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作者 陈新海 《中国历史地理论丛》 1999年第2期161-169,251,共10页
本文首先对有关汉河关县地望的传统现点进行 了分析,从一些历史事实来证明大河家说与贵德说的不能成立; 其次通过对《水经注》河川地理的考证,建立了河关县在黄河南 岸、洮水西岸之赤岸附近的新观点。
关键词 关县 地望 挑水流域
作者 陈新海 《青海民族研究》 CSSCI 1997年第1期29-33,共5页
关键词 青海东部 魏晋北朝 州刺史 青海地区 关县 吐谷浑 黄河流域 《晋书》 元和郡县图志 三国时期
作者 舒宗民 《新闻知识》 北大核心 1994年第12期14-15,共2页
新闻是对新近发生、发现事实的报道。是否善于抓取和报道有意义的事实,是新闻成功与否的关键。 刊载在《陕西日报》1994年10月6日一版的消息《专员县长为公厕剪彩》,就是这样一则很会抓取和反映有典型意义事实的好新闻。 其一,它报道了... 新闻是对新近发生、发现事实的报道。是否善于抓取和报道有意义的事实,是新闻成功与否的关键。 刊载在《陕西日报》1994年10月6日一版的消息《专员县长为公厕剪彩》,就是这样一则很会抓取和反映有典型意义事实的好新闻。 其一,它报道了一件不多见的事实。新闻贵新,这“新”首先是体现在所反映的事实是罕见的。我不主张说“人咬狗”式的反常事件才是新闻,但是新闻事实确应该是不多见的。“剪彩”似乎也曾形成过风。 展开更多
关键词 陕西日报 城市文明建设 地区行政公署 罗玉 政治敏感 人民群众 有碍观瞻 关县 陈旺 简炼
作者 宾组 《云岭先锋》 2015年第6期12-,共1页
宾川县以扎实开展"三严三实"和"忠诚干净担当"专题教育为载体,通过开展"为官不为"专项整治工作,在全县构建起以教育引导、职责划定、评议监督、考核奖惩"四位一体"的大监督、大督查格局,力促... 宾川县以扎实开展"三严三实"和"忠诚干净担当"专题教育为载体,通过开展"为官不为"专项整治工作,在全县构建起以教育引导、职责划定、评议监督、考核奖惩"四位一体"的大监督、大督查格局,力促各级干部"为官有为",为扎实推进美丽幸福新宾川建设提供强有力支撑。以教育强党性,促官"愿为"。以学习教育为根本,在全县深入开展"十个一"学习活动,为全县干部" 展开更多
关键词 干部工作 学习教育 学习活动 专题教育 三实 三严 四位一体 群众评议 关县 干部任用
《陕西省人民政府公报》 1991年第7期40-41,共2页
一九九一年三月二日,省政府做出决定,表彰宝鸡市等八十四个一九九○粮、棉、油生产达标竞赛先进单位。一九九○年,全省人民经过艰苦努力,战胜多种自然灾害,粮棉油生产夺得全面丰收。粮食总产再创历史最高水平。油料全面增产,是历史上第... 一九九一年三月二日,省政府做出决定,表彰宝鸡市等八十四个一九九○粮、棉、油生产达标竞赛先进单位。一九九○年,全省人民经过艰苦努力,战胜多种自然灾害,粮棉油生产夺得全面丰收。粮食总产再创历史最高水平。油料全面增产,是历史上第三个高产年。棉花得到恢复和发展,单产、总产比一九八九年都有较大的提高。这是各级人民政府带领广大干部群众。 展开更多
关键词 陕西省人民政府 棉油 一九 八十四 高陵县 十二个 定边县 关县 华阴 石泉县
作者 王明英 《中国妇运》 1994年第7期23-23,共1页
人民不会忘记她们王明英今年3月21日,是全国农业劳动模范、全国“三八”红旗手山秀珍80岁生日。这一天,潼关县委书记、县长来了,渭南地区领导来了,陕西省妇联的代表也赶来了。同时赶来的还有当年和她开展五朵银花竟赛的老姐妹... 人民不会忘记她们王明英今年3月21日,是全国农业劳动模范、全国“三八”红旗手山秀珍80岁生日。这一天,潼关县委书记、县长来了,渭南地区领导来了,陕西省妇联的代表也赶来了。同时赶来的还有当年和她开展五朵银花竟赛的老姐妹,她们有全国劳模、著名植棉能手85... 展开更多
关键词 “三八”红旗手 县委书记 这一天 渭南地区 祝福声 张秋香 生活补贴 竹香 关县 手挽手
Influential Factors of Water Productivity of Maize in Oasis of Arid Areas——A Case Study of Linze County
作者 胡广录 张济世 樊立娟 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2012年第9期1854-1858,共5页
[Objective] The aim was to research influential factors of water productivity of maize in oasis in arid areas. [Method] In middle reach of Heihe River in Linze County of Zhangye City, maize, a major crop in irrigated ... [Objective] The aim was to research influential factors of water productivity of maize in oasis in arid areas. [Method] In middle reach of Heihe River in Linze County of Zhangye City, maize, a major crop in irrigated area in the oasis, was studied and nine influential factors were chosen through grey relation analysis. [Result] According to grey relation analysis, top five factors influencing water produc- tivity of maize during 1995-2009 were as follows: applied quantity of chemical fertil- izers〉labour input〉seeds〉mulch amount〉pesticide amount, which indicated that controllable factors, instead of uncontrollable ones, dominate in influence of water productivity of maize in oasis in arid areas. [Conclusion] With water resource limited, investment of controllable factors in high-efficient agricultural production should be the major strategy to improve water productivity of maize in oasis of arid areas. 展开更多
关键词 MAIZE Water productivity Influential factors Gray relation analysis Irri-gated areas in oasis
Human Driving Forces:Analysis of Rocky Desertification in Karst Region in Guanling County,Guizhou Province 被引量:20
作者 WU Xiuqin LIU Hongmeng +1 位作者 HUANG Xiulan ZHOU Tao 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2011年第5期600-608,共9页
Karst rocky desertification is one of the major ecological and environmental problems that threaten the sustainable development of southwestern China. It is caused by irrational and intensive land-use patterns in kars... Karst rocky desertification is one of the major ecological and environmental problems that threaten the sustainable development of southwestern China. It is caused by irrational and intensive land-use patterns in karst geo-ecological environment. Therefore, it is vital to identify how human forces work on this degraded environment. Based on the soil erosion information in 2000 and remote sensing images of Guanling County collected in 2000 and 2007, four grades of karst rocky desertification data in 14 villages of Guanling County were extracted. Impacts of population, affluence, and other human forces on karst rocky desertification were analyzed using STIRPAT model. The results show that:1) Factors of population and affluence had strong influence on karst rocky desertification. In the STIRPAT model analysis, the population and affluence coefficients were positive, indicating that the increase in population and affluence would lead to more serious desertification. 