一个有机整体。其要义是"致富",本质是"共富",核心是允许和鼓励通过诚实劳动、合法经营"先富",关键是"先富"带帮"后富"、"... "先富、后富、共同富""大政策"是一个有机整体。其要义是"致富",本质是"共富",核心是允许和鼓励通过诚实劳动、合法经营"先富",关键是"先富"带帮"后富"、"后富"赶超"先富"。坚持和贯彻落实"大政策",必须准确把握其整体特性,充分认识其国策地位,全面理解"致富"内涵,正确把握"先富"与"后富"的评判与评价,深入认识"共富"的要求和"致富"的主体。 展开更多
关键词 “先共同富”大政策 整体特征 要求 主体
论改革开放第一“大政策”:“先富、后富、共同富” 被引量:2
作者 曾端祥 《江汉大学学报(人文科学版)》 2009年第1期27-33,共7页
改革开放第一"大政策":"先富、后富、共同富"的要义是"致富",本质是"共富",核心是允许和鼓励通过诚实劳动、合法经营"先富",关键是"先富"带帮"后富"、"后... 改革开放第一"大政策":"先富、后富、共同富"的要义是"致富",本质是"共富",核心是允许和鼓励通过诚实劳动、合法经营"先富",关键是"先富"带帮"后富"、"后富"赶超"先富"。第一"大政策"具有时代性、国策性、战略性的特征,对重新认识社会主义和建设中国特色社会主义、推进党建新工程和形成落实科学发展观都有重要作用。实施第一"大政策"已经取得了巨大成效。坚持和贯彻落实第一"大政策"必须正确把握"先富""后富"的评判和评价,深入认识"共富"的要求和致富的主体等关键问题。 展开更多
关键词 改革开放 共同富 基本特征 基本功能 关键问题
作者 徐波波 《行政与法》 2024年第11期116-128,共13页
“共富工坊”建设是浙江省在高质量发展中奋力推进共同富裕先行和省域现代化先行的创造性举措,是落实习近平总书记关于共同富裕重要论述的具体体现。当前,在“共富工坊”典型经验的复制推广中面临着如何在实践运行中实现最大功效问题,... “共富工坊”建设是浙江省在高质量发展中奋力推进共同富裕先行和省域现代化先行的创造性举措,是落实习近平总书记关于共同富裕重要论述的具体体现。当前,在“共富工坊”典型经验的复制推广中面临着如何在实践运行中实现最大功效问题,而其中最大的难点在于合作网络与实现机制的建构。以浙江省S村“共富工坊”的实践探索为例,通过运用行动者网络理论对“共富工坊”参与主体互动均衡样态进行分析,凝练总结“共富工坊”建设与发展的三大基础机制,即政治赋能主动作为的村级组织统筹机制、利益共融的规范化收益分配机制与共治驱动的多元主体行动共治运行机制。值得注意的是,镇村级组织往往成为“共富工坊”合作网络构建的核心行动者并在整个“共富工坊”参与主体之间起到非常重要的作用。然而,“共富工坊”的合作网络是动态的,受到国家经济形势、制度变迁与各方参与主体之间分化程度的高度影响,并对“共富工坊”“转译”带来了较大影响。为此,“共富工坊”合作网络建设与发展应聚合吸纳多元主体以增强合作网络资源交流,以创新利益联结机制激发网络行动者的“转译”动力,以完善共建共享共富机制增强合作网络的稳定性。 展开更多
关键词 “共工坊” 合作网络 共同 共同富
和谐发展 共享财富——全国人大代表李兴浩访谈
作者 李兴浩 戴维奎 +1 位作者 张显勇 张峻 《中国绿色画报》 2008年第3期38-42,共5页
中国人是比较喜欢讲"和"的,"和"是中华民族的一个优良传统。以孔子为创始人的儒家强调"和为贵"、"知和而和";以老子为创始人的道家倡导"知足"和"不争之德"。中华传统文化... 中国人是比较喜欢讲"和"的,"和"是中华民族的一个优良传统。以孔子为创始人的儒家强调"和为贵"、"知和而和";以老子为创始人的道家倡导"知足"和"不争之德"。中华传统文化中重"和谐"的价值理念,表现在人与自然的关系上,把天、地、人看成一个统一、平衡、和谐的整体;表现在人际关系上,强调和谐有序,注重建立以"仁"为核心、以"德"为基础、以"礼"为规范的思想道德体系,进而达到"仁者爱人,礼之用、和为贵"的理想社会。 展开更多
关键词 和谐发展 志高 思想道德体系 仁者爱人 人本文化 人与自然 国际品质 中国空调行业 市场竞争 共同富
作者 范传鸿 《哈尔滨学院学报》 2002年第2期115-117,共3页
西部大开发战略的提出及部署 ,令世人瞩目 ,国人振奋。这是关系我国未来数十年改革、发展和稳定的重大决策 ,是党中央审时度势、深思熟虑的结果 ,有着充分的哲学理论依据 ,鲜明地体现了矛盾的同一性和斗争性、普遍性和特殊性。
关键词 矛盾观 西部开发 对立性 同一性 共同富 普遍性 特殊性 可持续发展 全局 局部
Goal Evolution and Promotion Strategies of Rural Revitalization in the View of Common Prosperity 被引量:21
作者 Wei Houkai Cui Kai Wang Yu 《China Economist》 2022年第4期50-76,共27页
Rural revitalization is not only an important development goal for the Chinese government, but also a path to development. It is a crucial strategic choice of socialism with Chinese characteristics in a new epoch that... Rural revitalization is not only an important development goal for the Chinese government, but also a path to development. It is a crucial strategic choice of socialism with Chinese characteristics in a new epoch that to achieve both urban-rural and intrarural prosperity in the course of promoting rural revitalization. In the context of common prosperity, the key to achieving rural revitalization is to strive for the year 2050 long-term objectives of “robust agriculture, beautiful countryside and well-off farmers”, while also accelerating efforts to meet the mid-term targets of “improving the quality and efficiency of agriculture, making rural areas suitable to live and work, and ensuring farmers are affluent and well-off”. In terms of a strategic path, it is vital to combine endogenous growth with a sharing mechanism, with the former aiming to stimulate the internal vitality of rural areas and unleash their growth potential, and the latter to ensure that wealth is shared among all people and access to basic public services is made equal. To implement the strategy, it is suggested to take a regionally differentiated approach and a classification differentiated approach by scientifically grasping rural differences and identifying policy priorities, and explore innovative and diversified mechanisms of rural common prosperity. 展开更多
关键词 Common prosperity rural revitalization shared growth promotion strategy
Coordinating Regional Development as a Solid Foundation for Common Prosperity 被引量:7
作者 Zhang Qizi Ye Zhenyu 《China Economist》 2022年第4期26-49,共24页
