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“党领共责”与有效农村养老服务的主体关系:基于县、村两级书记访谈的定性比较分析 被引量:4
作者 宁学斯 胡颖廉 《中国软科学》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2023年第5期54-63,106,共11页
围绕有效农村养老服务中的政府责任,基于全国30位县级党委书记和78位村党组织书记的访谈材料,采用清晰集定性比较分析(csQCA)方法,探讨各主体相互关系。区别于西方福利治理的分权和水平互动,我国有效农村养老服务呈现“党领共责”特征... 围绕有效农村养老服务中的政府责任,基于全国30位县级党委书记和78位村党组织书记的访谈材料,采用清晰集定性比较分析(csQCA)方法,探讨各主体相互关系。区别于西方福利治理的分权和水平互动,我国有效农村养老服务呈现“党领共责”特征。研究显示:在县、村两级书记案例中,党建引领和邻里互助分别是唯一的单因素必要条件,由此形成党领协同、多元共责、兜底互助3个养老服务类型;两级书记都高度认可行政兜底的作用,各主体关系呈现党建引领的放大效应以及政府责任的基础效应;各地区组态存在一定异质性,东部的社会参与、中西部的邻里互助、东北地区的子女赡养分别发挥独特作用。农村养老服务体系要进一步完善顶层协同和基层互助,从而丰富中国特色社会保障体系。 展开更多
关键词 中国特色社会保障体系 农村养老服务 党的领导 多元共责 福利治理
监督抑或共责:监察调查与刑事诉讼衔接中的补充侦查 被引量:11
作者 程龙 《河北法学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第2期84-98,共15页
2018年修改后的刑事诉讼法第170条第1款规定了监察机关移送审查起诉案件的补充调查(侦查)制度。该项规定通常被理解为既往补充侦查制度的复述,体现了检察机关对职务犯罪调查的监督功能。然而,这一理论描述难以符合实际;当检察机关面对... 2018年修改后的刑事诉讼法第170条第1款规定了监察机关移送审查起诉案件的补充调查(侦查)制度。该项规定通常被理解为既往补充侦查制度的复述,体现了检察机关对职务犯罪调查的监督功能。然而,这一理论描述难以符合实际;当检察机关面对强有力的监察机关时,在刑事诉讼中有"逃逸"自身审查监督职责的风险。因此,有必要将补充调查(侦查)制度解释为检察机关与监察机关办理职务犯罪案件的共责条款,督促检察机关对职务犯罪案件做出实质性审查,确保案件的公正、合法处理。检察机关的自行补充侦查是退回补充调查的例外,是职务犯罪案件补充的侦查手段。一方面,自行补充侦查并不受制于监察调查的范围与内容,另一方面,也应在符合特定条件下方可实施。 展开更多
关键词 补充调查(侦查) 监督 “逃逸”风险 共责条款 自行补充侦查
作者 Anne-Mei Gerard Koeter +1 位作者 魏继红 张瑞玲 《英国医学杂志中文版》 2017年第11期633-638,共6页
目的探究和发现导致小细胞肺癌患者“康复虚假乐观”的影响因素。设计进行2个阶段共4年的定性观察(民族志)研究。研究地点荷兰的大学医院肺病科病房及门诊部。研究对象35例小细胞肺癌患者。结果“康复虚假乐观”通常形成于化疗过程(... 目的探究和发现导致小细胞肺癌患者“康复虚假乐观”的影响因素。设计进行2个阶段共4年的定性观察(民族志)研究。研究地点荷兰的大学医院肺病科病房及门诊部。研究对象35例小细胞肺癌患者。结果“康复虚假乐观”通常形成于化疗过程(第一疗程)中,当X线检查不再显示肿瘤占位时最为普遍。这种乐观心态往往会随着肿瘤的复发而消逝,却又可能在进一步的化疗过程中再度形成,尽管此时的乐观心态已没有最初那么强烈。患者逐渐发觉了他们预后不良的事实,一方面是因为自己的身体状况日益恶化,另一方面是在与其他即将死亡的癌症晚期患者的接触中有所感悟。“康复虚假乐观”是医生表现出的积极性和患者坚持既定的治疗方案以及“康复计划”之间相互关联的结果,这会误导患者拒不承认他们所知道和本应该知道的真相。医生既想又不想宣判患者“死刑”,患者既想又不想听到它。结论若想解决医患共责的问题,需要从医生的角度,采取一种积极的、以患者为导向的方式。或许应该跳出医患关系本身来寻求解决方案,例如通过引入“医患中间人(brokers)”机制。 展开更多
关键词 濒死问题 医患共责 患者 医疗卫生行业
共同体治安治理理论的内涵及实现路径 被引量:7
作者 卢国显 《福建警察学院学报》 2022年第5期8-17,共10页
推动社区警务理论创新,深化公安工作改革,已经成为解决当前治安问题的前提性工作。共同体治安治理理论是社区警务理论的创新。共同体治安治理,是指以社会治理理论为指导思想,以预防为主、预侦并重为主要原则,以提高人民生活质量为目的,... 推动社区警务理论创新,深化公安工作改革,已经成为解决当前治安问题的前提性工作。共同体治安治理理论是社区警务理论的创新。共同体治安治理,是指以社会治理理论为指导思想,以预防为主、预侦并重为主要原则,以提高人民生活质量为目的,以治安共同体分工协作、共同开展治安自治和在地化共同体警务为主要内容,以共同体整体营造为工作目标,以在地化治理为落脚点的共同体治安工作的总称。治安组织可以划分为警务组织和非警务组织。共同体治安的主体应为非警务组织和人民群众,而公安机关是维护共同体秩序与安全的职能部门,双方是分工合作关系。在此理念下,开展共同体治安自治活动,公安机关回归到法定职能地位,构建治安共同体整合机制等,是解决当前共同体治理角色错位问题、提升治理绩效的努力方向。 展开更多
