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医患关系种类研究 被引量:1
作者 杨平 《中国卫生法制》 2002年第3期13-14,23,共3页
医患之间形成的不同社会关系,会引起医患双方不同的权利义务关系,从而会产生不同的法律责任。因此,医患关系的研究是医疗民事责任研究的前提和基础。从不同的角度可以把医患关系分为不同的种类,笔者试从就诊人接受诊疗的目的和自愿性上... 医患之间形成的不同社会关系,会引起医患双方不同的权利义务关系,从而会产生不同的法律责任。因此,医患关系的研究是医疗民事责任研究的前提和基础。从不同的角度可以把医患关系分为不同的种类,笔者试从就诊人接受诊疗的目的和自愿性上,对医患关系作以分析研究。医患关系。 展开更多
关键词 诊疗康复关系 预防保健关系 法律责任 医疗事故罪 刑法 医患关系种类
社会关系种类、社会关系能力与社会融入--基于在陆台青调查数据的研究 被引量:4
作者 陈超 张遂新 王瀚 《闽台关系研究》 2021年第2期75-89,共15页
社会关系是影响流动人口在地融入的重要变量。从“强度”和“位置”两个维度出发,社会关系可以大致分为四种类型。通过分析个体通过强关系、弱关系、桥梁位置和纽带位置获得资源的概率提出:不同种类的社会关系具有相应的社会关系能力,... 社会关系是影响流动人口在地融入的重要变量。从“强度”和“位置”两个维度出发,社会关系可以大致分为四种类型。通过分析个体通过强关系、弱关系、桥梁位置和纽带位置获得资源的概率提出:不同种类的社会关系具有相应的社会关系能力,即不同种类的社会关系为个体带来额外资源的概率有所差异。以在陆台青的相关调查数据为依据,采用回归检验的方法进行验证,研究发现:当在陆台青处于不同种类的社会关系中,拥有的社会关系能力越强,社会融入的程度越高。因此,仅仅鼓励在陆台青加入异质性群体组织并非最优途径,鼓励同时参与同质性和异质性群体才能更有效地实现在陆台青社会融入。 展开更多
关键词 社会关系种类 社会关系能力 社会融入 台湾青年
作者 刘延胜 史德青 《中国石油大学学报(社会科学版)》 1999年第4期106-109,共4页
学术论文有四大特点:学术性、科学性、创新性和逻辑性。其中创新性是学术论文的生命。学术论文的“新意”主要指新观点、新材料和新方法。学术论文是否有“新意”可以用九个标准来检验。学术论文按形式和研究层次可以分为三类:纯理论... 学术论文有四大特点:学术性、科学性、创新性和逻辑性。其中创新性是学术论文的生命。学术论文的“新意”主要指新观点、新材料和新方法。学术论文是否有“新意”可以用九个标准来检验。学术论文按形式和研究层次可以分为三类:纯理论性学术论文、应用性学术论文和综述性学术论文。三者之间有内在联系,可以互为条件,互相转化。在具体写作中,这三种学术论文也可以互相渗透,往往你中有我,我中有你。 展开更多
关键词 学术论文 创新性 种类关系
学术论文及其种类和关系简论 被引量:7
作者 尹玉吉 黄琤 《东疆学刊》 1992年第2期57-58,共2页
王力先生曾经给学术论文下过一个准确、简明、通俗的定义:“所谓学术论文,就是把自己的科研成果记录下来.”(《写作论》,中央广播电视大学出版社,1983年版第439页)用我们的话来说,学术论文就是一种用以表述科研成果的文章载体.它不是一... 王力先生曾经给学术论文下过一个准确、简明、通俗的定义:“所谓学术论文,就是把自己的科研成果记录下来.”(《写作论》,中央广播电视大学出版社,1983年版第439页)用我们的话来说,学术论文就是一种用以表述科研成果的文章载体.它不是一般的心得体会,不是现象的直录、材料的罗列.也不是他人科研成果的简单重复,而是对科学领域的某些现象(问题)的研究、探讨以及对其本质规律的揭示,是科学上的新发现.因此,它具有学术性、科学性和创造性.创制学术论文的关键是要有作者自己独到的见解.正如毛泽东同志所说的,要有所发现,有所发明,有所创造,有所前进.学术论文的选题是否具有科学价值,具有独创性,可以用以下标准来检验:①是不是理论研究或社会实践亟待解决的课题;②是不是填补了科学领域的空白; 展开更多
关键词 学术论文 种类关系 纯理论 应用性 科学领域 写作论 科研成果 社会实践 科学价值 中央广播电视大学
作者 王蔚 《品位·经典》 2019年第5期57-65,共9页
本文对世界语言的关系小句究竟属于外部关系小句、内部关系小句、自由关系小句和邻接式关系小句的哪一种或哪几种进行了梳理,并且重点考察各种关系小句存在的动因。研究发现:(1)世界语言偏好外部关系小句是因为域名明显,关系化难度更小... 本文对世界语言的关系小句究竟属于外部关系小句、内部关系小句、自由关系小句和邻接式关系小句的哪一种或哪几种进行了梳理,并且重点考察各种关系小句存在的动因。研究发现:(1)世界语言偏好外部关系小句是因为域名明显,关系化难度更小。(2)纳瓦霍语偏好内部关系小句是因为无冠词或量词和关系代词阻碍关系化难度,符合经济性原则。(3)赛德克族语、塔加拉族语和纳瓦霍语之所以能够同时拥有两种关系小句,是因为无冠词、量词和关系代词,使得与外部关系小句难度一致。(4)世界语言偏好自由关系小句是因为关系化难度最小。(5)左侧邻接式关系小句并不存在,它实际上为句首左部的内部关系小句,它遵循了关系化难度小,而右侧邻接式关系小句遵循的是谓语动词凸显原则。 展开更多
关键词 关系小句种类 关系 主要谓语动词凸显原则
作者 方东 《财经理论研究》 1997年第4期84-87,共4页
关键词 公共关系广告种类 原则 层次
作者 曾祥禄 《重庆师专学报》 2001年第1期72-75,共4页
“概念间的关系”是《普通逻辑》(或《形式逻辑》)中的一个不可忽视的重要问题 ,而现行各种版本的教科书都存在着对其种类划分不够科学严密和对此章节内容编写的体例环节存有缺陷的问题。
关键词 概念间关系 种类划分 关系种类 普通逻辑 教材 编写体制
中国男人的多伴侣与性交易之间马太效应的实证研究 被引量:2
作者 黄盈盈 潘绥铭 《中国性科学》 2011年第5期46-51,共6页
针对社会上与预防艾滋病领域中存在的"其他性活动太少才去嫖娼"的普遍错觉,在两次全国成年总人口随机抽样调查数据的基础上,笔者以实证方法首先确立了性交易与多伴侣性活动这两的核心概念,然后在运用多元线性回归分析方法分... 针对社会上与预防艾滋病领域中存在的"其他性活动太少才去嫖娼"的普遍错觉,在两次全国成年总人口随机抽样调查数据的基础上,笔者以实证方法首先确立了性交易与多伴侣性活动这两的核心概念,然后在运用多元线性回归分析方法分别检验了自己提出的4类假设之后,最终从总体上得出相反的结论:男人的多伴侣性活动的增加,显著地增加了他们的性交易数量,是为"马太效应"之谓也。 展开更多
关键词 嫖娼 买性 性活动 性行为 关系种类 男性之性
对格兰丘纳斯公式的修正 被引量:2
作者 王清扬 《科学学与科学技术管理》 1987年第6期21-22,共2页
一个上级能领导多少直接下级?这是现代管理学中研究机构设置必然要涉及到的管理垮度问题。法国的管理顾问A. V. 格兰丘纳斯在1933年发表的论文《组织中的关系》中提出了一个著名的公式,从本质上说明了增加直接下级人数对上级工作量的影... 一个上级能领导多少直接下级?这是现代管理学中研究机构设置必然要涉及到的管理垮度问题。法国的管理顾问A. V. 格兰丘纳斯在1933年发表的论文《组织中的关系》中提出了一个著名的公式,从本质上说明了增加直接下级人数对上级工作量的影响。因而这篇论文受到广泛注意,被两个著名的管理学家卢瑟·古利克和林德尔·厄威克收入合编的《管理科学论文集》中,现代的国内外许多管理学著作在介绍组织职能时,都引用了格兰丘纳斯公式。本文提出对这个公式的修正。 展开更多
