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唐代的“进状”、“关白”与唐代弹劾规范——兼与胡宝华先生商榷 被引量:2
作者 霍志军 《天水师范学院学报》 2013年第3期36-39,共4页
唐初弹劾制度,御史得专弹劾,不须禀告中书、门下及御史台长官。但从唐中宗始,御史弹劾过程逐渐增加了"进状"、"关白"程序。"关白"的本意是纠正武后朝御史弹劾的混乱现象,对保证弹劾质量,规范弹劾秩序是... 唐初弹劾制度,御史得专弹劾,不须禀告中书、门下及御史台长官。但从唐中宗始,御史弹劾过程逐渐增加了"进状"、"关白"程序。"关白"的本意是纠正武后朝御史弹劾的混乱现象,对保证弹劾质量,规范弹劾秩序是有益处的。李林甫专权后,"关白"程序严重扭曲,沦为限制御史弹劾权的工具。唐代中后期,君权、相权,御史台长官、宦官势力等,对御史弹劾权的争夺,导致"进状"、"关白"频繁兴替,折射出唐代监察制度运行的复杂情况。 展开更多
关键词 唐代 御史 进状 关白 弹劾规范
作者 林晓炜 《云南民族大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第1期152-160,共9页
御史"关白"制度肇始于唐,终结于宋。从成因上看,御史"关白"制度在唐代主要受宰相专权及宦官秉政的影响,宋初以降,君主独裁政治的进一步发展、"以文治国"的理念思维、"务行祖宗之法"的意识形态... 御史"关白"制度肇始于唐,终结于宋。从成因上看,御史"关白"制度在唐代主要受宰相专权及宦官秉政的影响,宋初以降,君主独裁政治的进一步发展、"以文治国"的理念思维、"务行祖宗之法"的意识形态乃至宋仁宗个人对台谏的倚重使"关白"制度走向终结。"关白"制度为皇权政治和官僚政治之"变异",必将在皇权政治和官僚政治的进一步成熟后退出历史舞台,使御史职能之运作回归常态,此即御史"关白"制度之演化逻辑。藉由暴力潜能、意识形态、知识存量、特定历史事件与历史人物四要素,便可解析其历史动因与演化逻辑。对北宋时期的台谏政治和御史弹劾制度进行研究,有助于丰富对中国古代君主专制制度的理解,为当下的制度建构提供镜鉴。 展开更多
关键词 关白 君主独裁 御史弹劾制度 官僚政治 制度建构
作者 仓本一宏 王铁军 《日本研究》 CSSCI 2010年第4期43-45,共3页
日本历史上,有关妻子的称呼经过了若干变化。这一称呼上变迁不仅体现在对自己的配偶上,也体现在对他人妻子的称呼上。同时,这一称呼上的变迁不仅有汉字词上的变化,也有日语读音上的变化。当然对妻子的称呼上的变迁,不仅反映了对上司、... 日本历史上,有关妻子的称呼经过了若干变化。这一称呼上变迁不仅体现在对自己的配偶上,也体现在对他人妻子的称呼上。同时,这一称呼上的变迁不仅有汉字词上的变化,也有日语读音上的变化。当然对妻子的称呼上的变迁,不仅反映了对上司、同僚、友人在亲近、恭敬程度上的变化,也反映了各个时期中日本人心里上的远近、亲疏关系的文化意义上的变迁。 展开更多
关键词 平安时期 藤原道长 《御堂关白记》 女方 平安文化
唐代“进状”、“关白”考 被引量:9
作者 胡宝华 《中国史研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2003年第1期69-74,共6页
按唐初的弹劾制度 ,御史一旦掌握官僚的违法事实后 ,即可实施弹劾 ,不须禀告御史台长官 ,“台中无长官”即是当时的真实描述。但是从唐中宗开始 ,弹劾程序逐渐发生了变化 ,增加了“进状”和“关白”手续。御史拥有的自主弹劾权限因此受... 按唐初的弹劾制度 ,御史一旦掌握官僚的违法事实后 ,即可实施弹劾 ,不须禀告御史台长官 ,“台中无长官”即是当时的真实描述。但是从唐中宗开始 ,弹劾程序逐渐发生了变化 ,增加了“进状”和“关白”手续。御史拥有的自主弹劾权限因此受到了很大程度的削弱。“进状”、“关白”一直持续到北宋初期。 展开更多
关键词 唐代 “进状” 关白 弹劾制度 弹劾程序 监察制度 历史研究 政治制度史
AAV-mediated expression of p65shRNA and bone morphogenetic protein 4 synergistically enhances chondrocyte regeneration
作者 Yu Yangyi Song Zhuoyue +2 位作者 Lian Qiang Ding Kang Li Guangheng 《中国组织工程研究》 CAS 北大核心 2025年第17期3537-3547,共11页
BACKGROUND:Adeno-associated virus(AAV)gene therapy has been proven to be reliable and safe for the treatment of osteoarthritis in recent years.However,given the complexity of osteoarthritis pathogenesis,single gene ma... BACKGROUND:Adeno-associated virus(AAV)gene therapy has been proven to be reliable and safe for the treatment of osteoarthritis in recent years.However,given the complexity of osteoarthritis