关键词 同体治安治理 治安自治 同体警务 共责
“双碳”目标下乡村生态合作治理的机制与逻辑 被引量:3
作者 李华胤 王燕 《现代经济探讨》 CSSCI 北大核心 2023年第5期119-126,132,共9页
发展生态低碳农业是实现“双碳”目标的内在要求,而推进秸秆生态化处理是发展低碳农业的重要途径。但长期以来,农民生态责任意识淡薄,甚至成为农业“排碳者”。多元主体合作是“双碳”治理的最优选择。以往研究多关注乡村生态合作治理... 发展生态低碳农业是实现“双碳”目标的内在要求,而推进秸秆生态化处理是发展低碳农业的重要途径。但长期以来,农民生态责任意识淡薄,甚至成为农业“排碳者”。多元主体合作是“双碳”治理的最优选择。以往研究多关注乡村生态合作治理的制度设计和对策优化,基于“双碳”视角可以发现“秸秆悖论”的治理密码。碳责任是一套结构复杂的责任体系,是生产者和治理者的共同责任。碳责任归因、多元主体协商、责任份额调适、多维责任交互是达成合作的内在机制。在责任范围交互、责任量度匹配、激励性三个维度作用下,以责任内容为驱动力,可以生成层级“共责立方体”的模型。基于责任视角下的合作治理逻辑为基层政府组织农民有效参与低碳发展提供了新的模式借鉴。 展开更多
关键词 “双碳”目标 合作治理 共责立方体
农村社区“非精英”权力运作的实践逻辑 被引量:5
作者 李德 《南京社会科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第10期94-100,共7页
在精英治理格局下,由于经济资源的缺乏、政治地位的弱势,及中国传统乡土文明"重情轻法"等礼治道德根深蒂固的影响,处于"夹缝"中的农村社区普通村民在权力运作实践中只有被动地依附于各种精英及宗族势力。在当前我... 在精英治理格局下,由于经济资源的缺乏、政治地位的弱势,及中国传统乡土文明"重情轻法"等礼治道德根深蒂固的影响,处于"夹缝"中的农村社区普通村民在权力运作实践中只有被动地依附于各种精英及宗族势力。在当前我国社会急剧转型的阵痛期,充分尊重普通村民的主体地位,保障他们的基本权利,培育他们具有法治、民主、责任、契约等公民意识,构建一种国家、各种精英、普通村民之间权力协商互动的"共责体系",对农村社区和谐发展具有积极意义。 展开更多
关键词 普通村民 权力运作 共责体系
市场领域的三权制约与平衡机制——徐玉玉事件引发的一种国家风险治理模式探讨 被引量:1
作者 王水雄 《新视野》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第3期68-73,共6页
党的十八届三中全会通过《中共中央关于全面深化改革若干重大问题的决定》以来,有关国家治理能力现代化和社会治理,已经形成了一些富有启发性的研究文献。但在具体的"风险"治理与预防领域,结合案例展开的研究并不多。国家在强... 党的十八届三中全会通过《中共中央关于全面深化改革若干重大问题的决定》以来,有关国家治理能力现代化和社会治理,已经形成了一些富有启发性的研究文献。但在具体的"风险"治理与预防领域,结合案例展开的研究并不多。国家在强调"使市场在资源配置中起决定性作用"的同时,对"使市场在风险平衡中起决定性作用"似有忽视。从徐玉玉事件出发,结合中国和美国一些经验展开的案例分析表明,市场领域完全可以建构一种"三权制约与平衡"的机制,它通过当事者三方权责利的安排和交易形式的时空规定构造了一个新局势,使原本可能是相对弱势的谈判者在这一新局势中获得了较高的博弈地位,从而平衡和制约了大量风险人为滋生的可能。当然,这一机制的良好运转,需要在更高层次上实现"政府任责、市场分责、社会共责"方有可能稳定下来。 展开更多
关键词 三权制约 政府任 市场分 社会共责
迈向公私合作型的现代化治理 被引量:2
作者 周泽中 《中共天津市委党校学报》 北大核心 2021年第6期87-95,共9页
公私合作治理作为政府与社会协商联动的一种新型治理模式,契合现阶段国家治理体系和治理能力现代化的现实要求,能够有效弥合传统治道与治术之间的断裂:破除“管理论”借重政府乃“主权的代表”这一理论桎梏,摒弃公法关系主体间非对称的... 公私合作治理作为政府与社会协商联动的一种新型治理模式,契合现阶段国家治理体系和治理能力现代化的现实要求,能够有效弥合传统治道与治术之间的断裂:破除“管理论”借重政府乃“主权的代表”这一理论桎梏,摒弃公法关系主体间非对称的差序格局,进一步拓宽公法和行政管理既有的“狭隘疆域”。公私合作治理有助于生成现代治理模式的理想态貌:关切充分的协商参与是治理民主化的制度关键,强调明定的同享共责是治理法治化的核心要义。治理模式的选择对于政府形象重塑和行政法学理论变迁所能够产生的重要意义远不止当下,其未来的发展空间尚有待于公法学人继续深入研究。 展开更多
关键词 公私合作 管理论 协商参与 同享共责 现代化治理
作者 魏大学 《教书育人(校长参考)》 2019年第10期59-60,共2页
小学是儿童接受正规系统国家教育的起始阶段,对一个人的成长起着奠基作用。孩子从幼儿园进入小学,有一个很大的跨越时期。这时,孩子既满怀着对未来学习的渴望,又伴随着对学习生活方式的改变而产生心理准备不足的焦虑,或许会产生少许害... 小学是儿童接受正规系统国家教育的起始阶段,对一个人的成长起着奠基作用。孩子从幼儿园进入小学,有一个很大的跨越时期。这时,孩子既满怀着对未来学习的渴望,又伴随着对学习生活方式的改变而产生心理准备不足的焦虑,或许会产生少许害怕上小学的心理情绪。家长要充分发挥第一任老师的作用,在入学前通过心理调适和体能训练等,帮助孩子消除焦虑心理,重视对孩子克服困难、坚强意志、团结协作、活泼开朗、自我控制、善始善终等良好个性品质的培养。入学之后,家长更要配合学校,把家校共育落细落实,为孩子的幸福人生奠基。 展开更多