关键词 修正公式 上下级关系 关系种类 交叉关系 现代管理学 横向联系 机构设置 科学论文集 种类 管理顾问
Optimization of ISSR-PCR Reaction System and Preliminary Construction of ISSR Fingerprinting of Some Species in Bryaceae 被引量:3
作者 汪琛颖 赵建成 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2011年第11期1561-1564,1568,共5页
[Objective] The aim was to provide molecular basis for the identification of species in the moss family Bryaceae by the construction of inter-simple sequence repeats (ISSR) fingerprinting. [Method] In order to seek ... [Objective] The aim was to provide molecular basis for the identification of species in the moss family Bryaceae by the construction of inter-simple sequence repeats (ISSR) fingerprinting. [Method] In order to seek standardizing PCR reaction set-up, an orthogonal design was used to optimize ISSR-PCR amplification system of Bryaceae in five factors (Mg2+, dNTPs, primer, DNA template, Taq DNA polymerase) at four levels respectively. [Result] A suitable ISSR reaction system was obtained, namely: 20 μl reaction system containing 5 ng of DNA template, 0.2 μmol/L primer, 2.25 mmol/L MgCl2, 0.6 U of Taq DNA polymerase, 0.4 mmol/L dNTPs. Proper annealing temperature was found at 48-50 ℃.The above system and six ISSR-PCR primers were used for the PCR amplification of 14 samples from Bryaceae and the related species in Mniaceae. A total of 86 bands were amplified, all showed polymorphism. NJ cluster analysis showed a star-shaped cladogram. [Conclusion] The results manifested that ISSR fingerprinting could provide the appropriate degree of polymorphism at low taxonomic level, so it would be a useful tool to provide additional evidence for resolving taxonomic relationships at the species level of Bryaceae. 展开更多
关键词 BRYACEAE ISSR Optimization of reaction system Species-level Taxonomic relationship
Determination of the Thickness and Medium of Covering Soil for Land Reclamation 被引量:27
作者 冯全洲 徐恒力 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2009年第4期183-188,共6页
Land reclamation is a process of ecosystem reconstruction, for which it is very important to keep co-adaptation between plants and the below ground habitat. In order to keep the co-adaptation among plant species, thic... Land reclamation is a process of ecosystem reconstruction, for which it is very important to keep co-adaptation between plants and the below ground habitat. In order to keep the co-adaptation among plant species, thickness of covering soil and medium of covering soil to establish a self-regulating ecosystem, the thickness of covering soil of land reclamation for plants in different living forms by synusia structure of plant below-ground habitat and medium of covering soil by ecological factors of plant below-ground habitat were studied. Synusia structure of plant below-ground habitat was recognized through investigation on structure and root of plant community, and ecological factors were determined through soil profile investigation. The thickness and medium of covering soil of land reclamation for the tree, the shrub and the herb were proposed. 展开更多
关键词 Land reclamation Plant below-ground habitat Circle layer of root mass Thickness of covering soil
作者 彭波 《中国信用卡》 2002年第7期65-66,共2页