pathogenesis,single gene manipulation for the treatment of osteoarthritis may not produce satisfactory results.Previous studies have shown that nuclear factorκB could promote the inflammatory pathway in osteoarthritic chondrocytes,and bone morphogenetic protein 4(BMP4)could promote cartilage regeneration.OBJECTIVE:To test whether combined application of AAV-p65shRNA and AAV-BMP4 will yield the synergistic effect on chondrocytes regeneration and osteoarthritis treatment.METHODS:Viral particles containing AAV-p65-shRNA and AAV-BMP4 were prepared.Their efficacy in inhibiting inflammation in chondrocytes and promoting chondrogenesis was assessed in vitro and in vivo by transfecting AAV-p65-shRNA or AAV-BMP4 into cells.The experiments were divided into five groups:PBS group;osteoarthritis group;AAV-BMP4 group;AAV-p65shRNA group;and BMP4-p65shRNA 1:1 group.Samples were collected at 4,12,and 24 weeks postoperatively.Tissue staining,including safranin O and Alcian blue,was applied after collecting articular tissue.Then,the optimal ratio between the two types of transfected viral particles was further investigated to improve the chondrogenic potential of mixed cells in vivo.RESULTS AND CONCLUSION:The combined application of AAV-p65shRNA and AAV-BMP4 together showed a synergistic effect on cartilage regeneration and osteoarthritis treatment.Mixed cells transfected with AAV-p65shRNA and AAV-BMP4 at a 1:1 ratio produced the most extracellular matrix synthesis(P<0.05).In vivo results also revealed that the combination of the two viruses had the highest regenerative potential for osteoarthritic cartilage(P<0.05).In the present study,we also discovered that the combined therapy had the maximum effect when the two viruses were administered in equal proportions.Decreasing either p65shRNA or BMP4 transfected cells resulted in less collagen II synthesis.This implies that inhibiting inflammation by p65shRNA and promoting regeneration by BMP4 are equally important for osteoarthritis treatment.These findings provide a new strategy for the treatment of early osteoarthritis by simultaneously inhibiting cartilage inflammation and promoting cartilage repair. 展开更多
关键词 OSTEOARTHRITIS adeno-associated virus bone morphogenetic protein 4 p65-short hairpin RNA gene therapy short hairpin RNA transforming growth factor-β1 extracellular matrix articular cartilage chondrocytes.
