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共轭运动系统中刚体动力学的研究 被引量:1
作者 毛明 程瑞廷 张相麟 《北京工业学院学报》 EI CAS 1988年第S1期98-106,共9页
共轭运动是机械加工和机械传动中一种最普遍的运动形式。本文讨论了作典型共轭运动的刚体的动力学问题。在讨论中,用向量的回转来描述刚体的定点转动,而描述一般刚体运动的Lagrange坐标取为质心位置向量、刚体瞬时回转轴线以及绕该回转... 共轭运动是机械加工和机械传动中一种最普遍的运动形式。本文讨论了作典型共轭运动的刚体的动力学问题。在讨论中,用向量的回转来描述刚体的定点转动,而描述一般刚体运动的Lagrange坐标取为质心位置向量、刚体瞬时回转轴线以及绕该回转轴线回转的角度,使共轭运动系统的动力学问题的列式变得简单。 展开更多
关键词 共轭运动 向量回转 刚体动力学
持续植物状态下眼球共轭运动和EEG γ能量调节
作者 Balazs S. Stepan C. +1 位作者 Binder H. 潘佳鸿 《世界核心医学期刊文摘(眼科学分册)》 2006年第10期6-6,共1页
Background:Power in the gamma band EEG increases during saccades in normal subjects.Objective:To develop a potential method to quantify signs of cortical responsiveness in persistent vegetative state(PVS)we quantified... Background:Power in the gamma band EEG increases during saccades in normal subjects.Objective:To develop a potential method to quantify signs of cortical responsiveness in persistent vegetative state(PVS)we quantified gamma range EEG in association with conjugate slow ballistic eye movements(SBEM).Methods:The EEG and the simultaneous electro-oculogram were recorded in 14(8F/6M)PVS patients.Clinical scoring was based on the Glasgow Coma Scale(GCS)and Coma Rating Scale(CRS).The Wavelet Transform,followed by Hilbert transform was applied to the EEG and gamma power distribution was quantified relative to the timing of an eye movement.We correlated the clinical and the neurophysiological measures.Results:Gamma activity was present in all PVS patients.Its power was modulated in association with eye movements only in less severely affected patients,with minimum power prior to,and maximum power during the eye movement.In severely affected patients there was no evidence of a temporal relationship between gamma power and the phase of the eye movement.Conclusions:Detecting changes in the time course of gamma power in relation to conjugate ballistic eye movements provides a quantitative neurophysiological method for prospective longitudinal studies to explore if the preservation of this CNS function relates to the potential for recovery in PVS patients. 展开更多
关键词 眼球共轭运动 持续植物状态 EEG 能量调节 GLASGOW 眼球运动 神经生理学 眼电图 扫视运动
Binacchi300香皂打印机传动原理及运动分析 被引量:8
作者 唐善华 《轻工机械》 CAS 北大核心 2003年第4期80-83,共4页
Binacchi30 0香皂打印机是意大利 Binacchi公司为其香皂成型自动生产线配套的主要设备。本文对该机的传动原理及运动进行了分析 ,阐述了该打印机中平行分度凸轮机构、与双滚子配合的往复运动共轭凸轮机构及自动取、放皂机构的原理、特... Binacchi30 0香皂打印机是意大利 Binacchi公司为其香皂成型自动生产线配套的主要设备。本文对该机的传动原理及运动进行了分析 ,阐述了该打印机中平行分度凸轮机构、与双滚子配合的往复运动共轭凸轮机构及自动取、放皂机构的原理、特点及设计思路 ,为我国相关机械的设计和研究提供了参考。 展开更多
关键词 香皂 打印机 传动原理 运动分析 平行分度凸轮机构 往复运动共轭凸轮机构
作者 Montagnese S Gordon H.M +2 位作者 Jackson C. M.Y. Morgan 陈瑜 《世界核心医学期刊文摘(胃肠病学分册)》 2006年第4期45-46,共2页
Smooth pursuit eye movements (SPEM) are the conjugate movements used to track the smooth trajectory of small dots. Jerky or ‘saccadic‘ocular pursuit has been reported in patients with cirrhosis, but no formal assess... Smooth pursuit eye movements (SPEM) are the conjugate movements used to track the smooth trajectory of small dots. Jerky or ‘saccadic‘ocular pursuit has been reported in patients with cirrhosis, but no formal assessment of SPEM has ever been undertaken. The aim of this study was to evaluate SPEM in patients with ci rrhosis and varying degrees of hepatic encephalopathy. The patient population co mprised 56 individuals (31 men, 25 women) of mean age 51.1 (range, 25-70) years , with biopsy-proven cirrhosis, classified, using clinical, electroencephalogra phic, and psychometric variables, as either neuropsychiatrically unimpaired or a s having minimal or overt hepatic encephalopathy; patients were further categori zed in relation to their treatment status. The reference population comprised 28 healthy volunteers (12 men, 16 women) of mean age 47.3 (range, 26-65) years. S PEM was assessed using an electro-oculographic technique. Visual inspection of the SPEM recordings showed clear disruption of smooth pursuit in the patients wi th minimal hepatic encephalopathy, and more pronounced disruption, if not comple te loss, of smooth pursuit in patients with overt hepatic encephalopathy. The di fferences observed in quantifiable SPE Mindices between the healthy volunteers/u nimpaired patients and those with overt hepatic encephalopathy were significant (P < .05). In con clusion, SPEM performance is impaired in patients with hepatic encephalopathy in parallel with the degree of neuropsychiatric disturbance: the pathophysiology of these changes is unknown, but retinal, extrapyramidal, and attentional abnor malities are likely to play a role. Treatment status confounds the classificatio n of neuropsychiatric status and should be taken into account when categorizing these patients. 展开更多
关键词 肝性脑病 神经心理 心理紊乱 跟踪运动 眼电图 共轭运动 病理生理学基础 受损程度 测试参数
传动元件的有控点共轭啮合运动几何测量法 被引量:2
作者 谢华锟 石照耀 +2 位作者 张兆龙 曾勇 王志 《机械工艺师》 CSCD 2000年第9期5-6,共2页
关键词 传动元件 有控点共轭啮合运动几何测量法
平面二次包络蜗轮蜗杆加工 被引量:1
作者 任丙超 《现代制造技术与装备》 2017年第4期107-,110,共2页
关键词 平面二次包络环面蜗杆副 滚齿机 共轭运动
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