据有关调查显示,对于银行客户来说,当客户只使用银行的一种产品如活期存款时,那么这个客户从该银行流失的概率为90%。当客户使用银行的2个产品如除活期存款之外还有银证通,那么这个客户流失的概率就下降到60%。如果此客户同时还办理... 据有关调查显示,对于银行客户来说,当客户只使用银行的一种产品如活期存款时,那么这个客户从该银行流失的概率为90%。当客户使用银行的2个产品如除活期存款之外还有银证通,那么这个客户流失的概率就下降到60%。如果此客户同时还办理了个人贷款业务,那么我们可以说这个客户绝对不会轻易离开此银行。银行与客户发生的业务关系种类越多, 展开更多
关键词 业务组合 产品系列 营销方式 产品组合 大堂经理 个人贷款业务 个人理财 营销产品 活期存款 关系种类
Analysis of Genetic Relationship of 64 Local Varieties of Morus atropurpurea Roxb.in Guangdong Based on ISSR Marker
作者 高丽丽 张林 潘一乐 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2011年第7期966-970,共5页
[Objective] The study aimed at analyzing the genetic relationship of 64 local varieties of Morus atropurpurea Roxb.from the Pearl River Basin in Guangdong and Guangxi Provinces.[Method] Genetic diversity of 64 local v... [Objective] The study aimed at analyzing the genetic relationship of 64 local varieties of Morus atropurpurea Roxb.from the Pearl River Basin in Guangdong and Guangxi Provinces.[Method] Genetic diversity of 64 local varieties of Morus atropurpurea Roxb.was analyzed by ISSR molecular marker technique.The genetic relationship among these local varieties was researched by UPGMA method based on the genetic similarity coefficient.[Result] 128 bands were amplified from the total DNA of 64 local varieties using 13 ISSR primers,of which 109 bands accounting for 85.15% were polymorphic.It meant that there was rich genetic diversity among the local varieties tested.The genetic similarity coefficients among 64 local varieties were relatively high with a range of 0.500 0-0.929 7.In addition,64 local varieties were divided into two categories and the second could be further divided into 10 subcategories.It was suggested that the genetic relationship of 64 local varieties of Morus atropurpurea Roxb.based on ISSR marker analysis has a certain correlation with geographical distribution.[Conclusion] ISSR marker technology was suitable for evaluating genetic relationship and genetic diversity of local varieties of Morus atropurpurea Roxb.in Pearl River Basin,and could provide scientific basis for DNA fingerprinting and identification of varieties of Morus atropurpurea Roxb. 展开更多
关键词 Morus atropurpurea Roxb. Local variety ISSR Cluster analysis Genetic relationship
Implications of tree species–environment relationships for the responsiveness of Himalayan krummholz treelines to climate change 被引量:3
作者 Niels SCHWAB Udo SCHICKHOFF +5 位作者 Birgit BURZLE Michael MULLER Jurgen BOHNER Ram Prasad CHAUDHARY Thomas SCHOLTEN Jens OLDELAND 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2017年第3期453-473,共21页
Climate warming is expected to advance treelines to higher elevations. However, empirical studies in diverse mountain ranges give evidence of both advancing alpine treelines as well as rather insignificant responses. ... Climate warming is expected to advance treelines to higher elevations. However, empirical studies in diverse mountain ranges give evidence of both advancing alpine treelines as well as rather insignificant responses. In this context, we aim at investigating the sensitivity and responsiveness of the near-natural treeline ecotone in Rolwaling Himal, Nepal, to climate warming. We analysed population densities of tree species along the treeline ecotone from closed forest