关键词 幼小衔接 小学生 家校共责 家校
Shared Value in Practice: TOMS Business Model 被引量:1
作者 Katarzyna Bachnik Justyna Szumniak-Samolej 《Chinese Business Review》 2013年第9期639-645,共7页
The article deals with the idea of building a company around the corporate social responsibility (CSR) principles and designing a business model that is simultaneously economically viable, lucrative, and of social b... The article deals with the idea of building a company around the corporate social responsibility (CSR) principles and designing a business model that is simultaneously economically viable, lucrative, and of social benefits. TOMS is analyzed as an example of a company that took this approach and succeeded. The main research questions try to examine the basic assumptions of TOMS business model in light of shared value concept and uncover the reasons of company's success. The authors claim that two factors played there a crucial role. Firstly the leader whose passion was so contagious that he/she managed to build the team and set up a company based on his/her ideas. Secondly TOMS business model concept (One for One) is convincing for customers who eagerly join the movement. This business case illustrates how a company that is based on social values can grow. 展开更多
关键词 corporate social responsibility (CSR) business model TOMS shared value LEADERSHIP
Stakeholders: the extension of service function of modem universities
作者 Jia Liu 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2013年第10期52-54,共3页
Various "stakeholders" come into being around modern universities. Their emergence is based upon responsibility and contribution of extending university function to social public interest. Definitive stakeholders, e... Various "stakeholders" come into being around modern universities. Their emergence is based upon responsibility and contribution of extending university function to social public interest. Definitive stakeholders, expectant stakeholders and latent stakeholders constitute the objects of universities achieving their service function. Thus, management mode of universities undertakes exploration and reform. Yet ignoring part of the management status of "stakeholders" can also affect that universities fulfill their social responsibilities and promote their service functions to some extent. 展开更多
关键词 UNIVERSITY SERVICE Stakeholders.