Coordinating regional development is a key step for China to achieve the goal of common prosperity for all. From the era of the planned economy to the development,consolidation and improvement of the socialist market ... Coordinating regional development is a key step for China to achieve the goal of common prosperity for all. From the era of the planned economy to the development,consolidation and improvement of the socialist market economic system after reform and opening up since 1978, as a key target of economic development, China has been committed to balancing regional development, and after decades-long explorations and relentless efforts made great progress. Coordinated regional development-as manifested in narrowed regional development gaps, more equal access to basic public services and eradication of regional absolute poverty-has paved the way for more substantive progress to be made in delivering common prosperity for all. Despite the progress, China still needs to further improve institutional systems for regional coordination and undergird the regional foundation for common prosperity according to the requirements of its new development stage. Specifically, China should focus on the following priorities:(i) Strengthen institutional infrastructure, smooth regional internal and external circulations, and develop a unified domestic market at a higher level;(ii) give full play to the role of the government in equalizing access to basic public services, promoting infrastructure connectivity and protecting basic living standards;(iii) optimize integrated urban-rural development mechanisms, take solid steps to revitalize the countryside, and further coordinate urban and rural development;(iv) improve the layout of the industrial chain and advance interregional industrial chain upgrade and social progress. 展开更多
关键词 Common prosperity coordinated regional development industrial chain upgrade social progress
The"Belt and Road"Initiative:A Chinese Concept for Global Development 被引量:1
作者 Tian Wenlin 《Contemporary International Relations》 2017年第4期1-20,共20页
China's "Belt and Road" initiative is emerging as the Western-dominated world order is declining. Capitalism has intensified the rich-poor divide and power politics have led to great upheavals. Western values have ... China's "Belt and Road" initiative is emerging as the Western-dominated world order is declining. Capitalism has intensified the rich-poor divide and power politics have led to great upheavals. Western values have caused a "value dislocation" for non-Western countries. The world is calling for new development concepts. The "Belt and Road" initiative has emerged as an answer. It embodies China's ideas on global development. First, it works for the "common prosperity" of every country, which will ease contradictions between the South and the North. Second, it emphasizes geo-economie integration that will heal the fragmentation of Eurasia. Third, it advocates linkages between people and inclusiveness to create a new kind of civilization. However, many difficulties and challenges lie ahead for the implementation of the "Belt and Road" initiative. 展开更多
关键词 Belt and Road initiative global development geopolitical integration China' s conception
Impacts of the Integrated Development of Agriculture and Tourism on Common Prosperity:Spatial Spillovers and Threshold Effects
作者 WANG Jingjing XIA Lei XIE Ailiang 《Journal of Resources and Ecology》 CSCD 2024年第6期1593-1606,共14页