Megestrol acetate plus metformin for fertility-sparing treatment of atypical endometrial hyperplasia and early-stage endometrial adenocarcinoma: a prospective study
作者 Yuanyuan WANG Tianjiao LAI +4 位作者 Danxia CHU Jing BAI Shuping YAN Haixia QIN Ruixia GUO 《南方医科大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第11期2055-2062,共8页
Objective To evaluate the efficacy of medroxyprogesterone acetate(MA)plus metformin as the primary fertility-sparing treatment for atypical endometrial hyperplasia(AEH)and early-stage grade 1 endometrial adenocarcinom... Objective To evaluate the efficacy of medroxyprogesterone acetate(MA)plus metformin as the primary fertility-sparing treatment for atypical endometrial hyperplasia(AEH)and early-stage grade 1 endometrial adenocarcinoma(G1 EAC)and the recurrence rate after treatment.Methods Sixty patients(aged 20-42 years)with AEH and/or grade 1 EAC limited to the endometrium were enrolled prospectively and randomized into two groups(n=30)to receive oral MA treatment at the daily dose of 160 mg(control)or MA plus oral metformin(850 mg,twice a day)for at least 6 months.The treatment could extend to 12 months until a complete response(CR)was achieved,and follow-up hysteroscopy and curettage were performed every 3 months.For all the patients who achieved CR,endometrial expressions of IGFBP-rP1,p-Akt and p-AMPK were detected immunohistochemically.Results A total of 58 patients completed the treatment.After 9 months of treatment,23(76.7%)patients in the combined treatment group and 20(71.4%)in the control group achieved CR;two patients in the control group achieved CR after converting to the combined treatment.The recurrence rate did not differ significantly between the control group and combined treatment group(30.0%vs 22.7%,P>0.05).Ten(35.7%)patients in the control group experienced significant weight gain of 5.7±6.1 kg,while none of the patients receiving the combined treatment exhibited significant body weight changes.Compared with the control group,the patients receiving the combined treatment showed enhanced endometrial expressions of IGFBP-rP1 and p-AMPK with lowered p-Akt expression.Conclusion Metformin combined with MA may provide an effective option for fertility-sparing treatment of AEH and grade 1 stage IA EAC,and the clinical benefits of metformin for controlling MA-induced weight gain and promoting endometrial expressions of IGFBP-rP1 and p-AMPK while inhibiting p-Akt expression warrants further study. 展开更多
关键词 endormetrial adenocarcinoma METFORMIN atypical endometrial hyperplasia fertility-sparing treatment megestrol acetate insulin-like growth factor binding protein-related protein 1
白纹草水培技术研究 被引量:4
作者 刘武 章玉平 林柔 《安徽农学通报》 2009年第9期167-167,224,共2页
为研究白纹草的水培技术,采用不同浓度的吲哚丁酸(IBA)处理诱导水生根系,筛选IBA最佳诱导浓度;然后进行不同营养液(1/4MS、Hoagland溶液、KC营养液、必绿水溶性肥料、清水为对照)的筛选。结果表明:低浓度、短时间的IBA处理可促进根系生... 为研究白纹草的水培技术,采用不同浓度的吲哚丁酸(IBA)处理诱导水生根系,筛选IBA最佳诱导浓度;然后进行不同营养液(1/4MS、Hoagland溶液、KC营养液、必绿水溶性肥料、清水为对照)的筛选。结果表明:低浓度、短时间的IBA处理可促进根系生长,最适浓度为10mg/L,处理时间1d,KC营养液对促进白纹草的生长发育效果最好。 展开更多
关键词 关白纹草 水培 吲哚丁酸 营养液 KC营养液
作者 李远喜 《日本研究》 2001年第2期47-51,共5页
关键词 德川家康 政权 德川幕府 江户幕府 关原之战 丰臣秀赖 丰臣秀吉 石田三成 关白 庆长
Analysis of Resistance-related Proteins in Rice Against Brown Planthopper by Two-dimensional Electrophoresis 被引量:12
作者 陈荣智 翁清妹 +2 位作者 黄臻 祝莉莉 何光存 《Acta Botanica Sinica》 CSCD 2002年第4期427-432,共6页