Plant Protection: The Risk Mitigation of Endocrine Disrupting Pesticides Use Demands the Shared Responsibility of All within the Agricultural System
作者 K. Jtirgens A. Fink-Kessler +1 位作者 F. Keil K. Gotz 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(A)》 2011年第5期629-640,共12页
The widespread use of agrochemicals and its possible negative impacts on humans and the environment remains a highly topical and controversial issue. Of particular concern here are chemicals that can disturb an organ... The widespread use of agrochemicals and its possible negative impacts on humans and the environment remains a highly topical and controversial issue. Of particular concern here are chemicals that can disturb an organism's endocrine system. Referring to the precautionary principle, the objective of the research project start2 is to develop management strategies that help reduce possible risks for httmans and the environment of endocrine active agrochemicals. As an empirical basis we combined qualitative and quantitative methods and initiated two expert dialogues. Our findings underpin the well known fact that the use of agrochemicals is complex and dependent on more than the individual attitudes of farmers. Agricultural plant protection management is the collective product of a complex agricultural system, which encompasses treatment, marketing, industry and agricultural consultation as well as agricultural teaching institutions and relevant scientific disciplines. Successful management strategies for risk reduction in the context of hormonally active agrochemicals thus need to involve all actors within this system. The paper proposes a strategy that promotes participation by enabling learning processes among these actors. 展开更多
关键词 Plant protection endocrine disruptors agrarian sociology system analyses shared responsibility.
Public Broadcasting in Brazil" Challenges to Overcome a Symbolic Liability
作者 Carlos Eduardo Esc h, Nel1ia R. Del Bianco 《Journalism and Mass Communication》 2013年第11期691-704,共14页
A survey of opinion conducted by the Observatory of Public Broadcasting in Latin America indicates that one of the biggest challenges for Brazilian public broadcasting lies in changing the perception that has been cry... A survey of opinion conducted by the Observatory of Public Broadcasting in Latin America indicates that one of the biggest challenges for Brazilian public broadcasting lies in changing the perception that has been crystallized by the public in relation to such stations. Initial analysis of the data obtained so far shows that the respondents have a negative image in relation to public media. At times, the people manifest themselves in favor of the principles that should delimit the performance of radios and TVs, such as diversity, independence, and differentiation from commercial media, but, which are not fully followed. At other times, they criticize the quality of programming and the political-governmental character of these stations. In this critical scenario, the paper presents a discussion on the challenges facing the sector considering the complex historical, cultural, and economic policy circumstances, that have contributed to the maintenance of this "symbolic liability" between media and the audience/citizens, and which reflects on the possible strategies to face the problem. 展开更多
关键词 public broadcasting observatory of public broadcasting audience and symbolic liability
Research on Motivation of Corporate Social Responsibility Based on Game Theory
作者 ZHAO Gongmin 《Chinese Business Review》 2011年第8期616-623,共8页
The negative externalities of businesses brought serious social and environmental problems. Based on externality theory and game theory, the author in-depth analyzes intrinsic motivation of corporate social responsibi... The negative externalities of businesses brought serious social and environmental problems. Based on externality theory and game theory, the author in-depth analyzes intrinsic motivation of corporate social responsibility, and points out that corporate social responsibility will increase production costs, so companies will not take the initiative to raise the level of social responsibility. Through the analysis of corporate social responsibility profits, the paper reveals that if the government lack reasonable system to regulate corporate behavior, then the In'm, pursuiting maximizing profit, will choose the Nash equilibrium ofconsumpting public resources, and not take the initiative to fulfill their social responsibility to seek the Pareto equilibrium of the whole regional optimal, which results in high output and low returns. The research finds that the government should strengthen the publicity of corporate social responsibility, privatization of corporate social responsibility benefits and establishment of corporate social responsibility system and other means to guide and standardize the corporate social responsihility. 展开更多
关键词 corporate social responsibility externalities static game Nash equilibrium