As an effective way to transform the model of rural economic development and upgrade the industrialstructure in the new era,the integration of agriculture and tourism can provide powerful support for expandingfarmers&... As an effective way to transform the model of rural economic development and upgrade the industrialstructure in the new era,the integration of agriculture and tourism can provide powerful support for expandingfarmers'income sources and narrowing the gap between urban and rural areas.It is also an important path forpromoting the rural economy and common prosperity of people.Based on 2008−2019 panel data covering 30provinces and regions in China,the dynamic spatial Durbin model and threshold effect model are used to empirically analyse the effects and characteristics of the integrated development of agriculture and tourism on commonprosperity.The results show the following:(1)The level of common prosperity and the integration of agriculture andtourism increased steadily during the study period and showed obvious spatial agglomeration characteristics.(2)The level of common prosperity was affected by the previous state,showing strong path dependence and dynamicpersistence.(3)The integrated development of agriculture and tourism had a significant direct effect and spillovereffect on the level of common prosperity.The integrated development of agriculture and tourism in neighbouringareas also promoted an improvement in the common prosperity of the local region.The direct effect was thestrongest in the central region,and the spillover effect was the largest in the eastern region.(4)The influence of theintegration of agriculture and tourism on the level of common prosperity presented certain threshold characteristics,and there was a typical stage and economic environment dependence.Overall,with the improvement in the integration of agriculture and tourism and the economic development level,the impact of the integration of agricultureand tourism on common prosperity was enhanced,but this disequilibrium effect also had typical regional heterogeneity.The conclusions can provide useful implications for promoting the high-quality development of the integration of agriculture and tourism to better promote common prosperity. 展开更多
关键词 integration of agriculture and tourism common prosperity IMPACTS spatial spillover threshold feature
The Mechanism and Empirical Testing of the Impact of Cultural and Tourism Integration on Common Prosperity
作者 PENG Yaping LIU Weizhong +1 位作者 XIONG Changjiang BAI Xiang 《Journal of Resources and Ecology》 CSCD 2024年第4期1027-1038,共12页
Achieving common prosperity is the essential requirement of Chinese modernization,and the integration of culture and tourism is of great significance as an important path to narrow the regional gap,and effectively“im... Achieving common prosperity is the essential requirement of Chinese modernization,and the integration of culture and tourism is of great significance as an important path to narrow the regional gap,and effectively“improve quality”and“increase income”.This study used the panel data of 30 provinces in China from 2010 to 2019,and conducted empirical tests by using the panel fixed effects model and the mediation effects model.The results indicated that the integration of culture and tourism can significantly promote the realization of common prosperity.This integration can promote common prosperity by increasing the income and consumption level of urban and rural residents,the degree of equalization of basic public services and the capacity for sustainable development.Spatial analysis shows that there are regional differences in the promotion of common prosperity by cultural and tourism integration,which is particularly obvious in ethnic and non-ethnic areas.Finally,in response to the existing problems identified in the above analyses,countermeasure recommendations that align with the actual development are put forward. 展开更多
关键词 cultural and tourism integration common prosperity urban-rural income gap mediating effect
作者 任桃英 《时代主人》 2013年第3期24-25,共2页
党的十八大高举中国特色社会主义伟大旗帜,描绘了全面建成小康社会的宏伟蓝图。十八大报告始终突出人民这个根本,"人民"二字在报告中出现了145次之多,标注出我们党执政为民的红色基线,宣示着我们党全心全意为人民服务的根本... 党的十八大高举中国特色社会主义伟大旗帜,描绘了全面建成小康社会的宏伟蓝图。十八大报告始终突出人民这个根本,"人民"二字在报告中出现了145次之多,标注出我们党执政为民的红色基线,宣示着我们党全心全意为人民服务的根本宗旨。我们学习贯彻十八大精神,就是要时刻牢记以人为本、执政为民,坚持党的领导、人民当家作主、依法治国的有机统一,始终把人民放在心中最高位置。 展开更多
关键词 党的领导 民生情怀 二字 一枝一叶总关情 社会主要矛盾 个人品德 解难题 社会公平 家庭美德 共同富
坚持“两个同步” 实现收入倍增
作者 郝久增 《工会信息》 2011年第2期10-12,共3页