A recombinant inbred population (RI) was constructed from a cross between B5, an introgression. line from the wild rice Oryza officinalis Wall. ex Watt, and susceptible cultivar Minghui 63 ( O. sativa L.). The brown p... A recombinant inbred population (RI) was constructed from a cross between B5, an introgression. line from the wild rice Oryza officinalis Wall. ex Watt, and susceptible cultivar Minghui 63 ( O. sativa L.). The brown planthopper ( BPH) resistances of RI lines were evaluated. Based on bulked segregant analysis (BSA), two protein bulks were made by extracting proteins from equally mixed seedlings of extremely resistant and susceptible plants selected from the RI population, respectively. Two-dimensional electrophoresis was used to detect the changes of polypeptide pattern. Results showed that a protein P40 ( pI 6.3, Mw 40 kD) was significantly reduced or vanished after BPH infestation for 48 h in the susceptible bulk, while it remained uninfluenced in the resistant bulk. In connection with the physiological changes of the resistant and susceptible lines subjected to BPH sucking, we suppose that the protein P40 is related to the interaction responses of lice plants to BPH infestation. 展开更多
关键词 RICE recombinant inbred lines brown planthopper resistance two-dimensional electrophoresis
Expression changes of microtubule associated protein 1B in the brain of Fmr1 knockout mice 被引量:2
作者 韦朝霞 易咏红 +4 位作者 孙卫文 王蓉 苏涛 白永杰 廖卫平 《Neuroscience Bulletin》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2007年第4期203-208,共6页
Objective To explore the regulatory effect of fragile X mental retardation protein (FMRP) on the translation of microtubule associated protein 1B (MAP1B). Methods The expressions of MAP1B protein and MAP1B mRNA in... Objective To explore the regulatory effect of fragile X mental retardation protein (FMRP) on the translation of microtubule associated protein 1B (MAP1B). Methods The expressions of MAP1B protein and MAP1B mRNA in the brains of 1-week and 6-week old fragile X mental retardation-1 (FmrI) knockout (KO) mice were investigated by immunohistochemistry, Western blot, and in situ hybridization, with the age-matched wild type mice (WT) as controls. Results The mean optical density (MOD) of MAP1B was significantly decreased in each brain region in KO6W compared with WT6W, whereas in KO1W, this decrease was only found in the hippocampus and cerebellum. MAP1B in 6-week mice was much less than that in 1-week mice of the same genotype. The results of Western blot and in situ hybridization showed that MAP1B protein and MAP1B mRNA were significantly decreased in the hippocampus of both KO1W and KO6W. Conclusion The decreased MAP1B protein and MAP1B mRNA in the Fmrl knockout mice indicate that FMRP may positively regulate the expression of MAP1B. 展开更多
关键词 fragile X syndrome fragile X mental retardation protein microtubule associated protein 1 B MICE
电针对APP/PS1转基因小鼠海马低密度脂蛋白受体相关蛋白-1及其mRNA表达的影响 被引量:1
作者 李芙 王鑫 +7 位作者 范盎然 李丽君 加吾拉.阿不力孜 白杨 步青云 高堂珂 李丽娜 薛卫国 《针灸临床杂志》 2015年第5期57-61,F0003,共6页
目的:研究电针是否是通过影响LRP1mRNA水平、提高LRP1的表达,从而促进脑内Aβ清除。方法:将4月龄APP/PS1转基因鼠,随机分为模型组、电针治疗组,以同窝同背景转基因阴性小鼠为正常对照组。电针干预"涌泉"、"百会"0.1... 目的:研究电针是否是通过影响LRP1mRNA水平、提高LRP1的表达,从而促进脑内Aβ清除。方法:将4月龄APP/PS1转基因鼠,随机分为模型组、电针治疗组,以同窝同背景转基因阴性小鼠为正常对照组。电针干预"涌泉"、"百会"0.1 m A,15 min/次,隔日1次,治疗6周。治疗后,以免疫组化法观察脑组织LRP1阳性表达,以Western blotting法检测海马LRP1表达,以Real-time PCR法检测海马LRP1mRNA表达。结果:LRP1表达于脑微血管内皮细胞、胶质细胞、神经元等处。模型组海马LRP1蛋白、LRP1mRNA相对表达量低于正常对照组(P<0.05),电针治疗组海马LRP1及LRP1mRNA比模型组有上升趋势,但差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论:电针干预可能影响5月龄APP/PS1转基因小鼠海马内所有细胞LRP1及LRP1mRNA表达,可能是电针干预AD发病的潜在靶点,但实验方案还需进一步完善。 展开更多
关键词 电针 阿尔兹海默病 Β淀粉样蛋白 低密度脂蛋白受体相关蛋白-1mRNA
Classification and Nomenclature of Plant Metallothionein-like Proteins Based on Their Cysteine Arrangement Patterns 被引量:1
作者 刘进元 吕暾 赵南明 《Acta Botanica Sinica》 CSCD 2000年第6期649-652,共4页