2) Factors of farmer correlated with karst rocky desertification negatively, especially the way of viewing the relationship between people and nature, and the level of knowledge about rocky desertification. Government behavior was not a significant factor in this analysis. 3) The findings provide evidence that STIRPAT model can be used to analyze the relationship between human driving forces and rocky desertification. 展开更多
关键词 karst rocky desertification human driving forces STIRPAT model Guanling County Guizhou Province
A Discussion on the Abnormal Tidal Phase Relationship between Water Level and Water Temperature in Qixian Well
作者 Ma Yuchuan Wang Bo Wang Yan 《Earthquake Research in China》 2014年第3期350-359,共10页
Tidal phase of water temperature in Qixian well,Shanxi Province is ahead of water level,which is different from the normal tidal relationship between water temperature and water level. Observation curves of this pheno... Tidal phase of water temperature in Qixian well,Shanxi Province is ahead of water level,which is different from the normal tidal relationship between water temperature and water level. Observation curves of this phenomenon are introduced in this paper,and co-seismic response data of water temperature and water level are used to check the thermometer time system,confirming that this phenomenon is true. Using the harmonic analysis method,variations of time difference between water temperature and water level for the M2 wave are worked out,which indicates that this phenomenon exists during the whole observation. According to the variations of phase lags for water temperature and water level,and the survey of observation conditions, it is considered that the abnormal phenomenon may be related to inadequate passage of water caused by a well blockage at the depth where the water temperature probe was set. 展开更多
关键词 Water level Water temperature Earth tide Co-seismic
Study on Focal Mechanism Changing Characteristics of the 2013 Zogang-Markam Ms6. 1 Earthquake Sequence 被引量:1
作者 He Chang Zhu Hang 《Earthquake Research in China》 CSCD 2016年第1期13-21,共9页
The M_S6. 1 earthquake was a foreshock-mainshock-aftershock type which occurred in the boundary region between Zogang and Markam counties on August 12,2013. Within 9hours before the main shock seven earthquakes of gre... The M_S6. 1 earthquake was a foreshock-mainshock-aftershock type which occurred in the boundary region between Zogang and Markam counties on August 12,2013. Within 9hours before the main shock seven earthquakes of greater than M_L2. 0 occurred,with a maximum of M_L4. 7. In this paper,the earthquake focal mechanism changing process of the Zogang-Markam M_S6. 1 earthquake sequence is studied by calculating the correlation coefficient of body wave spectral amplitudes,and the result shows that the correlation coefficients of spectral amplitude of foreshocks present high value fluctuation with an average value of 0. 86,which shows that the focal mechanism of foreshocks are similar;and the correlation coefficients of spectral amplitude of aftershocks present low value,which shows that the possibility of a large earthquake is not high after a time. 展开更多
关键词 Zogang-Markam Ms6. 1 earthquake Earthquake sequence Focal mechanismSpectral amplitude correlation coefficient
《语文建设》 1958年第6期19-43,共25页
关键词 修正意见 龙武县 云浮县 古林 江市 武威县 沈阳县 普陀县 关县 布拖县
实施水产品科学管控 确保“舌尖上”的安全
作者 彭驷 《基层农技推广》 2015年第9期60-,共1页
为提高广西桂林市恭城瑶族自治县水产品质量及供应保障水平,构筑该县水产品质量安全的有效途径,建立健全食品安全监管长效机制,该县水产畜牧兽医局不断创新工作思路、完善工作机制,开创了全县水产品质量安全监管的新局面,实现了水产品... 为提高广西桂林市恭城瑶族自治县水产品质量及供应保障水平,构筑该县水产品质量安全的有效途径,建立健全食品安全监管长效机制,该县水产畜牧兽医局不断创新工作思路、完善工作机制,开创了全县水产品质量安全监管的新局面,实现了水产品质的有效监管。1看好水源头,把好养殖用水关县水产畜牧兽医局严格水产养殖资格审核和日常监管工作,对设施不健全、不完善、对周边环境存在不利影响的水产养殖一律按要求进行整改。 展开更多
关键词 恭城瑶族自治县 水产养殖 养殖用水 供应保障 资格审核 不合格 广西桂林市 渔药 环境影响评估 关县
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