stands via the krummholz belt to alpine dwarf shrub heaths (3700-4200 m) at 50 plots in 2013 and 2014. We quantified species - environment relationships, i.e. the change of environmental conditions (e.g., nutrient and thermal deficits, plant interactions) across the ecotone by means of redundancy analyses, variation partitioning and distance-based Moran's eigenvector maps. In particular, we focus on explaining the high competitiveness of Rhododendron campanulatum forming a dense krummholz belt and on the implications for the responsiveness of Himalayan krummholz treelines to climate change. Results indicate that treeline trees in the ecotone show species-specific responses to the influence of environmental parameters, and that juvenile and adult tree responses are modulated by environmental constraints in differing intensity. Moreover, the species - environment relationships suggest that the investigated krummholz belt will largely prevent the upward migration of other tree constrain the future response species and thus of Himalayan krummholz treelines to climate warming. 展开更多
关键词 HIMALAYA Nepal Population structure Rhododendron campanulatum Spatial patterns Species-environment relationships Stand density Variation partitioning
Birds in rocky habitats of the Tatra Mountains (Carpathians): species diversity and multiple ecological relationships
作者 Michal CIACH Filip KOWALSKI 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2016年第6期1078-1084,共7页
Rocky habitats are regarded as biodiversity hot-spots. Along with high species diversity, diverse ecological relationships can be observed in these habitats. Large groups of bird species use rocks in various ways: as... Rocky habitats are regarded as biodiversity hot-spots. Along with high species diversity, diverse ecological relationships can be observed in these habitats. Large groups of bird species use rocks in various ways: as perching/roosting sites, breeding or foraging habitats, information exchange sites, display arenas or as sources of minerals and water. Because of the inaccessibility of these environments, their role and importance to animals has been underestimated. We evaluated the use of rocky habitats by birds in the Tatra Mountains (49°13′N; 19°57′E, Carpathians, central Europe). Rocky habitats were used by 29 bird species, eight of which used cliffs directly (i.e. for nesting, foraging or resting). The number of species recorded as using cliffs was correlated with the surface area of the cliff face. A total of 2o forms of rocky habitat use were recorded, in five behavioural categories: vocalization, foraging, perching, flight and nesting. Prevailing behaviours were flying by a rock face, circling above the face, and vocalization on a tree/shrub growing next to a rock. Rocks provide a nesting habitat for specialized petrophilic species and permit the existence of numerous ecological relations between species and habitats. The results of this study show that rocky habitats support the diversity of ecological relationships. 展开更多
关键词 Bird community Rock CLIFF Mountains Alpine species Ecological relationships
利益相关者视角下的环境审计 被引量:1
作者 邵琴 《时代金融》 2018年第6期206-206,213,共2页
关键词 利益相关者 环境审计种类内涵关系
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