随着植物基因组研究的进展 ,在基因文库和蛋白文库登录的植物类金属硫蛋白基因已超过 5 0个 ,接近金属硫蛋白总数的 1/ 3,而且有不断上升的趋势。鉴于目前植物类金属硫蛋白命名与分类随意性太大 ,很有必要建立一个统一合理的命名与分类... 随着植物基因组研究的进展 ,在基因文库和蛋白文库登录的植物类金属硫蛋白基因已超过 5 0个 ,接近金属硫蛋白总数的 1/ 3,而且有不断上升的趋势。鉴于目前植物类金属硫蛋白命名与分类随意性太大 ,很有必要建立一个统一合理的命名与分类法。对植物类金属硫蛋白一级结构进行详细分析后 ,发现该蛋白两端富含半胱氨酸的区域内半胱氨酸的排列方式颇具规律性 ,进而提出了以半胱氨酸排列方式为基础的分类及命名法 ,并阐述了采用这种方法的理由及其可行性。 展开更多
关键词 plant metallothionein_like protein cysteine arrangement patterns CLASSIFICATION
Variations in Phytic Acid Content and Their Relationship with Protein Content and Kernel Morphological Characters of Chinese Winter Wheat Cultivars 被引量:1
作者 马冬云 左毅 +2 位作者 牛吉山 张艳菲 郭天财 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2012年第1期108-112,F0003,共6页
[Objective] The aim of this study was to determine the variation of phytic acid content (PAC) and its frequency distribution, as well as the relationship between PAC and protein content, kernel characteristics in 16... [Objective] The aim of this study was to determine the variation of phytic acid content (PAC) and its frequency distribution, as well as the relationship between PAC and protein content, kernel characteristics in 161 Chinese winter wheat cultivars from four regions. [Method] One hundred and sixty-one winter wheat varieties from China Wheat Zones I, II, III and IV (Table 1) were grown in a randomized block de- sign, in the 2009-2011 cropping season; and then the indexes for describing the grain morphological characteristics such as the thousand kernel weight (TKW), kernel length (KL), kernel width (KW) and kernel thickness (KT) were measured; the phytic acid content (PAC), protein content and sedimentation value were also determined; finally, the relationship between PAC and protein content, kernel characteristics were analyzed. [Result] The PAC in the cultivars tested ranged from 0.92% to 1.95% with a mean value of 1.41%. Protein content ranged from 12.60% to 19.20%, with a mean of 15.24%. Most (53.4%) of the wheat genotypes had a PAC value in the range of 1.25% to 1.55%. No significant correlation was found between PAC and protein content, sedimentation value, while protein content and SDS sedimentation value was significant correlated, which suggested the possibility of breeding wheat cultivars that have a low PAC but a high protein content and good gluten quality. There was a high correlation between TKW and KW (,.=0.79), KL (r=0.50) and KT (r=0.64). PAC was found having no significant correlation with TKW, KW, KL and KT. [Conclusion] The result suggests the possibility of breeding wheat cultivars that have a low PAC but high kernel weight. 展开更多
关键词 Winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L) Phytic acid content Protein content Gluten quality Relationship analysis
Evolution of COP9 Signalosome and Proteasome Lid Complex
作者 苏红文 瞿礼嘉 +1 位作者 陈章良 顾红雅 《Acta Botanica Sinica》 CSCD 2003年第5期523-529,共7页
The COP9 signalosome and the regulatory lid of the 26S proteasome are both eight-subunit protein complexes which are present in most eukaryotes. There is a one-to-one relationship between the corresponding subunits of... The COP9 signalosome and the regulatory lid of the 26S proteasome are both eight-subunit protein complexes which are present in most eukaryotes. There is a one-to-one relationship between the corresponding subunits of the two protein complexes in terms of their size and amino acid sequences. Eight groups of subunits from the COP9 signalosome and the proteasome lid complex of different organisms are collected from all the databases at the NCBI website. The corresponding subunits of COP9 signalosome and proteasome