浅谈内地西藏班开展中华民族共同体意识教育 被引量:1
作者 盖素风 《河北省社会主义学院学报》 2021年第2期80-85,共6页
关键词 中华民族同体意识 建、享、共责意识 内地西藏班
Unbalanced development, public services and government responsibility: an analysis based on government preference and government efficiency 被引量:3
作者 Lv Weia Wang Weitong 《Social Sciences in China》 2008年第4期63-80,共18页
Unbalanced development is a prominent issue in China's present social and economic operation. It is generally believed that the lack of public services is the direct cause of this problem and that the crux of the iss... Unbalanced development is a prominent issue in China's present social and economic operation. It is generally believed that the lack of public services is the direct cause of this problem and that the crux of the issue is the absence of government responsibility. If one distinguishes between two types of unbalanced development, the "development stage" type and the "government responsibility" type. it becomes clear that factors related to both supply and demand for public services have together produced the present surge in unbalanced economic development in China, a situation characterized by the combination of the two types of unbalanced development. The economic system of the transition period has limited government efficiency and biased government behavior, so it is the fundamental crux of the current problem. To solve this problem, it will be necessary not only to require that the government assume more responsibility for public services, but also, more importantly, to speed up resolution of the systemic problems that give rise to this bias in government behavior against the background of system transition. 展开更多
关键词 unbalanced development public services government responsibility government preference government efficiency
A Transnational Witness to "Other" Stories of Suffering: Encountering Czech Memory in Selected Works by the French Novelist Sylvie Germain
作者 Clare Horackova 《Fudan Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences》 2016年第2期253-288,共36页
The French novelist Sylvie Germain spent 6 years in Czechoslovakia before, during, and after the Velvet Revolution of 1989 that ended four decades of oppressive totalitarian rule in that country. As a result of her st... The French novelist Sylvie Germain spent 6 years in Czechoslovakia before, during, and after the Velvet Revolution of 1989 that ended four decades of oppressive totalitarian rule in that country. As a result of her stay, Germain produced four texts that are imbued with painful Czech stories and memories of both the Holocaust and the Communist era. This study examines the inscription of Germain' s encounter with the (Czech) other into her writing through tropes of exile and dispossession, of the suffering or wounded body, and of illness. Although Germain did not experience either the Holocaust or totalitarianism at first hand, and has moreover no claim to a Czech heritage, I posit that her work can nonetheless be interpreted as a transnational witness to the suffering of the (Czech) other. Using theories of the self and other, as well as theories of exile and of the narration of illness, I discuss how Germain's work negotiates the fine line between an appropriation of the stories of the other and an ethical responsibility to respond to other stories of pain. 展开更多
关键词 Sylvie Germain Contemporary French literature Transnationalwitnessing Illness narratives The body
Coopetition Model: Evidence from Electric Power Market in the Southwest of China
作者 Xiaotian Wei Zheng He 《Journal of Systems Science and Information》 2009年第4期367-377,共11页
To be a necessity for life issue as well as an important engine to country's economy, electricity has private and public goods properties simultaneously, leading it difficult to balance economic profit and social res... To be a necessity for life issue as well as an important engine to country's economy, electricity has private and public goods properties simultaneously, leading it difficult to balance economic profit and social responsibility for a single state-owned cor- poration especially in large rural areas. In this paper, we suggest that occurrence of local company may provide us a new insight for this issue. Using objective programming model, we discuss different outcomes under competitive and cooperative situations. Our results suggest coopetitive relations among state company and local company would be a practical choice for achieving the economic profit and social duty simultaneously. Furthermore, tak- ing Sichuan province as a case, we investigate three types of coopetition relation between state company and local companies. Our findings suggest that coopetition strategy may lead to better solution to dealing with the conflicts between economic profit and social responsibility for both state-owned corporation and local electric power company. 展开更多
关键词 COOPETITION electric power market social responsibility
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