当前,摆在全党、全国人民面前的头等大事是学习十二五规划,宣传十二五规划,落实十二五规划,用十七届五中全会精神努力开创全面建设小康社会新局面。十二五规划建议把"城乡居民收入普遍较快增加"定为今后五年我国经济社会发展... 当前,摆在全党、全国人民面前的头等大事是学习十二五规划,宣传十二五规划,落实十二五规划,用十七届五中全会精神努力开创全面建设小康社会新局面。十二五规划建议把"城乡居民收入普遍较快增加"定为今后五年我国经济社会发展的五大目标之一。建议第一次响亮提出"努力实现居民收入增长和经济发展同步。 展开更多
关键词 乡居民收入 十二五规划 十七届五中全会 经济发展 居民收入增长 工资增长指导线 最低工资标准 共同富
A weighted network evolving model with capacity constraints
作者 WU XiaoHuan ZHU JinFu +1 位作者 WU WeiWei GE Wei 《Science China(Physics,Mechanics & Astronomy)》 SCIE EI CAS 2013年第9期1619-1626,共8页
Most of existing works on complex network assumed that the nodes and edges were uncapacitated during the evolving process,and displayed "rich club" phenomenon.Here we will show that the "rich club"... Most of existing works on complex network assumed that the nodes and edges were uncapacitated during the evolving process,and displayed "rich club" phenomenon.Here we will show that the "rich club" could be changed to "common rich" if we consider the node capacity.In this paper,we define the node and edge attractive index with node capacity,and propose a new evolving model on the base of BBV model,with evolving simulations of the networks.In the new model,an entering node is linked with an existing node according to the preferential attachment mechanism defined with the attractive index of the existing node.We give the theoretical approximation and simulation solutions.If node capacity is finite,the rich node may not be richer further when the node strength approaches or gets to the node capacity.This is confirmed by analyzing the passenger traffic and routes of Chinese main airports.Due to node strength being function of time t,we can use the theoretical approximation solution to forecast how node strength changes and the time when node strength reaches its maximum value. 展开更多
关键词 complex network EVOLVING weighted network capacity constraints SIMULATION
The Spatio-temporal Evolution and Influencing Factors of Common Prosperity Level in the Wuling Mountain Area
作者 LI Huiqin HOU Yujie 《Journal of Resources and Ecology》 2024年第6期1578-1592,共15页
As China successfully won the tough battle against poverty,advancing common prosperity on all frontshas gradually become an important task in realizing Chinese modernization.The evaluation index system forcommon prosp... As China successfully won the tough battle against poverty,advancing common prosperity on all frontshas gradually become an important task in realizing Chinese modernization.The evaluation index system forcommon prosperity is constructed of four dimensions of“affluence,sharing,commonality,and sustainability”,andthe Entropy weight-TOPSIS method,Theil index,and Multiscale geographically weighted regression are applied toanalyzing the spatio-temporal evolution and influencing factors of common prosperity level in the Wuling Mountainarea.The results show that the level of common prosperity in the Wuling Mountain area was low but slowly increased from 2011 to 2021.The spatial development pattern of common prosperity in the Wuling Mountain areashows an evolutionary trend of being“fast in the north and east,and slow in the south and west".The core countieshave a positive spillover effect on the neighboring counties.The overall gap in the level of common prosperity in theWuling Mountain area displays a trend of“weakly fluctuating and slightly declining”,with the main source of development differences within the Hunan region.Each factor shows various impact intensit on the level of commonprosperity in the Wuling Mountain area and its fluctuation directions at different times.Among these factors,GDPper capita has the strongest impact and always plays a positive role.The conclusions of this study can provide atheoretical basis and scientific reference for the less developed regions to effectively articulate rural revitalizationand realize common prosperity. 展开更多
关键词 Wuling Mountain area common prosperity regional difference spatio-temporal evolution
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