lid complex share at least 12% amino acid identity and some conserved regions, and the conserved sites spread evenly over the entire length of the subunits, suggesting that the two complexes have a common evolutionary ancestor. Phylogenetic analyses based on the amino acid sequences of the corresponding subunits of two protein complexes indicate that every tree consists of two clades. The subunits from one of the two protein complexes of different organisms are grouped into one of the two clades respectively. The sequences of single-cell organisms are always the basal groups to that of multi-cell animal and plant species. These results imply that the duplication/divergence events of COP9 signalosome and regulatory lid of the proteasome genes have occurred before the divergence of single-cell and multi-cell eukaryotes, and the genes of the two complexes are independently evolved. The analyses of dN/dS correlation show significant Pearson's correlations between 21 and 15 pairs of subunit-encoding sequences within the COP9 signalosome and the proteasome lid complex respectively, suggesting that those subunits pairs might have related functions and interacted with one another, and resulted in co-evolution. 展开更多
关键词 COP9 signalosome proteasome lid complex molecular evolution Pearson's correlation
Characterization of an Estrus-Associated Glycoprotein in Oviductal Fluid of Sheep 被引量:2
作者 陈清轩 ColinNancarrow 《Developmental and Reproductive Biology》 1995年第2期1-6,共6页
Estrus-associated glycoprotein (EGP) is a special protein in oviductal fluid which appears before ovulation and fertilization and disappears after the embryo passes into the uterus. One-and two dimensional SDS-PAGE an... Estrus-associated glycoprotein (EGP) is a special protein in oviductal fluid which appears before ovulation and fertilization and disappears after the embryo passes into the uterus. One-and two dimensional SDS-PAGE and Western blotting with monoclonal antibody or peanut agglutinin were used to characterize the glycoprotein,The specificity of the marking agents enabled the study to proceed without purification. EGP was found to include two proteins: one is acidic with a pH of 4.5 while the other is basic with a pH of 8.0 The molecular weights of their subunits are the same, that is 110 kD. This study may shed light on the mechanism of reproductive Process and be helpful to the development of a more cffective culture medium for in vitro culture of early embryo. 展开更多
关键词 Estrus-Associated glycoprotein 2D SDS-PAGE Western blot
Phylogenetic Relationship of an Extremely Endangered Species, Pinus squamata (Pinaceae) Inferred from Four Sequences of the Chloroplast Genome and ITS of the Nuclear Ribosomal DNA 被引量:1
作者 张志勇 杨俊波 李德铢 《Acta Botanica Sinica》 CSCD 2003年第5期530-535,共6页
Pinus squamata X. W. Li, a recently-described species of the Pinaceae, is an extremely endangered pine with only 32 individuals in the wild. This species was thought to be intermediate between P. bungeana Zuec. ex End... Pinus squamata X. W. Li, a recently-described species of the Pinaceae, is an extremely endangered pine with only 32 individuals in the wild. This species was thought to be intermediate between P. bungeana Zuec. ex Endl. of subgen. Strobus and P. yunnanensis Franch. of subgen. Pinus by the original author. We made an effort to address the question of the phylogenetic relationship of this peculiar and important species in the context of the major groups of the genus Pinus by using sequences of the rbcL, matK,genes, rpl20-rps18 spacer, trnV intron of the chloroplast genome and the nuclear ribosomal ITS region. The results of the separated analysis and the combined analysis of the four cpDNA sequences and ITS sequence indicated that P. squamata was a stable member of subsect. Gerardianae and P. gerardiana Wall. was the closest species of P. squamata phylogenetically. As a result, the causes of the distribution pattern of subsect. Gerardianae were also discussed. 展开更多
关键词 Pinus squamata phylogenetic relationship rbc L mat K rpl20-rps 18 trn V ITS
作者 张雨 《中国古代法律文献研究》 2019年第1期157-174,共18页
借助于对唐奏弹式复原方案并不充分的讨论,仍可看出唐、日奏弹式的差异。与《养老令》中弹正台与刑部省并未通过奏弹式建立直接联系不同,唐代御史台与大理寺通过奏弹式,以“付大理推科”“移送大理”的方式,在中央司法政务运行中被直接... 借助于对唐奏弹式复原方案并不充分的讨论,仍可看出唐、日奏弹式的差异。与《养老令》中弹正台与刑部省并未通过奏弹式建立直接联系不同,唐代御史台与大理寺通过奏弹式,以“付大理推科”“移送大理”的方式,在中央司法政务运行中被直接联系了起来。由此,御史台、大理寺、刑部司三者便围绕中央司法政务运行形成一个完整的链条,而且建立起一套完善的文书运行程序。从北朝台案到隋唐奏弹(奏弹式)变化的背后,是以政务处理程序分工为特征的三省制的确立。这不仅使三省的架构得以明晰,而且使御史台的地位与职权得到明确。隋唐以后,御史台得以厕身于三省之列,并号“台省”,其背后的制度史因素就在于此。此外,奏弹式的署名方式,也与御史奏弹是否需要关白大夫的问题相关,其变化与唐前期政治形势的发展有密切关系。 展开更多
关键词 御史台 奏弹式 台省 关白
Identification of Z-OTU protein during zebrafish oogenesis and early embryogenesis 被引量:2
作者 岳明金 莫赛军 +1 位作者 宋平 龚炎长 《Zoological Research》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第4期386-390,共5页
Zebrafish(Danio rerio) Z-OTU,containing OTU and TUDOR domains,was predicted to be a member of OTU-related protease,a family of the deubiquitylating enzymes(DUBs).A previous report from our laboratory clearly descr... Zebrafish(Danio rerio) Z-OTU,containing OTU and TUDOR domains,was predicted to be a member of OTU-related protease,a family of the deubiquitylating enzymes(DUBs).A previous report from our laboratory clearly describes the expression patterns of z-otu mRNA.Here,we characterized the Z-OTU protein during zebrafish oogenesis and early embryogenesis.After prokaryotic expression,the recombinant protein of the OTU domain and GST was purified and injected into rabbits to obtain the polyclonal antibody-anti-Z-OTU,which was used for immunohistochemistry in zebrafish ovaries and embryos.Interestingly,obvious differences existed between the expression patterns of z-otu mRNA and its protein during oogenesis and early embryogenesis.In stage I oocytes,z-otu mRNA was detected in cytoplasm while its protein existed in the germinal vesicle.In addition,its protein was distributed during entire oogenesis,while mRNA was not detected in oocytes at stage IV or mature oocytes.The z-otu mRNA disappeared after midblastula transition(MBT) and its protein gradually decreased after this stage.We inferred that Z-OTU protein,like other OTU-related protease with DUB activity,was required for germinal vesicle breakdown of oocytes during meiosis,germinal vesicle migration,and embryo cleavage maintenance. 展开更多
关键词 Danio rerio OTU-related protease DUB Z-OTU protein OOGENESIS EMBRYOGENESIS
作者 许晋熙 《今古文创》 2021年第4期55-56,共2页
关键词 羽柴秀吉 关白 刀狩检地 基督教 兵农分离
Vegetative Storage Proteins in Meliaceae 被引量:7
作者 田维敏 吴继林 +1 位作者 郝秉中 胡正海 《Acta Botanica Sinica》 CSCD 2002年第2期242-245,共4页
采用光学和电子显微镜技术及SDS_PAGE研究了营养贮藏蛋白质 (VSPs)在楝科树木中的分布和超微结构 ;并采用免疫印迹技术 ,以大叶桃花心木 (SwieteniamacrophyllaKing)的 2 1kDVSP的抗血清检测楝科树木VSPs的免疫相关性。结果表明 ,在桃... 采用光学和电子显微镜技术及SDS_PAGE研究了营养贮藏蛋白质 (VSPs)在楝科树木中的分布和超微结构 ;并采用免疫印迹技术 ,以大叶桃花心木 (SwieteniamacrophyllaKing)的 2 1kDVSP的抗血清检测楝科树木VSPs的免疫相关性。结果表明 ,在桃花心木亚科 (Swietenioideae)的树木中普遍存在VSPs ,但楝亚科 (Melioidae)仅部分属的树木有VSPs而椿亚科 (Cedreloideae)树木没有VSPs。VSPs在同一属树木中的分布是一致的。桃花心木亚科和楝亚科树木之间的VSPs几乎没有免疫相关性 ,但是在桃花心木亚科中 ,VSPs具有相对高的同源性。楝科树木VSPs的超微结构存在一定程度的差异 ,这可能与VSPs的种类不同有关。VSPs的分布。 展开更多
关键词 vegetative storage proteins ULTRASTRUCTURE immuno-correlation MELIACEAE
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